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December 18, 2018

The American Anthropological Association is preserving Cultural Anthropology with Portico

The American Anthropological Association is preserving their Open Access e-journal, Cultural Anthropology, with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. Cultural Anthropology is the peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association. Established in 1986, the journal publishes four issues per year and is widely abstracted and indexed. Cultural Anthropology publishes ethnographic writing informed by a wide array of theoretical perspectives, innovative in form and content, and… Read more

December 18, 2018

ACRL preserving OA journals with Portico

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is preserving its Open Access journals with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. The agreement covers the peer-reviewed research journals College & Research Libraries (C&RL) and RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage, along with the monthly news magazine C&RL News. ACRL is the higher education association for academic libraries and library workers. Representing more than 10,000 individuals and… Read more

December 18, 2018

Edwiser International is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

Edwiser International is preserving Open Access e-journals with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. Edwiser International is an open access peer reviewed online journal publisher. They aim to build a scientific community where researchers and scientists can share their knowledge and scientific information for the betterment of society. For more information, please visit the publisher’s page on the Portico website. Read more

December 18, 2018

The Institute of Rural Health in Lublin is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

The Institute of Rural Health in Lublin is preserving Open Access e-journals with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. The Institute was created after the Second World War by a group of doctors and scientists gathered around Dr. Witold Chodźka (1875-1954), doctor, scholar, social activist and the first Minister of Public Health of the Second Polish Republic. The ongoing task of the Institute is to systematically recognize the specific health needs of the… Read more

December 12, 2018

The Microbiology Society joins Portico

The Microbiology Society is preserving their journals, both subscription and Open Access, with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. The Microbiology Society is a membership charity for scientists interested in microbes, their effects and their practical uses. It is one of the largest microbiology societies in Europe with a worldwide membership based in universities, industry, hospitals, research institutes and schools. The Society’s mission is to advance the understanding and impact of microbiology by… Read more

December 12, 2018

University of Connecticut Library is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

The University of Connecticut Library is preserving the Open Access e-journals Journal for Evidence-based Practice in Correctional Health and The Quiet Corner Interdisciplinary Journal with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. UConn is one of the top public research universities in the nation, with more than 30,000 students pursuing answers to critical questions in labs, lecture halls, and the community. The Journal for Evidence-based Practices in Correctional Health provides an Open Access forum… Read more

December 11, 2018

The Institute of Parasitology is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

The Institute of Parasitology is preserving open access e-journals with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. Established in 1962, the Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences in České Budějovice, performs research on human and animal parasites at the organismal, cellular and molecular levels. Its mission is to acquire, advance, and disseminate knowledge of the biology and host relationships of parasitic protest and related eukaryotic microorganisms, helminths, and arthropods. Read more

December 4, 2018

University of Colorado’s Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

University of Colorado’s Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health (AI/ANs) is preserving their open access e-journal, American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (AIANMHR), with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. The mission of the Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health is to promote the health and well-being of AI/ANs, of all ages, by pursuing research, training, continuing education, technical assistance, and information dissemination within a biopsychosocial framework that… Read more

December 4, 2018

Critical Studies Research Group preserving OA e-journals with Portico

Critical Studies Research Group is preserving their open access e-journal, Critical Studies: Interdisciplinary Journal of the Humanities, with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. The Critical Studies Research Group (CSRG) was founded in 2011 by post-graduate students at the School of Humanities, University of Brighton, with the aim of providing a stimulating forum for the discussion and exploration of critical ideas and practices in light of the socio-political challenges we face today. For… Read more

December 4, 2018

Kowsar Medical Publishing Company is preserving OA e-journals with Portico

Kowsar Medical Publishing Company is preserving open access e-journals with Portico, ensuring that their content will be secure and available into the future. Beginning in 2010, Kowsar Medical Publishing Company was founded as a non-profit science-based institution that would become a medium open access publisher with more than 20 journals to its credit. The Journal of Biomedicine and Hepatitis Monthly have become mainstays in the medical community. For more information, please visit the publisher’s page on the Portico website. Read more