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Titles ( displaying 500 of 1,255 ) | Information |
The 1927û1938 Italian Archaeological Expedition to Transjordan in Renato BartocciniÆs Archives |
Author/Editor: Anastasio, Stefano; Botarelli, Lucia
The 1927–1938 Italian Archaeological Expedition to Transjordan in Renato Bartoccini’s Archives |
Author/Editor: Stefano Anastasio ,Lucia Botarelli
1982 Uncovered: The Falklands War Mapping Project |
Author/Editor: Timothy Clack ,Tony Pollard
3D Delineation: A modernisation of drawing methodology for field archaeology |
Author/Editor: Justin J.L. Kimball
Ab imo pectore: Estudios sobre las emociones en la Antigüedad |
Author/Editor: Paula Arbeloa Borbón ,Fernando Doménech Cadalás ,Adrián Gordón Zan ,Diego Meseguer González ,Claudia Serrano Aranda
Abstractions Based on Circles: Papers on prehistoric rock art presented to Stan Beckensall on his 90th birthday |
Author/Editor: Paul Frodsham ,Kate Sharpe
Achaios: Studies presented to Professor Thanasis I. Papadopoulos |
Author/Editor: Evangelia Papadopoulou-Chrysikopoulou ,Vassilis Chrysikopoulos ,Gioulika Christakopoulou
Adolescente de Jalpan: Primer estudio iconográfico y esbozo de interpretación iconológica sobre una escultura huasteca en la Sierra Gorda del Noreste de México |
Author/Editor: María Teresa Muñoz Espinosa
Advances in UAE Archaeology: Proceedings of Abu Dhabi’s Archaeology Conference 2022 |
Author/Editor: Pascale El Fadi ,Maureen Gannon ,Kinan Al Shohof ,Tareq Al Ghoul
Aegean Mercenaries in Light of the Bible: Clash of cultures in the story of David and Goliath |
Author/Editor: Simona Rodan
AEGIS: Essays in Mediterranean Archaeology: Presented to Matti Egon by the scholars of the Greek Archaeological Committee UK |
Author/Editor: Zetta Theodoropoulou Polychroniadis ,Doniert Evely
Aesthetics, Applications, Artistry and Anarchy: Essays in Prehistoric and Contemporary Art: A Festschrift in honour of John Kay Clegg, 11 January 1935 – 1 March 2015 |
Author/Editor: Jillian Huntley ,George Nash
Afetna Point, Saipan: Archaeological Investigations of a Latte Period Village and Historic Context in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands |
Author/Editor: Boyd Dixon ,Cherie Walth ,Kathy Mowrer ,Danny Welch ,Isla Nelson ,Robert Jones
The Affect of Crafting: Third Millennium BCE Copper Arrowheads from Ganeshwar, Rajasthan |
Author/Editor: Uzma Z. Rizvi
Ages and Abilities: The Stages of Childhood and their Social Recognition in Prehistoric Europe and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Katharina Rebay-Salisbury ,Doris Pany-Kucera
Agia Varvara-Almyras: An Iron Age Copper Smelting Site in Cyprus |
Author/Editor: Christina Peege ,Philippe Della Casa ,Walter Fasnacht ,Philippe Della Casa ,Iphigenia Gavriel ,Robert Morris ,Anne Carey ,Aleksandra Mistireki ,Walt
Agrarian Archaeology in Northwestern Iberia: Local Societies: The Off-Site Record |
Author/Editor: Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo
Ajanta’s Evolution: From Sāvakayāna to Bodhisatvayāna amid Hunnic Turmoil |
Author/Editor: Rajesh Kumar Singh
Aleksei P. Okladnikov: The Great Explorer of the Past. Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Konopatskii, Aleksander K.; Bland, Richard L.; Kuzmin, Yaroslav V
Aleksei P. Okladnikov: The Great Explorer of the Past. Volume I: A biography of a Soviet archaeologist (1900s - 1950s) |
Author/Editor: A. K. Konopatskii ,Richard L. Bland ,Yaroslav V. Kuzmin
Alexandria and Qumran: Back to the Beginning |
Author/Editor: Silver, Kenneth
Alexandria Antiqua: A Topographical Catalogue and Reconstruction |
Author/Editor: Amr Abdo
AlexandriaÆs Hinterland |
Author/Editor: Kenawi, Mohamed
Alexandria’s Hinterland: Archaeology of the Western Nile Delta, Egypt |
Author/Editor: Mohamed Kenawi
‘A Mersshy Contree Called Holdernesse’: Excavations on the Route of a National Grid Pipeline in Holderness, East Yorkshire: Rural Life in the Claylands to the East of the Yorkshire Wolds, from the Mesolithic to the Iron Age and Roman Periods, and beyond |
Author/Editor: Gavin Glover ,Paul Flintoft ,Richard Moore ,Hugo Anderson-Whymark ,Kevin Leahy ,Terry Manby ,Chris Cumberpatch ,Rob Ixer ,Derek Pitman
Amphorae from the Kops Plateau (Nijmegen): trade and supply to the Lower-Rhineland from the Augustan period to AD 69/70 |
Author/Editor: Carreras, CΦsar; van den Berg, Joost
Amphorae in the Eastern Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: ╓niz, Hakan
Analysis of the Economic Foundations Supporting the Social Supremacy of the Beaker Groups: Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain): Volume 6 / Session B36 |
Author/Editor: Elisa Guerra Doce ,Corina Liesau von Lettow-Vorbeck
An Anatomy of a Priory Church: The Archaeology, History and Conservation of St Mary’s Priory Church, Abergavenny |
Author/Editor: George Nash
An Anatomy of a Priory Church: The Archaeology, History and Conservation of St MaryÆs Priory Church, Abergavenny |
Author/Editor: Nash, George
Ancient Art and its Commerce in Early Twentieth-Century Europe: The John Marshall Archive: A Collection of Essays Written by the Participants of the John Marshall Archive Project |
Author/Editor: Guido Petruccioli
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Moon: Coffin Texts Spells 154û160 |
Author/Editor: Priskin, Gyula
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Moon: Coffin Texts Spells 154–160 |
Author/Editor: Gyula Priskin
Ancient Engineering: Selective Ceramic Processing in the Middle Balsas Region of Guerrero, Mexico |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Meanwell
The Ancient English Morris Dance |
Author/Editor: Michael Heaney
The Ancient Mediterranean Trade in Ceramic Building Materials: A Case Study in Carthage and Beirut |
Author/Editor: Mills, Philip
Ancient Weapons of Oman. Volume 1: Edged Weapons |
Ancient Weapons of Oman. Volume 2: Firearms |
Ancient West Mexico in the Mesoamerican Ecumene |
Author/Editor: Williams, Eduardo
Andrßs Bodor and the History of Classical Studies in Transylvania in the 20th century |
Author/Editor: Szabo, Csaba
Anglo-Saxon Crops and Weeds: A Case Study in Quantitative Archaeobotany |
Author/Editor: Mark McKerracher
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 23 |
Author/Editor: Helena Hamerow
Animal Husbandry and Hunting in the Central and Western Balkans Through Time |
Author/Editor: Markovi?, Nemanja; Bulatovi?, Jelena
Anthropomorphic Images in Rock Art Paintings and Rock Carvings |
Author/Editor: Meaden, Terence; Bender, Herman
Anthropomorphic Representations in the Cucuteni-Tripolye Culture |
Author/Editor: Monah, Dan
The Antonine Wall: Papers in Honour of Professor Lawrence Keppie |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze ,William S. Hanson
AP2017: 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection: 12th-16th September 2017, University of Bradford |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Jennings ,Christopher Gaffney ,Thomas Sparrow ,Sue Gaffney
Aportes del enfoque tecnológico a la arqueología precolombina: Pasado y presente de la alfarería en el valle del río Cuyes y su región (Andes sur-orientales del ecuador) |
Author/Editor: Catherine Lara
Approaches to Disruptions and Interactions in Archaeology: Proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Annual Conferences in 2017-2019 |
Author/Editor: Penny Coombe ,Ying Tung Fung
Approaches to the Analysis of Production Activity at Archaeological Sites |
Author/Editor: Anna K. Hodgkinson ,Cecilie Lelek Tvetmarken
Aprovechamiento de vertebrados terrestres por las poblaciones humanas que habitaron la costa del Golfo San Matías (Río Negro, Argentina) durante el Holoceno tardío |
Author/Editor: Hernán A. Marani
Aquatic Adaptations in Mesoamerica: Subsistence Activities in Ethnoarchaeological Perspective |
Author/Editor: Eduardo Williams
Arab Music: A Survey of Its History and Its Modern Practice |
Author/Editor: Leo Plenckers
Arab Settlements: Tribal structures and spatial organizations in the Middle East between Hellenistic and Early Islamic periods |
Author/Editor: Nicolò Pini
Archaeologiae Una storia al plural: Studi in memoria di Sara Santoro |
Author/Editor: Sonia Antonelli ,Vasco La Salvia ,Maria Cristina Mancini ,Oliva Menozzi ,Marco Moderato ,Maria Carla Somma
The Archaeological Activities of James Douglas in Sussex between 1809 and 1819 |
Author/Editor: Lyne, Malcolm
Archaeological Data Recovery in the Piceance and Wyoming Basins of Northwestern Colorado and Southwestern Wyoming |
Author/Editor: Landt, Matthew J
The Archaeological Dictionary: English-Greek/Greek-English |
Author/Editor: Nikos Koutsoumpos
Archaeological Excavations at Little Paxton Quarry Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire: 2017 to 2021 |
Author/Editor: James Fairclough ,Rob Atkins ,Sander Aerts ,Lyn Blackmore ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Chris Chinnock ,Mary Ellen Crothers ,David Dungworth ,Chris Faine
Archaeological excavations in Moneen Cave, the Burren, Co. Clare: Insights into Bronze Age and post-medieval life in the west of Ireland |
Author/Editor: Marion Dowd ,Fiona Beglane ,Kirsten I. Bos ,Ruth F. Carden ,Matthew Collins ,Rory Connolly ,David Drew ,Sheila Hamilton-Dyer ,Thomas Kador
The Archaeological Excavations in the Castel Corno Caves (Isera, Trento, Italy): Burial Places and Settlement of a Small Alpine Community between the 25th and 17th Centuries BC |
Author/Editor: Maurizio Battisti ,Umberto Tecchiati
Archaeological Explorations in Syria 2000-2011: Proceedings of ISCACH-Beirut 2015 |
Author/Editor: Jeanine Abdul Massih ,Shinichi Nishiyama ,Hanan Charaf ,Ahmad Deb
Archaeological Heritage Conservation and Management |
Author/Editor: Brian J. Egloff
Archaeological Heritage Policies and Management Structures: Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain). Volume 15 / Sessions A15a, A15b, A15c |
Author/Editor: Erika M. Robrahn-González ,Friedrich Lüth ,Abdoulaye Cámara ,Pascal Depaepe ,Asya Engovatova ,Ranjana Ray ,Vidula Jayswal
Archaeological Investigations at South Quay, Hayle |
Author/Editor: Yvonne Wolframm-Murray ,Rob Atkins ,Andrew Sherman ,Sofia Turk ,Carla Ardis ,James Ladocha ,Amir Bassir
Archaeological Mission of Chieti University in Libya: Reports 2006-2008 |
Author/Editor: Menozzi, Oliva
Archaeological Paleography: A Proposal for Tracing the Role of Interaction in Mayan Script Innovation via Material Remains |
Author/Editor: Joshua D. Englehardt
Archaeological rescue excavations on Packages 3 and 4 of the Batinah Expressway, Sultanate of Oman |
Author/Editor: Saunders, Ben
Archaeological Research at Caution Bay, Papua New Guinea: Cultural, Linguistic and Environmental Setting |
Author/Editor: Thomas Richards ,Bruno David ,Ken Aplin ,Ian J. McNiven
Archaeological Stones and Their Macroscopic Identification |
Author/Editor: James A. Harrell
The Archaeological Survey of Sudanese Nubia, 1963-69: The Pharaonic Sites |
Author/Editor: David N. Edwards ,David N. Edwards ,Anthony J. Mills ,Lauriane Mielle ,Vivian Davies
Archaeologies & Antiquaries: Essays by Dai Morgan Evans |
Author/Editor: Howard Williams ,Kara Critchell ,Sheena Evans
The Archaeology and Epigraphy of Indus Writing |
Author/Editor: Wells, Bryan K
Archaeology and Ethnography Along the Loango Coast in the South West of the Republic of Congo |
Author/Editor: Wait, Gerry; Thiaw, Ibrahima
Archaeology and Geology of Ancient Egyptian Stones: Archaeological and Geological Background; Building and Utilitarian Stones |
Author/Editor: James A. Harrell
The Archaeology and History of the Church of the Redeemer and the Muristan in Jerusalem: A Collection of Essays from a Workshop on the Church of the Redeemer and its Vicinity held on 8th/9th September 2014 in Jerusalem |
Author/Editor: Dieter Vieweger ,Shimon Gibson
Archaeology and History of Toraijin: Human, Technological, and Cultural Flow from the Korean Peninsula to the Japanese Archipelago c. 800 BC–AD 600 |
Author/Editor: Song-nai Rhee ,C. Melvin Aikens ,Gina L. Barnes
Archaeology by the Fourth Nile Cataract: Survey and Excavations on the left bank of the river and on the islands between Amri and Kirbekan, Volume I: Landscape, toponyms and oral history and the people, their settlements, architecture and land use before |
Author/Editor: DEREK A. WELSBY ,Rebecca Bradley ,Robert Bussert ,Baldur Gabriel ,Arnaud Malterer ,Muhamed Jalal Hashim ,Nuha Abdel Hafiz Abdel Aziz ,Nadejda Reshetnikova
The Archaeology of Anglo-Jewry in England and Wales 1656ûc.1880 |
Author/Editor: Marks, Kenneth
The Archaeology of Anglo-Jewry in England and Wales 1656–c.1880 |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Marks
Archaeology of Body and Thought: From the Neolithic to the Beginning of the Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Tomasz Gralak
The Archaeology of Kenilworth Castle’s Elizabethan Garden: Excavation and Investigation 2004–2008 |
Author/Editor: Brian Dix ,Stephen Parry ,Claire Finn ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Pat Chapman ,Tora Hylton ,Richard K Morris ,Iain Soden ,Stephanie Vann
The Archaeology of Medieval Towns: Case Studies from Japan and Europe |
Author/Editor: Kaner, Simon; Ayers, Brian; Pearson, Richard
The Archaeology of Medieval Villages Currently Inhabited in Europe |
Author/Editor: Fernßndez Fernßndez, Jes·s; Fernßndez Mier, Margarita
The Archaeology of Prehistoric Burnt Mounds in Ireland |
Author/Editor: Alan Hawkes
The Archaeology of Tanamu 1: A Pre-Lapita to Post-Lapita Site from Caution Bay, South Coast of Mainland Papua New Guinea |
Author/Editor: Bruno David ,Katherine Szabó ,Matthew Leavesley ,Ian J. McNiven ,Jeremy Ash ,Thomas Richards
The Archaeology of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Adjacent Regions |
Author/Editor: Kopanias, Konstantinos; MacGinnis, John
Archaeology of the Ouse Valley, Sussex, to AD 1500 |
Author/Editor: Moore, Dudley; Allen, Michael J.; Rudling, David
The Archaeology of Time Travel: Experiencing the Past in the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Bodil Petersson ,Cornelius Holtorf
The Archaeology of ‘Underdog Sites’ in the Douro Valley: From Prehistory to the Modern Age |
Author/Editor: Santiago Sánchez de la Parra-Pérez ,Sonia Díaz-Navarro ,Javier Fernández-Lozano ,Javier Jiménez Gadea
The Archaeology of Yucatán: New Directions and Data |
Author/Editor: Travis W. Stanton
The Archaeology of Yucatßn: New Directions and Data |
Author/Editor: Stanton, Travis W
Archaeology on the Apulian – Lucanian Border |
Author/Editor: Alastair Small ,Carola Small ,Ian Campbell ,Giacomo Disantarosa ,Pasquale Favia ,John Hayes ,Philip Kenrick ,Angelica Portagnuolo ,Jeremy Rossiter
Archaeology: What It Is, Where It Is, and How to Do It |
Author/Editor: Wilkinson, Paul
Archaeology with Art |
Author/Editor: Chittock, Helen; Valdez-Tullett, Joana
Archaic and Classical Harbours of the Greek World: The Aegean and Eastern Ionian contexts |
Author/Editor: Chiara Maria Mauro
ArcheoFOSS XIV 2020: Open Software, Hardware, Processes, Data and Formats in Archaeological Research: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, 15-17 October 2020 |
Author/Editor: Julian Bogdani ,Riccardo Montalbano ,Paolo Rosati
Archeologia a Firenze: Cittα e Territorio |
Author/Editor: d'Aquino, Valeria; Guarducci, Guido; Nencetti, Silvia
Archeologia dell’acqua a Gortina di Creta in età protobizantina |
Author/Editor: Elisabetta Giorgi
Architecture militaire du Deccan: Une réponse défensive face à la guerre moderne |
Author/Editor: Nicolas Morelle ,George Michell
Architectures néolithiques de l’île d’Yeu (Vendée) |
Author/Editor: Audrey Blanchard ,Serge Cassen ,Jean-Noël Guyodo
Architectures of Fire: Processes, Space and Agency in Pyrotechnologies |
Author/Editor: Dragoş Gheorghiu
Archival Theory, Chronology and Interpretation of Rock Art in the Western Cape, South Africa |
Author/Editor: Siyakha Mguni
Archæographies: Excavating Neolithic Dispilio |
Archæographies: Excavating Neolithic Dispilio – X |
ArchΘologie de la Bible hΘbra∩que |
Author/Editor: LemardelΘ, Christophe
Archéologie de la Bible hébraïque: Culture scribale et Yahwismes |
Author/Editor: Christophe Lemardelé
Argonauts of the Stone Age: Early maritime activity from the first migrations from Africa to the end of the Neolithic |
Author/Editor: Andrzej Pydyn
Aristotle’s Meteorologica: Meteorology Then and Now |
Author/Editor: Anastasios A. Tsonis ,Christos Zerefos
Around the Petit-Chasseur Site in Sion (Valais, Switzerland) and New Approaches to the Bell Beaker Culture: Proceedings of the International Conference (Sion, Switzerland – October 27th – 30th 2011) |
Author/Editor: Marie Besse
Arqueología computacional del territorio. Métodos y técnicas para estudiar decisiones humanas en paisajes pretéritos |
Author/Editor: Miguel Carrero-Pazos
Arqueología de la arquitectura en el oppidum oretano de El Cerro de las Cabezas (Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real): los bastiones de la puerta S |
Author/Editor: Jorge del Reguero González
Arqueología de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Sudamérica: El asentamiento Nazi de Teyú Cuaré |
Author/Editor: Daniel Schavelzon ,Ana Igareta
Arqueología de las sociedades locales en la Alta Edad Media: San Julián de Aistra y las residencias de las élites rurales |
Author/Editor: Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo ,Andrew Reynolds
Arqueología funeraria y paleopatología de la población religiosa de Jerez en época moderna: una primera aproximación |
Author/Editor: Gonzalo Castro Moreno
Arqueología urbana en el área central de la Ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina: Excavaciones en la Sede Corporativa del Banco de la Provincia de Córdoba (2014-2016) |
Author/Editor: Andrés D. Izeta ,Eduardo A. Pautassi ,G. Roxana Cattáneo ,Andrés I. Robledo ,José María Caminoa ,Julián Mignino ,Isabel E. Prado
Arqueología y Téchne: Métodos formales, nuevos enfoques: Archaeology and Techne: Formal methods, new approaches |
Author/Editor: José Remesal Rodríguez ,Jordi Pérez González
Art and Architecture in Neolithic Orkney: Process, Temporality and Context |
Author/Editor: Antonia Thomas
Art and the Senses in Ancient America: Materiality and Meaning |
Author/Editor: Ma. Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos Pascual ,Ana García Barrios ,Megan E. O’Neil
Art as Metaphor: The Prehistoric Rock-Art of Britain |
Author/Editor: Aron Mazel ,George Nash ,Clive Waddington
Arthur Evans in Dubrovnik and Split (1875-1882) |
Author/Editor: Branko Kirigin
Artistic Practices and Archaeological Research |
Author/Editor: Gheorghiu, Dragos; Barth, Theodor
Art of the Ancestors: Spatial and temporal patterning in the ceiling rock art of Nawarla Gabarnmang, Arnhem Land, Australia |
Author/Editor: Robert Gunn
The Arverni and Roman Wine: Roman Amphorae from Late Iron Age sites in the Auvergne (Central France): Chronology, fabrics and stamps |
Author/Editor: Matthew Loughton
Assessing Iron Age Marsh-Forts: With Reference to the Stratigraphy and Palaeoenvironment Surrounding The Berth, North Shropshire |
Author/Editor: Shelagh Norton
The Assyrian Rock Relief at Yaǧmur (Evrihan) in the Tur Abdin |
Author/Editor: Bülent Genç ,John MacGinnis
Athens and Attica in Prehistory: Proceedings of the International Conference, Athens, 27–31 May 2015 |
Author/Editor: Nikolas Papadimitriou ,James C. Wright ,Sylvian Fachard ,Naya Polychronakou-Sgouritsa ,Eleni Andrikou
Athens and Attica in Prehistory: Proceedings of the International Conference, Athens, 27û31 May 2015 |
Author/Editor: Papadimitriou, Nikolas; Wright, James C.; Fachard, Sylvian
Athens from 1456 to 1920 |
Author/Editor: Karidis, Dimitris N
Athens from 1920 to 1940: A true and just account of how History was enveloped by a modern City and the Place became an Event |
Author/Editor: Dimitris N. Karidis
Athyrmata: Critical Essays on the Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean in Honour of E. Susan Sherratt |
Author/Editor: Galanakis, Yannis; Wilkinson, Toby; Bennet, John
Atlas of Ceramic Fabrics 1: Italy: North-East, Adriatic, Ionian. Bronze Age: Impasto |
Author/Editor: Valentina Cannavò ,Sara Tiziana Levi ,Daniele Brunelli ,Andrea Di Renzoni
Atlas of Ceramic Fabrics 2: Italy: Southern Tyrrhenian. Neolithic – Bronze Age |
Author/Editor: Sara T. Levi ,Valentina Cannavò ,Daniele Brunelli ,Andrea Di Renzoni
At the Crossroads of Greco-Roman History, Culture, and Religion: Papers in Memory of Carin M. C. Green |
Author/Editor: Sinclair W. Bell ,Lora L. Holland
Augustus: From Republic to Empire |
Author/Editor: B?kowska-Czerner, Gra?yna; Bodzek, Jaros?aw
Ausgewählte kleine Schriften zur römischen Antike (1974–2024) |
Author/Editor: Günther E. Thüry
Australasian Egyptology Conference 4: Papers from the Fourth Australasian Egyptology Conference Dedicated to Gillian E. Bowen |
Author/Editor: Ben Bassett ,Janet Davey ,Paul Kucera ,Meg Lisle ,Rosanne Livingstone ,Richard J. Long ,Glennda Susan Marsh-Letts ,Ryna Ordynat ,Aymie Paull
Autour de lÆinfanterie dÆΘlite macΘdonienne α lÆΘpoque du royaume antigonide |
Author/Editor: Juhel, Pierre O
Axe-heads and Identity |
Author/Editor: Walker, Katharine
Banquets, Rations et Offrandes Alimentaires au Proche-Orient ancien: 10,000 ans d’histoire alimentaire révélée |
Author/Editor: Daniel Bonneterre
Barbaric Splendour: The Use of Image Before and After Rome |
Author/Editor: Toby F. Martin ,Wendy Morrison
Bar Locks and Early Church Security in the British Isles |
Author/Editor: John F. Potter
Barāqish/Yathill (Yemen) 1986-2007: Excavations of Temple B and related research and restoration / Extramural excavations in Area C and overview studies |
Author/Editor: Sabina Antonini ,Francesco G. Fedele ,Alessio Agostini ,Sabina Antonini ,Mounir Arbach ,Vittoria Buffa ,Christian Darles ,Francesco G. Fedele ,Solèn
Barrow Old Hall and Twiss Green: Investigations of two sub-manorial estate centres within the townships of Bold and Culcheth in the Hundred of Warrington 1982-87 |
Author/Editor: Dan Garner ,Jennifer Lewis ,David Freke ,Martin Cleaver ,Clemency Fisher ,David A. Higgins ,Alan Moulsdale ,A. F. Roberts ,Margaret Warhurst
Bearsden: The Story of a Roman Fort |
Author/Editor: Breeze, David J
The Beau Street, Bath Hoard |
Author/Editor: Anthony, Verity; Abdy, Richard; Clews, Stephen
The Bell Beaker Culture in All Its Forms: Proceedings of the 22nd Meeting of ‘Archéologie et Gobelets’ 2021 (Geneva, Switzerland) |
Author/Editor: Claudine Abegg ,Delia Carloni ,Florian Cousseau ,Eve Derenne ,Jessica Ryan-Despraz ,Marie Besse
Berkeley Castle Tales |
Author/Editor: Stuart J. Prior ,Mark Horton ,Konstantinos Trimmis
A Bestiary of Monsters in Greek Mythology |
Author/Editor: Syropoulos, Spyros
Best Practices of GeoInformatic Technologies for the Mapping of Archaeolandscapes |
Author/Editor: Apostolos Sarris
Between History and Archaeology: Papers in honour of Jacek Lech |
Author/Editor: Werra, Dagmara H.; Wo?ny, Marzena
Between Roman Culture and Local Tradition: Roman Provincial Coinage of Bithynia and Pontus during the Reign of Trajan (98-117 AD) |
Author/Editor: Barbara Zając
Between the 3rd and 2nd Millennia BC: Exploring Cultural Diversity and Change in Late Prehistoric Communities |
Author/Editor: Susana Soares Lopes ,Sérgio Alexandre Gomes
Beyond the Ice: Creswell Crags and its place in a wider European context |
Author/Editor: Beresford, Matthew
Big Data and Archaeology: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 15, Session III-1 |
Author/Editor: François Djindjian ,Paola Moscati
Bioarchaeology and Dietary Reconstruction across Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in Tuscany, Central Italy |
Author/Editor: Giulia Riccomi
A Biography of Power: Research and Excavations at the Iron Age 'oppidum' of Bagendon, Gloucestershire (1979-2017) |
Author/Editor: Tom Moore ,Sophia Adams ,Michael J. Allen ,Sam Bithell ,Loïc Boscher ,Cameron Clegg ,G.B. Dannell ,Lorne Elliott ,Elizabeth Foulds
Birds, Beasts and Burials: A study of the human-animal relationship in Romano-British St. Albans |
Author/Editor: Hill, Brittany Elayne
The Birth and Development of the Idealized Concept of Arcadia in the Ancient World |
Author/Editor: Antonio Corso
The Black Sea in the Light of New Archaeological Data and Theoretical Approaches: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on the Black Sea in Antiquity held in Thessaloniki, 18-20 September 2015 |
Author/Editor: Manolis Manoledakis
Blood, Faith and Iron: A dynasty of Catholic industrialists in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England |
Author/Editor: Belford, Paul
æBlood Is Thicker Than WaterÆ û Non-Royal Consanguineous Marriage in Ancient Egypt |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Joanne-Marie
‘Blood Is Thicker Than Water’ – Non-Royal Consanguineous Marriage in Ancient Egypt: An Exploration of Economic and Biological Outcomes |
Author/Editor: Joanne-Marie Robinson
Bodies of Maize, Eaters of Grain: Comparing material worlds, metaphor and the agency of art in the Preclassic Maya and Mycenaean early civilisations |
Author/Editor: Marcus Jan Bajema
Body, Cosmos and Eternity: New Trends of Research on Iconography and Symbolism of Ancient Egyptian Coffins |
Author/Editor: Rogério Sousa
Boom and Bust in Bronze Age Britain: The Great Orme Copper Mine and European Trade |
Author/Editor: R. Alan Williams
Brass from the Past: Brass made, used and traded from prehistoric times to 1800 |
Author/Editor: Vanda Morton
Breaking the dšr.t Vessels: An Ancient Egyptian Fragmentation Rite |
Author/Editor: Elena L. Hertel
Bridge of Civilizations: The Near East and Europe c. 1100û1300 |
Author/Editor: Edbury, Peter; Pringle, Denys; Major, Balßzs
Bridge of Civilizations: The Near East and Europe c. 1100–1300 |
Author/Editor: Peter Edbury ,Denys Pringle ,Balázs Major
Bridging Science and Heritage in the Balkans: Studies in Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Restoration and Conservation |
Author/Editor: Nona Palincaş ,Corneliu C. Ponta
Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times, and Spaces in Dialogue – Volume 1: Sessions 1, 2, and 5 from the Conference Broadening Horizons 6 Held at the Freie Universität Berlin, 24–28 June 2019 |
Author/Editor: Christian W. Hess ,Federico Manuelli
Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times, and Spaces in Dialogue – Volume 3: Sessions 4 and 6 from the Conference Broadening Horizons 6 Held at the Freie Universität Berlin, 24–28 June 2019 |
Author/Editor: Costanza Coppini ,Georg Cyrus ,Hamaseh Golestaneh
Bridging the Gap in Maritime Archaeology: Working with Professional and Public Communities |
Author/Editor: Katy Bell
Bridging Times and Spaces: Papers in Ancient Near Eastern, Mediterranean and Armenian Studies: Honouring Gregory E. Areshian on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday |
Author/Editor: Pavel S. Avetisyan ,Yervand H. Grekyan
Bringing Down the Iron Curtain: Paradigmatic Change in Research on the Bronze Age in Central and Eastern Europe? |
Author/Editor: Klara Šabatová ,Laura Dietrich ,Oliver Dietrich ,Anthony Harding ,Viktória Kiss
The British in the Adriatic, 1800-1825 |
Author/Editor: Malcolm Scott Hardy
Brochs and the Empire: The impact of Rome on Iron Age Scotland as seen in the Leckie broch excavations |
Author/Editor: Euan W. MacKie
Bronze Age Barrow and Anglo-Saxon Cemetery: Archaeological Excavations on Land Adjacent to Upthorpe Road, Stanton Suffolk: November 2013 – March 2014 |
Author/Editor: Chris Chinnock ,Lyn Blackmore ,Sander Aerts ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Esther Cameron ,Andy Chapman ,Steve Critchley ,Val Fryer ,Sue Harrington
Bronze Age barrow and pit alignments at Upton Park, south of Weedon Road, Northampton |
Author/Editor: Yvonne Wolframm-Murray ,Jim Burke ,Rob Atkins ,Sander Aerts ,Andy Chapman ,Chris Chinnock ,Steve Critchley ,Mary Ellen Crothers ,Val Fryer
Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Saxon settlements along the route of the A43 Corby Link Road, Northamptonshire |
Author/Editor: Stephen Morris ,Simon Markus ,Jim Brown ,Rob Atkins ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Dana Challinor ,Andy Chapman ,Pat Chapman ,Chris Chinnock
Bronze Age Metalwork: Techniques and traditions in the Nordic Bronze Age 1500-1100 BC |
Author/Editor: N°rgaard, Heide W
Bronze Age Monuments and Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon Landscapes at Cambridge Road, Bedford |
Author/Editor: Chapman, Andy; Chapman, Pat
Bronze Age Tell Communities in Context: An Exploration Into Culture, Society and the Study of European Prehistory. Part 1: Critique: Europe and the Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: Tobias L. Kienlin
Bronze Age Tell Communities in Context: An Exploration into Culture, Society, and the Study of European Prehistory. Part 2: Practice – The Social, Space, and Materiality |
Author/Editor: Tobias L. Kienlin
Bronze æBathtubÆ Coffins In the Context of 8th-6th Century BC Babylonian, Assyrian and Elamite Funerary Practices |
Author/Editor: Wicks, Yasmina
Bronze ‘Bathtub’ Coffins In the Context of 8th-6th Century BC Babylonian, Assyrian and Elamite Funerary Practices |
Author/Editor: Yasmina Wicks
Bryan Faussett: Antiquary Extraordinary |
Author/Editor: Wright, David
Bâtisseurs de mégalithes: Un savoir-faire néolithique dévoilé par l’archéologie du bâti |
Author/Editor: Florian Cousseau
The Buckley Potteries: Recent Research and Excavation |
Author/Editor: Jones, Nigel
Building between the Two Rivers: An Introduction to the Building Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia |
Author/Editor: Anastasio, Stefano
Buildings in Society: International Studies in the Historic Era |
Author/Editor: Liz Thomas ,Jill Campbell
Building the Bronze Age: Architectural and Social Change on the Greek Mainland during Early Helladic III, Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I |
Author/Editor: Corien Wiersma
Burial Mounds in Europe and Japan: Comparative and Contextual Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Thomas Knopf ,Werner Steinhaus ,Shinya FUKUNAGA
Burials and Society in Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Ireland |
Author/Editor: Cormac McSparron
Buried in the Borderlands: An Artefact Typology and Chronology for the Netherlands in the Early Medieval Period on the Basis of Funerary Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Tim van Tongeren
The Busy Periphery: Urban Systems of the Balkan and Danube Provinces (2nd – 3rd c. AD) |
Author/Editor: Damjan Donev
The Busy Periphery: Urban Systems of the Balkan and Danube Provinces (2nd û 3rd c. AD) |
Author/Editor: Donev, Damjan
CAA2014: 21st Century Archaeology: Concepts, methods and tools. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology |
Author/Editor: F. Giligny ,F. Djindjian ,L. Costa ,P. Moscati ,S. Robert
CAA2016: Oceans of Data: Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Mieko Matsumoto ,Espen Uleberg
CAMERA KALAUREIA: An Archaeological Photo-Ethnography | Μια Αρχαιολογικη Φωτο-Εθνογραφια |
Cannibalism in the Linear Pottery Culture: The Human Remains from Herxheim |
Author/Editor: Boulestin, Bruno; Coupey, Anne-Sophie
Caractérisation, continuités et discontinuités des manifestations graphiques des sociétés préhistoriques: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 3, Session XXVIII-4 |
Author/Editor: Elena Paillet ,Marcela Sepulveda ,Eric Robert ,Patrick Paillet ,Nicolas Mélard
Carving a Professional Identity: The Occupational Epigraphy of the Roman Latin West |
Author/Editor: Varga, Rada
Carving Interactions: Rock Art in the Nomadic Landscape of the Black Desert, North-Eastern Jordan |
Author/Editor: Nathalie Østerled Brusgaard
Castles, Siegeworks and Settlements: Surveying the Archaeology of the Twelfth Century |
Author/Editor: Duncan W. Wright ,Oliver H. Creighton
Catalogue of Artefacts from Malta in the British Museum |
Author/Editor: Briffa SJ, Josef Mario; Sagona, Claudia
Catalogue of Etruscan Objects in World Museum, Liverpool |
Author/Editor: Turfa, Jeann MacIntosh; Muskett, Georgina
Cave Art: A Guide to the Decorated Ice Age Caves of Europe, Ed. REV - Revised |
Author/Editor: Paul G. Bahn
Cedar Forests, Cedar Ships |
Author/Editor: Rich, Sara A
Ceramiche vicinorientali della Collezione Popolani |
Author/Editor: Anastasio, Stefano; Botarelli, Lucia
Ceramic manufacturing techniques and cultural traditions in Nubia from the 8th to the 3rd millennium BC: Examples from Sai Island |
Author/Editor: Giulia D’Ercole
Ceramic Petrography: The Interpretation of Archaeological Pottery & Related Artefacts in Thin Section |
Author/Editor: Quinn, Patrick Sean
Ceramics and Atlantic Connections: Late Roman and Early Medieval Imported Pottery on the Atlantic Seaboard: Proceedings of an International Symposium at Newcastle University, March 2014 |
Author/Editor: Maria Duggan ,Sam Turner ,Mark Jackson
Ceramics in Transition: Production and Exchange of Late Byzantine-Early Islamic Pottery in Southern Transjordan and the Negev |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Holmqvist
Challenging Preconceptions of the European Iron Age: Essays in Honour of Professor John Collis |
Author/Editor: Wendy Morrison
The Chambered Tombs of the Isle of Man: A study by Audrey Henshall 1969–1978 |
Author/Editor: Audrey Henshall ,Frances Lynch ,Peter Davey ,Stephen Burrow ,Marshall Cubbon ,C. B. Denstone ,David Higgins ,Sinead McCartan ,Philippa Tomlinson
Change and Transition on Crete: Interpreting the Evidence from the Hellenistic through to the Early Byzantine Period: Papers Presented in Honour of G. W. M. Harrison |
Author/Editor: Jane E. Francis ,Michael J. Curtis
The Changing Landscapes of Rome’s Northern Hinterland: The British School at Rome’s Tiber Valley Project |
Author/Editor: Helen Patterson ,Robert Witcher ,Helga Di Giuseppe ,Martin Millett ,Simon Keay ,Christopher Smith ,Andrew Wallace-Hadrill
Charles-Étienne Brasseur de Bourbourg, premier grand mayaniste de France |
Author/Editor: Jean-Marie Lebon
Charles-╔tienne Brasseur de Bourbourg, premier grand mayaniste de France |
Author/Editor: Lebon, Jean-Marie
Chios dicta est… et in Aegæo sita mari: Historical Archaeology and Heraldry on Chios |
Author/Editor: Ioanna N. Koukouni
Chronological Developments in the Old Kingdom Tombs in the Necropoleis of Giza, Saqqara and Abusir: Toward an Economic Decline during the Early Dynastic Period and the Old Kingdom |
Author/Editor: Leo Roeten
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Text and Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Kelley, Justin L
The Circular Archetype in Microcosm: The Carved Stone Balls of Late Neolithic Scotland |
Author/Editor: Chris L. Stewart-Moffitt
Cities, Monuments and Objects in the Roman and Byzantine Levant: Studies in Honour of Gabi Mazor |
Author/Editor: Walid Atrash ,Andrew Overman ,Peter Gendelman
A Classical ArchaeologistÆs Life: The Story so Far |
Author/Editor: Boardman, John
A Classical Archaeologist’s Life: The Story so Far: An Autobiography |
Author/Editor: John Boardman
The Classification of Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Copper and Bronze Axe-heads from Southern Britain |
Author/Editor: Stuart Needham
Classification of Lithic Artefacts from the British Late Glacial and Holocene Periods |
Author/Editor: Torben Bjarke Ballin
Claves para la definición de un paisaje cultural: Arqueología, patrimonio, didáctica y turismo en la cuenca del Guadalquivir |
Author/Editor: Desiderio Vaquerizo ,Ana Ruiz-Osuna ,Belén Vázquez-Navajas
Close to the Edge: Excavations of Five Cornish Coastal Barrows |
Author/Editor: Andy M. Jones
Cloth Seals: An Illustrated Guide to the Identification of Lead Seals Attached to Cloth |
Author/Editor: Stuart F. Elton
Coins in Rhodes: From the monetary reform of Anastasius I until the Ottoman conquest (498 - 1522) |
Author/Editor: Anna-Maria Kasdagli
Colecciones, arqueólogos, instituciones y yacimientos en la España de los siglos XVIII al XX |
Author/Editor: Sergio España-Chamorro ,Rebeca Arranz Santos ,Alberto Romero Molero
Colonial Geopolitics and Local Cultures in the Hellenistic and Roman East (3rd century BC – 3rd century AD): Géopolitique coloniale et cultures locales dans l’Orient hellénistique et romain (IIIe siècle av. J.-C. – IIIe siècle ap. J.-C.) |
Author/Editor: Hadrien Bru ,Adrian G. Dumitru ,Nicholas Sekunda
Coming of Age: Ethics and Biological Anthropology in the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Vanessa Campanacho ,Francisca Alves Cardoso
Commemorating Conflict: Greek Monuments of the Persian Wars |
Author/Editor: Duffy, Xavier
Community Archaeology: Working Ancient Aboriginal Wetlands in Eastern Australia |
Author/Editor: Wendy Beck ,Catherine Clarke ,Robert Haworth
Composite Artefacts in the Ancient Near East: Exhibiting an imaginative materiality, showing a genealogical nature |
Author/Editor: Silvana Di Paolo
A Comprehensive Survey of Rock Art in Upper Tibet: Volume I: Eastern Byang thang |
Author/Editor: John Vincent Bellezza
A Comprehensive Survey of Rock Art in Upper Tibet: Volume II: Central and Western Byang thang |
Author/Editor: John Vincent Bellezza
Compulsion and Control in Ancient Egypt: Proceedings of the Third Lady Wallis Budge Egyptology Symposium |
Author/Editor: Alexandre Loktionov
Conexiones Culturales y Patrimonio Prehistórico |
Author/Editor: Juan Manuel Garrido Anguita
Conflict Landscapes: An Archaeology of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War |
Author/Editor: Garfi, Salvatore
Conjuring Up Prehistory: Landscape and the Archaic in Japanese Nationalism |
Author/Editor: Mark J. Hudson
Connecting Networks: Characterising Contact by Measuring Lithic Exchange in the European Neolithic |
Author/Editor: Tim Kerig ,Stephen Shennan
Considering Creativity: Creativity, Knowledge and Practice in Bronze Age Europe |
Author/Editor: Sofaer, Joanna
Contact, Circulation, Exchange: Proceedings of the Modified Bone & Shell UISPP Commission Conference (2-3 March 2017, University of Trnava) |
Author/Editor: Éva David ,Erik Hnrčiarik
Contextos cerámicos y transformaciones urbanas en Carthago Nova (s. II-III d.C.) |
Author/Editor: Alejandro Quevedo
Contextos cerßmicos y transformaciones urbanas en Carthago Nova (s. II-III d.C.) |
Author/Editor: Quevedo, Alejandro
Contextualización del reconocimiento arqueológico de Eduard Seler en la Región de Chaculá, Departamento de Huehuetenango, Guatemala |
Author/Editor: Ulrich Wölfel
Continuity and Change in Etruscan Domestic Architecture |
Author/Editor: Paul M. Miller
The Continuity of Pre-Islamic Motifs in Javanese Mosque Ornamentation, Indonesia |
Author/Editor: Hee Sook Lee-Niinioja
Contribution of Ceramic Technological Approaches to the Anthropology and Archaeology of Pre- and Protohistoric Societies: Apport des approaches technologiques de la céramique à l’anthropologie et à l’archéologie des sociétés pré et protohistoriques: Proce |
Author/Editor: François Giligny ,Ekaterina Dolbunova ,Louise Gomart ,Alexandre Livingstone Smith ,Sophie Méry
Controlling Colours: Function and meaning of Colour in the British Iron Age |
Author/Editor: Marlies Hoecherl
Conversations in Human Evolution: Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Lucy Timbrell
Conversations in Human Evolution: Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Lucy Timbrell
Copper Shaft-Hole Axes and Early Metallurgy in South-Eastern Europe: An Integrated Approach |
Author/Editor: Heeb, Julia
Corpus des amphores romaines produites dans les centres de mer Noire: Collections des musées de la côte turque de la mer Noire (Ereğli, Amasra, Sinop, Samsun, Giresun, Ordu, Trabzon et Amasya) |
Author/Editor: Dominique Kassab Tezgör
Corpus Inscriptionum Christianarum et Mediaevalium Provinciae Burgensis: (ss. IV-XIII) |
Author/Editor: Álvaro Castresana López
Coton Park, Rugby, Warwickshire: A Middle Iron Age Settlement with Copper Alloy Casting |
Author/Editor: Chapman, Andy
Country in the City: Agricultural Functions of Protohistoric Urban Settlements (Aegean and Western Mediterranean) |
Author/Editor: Garcia, Dominique; Orgeolet, Raphael; Pomadere, Maia
Coventry’s Medieval Suburbs: Excavations at Hill Street, Upper Well Street and Far Gosford Street 2003-2007 |
Author/Editor: Paul Mason ,Danny McAree ,Iain Soden ,Philip L Armitage ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Mark Bridge ,Andy Chapman ,Pat Chapman ,Mark Curteis
Creating the Human Past: An Epistemology of Pleistocene Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Robert G. Bednarik
Crimes in the Past: Archaeological and Anthropological Evidence |
Author/Editor: Tatyana Shvedchikova ,Negahnaz Moghaddam ,Pier Matteo Barone
Croatia at the Crossroads: A consideration of archaeological and historical connectivity |
Author/Editor: Davison, David; Gaffney, Vince; Miracle, Preston
Cultural Dynamics and Production Activities in Ancient Western Mexico: Papers from a symposium held in the Center for Archaeological Research, El Colegio de Michoacán 18-19 September 2014 |
Author/Editor: Eduardo Williams ,Blanca Maldonado
Cultural Expression in the Old Kingdom Elite Tomb |
Author/Editor: Verma, Sasha
Cultural Interactions during the Zhou period (c. 1000-350 BC): A study of networks from the Suizao corridor |
Author/Editor: Beichen Chen
Culture and Society at Lullingstone Roman Villa |
Author/Editor: Mackenzie, Caroline K
The Cultures of Ancient Xinjiang, Western China: Crossroads of the Silk Roads |
Author/Editor: Betts, Alison; Vicziany, Marika; Weiming Jia, Peter
Current Approaches to Collective Burials in the Late European Prehistory: Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain) Volume 14/Session A25b |
Author/Editor: Tiago Tomé ,Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla ,Ana Maria Silva ,Claudia Cunha ,Rui Boaventura
Current Perspectives in Sudanese and Nubian Archaeology: A Collection of Papers Presented at the 2018 Sudan Studies Research Conference, Cambridge |
Author/Editor: Rennan Lemos ,Samantha Tipper
Current Research in Egyptology 2017: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Symposium: University of Naples, “L’Orientale" 3–6 May 2017 |
Author/Editor: Ilaria Incordino ,Stefania Mainieri ,Elena D’Itria ,Maria Diletta Pubblico ,Francesco Michele Rega ,Anna Salsano
Current Research in Egyptology 2019: Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Symposium, University of Alcalá, 17–21 June 2019 |
Author/Editor: Marta Arranz Cárcamo ,Raúl Sánchez Casado ,Albert Planelles Orozco ,Sergio Alarcón Robledo ,Jónatan Ortiz García ,Patricia Mora Riudavets
Current Research in Egyptology 2021: Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Symposium, University of the Aegean, 9-16 May 2021 |
Author/Editor: Electra Apostola ,Christos Kekes
Current Research in Egyptology 2023: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Symposium, University of Basel, 10-14 September 2023 |
Author/Editor: L. Dogaer ,C.H.W. Fong ,E.L. Hertel ,M. Kilani ,G.K.H. Lunden
The Cutting Edge: Khoe-San rock-markings at the Gestoptefontein-Driekuil engraving complex, North West Province, South Africa |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Charles Hollmann
Cycladic Archaeology and Research: New Approaches and Discoveries |
Author/Editor: Angliker, Erica; Tully, John
Daily Life in Ancient Egyptian Personal Correspondence |
Author/Editor: Thorpe, Susan
Dana Island: The Greatest Shipyard of the Ancient Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: Hakan Öniz ,T. Mikail P. Duggan
The Danubian Lands between the Black, Aegean and Adriatic Seas |
Author/Editor: Tsetskhladze, Gocha R.; Avram, Alexandru; Hargrave, James
Da Roma a Gades/De Roma a Gades: Gestione, smaltimento e riuso dei rifiuti artigianali e commerciali in ambiti portuali marittimi e fluviali/La gestión, eliminación y reutilización de residuos artesanales y comerciales en ámbitos portuarios marítimos y fl |
Author/Editor: Darío Bernal-Casasola ,Alessia Contino ,Renato Sebastiani
Darwin´s Legacy: The Status of Evolutionary Archaeology in Argentina |
Author/Editor: Marcelo Cardillo ,Hernán Muscio
Dating the Tombs of the Egyptian Old Kingdom |
Author/Editor: Swinton, Joyce
Dating Urban Classical Deposits: Approaches and Problems in Using Finds to Date Strata |
Author/Editor: Guido Furlan
The Death of the Maiden in Classical Athens |
Author/Editor: Katia Margariti
Definición y caracterización de las cerámicas a mano con decoración pintada del sur de la península ibérica en época tartésica |
Author/Editor: Pedro Miguel Naranjo
De la provincia Celtiberia a la qūrā de Santabariyya: Arqueología de la Antigüedad tardía en la provincia de Cuenca (siglos V-VIII d.C.) |
Author/Editor: Rafael Barroso Cabrera
De la provincia Celtiberia a la q?r? de Santabariyya: Arqueologφa de la Antigⁿedad tardφa en la provincia de Cuenca (siglos V-VIII d.C.) |
Author/Editor: Barroso Cabrera, Rafael
De l’objet à la société romaine: Études archéologiques et épigraphiques offertes à Jean-Claude Béal |
Author/Editor: Touatia Amraoui ,Emmanuelle Dumas
The Delta Survey Workshop: Proceedings from Conferences held in Alexandria (2017) and Mansoura (2019) |
Author/Editor: Ayman Wahby ,Penelope Wilson
De luxuria propagata romana aetate. Roman luxury in its many forms |
Author/Editor: Lluís Pons Pujol ,Jordi Pérez González
Demography and Migration Population trajectories from the Neolithic to the Iron Age: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 5: Sessions XXXII-2 and XXXIV-8 |
Author/Editor: Thibault Lachenal ,Réjane Roure ,Olivier Lemercier
Deposit of Amphorae in the Quarter of St. Theodore, Pula |
Author/Editor: Starac, Alka
Derelict Stone Buildings of the Black Mountains Massif |
Author/Editor: Hodges, Christopher George Leslie
Deux campagnes de prospections au Yémen: 1992 – 1993 |
Author/Editor: Michel Mouton
The Development of an Iron Age and Roman Settlement Complex at The Park and Bowsings, near Guiting Power, Gloucestershire: Farmstead and Stronghold |
Author/Editor: Marshall, Alistair
The Development of Domestic Space in the Maltese Islands from the Late Middle Ages to the Second Half of the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Said-Zammit, George A
Dhofar Through the Ages: An Ecological, Archaeological and Historical Landscape |
The Dialectic of Practice and the Logical Structure of the Tool: Philosophy, Archaeology and the Anthropology of Technology |
Author/Editor: Jannis Kozatsas
Diana Umbronensis a Scoglietto: Santuario, Territorio e Cultura Materiale (200 a.C. - 550 d.C.) |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Sebastiani ,Elena Chirico ,Matteo Colombini ,Mario Cygielman
Dictionary of Archaeological Terms: EnglishûGerman/ GermanûEnglish |
Author/Editor: Junghans, Marie-Christine; Schimpf, Florian
Die antike Mⁿnze als Fundgegenstand |
Author/Editor: Thⁿry, Gⁿnther E
Die antike Münze als Fundgegenstand: Kategorien numismatischer Funde und ihre Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Günther E. Thüry
Die Ausrüstung der römischen Armee auf der Siegessäule des Marcus Aurelius in Rom: Ein Vergleich zwischen der skulpturalen Darstellung und den archäologischen Bodenfunden |
Author/Editor: Boris Alexander Nikolaus Burandt
Die Ausrⁿstung der r÷mischen Armee auf der SiegessΣule des Marcus Aurelius in Rom |
Author/Editor: Burandt, Boris Alexander Nikolaus
Die Bestattungsgruben in Bat |
Author/Editor: Conrad Schmidt ,Stefan Giese ,Christian Hübner ,Steve Zäuner
Die Bleifunde der römisch-republikanischen Anlage von Sanisera, Menorca: Archäologische und archäometrische Analyse |
Author/Editor: Regine Müller
Die Bleifunde der r÷misch-republikanischen Anlage von Sanisera, Menorca |
Author/Editor: Mⁿller, Regine
Die Entstehung komplexer Siedlungen im Zentraloman: Archäologische Untersuchungen zur Siedlungsgeschichte von Al-Khashbah |
Author/Editor: Conrad Schmidt ,Stephanie Döpper ,Jonas Kluge ,Samantha Petrella ,Ullrich Ochs ,Nick Kirchhoff ,Susanne Maier ,Mona Walter ,Matthias Lang
Die Gräber von Bat und Al-Ayn und das Gebäude II in Bat |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Döpper ,Katleen Deckers ,Giulia Russo ,Teresa Losert
Die Römische Villa als Indikator provinzialer Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsstrukturen |
Author/Editor: Mareike Rind
Die R÷mische Villa als Indikator provinzialer Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsstrukturen |
Author/Editor: Rind, Mareike
Die vermeintlich pergamenische Importkeramik in Ephesos: Studien zur Typologie, Provenienz und Herstellungstechnik von so genannter Weißgrundiger Ware, Applikenkeramik und Pergamenischer Sigillata |
Author/Editor: Asuman Lätzer-Lasar
Different Times? Archaeological and Environmental Data from Intra-Site and Off-Site Sequences: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 4, Session II-8 |
Author/Editor: Zoï Tsirtsoni ,Catherine Kuzucuoğlu ,Philippe Nondédéo ,Olivier Weller
Digging into the Dark Ages: Early Medieval Public Archaeologies |
Author/Editor: Howard Williams ,Pauline Clarke
Digging Lincoln: An Archaeological Memoir |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Jones
Digging Up Jericho: Past, Present and Future |
Author/Editor: Rachael Thyrza Sparks ,Bill Finlayson ,Bart Wagemakers ,Josef Mario Briffa
Digital Imaging of Artefacts: Developments in Methods and Aims |
Author/Editor: Kate Kelley ,Rachel K. L. Wood
A Dignified Passage through the Gates of Hades: The Burial Custom of Cremation and the Warrior Order of Ancient Eleutherna |
Author/Editor: Anagnostis P. Agelarakis
Dimore della Cirenaica: Abitare a Cirene e a Tolemaide durante l’età imperiale |
Author/Editor: Eleonora Gasparini
Dinámicas sociales y roles entre mujeres: Percepciones en grupos de parentesco y espacios domésticos en el Oriente antiguo |
Author/Editor: Beatriz Noria-Serrano
Dirt, Dwellings and Culture: Living Conditions in Early Medieval Dublin: A case-study from Fishamble Street |
Author/Editor: Eileen Reilly
Discurso, espacio y poder en las religions antiguas |
Author/Editor: Rafael A. Barroso-Romero ,José A. Castillo-Lozano
Disease and Healing in the Indus Civilisation |
Author/Editor: Robert Arnott
Diseños geométricos en los mosaicos del Conventus Astigitanus |
Author/Editor: Sebastián Vargas Vázquez
Dise±os geomΘtricos en los mosaicos del Conventus Astigitanus |
Author/Editor: Vargas Vßzquez, Sebastißn
Disponibilidad y explotación de materias primas líticas en la costa de Norpatagonia (Argentina): Un enfoque regional |
Author/Editor: Jimena Alberti
A Distant Prospect of Wessex: Archaeology and the Past in the Life and Works of Thomas Hardy. |
Author/Editor: Martin J. P. Davies
Diversity in Archaeology: Proceedings of the Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference 2020/2021 |
Author/Editor: Elifgül Doğan ,Mariana Pinto Leitão Pereira ,Oliver Antczak ,Min Lin ,Phoebe Thompson ,Camila Alday
Dogs, Past and Present: An Interdisciplinary Perspective |
Author/Editor: Ivana Fiore ,Francesca Lugli
Do I Really Want to Be an Archaeologist?: Letters from the Field 1968-1974 |
Author/Editor: Karen D Vitelli
Domi militiaeque: MilitΣr- und andere Altertⁿmer |
Author/Editor: Thⁿry, Gⁿnther E
Domi militiaeque: Militär- und andere Altertümer: Festschrift für Hannsjörg Ubl zum 85. Geburtstag |
Author/Editor: Günther E. Thüry
Doors, Entrances and Beyond... Various Aspects of Entrances and Doors of the Tombs in the Memphite Necropoleis during the Old Kingdom |
Author/Editor: Roeten, Leo
Dosariyah: An Arabian Neolithic Coastal Community in the Central Gulf |
Author/Editor: Philipp Drechsler
Down the Bright Stream: The Prehistory of Woodcock Corner and the Tregurra Valley, Cornwall |
Author/Editor: Sean R. Taylor
Down to Earth Archaeology |
Drawings in Greek and Roman Architecture |
Author/Editor: Corso, Antonio
Dress and Identity in Iron Age Britain: A study of glass beads and other objects of personal adornment |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth M. Foulds
Du capsien chasseur au capsien pasteur: Pour un modèle régional de néolithisation |
Due antiche diocesi dello stretto di Messina: Insediamento, manufatti, infrastrutture e produzione nell’eparchia delle Saline e nelle isole Eolie tra Tardoantico e alto Medioevo |
Author/Editor: Francesca Zagari
Du Mont Liban aux Sierras dÆEspagne |
Author/Editor: Harfouche, Romana; Poupet, Pierre
Du Mont Liban aux Sierras d’Espagne: Sols, eau et sociétés en montagne: Autour du projet franco-libanais CEDRE “Nahr Ibrahim" |
Author/Editor: Romana Harfouche ,Pierre Poupet
D’une rive à l’autre: circulations et échanges entre la Maurétanie césarienne et le sud-est de l’Hispanie (Antiquité-Moyen-âge) |
Author/Editor: Touatia AMRAOUI ,Alejandro QUEVEDO
Durovigutum: Roman Godmanchester |
Author/Editor: Green, H. J. M
The Early and Late Roman Rural Cemetery at Nemesbőd (Vas County, Hungary) |
Author/Editor: Gábor Ilon ,Judit Kvassay
The Early and Late Roman Rural Cemetery at Nemesb?d (Vas County, Hungary) |
Author/Editor: Ilon, Gßbor; Kvassay, Judit
The Early Bronze Age Seal-Impressed Vessels from Ḫirbet ez-Zeraqōn: Pot-Sealing Practices in the Levant and Northeastern Syria in the Fourth and Third Millennia BCE |
Author/Editor: Valentina Tumolo
Early Farming in Dalmatia: Pokrovnik and Danilo Bitinj: two Neolithic villages in south-east Europe |
Author/Editor: Andrew Moore ,Marko Menđušić ,Lawrence Brown ,Sue Colledge ,Robert Giegengack ,Thomas Higham ,Vladimir Hršak ,Anthony Legge ,Drago Marguš
The Early Iron Age Metal Hoard from the Al Khawd Area (Sultan Qaboos University), Sultanate of Oman |
Early Maritime Cultures in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean: Papers from a conference held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (African Studies Program) 23-24 October 2015, with additional contributions |
Author/Editor: Akshay Sarathi
Early Medieval Settlement in Upland Perthshire: Excavations at Lair, Glen Shee 2012-17 |
Author/Editor: David Strachan ,David Sneddon ,Richard Tipping ,Łukasz Banaszeck ,Steven Black ,Ewan Campbell ,Ann Clarke ,David Cowley ,Derek Hall
Early Mesolithic Technical Systems of Southern France and Northern Italy: An investigation into Sauveterrian lithic technical systems |
Author/Editor: Davide Visentin
Early Neolithic, Iron Age and Roman settlement at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire |
Author/Editor: Preece, Tracy
Earthen Construction Technology: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 11 Session IV-5 |
Author/Editor: Annick Daneels ,Maria Torras Freixa
Easter Island Archaeology/Arqueologia en Rapa Nui (Isla de Pascua): A Tribute to Daniel Schávelzon on the 30th anniversary of the Center for Urban Archaeology at the University of Buenos Aires/Homenaje a Daniel Schávelzon a los treinta años del Centro de |
Author/Editor: Mario Silveira
Eastern Han (AD 25-220) Tombs in Sichuan |
Author/Editor: Chen, Xuan
Eastern Roman Mounted Archers and Extraordinary Medico-Surgical Interventions at Paliokastro in Thasos Island during the ProtoByzantine Period: The Historical and Medical History Records and the Archaeo-Anthropological Evidence |
Author/Editor: Anagnostis P. Agelarakis
Eastern Sudan in its Setting: The archaeology of a region far from the Nile Valley |
Author/Editor: Andrea Manzo
Ecclesiastical Landscapes in Medieval Europe: An Archaeological Perspective |
Author/Editor: Sßnchez-Pardo, JosΘ Carlos; Marron, Emmet; ?iplic, Maria Crεngaci
The Economy of the Later Roman Province of Third Palestine |
Author/Editor: Walter D. Ward
An Educator's Handbook for Teaching about the Ancient World |
Author/Editor: Pınar Durgun
Egil’s Saga: Traditional evidence for Brúnanburh compared to Literary, Historic and Archaeological Analyses |
Author/Editor: John R. Kirby
Egitto, Iraq ed Etruria nelle fotografie di John Alfred Spranger: Viaggi e ricerche archeologiche (1929-1936) |
Author/Editor: Stefano Anastasio ,Barbara Arbeid
Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research: Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference of Egyptologists (2nd-7th June, 2015, Zagreb – Croatia) |
Author/Editor: Mladen Tomorad ,Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska
Egypt and Austria XII - Egypt and the Orient: The Current Research |
Author/Editor: Tomorad, Mladen
Egyptian and Imported Pottery from the Red Sea port of Mersa Gawsis, Egypt |
Author/Editor: Wallace-Jones, Sally
Egyptian Cultural Identity in the Architecture of Roman Egypt (30 BC-AD 325) |
Author/Editor: Abdelwahed, Youssri Ezzat Hussein
Egyptian Predynastic Anthropomorphic Objects: A study of their function and significance in Predynastic burial customs |
Author/Editor: Ryna Ordynat
Egypt in Croatia: Croatian Fascination with Ancient Egypt from Antiquity to Modern Times |
Author/Editor: Tomorad, Mladen
El cerro de Alarcos (Ciudad Real): Formación y desarrollo de un oppidum ibérico: 20 años de excavaciones arqueológicas en el Sector III |
Author/Editor: Mª del Rosario Garcíac Huerta ,Francisco Javier Morales Hervás ,David Rodríguez González
El comercio tardoantiguo (ss.IV-VII) en el Noroeste peninsular a travΘs del registro cerßmico de la rφa de Vigo |
Author/Editor: Fernßndez, Adolfo
El comercio tardoantiguo (ss.IV-VII) en el Noroeste peninsular a través del registro cerámico de la ría de Vigo |
Author/Editor: Adolfo Fernández
Elements of Continuity: Stone Cult in the Maltese Islands |
Author/Editor: George Azzopardi
ElijahÆs Cave on Mount Carmel and its Inscriptions |
Author/Editor: Ovadiah, Asher; Rosario, Pierri
Elijah’s Cave on Mount Carmel and its Inscriptions |
Author/Editor: Asher Ovadiah ,Rosario Pierri
El instrumental de pesca en el Fretum Gaditanum (siglos V a.C. - VI d.C.): Análisis tipo-cronológico y comparativa atlántico-mediterránea |
Author/Editor: José Manuel Vargas Girón
Elis 1969: The Peneios Valley Rescue Excavation Project |
Author/Editor: Ellis Jones, John; Kouka, Ourania
El paisaje en el antiguo Egipto: Naturaleza, cognición y sacralidad en los espacios funerarios |
Author/Editor: Antonio Muñoz Herrera
El Palacio: Historiography and new perspectives on a pre-Tarascan city of northern Michoacán, Mexico |
Author/Editor: Marion Forest
El renacer de los Reyes: Imagen, contexto y significado del friso de Balamkú, Campeche, México |
Author/Editor: Daniel Salazar Lama
El sol, símbolo de continuidad y permanencia: un estudio multidisciplinar sobre la figura soliforme en el arte esquemático de la Provincia de Cádiz |
Author/Editor: Mercedes Versaci
El Sur de la Península Ibérica y el Mediterráneo Occidental: relaciones culturales en la segunda mitad del II milenio a.C. |
Author/Editor: Juan Manuel Garrido Anguita
El tesoro de Regina Turdulorum (Casas de Reina, Badajoz) |
Author/Editor: David Martínez Chico
Encounters, Excavations and Argosies: Essays for Richard Hodges |
Author/Editor: John Mitchell ,John Moreland ,Bea Leal
Enemy – Stranger – Neighbour: The Image of the Other in Moche Culture |
Author/Editor: Janusz Z. Wołoszyn
Enfoques metodológicos en el estudio de los asentamientos fortificados de la edad del hierro: Aproximación teórica a la metodología de estudio sobre la defensa del territorio en la Prehistoria Final Europea |
Author/Editor: Óscar Rodríguez-Monterrubio
Engraved Gems and Propaganda in the Roman Republic and under Augustus |
Author/Editor: Paweł Gołyźniak
The Enigmatic World of Ancient Graffiti: Rock Art in Chukotka. The Chaunskaya Region, Russia |
Author/Editor: Margarita A. Kir’yak (Dikova)
En Sofφa mathitΘfsantes: Essays in Byzantine Material Culture and Society in Honour of Sophia Kalopissi-Verti |
Author/Editor: Diamanti, Charikleia; Vassiliou, Anastasia
En Sofía mathitéfsantes: Essays in Byzantine Material Culture and Society in Honour of Sophia Kalopissi-Verti |
Author/Editor: Charikleia Diamanti ,Anastasia Vassiliou ,Smaragdi Arvaniti
En Tierras de Hércules. Torregorda - Camposoto - Sancti Petri: Una Revisión del Patrimonio |
Author/Editor: Carlos Bruquetas-Galán
Entre reyes y campesinos: Investigaciones arqueológicas en la antigua capital maya de Tamarindito |
Author/Editor: Markus Eberl ,Claudia Marie Vela González
Environment and Religion in Ancient and Coptic Egypt: Sensing the Cosmos through the Eyes of the Divine: Proceedings of the 1st Egyptological Conference of the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology: 1-3 February 2017 |
Author/Editor: Alicia Maravelia ,Nadine Guilhou
Environment, Archaeology and Landscape: Papers in honour of Professor Martin Bell |
Author/Editor: Catherine Barnett ,Thomas Walker
Ephyra-Epirus: The Mycenaean Acropolis: Results of the Excavations 1975-1986 and 2007-2008 |
Author/Editor: Thanasis J. Papadopoulos ,Evangelia Papadopoulou
Epigraphy in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges in the Recording, Analysis and Dissemination of Inscriptions |
Author/Editor: Isabel Velázquez Soriano ,David Espinosa Espinosa
Epigraphy of Art: Ancient Greek Vase-Inscriptions and Vase-Paintings |
Author/Editor: Dimitrios Yatromanolakis
Essai bibliographique sur l’archéologie francophone de la Mésoamérique: Bibliographical essay upon the French-speaking contributions to Mesoamerican archaeology; Ensayo bibliográfico sobre la arqueología francófona de Mesoamérica |
Author/Editor: Eric Taladoire
Estudio antropológico de las estructuras cefálicas en una colección osteológica procedente de Chinchero (Perú) |
Author/Editor: José I. Herrera Ureña
Estudios antracológicos en los espacios de combustión del Alero Deodoro Roca – Ongamira (Córdoba) |
Author/Editor: Andrés Ignacio Robledo
Estudios para la configuración de las facies cerámicas altoimperiales en el Sur de la Península Ibérica |
Author/Editor: P. Ruiz Montes ,Mª V. Peinado Espinosa ,Mª I. Fernández García
Estudios para la configuracio?n de las facies cera?micas altoimperiales en el Sur de la Peni?nsula Ibe?rica |
Author/Editor: Montes, P. Ruiz; Peinado Espinosa, Ma. V.; Fernßndez Garcφa, Ma. I
Estudios sobre el África romana: Culturas e Imaginarios en transformación |
Author/Editor: Fabiola Salcedo Garcés ,Estefanía Benito Lázaro ,Sergio España-Chamorro
Etnicidad vs. Aculturación: Las necrópolis castellanas de los siglos V-VI d.C. y el asentamiento visigodo en la Península Ibérica. Una mirada desde la meseta sur |
Author/Editor: Rafael Barroso Cabrera
EurASEAA14 Volume I: Ancient and Living Traditions: Papers from the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists |
Author/Editor: Helen Lewis
EurASEAA14 Volume II: Material Culture and Heritage: Papers from the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists |
Author/Editor: Helen Lewis
Europa Postmediaevalis 2018: Post-medieval pottery between (its) borders |
Author/Editor: Gabriela Blažková ,Kristýna Matějková
Europa Postmediaevalis 2020: Post-Medieval Pottery in the Spare Time |
Author/Editor: Gabriela Blažková ,Kristýna Matìjková
Europa Postmediaevalis 2022: Connections and Networking |
Author/Editor: Gabriela Blažková ,Kristýna Matějková ,Tânia Manuel Casimiro ,Ricardo Costeira da Silva
The European Archaeologist: 1 – 21a: 1993 – 2004 |
Author/Editor: European Association of Archaeologists
Europe's Lost Frontiers: Volume 1: Context and Methodology |
Author/Editor: Vincent Gaffney ,Simon Fitch ,Vincent Gaffney
Everyday Life in the Ice Age: A New Study of Our Ancestors |
Author/Editor: Elle Clifford ,Paul Bahn
Evolution of a Community: The Colonisation of a Clay Inland Landscape: Neolithic to post-medieval remains excavated over sixteen years at Longstanton in Cambridgeshire |
Author/Editor: Samantha Paul ,John Hunt
The Evolution of Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscapes: from Danubian Longhouses to the Stone Rows of Dartmoor and Northern Scotland |
Author/Editor: Alexander Carnes
Ex Asia et Syria: Oriental Religions in the Roman Central Balkans |
Author/Editor: Gavrilovi? Vitas, Nade₧da
Excavaciones en el baptisterio del conjunto eclesiástico de Son Peretó (Manacor, Mallorca, islas Baleares): Siglos V-VIII d. C. |
Author/Editor: Mateu Riera Rullan ,Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros ,Magdalena Salas Burguera ,Llorenç Alapont Martín ,Bernat Burgaya Martínez ,Miquel Àngel Capellà Galmés ,Iván Fernàndez Pino ,Teresa Marot Salsas
Excavation, Analysis and Interpretation of Early Bronze Age Barrows at Guiting Power, Gloucestershire |
Author/Editor: Marshall, Alistair
Excavation of Later Prehistoric and Roman Sites along the Route of the Newquay Strategic Road Corridor, Cornwall |
Author/Editor: Jones, Andy M
Excavation of the Late Saxon and Medieval Churchyard of St Martin’s, Wallingford, Oxfordshire |
Author/Editor: Iain Soden ,Trevor Anderson ,Ceridwen Boston ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Andy Chapman ,Geoff Egan ,Tora Hylton ,Amir Bassir ,Olly Dindol
Excavation of the Late Saxon and Medieval Churchyard of St MartinÆs, Wallingford, Oxfordshire |
Author/Editor: Soden, Iain
Excavations at Chester. Medieval and Post-Medieval Development within the Northern and Eastern Suburbs to c. 1900 |
Author/Editor: Leigh Dodd
Excavations at Chester. Roman Land Division and a Probable Villa in the Hinterland of Deva: Excavation at Saighton Army Camp, Huntington, Chester |
Author/Editor: Philip N. Wood ,David G. Griffiths ,Peter Carrington ,Leigh Dodd ,Sue Stallibrass ,C. Antink ,R. J. Brickstock ,A. T. Croom ,R. J. Cruse
Excavations at Chester. The Northern and Eastern Roman Extramural Settlements |
Author/Editor: Dodd, Leigh
The Excavations at Khirbet el-Maqatir: 1995–2001 and 2009–2016: Volume 2: The Late Hellenistic, Early Roman, and Byzantine Periods |
Author/Editor: Scott Stripling ,Scott Stripling ,Mark A. Hassler ,Yoav Farhi ,Shimon Gibson ,Matthew D. Glassman ,Mark A. Hassler ,Kevin W. Larsen ,Suzanne Lattime
Excavations at King's Low and Queen's Low: Two Early Bronze Age barrows in Tixall, North Staffordshire |
Author/Editor: Gary Lock ,Dick Spicer ,Winston Hollins ,members of the Stoke-on-Trent Museum Archaeological Society
Excavations at Redhouse, Adwick Le Street, Doncaster: Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman Occupation |
Author/Editor: Tracy Preece ,Richard Brigstock ,Andy Chapman ,Chris Chinnock ,Chris Cumberpatch ,Nathaniel L. Erb-Satullo ,Val Fryer ,Rebecca Gordon ,Tora Hylton
Excavations at Stanground South, Peterborough: Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Medieval Settlement along the Margins of the Fens |
Author/Editor: William A Boismier ,Edmund Taylor ,Yvonne Wolframm-Murray ,Theodora Anastasidou ,Philip Armitage ,Rob Atkins ,Michael Bamforth ,C.R. Batchelor ,Anwe
Excavations at the Mycenaean Cemetery at Aigion û 1967 |
Author/Editor: Papadopoulos, Thanasis I.; Papadopoulou, Evangelia
Excavations at the Mycenaean Cemetery at Aigion – 1967: Rescue Excavations by the late Ephor of Antiquities, E. Mastrokostas |
Author/Editor: Thanasis I. Papadopoulos ,Evangelia Papadopoulou-Chrysikopoulou
Execution by Styrax in Ancient Thasos |
Author/Editor: Anagnostis P. Agelarakis
Exeter: A Roman Legionary Fortress and Civitas Capital |
Author/Editor: John Pamment Salvatore
Experiencing Etruscan Pots: Ceramics, Bodies and Images in Etruria |
Author/Editor: Lucy Shipley
Experiencing the Frontier and the Frontier of Experience: Barbarian perspectives and Roman strategies to deal with new threats |
Author/Editor: Rubel, Alexander; Vo▀, Hans-Ulrich
Experimental Archaeology: Making, Understanding, Story-telling |
Author/Editor: Souyoudzoglou-Haywood, Christina; O'Sullivan, Aidan
Exploring the Sacred Landscape of the Ancient Peloponnese: Cults and Sacred Places |
Author/Editor: Eleni Marantou
A Faith in Archaeological Science: Reflections on a Life |
Author/Editor: Brothwell, Don
The Family of Pa-di-Amun-neb-nesut-tawy from Thebes (TT 414) Revisited: The Case Study of Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu (G108 + G137) |
Author/Editor: Julia Budka ,Tamás Mekis ,Marc Étienne ,Malcolm Mosher Jr.
Farmsteads and Funerary Sites: The M1 Junction 12 Improvements and the A5–M1 Link Road, Central Bedfordshire: Archaeological investigations prior to construction, 2011 & 2015–16 |
Author/Editor: Jim Brown ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Dana Challinor ,Andy Chapman ,Chris Chinnock ,Joanne Clawley ,Olly Dindol ,Claire Finn ,Val Fryer
The Festivals of Opet, the Valley, and the New Year: Their Socio-Religious Functions |
Author/Editor: Masashi Fukaya
Fires in GunaiKurnai Country: Landscape Fires and their Impacts on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Places and Artefacts in Southeastern Australia |
Author/Editor: Jessie Buettel ,Bruno David ,Russell Mullett ,Joanna Fresløv ,Katherine Szabó ,GunaiKurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation
The First Peoples of Oman: Palaeolithic Archaeology of the Nejd Plateau |
Author/Editor: Rose, Jeffrey I.; Hilbert, Yamand· H.; Marks, Anthony E
The First Thousand Years of Glass-Making in the Ancient Near East: Compositional Analyses of Late Bronze and Iron Age Glasses |
Author/Editor: Wendy Reade
Fish-Salting in the Northwest Maghreb in Antiquity: A Gazetteer of Sites and Resources |
Author/Editor: Athena Trakadas
Flint Procurement and Exploitation Strategies in the Late Lower Paleolithic Levant: A View from Acheulo-Yabrudian Qesem Cave (Israel) |
Author/Editor: Aviad Agam
Foragers in the middle Limpopo Valley: Trade, Place-making, and Social Complexity |
Author/Editor: Tim Forssman
Foreigners and Outside Influences in Medieval Norway |
Author/Editor: Stian Suppersberger Hamre
Forensic Archaeology: The Application of Comparative Excavation Methods and Recording Systems |
Author/Editor: Laura Evis
Fores et Fenestrae: A Computational Study of Doors and Windows in Roman Domestic Space |
Author/Editor: Lucia Michielin
æFor My Descendants and Myself, a Nice and Pleasant AbodeÆ û Agency, Micro-history and Built Environment |
Author/Editor: Tagesson, G÷ran; Cornell, Per; Gardiner, Mark
For the Gods of Girsu: City-State Formation in Ancient Sumer |
Author/Editor: Rey, SΘbastien
Fractures in Knapping |
Author/Editor: Tsirk, Are
From Cambridge to Lake Chad: Life in archaeology 1956–1971 |
Author/Editor: Graham Connah
From Cambridge to Lake Chad: Life in archaeology 1956û1971 |
Author/Editor: Connah, Graham
From Cave to Dolmen: Ritual and symbolic aspects in the prehistory between Sciacca, Sicily and the central Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: Domenica Gullì
From Edessa to Urfa: The Fortification of the Citadel |
Author/Editor: Cristina Tonghini
From Hispalis to Ishbiliyya: The Ancient Port of Seville, from the Roman Empire to the End of the Islamic Period (45 BC - AD 1248) |
Author/Editor: Cabrera Tejedor, Carlos
From Hydrology to Hydroarchaeology in the Ancient Mediterranean: An Interdisciplinary Approach |
Author/Editor: Giovanni Polizzi ,Vincent Ollivier ,Sophie Bouffier
From Mine to User: Production and Procurement Systems of Siliceous Rocks in the European Neolithic and Bronze Age: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 10 Session XXXIII-1&2 |
Author/Editor: Françoise Bostyn ,François Giligny ,Peter Topping
From Photography to 3D Models and Beyond: Visualizations in Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Donald H. Sanders
From Ritual to Refuse: Faunal Exploitation by the Elite of Chinikihá, Chiapas, during the Late Classic Period |
Author/Editor: Coral Montero López
From the Archaeological Record to Virtual Reconstruction: The Application of Information Technologies at an Iron Age Fortified Settlement (San Chuis Hillfort, Allande, Asturias, Spain) |
Author/Editor: Juana Molina Salido
From the Fjords to the Nile: Essays in honour of Richard Holton Pierce on his 80th birthday |
Author/Editor: Steiner, Pσl; Tsakos, Alexandros; Heldaas Seland, Eivind
From Wilderness to Paradise: A Sixth-Century Mosaic Pavement at Qasr el-Lebia in Cyrenaica, Libya |
Author/Editor: Jane Chick
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: Hadrian's Wall: Der Hadrianswall / Le Mur d’Hadrien |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: Roman Limes in Serbia: Granice Rimskog Carstva: Rimski Limes u Srbiji |
Author/Editor: Miomir Korać ,Snežana Golubović ,Nemanja Mrđić ,Gordana Jeremić ,Stefan Pop-Lazić ,Sonja Jilek ,David J. Breeze
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: Slovakia: Grenzen des Römischen Reiches: Slowakei / Hranice Rímskej ríše: Slovensko |
Author/Editor: David J Breeze ,Sonja Jilek ,Andreas Thiel ,Branislav Lesák ,Margaréta Musilová ,Branislav Resutík ,Katarína Harmadyová ,Ján Rajtár ,Jaroslava Schmi
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The African Frontiers: Grenzen des Römischen Reiches: Die Grenzen in Afrika / Frontières de l´Empire Romain: Les frontières africaines |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze ,Sonja Jilek ,David Mattingly ,Alan Rushworth ,Martin Sterry ,Victoria Leitch
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Antonine Wall – A World Heritage Site: Grenzen des Römischen Reiches: Der Antoninus Wall |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Danube Limes in Austria: Grenzen des Römischen Reiches: Der Donaulimes in Österreich |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze ,Andreas Schwarcz ,René Ployer
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Eastern Frontiers: Frontières de l’Empire Romain : Les frontières orientales |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze ,Fawzi Abudanah ,David Braund ,Mark Driessen ,Simon James ,Michaela Konrad ,Marinus Polak
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Hinterland of Hadrian̕s Wall: Frontières de l'Empire Romain: L'arrière-pays du mur d'Hadrien |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Lower German Limes: Grenzen van het Romeinse Rijk: De Nedergermaanse Limes / Grenzen des Römischen Reiches: Der Niedergermanische Limes |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze ,Sonja Jilek ,Erik P. Graafstal ,Willem J.H. Willems ,Steve Bödecker
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Roman Army and the Limes / The Roman Limes in Hungary: A Római Birodalom Határai: A Római Hadsereg a Limesen / A Római Limes Magyarországon |
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Roman Frontier in Egypt: Frontières de l’empire romain : la frontière romaine en Égypte |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Roman Frontiers in Wales: Ffiniau’r Ymerodraeth Rufeinig: Ffiniau Rhufeinig Cymru |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze ,Peter Guest
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Roman Frontiers of Dacia: Frontierele Imperiului Roman: Frontierele romane ale Daciei |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze ,Felix Marcu ,George Cupcea
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Saxon Shore and the Maritime Coast: Frontières de l’Empire Romain : Le Litus Saxonicum et la Côte Maritime |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze ,Tony Wilmott ,Sofie Vanhoutte ,Richard Bridgland
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Upper Germanic Limes: Grenzen des Römischen Reiches: Der Obergermanische Limes / Frontières de l´Empire Romain: Le limes de Germanie supérieure |
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze ,Andreas Thiel ,Sarah Roth ,Thomas Becker
The Function of the Roman Army in Southern Arabia Petraea |
Author/Editor: Castro, Mariana
Funerary and Related Cups of the British Bronze Age |
Author/Editor: Claire Copper ,Alex Gibson ,Deborah Hallam
Funerary Archaeology and Changing Identities: Community Practices in Roman-Period Sardinia |
Author/Editor: Puddu, Mauro
Funerary Practices in the Second Half of the Second Millennium BC in Continental Atlantic Europe: From Belgium to the North of Portugal |
Author/Editor: L. Nonat ,M.P. Prieto Martínez
Gabii through its Artefacts |
Author/Editor: Laura M. Banducci ,Mattia D’Acri
Gallaecia Gothica: From the Conspiracy of Dux Argimundus (AD 589/590) to Integration in the Visgothic Kingdom of Toledo |
Author/Editor: Rafael Barroso Cabrera ,Jorge Morín de Pablos ,Isabel M. Sánchez Ramos ,Ricardo López Fernebrand
Gandharan Art and the Classical World: A Short Introduction |
Author/Editor: Peter Stewart
Gandhāran Art in Its Buddhist Context: Papers from the Fifth International Workshop of the Gandhāra Connections Project, University of Oxford, 21st-23rd March, 2022 |
Author/Editor: Wannaporn Rienjang ,Peter Stewart
Garranes: An Early Medieval Royal Site in South-West Ireland |
Author/Editor: William O’Brien ,Nick Hogan ,Michelle Comber ,Ian Doyle ,Lenore Fischer ,Kevin Kearney ,Susan Lyons ,Tim Mighall ,Douglas Borthwick
Gematon: Living and Dying in a Kushite Town on the Nile, Volume III: The Pottery |
Author/Editor: Isabella Welsby Sjöström
Gematon: Living and Dying in a Kushite Town on the Nile, Volume I: Excavations at Kawa, 1997-2018 |
Author/Editor: Derek A. Welsby ,Sophie Hay ,Stephen Kay ,Tomasz Herbich ,Mahmoud Suliman Bashir ,Derek A. Welsby
The Genesis of the Textile Industry from Adorned Nudity to Ritual Regalia: The Changing Role of Fibre Crafts and Their Evolving Techniques of Manufacture in the Ancient Near East from the Natufian to the Ghassulian |
Author/Editor: Levy, Janet
The Geography of Gandhāran Art: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop of the Gandhāra Connections Project, University of Oxford, 22nd-23rd March, 2018 |
Author/Editor: Wannaporn Rienjang ,Peter Stewart
The Geography of Trade: Landscapes of competition and long-distance contacts in Mesopotamia and Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Colony Period |
Author/Editor: Palmisano, Alessio
Geology for Archaeologists |
Author/Editor: Allen, J.R.L
Geometric Period Plithos Burial Ground at Chora of Naxos Island, Greece: Anthropology Report |
Author/Editor: Anagnostis P. Agelarakis
Geophysical Phenomena and the Alexandrian Littoral |
Author/Editor: Evelpidou, Niki; Repapis, Christos; Zerefos, Christos S
Giants in the Landscape: Monumentality and Territories in the European Neolithic: Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain): Volume 3 / Session A25d |
Author/Editor: Vincent Ard ,Lucile Pillot