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December 4, 2018

Critical Studies Research Group preserving OA e-journals with Portico

Critical Studies Research Group is preserving their open access e-journal, Critical Studies: Interdisciplinary Journal of the Humanities, with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. The Critical Studies Research Group (CSRG) was founded in 2011 by post-graduate students at the School of Humanities, University of Brighton, with the aim of providing a stimulating forum for the discussion and exploration of critical ideas and practices in light of the socio-political challenges we face today. For… Read more

December 4, 2018

Kowsar Medical Publishing Company is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

Kowsar Medical Publishing Company is preserving open access e-journals with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. Beginning in 2010, Kowsar Medical Publishing Company was founded as a non-profit science-based institution that would become a medium open access publisher with more than 20 journals to its credit. The Journal of Biomedicine and Hepatitis Monthly have become mainstays in the medical community. For more information, please visit the publisher’s page on the Portico website. Read more

December 3, 2018

UC Davis is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

UC Davis is preserving open access e-journals with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. Since opening in 1908, UC Davis has been known for their working in sustainability, medicine, and a well-rounded academic program. Since UC Davis began publishing journals, the international community has welcomed the Dermatology Online Journal, which has been published monthly for the past 23 years. For more information, please visit the publisher’s page on the Portico website. Read more

November 30, 2018

Institute of Advanced Science Extension is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

Institute for Advanced Science Extension (IASE) is preserving open access e-journals with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. IASE is a non-profit international scientific association of distinguished scholars engaged in engineering and science devoted to promoting researches and technologies in engineering and science field through digital technology. IASE publishes high-quality international journals in Applied Sciences. For more information, please visit the publisher’s page on the Portico website. Read more

November 29, 2018

Happy World Digital Preservation Day, 2018!

World Digital Preservation Day brings together individuals and institutions from across the globe in celebration of their work in the field of digital preservation. Sheila Morrissey, senior researcher at Portico, has written a blog post published by the Digital Preservation Coalition for World Digital Preservation Day on the importance of continual investment in technical infrastructure, and how Portico has been addressing that through our NextGen project. For more information, read the full article. Our colleague Oya Reiger, senior advisor of… Read more

November 28, 2018

Annex Publishers is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

Annex Publishers is preserving open access e-journals with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. Established to spread information among the scientific community, Annex Publishing has become a world leader in the provision of open access e-journals. Working with scientists and researchers in the fields of engineering, medicine, and biological communities, titles like Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Oncology have helped progress thinking and research in their fields. For more information, please visit… Read more

November 16, 2018

Scholastica users can now deposit articles automatically into Portico

Publishers using Scholastica Open Access Publishing can now have their journal articles automatically deposited into the Portico digital preservation service. And because Scholastica tests their imports and formats the content, publishers can sign an agreement with Portico without having to go through a content sample review process. In its blog, Scholastica outlines the  importance of digital preservation and speaks with our Director of Publisher Relations Stephanie Orphan about Portico’s approach to preservation and our collaborations with the academic… Read more

November 15, 2018

Journal of University of Babylon is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

Journal of University of Babylon is preserving their open access e-journals, Journal of University of Babylon for Pure and Applied Sciences, Journal of University of Babylon for Engineering Sciences, and Journal of University of Babylon for Humanities with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. The University of Babylon Publishing House (UBPH) is an academic publisher for Journals of University of Babylon at the University of Babylon. It is established to publish journals of… Read more

November 12, 2018

A renewed investment in preservation infrastructure

In the decade since Portico launched, both the scale and type of preservation work we do has evolved. The volume of scholarly content ingested each year has grown from 160,000 archival objects in 2006 to over 98.5 million in 2018. At Portico, we are committed to investing in and improving our systems and capabilities in order to keep up with the constantly changing environment. Thanks to the support of our publisher and library participants, we recently completed a two-year project… Read more

November 12, 2018

Dietitians of Canada preserving e-journals with Portico

Dietitians of Canada is preserving their e-journal, Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. Dietitians of Canada is the professional association representing over 5,000 members at the local, provincial and national levels with regional offices in British Columbia, Alberta and the Territories, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada. For more information, please visit the publisher’s page on the Portico website. Read more