More than 1,000 libraries around the world participate in Portico as part of their digital preservation strategy.
Download the full library list (CSV)
All Libraries (1,296) | Country |
Aachen University of Applied Sciences Fachhochschule Aachen | Germany |
Aalborg University | Denmark |
Aarhus University | Denmark |
Academia Nacional De Policia | Brazil |
Academy of Athens | Greece |
Acarau Valley State University | Brazil |
Adelphi University | United States |
Adventist University Center of Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Aeronautical Institute of Technology, Brazil | Brazil |
Aeronautical University Institute, Argentina | Argentina |
Agricultural University of Athens | Greece |
Agronomic Institute of Parana | Brazil |
Albion College | United States |
Alentejo Litoral Hospital | Portugal |
Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center | Greece |
Allegheny College | United States |
Alliant International University, San Diego | United States |
Alvares Penteado University Center | Brazil |
American Academy in Rome | Italy |
American University of Beirut | Lebanon |
American University, DC | United States |
Amherst College | United States |
Anarctic Institute, Argentina | Argentina |
Anhanguera University | Brazil |
Anhembi Morumbi University | Brazil |
Annapolis University Center | Brazil |
Antonio Prudente Foundation | Brazil |
Appalachian State University | United States |
Aquaculture Center of Acheloos | Greece |
Araraquara University Center | Brazil |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece |
Arizona State University, Polytechnic | United States |
Arizona State University, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law | United States |
Arizona State University, Tempe | United States |
Arizona State University, West | United States |
Arkansas State University, Jonesboro | United States |
Army Institute of Education, Argentina | Argentina |
Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University | United States |
Associacao Forum Nacional De Gestores De Inovacao E Transferencia De Tecnologia | Brazil |
Associacao Nacional Dos Dirigentes Das Instituicoes Federais De Ensino Supe | Brazil |
Associaco Brasileira De Saude Coletiva | Brazil |
Associated Colleges of the University Center for Teaching | Brazil |
Aston University | United Kingdom |
Athabasca University | Canada |
Athena Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies | Greece |
Athens School of Fine Arts | Greece |
Athens University of Economics & Business | Greece |
Atlanta University Center | United States |
Atlantic University, Portugal | Portugal |
Augusto Motta University Center | Brazil |
Austin College | United States |
Autonomous Law School, Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Aveiro University | Portugal |
Bahia School of Medicine and Public Health | Brazil |
Bandeirante University of Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Baptist Theological College of Parana | Brazil |
Barretos Cancer Hospital | Brazil |
Baruch College | United States |
Bates College | United States |
Bath Spa University | United Kingdom |
Bauhaus University, Weimar | Germany |
Bavarian State Library, Munich | Germany |
Baylor University | United States |
Bergamo University | Italy |
Berlin State Library | Germany |
Bern University of Applied Sciences Berner Fachhochschule | Switzerland |
Bielefeld University | Germany |
Biological Institute, Brazil | Brazil |
Boa Viagem Faculty | Brazil |
Borough of Manhattan Community College | United States |
Boston College | United States |
Boston University | United States |
Botanical Garden and Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Boulder Labs | United States |
Bowdoin College | United States |
Bowie State University | United States |
Brandeis University | United States |
Brandenburg University of Technology Brandenburgische Technische Universität | Germany |
Brazil University | Brazil |
Brazilian Center for Physics Research | Brazil |
Brazilian Enterprise for Research on Farming and Cattle Raising | Brazil |
Brazilian Institute of Public Law | Brazil |
Brazilian Mathematical Society | Brazil |
Brazilian Society of Physiology | Brazil |
Brigham Young University, Hawaii | United States |
Brigham Young University, Idaho | United States |
Brigham Young University, Provo | United States |
Bronx Community College | United States |
Brooklyn College | United States |
Brown University | United States |
Brunel University | United Kingdom |
Bryn Mawr College | United States |
Bucknell University | United States |
Bundesamt fuer Naturschutz | Germany |
Cabinet of Planning, Strategy, Evaluation and International Relations, Portugal | Portugal |
California Institute of Technology | United States |
Calvin University | United States |
Campinas Institute of Agronomics | Brazil |
Campo Limpo Paulista Faculty | Brazil |
Campos de Andrade University Center | Brazil |
Canterbury Christ Church University | United Kingdom |
Capixaba Institute Research for Accounting, Economics and Finance | Brazil |
Cardiff Metropolitan University | United Kingdom |
Cardiff University | United Kingdom |
Carleton College | United States |
Case Western Reserve University | United States |
Casper Libero Faculty | Brazil |
CASPUR | Italy |
Catholic University Eichstatt-Ingolstadt | Germany |
Catholic University of Brasilia | Brazil |
Catholic University of Leuven | Belgium |
Catholic University of Pelotas | Brazil |
Catholic University of Pernambuco | Brazil |
Catholic University of Petropolis | Brazil |
Catholic University of Portugal | Portugal |
Catholic University of Saints, Brazil | Brazil |
Catholic University of Salvador | Brazil |
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy | Italy |
CDC Public Health Library and Information Center – Stephen B. Thacker CDC Library | United States |
Center for Development and Improvement, Brazil | Brazil |
Center for Higher Education of Juiz de Fora | Brazil |
Center for Higher Education of the Society of Jesus, Brazil | Brazil |
Center for Research and Advanced Systems of Recife | Brazil |
Central Lisbon Hospital Centre | Portugal |
Central Michigan University | United States |
Central University of the Federal District, Brazil | Brazil |
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving | Greece |
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas | Greece |
Centro de EducaCao Tecnologica e Pesquisa em Saude – CEPTS | Brazil |
Centro Universitario – Unifiam-Faam | Brazil |
Centro Universitario Cesmac | Brazil |
Centro Universitario Facvest | Brazil |
Centro Universiterio Sete De Setembro | Brazil |
Centro Universitrio Teresa D’Avila | Brazil |
Cesgranrio Foundation | Brazil |
CEUMA University | Brazil |
Chalmers University of Technology | Sweden |
Charles Sturt University | Australia |
Citrus Defense Fund, Brazil | Brazil |
City St. George’s, University of London | United Kingdom |
City University of Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Clausthal University of Technology | Germany |
Coastal Carolina University | United States |
Coimbra University Hospitals | Portugal |
Colby College | United States |
Colgate University | United States |
College of Medicine, Sao Jose do Rio Preto | Brazil |
College of St. Benedict & St. John’s University | United States |
College of Staten Island | United States |
Colorado College | United States |
Colorado State University, Fort Collins | United States |
Colorado State University, Pueblo | United States |
Columbia University | United States |
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO | Australia |
Community College of Denver | United States |
Community University of the Region of Chapeco | Brazil |
Concordia College, MN | United States |
Concordia University, Canada | Canada |
Connecticut College | United States |
Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries | Switzerland |
Contestado University | Brazil |
Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politecnico e Universitario | Portugal |
Coordination of Higher Education Improvement, Brazil | Brazil |
Coppin State University | United States |
Cornell University | United States |
Cornerstone University | United States |
Creighton University | United States |
Cruzeiro do Sul University | Brazil |
CUF Hospital, Porto | Portugal |
CUNY School of Law | United States |
CUNY, City College of New York | United States |
CUNY, Graduate Center | United States |
Curitiba University Center | Brazil |
Curtin University of Technology | Australia |
Dalhousie University | Canada |
Darmstadt University of Technology | Germany |
Dartmouth College | United States |
Davidson College | United States |
Deakin University | Australia |
Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
Democritus University of Thrace | Greece |
Demokritos, National Center of Scientific Research | Greece |
Denison University | United States |
Department of Agriculture and Food Supply, Brazil – Fisheries Institute | Brazil |
DHBW Baden-Wurttemberg Cooperative State University | Germany |
Distance University of Hagen | Germany |
Dom Bosco Catholic University | Brazil |
Dortmund University of Technology | Germany |
Dr. Ricardo Jorge National Institute of Health | Portugal |
Dublin City University | Ireland |
Duke University | United States |
Durham University | United Kingdom |
Earlham College | United States |
East Carolina University | United States |
Eastern Michigan University | United States |
Edith Cowan University | Australia |
Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands |
Elon University | United States |
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | United States |
Emory University | United States |
Emporia State University | United States |
ENEA – Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development | Italy |
Ensign College | United States |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands |
Escola Comando E Estado-Maior Do Exercito | Brazil |
Escola De Guerra Naval | Brazil |
Escola De Inteligencia Esint-Abin | Brazil |
Escola Superior de Artes Celia Helena | Brazil |
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra | Portugal |
Estacio de Sa University | Brazil |
Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies | Portugal |
Euro-American University Center, Brazil | Brazil |
European University Institute | Italy |
Evandro Chagas Institute | Brazil |
Evangelical University of Parana | Brazil |
Fachhochschule Graubünden | Switzerland |
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz | Switzerland |
Fachhochschule Ostschweiz Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse orientale | Switzerland |
Faculdade Ciencias Medicas De Minas Gerais | Brazil |
Faculdade Damas Da Instrucao Crista | Brazil |
Faculdade de Ciências Medicas da Sta. Casa de São Paulo | Brazil |
Faculdade De Direito Da Fundacao Escola Superior Do Ministerio Publico | Brazil |
Faculdade De Enfermagem Nova Esperanca | Brazil |
Faculdade De Guanambi | Brazil |
Faculdade de São Bento | Brazil |
Faculdade Escola Paulista De Direito | Brazil |
Faculdade Fia De Administracao E Negocios | Brazil |
Faculdade Promove De Tecnologia | Brazil |
Faculdades Integradas De Taquara | Brazil |
Faculty Alves Faria | Brazil |
Faculty Inga | Brazil |
Faculty of Health, Humanities and Technology of Piaui | Brazil |
Faculty of Medicine of ABC | Brazil |
Faculty of Medicine of Jundiai | Brazil |
Faculty of Medicine, Marília | Brazil |
Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Salvador | Brazil |
Faculty SATC | Brazil |
Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Federal Institute Baiano | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Acre | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Brasilia | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goias, Goiania | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Northern Minas Gerais, Januaria | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco, Recife | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Amazon | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Holy Spirit | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Sertão Pernambucano | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Alagoas | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Bahia | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Ceara | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, North Rio Grande | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Para | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Paraiba | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Parana | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Piaui | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Roraima | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Sergipe | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Goiano | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Maranhao | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Mato Grosso | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Minas Gerais | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Santa Catarina | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Southeastern Minas Gerais | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Sul de Minas Gerais | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Sul-Rio-Grandense | Brazil |
Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne | Switzerland |
Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich | Switzerland |
Federal Institute of Tocantins | Brazil |
Federal Rural University of Amazon | Brazil |
Federal Rural University of Pernambuco | Brazil |
Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Federal Rural University of Semi-Arid | Brazil |
Federal University of ABC | Brazil |
Federal University of Acre | Brazil |
Federal University of Alagoas | Brazil |
Federal University of Alfenas | Brazil |
Federal University of Amapa | Brazil |
Federal University of Amapa | Brazil |
Federal University of Amazonas | Brazil |
Federal University of Bahia | Brazil |
Federal University of Bahia Reconcavo | Brazil |
Federal University of Bahia West | Brazil |
Federal University of Campina Grande | Brazil |
Federal University of Cariri | Brazil |
Federal University of Ceara | Brazil |
Federal University of Dourados Region | Brazil |
Federal University of Espírito Santo | Brazil |
Federal University of Goias | Brazil |
Federal University of Juiz de Fora | Brazil |
Federal University of Latin American Integration | Brazil |
Federal University of Lavras | Brazil |
Federal University of Maranhao | Brazil |
Federal University of Mato Grosso | Brazil |
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul | Brazil |
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul | Brazil |
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul | Brazil |
Federal University of Minas Gerais | Brazil |
Federal University of Mineiro Triangle | Brazil |
Federal University of Ouro Preto | Brazil |
Federal University of Pampa | Brazil |
Federal University of Para | Brazil |
Federal University of Parana | Brazil |
Federal University of Pelotas | Brazil |
Federal University of Pernambuco | Brazil |
Federal University of Piaui | Brazil |
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte | Brazil |
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul | Brazil |
Federal University of Rio Grande Foundation | Brazil |
Federal University of Rondonia | Brazil |
Federal University of Roraima | Brazil |
Federal University of Santa Catarina | Brazil |
Federal University of Santa Maria | Brazil |
Federal University of Sao Carlos | Brazil |
Federal University of Sao Francisco Valley | Brazil |
Federal University of Sao Joao del Rei | Brazil |
Federal University of Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Federal University of Sergipe | Brazil |
Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Para | Brazil |
Federal University of Southern Bahia | Brazil |
Federal University of Southern Border | Brazil |
Federal University of Technology of Parana | Brazil |
Federal University of the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys | Brazil |
Federal University of Tocantis | Brazil |
Federal University of Uberlandia | Brazil |
Federal University of Vicosa | Brazil |
Federal University of Western Para | Brazil |
Federation University Australia | Australia |
Feevale University | Brazil |
Fernando Pessoa University | Portugal |
Fieo University Center | Brazil |
Florida Atlantic University | United States |
Florida State University | United States |
Fluminense Federal Education Science and Technology Institute | Brazil |
Fluminense Federal University | Brazil |
Foundation for Combating Childhood Neurological Diseases, Argentina | Argentina |
Foundation for Research and Education in Health Sciences, Brazil | Brazil |
Foundation for Research and Technology, Greece | Greece |
Franca University Center | Brazil |
Franciscan University Center, Santa Maria | Brazil |
Franklin & Marshall College | United States |
Fraunhofer Society, FhG | Germany |
Free University of Berlin | Germany |
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Italy |
Freiberg University of Mining and Technology | Germany |
Freiburg University of Education | Germany |
Frostburg State University | United States |
FUMEC University | Brazil |
Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa, Ministerio da Cultura do Brazil House of Rui Barbosa Foundation, Ministry of Culture | Brazil |
Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC | Brazil |
Fundacao Estadual De Pesquisa Agropecuaria | Brazil |
Fundacao Inst. De Pesq. Contabeis, Atuariais E Financeiras | Brazil |
Fundacao Joaquim Nabuco | Brazil |
G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara | Italy |
General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greece | Greece |
General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education, Portugal | Portugal |
Geological & Mining Service, Argentina | Argentina |
George Mason University | United States |
George Washington University | United States |
Georgetown University | United States |
Georgia Institute of Technology | United States |
Georgia State University | United States |
German Armed Forces University, Munich | Germany |
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases | Germany |
German National Library of Economics | Germany |
German National Library of Science and Technology University | Germany |
German Patent and Trademark Office | Germany |
German Sport University Cologne Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln | Germany |
Getulio Vargas Foundation Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Goldsmiths, University of London | United Kingdom |
Gonzaga University | United States |
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library | Germany |
Government of Sao Paulo, State Department of Health | Brazil |
Grand Valley State University | United States |
Graz University of Technology | Austria |
Greek Atomic Energy Commission | Greece |
Grinnell College | United States |
Grove City College | United States |
Guarulhos University | Brazil |
Guilford College | United States |
Hamburg University of Technology | Germany |
Hamilton College | United States |
Harokopio University | Greece |
Harvard University | United States |
Haute Ecole spécialisée de la Suisse occidentale | Switzerland |
Haverford College | United States |
Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences Hochschule Heilbronn | Germany |
Helder Camara School | Brazil |
Hellenic Academic Libraries Link | Greece |
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research | Greece |
Hellenic Parliament | Greece |
Hellenic Pasteur Institute | Greece |
Herminio Ometto University Center | Brazil |
Herzog August Library | Germany |
High Uruguay and Missions Regional Integrated University | Brazil |
Higher Institute of Entre Douro e Vouga | Portugal |
Hochschule Luzern | Switzerland |
Hope College | United States |
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein | Brazil |
Hospital of the Holy Spirit, Portugal | Portugal |
Hostos Community College | United States |
Houston Academy of Medicine – Texas Medical Center Library | United States |
Humboldt University of Berlin | Germany |
Hunter College | United States |
Hydrographic Institute | Portugal |
Ibirapuera University | Brazil |
Ibmec Institute of Education and Research | Brazil |
Ibmec, Faculty of Economics and Finance | Brazil |
Illinois College | United States |
Illinois Wesleyan University | United States |
IMED | Brazil |
Imperial College London | United Kingdom |
Indiana University Indianapolis | United States |
Indiana University, Bloomington | United States |
Indiana University, Kokomo | United States |
Indiana University, Purdue University – Fort Wayne | United States |
Indiana University, Ruth Lilly Medical Library | United States |
Indiana University, South Bend | United States |
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research | India |
Institute for Advanced Studies, Austria | Austria |
Institute for Ecological Research, Brazil | Brazil |
Institute for Medical Assistance to the State Civil Service, Brazil | Brazil |
Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers, Lisbon | Portugal |
Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers, Porto | Portugal |
Institute for Technological Research of Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Institute for Technology Development, Brazil | Brazil |
Institute of Advanced Studies in Fafe | Portugal |
Institute of Animal Science, Brazil | Brazil |
Institute of Applied Economic Research, Brazil | Brazil |
Institute of Botany, Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Institute of Cardiology, Brazil | Brazil |
Institute of Higher Education and Research, Brazil | Brazil |
Institute of Labor Science and Enterprise, Portugal | Portugal |
Institute of Science and Technology, Austria | Austria |
Institute of Scientific and Technological Research for Defense, Argentina | Argentina |
Institute of Technology of Pernambuco | Brazil |
Instituto D’Or De Pesquisa E Ensino | Brazil |
Instituto De Ensino E Pesquisa Alberto Santos Dumont | Brazil |
Instituto De Estudos Do Mar Almirante Paulo Moreira | Brazil |
Instituto De Estudos E Pesquisas – Hospital Sirio Libanes | Brazil |
Instituto Nacional De Traumatologia E Ortopedia | Brazil |
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave | Portugal |
Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera | Portugal |
Instituto Superior de Ciencias Policiais do Brasil | Brazil |
Instituto Superior De Teologia Aplicada | Brazil |
Integrated Colleges of Brazil | Brazil |
Intelligence in Innovation, Innovation Center | Portugal |
International Hellenic University, Greece | Greece |
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal | Portugal |
International School for Advanced Studies, Italy | Italy |
Ionian University | Greece |
Iowa State University | United States |
IRIS Electronic Information Services | Ireland |
IT University of Copenhagen | Denmark |
Itajuba Federal University | Brazil |
Italian Republic, Chamber of Deputies | Italy |
Itauna University | Brazil |
James Madison University | United States |
Jisc | United Kingdom |
Joao Pessoa University Center | Brazil |
Joao Pinheiro Foundation | Brazil |
John Jay College of Criminal Justice | United States |
Johns Hopkins University | United States |
Jorge Duprat Figueiredo Foundation for Safety and Occupational Medicine | Brazil |
Jose do Rosario Vellano University | Brazil |
Juelich Research Center | Germany |
Kansas State University | United States |
Kansas State University at Salina | United States |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany |
Karolinska Institute | Sweden |
Katya’s Test University | United States |
Keele University | United Kingdom |
Keene State College | United States |
King’s College, London | United Kingdom |
Kingsborough Community College | United States |
La Salle University Center | Brazil |
La Trobe University, Bundoora | Australia |
Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics | Portugal |
LaGuardia Community College | United States |
Lancaster University | United Kingdom |
Latin American Institute for Dental Research and Education, Brazil | Brazil |
Laval University | Canada |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | United States |
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | United States |
Lawrence University | United States |
Leeds Beckett University | United Kingdom |
Lehman College | United States |
Leiden University | Netherlands |
Lenoir-Rhyne University | United States |
Lesley University | United States |
Lewis & Clark College | United States |
Lib4RI — Library for the Research Institutes within the ETHDomain: Eawag, Empa, PSI & WS | Switzerland |
Library of Congress, United States | United States |
Lincoln University, New Zealand | New Zealand |
Lisbon Higher Institute of Languages and Administration | Portugal |
Lisbon Holy House of Mercy | Portugal |
Lisbon Polytechnic Institute | Portugal |
Lisbon School of Nursing | Portugal |
Little Prince Colleges | Brazil |
Liverpool John Moores University | United Kingdom |
London Business School | United Kingdom |
London School of Economics and Political Science | United Kingdom |
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine | United Kingdom |
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge | United States |
Loyola Marymount University | United States |
Loyola University, Chicago | United States |
Lund University | Sweden |
Luther College | United States |
Lutheran University of Brazil | Brazil |
Maastricht University | Netherlands |
Macalester College | United States |
Mackenzie Presbyterian University | Brazil |
Macquarie University | Australia |
Maia Institute of Higher Education | Portugal |
Maria Milza Faculty | Brazil |
Maria SS. Assunta University of Rome | Italy |
Maringa University Center | Brazil |
Marquette University | United States |
Mary Immaculate College | Ireland |
Massachusetts General Hospital | United States |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | United States |
Massey University | New Zealand |
Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach | Germany |
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute | United States |
Maua Institute of Technology | Brazil |
Max Planck Digital Library | Germany |
Maynooth University | Ireland |
McGill University | Canada |
Medgar Evers College | United States |
Medical University of Vienna | Austria |
Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada |
Mercy Hopital of Vitoria, School of Sciences | Brazil |
Mercy Hospital Foundation, Para | Brazil |
Methodist University Center, Brazil | Brazil |
Methodist University of Piracicaba | Brazil |
Methodist University of Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Metropolitan State College of Denver | United States |
Miami University, Oxford | United States |
Michigan State University | United States |
Middle Tennessee State University | United States |
Middlebury College | United States |
Midwestern State University, Brazil | Brazil |
Military Academy, Portugal | Portugal |
Military Geographic Institute, Argentina | Argentina |
Military Institute of Engineering, Brazil | Brazil |
Milton Fields, Faculty of Law | Brazil |
Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Brazil | Brazil |
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Argentina | Argentina |
Missouri University of Science and Technology | United States |
Monash University, Melbourne | Australia |
Montana State University, Bozeman | United States |
Morehead State University | United States |
Morgan State University | United States |
Mount Holyoke College | United States |
Moura Lacerda University Center | Brazil |
Munich University of Applied Sciences | Germany |
Munich University of Technology | Germany |
Municipal University of São Caetano | Brazil |
Münster University of Applied Sciences Fachhochschule Münster | Germany |
Murdoch University | Australia |
National Administration of Health Laboratories and Institutes | Argentina |
National Agricultural Research Foundation, Greece | Greece |
National Agricultural Technology Institute, Argentina | Argentina |
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Greece |
National Atomic Energy Commission, Argentina | Argentina |
National Authority of Medicines and Health Products | Portugal |
National Authority of Medicines and Health Products | Portugal |
National Cancer Institute, Brazil | Brazil |
National Centre for Biological Sciences | India |
National Centre for Social Research, Greece | Greece |
National Communications Authority, Portugal | Portugal |
National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece | Greece |
National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute, Brazil | Brazil |
National Industrial Property Institute, Argentina | Argentina |
National Industrial Technology Institute, Argentina | Argentina |
National Institute for Fisheries Research and Development, Argentina | Argentina |
National Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, Brazil | Brazil |
National Institute for Space Research, Brazil | Brazil |
National Institute for the Education of the Deaf, Brazil | Brazil |
National Institute of Amazonian Research, Brazil | Brazil |
National Institute of Biological Resources, Portugal | Portugal |
National Institute of Cardiology, Brazil | Brazil |
National Institute of Communications of Brazil | Brazil |
National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology, Brazil | Brazil |
National Institutes of Health, United States | United States |
National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Brazil | Brazil |
National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Portugal | Portugal |
National Legal Medicine Institute, Portugal | Portugal |
National Library of Greece | Greece |
National Library of Medicine, United States | United States |
National Observatory of Athens | Greece |
National Observatory, Brazil | Brazil |
National School of Statistical Sciences, Brazil | Brazil |
National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina | Argentina |
National Space Activities Commission, Argentina | Argentina |
National Technical University of Athens | Greece |
National Technological University, Argentina | Argentina |
National University of Austral Patagonia | Argentina |
National University of Catamarca | Argentina |
National University of Central Buenos Aires | Argentina |
National University of Chilecito | Argentina |
National University of Comahue | Argentina |
National University of Cordoba | Argentina |
National University of Cuyo | Argentina |
National University of Entre Ríos | Argentina |
National University of Formosa | Argentina |
National University of General Sarmiento | Argentina |
National University of Jujuy | Argentina |
National University of La Matanza | Argentina |
National University of La Pampa | Argentina |
National University of La Plata | Argentina |
National University of La Rioja | Argentina |
National University of Lanus | Argentina |
National University of Lomas de Zamora | Argentina |
National University of Lujan | Argentina |
National University of Mar Del Plata | Argentina |
National University of Misiones | Argentina |
National University of Northwestern Buenos Aires | Argentina |
National University of Quilmes | Argentina |
National University of Río Cuarto | Argentina |
National University of Rio Negro, Argentina | Argentina |
National University of Rosario | Argentina |
National University of Salta | Argentina |
National University of San Juan | Argentina |
National University of San Luis | Argentina |
National University of San Martin | Argentina |
National University of Santiago del Estero | Argentina |
National University of the Littoral | Argentina |
National University of the Northeast | Argentina |
National University of the Patagonia San Juan Bosco | Argentina |
National University of the South | Argentina |
National University of Tres de Febrero | Argentina |
National University of Tucuman | Argentina |
National University of Villa María | Argentina |
National Water Institute, Argentina | Argentina |
National-Louis University | United States |
Naturalis | Netherlands |
Naval University Institute, Argentina | Argentina |
Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences | Germany |
New Horizons Faculty | Brazil |
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces | United States |
New University of Lisbon | Portugal |
New York City College of Technology | United States |
New York Public Library | United States |
New York University | United States |
Newcastle University | United Kingdom |
Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences Hochschule Niederrhein | Germany |
Nilton Lins University Center | Brazil |
Norte do Parana University | Brazil |
North Carolina State University | United States |
Northeastern University, Boston | United States |
Northern Illinois University | United States |
Northern Kentucky University | United States |
Northwestern University | United States |
Nottingham Trent University | United Kingdom |
Nova Southeastern University | United States |
Nuclear Technology Development Center, Brazil | Brazil |
Nuremberg Institute of Technology Technische Hochschule Nürnberg | Germany |
Oakland University | United States |
Ohio State University, Columbus | United States |
Oklahoma State University, Center for Health Sciences | United States |
Oklahoma State University, Institute of Technology | United States |
Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma City | United States |
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater | United States |
Oklahoma State University, Tulsa | United States |
Old Dominion University, United States | United States |
Online Knowledge Library: b-on | Portugal |
Open University of Israel | Israel |
Open University, Portugal | Portugal |
Open University, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Order of Nurses, Portugal | Portugal |
Oregon Health & Science University | United States |
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation | Brazil |
Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich Haute École pädagogique de Zurich | Switzerland |
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences | Greece |
Para University Center | Brazil |
Paraíba Federal University | Brazil |
Paranaense University | Brazil |
Parthenope University of Naples | Italy |
Paulista University | Brazil |
Pedagogical Institute | Greece |
Pedro II College | Brazil |
Pennsylvania State University, Erie-Behrend | United States |
Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg | United States |
Pennsylvania State University, University Park | United States |
Pepperdine University | United States |
Pernambuco Faculty of Health | Brazil |
Peter Leopold Foundation, Integrated Colleges | Brazil |
Plymouth State University | United States |
Polytechic Instiute of Setubal, College of Education | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of Beja | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of Braganca | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of Guarda | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of New York University | United States |
Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of Porto | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of Santarem | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of Tomar | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo | Portugal |
Polytechnic Institute of Viseu | Portugal |
Ponta Grossa State University | Brazil |
Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas | Brazil |
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile | Chile |
Pontifical Catholic University of Goias | Brazil |
Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais | Brazil |
Pontifical Catholic University of Parana | Brazil |
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul | Brazil |
Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Portuguese Competition Authority | Portugal |
Portuguese Environment Agency | Portugal |
Portuguese Health Regulatory Authority | Portugal |
Portuguese Institute for Quality | Portugal |
Portuguese Institute of Oncology | Portugal |
Portuguese Red Cross, College of Health | Portugal |
Positivo | Brazil |
Potiguar University | Brazil |
Presbyterian College | United States |
Prince Henry Nautical School | Portugal |
Princeton University | United States |
Private Universities President’s Council | Argentina |
Professor Fernando Figueira Integral Medicine Institute | Brazil |
Professor Fernando Fonseca Hospital | Portugal |
Purdue University Northwest | United States |
Purdue University, West Lafeyette | United States |
Queens College | United States |
Queensborough Community College | United States |
Queensland University of Technology | Australia |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands |
Radiological Protection and Dosimetry Institute | Brazil |
RECET | Portugal |
Reed College | United States |
Regional Northwest University of Rio Grande do Sul | Brazil |
Regional University of Cariri | Brazil |
Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Austria | Austria |
Rice University | United States |
Rio Branco Institute | Brazil |
Rio de Janeiro State University | Brazil |
Ritter dos Reis University Center | Brazil |
Robert Koch Institute | Germany |
Rochester Institute of Technology | United States |
Roma Tre University | Italy |
Rowan University | United States |
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew | United Kingdom |
Royal Holloway, University of London | United Kingdom |
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne | Australia |
Ruhr University Bochum | Germany |
Rutgers University, New Brunswick | United States |
RWTH Aachen University | Germany |
Saint Leopold Mandic Faculty of Dentistry and Dental Research Center | Brazil |
Saint Mary’s College of California | United States |
Salesian University Center of Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Salgado de Oliveira University | Brazil |
Salisbury University | United States |
Salvador University, Brazil | Brazil |
Sam Houston State University | United States |
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute | United States |
Santa Casa Hospital, Institute of Education and Research | Brazil |
Santa Cecilia University | Brazil |
Santa Clara University | United States |
Sao Camilo University Center | Brazil |
Sao Judas Tadeu University | Brazil |
Sao Paulo State University | Brazil |
School of Advanced Technology, Montreal | Canada |
School of Nursing of Porto | Portugal |
Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana | Switzerland |
Seattle University | United States |
SENAI CIMATEC, Faculty of Technology | Brazil |
Severino Sombra University | Brazil |
Simmons University | United States |
Simon Fraser University | Canada |
Skidmore College | United States |
SLUB Dresden | Germany |
Smith College | United States |
SOAS, University of London | United Kingdom |
Social Science Research Center Berlin | Germany |
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale | United States |
Southern New Hampshire University | United States |
St. Cloud State University | United States |
St. Gallen University of Teacher Education | Switzerland |
St. Lawrence University | United States |
St. Mary’s College of Maryland | United States |
St. Olaf College | United States |
State Technology Education Center Paula Souza | Brazil |
State University Center of the West Zone | Brazil |
State University of Campinas | Brazil |
State University of Ceara | Brazil |
State University of Feira de Santana | Brazil |
State University of Goias | Brazil |
State University of Londrina | Brazil |
State University of Maranhao | Brazil |
State University of Maringa | Brazil |
State University of Mato Grosso | Brazil |
State University of Montes Claros | Brazil |
State University of Norte Fluminense | Brazil |
State University of Northern Parana | Brazil |
State University of Para | Brazil |
State University of Paraíba | Brazil |
State University of Piaui | Brazil |
State University of Rio Grande do Norte | Brazil |
State University of Rio Grande do Sul | Brazil |
State University of Roraima | Brazil |
State University of Santa Cruz | Brazil |
State University of Southwest Bahia | Brazil |
State University of West Parana | Brazil |
Stephen F. Austin State University | United States |
Sul de Minas, Faculty of Law | Brazil |
SUNY, Binghamton University | United States |
SUNY, College at Brockport | United States |
SUNY, University at Albany | United States |
SUNY, University at Buffalo | United States |
Superior School of Marketing and Propaganda, Brazil | Brazil |
Superior School of Theology, Brazil | Brazil |
Swarthmore College | United States |
Sweet Briar College | United States |
Swiss National Library | Switzerland |
Syracuse University | United States |
Tarleton State University, Stephenville | United States |
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore | India |
Technical University Chemnitz | Germany |
Technical University of Berlin Technische Universität Berlin | Germany |
Technical University of Braunschweig | Germany |
Technical University of Crete | Greece |
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
Technical University of Lisbon | Portugal |
Technological and Nuclear Institute, Portugal | Portugal |
Technological Educational Institute of Athens | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Chalkida | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Crete | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Epirus | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Heraklion | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Kalamata | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Kavala | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Lamia | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Larissa | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Patras | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Serres | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of the Ionian Islands | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki | Greece |
Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia | Greece |
Telecommunications Institute, Portugal | Portugal |
TELUQ | Canada |
Temple University | United States |
Test Acc Test Test | United States |
test teddy new | Canada |
Texas A&M University, Central Texas | United States |
Texas A&M University, College Station | United States |
Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi | United States |
Texas A&M University, Kingsville | United States |
Texas A&M University, San Antonio | United States |
Texas A&M University, Tarleton State University | United States |
Texas Christian University | United States |
Texas State University, San Marcos | United States |
Texas Tech University | United States |
Tilburg University | Netherlands |
Tiradentes University | Brazil |
Toledo Learning Institute | Brazil |
Towson University | United States |
Trinity College Dublin | Ireland |
Trinity University, TX | United States |
Tropical Research Institute, Portugal | Portugal |
TU Dublin – City Campus | Ireland |
Tufts University | United States |
Tuiuti University of Parana | Brazil |
Tulane University | United States |
Tupy Higher Institute | Brazil |
Ulster University | United Kingdom |
Una Central University | Brazil |
UNIFG – Faculdade dos Guararapes | Brazil |
Union College, NY | United States |
Unit – Norwegian Directorate for ICT and Joint Services in Higher Education and Research | Norway |
United Faculty of Vitoria | Brazil |
United Metropolitan Universities, Sao Paulo | Brazil |
United States Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center | United States |
Univates University Center | Brazil |
Universidade Cândido Mendes | Brazil |
Universidade Estadual de Alagoas | Brazil |
Universidade Metropolitana de Santos | Brazil |
Universidade Santa Úrsula | Brazil |
University Center of Brasilia | Brazil |
University Center of FEI | Brazil |
University College Copenhagen | Denmark |
University College Cork | Ireland |
University College Dublin | Ireland |
University College London | United Kingdom |
University College Of Northern Denmark | Denmark |
University College Southern Denmark | Denmark |
University Frankfurt | Germany |
University Institute of Lisbon | Portugal |
University Institute of Psychological, Social and Life Sciences | Portugal |
University Institute of the Federal Police, Argentina | Argentina |
University Magdeburg | Germany |
University of Aberdeen | United Kingdom |
University of Adelaide | Australia |
University of Alabama, Birmingham | United States |
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa | United States |
University of Alaska, Fairbanks | United States |
University of Alaska, Southeast | United States |
University of Alberta | Canada |
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland | Austria |
University of Arizona | United States |
University of Auckland | New Zealand |
University of Augsburg | Germany |
University of Baltimore | United States |
University of Baltimore School of Law | United States |
University of Bamberg | Germany |
University of Basel | Switzerland |
University of Bayreuth | Germany |
University of Beira Interior | Portugal |
University of Bern | Switzerland |
University of Birmingham | United Kingdom |
University of Blumenau | Brazil |
University of Bologna | Italy |
University of Bonn | Germany |
University of Brasília | Brazil |
University of Bremen | Germany |
University of Brescia | Italy |
University of Bristol | United Kingdom |
University of British Columbia | Canada |
University of Buenos Aires | Argentina |
University of Cagliari | Italy |
University of Calgary | Canada |
University of California, Berkeley | United States |
University of California, Davis | United States |
University of California, Irvine | United States |
University of California, Los Angeles | United States |
University of California, Merced | United States |
University of California, Riverside | United States |
University of California, San Diego | United States |
University of California, San Francisco | United States |
University of California, Santa Barbara | United States |
University of California, Santa Cruz | United States |
University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
University of Canterbury | New Zealand |
University of Caxias do Sul | Brazil |
University of Central Florida | United States |
University of Central Greece | Greece |
University of Chicago | United States |
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati | United States |
University of Coimbra | Portugal |
University of Cologne | Germany |
University of Colorado, Boulder | United States |
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs | United States |
University of Colorado, Denver | United States |
University of Colorado, Denver – Anschutz Medical Campus | United States |
University of Connecticut | United States |
University of Connecticut Health Center | United States |
University of Connecticut School of Law | United States |
University of Crete | Greece |
University of Cruz Alta | Brazil |
University of Cuiaba | Brazil |
University of Dayton | United States |
University of Delaware | United States |
University of Denver | United States |
University of Duisburg-Essen | Germany |
University of Dusseldorf | Germany |
University of East Anglia | United Kingdom |
University of Eastern Piedmont | Italy |
University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom |
University of Erlangen Nuremberg | Germany |
University of Evora | Portugal |
University of Exeter | United Kingdom |
University of Florence | Italy |
University of Fortaleza | Brazil |
University of Franca | Brazil |
University of Freiburg | Germany |
University of Fribourg | Switzerland |
University of Galway, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe | Ireland |
University of Geneva | Switzerland |
University of Georgia, United States | United States |
University of Glasgow | United Kingdom |
University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
University of Gottingen | Germany |
University of Graz | Austria |
University of Groningen | Netherlands |
University of Hamburg | Germany |
University of Hawaii, Manoa | United States |
University of Heidelberg | Germany |
University of Helsinki | Finland |
University of Idaho | United States |
University of Illinois, Chicago | United States |
University of Illinois, Springfield | United States |
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | United States |
University of Insubria | Italy |
University of International Integration Integration for Afro-Brazilian Lusophone | Brazil |
University of Ioannina | Greece |
University of Iowa | United States |
University of Joinville Region | Brazil |
University of Kansas | United States |
University of Kent | United Kingdom |
University of Kiel | Germany |
University of Klagenfurt | Austria |
University of Konstanz | Germany |
University of L’Aquila | Italy |
University of Lausanne | Switzerland |
University of Leeds | United Kingdom |
University of Leicester | United Kingdom |
University of Leipzig | Germany |
University of Limerick | Ireland |
University of Lisbon | Portugal |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
University of Lucerne | Switzerland |
University of Lugano | Switzerland |
University of Macedonia | Greece |
University of Madeira | Portugal |
University of Maine, Augusta | United States |
University of Maine, Farmington | United States |
University of Maine, Fort Kent | United States |
University of Maine, Machias | United States |
University of Maine, Orono | United States |
University of Maine, Presque Isle | United States |
University of Mainz | Germany |
University of Manchester | United Kingdom |
University of Manitoba | Canada |
University of Marburg | Germany |
University of Marilia | Brazil |
University of Maryland, Baltimore | United States |
University of Maryland, Baltimore County | United States |
University of Maryland, Baltimore Health Sciences and Human Services Library | United States |
University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Sciences | United States |
University of Maryland, College Park | United States |
University of Maryland, Eastern Shore | United States |
University of Maryland, Global Campus UMGC | United States |
University of Maryland, School of Law | United States |
University of Massachusetts, Amherst | United States |
University of Massachusetts, Boston | United States |
University of Massachusetts, Lowell | United States |
University of Melbourne | Australia |
University of Memphis | United States |
University of Miami | United States |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | United States |
University of Michigan, Dearborn | United States |
University of Michigan, Flint | United States |
University of Milan-Bicocca | Italy |
University of Minho | Portugal |
University of Minnesota, Crookston | United States |
University of Minnesota, Duluth | United States |
University of Minnesota, Morris | United States |
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | United States |
University of Missouri, Columbia | United States |
University of Missouri, St. Louis | United States |
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia | Italy |
University of Mogi das Cruzes | Brazil |
University of Montana, Helena College of Technology | United States |
University of Montana, Missoula | United States |
University of Montana, Montana Tech | United States |
University of Montana, Western | United States |
University of Montreal | Canada |
University of Munich | Germany |
University of Munster Universität Münster | Germany |
University of Naples, Federico II | Italy |
University of Nebraska, Lincoln | United States |
University of Neuchatel | Switzerland |
University of Nevada, Las Vegas | United States |
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton | Canada |
University of New England, Australia | Australia |
University of New Hampshire, Durham | United States |
University of New Hampshire, Manchester | United States |
University of New Mexico, Albuquerqe | United States |
University of New South Wales | Australia |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | United States |
University of North Carolina, Greensboro | United States |
University of North Carolina, Wilmington | United States |
University of North Dakota | United States |
University of North Texas | United States |
University of Northampton | United Kingdom |
University of Northern Colorado | United States |
University of Northern Iowa | United States |
University of Notre Dame, United States | United States |
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
University of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Center | United States |
University of Oklahoma, Norman | United States |
University of Oklahoma, Tulsa Schusterman Center | United States |
University of Oldenburg | Germany |
University of Oregon | United States |
University of Otago | New Zealand |
University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
University of Paderborn | Germany |
University of Palermo | Italy |
University of Passau | Germany |
University of Passo Fundo | Brazil |
University of Patras | Greece |
University of Pavia | Italy |
University of Peloponnese | Greece |
University of Pennsylvania | United States |
University of Pernambuco | Brazil |
University of Perugia | Italy |
University of Piraeus | Greece |
University of Pittsburgh, Bradford | United States |
University of Pittsburgh, Greensburg | United States |
University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown | United States |
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh | United States |
University of Pittsburgh, Titusville | United States |
University of Porto | Portugal |
University of Prince Edward Island | Canada |
University of Quebec, Montreal | Canada |
University of Quebec, National Institute of Scientific Research | Canada |
University of Queensland | Australia |
University of Regensburg | Germany |
University of Regina | Canada |
University of Ribeirão Preto | Brazil |
University of Richmond | United States |
University of Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
University of Rio Grande | Brazil |
University of Rio Verde | Brazil |
University of Rochester | United States |
University of Rostock | Germany |
University of Salento | Italy |
University of Salerno | Italy |
University of Salford | United Kingdom |
University of Salzburg | Austria |
University of San Francisco | United States |
University of San Francisco, Brazil | Brazil |
University of San Francisco, Brazil | Brazil |
University of Santa Catarina Plateau | Brazil |
University of Santa Cruz do Sul | Brazil |
University of Santo Amaro | Brazil |
University of Sao Paulo | Brazil |
University of Saskatchewan | Canada |
University of Sassari | Italy |
University of Sheffield | United Kingdom |
University of Siegen | Germany |
University of Sorocaba | Brazil |
University of South Carolina, Columbia | United States |
University of South Florida | United States |
University of Southampton | United Kingdom |
University of Southern California | United States |
University of Southern Denmark | Denmark |
University of Southern Maine | United States |
University of Southern Santa Catarina | Brazil |
University of St. Gallen | Switzerland |
University of St. Thomas, MN | United States |
University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom |
University of Stuttgart | Germany |
University of Surrey | United Kingdom |
University of Sussex | United Kingdom |
University of Sydney | Australia |
University of Tasmania | Australia |
University of Taubate | Brazil |
University of Technology, Sydney | Australia |
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga | United States |
University of Tennessee, Knoxville | United States |
University of Tennessee, Martin | United States |
University of Texas Health Science Center, Dental School | United States |
University of Texas, Arlington | United States |
University of Texas, Austin | United States |
University of Texas, Dallas | United States |
University of Texas, El Paso | United States |
University of Texas, Health Science Center at San Antonio | United States |
University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center | United States |
University of Texas, Medical Branch | United States |
University of Texas, Permian Basin | United States |
University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley | United States |
University of Texas, San Antonio | United States |
University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center | United States |
University of Texas, Tyler | United States |
University of the Aegean | Greece |
University of the Air Force, Brazil | Brazil |
University of the Algarve | Portugal |
University of the Amazon | Brazil |
University of the Far South Santa Catarina | Brazil |
University of the Highlands and Islands | United Kingdom |
University of the Ninth of July | Brazil |
University of the Sacred Heart, Brazil | Brazil |
University of the Sinos Valley | Brazil |
University of the State of Amazonas | Brazil |
University of the State of Bahia | Brazil |
University of the State of Minas Gerais | Brazil |
University of the State of Santa Catarina | Brazil |
University of the West of England | United Kingdom |
University of the West of Santa Catarina | Brazil |
University of Thessaly | Greece |
University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro | Portugal |
University of Trieste | Italy |
University of Tubingen | Germany |
University of Turin | Italy |
University of Twente | Netherlands |
University of Uberaba | Brazil |
University of Utah | United States |
University of Vale do Itajai | Brazil |
University of Vale do Paraíba | Brazil |
University of Vale do Rio Doce | Brazil |
University of Vale do Rio Verde | Brazil |
University of Vale do Sapucai | Brazil |
University of Vermont | United States |
University of Verona | Italy |
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna | Austria |
University of Victoria | Canada |
University of Vienna | Austria |
University of Vila Velha | Brazil |
University of Virginia | United States |
University of Waikato | New Zealand |
University of Washington, Seattle | United States |
University of West Paulista | Brazil |
University of Western Australia | Australia |
University of Western Macedonia | Greece |
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire | United States |
University of Wisconsin, Green Bay | United States |
University of Wisconsin, La Crosse | United States |
University of Wisconsin, Madison | United States |
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee | United States |
University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh | United States |
University of Wisconsin, Parkside | United States |
University of Wisconsin, Platteville | United States |
University of Wisconsin, River Falls | United States |
University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point | United States |
University of Wisconsin, Stout | United States |
University of Wisconsin, Superior | United States |
University of Wisconsin, Whitewater | United States |
University of Wollongong | Australia |
University of Wuppertal | Germany |
University of Wurzburg | Germany |
University of Wyoming | United States |
University of York | United Kingdom |
University of Zurich | Switzerland |
University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Uppsala University | Sweden |
Utah State University | United States |
Utrecht University | Netherlands |
Vancouver Island University | Canada |
Vanderbilt University | United States |
Vassar College | United States |
Veiga de Almeida University | Brazil |
VIA University College | Denmark |
Victoria University of Wellington | New Zealand |
Victoria University, Australia | Australia |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria |
Vienna University of Technology | Austria |
Villanova University | United States |
Virginia Commonwealth University | United States |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University | United States |
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University | Italy |
Vitoria Faculty of Law | Brazil |
Volta Redonda University Center | Brazil |
VU University Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Wageningen University and Research Centre | Netherlands |
Wake Forest University | United States |
Washington and Lee University | United States |
Washington State University, Pullman | United States |
Washington University in St. Louis | United States |
Wayne State University | United States |
Wellesley College | United States |
Wesleyan University | United States |
West Virginia University | United States |
Western Carolina University | United States |
Western Michigan University | United States |
Western Sydney University | Australia |
Western University | Canada |
Western Washington University | United States |
Whitman College | United States |
Wichita State University | United States |
Williams College | United States |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute | United States |
Yale University | United States |
Yeshiva University | United States |
York College, Jamaica | United States |
ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften – Information Centre for Life Sciences | Germany |
Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland |
Zurich University of the Arts | Switzerland |