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December 7, 2020

Access alert: Two Open Access e-journals from UCL Institute of Education Press

Portico now hosts the content from Race Equality Teaching and International Journal on School Disaffection, previously published by UCL Institute of Education Press. These titles are no longer available through the press or another online platform; therefore, they have “triggered” and are freely available to the community via the Portico archive. These titles were originally published as Open Access, and will remain Open Access through Portico. Race Equality Teaching focuses on education and race in culturally and linguistically diverse Britain,… Read more

November 5, 2020

Celebrating World Digital Preservation Day 2020

Organized by the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and supported by organizations around the world, World Digital Preservation Day celebrates the positive impact of digital preservation. Our colleagues at Portico and Ithaka S+R have contributed two blog posts on this year’s theme, “Digits: For Good.” Stephanie Orphan, Director of Content Preservation at Portico, discusses our current work to ensure the preservation of and ongoing access to the growing body of independent Open Access journals. Learn more in “Portico: Evolving with… Read more

October 15, 2020

Portico and the Keepers Registry: An interview

In this month’s Research information, Gaëlle Béquet, director of ISSN International Centre, outlines the work of the Keepers Registry, the Centre’s service for informing the library and publishing community about efforts by archiving agencies worldwide to preserve titles of digitized and born-digital serial publications with an eISSN. The introduction is followed by interviews with four of its partner agencies, including Portico. In their interview, Portico’s Kate Wittenberg, Managing Director, Amy Kirchhoff, Product Manager, and Stephanie Orphan, Director of Content… Read more

October 13, 2020

Preserving Open Access and other at-risk scholarly content

Recent research has demonstrated that dozens of online-only Open Access journals are no longer available, while hundreds of others are inactive and at risk of being lost. Important scholarship may be lost to future generations of researchers if there is no preservation plan in place. At Portico, a not-for-profit organization with a mission to preserve the scholarly record, we work with publishers and libraries to ensure that academic content remains accessible and usable for the long term. Currently, we… Read more

September 14, 2020

Portico at #WeMissiPRES

Portico’s Senior Research Developer Karen Hanson is participating in #WeMissiPRES, an online program of talks and presentations organized by the Digital Preservation Coalition in celebration of iPRES and the digital preservation community, September 22-24. Hanson and Thib Guicherd-Callin from LOCKSS will present on “Preserving new forms of digital scholarship at scale,” September 23, at 2:20 PM EDT. In this brief, 10-minute talk, they will summarize recent findings from an ongoing Mellon-funded project led by New York University… Read more

September 9, 2020

12 additional publishers join Portico

Portico has welcomed 12 more publishers to the archive, ensuring that their content will be secure and available in the future: Ant Publishing Corporation: This scholarly publisher of Open Access and peer-reviewed biomedical journals produces Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics and Clinical Surgery Research Communications. CSRC Publishing, Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy Pakistan: CSRC publishes Open Access, peer-reviewed… Read more

August 11, 2020

Access alert: 11 open access e-journals from Medknow

Portico now hosts the content from 11 peer-reviewed medical journals from Medknow Publications. The titles listed below are no longer available through any online platform; therefore, they have “triggered” and are freely available to the community via the Portico archive. These titles were originally published as open access, and will remain open access through Portico. Annals of Bioanthropology European Journal of Prosthodontics Indian Journal of Human Genetics International Journal of Shoulder Surgery… Read more

July 28, 2020

Portico at JCDL 2020

On August 5, Karen Hanson, Portico Senior Research Developer, is participating in “Making, Using, and Exploring Web Archives: Tales from Scholars & Practitioners,” a panel discussion in the Web Archiving and Digital Libraries virtual workshop. The presentation is part of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2020. The panel brings together practitioners from computer, library, and information sciences to discuss how web archiving has been applied to save complex digital objects such as e-books, source code and… Read more

July 22, 2020

Portico’s Stephanie Orphan reelected to OASPA Board of Directors

The members of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) have reelected Stephanie Orphan, Portico’s Director of Publisher Relations, to begin her second three-year term on the Board of Directors in September. OASPA represents a community of scholarly publishers and related organizations with the mission of developing and disseminating publishing solutions that advance Open Access, preserve the integrity of scholarship, and promote best practice. The organization also works… Read more

June 1, 2020

Access alert: Two digital collections from Gale

The Portico archive now hosts the content from two digital collections published by Gale: The Life and Times of Jorge Luis Borges and Public Life in Contemporary Argentina. Gale will stop hosting this content on 08/31/20; therefore, it has “triggered” and is available via Portico to those Gale customers who purchased the collections. Note that, because these titles are part of our digital collections service, they are available exclusively to Gale customers who have purchased these collections, and Portico participation… Read more