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Titles ( displaying 500 of 855 ) | Information |
7 Entrepreneurial Leadership Workouts: A Guide to Developing Entrepreneurial Leadership in Teams |
Aboriginal Art and Australian Society: Hope and Disenchantment |
Author/Editor: Laura Fisher
Absolute Freedom: An Interdisciplinary Study |
Author/Editor: Paul Gordon
Action!: Interviews with Directors from Classical Hollywood to Contemporary Iran |
Author/Editor: Gary Morris,Jonathan Rosenbaum
Addiction, Representation and the Experimental Novel, 1985–2015 |
Author/Editor: Heath A. Diehl
Adult Responses to Popular Music and Intergenerational Relations in Britain, 1955–1975 |
Author/Editor: Gillian A. M. Mitchell
Aesthetics and the Cinematic Narrative: An Introduction |
Author/Editor: Michael Peter Bolus
Affect and Realism in Contemporary Brazilian Fiction |
Author/Editor: Karl Erik Schøllhammer,Marco Alexandre de Oliveira
Africa and Economic Policy: Developing a Framework for Policymakers |
Author/Editor: Ferdinand Bakoup
African Cinema and Urbanism |
Author/Editor: Marie-Paule Macdonald
African Memoirs and Cultural Representations: Narrating Traditions |
Author/Editor: Toyin Falola
After Jews: Essays on Political Theology, Shoah and the End of Man |
Author/Editor: Piotr Nowak
Ageing, Corporeality and Embodiment |
An Age of Progress?: Clashing Twentieth-Century Global Forces |
Author/Editor: Walter G. Moss
Aging with a Plan: How a Little Thought Today Can Vastly Improve Your Tomorrow, Second Edition |
Aging within Transnational Families: The Case of Older Peruvians |
Author/Editor: Vincent Horn
The Ahmadis and the Politics of Religious Exclusion in Pakistan |
Author/Editor: ALI USMAN QASMI
Altered Destinations: Self, Society, and Nation in India |
Alternative Modernities in French Travel Writing: Engaging Urban Space in London and New York, 1851–1986 |
Author/Editor: Gillian Jein,Charles Forsdick
Śambūka and the Rāmāyaṇa Tradition: A History of Motifs and Motives in South Asia |
Author/Editor: Aaron Sherraden
American Arabists in the Cold War Middle East, 1946–75: From Orientalism to Professionalism |
Author/Editor: Teresa Fava Thomas
American Horror Story and Cult Television: Narratives, Histories and Discourses |
Author/Editor: Richard J. Hand ,Mark O’Thomas
American Paraliterature and Other Theories to Hijack Communication |
Author/Editor: Blake Stricklin
Analysing American Advice Books for Single Mothers Raising Sons: Essentialism, Culture and Guilt |
Author/Editor: Berit Åström
Anarchism in Local Governance: A Case Study from Finland |
Author/Editor: Stephen Condit
An Anatomy of the Financial Crisis: Blowing Tumbleweed |
Author/Editor: Nashwa Saleh
Angus & Robertson and the British Trade in Australian Books, 1930–1970: The Getting of Bookselling Wisdom |
Author/Editor: JASON D. ENSOR
Animals and Plants in Chinese Religions and Science |
Author/Editor: Huaiyu Chen
The Anthem Companion to Alexis de Tocqueville |
Author/Editor: Daniel Gordon
The Anthem Companion to Alfred Schutz |
Author/Editor: Michael Barber
The Anthem Companion to Auguste Comte |
Author/Editor: Andrew Wernick,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to C. Wright Mills |
Author/Editor: Guy Oakes,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to David Ricardo |
Author/Editor: John E. King
The Anthem Companion to Ernst Troeltsch |
Author/Editor: Christopher Adair-Toteff,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to Erving Goffman |
Author/Editor: Michael Hviid Jacobsen
The Anthem Companion to Everett Hughes |
Author/Editor: Rick Helmes-Hayes,Marco Santoro
The Anthem Companion to Ferdinand Tönnies |
Author/Editor: Christopher Adair-Toteff,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to Gabriel Tarde |
Author/Editor: Robert Leroux
The Anthem Companion to Georg Simmel |
Author/Editor: Thomas Kemple,Olli Pyyhtinen
The Anthem Companion to Hannah Arendt |
Author/Editor: Peter Baehr,Philip Walsh
The Anthem Companion to Harold Garfinkel |
Author/Editor: Philippe Sormani ,Dirk vom Lehn
The Anthem Companion to Immanuel Wallerstein |
Author/Editor: Patrick Hayden ,Chamsy el-Ojeili
The Anthem Companion to Karl Mannheim |
Author/Editor: David Kettler,Volker Meja
The Anthem Companion to Maurice Halbwachs |
Author/Editor: Robert Leroux ,Jean-Christophe Marcel
The Anthem Companion to Max Weber |
Author/Editor: Alan Sica
The Anthem Companion to Émile Durkheim |
Author/Editor: Gregor Fitzi ,Nicola Marcucci
The Anthem Companion to Niklas Luhmann |
Author/Editor: Ralf Rogowski
The Anthem Companion to Norbert Elias |
Author/Editor: Alex Law ,Stephen Mennell
The Anthem Companion to Peter Berger |
Author/Editor: Jonathan B. Imber
The Anthem Companion to Philip Rieff |
Author/Editor: Jonathan B. Imber
The Anthem Companion to Philip Selznick |
Author/Editor: Paul van Seters
The Anthem Companion to Pierre Bourdieu |
Author/Editor: Derek Robbins
The Anthem Companion to Raymond Aron |
Author/Editor: Joachim Stark ,Christopher Adair-Toteff
The Anthem Companion to Raymond Boudon |
Author/Editor: Christian Robitaille ,Robert Leroux
The Anthem Companion to Robert K. Merton |
Author/Editor: Charles Crothers ,Lorenzo Sabetta ,Lawrence Stern
The Anthem Companion to Robert N. Bellah |
Author/Editor: Matteo Bortolini,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to Robert Park |
Author/Editor: Peter Kivisto
The Anthem Companion to Talcott Parsons |
Author/Editor: A. Javier Treviño,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to Thorstein Veblen |
Author/Editor: Sidney Plotkin
The Anthem Dictionary of Literary Terms and Theory |
Author/Editor: Peter Auger
The Anthem Guide to Short Fiction |
Author/Editor: Christopher Linforth
The Anthem Handbook of Screen Theory |
Author/Editor: Hunter Vaughan,Tom Conley
An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century American Science Writing |
Author/Editor: C. R. RESETARITS
The Anthropologist and the Native: Essays for Gananath Obeyesekere |
Author/Editor: H. L. Seneviratne
The Anti-Politics Machine in India: State, Decentralization and Participatory Watershed Development |
Author/Editor: Vasudha Chhotray
Anton Chekhov Through the Eyes of Russian Thinkers: Vasilii Rozanov, Dmitrii Merezhkovskii and Lev Shestov |
Author/Editor: Vasilii Rozanov,Dmitrii Merezhkovskii,Lev Shestov,Olga Tabachnikova,Olga Tabachnikova,Adam Ure,Adam Ure
Antonio Pietrangeli, The Director of Women: Feminism and Film Theory in Postwar Italian Cinema |
Author/Editor: Emma Katherine Van Ness
A. N. Whitehead and Social Theory: Tracing a Culture of Thought |
Author/Editor: Michael Halewood
Apphia Peach, George Lord Lyttelton, and The Correspondents: An Annotated Edition of a Forgotten Gem (1775) |
Author/Editor: MELVYN NEW
Applied Ethics and Human Rights: Conceptual Analysis and Contextual Applications |
Author/Editor: Shashi Motilal
Approaches to the Study of Intercultural Transfer |
Author/Editor: Thomas Adam
Arab Development Denied: Dynamics of Accumulation by Wars of Encroachment |
Author/Editor: Ali Kadri
The Archaeology of War: The History of Violence between the 20th and 21st Centuries |
Author/Editor: Christian Wevelsiep
Art and Design in 1960s New York |
Author/Editor: Amanda Gluibizzi
The Art and Ideology of the Trade Union Emblem, 1850–1925 |
Author/Editor: Annie Ravenhill-Johnson,Paula James
The Art and Science of Sociology: Essays in Honor of Edward A. Tiryakian |
Author/Editor: Roland Robertson,John Simpson,Simon Susen
Artists Activating Sustainability: The Oregon Story |
Author/Editor: Barbara Sellers-Young
The Art of Startups: How to Beat Larger Companies Using Machiavelli’s War Strategies |
Author/Editor: Edoardo Maggini ,Joe Gebbia
Ascetics and Brahmins: Studies in Ideologies and Institutions |
Author/Editor: Patrick Olivelle
The Asia-Pacific in the Age of Transnational Mobility: The Search for Community and Identity on and through Social Media |
Author/Editor: Catherine Gomes
Aspirational Chinese in Competitive Social Repositionings: A Re-Analysis of Societal Dynamics from 1964 to 2000 |
Author/Editor: Jia Gao
Assassination in Colonial Cyprus in 1934 and the Origins of EOKA: Reading the Archives against the Grain |
Author/Editor: Andrekos Varnava
Athletic CEOs: Leadership in Turbulent Times_Second Edition |
Australia as the Antipodal Utopia: European Imaginations From Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Daniel Hempel,Bill Ashcroft
Australian Literature in the German Democratic Republic: Reading through the Iron Curtain |
Author/Editor: Nicole Moore,Christina Spittel
Australian media and the politics of belonging |
Author/Editor: David Nolan,Karen Farquharson,Timothy Marjoribanks
Australian Patriography: How Sons Write Fathers in Contemporary Life Writing |
Author/Editor: Stephen Mansfield
Australian Theatre, Modernism and Patrick White: Governing Culture |
Author/Editor: Denise Varney,Sandra D’Urso,S. E. Gontarski
Australian Women’s Historical Photography: Other Times, Other Views |
Author/Editor: Anne Maxwell ,Lucy Van
Austria Supreme (if it so Wishes) (1684): 'A Strategy for European Economic Supremacy’ |
Author/Editor: Philipp Wilhelm von Hörnigk,Philipp Robinson Rössner,Keith Tribe,Sophus A. Reinert
Authoritarian Collectivism and ‘Real Socialism’: Twentieth Century Trajectory, Twenty-First Century Issues |
Author/Editor: José Maurício Domingues
Bakhtin and his Others: (Inter)subjectivity, Chronotope, Dialogism |
Author/Editor: Liisa Steinby,Tintti Klapuri
Balancing Work and Parenthood: A Comparative Analysis of Parental Leave in Australia, Canada, Germany and Sweden |
Author/Editor: Zarah Denese Ramoso ,Guzyal Hill
Bangladesh Confronts Climate Change: Keeping Our Heads above Water |
Author/Editor: Manoj Roy,Joseph Hanlon,David Hulme
Bauman, Elias and Latour on Modernity and Its Alternatives: Three Contemporary Sociological Theorists on Modernity and Other Options |
Author/Editor: Sandro Segre
The Beaver Bot of Yellowstone: Pure-Play Leadership for the Artificial Intelligence Revolution |
Author/Editor: Al Naqvi,J. Mark Munoz
Becoming – An Anthropological Approach to Understandings of the Person in Java |
Author/Editor: Konstantinos Retsikas
Before Einstein: The Fourth Dimension in Fin-de-Siècle Literature and Culture |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth L. Throesch
Being and Becoming European in Poland: European Integration and Self-Identity |
Author/Editor: Marysia H. Galbraith
Bengal Partition Stories: An Unclosed Chapter |
Author/Editor: Bashabi Fraser,Sheila Sen Gupta,Sarika Chaudhuri,Sarrnistha Dutta Gupta,Jayati Gupta,Somdatta Mandal,Tapati Gupta,Julu Sen,Bashabi Fraser
Bestsellers in Nineteenth-Century America: An Anthology |
Author/Editor: Paul C. Gutjahr
Betwixt and Between: The Biographies of Mary Wollstonecraft |
Author/Editor: Brenda Ayres
Big Research Questions about the Human Condition: A Historian's Will |
Author/Editor: Arne Jarrick
The Bittersweet Vine |
Author/Editor: Marissa de Luna
Black Africa and the US Art World in the Early 20th Century: Aesthetics, White Supremacy |
Author/Editor: P. A. Mullins
Black ‘race’ and the White Supremacy Saga |
Author/Editor: Kehbuma Langmia
Body Parts on Planet Slum: Women and Telenovelas in Brazil |
Author/Editor: Lisa Beljuli Brown
Bollywood and Globalization: Indian Popular Cinema, Nation, and Diaspora |
Author/Editor: Rini Bhattacharya Mehta,Rajeshwari V. Pandharipande
Boundaries, Dynamics and Construction of Traditions in South Asia |
Author/Editor: Federico Squarcini
Brazil and the Transnational Human Rights Movement, 1964-1985 |
Author/Editor: Anna Grimaldi
Brazil’s International Ethanol Strategy: Lula’s Quest for a Global Biofuels Market |
Author/Editor: Thomas Fröhlich
Bread, Politics and Political Economy in the Reign of Louis XV: Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Steven L. Kaplan,Sophus A. Reinert
Brexit: Sociological Responses |
Author/Editor: William Outhwaite
BRICS and Development Alternatives: Innovation Systems and Policies |
The BRICS and the Financing Mechanisms They Created: Progress and Shortcomings |
Author/Editor: Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr.
Bridging Boundaries in British Migration History: In Memoriam Eric Richards |
Author/Editor: Marie Ruiz
Britain and Its Mandate over Palestine: Legal Chicanery on a World Stage |
Author/Editor: John Quigley
British Battles 493–937: Mount Badon to Brunanburh |
Author/Editor: Andrew Breeze
British Encounters with Syrian-Mesopotamian Overland Routes to India, 1751-1795: Rethinking Enlightenment Improvement |
Author/Editor: Mohammad Sakhnini
British Foreign Office Documents on the Macedonian Question, 1919-1941 |
Author/Editor: Ilko Drenkov
The British National Daily Press and Popular Music, c.1956–1975 |
Author/Editor: Gillian A. M. Mitchell
British Women Missionaries in Bengal, 1793–1861 |
Author/Editor: Sutapa Dutta
Bulgaria and Europe: Shifting Identities |
Author/Editor: Stefanos Katsikas
Bulgaria in British Foreign Policy, 1943–1949 |
Author/Editor: Marietta Stankova
California Gothic: The Dark Side of the Dream |
Author/Editor: Charles L. Crow
Can We Live Forever?: A Sociological and Moral Inquiry |
Author/Editor: Bryan S. Turner
Capitalism and Freedom: The Contradictory Character of Globalisation |
Author/Editor: PETER NOLAN
Capital Without Borders: Challenges to Development |
Author/Editor: Ashwini Deshpande
Captain Philip Beaver's African Journal |
Author/Editor: Philip Beaver ,Carol Bolton ,Christopher Brown
The Case for Kosova: Passage to Independence |
Author/Editor: ANNA DI LELLIO
Caste, Entrepreneurship and the Illusions of Tradition: Branding the Potters of Kolkata |
Author/Editor: Geir Heierstad
The Cædmon Manuscript: The Beginnings of English Religious Poetry, I |
Author/Editor: Bernard J. Muir
Central Banking at a Crossroads: Europe and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Charles Goodhart,Daniela Gabor,Jakob Vestergaard,Ismail Ertürk
Challenging Misrepresentations of Black Womanhood: Media, Literature and Theory |
Author/Editor: Marquita M. Gammage,Antwanisha Alameen-Shavers
Challenging the Narrative: Documentary Film as Participatory Practice in Conflict Situations |
Author/Editor: Cahal McLaughlin
A Chance for the World Bank |
Author/Editor: Jozef Ritzen,Joseph Stiglitz
Changes in Attitudes to Immigrants in Britain, 1841-1921: From Foreigner to Alien |
Author/Editor: Ben Braber
Changes in the Higher Education Sector: Contemporary Drivers and the Pursuit of Excellence |
Author/Editor: Khalid Khan ,Dawne Gurbutt ,Rachel Cragg
Changing France: Literature and Material Culture in the Second Empire |
Author/Editor: Anne Green
Chechnya: From Past to Future |
Author/Editor: RICHARD SAKWA
China and Sustainable Development in Latin America: The Social and Environmental Dimension |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Ray,Kevin Gallagher,Andrés López,Cynthia Sanborn
China’s Digital Presence in the Asia-Pacific: Culture, Technology and Platforms |
Author/Editor: Michael Keane ,Haiqing Yu ,Elaine Jing Zhao ,Susan Leong
Chindian Myth of Mulian Rescuing His Mother – On Indic Origins of the Yulanpen Sūtra: Debate and Discussion |
Author/Editor: Xiaohuan Zhao
Chinese Television and Soft Power Communication in Australia |
Author/Editor: Mei Li
Chinese TV in the Netflix Era |
Author/Editor: Xiaying Xu (Richard Xu),Hui Liu
Christian Fiction and Religious Realism in the Novels of Dostoevsky |
Author/Editor: Wil van den Bercken
Christos Tsiolkas and the Fiction of Critique: Politics, Obscenity, Celebrity |
Author/Editor: Andrew McCann
Churchill, Eden and Indo-China, 1951-1955 |
Author/Editor: Nông Văn Dân
Cinema at the Margins |
Cities, Climate Change, and Public Health: Building Human Resilience to Climate Change at the Local Level |
Author/Editor: Ella Jisun Kim
Citizenship and Statelessness in Sri Lanka: The Case of the Tamil Estate Workers |
The City as Fulcrum of Global Sustainability |
Author/Editor: Ernest J. Yanarella,Richard S. Levine
A City Divided: Race, Fear and the Law in Police Confrontations |
Author/Editor: DAVID A. HARRIS
Civilizing Missions in Colonial and Postcolonial South Asia: From Improvement to Development |
Author/Editor: Carey A. Watt,Michael Mann
The Clash of Globalizations: Essays on the Political Economy of Trade and Development Policy |
Author/Editor: Kevin P. Gallagher
Classical Economics Today: Essays in Honor of Alessandro Roncaglia |
Author/Editor: Marcella Corsi,Jan Kregel,Carlo D’Ippoliti
Climate Change and Global Equity |
Author/Editor: Frank Ackerman,Elizabeth A. Stanton
Climate Change and the Future of Seattle |
Author/Editor: Yonn Dierwechter
Climate Uncertainty and Risk: Rethinking Our Response |
Author/Editor: Judith A. Curry
The Cold War in the 1950s |
Author/Editor: Nicolas Lewkowicz
Collaboration in Space and the Search for Peace on Earth |
Author/Editor: Andrew L. Jenks
The Collected Works of Ann Hawkshaw |
Author/Editor: Ann Hawkshaw,Debbie Bark
Collective Complaints As a Means for Protecting Social Rights in Europe |
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Palmisano
Colombian Gothic in Cinema and Literature |
Author/Editor: Gabriel Eljaiek-Rodríguez
The Colonial and National Formations of the National College of Arts, Lahore, circa 1870s to 1960s: De-scripting the Archive |
Author/Editor: Nadeem Omar Tarar
Colonial Childhoods: The Juvenile Periphery of India 1850-1945 |
Author/Editor: SATADRU SEN
Colonialism and Transnational Psychiatry: The Development of an Indian Mental Hospital in British India, c. 1925–1940 |
Colonial Urbanism in the Age of the Enlightenment: The Spanish Bourbon Reforms in the River Plate |
Author/Editor: Claudia Murray
Commitment in the Artistic Practice of Aref el-Rayess: The Changing of Horses |
Author/Editor: Natasha Gasparian
Communication and Colonialism in Eastern India: Bihar, 1760s–1880s |
Author/Editor: Nitin Sinha
Competitiveness and Development: Myth and Realities |
Author/Editor: Mehdi Shafaeddin,Erik S. Reinert
The Complete Guide to Business School Presenting: What your professors don't tell you... What you absolutely must know |
Complexity of Transboundary Water Conflicts: Enabling Conditions for Negotiating Contingent Resolutions |
Author/Editor: Enamul Choudhury,Shafiqul Islam,Lawrence Susskind
Conceptions of Dreaming from Homer to 1800 |
Author/Editor: G. W. Pigman III
Conditioning Democratization: Institutional Reforms and EU Membership Conditionality in Albania and Macedonia |
Author/Editor: Ridvan Peshkopia
Conduct Books and the History of the Ideal Woman |
Author/Editor: Tabitha Kenlon
Conflict and Sustainability in a Changing Environment: Through the Eyes of Communities |
Author/Editor: Gwendolyn Smith,Elena P. Bastidas
Confronting the Irish Past: The 1912-1923 Decade in Light of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement |
Author/Editor: Séamus Murphy
The Constitution of Shelley's Poetry: The Argument of Language in Prometheus Unbound |
Author/Editor: EDWARD T. DUFFY
Constraining Development: The Shrinking of Policy Space in the International Trade Regime |
Author/Editor: Rachel Denae Thrasher
Consumerism and Prestige: The Materiality of Literature in the Modern Age |
Author/Editor: Anthony Enns ,Bernhard Metz
Consumer Nationalism in China: Examining Its Critical Impact On Multinational Businesses |
Author/Editor: Maggie Ying Jiang
Consumption, Cities and States: Comparing Singapore with Asian and Western Cities |
Author/Editor: Ann Brooks,Lionel Wee
Contemporary Art, World Cinema, and Visual Culture: Essays by Hamid Dabashi |
Author/Editor: Hamid Keshmirshekan
Contemporary Media Art in Ireland |
Author/Editor: James O’Sullivan
Corporate Wrongdoing and the Art of the Accusation |
Author/Editor: Robert R. Faulkner
The Craft of Professional Writing: A Guide for Amateur and Professional Writers |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Malone
Creating Irish Tourism: The First Century, 1750-1850 |
Author/Editor: William H. A. Williams
The Creation of Markets for Ecosystem Services in the United States: The Challenge of Trading Places |
Author/Editor: Mattijs van Maasakkers
Creativity and "the Paris Review" Interviews: A Discourse Analysis of Famous Writers' Composing Practices |
Author/Editor: Ronda Leathers Dively
The Creativity Hoax: Precarious Work in the Gig Economy |
Author/Editor: George Morgan,Pariece Nelligan
Crime, Criminality and Injustice: An Interdisciplinary Collection of Revelations |
Author/Editor: Simon Prideaux ,Mustapha Sheikh ,Adam Formby
Crime Fiction in the Age of #MeToo |
Author/Editor: Charlotte Beyer
Crimes of States and Powerful Elites: A Collection of Case Studies |
Author/Editor: Claudia Radiven ,Simon Prideaux
The Critical Situation: Vexed Perspectives in Postmodern Literary Studies |
Author/Editor: Robert T. Tally Jr.
The Crossroads of Crime Writing: Unseen Structures and Uncertain Spaces |
Author/Editor: Meghan P. Nolan ,Rebecca Martin
Crowds in American Culture, Society and Politics: A Psychosocial Semiotic Analysis |
Author/Editor: Arthur Asa Berger
Cultivating Gardens of God: A Paradigm Shift in Faith |
Author/Editor: Ananta Kumar Giri
The Cultural Construction of Monstrous Children: Essays on Anomalous Children From 1595 to the Present Day |
Author/Editor: Simon Bacon ,Leo Ruickbie
The Cultural Dimensions of Peacebuilding |
Author/Editor: Marty Branagan
A Cultural History of the Bushranger Legend in Theatres and Cinemas, 1828–2017 |
Author/Editor: Andrew James Couzens
Cultural Processes of Inequality:A Sociological Perspective |
Author/Editor: Amanda Udis-Kessler
Cultural Theory in the Films of Alfred Hitchcock |
Author/Editor: Gary McCarron
Culture and Conflicts in Sierra Leone Mining: Strangers, Aliens, Spirits |
Author/Editor: Fenda A. Akiwumi
The Dancing Body in Renaissance Choreography: Kinetic Theatricality and Social Interaction |
Author/Editor: Mark Franko
The Dao of Civilization: a Letter to China |
Author/Editor: Freya Mathews
The Dark Side of News Fixing: The Culture and Political Economy of Global Media in Pakistan and Afghanistan |
Author/Editor: Syed Irfan Ashraf
Darwin, Tennyson and Their Readers: Explorations in Victorian Literature and Science |
Author/Editor: Valerie Purton
Datafication of Public Opinion and the Public Sphere: How Extraction Replaced Expression of Opinion |
Author/Editor: Slavko Splichal
The Death Census of Black ’47 : Eyewitness Accounts of Ireland’s Great Famine |
Author/Editor: Liam Kennedy ,Donald MacRaild ,Lewis Darwen ,Brian Gurrin
Death of a Butterfly |
Author/Editor: Simon Brown
Decadent Verse: An Anthology of Late-Victorian Poetry, 1872-1900 |
Author/Editor: Caroline Blyth
Decolonial Mourning and the Caring Commons: Migration-Coloniality Necropolitics and Conviviality Infrastructure |
Author/Editor: Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez
Decolonial Perspectives on Entangled Inequalities: Europe and The Caribbean |
Author/Editor: Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez ,Rhoda Reddock
Decolonizing the Diet: Nutrition, Immunity, and the Warning from Early America |
Author/Editor: Gideon A. Mailer,Nicola E. Hale
Defining Hybrid Heroes: The Leadership Spectrum from Scoundrel to Saint |
Author/Editor: Inge Brokerhof ,Stephan Sonnenburg ,Greg Stone
Dementia and Alzheimer's: Solving the Practical and Policy Challenges |
Author/Editor: James O’Reilly,Rhonna Shatz
Democracy, Social Justice and the Role of Trade Unions: We the Working People |
Author/Editor: Caroline Kelly ,Joo-Cheong Tham ,Sally McManus
Democratic Management of an Ecosystem Under Threat: The People's Reefs |
Author/Editor: Kelly Dunning ,Amanda Alva ,Sabine Bailey ,Daniel Morris ,Kasen Wally ,Ryan Williamson
The Democratization Project: Opportunities and Challenges |
The Demographic Dividend and the Power of Youth: Voices from the Global Diplomacy Lab |
Author/Editor: Eirliani Abdul Rahman ,ElsaMarie D’Silva ,Sonja Peteranderl ,Michael Schaefer
The Deoband Madrassah Movement: Countercultural Trends and Tendencies |
Author/Editor: Muhammad Moj
Design in Airline Travel Posters 1920-1970: A Semiology and Sociocultural History |
Author/Editor: David Scott
Developing Africa?: New Horizons with Afrocentricity |
Author/Editor: Lehasa Moloi ,Molefi Kete Asante
The Development of a Theory of Social Structure and Personality |
Author/Editor: Melvin L. Kohn
Development Without Aid: The Decline of Development Aid and the Rise of the Diaspora |
Author/Editor: DAVID A. PHILLIPS
Dialogics of Self, the Mahabharata and Culture: The History of Understanding and Understanding of History |
Author/Editor: Lakshmi Bandlamudi
Dialogues on Beckett: Whatever Happened to God? |
Author/Editor: Antoni Libera,Janusz Pyda,Agnieszka Kolakowska
The Diaries of Frank Hurley 1912-1941 |
Author/Editor: Robert Dixon,Christopher Lee
Dickens and the Sentimental Tradition: Fielding, Richardson, Sterne, Goldsmith, Sheridan, Lamb |
Author/Editor: Valerie Purton
Digital Immersive Art in China: Rejuvenation and Cultural Presence |
Author/Editor: Xinyang Zhao
The Digital World of Sport: The Impact of Emerging Media on Sports News, Information and Journalism |
Author/Editor: Sam Duncan
Discourse on Applied Sociology: Volume 1: Theoretical Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Samir Dasgupta,Robyn Driskell
Discourse on Applied Sociology: Volume 2: Practising Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Samir Dasgupta,Robyn Driskell
Dispossession and the Making of Jedda (1955): Hollywood in Ngunnawal Country |
Author/Editor: Catherine Kevin
Doing Gender in Heavy Metal: Perceptions on Women in a Hypermasculine Subculture |
Author/Editor: Anna S. Rogers ,Mathieu Deflem
The Domains of Identity: A Framework for Understanding Identity Systems in Contemporary Society |
Author/Editor: Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young
Dostoevsky and the Dynamics of Religious Experience |
Author/Editor: MALCOLM JONES
Dostoevsky's The Idiot and the Ethical Foundations of Narrative: Reading, Narrating, Scripting |
Author/Editor: Sarah J Young
Dramatic Movement of African American Women: The Intersections of Race, Gender and Class |
Author/Editor: Yuvraj Nimbaji Herode
Dream and Literary Creation in Women’s Writings in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries |
Author/Editor: Isabelle Hervouet ,Anne Rouhette
Dreams and Dialogues in Dylan’s "Time Out of Mind" |
Author/Editor: Graley Herren
The Drivers and Outcomes of Global Health Diplomacy: Lessons from Brazilian Health Cooperation in Mozambique |
Author/Editor: Maria Berta Ecija
Early Buddhism as Philosophy of Existence: Freedom and Death |
Author/Editor: Susan E. Babbitt
Early Merchant Families of Sydney: Speculation and Risk Management on the Fringes of Empire |
Author/Editor: Janette HOLCOMB
The Early Roxburghe Club 1812–1835: Book Club Pioneers and the Advancement of English Literature |
Author/Editor: Shayne Husbands
Economic Development and Financial Instability: Selected Essays |
Author/Editor: Jan A. Kregel,Rainer Kattel,G. C. Harcourt
Economic Development of Caricom: From Early Colonial Times to the Present |
Author/Editor: Winston H. Griffith
Economic Development of Emerging East Asia: Catching Up of Taiwan and South Korea |
Author/Editor: Frank S. T. Hsiao,Mei-Chu Wang Hsiao
Economics for People and the Planet: Inequality in the Era of Climate Change |
Author/Editor: James K. Boyce
The Economics of the Yasuní Initiative: Climate Change as if Thermodynamics Mattered |
Author/Editor: Joseph Henry Vogel,Graciela Chichilnisky
The Economic Turn: Recasting Political Economy in Enlightenment Europe |
Author/Editor: Steven L. Kaplan,Sophus A. Reinert
Economists and the Powerful: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards |
Author/Editor: Norbert Häring,Niall Douglas
Edward FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám: A Famous Poem and Its Influence |
Author/Editor: William H. Martin,Sandra Mason
Eight Years on Sakhalin: A Political Prisoner’s Memoir |
Author/Editor: Ivan P. Iuvachëv ,Andrew A. Gentes
Eisenhower and the Art of Collaborative Leadership |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Weisbrode
Elegy for an Age: The Presence of the Past in Victorian Literature |
Author/Editor: John D. Rosenberg
Elegy for Literature |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey T. Nealon
The Embodiment and Transmission of Ghanaian Kete Royal Dance: From Palace to Academy |
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Cudjoe
Emerging Market Economies and Financial Globalization: Argentina, Brazil, China, India and South Korea |
Author/Editor: Leonardo E. Stanley,Kevin Gallagher,Jayati Ghosh
Emerging Thoughts in Disability and Humanness |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth DePoy ,Stephen French Gilson
Empire and the Animal Body: Violence, Identity and Ecology in Victorian Adventure Fiction |
Author/Editor: John Miller
Empirical Assessment in IHL Education and Training: Better Protection for Civilians and Detainees in Armed Conflict |
Author/Editor: Jody M. Prescott
The End of the World and the Last God |
Author/Editor: PIERRE-HENRI DARGENSON ,M. James Christie
Energy for Development: Twenty-first Century Challenges of Reform and Liberalization in Developing Countries |
Author/Editor: Rangaswamy Vedavalli
English Language, Literature and Creative Writing: A Practical Guide for Students |
Author/Editor: Sarah Dobbs,Val Jessop,Devon Campbell-Hall,Terry McDonough,Cath Nichols
Enlightenment Travel and British Identities: Thomas Pennant's Tours of Scotland and Wales |
Author/Editor: Mary-Ann Constantine,Nigel Leask
Entrepreneurial Living: 7 Steps to Entrepreneurial Happiness |
Author/Editor: Dietmar Grichnik
Environmental Problem-Solving – A Video-Enhanced Self-Instructional e-Book from MIT: An Overview of the Tools of Environmental Policy-Making and Decision-Making |
Author/Editor: Lawrence Susskind,Bruno Verdini,Jessica Gordon,Yasmin Zaerpoor
Environmental Problem-Solving: Balancing Science and Politics Using Consensus Building Tools: Guided Readings and Assignments from MIT’s Training Program for Environmental Professionals |
Author/Editor: Lawrence Susskind,Bruno Verdini,Jessica Gordon,Yasmin Zaerpoor
Epic Ambitions in Modern Times: From Paradise Lost to the New Millennium |
Author/Editor: Robert Crossley
Ernst Cassirer and the Critical Science of Germany, 1899–1919 |
Author/Editor: Gregory B. Moynahan
Essays in Celebrity Culture: Stars and Styles |
Author/Editor: Pramod K. Nayar
Essays on Philosophy, Praxis and Culture: An Eclectic, Provocative and Prescient Collection |
Author/Editor: Lou Marinoff ,Rick Repetti
Ethical Teachings of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī: Economics of Happiness |
Author/Editor: Sami Al-Daghistani
The Ethics of Personal Data Collection in International Relations Inclusionism in the Time of COVID-19 |
Author/Editor: Colette Mazzucelli ,James Felton Keith ,C. Ann Hollifield
Ethnographies of Grey Zones in Eastern Europe: Relations, Borders and Invisibilities |
Author/Editor: Ida Harboe Knudsen,Martin Demant Frederiksen
European Trade and Colonial Conquest: Volume 1 |
Evgeny Boratynsky and the Russian Golden Age: Unstudied Words That Wove and Wavered |
Author/Editor: Anatoly Liberman
Experiencing Globalization: Religion in Contemporary Contexts |
Author/Editor: Derrick M. Nault,Bei Dawei,Evangelos Voulgarakis,Rab Paterson,Cesar Andres-Miguel Suva
Explorations in Twentieth-century Theology and Philosophy: People Preoccupied with God |
Author/Editor: Ann Loades ,Stephen Burns ,Simon Oliver ,Robert MacSwain
Explorations of a Mind-Traveling Sociologist |
Author/Editor: Renée C. Fox ,Anne Fadiman
Exploring Animal Crossing: Law, Culture and Business |
Author/Editor: Bruce Baer Arnold
Extending Hinge Epistemology |
Author/Editor: Constantine Sandis ,Danièle Moyal-Sharrock
Fabricating Authenticity in Soviet Hungary: The Afterlife of the First Hungarian Soviet Republic in the Age of State Socialism |
Author/Editor: Péter Apor
Fair Value in Accounting: From Theory to Practice |
Author/Editor: Shlomi Shuv ,Yevgeni Ostrovsky
Fairy Chimney Soda |
Author/Editor: Ercan Kesal ,Alexander Dawe
Farewell, My Beautiful Homeland |
Author/Editor: Ahmet Ümit,Rakesh Jobanputra
Fashion as Cultural Translation: Signs, Images, Narratives |
Author/Editor: Patrizia Calefato,Alessandro Bucci
Fashioning the Dandy: Style and Manners |
Author/Editor: Olga Vainshtein ,Sofia Horujaya-Cook
Fat China: How Expanding Waistlines are Changing a Nation |
Author/Editor: Paul French,Matthew Crabbe
Festivals, Affect and Identity: A Deleuzian Apprenticeship in Central Italian Communities |
Author/Editor: Lita Crociani-Windland
Fighting Scholars: Habitus and Ethnographies of Martial Arts and Combat Sports |
Author/Editor: Raúl Sánchez García,Dale C. Spencer
The Films of Adoor Gopalakrishnan: A Cinema of Emancipation |
Author/Editor: Suranjan Ganguly
The Films of John Schlesinger |
Author/Editor: Julia Prewitt Brown
The Final Curtain: The Art of Dying on Stage |
Author/Editor: Laurence Senelick
Financial Engineering of Climate Investment in Developing Countries: Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action and How to Finance It |
Author/Editor: Søren E. Lütken
Financial Macroeconomics |
Author/Editor: Jan Kregel
Finding Queensland in Australian Cinema: Poetics and Screen Geographies |
Author/Editor: Allison Craven,Katherine Bode,Nicole Moore
Finding the Way to 'Long Day's Journey Into Night': Eugene O'Neill and Carlotta Monterey O'Neill at Tao House |
Author/Editor: William Davies King
A First Course in Functional Analysis: Theory and Applications |
Author/Editor: Rabindranath Sen
First Letters After Exile by Thomas Mann, Hannah Arendt, Ernst Bloch, and Others |
Author/Editor: David Kettler ,Detlef Garz
FitzGerald's Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám: Popularity and Neglect |
Author/Editor: Adrian Poole,Christine van Ruymbeke,William H. Martin,Sandra Mason
Foreign Aid to the Gaza Strip between Trusteeship and De-Development |
Author/Editor: Ahmed H. Tannira
Forgotten Blood: Indian Soldiers in Europe during World War I |
Author/Editor: KAMALJIT S. SOOD
Fortified Cities of Ancient India: A Comparative Study |
Author/Editor: Dieter Schlingloff
Four Augustan Science Poets: Abraham Cowley, James Thomson, Henry Brooke, Erasmus Darwin |
Author/Editor: Richard Hillyer
Frameworks for Scientific and Technological Research oriented by Transdisciplinary Co-Production |
Author/Editor: Lillian Maria Araujo de Rezende Alvares ,Patricia de Sá Freire
Frank Norris and American Naturalism |
Author/Editor: Donald Pizer
French Welfare State Reform: Idealism versus Swedish, New Zealand and Dutch Pragmatism |
Author/Editor: James Angresano
From Happy Homemaker to Desperate Housewives: Motherhood and Popular Television |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Feasey
From the ‘Troubles’ to Trumpism: Ireland and America, 1960–2023 |
Author/Editor: Stephen Watt
Fronsperger and Laffemas: 16th-century Precursors of Modern Economic Ideas |
Author/Editor: Leonhard Fronsperger ,Barthélemy de Laffemas ,Erik S. Reinert ,Philipp Robinson Rössner
Fundamentals of Planning Cities for Healthy Living |
Author/Editor: Avi Friedman ,Alexandra Pollock
Gamle Norge and Nineteenth-Century British Women Travellers in Norway |
Author/Editor: Kathryn Walchester
Gaucho Dialogues on Leadership and Management |
Gender, Sexuality and Feminism in Pakistani Urdu Writing |
Author/Editor: Amina Yaqin
A Genealogy of Method: Anthropology’s Ancestors and the Meaning of Culture |
Author/Editor: Sondra L. Hausner
General and Periodic Crises of Overproduction |
Author/Editor: Jean Lescure ,D’Maris Coffman ,Ali Kabiri ,Nicholas Di Liberto ,Nicholas Di Liberto
George Eliot's Grammar of Being |
Author/Editor: Melissa Anne Raines
George Orwell’s Commander in Spain: The Enigma of Georges Kopp |
Author/Editor: Marc Wildemeersch
Global Connections and Emerging Inequalities in Europe: Perspectives on Poverty and Transnational Migration |
Author/Editor: Deema Kaneff,Frances Pine
Global Green Shift: When Ceres Meets Gaia |
Author/Editor: JOHN A. MATHEWS
Globalization and Challenges to Building Peace |
Globalization, Nationalism and the Text of ‘Kichaka-Vadha’: The First English Translation of the Marathi Anticolonial Classic, with a Historical Analysis of Theatre in British India |
Author/Editor: Rakesh H. Solomon
Globalization, the Human Condition and Sustainable Development in the Twenty-first Century: Cross-national Perspectives and European Implications |
Author/Editor: Arno Tausch,Almas Heshmati
Globalizing India: Perspectives from Below |
Global Villages: Rural and Urban Transformations in Contemporary Bulgaria |
Author/Editor: Ger Duijzings
Gothic Appalachian Literature |
Author/Editor: Sarah Robertson
Gothic Kernow: Cornwall as Strange Fiction |
Author/Editor: Tanya Krzywinska ,Ruth Heholt
The Gothic Literature and History of New England: Secrets of the Restless Dead |
Author/Editor: Faye Ringel
Gothic Travel through Haunted Landscapes: Climates of Fear |
Author/Editor: Lucie Armitt ,Scott Brewster
Govind Narayan's Mumbai: An Urban Biography from 1863 |
Author/Editor: Murali Ranganathan,Gyan Prakash
Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, Princess Isabel and the Ending of Servile Labour in Russia and Brazil |
Author/Editor: Shane O’Rourke
Grand-Guignol Cinema and the Horror Genre: Sinister Tableaux of Dread, Corporeality and the Senses |
Author/Editor: Mario DeGiglio-Bellemare
'Grease Is the Word': Exploring a Cultural Phenomenon |
Author/Editor: Oliver Gruner ,Peter Krämer
The Great Illustrators of Edgar Allan Poe |
Author/Editor: Tony Magistrale ,Jessica Slayton
Guardians of the Jesus Gene |
Author/Editor: PETER R. HALL
A Guide to Marx's 'Capital' Vols I–III |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Smith
A Guide to What's Wrong with Economics |
Author/Editor: Edward Fullbrook
Gulf Gothic: Mexico, the U.S. South and La Llorona’s Undead Voices |
Author/Editor: Dolores Flores-Silva ,Keith Cartwright
Habermas and Giddens on Praxis and Modernity: A Constructive Comparison |
Author/Editor: Craig Browne,Peter Kivisto
Hacking Digital Ethics |
Author/Editor: Andréa Belliger ,David J. Krieger
Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation: Policy and Government Applications |
Author/Editor: Al Naqvi ,J. Mark Munoz
H.G. Wells and All Things Russian |
Author/Editor: Galya Diment
The Hidden Form of Capital: Spiritual Influences in Societal Progress |
Author/Editor: Peter L. Berger,Gordon Redding
A History of Three-Dimensional Cinema |
Author/Editor: David A. Cook
Holland House and Portugal, 1793–1840: English Whiggery and the Constitutional Cause in Iberia |
Author/Editor: José Baptista de Sousa,John Clarke,Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa
Hometown Hamburg: Artisans and the Political Struggle for Social Order in the Weimar Republic |
Author/Editor: Frank Domurad
Horror and the Horror Film |
Author/Editor: BRUCE F. KAWIN
Horwitz Publications, Pulp Fiction and the Rise of the Australian Paperback |
Author/Editor: Andrew Nette
How America was Tricked on Tax Policy: Secrets and Undisclosed Practices |
How Not to Be Human: The Inhumanist Philosophy of Robinson Jeffers |
Author/Editor: Matthew Calarco
How to Find Work in the 21st Century: A Guide to Finding Employment in Today’s Workplace |
Author/Editor: Ron McGowan
How Transformative Innovations Shaped the Rise of Nations: From Ancient Rome to Modern America |
Human Resource Policy: Connecting Strategy with Real-World Practice |
Author/Editor: Mike Fazey
Human Rights, Security Politics and Embodiment |
Author/Editor: Aneira J. Edmunds
Humor 2.0: How the Internet Changed Humor |
Author/Editor: Salvatore Attardo
IB Biology Revision Workbook |
Author/Editor: Roxanne Russo
IB Music Revision Guide 2nd Edition: Everything you need to prepare for the Music Listening Examination (Standard and Higher Level 2016-2019), Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Roger Paul
IB Music Revision Guide, 3rd Edition: Everything you need to prepare for the Music Listening Examination (Standard and Higher Level 2019–2021) |
Author/Editor: Roger Paul
Iconomy: Towards a Political Economy of Images |
Author/Editor: Terry Smith
ICTs and Development in India: Perspectives on the Rural Network Society |
Author/Editor: T. T. Sreekumar,Anthony P. D’Costa
Imagined Mobility: Migration and Transnationalism among Indian Students in Australia |
Author/Editor: Michiel Baas
Imagining Gender, Nation, and Consumerism in Magazines of the 1920s |
Author/Editor: Rachael Alexander
The IMF and the World Bank at Sixty |
Author/Editor: ARIEL BUIRA
An Immigrant Nation Seeks Cohesion: Australia from 1788 |
Author/Editor: James Jupp,Timothy Marjoribanks,Joo-Cheong Tham
The ImpactAssets Handbook for Investors: Generating Social and Environmental Value through Capital Investing |
Author/Editor: JED EMERSON
The importance of sentiment in promoting reasonableness in children |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Pritchard
Improvisations of Empire: Thomas Pringle in Scotland, the Cape Colony and London, 1789–1834 |
Author/Editor: Matthew Shum
In Defense of Reason After Hegel: Why We Are So Wise |
Author/Editor: Richard Dien Winfield
In Defense of Reason After Hegel: Why We Are So Wise |
Author/Editor: Richard Dien Winfield
India and China: Interactions through Buddhism and Diplomacy: A Collection of Essays by Professor Prabodh Chandra Bagchi |
Author/Editor: Prabodh Chandra Bagchi,Bangwei Wang,Tansen Sen
India and the World Bank: The Politics of Aid and Influence |
Author/Editor: Jason A. Kirk
The Indian Uprising of 1857-8: Prisons, Prisoners and Rebellion |
Author/Editor: Clare Anderson
Individuals and Small Groups in Jewish Resistance to the Holocaust: A Case Study of a Young Couple and their Friends |
Author/Editor: Ben Braber
The Influence of José da Silva Lisboa’s Journalism on the Independence of Brazil (1821-1822) |
Author/Editor: Guilherme Celestino
Information Technologies and Economic Development in Latin America |
Author/Editor: Alberto Chong,Mónica Yáñez-Pagans
The Inherence of Human Dignity: Foundations of Human Dignity, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Angus J. L. Menuge ,Barry W. Bussey
The Inherence of Human Dignity: Law and Religious Liberty, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Barry W. Bussey ,Angus J. L. Menuge
The Inner World of Research: On Academic Labor |
Author/Editor: Stefan Svallfors
Inside Australian Culture: Legacies of Enlightenment Values |
Author/Editor: Baden Offord,Erika Kerruish,Rob Garbutt,Adele Wessell,Kirsten Pavlovic,Ashis Nandy,Vinay Lal
Insight and Illusion: Themes in the Philosophy of Wittgenstein, 3rd Edition |
Author/Editor: P.M.S. HACKER ,Constantine Sandis
Intellectual Entertainments: Eight Dialogues on Mind, Consciousness and Thought |
Author/Editor: P. M. S. Hacker
Intercultural Understanding After Wittgenstein |
Author/Editor: Carla Carmona ,David Pérez-Chico ,Chon Tejedor
An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Wildlife Corridors: Conservation, Compassion and Connectivity |
Author/Editor: Amy D. Propen
International Broadcasting and Its Contested Role in Australian Statecraft: Middle Power, Smart Power |
Author/Editor: Geoff Heriot
Internationalisation of Post-1992 UK Universities: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly |
Author/Editor: PETER BRADY
International LGBTQ+ Literature for Children and Young Adults |
Author/Editor: B. J. Epstein ,Elizabeth L. Chapman
International Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence |
Author/Editor: J. Mark Munoz ,Alka Maurya
International Scientific Relations: Science, Technology and Innovation in the International System of the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Francisco Del Canto Viterale
Interpersonal Encounters in Contemporary Travel Writing: French and Italian Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Catharine Mee
In the Name of Security – Secrecy, Surveillance and Journalism |
Author/Editor: Johan Lidberg,Denis Muller
In the World of the Outcasts: Notes of a Former Penal Laborer, Volume II |
Author/Editor: Pëtr Filippovich Iakubovich,Andrew A. Gentes
An Introduction to Changing India: Culture, Politics and Development |
Author/Editor: Sirpa Tenhunen,Minna Säävälä
Invented History, Fabricated Power: Narratives Shaping Civilizations |
Author/Editor: Barry Wood
Ireland’s Great Famine, Britain’s Great Failure |
Author/Editor: William H. A. Williams
Éirinn & Iran go Brách: Iran in Irish-nationalist historical, literary, cultural, and political imaginations from the late-18th century to 1921 |
Author/Editor: Mansour Bonakdarian
Iron Lazar: A Political Biography of Lazar Kaganovich |
Author/Editor: E. A. Rees
ISIS and the Pornography of Violence |
Author/Editor: Simon Cottee
Islamic Ethos and the Specter of Modernity |
Author/Editor: Farzin Vahdat
Islamic Leadership and the State in Eurasia |
Author/Editor: Galina M. Yemelianova
Islands, Identity and the Literary Imagination |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth McMahon
Jane Austen and her Readers, 1786–1945 |
Author/Editor: Katie Halsey
Jane Austen’s Aunt Behind Bars: Writers and their Criminal Relatives and Associates, 1700–1900 |
Author/Editor: Stephen Wade
Jane Austen's Families |
Author/Editor: June Sturrock
John Keble in Context |
Author/Editor: Kirstie Blair
John Ruskin and Nineteenth-Century Education |
Author/Editor: Valerie Purton,Robert Douglas-Fairhurst
Joseph Karo and Shaping of Modern Jewish Law: The Early Modern Ottoman and Global Settings |
Author/Editor: Roni Weinstein
Journalism and the Metaverse |
Author/Editor: John V. Pavlik
Joycean Possibilities: A Margot Norris Legacy |
Author/Editor: Joseph Valente ,Vicki Mahaffey ,Kezia Whiting
Judge Knot: Politics and Development in International Investment Law |
Author/Editor: Todd N. Tucker
Judicial Dispute Resolution: New Roles for Judges in Ensuring Justice |
Author/Editor: Lawrence Susskind ,William Tilleman ,Nicolás Parra-Herrera
Julia Wedgwood, The Unexpected Victorian: The Life and Writing of a Remarkable Female Intellectual |
Author/Editor: Sue Brown
Karl Marx's 'Capital': A Guide to Volumes I–III |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Smith
Kenya and the Politics of a Postcolony |
Author/Editor: Wanjala S. Nasong’o
Keywords for Travel Writing Studies: A Critical Glossary |
Author/Editor: Charles Forsdick,Zoë Kinsley,Kathryn Walchester
Kid Power, Inequalities and Intergenerational Relations |
Author/Editor: Clara Rübner Jørgensen ,Michael Wyness
Kinematic Rhetoric: Non-Discursive, Time-Affect Images in Motion |
Author/Editor: Joddy Murray
Knowledge and Human Liberation: Towards Planetary Realizations |
Author/Editor: Ananta Kumar Giri
Knowledge Evolution and Societal Transformations: Action Theory to Solve Adaptive Problems |
Author/Editor: Jerald Hage
Kunqu Masters on Chinese Theatrical Performance |
Author/Editor: Yip Siu Hing ,Masters’ Studio,Josh Stenberg ,Josh Stenberg ,Kim Hunter Gordon ,Guo Chao ,Anne Rebull ,Wintergreen Kunqu Society,Chang Tong-Ching
The Labyrinth of Sustainability: Green Business Lessons from Latin American Corporate Leaders |
Author/Editor: Daniel C. Esty
La economía de la Iniciativa Yasuní-ITT: Cambio climático como si importara la termodinámica |
Author/Editor: Joseph Henry Vogel,Iván Humberto Jiménez-Williams,Graciela Chichilnisky,José Manuel Hermida,Janny Robles
Land and Agrarian Transformation in Zimbabwe: Rethinking Rural Livelihoods in the Aftermath of the Land Reforms |
Author/Editor: Grasian Mkodzongi
Land Dispossession and Everyday Politics in Rural Eastern India |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Bo Nielsen
The Language Experience Approach and the Science of Literacy Instruction |
Author/Editor: Elaine Traynelis Yurek ,Mary Winifred Strong
Language, Mind and Value: Essays on Wittgenstein |
Author/Editor: Severin Schroeder
Language, Texts, and Society: Explorations in Ancient Indian Culture and Religion |
Author/Editor: Patrick Olivelle
Late Victorian Orientalism: Representations of the East in Nineteenth-Century Literature, Art and Culture from the Pre-Raphaelites to John La Farge |
Author/Editor: Eleonora Sasso
Latin American Foreign Policies in the New World Order: The Active Non-Alignment Option |
Author/Editor: Carlos Fortin ,Jorge Heine ,Carlos Ominami
Law and Humanities |
Author/Editor: Daniel Newman ,Russell Sandberg
The Learning Economy and the Economics of Hope |
Author/Editor: Bengt-Åke Lundvall
Learning from Franz L. Neumann - Law, Theory, and the Brute Facts of Political Life |
Author/Editor: David Kettler,Thomas Wheatland
Lebanon and the Split of Life: Bearing Witness through the Art of Nabil Kanso |
Author/Editor: Meriam Soltan
The Legacy of Pierre Bourdieu: Critical Essays |
Author/Editor: Simon Susen,Bryan S. Turner
Legal Identity, Race and Belonging in the Dominican Republic: From Citizen to Foreigner |
Author/Editor: Eve Hayes de Kalaf
Liberalization, Financial Instability and Economic Development |
Author/Editor: Yilmaz Akyüz
Liberal Peace In Question: Politics of State and Market Reform in Sri Lanka |
Author/Editor: Kristian Stokke,Jayadeva Uyangoda
Life Chances, Education and Social Movements |
Author/Editor: Lyle Munro
Line Endings in Renaissance Poetry |
Author/Editor: Stephen Guy-Bray
Literature and Inequality: Nine Perspectives from the Napoleonic Era through the First Gilded Age |
Author/Editor: Daniel Shaviro
Literature and Transformation: A Narrative Study of Life-Changing Reading Experiences |
Author/Editor: Thor Magnus Tangerås
The Lived Experiences of African International Students in the UK: Precarity, Consciousness and the Law |
Author/Editor: James Marson ,Mohammed Dirisu ,Katy Ferris
Living across connectivity: Intimacy, Entrepreneurship And Activism Of East Asian Migrants online and offline |
Author/Editor: Beatrice Zani ,Isabelle Cockel
Lloyd George at War, 1916-1918 |
Author/Editor: GEORGE H. CASSAR
Locating Australian Literary Memory |
Author/Editor: Brigid Magner
Locating the Anglo-Indian Self in Ruskin Bond: A Postcolonial Review |
Author/Editor: Debashis Bandyopadhyay
Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung: die Hundertjahrsausgabe: Der Tractatus in Baumform |
Author/Editor: Ludwig Wittgenstein ,Luciano Bazzocchi ,P.M.S. Hacker
Logos and Life: Essays on Mind, Action, Language and Ethics |
Author/Editor: Roger Teichmann
The Lost Companions and John Ruskin’s Guild of St George: A Revisionary History |
Author/Editor: Mark Frost
Love If We Can Stand It |
Author/Editor: Bruce F. Kawin
Lusophone African Short Stories and Poetry after Independence: Decolonial Destinies |
Author/Editor: Lamonte Aidoo ,Daniel F. Silva
Mabo’s Cultural Legacy: History, Literature, Film and Cultural Practice in Contemporary Australia |
Author/Editor: Geoff Rodoreda ,Eva Bischoff
Mad Tales from the Raj: Colonial Psychiatry in South Asia, 1800-58 |
Author/Editor: Waltraud Ernst
Magazines and Modernity in Brazil: Transnationalisms and Cross-Cultural Exchanges |
Author/Editor: Felipe Botelho Correa ,Valéria dos Santos Guimarães ,Monica Pimenta Velloso
The Mahanubhavs |
Author/Editor: Antonio Rigopoulos
The Mahatma Misunderstood: The Politics and Forms of Literary Nationalism in India |
The Making of the Modern Chinese Navy: Special Historical Characteristics |
Author/Editor: Bruce A. Elleman
Male Homosexuality in 21st-Century Thailand: A Longitudinal Study of Young, Rural, Same-Sex-Attracted Men Coming of Age |
Author/Editor: Jan Willem de Lind van Wijngaarden
Management and Leadership Skills that Affect Small Business Survival: A Resource Guide for Small Businesses Everywhere |
Author/Editor: Jamey M. Long
Managing Climate Risks in Coastal Communities: Strategies for Engagement, Readiness and Adaptation |
Author/Editor: Lawrence Susskind,Danya Rumore,Carri Hulet,Patrick Field
Managing Coral Reefs: An Ecological and Institutional Analysis of Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia |
Author/Editor: Kelly Heber Dunning
Mapping the Nation: An Anthology of Indian Poetry in English, 1870–1920 |
Author/Editor: Sheshalatha Reddy
Martin Luther and the German Reformation |
Author/Editor: Rob Sorensen
Marx in the Field |
Author/Editor: Alessandra Mezzadri
Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century |
Author/Editor: Sobhanlal Datta Gupta
The Materiality of Politics: Volume 1: The Technologies of Rule |
Author/Editor: Ranabir Samaddar
The Materiality of Politics: Volume 2: Subject Positions in Politics |
Author/Editor: Ranabir Samaddar
Max Nettlau’s Utopian Vision: A Translation of Esbozo de Historia de Las Utopias |
Author/Editor: Toby Widdicombe
May Alcott Nieriker, Author and Advocate: Travel Writing and Transformation in the Late Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Julia Dabbs
Meaning, Mind, and Action.: Philosophical Essays |
Author/Editor: Julia Tanney
Media Sociology and Journalism: Studies in Truth and Democracy |
Author/Editor: Greg M. Nielsen
Mediating Multiculturalism: Digital Storytelling and the Everyday Ethnic |
Author/Editor: Daniella Trimboli
The Meetings Handbook: Formal Rules and Informal Processes |
Author/Editor: Ronald D. Francis,Anona F. Armstrong
Melodrama, Masculinity and International Art Cinema |
Author/Editor: Alistair Fox
Memory Machines: The Evolution of Hypertext |
Author/Editor: Belinda Barnet,Stuart Moulthrop
Memory, Metaphor and Mysticism in Kalidasa’s AbhijñānaŚākuntalam |
Author/Editor: Namrata Chaturvedi
Memory, Place and Aboriginal-Settler History: Understanding Australians’ Consciousness of the Colonial Past |
Author/Editor: Skye Krichauff
Men and Masculinities in South India |
Author/Editor: Caroline Osella,Filippo Osella
Mesoscale Modelling for Meteorological and Air Pollution Applications |
Author/Editor: Ranjeet S. Sokhi,Alexander Baklanov,K. Heinke Schlünzen
Microtravel: Confinement, Deceleration, Microspection |
Author/Editor: Charles Forsdick ,Zoë Kinsley ,Kathryn Walchester
A Midsummer Night’s Dream' in Context: Magic, Madness and Mayhem |
Author/Editor: Keith Linley
Migrant Nation |
Author/Editor: Paul Longley Arthur,Katherine Bode,Nicole Moore
Migrant Resettlement in the Russian Federation: Reconstructing Homes and Homelands |
Author/Editor: MOYA FLYNN
Émile Durkheim and the Collective Consciousness of Society: A Study in Criminology |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Smith
The Military and Denied Development in the Pakistani Punjab: An Eroding Social Consensus |
Author/Editor: Shahrukh Rafi Khan,Aasim Sajjad Akhtar,Sohaib Bodla
Military Memories: Draft Era Veterans Recall their Service |
Author/Editor: Donald Zillman
Mining and Natural Hazard Vulnerability in the Philippines: Digging to Development or Digging to Disaster? |
Author/Editor: William N. Holden,R. Daniel Jacobson
Minutes to Midnight: History and the Anthropocene Era from 1763 |
Author/Editor: Paul Dukes
Minutes to Midnight: History and the Anthropocene Era from 1763 |
Author/Editor: Paul Dukes
Modern European Tragedy: Exploring Crucial Plays |
Modernist Afterlives in Irish Literature and Culture |
Author/Editor: Paige Reynolds
The Modern State and Its Enemies: Democracy, Nationalism and Antisemitism |
Author/Editor: Samuel Salzborn
Molière on Stage: What’s So Funny? |
Author/Editor: Robert W. Goldsby
Montesquieu' 'The Spirit of the Laws': A Critical Edition |
Author/Editor: W. B. Allen
More Meditations of a Militant Moderate |
Author/Editor: Peter H. Schuck
Muhammad Ali in Africana Cultural Memory |
Author/Editor: James L. Conyers Jr. ,Christel N. Temple
Multicriteria Analysis for Environmental Decision-Making |
Author/Editor: Davide Geneletti
Muscle |
Author/Editor: DAVID BARRY