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Titles ( displaying 500 of 853 ) | Information |
Youth Movements and Generational Politics, 19th-21st Centuries |
Author/Editor: Richard G. Braungart ,Margaret M. Braungart
Yellowstone’s Survival - A Call to Action for a New Conservation Story |
Author/Editor: Susan G. Clark
Yeats and Revisionism: A Half Century of the Dancer and the Dance |
Author/Editor: Daniel T. O’Hara
The WTO and its Development Obligation: Prospects for Global Trade |
Author/Editor: Elimma C. Ezeani
Worst-Case Economics: Extreme Events in Climate and Finance |
World Trade and Investment Law Reimagined: A Progressive Agenda for an Inclusive Globalization |
Author/Editor: Alvaro Santos,Chantal Thomas,David Trubek,David Kennedy
The World of Wu Zhao: Annotated Selections from Zhang Zhuo’s Court and Country |
Author/Editor: N. Harry Rothschild
The World as It Goes: A Comedy |
Author/Editor: Hannah Cowley ,William D. Brewer
Women, Gender and Everyday Social Transformation in India |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Bo Nielsen,Anne Waldrop
The Woman Who Was the Desert Dream |
Author/Editor: William Coles
The Woman Who Made Men Cry |
Author/Editor: William Coles
The Woman Who Knew What She Wanted |
Author/Editor: William Coles
Wollstonecraft and Religion |
Author/Editor: Brenda Ayres
Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Colour: A Commentary and Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Andrew Lugg
Wittgenstein’s Critique of Russell’s Multiple Relation Theory of Judgement |
Author/Editor: James R. Connelly
Wittgenstein, Scepticism and Naturalism: Essays on the Later Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Marie McGinn
Wittgenstein Rehinged |
Author/Editor: Annalisa Coliva
Wittgenstein, Human Beings and Conversation |
Author/Editor: David Cockburn
Wittgenstein and the Life We Live with Language |
Author/Editor: Lars Hertzberg
Wittgenstein and Modernist Fiction: The Language of Acknowledgment |
Author/Editor: Greg Chase
Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence, Volume I: Mind and Language |
Author/Editor: Brian Ball ,Alice C. Helliwell ,Alessandro Rossi
Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence, VolumeII: Values and Governance |
Author/Editor: Brian Ball ,Alice C. Helliwell ,Alessandro Rossi
William Morris and the Uses of Violence, 1856–1890 |
Author/Editor: Ingrid Hanson
William Blake as Natural Philosopher, 1788-1795 |
Author/Editor: Joseph Fletcher
Wildlife Documentaries in Southern Africa: From East to South |
Author/Editor: Ian Glenn
Why the World Economy Needs a Financial Crash and Other Critical Essays on Finance and Financial Economics |
Why the Economists Got It Wrong: The Crisis and Its Cultural Roots |
Why Europe Was First: Social Change and Economic Growth in Europe and East Asia 1500-2050 |
Author/Editor: Erik Ringmar
When Business Harms Human Rights: Affected Communities that Are Dying to Be Heard |
W. H. Davies: Essays on the Super-Tramp Poet |
Author/Editor: Rory Waterman
W. E. B. Du Bois’ Africa: Scrambling for a New Africa |
Author/Editor: Taharka Adé
Water Security in the Middle East: Essays in Scientific and Social Cooperation |
Author/Editor: Jean Axelrad Cahan,Shafiqul Islam
Water Diplomacy in Action: Contingent Approaches to Managing Complex Water Problems |
Author/Editor: Shafiqul Islam,Kaveh Madani,Shafiqul Islam
War, Genocide and Cultural Memory: The Waffen-SS,1933 to Today |
Author/Editor: Claus Bundgård Christensen ,Niels Bo Poulsen ,Peter Scharff Smith
War and Peace in the Worlds of Rudolf H. Sauter: A Cultural History of a Creative Life |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey S. Reznick
Vyāsa Redux: Narrative in Epic Mahābhārata |
Author/Editor: Kevin McGrath
VS Naipaul of Trinidad |
Author/Editor: Nivedita Misra
Voyage to the Moon' and Other Imaginary Lunar Flights of Fancy in Antebellum America |
Author/Editor: Paul C. Gutjahr,Robert Douglas-Fairhurst
Volpone' in Context: Biters Bitten and Fools Fooled |
Author/Editor: Keith Linley
Voices of the Lost Children of Greece: Oral Histories of Cold War International Adoption |
Author/Editor: Mary Cardaras
Visuality in the Novels of Austen, Radcliffe, Edgeworth and Burney |
Author/Editor: Jessica A. Volz,Robert Douglas-Fairhurst
The Visionary Realism of German Economics: From the Thirty Years' War to the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Erik S. Reinert,Rainer Kattel
Virtual Voyages: Travel Writing and the Antipodes 1605-1837 |
Author/Editor: Paul Longley Arthur
The Violent Person at Work: The Ultimate Guide to Identifying Dangerous Persons |
Author/Editor: Laurence Barton
Victorian Fiction and the Insights of Sympathy: An Alternative to the Hermeneutics of Suspicion |
Author/Editor: Brigid Lowe
Ventures in Philosophical History |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Rescher
Veblen’s America: The Conspicuous Case of Donald J. Trump |
Author/Editor: Sidney Plotkin
The Varieties of Joycean Experience |
Author/Editor: Tim Conley
The Vanishing Indian Upper Class: Life History of Raza Mohammed Khan |
Value of Failure: The Spectrum of Challenges for the Economy |
Author/Editor: Joanna Markiewicz,Leszek Gracz
US Consular Representation in Britain since 1790 |
Author/Editor: Nicholas M. Keegan
Urban Crisis, Urban Hope: A Policy Agenda for UK Cities |
Author/Editor: Julian Dobson ,Rowland Atkinson
Unmapped Countries: Biological Visions in Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture |
Author/Editor: Anne-Julia Zwierlein
The Unmaking of Arab Socialism |
Author/Editor: Ali Kadri
Universality and Utopia: The 20th Century Indigenista Peruvian Tradition |
Author/Editor: Daniel Sacilotto
The United States, the Soviet Union and the geopolitical implications of the origins of the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Nicolas Lewkowicz
Unhomely Cinema: Home and Place in Global Cinema |
Author/Editor: Dwayne Avery
The Unglobals: Groundbreakers in the Age of Economic Nationalism |
Author/Editor: J. Mark Munoz
Unfinished Austen: Interpreting Catharine, Lady Susan, The Watsons and Sanditon |
Author/Editor: Joanne Wilkes
Uncertainty Bands: A Guide to Predicting and Regulating Economic Processes |
Author/Editor: Ashot Tavadyan
Two Decades of Market Reform in India: Some Dissenting Views |
Author/Editor: Sudipta Bhattacharyya
Turkey’s Water Diplomacy: Analysis of its Foundations, Challenges and Prospects |
Author/Editor: Aysegül Kibaroglu
Trysts with Democracy: Political Practice in South Asia |
Author/Editor: Stig Toft Madsen,Kenneth Bo Nielsen,Uwe Skoda
Truth and Storytelling: Creativity and Integrity in Constructing the Visual Narrative |
Author/Editor: Emily Edwards
The Truth about Confident Presenting: All You Need to Know to Make Winning Presentations, Fearlessly and Painlessly, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: James S. O’Rourke IV
Tribunal: A Courtly Comedy in Three Acts |
Author/Editor: Vladimir Voinovich ,Eric D. Meyer
Trends in Comparative Law and Economics |
Author/Editor: Nuno Garoupa
The Travel Writings of Marguerite Blessington: The Most Gorgeous Lady on the Tour |
Author/Editor: Aneta Lipska
Travel Writing in the Nineteenth Century: Filling the Blank Spaces |
Author/Editor: Tim Youngs
Travel Writing in an Age of Global Quarantine |
Author/Editor: Gary F. Fisher ,David Robinson
Travelling Home, 'Walkabout Magazine' and Mid-Twentieth-Century Australia |
Author/Editor: Mitchell Rolls,Anna Johnston
Travellers to the Middle East from Burckhardt to Thesiger: An Anthology |
Author/Editor: GEOFFREY NASH
Transpacific Connections: Literary and Cultural Production by and about Latin American Nikkeijin |
Author/Editor: Maja Zawierzeniec
Transnationalism and Translation in Modern Chinese, English, French and Japanese Literatures |
Author/Editor: Ryan Johnson
Transnational Crimes in the Americas: Law, Policy and Institutions |
Author/Editor: Marshall B. Lloyd
Transnational Coupling in the Age of Nation Making during the 19th and 20th Centuries |
Author/Editor: Nicole Leopoldie
Transnational Community Mobilization and Transformation, 2010-2020 |
Author/Editor: Abdulkadir Osman Farah
Translation Theory for Literary Translators |
Author/Editor: B.J. Woodstein
Transforming the Politics of Mobility and Migration in Aotearoa New Zealand |
Author/Editor: Jessica Terruhn ,Shemana Cassim
The Transformation of the Organization of American States: A Multilateral Framework for Regional Governance |
Author/Editor: Betty Horwitz
The Transformation of Capacity in International Development: Afghanistan and Pakistan (1977–2017) |
Author/Editor: Avideh K. Mayville
Trailblazing Women of Australian Public Broadcasting, 1945 – 1975 |
Author/Editor: Kylie Andrews
Tradition, Veda and Law: Studies on South Asian Classical Intellectual Traditions |
Author/Editor: Federico Squarcini
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: Centenary Edition |
Author/Editor: Ludwig Wittgenstein ,Luciano Bazzocchi ,P. M. S. Hacker
Towards Third Generation Learning and Teaching: Contours of the New Learning |
Author/Editor: Murat A. Yülek ,Johan G. Wissema
Toward Leader Democracy |
Author/Editor: Jan Pakulski,András Körösényi
Toward a Politics of the (Im)Possible: The Body in Third World Feminisms |
Author/Editor: Anirban Das
Toward a New Art of Border Crossing |
Author/Editor: Ananta Kumar Giri ,Arnab Roy Chowdhury ,David Blake Willis
Touching God: Hopkins and Love |
Author/Editor: Duc Dau
Torkel Aschehoug and Norwegian Historical Economic Thought: Reconsidering a Forgotten Norwegian Pioneer Economist |
Author/Editor: Mathilde C. Fasting
The Tämpiṭavihāras of Sri Lanka: Elevated Image-Houses in Buddhist Architecture |
Author/Editor: Dhammika P. Chandrasekara ,Kapila D. Silva
Timothy B. Dyk: The Education of a Federal Judge |
Author/Editor: Timothy B. Dyk ,Bill Davies
Time Will Tell |
Author/Editor: Donald Greig
Thucydides' Meditations on Fear: Examining Contemporary Cases |
Author/Editor: Raymond Taras
Thomas Keneally's Career and the Literary Machine |
Author/Editor: Paul Sharrad
Thinking on Thresholds: The Poetics of Transitive Spaces |
Author/Editor: Subha Mukherji
A Theory of Thrills, Sublime and Epiphany in Literature |
Author/Editor: Nigel Fabb
Theory of Categories: Key Instruments of Human Understanding |
Author/Editor: Patrick Grim ,Nicholas Rescher
Theory Does Not Exist: Comparative Ancient and Modern Explorations in Psychoanalysis, Deconstruction, and Rhetoric |
Author/Editor: Paul Allen Miller
The Theory and Practice of Creative Coaching: Analysis and Methods |
Author/Editor: Arthur F. Turner
A Theoretical Approach to Modern American History and Literature: An Issue of Reconfiguration and Re-representation |
Author/Editor: W. Lawrence Hogue
Theology in the Early British and Irish Gothic, 1764-1834 |
Author/Editor: Sam Hirst
The Lure of Economic Nationalism: Beyond Zero Sum |
Author/Editor: Kenneth A. Reinert
Theatricality in the Horror Film: A Brief Study on the Dark Pleasures of Screen Artifice |
Author/Editor: André Loiselle
Theatre in the Middle East: Between Performance and Politics |
Author/Editor: Babak Rahimi
Theater in the Middle East: Between Performance and Politics |
Author/Editor: Babak Rahimi
Textuality, Culture and Scripture: A Study in Interrelations |
Author/Editor: Wesley A. Kort
Tennessee Williams, T-shirt Modernism and the Refashionings of Theater |
Author/Editor: S. E. Gontarski
Technological Retrogression: A Schumpeterian Interpretation of Modernization in Reverse |
Author/Editor: Sylvi B. Endresen ,Erik S. Reinert
Techno-Economic Paradigms: Essays in Honour of Carlota Perez |
The Technocene: Reflections on Bodies, Minds, and Markets |
Author/Editor: Hermínio Martins,S. Ravi Rajan,Danielle Crawford
Teaching Later British Literature: A Thematic Approach |
Author/Editor: Albert D. Pionke
Taxidermy and the Gothic: The Horror of Still Life |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Effinger
Tasos Leivaditis' Triptych: Battle at the Edge of the Night, This Star Is for All of Us, The Wind at the Crossroads of the World |
Author/Editor: Tasos Leivaditis ,N. N. Trakakis
Tanpinar's ‘Five Cities’ |
Author/Editor: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar,Ruth Christie
Taiwan Straits Standoff: 70 Years of PRC–Taiwan Cross-Strait Tensions |
Author/Editor: Bruce A. Elleman
Symbols and Myth-Making in Modernity: Deep Culture in Modern Art and Action |
Author/Editor: Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir ,Ali Qadir
Swedish Gothic: Landscapes of Untamed Nature |
Author/Editor: Yvonne Leffler
Sustainable Peace in Northeast Asia |
Author/Editor: Yong-Shik Lee
Sustainability Is the New Advantage: Leadership, Change, and the Future of Business |
Surviving Capitalism: How We Learned to Live with the Market and Remained Almost Human |
Author/Editor: ERIK RINGMAR
Surgical Simulation |
Author/Editor: Prokar Dasgupta,Kamran Ahmed,Peter Jaye,Mohammed Shamim Khan
Suburban Space, the Novel and Australian Modernity |
Author/Editor: Brigid Rooney
Sub-Saharan African Immigrants’ Stories of Resilience and Courage |
Author/Editor: Mariam Konaté ,Fredah Mainah
Subjectivism and Interpretative Methodology in Theory and Practice |
Author/Editor: Fu-Lai Tony Yu
Subaltern Sports: Politics and Sport in South Asia |
Author/Editor: JAMES H. MILLS
Subaltern Narratives in Fiji Hindi Literature |
Author/Editor: Vijay Mishra
Studies on the Carvaka/Lokayata |
Author/Editor: Ramkrishna Bhattacharya
Studies in the Kasikavrtti. The Section on Pratyaharas: Critical Edition, Translation and Other Contributions |
Author/Editor: Pascale Haag,Vincenzo Vergiani
Studies in Hindu Law and Dharmaśāstra |
Author/Editor: Ludo Rocher,Donald R. Davis Jr
Structure, Agency and Biotechnology: The Case of the Rothamsted GM Wheat Trials |
Author/Editor: Aristeidis Panagiotou,Peter Kivisto
Street-Gang and Tribal-Warrior Autobiographies |
Author/Editor: H. David Brumble
Stratagem of the Corpse: Dying with Baudrillard, a Study of Sickness and Simulacra |
Author/Editor: Gary J. Shipley,WILLIAM PAWLETT
Stephen Wall, Trollope and Character and Other Essays on Victorian Literature |
Author/Editor: Seamus Perry,Nicholas Shrimpton,Robert Douglas-Fairhurst
The Status of the Translation Profession in the European Union |
Author/Editor: Anthony Pym,François Grin,Claudio Sfreddo,Andy L. J. Chan
The Status of Religion and the Public Benefit in Charity Law |
Author/Editor: Barry W. Bussey
Statemaking and Territory in South Asia: Lessons from the Anglo–Gorkha War (1814–1816) |
The Stakes of Regulation: Perspectives on 'Bread, Politics and Political Economy' Forty Years Later |
Author/Editor: Steven L. Kaplan
Staging Memory and Materiality in Eighteenth-Century Theatrical Biography |
Author/Editor: Amanda Weldy Boyd
Stages of Life: Indian Theatre Autobiographies |
Author/Editor: Kathryn Hansen
The Spirit of Luc Boltanski: Essays on the ‘Pragmatic Sociology of Critique’ |
Author/Editor: Simon Susen,Bryan S. Turner
Spinoza on Ethics and Understanding |
Author/Editor: Peter Winch ,Michael Campbell ,Sarah Tropper
Spanish Romance in the Battle for Global Supremacy: Tudor and Stuart Black Legends |
Author/Editor: Victoria M. Muñoz
Spanish Romance in the Battle for Global Supremacy, 1578–1631 |
Author/Editor: Victoria M. Muñoz
The Spanish Frustration: How a Ruinous Empire Thwarted the Nation-State |
Author/Editor: Josep M. Colomer
South–South Trade and Finance in the Twenty-First Century: Rise of the South or a Second Great Divergence |
Author/Editor: Omar S. Dahi,Firrat Demir
South of the Crisis: A Latin American Perspective on the Late Capitalist World |
Author/Editor: Juan E. Corradi
South Asian Media Cultures: Audiences, Representations, Contexts |
Author/Editor: Shakuntala Banaji
Sounding Prose: Music in the 17th-Century Dutch Novel |
Author/Editor: Natascha Veldhorst
Sophisticated Interdependence in Climate Policy: Federalism in the United States, Brazil, and Germany |
Author/Editor: Vivian E. Thomson
Sociology in Times of Glocalization |
Author/Editor: Christian Karner
Social Thought and Rival Claims to the Moral Ideal of Dignity |
Author/Editor: Philip Hodgkiss
Socialist Realism in Central and Eastern European Literatures under Stalin: Institutions, Dynamics, Discourses |
Author/Editor: Evgeny Dobrenko,Natalia Jonsson-Skradol,Balázs Apor
Socialising the Biomedical Turn in HIV Prevention |
Author/Editor: Susan Kippax,Niamh Stephenson,Simon Susen
A Social History of Literacy in Japan |
Author/Editor: Richard Rubinger
The Social Ecology of Border Landscapes |
Author/Editor: Anna Grichting,Michele Zebich-Knos
The “Slumdog" Phenomenon: A Critical Anthology |
Author/Editor: Ajay Gehlawat
Sixties Radicalism and Social Movement Activism: Retreat or Resurgence? |
Author/Editor: Bryn Jones,Mike O’Donnell
Sites of Performance: Of Time and Memory |
Author/Editor: Clark Lunberry
Sisters and the English Household: Domesticity and Women's Autonomy in Nineteenth-Century English Literature |
Author/Editor: Anne D. Wallace,Robert Douglas-Fairhurst
Sir Rohan’s Ghost. A Romance |
Author/Editor: Harriet Prescott Spofford ,Matthew Wynn Sivils
Signless Signification in Ancient India and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Tiziana Pontillo,Maria Piera Candotti,Giuliano Boccali
The Significant Hamlin Garland: A Collection of Essays |
Author/Editor: Donald Pizer
The Sicilian Puppet Theater of Agrippino Manteo (1884-1947): The Paladins of France in America |
Author/Editor: Jo Ann Cavallo
Shots to the Heart: For the Love of Film Performance |
Author/Editor: Steven Rybin
A 'Short Treatise' on the Wealth and Poverty of Nations (1613) |
Author/Editor: Antonio Serra,Sophus A. Reinert,Jonathan Hunt
Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors: A Psycho-Semiotic Analysis |
Author/Editor: Arthur Asa Berger
The Sexual Imperative in the Novels of Sir Henry Rider Haggard |
Author/Editor: Richard Reeve
Sexual Bargaining in the Digital Era: Crafting a New Normal |
Author/Editor: John H. Scanzoni
The Servant and Mistress Stories |
Servant and Mistress |
Senses of Upheaval: Philosophical Snapshots of a Decade |
The Selling and Self-Regulation of Contemporary Poetry |
Author/Editor: J. T. Welsch
Self-Presentation and Self-Praise in the Digital Workplace |
Author/Editor: Anna Danielewicz-Betz
Self-Presentation and Representative Politics: Essays in Context, 1960-2020 |
Author/Editor: Derek Robbins
Selected Poems of Bernard Barton, the 'Quaker Poet' |
Author/Editor: Bernard Barton ,Christopher Stokes
Selected Film Essays and Interviews |
Secret Agents and the Memory of Everyday Collaboration in Communist Eastern Europe |
Author/Editor: Péter Apor,Sándor Horváth,James Mark
Screen Writings: Genres, Classics, and Aesthetics |
Author/Editor: Bert Cardullo
The Scientific Legacy of Har Gobind Khorana: Total Synthesis and the Genetic Code |
Author/Editor: Sahotra Sarkar
Science Meets Literature: What Elias Canetti’s Auto-da-Fé Tells Us about the Human Mind and Human Behavior |
Author/Editor: Dario Maestripieri
The Science Communication Challenge: Truth and Disagreement in Democratic Knowledge Societies |
Author/Editor: Gitte Meyer
Science and Technology Policy for Development: Dialogues at the Interface |
Science Advice and Global Environmental Governance: Expert Institutions and the Implementation of International Environmental Treaties |
Author/Editor: Pia M. Kohler
School Journey as a Third Place: Theories, Methods and Experiences Around The World |
Author/Editor: Zoe Moody ,Ayuko Berchtold-Sedooka ,Sara Camponovo ,Philip D. Jaffé ,Frédéric Darbellay
Sarah Bowdich Lee (1791-1856) and Pioneering Perspectives on Natural History |
Author/Editor: Mary Orr
Sara Coleridge and the Oxford Movement: Selected Religious Writings |
Author/Editor: Robin Schofield
Samuel Richardson as Anonymous Editor and Printer: Recycling Texts for the Book Market |
Author/Editor: John A. Dussinger
Samuel Beckett and the Arts: Italian Negotiations |
Author/Editor: Davide Crosara ,Mario Martino
Russia Washed in Blood: A Novel in Fragments |
Author/Editor: Artyom Vesyoly ,Kevin Windle ,Kevin Windle ,Elena Govor
Russia's Penal Colony in the Far East: A Translation of Vlas Doroshevich's"Sakhalin" |
Author/Editor: ANDREW A. GENTES
Rural India Facing the 21st Century: Essays on Long Term Village Change and Recent Development Policy |
Roland Barthes Writing the Political: History, Dialectics, Self |
Author/Editor: Andy Stafford
Robert Louis Stevenson, Literary Networks and Transatlantic Publishing in the 1890s: The Author Incorporated |
Author/Editor: Glenda Norquay
Robert Franklin Williams Speaks: A Documentary History |
Author/Editor: Robert Franklin Williams ,Ronald J. Stephens
The Rise of Little Big Norway |
Author/Editor: JOHN F. L. ROSS
The Rise and Fall of the Privatized Pension System in Chile: An International Perspective |
Author/Editor: Andrés Solimano
The Rise and Fall of the National Atlas in the Twentieth Century: Power, State and Territory |
Author/Editor: John Rennie Short
Revising History in Communist Europe: Constructing Counter-Revolution in 1956 and 1968 |
Author/Editor: David A. J. Reynolds
Rethinking the Social through Durkheim, Marx, Weber and Whitehead |
Author/Editor: Michael Halewood
Rethinking Therapeutic Reading: Lessons from Seneca, Montaigne, Wordsworth and George Eliot |
Author/Editor: Kelda Green,Michael Wood
Rethinking Pakistan: A 21st Century Perspective |
Author/Editor: Bilal Zahoor ,Raza Rumi
Rethinking Indian Political Institutions |
Rethinking Foreign Investment for Sustainable Development: Lessons from Latin America |
Resurgent Africa: Structural Transformation in Sustainable Development |
Author/Editor: Banji Oyelaran-Oyeyinka,Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina
Responsible Citizens: Individuals, Health and Policy under Neoliberalism |
Author/Editor: B. J. Brown,Sally Baker
Responsibility to Protect and Prevent: Principles, Promises and Practicalities |
Author/Editor: John Janzekovic,Daniel Silander
Resourcing Hope for Ageing and Dying in a Broken World: Wayfaring through Despair |
Author/Editor: Ashley Moyse
Resolving Land and Energy Conflicts |
Author/Editor: Patrick Field,Tushar Kansal,Catherine Morris,Stacie Smith
Reproductive racism: Migration, birth control, and the spectre of population |
Author/Editor: Susanne Schultz ,Daniel Bendix
Repositioning Victorian Sciences: Shifting Centres in Nineteenth-Century Thinking |
Author/Editor: David Clifford,Elisabeth Wadge,Alex Warwick,Martin Willis
Report on the Agrarian Law' (1795) and Other Writings |
Author/Editor: Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos,Gabriel Paquette,Álvaro Caso Bello,Yesenia Pumarada Cruz
Rent from the Land: A Political Ecology of Postsocialist Rural Transformation |
Author/Editor: Johannes Stahl
The Renaissance Discovery of Violence, from Boccaccio to Shakespeare |
Author/Editor: Robert Appelbaum
Remembering Popular Music’s Past: Memory-Heritage-History |
Author/Editor: Lauren Istvandity,Sarah Baker,Zelmarie Cantillon
Religion, Supernaturalism, the Paranormal and Pseudoscience: An Anthropological Critique |
Author/Editor: H. Sidky
Religion, Neuroscience and New Physics in Dialogue: Stone Age Souls in Modern Minds |
Author/Editor: Darren C. Marks
Religion, Law and Power: Tales of Time in Eastern India, 1860-2000 |
Author/Editor: Ishita Banerjee-Dube
Religion in Schools: Learning Lessons from Wales |
Author/Editor: Russell Sandberg
Religion and the State: A Comparative Sociology |
Author/Editor: Jack Barbalet,Adam Possamai,Bryan S. Turner
Religion and Identity in South Asia and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Patrick Olivelle |
Author/Editor: Steven E. Lindquist,Federico Squarcini
Religion and Contemporary Management: Moses as a Model for Effective Leadership |
Author/Editor: Arthur J. Wolak
Reinventing Marie Corelli for the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Brenda Ayres,Sarah E. Maier
Reinventing Live: The Always-On Future of Events |
Author/Editor: Denzil Rankine,Marco Giberti
Regulating Cross-Border Data Flows: Issues, Challenges and Impact |
Author/Editor: Bryan Mercurio ,Ronald Yu
Regimes of Happiness: Comparative and Historical Studies |
Author/Editor: Yuri Contreras-Vejar,Joanna Tice Jen,Bryan S. Turner
Refugee Support and Moral Practice in Slovakia : An Ethnographic Study |
Author/Editor: Eva-Maria Walther
Refugees, Refuge and Human Displacement |
Author/Editor: Ignacio López-Calvo ,Marjorie Agosín
Reforming the Governance of the IMF and the World Bank |
Author/Editor: ARIEL BUIRA
Reforming international extradition: Fairness, individual rights, and justice |
Author/Editor: Sally Kennedy ,Ian Warren
Reconnaissance au Maroc, 1883–1884: A Critical Edition in English of Charles de Foucauld |
Author/Editor: Rosemary A. Peters-Hill
Reclaiming the Wicked Son: Finding Judaism in Secular Jewish Philosophers |
Author/Editor: Stephen Stern ,Steven Gimbel
Reclaiming Nature: Environmental Justice and Ecological Restoration |
Author/Editor: James K. Boyce,Sunita Narain,Elizabeth A. Stanton
Reclaiming Development Studies: Essays for Ashwani Saith |
Author/Editor: Murat Arsel ,Anirban Dasgupta ,Servaas Storm
The Rebirth of American Literary Theory and Criticism: Scholars Discuss Intellectual Origins and Turning Points |
Author/Editor: H. Aram Veeser
Re-balancing China: Essays on the Global Financial Crisis, Industrial Policy and International Relations |
Author/Editor: Peter Nolan
Real World Economics: A Post-Autistic Economics Reader |
Author/Editor: Edward Fullbrook
Reaganism in Literary Theory: Negative Moralism and Hermeneutic Suspicion |
Author/Editor: Jeremiah Bowen
Reading to Stay Alive: Tolstoy, Hopkins and the Dilemma of Existence |
Author/Editor: Christopher Dowrick
Reading Kenneth Frampton: A Commentary on 'Modern Architecture', 1980 |
Author/Editor: Gevork Hartoonian
Reading Greek Australian Literature through the Paramythi: Bridging Multiculturalism with World Literature |
Author/Editor: Anna Dimitriou
Reading Fiona Sampson: A Study in Contemporary Poetry and Poetics |
Author/Editor: Omar Sabbagh
The Reading Figure in Irish Art in the Long Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Tricia Cusack
Reading by Numbers: Recalibrating the Literary Field |
Raymond Federman and Samuel Beckett: Voices in the Closet |
Author/Editor: Nathalie Camerlynck
Ragnar Nurkse: Trade and Development |
Ragnar Nurkse (1907-2007): Classical Development Economics and its Relevance for Today |
Radical Realism, Autofictional Narratives and the Reinvention of the Novel |
Author/Editor: Fiona J. Doloughan
Radical Human Centricity: Fulfilling the Promises of Innovation Research |
Author/Editor: Paul Hartley
Rabindranath Tagore's Drama in the Perspective of Indian Theatre |
Author/Editor: Mala Renganathan ,Arnab Bhattacharya
"Quinqui" Film in Spain: Peripheries of Society and Myths on the Margins |
Author/Editor: Jorge González del Pozo
Queer and Religious Alliances in Family Law Politics and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Nausica Palazzo ,Jeffrey A. Redding
Quantitative Studies of the Renaissance Florentine Economy and Society |
Author/Editor: Richard T. Lindholm,Erik S. Reinert,Rainer Kattel,Wolfgang Drechsler
Quantitative Literary Analysis of the Works of Aphra Behn: Words of Passion |
Author/Editor: Laura L. Runge
The Puritan Ideology of Mobility: Corporatism, the Politics of Place and the Founding of New England Towns before 1650 |
Author/Editor: Scott McDermott
Publish and Promote Your Ebook IN A DAY |
Public Diplomacy on the Front Line: The Exhibition of Modern Brazilian Paintings´ |
Author/Editor: Hayle Gadelha
Psychoanalytic Mythologies |
Author/Editor: Ian Parker
P. S. O'Hegarty (1879-1955): Sinn Féin Fenian |
Author/Editor: Keiron Curtis
Prometheus and Gaia: Technology, Ecology and Anti-Humanism |
Author/Editor: Harrison Fluss ,Landon Frim
Procreation and Population in Historical Social Science |
Author/Editor: Daniela Danna
Process Philosophy: A Synthesis |
Author/Editor: Bart Nooteboom
Prizing Scottish Literature: A Cultural History of the Saltire Society Literary Awards |
Author/Editor: Stevie Marsden
Principles of Global Supply Chain Management |
Author/Editor: Yui-yip Lau ,Adolf K. Y. Ng ,Jorge Acevedo Alarid
Practical Rationality, Learning and Convention: Essays in the Philosophy of Education |
Author/Editor: Christopher Winch
The Poverty of Television: The Mediation of Suffering in Class-Divided Philippines |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Corpus Ong
Post-Truth: Knowledge As A Power Game |
Author/Editor: Steve Fuller
The Post-traumatic Theatre of Grotowski and Kantor: History and Holocaust in ‘Akropolis’ and ‘Dead Class’ |
Post-Multicultural Writers as Neo-cosmopolitan Mediators |
Author/Editor: Sneja Gunew
Portuguese and Amsterdam Sephardic Merchants in the Tobacco Trade: Tierra Firme and Hispaniola in the Early Seventeenth Century |
Author/Editor: Yda Schreuder
The Portrayal of Breastfeeding in Literature |
Author/Editor: B. J. Woodstein
Popular Radicalism and the Unemployed in Chicago during the Great Depression |
Author/Editor: Chris Wright
The Politics of Time and Youth in Brand India: Bargaining with Capital |
Author/Editor: Jyotsna Kapur
The Politics of Swidden farming (Jhum): Environment and Development in Eastern India |
Author/Editor: Debojyoti Das
The Politics of Public Opinion in the Novels of Anthony Trollope: A 'Tenth Muse' |
Author/Editor: Jan B. Gordon
The Politics of Enlightenment: Constitutionalism, Republicanism, and the Rights of Man in Gaetano Filangieri |
Politics, Media and Campaign Language: Australia’s Identity Anxiety |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Brookes
Politics and the Theory of Language in the USSR 1917-1938: The Birth of Sociological Linguistics |
Author/Editor: Craig Brandist,Katya Chown
Political Discourse and Media in Times of Crisis |
Author/Editor: Emmanouil Takas ,Sofia Iordanidou ,Nael Jebril
Poetry of the Civil Rights Movements in Australia and the United States, 1960s-1980s |
Author/Editor: Ameer Chasib Furaih
The Poetry of Anna Akhmatova: Living in Different Mirrors |
Poetry and the Idea of Progress, 1760–90 |
Author/Editor: John Regan
Poetry and Freedom: Discoveries in Aesthetics, 1985–2018 |
Author/Editor: Paul Oppenheimer
Poetics of Race in Latin America |
Author/Editor: Mabel Moraña
The Poet-Hero in the Work of Byron and Shelley |
Author/Editor: Madeleine Callaghan
The Plight of Potential: Embracing Solitude in Millennial Life and Modern Work |
Planting the Seeds of Research: How America’s Ultimate Investment Transformed Agriculture |
Author/Editor: Louis A. Ferleger
Planning for Water Security in Southeast Asia: Community-Based Infrastructure During the Urban Transition |
Author/Editor: James Nguyen H. Spencer
Photography, Early Cinema and Colonial Modernity: Frank Hurley's Synchronized Lecture Entertainments |
Author/Editor: Robert Dixon
Philosophy and Anthropology: Border Crossing and Transformations |
Author/Editor: Ananta Kumar Giri,John Clammer
Philosophical Meta-Reflections on Literary Studies: Why Do Things with Texts, and What To Do with Them? |
Author/Editor: Jibu Mathew George
Philology and Criticism: A Guide to Mahābhārata Textual Criticism |
Author/Editor: Vishwa Adluri,Joydeep Bagchee,Federico Squarcini
Petrified Utopia: Happiness Soviet Style |
Peruvian Foreign Policy in the Modern Era |
Author/Editor: Ronald Bruce St John
Personal Data Collection Risks in a Post-Vaccine World |
Author/Editor: Colette Mazzucelli ,James Felton Keith ,C. Ann Hollifield ,Andrea Adams ,Anna Grichting
The Persistent Poverty of African Americans in the United States: The Impact of Public Policy |
Author/Editor: Daphne M. Cooper
Performing Noncitizenship: Asylum Seekers in Australian Theatre, Film and Activism |
Author/Editor: Emma Cox
Performing Memories and Weaving Archives: Creolized Cultures across the Indian Ocean |
Author/Editor: Sayan Dey
Perfect Nightmare |
Author/Editor: Norman Stanton
Perceptions of the Press in Nineteenth-Century British Periodicals: A Bibliography |
Author/Editor: E. M. Palmegiano
People, Nations and Traditions in a Comparative Frame: Thinking about the Past with Jonathan Steinberg |
Author/Editor: D’Maris Coffman ,Harold James ,Nicholas Di Liberto
Patrick White Beyond the Grave |
Author/Editor: Ian Henderson,Anouk Lang
Pastoral Cosmopolitanism in Edith Wharton’s Fiction: The World is a Welter’ |
Author/Editor: Margarida Cadima
Past Forward: Essays in Korean History |
Author/Editor: Kyung Moon Hwang
Pashtun Identity and Geopolitics in Southwest Asia: Pakistan and Afghanistan since 9/11 |
Author/Editor: Iftikhar H. Malik,Camron Michael Amin
Paradoxes of Populism: Troubles of the West and Nationalism's Second Coming |
Author/Editor: Ulf Hedetoft
Pangea: An Anthology of Stories from Around the Globe |
Author/Editor: Indira Chandrasekhar ,Rebecca Lloyd
Overseas Chinese Christian Entrepreneurs in Modern China: A Case Study of the Influence of Christian Ethics on Business Life |
Author/Editor: Joy Kooi-Chin Tong
An Outline of Financial Economics |
Author/Editor: Satya R. Chakravarty
Outlaw Heroes in Myth and History |
Author/Editor: Graham Seal
The Other Canon of Economics, Volume 2: Essays in the Theory and History of Uneven Economic Development |
Author/Editor: Erik S. Reinert ,Rainer Kattel
The Other Canon of Economics, Volume 1: Essays in the Theory and History of Uneven Economic Development |
Author/Editor: Erik S. Reinert ,Rainer Kattel
Origins of the Ottoman Dynasty: A Philological Exploration of Its Earliest Account |
Author/Editor: KEMAL SİLAY
The Origin and Development of Dougong and Zaojing in Early China |
Author/Editor: Jing Xie
On The Figure In General And The Body In Particular: Figurative Invention In Cinema |
Author/Editor: Nicole Brenez ,Ted Fendt
On the Fall of the Roman Republic: Lessons for the American People |
Author/Editor: Thomas E. Strunk
On Commerce and Usury (1524) |
Author/Editor: Martin Luther,Philipp Robinson Rössner
On Beckett: Essays and Criticism |
Author/Editor: S. E. Gontarski
The Old World, the New World, and the Creation of the Modern World, 1400–1650: An Interpretive History |
Author/Editor: Aaron M. Shatzman
Old, Bold and Won’t Be Told: Shakespeare’s Amazing Ageing Ladies |
Author/Editor: Yvonne Oram
The Ocean of God: On the Transreligious Future of Religions |
Author/Editor: Roland Faber
Occupational Devotion: Finding Satisfaction and Fulfillment at Work |
Author/Editor: Robert A. Stebbins
Nuclear Power Policies in Britain: The Quandaries of Neoliberalism |
Author/Editor: Lucie de Carvalho
Notions of Otherness: Literary Essays from Abraham Cahan to Dacia Maraini |
Author/Editor: Mark Axelrod-Sokolov
The Nostalgia for Origins: Religion, Evolution, Cognition and Memory |
Author/Editor: Carl Olson
No Size Fits All: A New Program of Choice for American Public Schools without Vouchers |
Nordic Terrors: Scandinavian Superstition in British Gothic Literature |
Author/Editor: Robert W. Rix
Norah Hoult’s ‘Poor Women!’: A Critical Edition |
Author/Editor: Kathleen P. Costello-Sullivan
The Non-Geometric Lenin: Essays on the Development of the Bolshevik Party 1910-1914 |
Author/Editor: Carter Elwood
Nineteenth-Century Southern Gothic Short Fiction: Haunted by the Dark |
Author/Editor: Charles L. Crow ,Susan Castillo Street
Nikolai Gretsch's Travel Letters: Volume 3 - Letters from Germany |
Author/Editor: Nikolai Gretsch ,Ben P. Robertson ,Ekaterina V. Kobeleva
Nikolai Gretsch's Travel Letters: Volume 2 - Letters from France |
Author/Editor: Nikolai Gretsch ,Ben P. Robertson ,Ekaterina V. Kobeleva
Nikolai Gretsch's Travel Letters: Volume 1 - Letters from England |
Author/Editor: Ben P. Robertson ,Ekaterina V. Kobeleva
The New Power Elite: Inequality, Politics and Greed |
Author/Editor: Alan Shipman,June Edmunds,Bryan S. Turner
The New Olive Branch (1820) and Selected Essays |
Author/Editor: Mathew Carey,Lawrence A. Peskin
The New Motivation and Dilemma of China's Soft Power in the Age of Noopolitik |
Author/Editor: Zheng Li
New Lithuania in Old Hands: Effects and Outcomes of EUropeanization in Rural Lithuania |
Author/Editor: Ida Harboe Knudsen
A New India?: Critical Reflections in the Long Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Anthony P. D’Costa,Anthony P. D’Costa
Neurocomputational Poetics: How the Brain Processes Verbal Art |
Author/Editor: Arthur M. Jacobs
Network Persistence and the Axis of Hierarchy: How Orderly Stratification Is Implicit in Sticky Struggles |
Author/Editor: Steven Rytina
Neo-Gothic Narratives: Illusory Allusions from the Past |
Author/Editor: Sarah E. Maier ,Brenda Ayres
Negotiation for Entrepreneurship: Achieving a Successful Outcome |
Author/Editor: Vimal Babu ,Robert Hisrich
Navigating the Inequitable U.S. Healthcare System: In Search of Critical Care |
Author/Editor: Kellina Craig-Henderson
Navigating Social Exclusion and Inclusion in Contemporary India and Beyond: Structures, Agents, Practices |
Author/Editor: Uwe Skoda,Kenneth Bo Nielsen,Marianne Qvortrup Fibiger
Natural Law Jurisprudence in U.S. Supreme Court Cases since Roe v. Wade |
Author/Editor: Charles P. Nemeth
Natural Disaster Reduction: South East Asian Realities, Risk Perception and Global Strategies |
Author/Editor: Dilip Kumar Sinha
National Systems of Innovation: Toward a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning |
Author/Editor: Bengt-Åke Lundvall
Nationalizing the Body: The Medical Market, Print and Daktari Medicine |
Author/Editor: Projit Bihari Mukharji
A Narrative of Cultural Encounter in Southern China: Wu Xing Fights the 'Jiao' |
Author/Editor: Hugh R. Clark
Narrative Medicine in Education, Practice, and Interventions |
Author/Editor: Anders Juhl Rasmussen ,Anne-Marie Mai ,Helle Ploug Hansen
Narrative Art and the Politics of Health |
Author/Editor: Neil Brooks ,Sarah Blanchette
Nanobiotechnology: Basic and Applied Aspects |
Author/Editor: Arunava Goswami,Samrat Roy Choudhury
Music Scenes and Migrations: Space and Transnationalism in Brazil, Portugal and the Atlantic |
Author/Editor: David Treece
The Museum of Bioprospecting, Intellectual Property, and the Public Domain: A Place, A Process, A Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Joseph Henry Vogel,María Jose Moreno Viqueira,Manuel Ruiz,Tomme Young,Stephen B. Brush,Charles R. Mcmanis,Valentina Delich,Camilo Comides,Carlos A. Muñiz-Osorio
Muscle |
Author/Editor: DAVID BARRY
Multicriteria Analysis for Environmental Decision-Making |
Author/Editor: Davide Geneletti
Muhammad Ali in Africana Cultural Memory |
Author/Editor: James L. Conyers Jr. ,Christel N. Temple
More Meditations of a Militant Moderate |
Author/Editor: Peter H. Schuck
Montesquieu' 'The Spirit of the Laws': A Critical Edition |
Author/Editor: W. B. Allen
Molière on Stage: What’s So Funny? |
Author/Editor: Robert W. Goldsby
The Modern State and Its Enemies: Democracy, Nationalism and Antisemitism |
Author/Editor: Samuel Salzborn
Modernist Afterlives in Irish Literature and Culture |
Author/Editor: Paige Reynolds
Modern European Tragedy: Exploring Crucial Plays |
Minutes to Midnight: History and the Anthropocene Era from 1763 |
Author/Editor: Paul Dukes
Minutes to Midnight: History and the Anthropocene Era from 1763 |
Author/Editor: Paul Dukes
Mining and Natural Hazard Vulnerability in the Philippines: Digging to Development or Digging to Disaster? |
Author/Editor: William N. Holden,R. Daniel Jacobson
Military Memories: Draft Era Veterans Recall their Service |
Author/Editor: Donald Zillman
The Military and Denied Development in the Pakistani Punjab: An Eroding Social Consensus |
Author/Editor: Shahrukh Rafi Khan,Aasim Sajjad Akhtar,Sohaib Bodla
Émile Durkheim and the Collective Consciousness of Society: A Study in Criminology |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Smith
Migrant Resettlement in the Russian Federation: Reconstructing Homes and Homelands |
Author/Editor: MOYA FLYNN
Migrant Nation |
Author/Editor: Paul Longley Arthur,Katherine Bode,Nicole Moore
A Midsummer Night’s Dream' in Context: Magic, Madness and Mayhem |
Author/Editor: Keith Linley
Microtravel: Confinement, Deceleration, Microspection |
Author/Editor: Charles Forsdick ,Zoë Kinsley ,Kathryn Walchester
Mesoscale Modelling for Meteorological and Air Pollution Applications |
Author/Editor: Ranjeet S. Sokhi,Alexander Baklanov,K. Heinke Schlünzen
Men and Masculinities in South India |
Author/Editor: Caroline Osella,Filippo Osella
Memory, Place and Aboriginal-Settler History: Understanding Australians’ Consciousness of the Colonial Past |
Author/Editor: Skye Krichauff
Memory, Metaphor and Mysticism in Kalidasa’s AbhijñānaŚākuntalam |
Author/Editor: Namrata Chaturvedi
Memory Machines: The Evolution of Hypertext |
Author/Editor: Belinda Barnet,Stuart Moulthrop
Melodrama, Masculinity and International Art Cinema |
Author/Editor: Alistair Fox
The Meetings Handbook: Formal Rules and Informal Processes |
Author/Editor: Ronald D. Francis,Anona F. Armstrong
Mediating Multiculturalism: Digital Storytelling and the Everyday Ethnic |
Author/Editor: Daniella Trimboli
Media Sociology and Journalism: Studies in Truth and Democracy |
Author/Editor: Greg M. Nielsen
Meaning, Mind, and Action.: Philosophical Essays |
Author/Editor: Julia Tanney
May Alcott Nieriker, Author and Advocate: Travel Writing and Transformation in the Late Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Julia Dabbs
Max Nettlau’s Utopian Vision: A Translation of Esbozo de Historia de Las Utopias |
Author/Editor: Toby Widdicombe
The Materiality of Politics: Volume 2: Subject Positions in Politics |
Author/Editor: Ranabir Samaddar
The Materiality of Politics: Volume 1: The Technologies of Rule |
Author/Editor: Ranabir Samaddar
Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century |
Author/Editor: Sobhanlal Datta Gupta
Marx in the Field |
Author/Editor: Alessandra Mezzadri
Martin Luther and the German Reformation |
Author/Editor: Rob Sorensen
Mapping the Nation: An Anthology of Indian Poetry in English, 1870–1920 |
Author/Editor: Sheshalatha Reddy
Managing Coral Reefs: An Ecological and Institutional Analysis of Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia |
Author/Editor: Kelly Heber Dunning
Managing Climate Risks in Coastal Communities: Strategies for Engagement, Readiness and Adaptation |
Author/Editor: Lawrence Susskind,Danya Rumore,Carri Hulet,Patrick Field
Management and Leadership Skills that Affect Small Business Survival: A Resource Guide for Small Businesses Everywhere |
Author/Editor: Jamey M. Long
Male Homosexuality in 21st-Century Thailand: A Longitudinal Study of Young, Rural, Same-Sex-Attracted Men Coming of Age |
Author/Editor: Jan Willem de Lind van Wijngaarden
The Making of the Modern Chinese Navy: Special Historical Characteristics |
Author/Editor: Bruce A. Elleman
The Mahatma Misunderstood: The Politics and Forms of Literary Nationalism in India |
The Mahanubhavs |
Author/Editor: Antonio Rigopoulos
Magazines and Modernity in Brazil: Transnationalisms and Cross-Cultural Exchanges |
Author/Editor: Felipe Botelho Correa ,Valéria dos Santos Guimarães ,Monica Pimenta Velloso
Mad Tales from the Raj: Colonial Psychiatry in South Asia, 1800-58 |
Author/Editor: Waltraud Ernst
Mabo’s Cultural Legacy: History, Literature, Film and Cultural Practice in Contemporary Australia |
Author/Editor: Geoff Rodoreda ,Eva Bischoff
Lusophone African Short Stories and Poetry after Independence: Decolonial Destinies |
Author/Editor: Lamonte Aidoo ,Daniel F. Silva
Love If We Can Stand It |
Author/Editor: Bruce F. Kawin
The Lost Companions and John Ruskin’s Guild of St George: A Revisionary History |
Author/Editor: Mark Frost
Logos and Life: Essays on Mind, Action, Language and Ethics |
Author/Editor: Roger Teichmann
Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung: die Hundertjahrsausgabe: Der Tractatus in Baumform |
Author/Editor: Ludwig Wittgenstein ,Luciano Bazzocchi ,P.M.S. Hacker
Locating the Anglo-Indian Self in Ruskin Bond: A Postcolonial Review |
Author/Editor: Debashis Bandyopadhyay
Locating Australian Literary Memory |
Author/Editor: Brigid Magner
Lloyd George at War, 1916-1918 |
Author/Editor: GEORGE H. CASSAR
Living across connectivity: Intimacy, Entrepreneurship And Activism Of East Asian Migrants online and offline |
Author/Editor: Beatrice Zani ,Isabelle Cockel
The Lived Experiences of African International Students in the UK: Precarity, Consciousness and the Law |
Author/Editor: James Marson ,Mohammed Dirisu ,Katy Ferris
Literature and Transformation: A Narrative Study of Life-Changing Reading Experiences |
Author/Editor: Thor Magnus Tangerås
Literature and Inequality: Nine Perspectives from the Napoleonic Era through the First Gilded Age |
Author/Editor: Daniel Shaviro
Line Endings in Renaissance Poetry |
Author/Editor: Stephen Guy-Bray
Life Chances, Education and Social Movements |
Author/Editor: Lyle Munro
Liberal Peace In Question: Politics of State and Market Reform in Sri Lanka |
Author/Editor: Kristian Stokke,Jayadeva Uyangoda
Liberalization, Financial Instability and Economic Development |
Author/Editor: Yilmaz Akyüz
Legal Identity, Race and Belonging in the Dominican Republic: From Citizen to Foreigner |
Author/Editor: Eve Hayes de Kalaf
The Legacy of Pierre Bourdieu: Critical Essays |
Author/Editor: Simon Susen,Bryan S. Turner
Lebanon and the Split of Life: Bearing Witness through the Art of Nabil Kanso |
Author/Editor: Meriam Soltan
Learning from Franz L. Neumann - Law, Theory, and the Brute Facts of Political Life |
Author/Editor: David Kettler,Thomas Wheatland
The Learning Economy and the Economics of Hope |
Author/Editor: Bengt-Åke Lundvall
Law and Humanities |
Author/Editor: Daniel Newman ,Russell Sandberg
Latin American Foreign Policies in the New World Order: The Active Non-Alignment Option |
Author/Editor: Carlos Fortin ,Jorge Heine ,Carlos Ominami
Late Victorian Orientalism: Representations of the East in Nineteenth-Century Literature, Art and Culture from the Pre-Raphaelites to John La Farge |
Author/Editor: Eleonora Sasso
Language, Texts, and Society: Explorations in Ancient Indian Culture and Religion |
Author/Editor: Patrick Olivelle
Language, Mind and Value: Essays on Wittgenstein |
Author/Editor: Severin Schroeder
The Language Experience Approach and the Science of Literacy Instruction |
Author/Editor: Elaine Traynelis Yurek ,Mary Winifred Strong
Land Dispossession and Everyday Politics in Rural Eastern India |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Bo Nielsen
Land and Agrarian Transformation in Zimbabwe: Rethinking Rural Livelihoods in the Aftermath of the Land Reforms |
Author/Editor: Grasian Mkodzongi
La economía de la Iniciativa Yasuní-ITT: Cambio climático como si importara la termodinámica |
Author/Editor: Joseph Henry Vogel,Iván Humberto Jiménez-Williams,Graciela Chichilnisky,José Manuel Hermida,Janny Robles
The Labyrinth of Sustainability: Green Business Lessons from Latin American Corporate Leaders |
Author/Editor: Daniel C. Esty
Kunqu Masters on Chinese Theatrical Performance |
Author/Editor: Yip Siu Hing ,Masters’ Studio,Josh Stenberg ,Josh Stenberg ,Kim Hunter Gordon ,Guo Chao ,Anne Rebull ,Wintergreen Kunqu Society,Chang Tong-Ching
Knowledge Evolution and Societal Transformations: Action Theory to Solve Adaptive Problems |
Author/Editor: Jerald Hage
Knowledge and Human Liberation: Towards Planetary Realizations |
Author/Editor: Ananta Kumar Giri
Kinematic Rhetoric: Non-Discursive, Time-Affect Images in Motion |
Author/Editor: Joddy Murray
Kid Power, Inequalities and Intergenerational Relations |
Author/Editor: Clara Rübner Jørgensen ,Michael Wyness
Keywords for Travel Writing Studies: A Critical Glossary |
Author/Editor: Charles Forsdick,Zoë Kinsley,Kathryn Walchester
Kenya and the Politics of a Postcolony |
Author/Editor: Wanjala S. Nasong’o
Karl Marx's 'Capital': A Guide to Volumes I–III |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Smith
Julia Wedgwood, The Unexpected Victorian: The Life and Writing of a Remarkable Female Intellectual |
Author/Editor: Sue Brown
Judicial Dispute Resolution: New Roles for Judges in Ensuring Justice |
Author/Editor: Lawrence Susskind ,William Tilleman ,Nicolás Parra-Herrera
Judge Knot: Politics and Development in International Investment Law |
Author/Editor: Todd N. Tucker
Joycean Possibilities: A Margot Norris Legacy |
Author/Editor: Joseph Valente ,Vicki Mahaffey ,Kezia Whiting
Journalism and the Metaverse |
Author/Editor: John V. Pavlik
Joseph Karo and Shaping of Modern Jewish Law: The Early Modern Ottoman and Global Settings |
Author/Editor: Roni Weinstein
John Ruskin and Nineteenth-Century Education |
Author/Editor: Valerie Purton,Robert Douglas-Fairhurst
John Keble in Context |
Author/Editor: Kirstie Blair
Jane Austen's Families |
Author/Editor: June Sturrock
Jane Austen’s Aunt Behind Bars: Writers and their Criminal Relatives and Associates, 1700–1900 |
Author/Editor: Stephen Wade
Jane Austen and her Readers, 1786–1945 |
Author/Editor: Katie Halsey
Islands, Identity and the Literary Imagination |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth McMahon
Islamic Leadership and the State in Eurasia |
Author/Editor: Galina M. Yemelianova
Islamic Ethos and the Specter of Modernity |
Author/Editor: Farzin Vahdat
ISIS and the Pornography of Violence |
Author/Editor: Simon Cottee
Iron Lazar: A Political Biography of Lazar Kaganovich |
Author/Editor: E. A. Rees
Éirinn & Iran go Brách: Iran in Irish-nationalist historical, literary, cultural, and political imaginations from the late-18th century to 1921 |
Author/Editor: Mansour Bonakdarian
Ireland’s Great Famine, Britain’s Great Failure |
Author/Editor: William H. A. Williams
Invented History, Fabricated Power: Narratives Shaping Civilizations |
Author/Editor: Barry Wood
An Introduction to Changing India: Culture, Politics and Development |
Author/Editor: Sirpa Tenhunen,Minna Säävälä
In the World of the Outcasts: Notes of a Former Penal Laborer, Volume II |
Author/Editor: Pëtr Filippovich Iakubovich,Andrew A. Gentes
In the Name of Security – Secrecy, Surveillance and Journalism |
Author/Editor: Johan Lidberg,Denis Muller
Interpersonal Encounters in Contemporary Travel Writing: French and Italian Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Catharine Mee
International Scientific Relations: Science, Technology and Innovation in the International System of the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Francisco Del Canto Viterale
International Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence |
Author/Editor: J. Mark Munoz ,Alka Maurya
International LGBTQ+ Literature for Children and Young Adults |
Author/Editor: B. J. Epstein ,Elizabeth L. Chapman
Internationalisation of Post-1992 UK Universities: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly |
Author/Editor: PETER BRADY
International Broadcasting and Its Contested Role in Australian Statecraft: Middle Power, Smart Power |
Author/Editor: Geoff Heriot
An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Wildlife Corridors: Conservation, Compassion and Connectivity |
Author/Editor: Amy D. Propen
Intercultural Understanding After Wittgenstein |
Author/Editor: Carla Carmona ,David Pérez-Chico ,Chon Tejedor
Intellectual Entertainments: Eight Dialogues on Mind, Consciousness and Thought |
Author/Editor: P. M. S. Hacker
Insight and Illusion: Themes in the Philosophy of Wittgenstein, 3rd Edition |
Author/Editor: P.M.S. HACKER ,Constantine Sandis
Inside Australian Culture: Legacies of Enlightenment Values |
Author/Editor: Baden Offord,Erika Kerruish,Rob Garbutt,Adele Wessell,Kirsten Pavlovic,Ashis Nandy,Vinay Lal
The Inner World of Research: On Academic Labor |
Author/Editor: Stefan Svallfors
The Inherence of Human Dignity: Law and Religious Liberty, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Barry W. Bussey ,Angus J. L. Menuge
The Inherence of Human Dignity: Foundations of Human Dignity, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Angus J. L. Menuge ,Barry W. Bussey
Information Technologies and Economic Development in Latin America |
Author/Editor: Alberto Chong,Mónica Yáñez-Pagans
The Influence of José da Silva Lisboa’s Journalism on the Independence of Brazil (1821-1822) |
Author/Editor: Guilherme Celestino
Individuals and Small Groups in Jewish Resistance to the Holocaust: A Case Study of a Young Couple and their Friends |
Author/Editor: Ben Braber
The Indian Uprising of 1857-8: Prisons, Prisoners and Rebellion |
Author/Editor: Clare Anderson
India and the World Bank: The Politics of Aid and Influence |
Author/Editor: Jason A. Kirk
India and China: Interactions through Buddhism and Diplomacy: A Collection of Essays by Professor Prabodh Chandra Bagchi |
Author/Editor: Prabodh Chandra Bagchi,Bangwei Wang,Tansen Sen
In Defense of Reason After Hegel: Why We Are So Wise |
Author/Editor: Richard Dien Winfield
Improvisations of Empire: Thomas Pringle in Scotland, the Cape Colony and London, 1789–1834 |
Author/Editor: Matthew Shum
The importance of sentiment in promoting reasonableness in children |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Pritchard
The ImpactAssets Handbook for Investors: Generating Social and Environmental Value through Capital Investing |
Author/Editor: JED EMERSON
An Immigrant Nation Seeks Cohesion: Australia from 1788 |
Author/Editor: James Jupp,Timothy Marjoribanks,Joo-Cheong Tham
The IMF and the World Bank at Sixty |
Author/Editor: ARIEL BUIRA
Imagining Gender, Nation, and Consumerism in Magazines of the 1920s |
Author/Editor: Rachael Alexander
Imagined Mobility: Migration and Transnationalism among Indian Students in Australia |
Author/Editor: Michiel Baas
ICTs and Development in India: Perspectives on the Rural Network Society |
Author/Editor: T. T. Sreekumar,Anthony P. D’Costa
Iconomy: Towards a Political Economy of Images |
Author/Editor: Terry Smith
IB Music Revision Guide, 3rd Edition: Everything you need to prepare for the Music Listening Examination (Standard and Higher Level 2019–2021) |
Author/Editor: Roger Paul
IB Music Revision Guide 2nd Edition: Everything you need to prepare for the Music Listening Examination (Standard and Higher Level 2016-2019), Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Roger Paul
IB Biology Revision Workbook |
Author/Editor: Roxanne Russo
Humor 2.0: How the Internet Changed Humor |
Author/Editor: Salvatore Attardo
Human Rights, Security Politics and Embodiment |
Author/Editor: Aneira J. Edmunds
Human Resource Policy: Connecting Strategy with Real-World Practice |
Author/Editor: Mike Fazey
How Transformative Innovations Shaped the Rise of Nations: From Ancient Rome to Modern America |
How to Find Work in the 21st Century: A Guide to Finding Employment in Today’s Workplace |
Author/Editor: Ron McGowan