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Titles (25) Information
Unite or Perish: Africa Fifty Years after the Founding of the OAU
Author/Editor: Mammo Muchie,Vusi Gumede,Phindile Lukhele-Olorunju,Hailemichael Teshome Demissie
Sustainability, Climate Change and the Green Economy
Author/Editor: Godwell Nhamo,Vuyo Mjimba
The Social Contract in Africa
Author/Editor: Sanya Osha
Sizonqoba! Outliving AIDS in Southern Africa
Author/Editor: Busani Ngcaweni
Regenerating Africa: Bringing African Solutions to African Problems
Author/Editor: Mammo Muchie,Vusi Gumede,Samuel Oloruntoba,Nicasius Achu Check
Political Parties in South Africa: Do they Undermine or Underpin Democracy?
Author/Editor: Heather A. Thuynsma
Perspectives on Thought Leadership for Africa's Renewal
Author/Editor: Kwandiwe Kondlo
Perspectives on South Africa-China Relations at 15 Years
Author/Editor: Funeka Yazini April,Garth Shelton
Peace Education for Violence Prevention in Fragile African Societies: What's Going to Make a Difference?
Author/Editor: Sylvester B. Maphosa,Alphonse Keasley
Natural and Human-Induced Hazards and Disasters in Africa
Author/Editor: Genene Mulugeta,Thokozani Simelane
Management and Mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa: Input for Mineral Beneficiation in Africa
Author/Editor: Munyaradzi Mujuru,Shingirirai S. Mutanga
Indigenous People in Africa: Contestations, Empowerment and Group Rights
Author/Editor: Ridwan Laher,Korir Sing’Oei
Inclusive Development In AfrIca: Transformation of Global Relations
Author/Editor: Vusi Gumede
The Future We Chose: Emerging Perspectives on the Centenary of the ANC
Author/Editor: Busani Ngcaweni
Future Directions of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Africa
Author/Editor: Romeela Mohee,Thokozani Simelane
Chinua Achebe's Legacy: Illuminations from Africa
Author/Editor: James Ogude
Challenges and Issues facing the Education System in South Africa
Author/Editor: Marekwa Wilfred Legotlo
Building Peace from Within
Author/Editor: Sylvester B. Maphosa,Laura DeLuca,Alphonse Keasley
Breakthrough: Corporate South Africa in a Green Economy
Author/Editor: Godwell Nhamo
The Blue Economy Handbook of the Indian Ocean Region
Author/Editor: Vishva Nath Attri,Narnia Bohler-Muller
Belt and Road Initiative: Alternative Development Path for Africa
Author/Editor: Thokozani Simelane,Lavhelesani Managa
Azerbaijan as a Regional Economic Driver: Opportunities and Challenges
Author/Editor: Sehlare Makgetlaneng
Afrikology and Transdisciplinarity: A Restorative Epistemology
Author/Editor: Dani Wadada Nabudere
The African Union Ten Years After: Solving African Problems with Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance
Author/Editor: Mammo Muchie ,Phindile Lukhele-Olorunju ,Oghenerobor Akpor
Africa at a Crossroads: Future Prospects for Africa after 50 Years of the Organisation of African Unity/African Union
Author/Editor: Shingirirai Savious Mutanga,Thokozani Simelane,Munyaradzi Mujuru,Trynos Gumbo