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July 26, 2018

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry to Preserve E-Journals with Portico

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry is preserving e-journals with Portico which will ensuring their content will be secure and available into the future. Since 1948, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has consistently published original research, clinical observations, and special articles. Most notably, Pediatric Dentistry has connected their findings to nutrition, surgery, dentistry, public health and more. The journal has one of the highest impact factors (5.7) and ranks in the… Read more

July 24, 2018

Open Access e-journals from AgiAl preserved with Portico

AgiAl Publishing House will preserve Open Access e-journals with Portico, ensuring their content will be secure and available into the future. Based in Egypt and a member of the Publishers International Linking Association, AgiAl is an open access publisher with the goal of creating high-quality content to maximize knowledge. For more information, please visit the publisher’s page on the Portico website. Read more

July 24, 2018

Science Planet Inc. is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

Science Planet Inc. is preserving their Open Access e-journal, Canadian Journal of Biotechnology, with Portico, ensuring that it will be secure and available into the future. Canadian Journal of Biotechnology is a research journal published by Science Planet Inc. which works towards socially benefiting the sections of the society having limited resources with the medium of science. For more information, please visit the publisher’s page on the Portico website. Read more

July 17, 2018

Portico explores digital preservation landscape in UKSG Insights

The rise of interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches to research—often integrating text, data, and audio-visual material—has enabled new forms of scholarly output. As scholarly communication becomes increasingly complex, how can we ensure that “born-digital” artifacts are also “born-preservable”? Drawing on years of experience, senior leaders from Portico share their perspective on the digital preservation landscape in an article for UKSG Insights. The paper outlines emerging opportunities, including collaborating with national… Read more

July 3, 2018

Qingres will preserve Open Access e-journals with Portico

Qingres will preserve their Open Access e-journals with Portico, ensuring that they will be secure and available into the future. Qingres is an international scientific journal publisher and big data operator, focusing on scientific journals publishing, internet platforms, and data research. Headquartered in London, Qingres is a global business with branches in China and the US. For more information, please visit the publisher’s page on the Portico website. Read more

June 7, 2018

OA e-journals from the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine now preserved with Portico

The Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine (JSNM) will preserve their Open Access e-journals with Portico, ensuring that they will be secure and available into the future. Established in 1964, the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine has aided in the development of applications and research to provide education and research to the citizens of Japan. The JSNM publishes Kaku Igaku and has a network of over 3,500 members, consisting of Physicians, chemists, technologists, and… Read more

June 6, 2018

Temple University joins Portico

Portico is pleased to announce that Temple University has joined its e-journal and e-book preservation services. Temple joins more than 1,000 libraries around the world that support digital preservation—including more than 80% of Association of Research Library (ARL) members. Joe Lucia, Dean of Libraries at Temple, said, “Temple University Libraries are proud to participate in Portico, which we see as an important model for collaborative preservation of digital scholarly content. It’s a service that is congruent with the core values… Read more

May 22, 2018

Universitas Islam Indonesia is now preserving 25+ OA e-journals with Portico

Universitas Islam Indonesia is preserving 25+ Open Access e-journals with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. Since 1948, the Universitas Islam Indonesia has been known for their work in various research capacities and has been named the best research institution in Indonesia. Through multiple research centers, the University has distributed research into their community and the global community with titles like JIP: Journal Intervensi Psikologi and Unisia. For more information, please visit the… Read more

May 15, 2018

Pathogens and Immunity is now preserved with Portico

The e-journal, Pathogens and Immunity, is now being preserved with Portico, ensuring that their issues and content will be safe and secure into the future. Based out of Case Western University, the Pathogens and Immunity journal publishes original research on everything from microbial pathogens and host defenses in the form of articles, case reports, letters–and even poems. For more information, please visit the publisher’s page on… Read more

April 25, 2018

Portico featured in WIRED article that asks “what happens when science just disappears?”

Dr. Kay Dickersin and Ms. Mariyam Thohira of Johns Hopkins University are on a quest–one only possible in the 21st century. Their plan, to recover all papers once published in The Online Journal of Current Clinical Trials (OJCCT), has even garnered the attention of WIRED magazine. The OJCCT was a groundbreaking publication, and one of the earliest scientific journals to… Read more