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Titles (210) Information
Yves Congar 1904-1995: A Life
Author/Editor: Étienne Fouilloux ,Patricia Kelly
A Year with Luther: Readings from the great reformer for our times
Author/Editor: Martin Luther,Athina Lexutt,Jeffrey G Silcock
The Yearbook of China's Cultural Industries 2011: Editorial Board of the Yearbook of Chinas Cultural Industries
Author/Editor: Huang Lin,黄琳,Zheng Hong,郑红,Chen Lifang,陈丽芳,Hu Yangyu,胡旸昱,Cui Xuan,崔璇,Liu Fei,刘飞,Jia Zhi,贾智
A World United or a World Exploited?: Christian Perspectives on Globalisation
Author/Editor: Peter Price
'Wonderful and Confessedly Strange': Australian Essays in Anglican Ecclesiology
Author/Editor: Bruce Kaye,Sarah Macneil,Heather Thomson
We are Better than This
Author/Editor: Robyn Cadwallader,Tim Winton
Water: A Matter of Life and Death
Author/Editor: Norman Habel,Peter Trudinger
The Voice of Public Theology: Addressing Politics, Science, and Technology
Author/Editor: Ted Peters
Veronica Brady in her Own Words
Author/Editor: Veronica Brady
Veronica Brady: A Living Legacy
Author/Editor: Kieran Dolin,Tony Hughes-d’Aeth,Dominic Hyde
Vatican II Notebook: A Council Journal 1962-1963
Author/Editor: Alberto Melloni,Paul Philibert
Vatican Council II: Reforming Liturgy
Author/Editor: Carmel Pilcher,David Orr,Elizabeth Harrington
To Praise, To Bless, To Preach: A Dominican Artistic Appreciation of 800 Years of Divine Grace
Author/Editor: Maurice Keating,Mark O’Brien,Gabrielle Kelly
Tomorrow's Church Today: The Way Forward
Author/Editor: Michael Kelly
Three Revolutions: Three Drastic Changes in Interpreting the Bible
Author/Editor: Robert Crotty
This Time in the Church
Author/Editor: Michael Kelly
This Land Our Water: Water Challenges for the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Vicky Cullen
Thinking Things Through: Essays in Philosophy and Christian Faith
Author/Editor: Andrew Murray
Thinking Faith: Moods, Methods and Mystery
Author/Editor: Anthony J Kelly
Thinking about Political Things
Author/Editor: Andrew Murray
A Theology of Land: Terra Australis from Christian-Aboriginal Perspectives
Author/Editor: Christopher Gerard John Sexton,Michael Kirby
Theology of Contemporary Art: Kim En Joong
Author/Editor: Félix Hernández Mariano OP,Yanette Shalter
Theology in Health Care Matters: Catholic and Reformed Perspectives
Author/Editor: Hilary Dominic Regan ,Timothy Radcliffe ,Anthony Kelly
Theology and the Body
Author/Editor: Stephen Garner
Then and Now: Australian Catholic Experiences
Author/Editor: Edmund Campion
Sunday Matters: Reflections on the Lectionary Readings Year B
Author/Editor: Mark A O’Brien
Sunday Matters: Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for Year C
Author/Editor: Mark A O’Brien
Sublime Community: Reflections on Eco-Theology and Laudato Si'
Author/Editor: Anthony J Kelly
A Stumbling Block: Bartolome de Las Casas as Defender of the Indians
Author/Editor: Mariano Delgado,Martha M Matesich
Strangers with God: A Theology of Hospitality in the Three Abrahamic Religions
Author/Editor: Claudio Monge
St Joseph's Island: Julian Tenison Woods and the Tasmanian Sisters of St Joseph
Author/Editor: Josephine Margaret Brady
Stars, Life and Intelligence: Being a Darwinian and a Believer
Author/Editor: Terry Kelly
Sr Wendy Becket and Fr Kim En Joong: In Her Words, In His Art
Author/Editor: Wendy Beckett,Kim En Joong
Space Exploration and ET: Who Goes There?
Author/Editor: Jacques Arnould
Space and Oceans: Tracking Plastic Pollution in the Arctic Ocean from Space
Author/Editor: ATF Press,Gabriel Bueno Siqueira
Space and Human Culture
Author/Editor: Jacques Arnould
A Soul for Australia?: Reading Fosco Antonio's My Reality
Author/Editor: John Gatt-Rutter,Peter Willis
Son of God by Divine Hereditary Methodology
Author/Editor: George Natar
Social Justice and the Churches: Challenges and Responsibilities
Author/Editor: John D’Arcy May
The Significance of the Trinity: A Thomistic Reading
Author/Editor: Albert Nolan ,Donald Goergen
A Short Life of Jean-Claude Colin, Marist Founder: Adapted from Jean-Claude Colin, Reluctant Founder
Author/Editor: Justin Taylor
A Short Guide to Writing a Thesis
Author/Editor: Gerald O’Collins
The Shock of the Cross
Author/Editor: Anthony J Kelly
Screen Priests: The Depiction of Catholic Priests in Cinema, 1900-2018
Author/Editor: Peter Malone
Scanning the Signs of the Times
Author/Editor: Thomas F O’Meara,Paul Philibert,JEAN-PIERRE JOSSUA
Salt and Light: Salt and Light Words of the Day
Author/Editor: Patrick Negri,Michael Negri,Damian Negri
Rumi and the Whirling Dervishes
Author/Editor: Alberto Fabio Ambrosio
Romano Guardini: Narratives of My Life: Autobiographical Notes
Author/Editor: Romano Guardini ,Robert A Krieg ,Fred R Dallmayr
Restoring the Right Relationship
Author/Editor: Mark A O’Brien
Author/Editor: Dong Qiang
Remembering a Dream: Studies for the Bicentenary of Don Bosco's Dream of 1824
Author/Editor: Francis J Moloney
Reluctant Prophet: Tributes to Albert Nolan OP
Author/Editor: Mike Deeb ,Philippe Denis ,Mark James ,Timothy Radcliffe
Reckoning: The Catholic Church and Child Sexual Abuse
Author/Editor: Chris McGillion,Damian Grace
Receptive Ecumenism: Listening, Learning and Loving in the Way of Christ
Author/Editor: Vicky Balabanski,Geraldine Hawkes,Paul D Murray
Reason and Religion in an Age of Science
Author/Editor: Terry Kelly
'Put Right Something That's Wrong': The Call to Action, Justice, Kairos, and Leadership
Author/Editor: Albert Nolan
Public Theology in Law and Life
Author/Editor: Brian Edgar,Paul Babie,David Wilson
A Priceless Treasure
Author/Editor: Marie Crowley
Potiphar's Wife: The Vatican's Secret and Child Sexual Abuse
Author/Editor: Kieran Tapsell
Pierre Lambert de la Motte: The Unknown Father of the Modern Missions: First Vicar Apostolic of Cochinchina, 1624-1679
Author/Editor: Françoise Fauconnet-Buzelin
Pieces of Ease and Grace
Author/Editor: Alan H Cadwallader,Cynthia Kittredge,Peter Francis,Elizabeth Smith
The People's Quest for Leadership in Church and State
Author/Editor: Frank Brennan
Our Father Who Art on Earth: The Our Father for Believers and Unbelievers
Opening the Bible: Selected Writings of Antony Campbell SJ
Author/Editor: Antony Campbell
Openings to Renewal
Author/Editor: Peter J Cullinane
On the Edge
Author/Editor: Michael Kelly
Of Good Comfort
Author/Editor: Stephen Pietsch
New Visions of Priesting
Author/Editor: Bob Wilkinson
Never See a Need: The Sisters of St Joseph in South Australia 1866-2010
Author/Editor: Marie Therese Foale
My Journal of the Council
Author/Editor: Mary John Ronayne,Mary Cecily Boulding,Denis Minns
My Ecumenical Journey
Author/Editor: Bishop Michael Putney,Elizabeth Delaney SGS,Gerard Kelly,Ormond Rush
Meeting the Challenges of Today: How Has Bernard Lonergan's Thought Helped to Meet the Challenges of Our Day, and How Will It Help In the Future?
Author/Editor: Cecilia Francisco Tan
Mary MacKillop 1873
Author/Editor: Sheila McCreanor
Mary: Icon of Trinitarian Love
Author/Editor: Anthony J Kelly
Author/Editor: Dong Qiang
Maintaining a Convinced and Pondered Trust: The 2015 Gasson lecturers
Author/Editor: Frank Brennan
Luther@500 and Beyond: Martin Luther's Theology Past Present and Future
Author/Editor: Stephen Hultgren,Stephen Pietsch,Jeffrey Silcock
L'Impossible pour horizon: L'essence de l'exploration de l'espace
Author/Editor: Jacques Arnould
Letters of Sr Wendy Beckett to Fr Kim En Joong
Author/Editor: Wendy Beckett,Kim En Joong
Letters from the Marist Missionaries in Oceania 1836-1854
Author/Editor: Charles Girard,Claude Prudhomme,Claire Laux,Timothy Duckworth
Letters from Lockdown
Author/Editor: Elaine Farmer
Le Saulchoir On Trial (1932-1943)
Author/Editor: Étienne Fouilloux ,Patricia Kelly
Laypeople Into Action
Author/Editor: Joseph Cardijn,Edward Mitchinson,Anne Heggie
Laudato Si: An Integral Ecology and the Catholic Vision
Author/Editor: Anthony J Kelly
A Kaleidoscope of Pieces: Anglican Essays on Sexuality, Ecclesiology and Theology
Author/Editor: Alan H Cadwallader,Bishop Kay Goldsworthy
A Kaleidoscope of Biblical Articles
Author/Editor: Antony Campbell
Justice and Truth Shall Meet: A Dominican Exploration
Author/Editor: Albert Nolan ,Mary O’Driscoll
Journeying with Joseph: Josephite Essays for the Year of St Joseph
Author/Editor: Mary Cresp
Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society. Volume 39 (2018)
Author/Editor: James Franklin
Jesus Left Loose Ends: Collected Essays
Author/Editor: William RG Loader
Jean-Claude Colin: Reluctant Founder 1790-1875
Author/Editor: Justin Taylor
Islam: Its Beginnings and History, Its Theology and Its Importance Today
Author/Editor: Robert Crotty,Terence Lovat
Interface Theology - Volume 6, Issue 1
Author/Editor: ATF Press
Interface Theology - Volume 5, Issue 1
Author/Editor: ATF Press
Interface Theology Volume 1, Number 1
Interface Theology: Applied Ethics
Author/Editor: John Capper,Philip Kariatlis
Interface Theology 5/2 2019
Author/Editor: ATF Press
In Season and Out, Special Feasts
Author/Editor: William J Grimm
In Season and Out, Homilies for Year C
Author/Editor: William J Grimm
In Season and Out, Homilies for Year A
Author/Editor: William J Grimm
An Inconvenient Text: Is a Green Reading of the Bible Possible?
Author/Editor: Norman Habel
In-Between God: Theology, Community, and Discipleship
Author/Editor: Stephen Pickard
Impossible Horizon: The Essence of Space Exploration
Author/Editor: Jacques Arnould,Bertrand Piccard
Ignatius of Loyola: The life of a Saint
Author/Editor: Miguel Berzosa Martínez,Antonio Pérez Gómez,Brian Edwards
A History of Theology
Author/Editor: Yves M.J. Congar,Hunter Guthrie
The History of Ancient Chinese Measures and Weights
Author/Editor: Qiu Guangming
Hermeneutics, Intertextuality and the Contemporary Meaning of Scripture
Author/Editor: Ross Cole,Paul Petersen
Hermeneutics and the Authority of Scripture
Author/Editor: Alan H Cadwallader
Have Life Abundantly
Author/Editor: FRANK GIL
Gratry's Philosophy: A Translation of Julian Marias' La Filosofia del Padre Gratry
Author/Editor: Julián Marías,Mary L O’Hara,Catherine T McNamee
Gondwana Theology: A Trawloolway Man Reflects on Christian Faith
Author/Editor: Garry Worete Deverell
God, the Moon and the Astronaut
Author/Editor: Jacques Arnould,Dawn Cowlsey
God's Word and the Church's Council: Vaticann II and Divine Revelation
Author/Editor: Mark O’Brien,Christopher Monaghan
God's 'Good Time'
Author/Editor: Mary Cresp
God in South Africa: The Challenge of the Gospel
Author/Editor: Albert Nolan
God and the Natural World: Theological Explorations in Appreciation of Denis Edwards
Author/Editor: Ted Peters,Marie Turner
Fullness of Life and Justice for All: Dominican Perspectives
Author/Editor: Ellen Van Stichel,Thomas Eggensperger,Manuela Kalsky,Ulrich Engel
The Front Page: Everyday Ignatian Spirituality
Author/Editor: Christopher Gleeson
From Temple to Tent: From Real to Virtual World (Exodus 24:15 - Numbers 10:28)
Author/Editor: Sarah L Hart
From North to South: Southern Scholars Engage with Edward Schillebeeckx
Author/Editor: Helen F Bergin
From Catholic School Rooms to a Radicalised Student Movement: Australian YCS from the 1960s to the 1980s
Author/Editor: Hilary D Regan
From Aberdeen to Oxford: Collective Essays
Author/Editor: Fergus Kerr
Fragments of Colossae
Author/Editor: Alan H Cadwallader
Five Uneasy Pieces: Essays on Scripture and Sexuality
Author/Editor: Michael Kirby,Bill Countryman
First Voyage of the Apostle Thomas to India: Ancient Christianity in Bharuch and Taxila
Author/Editor: James Kurikilamkatt
The First Dominican Friars in Boksburg, Brakpan and Springs, South Africa (1917-1927)
Author/Editor: Joseph Falkiner
Author/Editor: Dong Qiang
Familia Dominicana y Derechos Humanos: Pasado, Presente, Futuro
Author/Editor: Mike Deeb ,Celestina Veloso Freitas
Faith on the Front Foot: Essays in Theology
Author/Editor: Anthony J Kelly
Fairness, opportunity and security: Filling the policy vacuum
Author/Editor: John Menadue,Michael Keating
Exploring Thomas Aquinas: Essays and Sermons
Author/Editor: Marie-Dominique Chenu ,Yves Congar ,Jean-Pierre Torrell ,Carlos-Josaphat Pinto de Oliveira ,Walter Principe ,Marie-Dominique Chenu ,Edward Schillebeeckx ,Karl Rahner
An Exploration into Dominican Spirituality: Prophetic Dynamism in a Creative Engagement with the World
Author/Editor: Erik Borgman ,Timothy Radcliffe
Experiencing Scripture: Intimacy with Ancient Text and Modern Faith
Author/Editor: Antony F Campbell
Evolution of a Movement: Josephite Associates to Josephite Companions 1979-2019
Author/Editor: Mary Cresp
Eucharist in the Local Church
Author/Editor: Neil Darragh,Jo Ayers
Ethics Handbook for the Space Odyssey
Author/Editor: Jacques Arnould ,Yanette Shalter
Ethics: Contemporary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Bernadette Richards
Entre Terre et Ciel: Une ethique pour l'odyssee de l'espace
Author/Editor: Jacques Arnould
Enjoy the Good News: A New Testament Guide
Author/Editor: Alan Hogan
Early Christian Witnesses: Biblical and Theological Explorations
Author/Editor: Victor C Pfitzner
Dramatic Encounters in the Bible
Dominicans and Human Rights: Past, Present, and Future
Author/Editor: Mike Deeb,Celestina Veloso Freitas
Dominican Engagement with the World: An Ongoing Process of Prophetic Dynamism
Author/Editor: Hilary Dominic Regan
The Dominican Approaches in Education, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Gabrielle Kelly,Kevin Saunders
Discovering God Through Action and Reflection: A Spirituality of International Young Christian Students (IYCS)
Author/Editor: Mike Deeb
Discerning the Dynamics of Jeremiah 25-52 (MT)
Author/Editor: Mark A O’Brien
Dieu, le jour d’après: Une brève théologie des catastrophes
Author/Editor: Jacques Arnould
Die Synode 2015: Die entscheidenden Fragen: Ehescheidung und Homosexualitat
Author/Editor: Geoffrey James Robinson
Diary of the 1914-1918 War
Author/Editor: Yves Congar,Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau,Dominique Congar,Mary John Ronayne,Helen T Frank
Dialogue of One: Homilies for Sundays and Feasts in Years A, B and C
Author/Editor: William J Grimm
Denis Edwards in His Own Words
Author/Editor: Denis Edwards,Anthony Kain,Hilary Regan
De-colonising the Biblical Narrative, Volume 3: The Colonial God YHWH: Progressive Revelation of the Character of YHWH in the Book of Exodus
Author/Editor: Norman Habel ,Anne Pattel-Gray
De-colonising the Biblical Narrative, Volume 2: A First Nations De-colonising of Genesis 12-25
Author/Editor: Aunty Anne (Anne Pattel-Gray),Uncle Norm (Norman Habel),Uncle George (George Rosendale),First Nations Australians
De-colonising the Biblical Narrative, Volume 1: Genesis 1-11
Author/Editor: Aunty Anne (Anne Pattel-Gray),Uncle Norm (Norman Habel),Australian First Nations
Curious Obsessions in the History of Science and Spirituality
Author/Editor: Rachael Kohn
Creation, Matter and the Image of God: Essays on John
Author/Editor: Dorothy A Lee
Compass Theology Review: A History, 50 Years of Australians Doing Theology
Author/Editor: Peter Malone
Common Prayer Sixty Years After Vatican II: Steps Forward, Sticking Points and New Frontiers
Author/Editor: Bryan Cones
Colonial Religion: Conflict and Change in Church and State
Author/Editor: Bruce Kaye
Collection of Ancient Chinese Cultural Relics, Volume 9: The Qing Dynasty 1644-1911
Author/Editor: Guozhen Wang
Collection of Ancient Chinese Cultural Relics, Volume 8
Author/Editor: Guozhen Wang
Collection of Ancient Chinese Cultural Relics, Volume 7: The Liao, Jin and Western Xia Dynasties 916-1234 / The Yuan Dynasty 1271-1368
Author/Editor: Guozhen Wang
Collection of Ancient Chinese Cultural Relics, Volume 6: The Northern and Southern Song Dynasties 960-1279
Author/Editor: Guozhen Wang
Collection of Ancient Chinese Cultural Relics, Volume 5
Author/Editor: Guozhen Wang
Collection of Ancient Chinese Cultural Relics, Volume 4
Author/Editor: Guozhen Wang
Collection of Ancient Chinese Cultural Relics, Volume 3: The Qin and Han Dynasties 221 BC- 220 AD
Author/Editor: Goushen Wang,Zhou Yan
Collection of Ancient Chinese Cultural Relics - Volume 2
Author/Editor: Guozhen Wang
Collection of Ancient Chinese Cultural Relics, Volume 10: The Qing Dynasty II 1644-1911
Author/Editor: Guozhen Wang
Collection of Ancient Chinese Cultural Relics, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Guozhen Wang
The Clergy Club
Author/Editor: John Crothers
The Church, The Gospel and Culture: A Theological Quest
Author/Editor: John Thornhill
The Church in China
Author/Editor: Paul Rule
Church as Communion: The Gift and Goal of Koinonia
Author/Editor: Philip Kariatlis
Christology and End Time Issues: The Passion, Cross, Resurrection, Ascension and Heaven
Author/Editor: Anthony J Kelly
The Christian God
Author/Editor: Augustine Shutte ,Patrick Giddy
Choosing end of life nursing
Author/Editor: Susan Bardy
Child Sexual Abuse, Society, and the Future of the Church
Author/Editor: Hilary D Regan
Caring vs Curing
Author/Editor: Susan Bardy
Calvin The Man and the Legacy
Author/Editor: Murray Rae,Peter Matheson,Brett Knowles
A Call to Mission - A History of the Jesuits in China 1842-1954: Volume 2: The Wider European and American Adventure
Author/Editor: David Strong
A Call to Mission - A History of the Jesuits in China 1842-1954: Volume I: The French Romance
Author/Editor: David Strong
Bridging the Divide Between Faith, Theology and Life: The Church in Oceania
Author/Editor: Anthony Maher
The Bonhoeffer Legacy: Australasian Journal of Bonhoeffer Studies, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Terence Lovat
The Bonhoeffer Legacy: Australasian Journal of Bonhoeffer Studies, Vol 3, No 1
Author/Editor: Terence Lovat
The Bonhoeffer Legacy: Australasian Journal of Bonhoeffer Study Vol 2
Author/Editor: Terence Lovat
The Bonhoeffer Legacy: An International Journal (5.2)
Author/Editor: Terence Lovat,Dianne Rayson
The Bonhoeffer Legacy (6/1 2018): An International Journal
Author/Editor: Terence Lovat,Dianne Rayson
Bonhoeffer Down Under
Author/Editor: Gordon Preece,Ian Packer
Birds of Kangaroo Island: A Photographic Field Guide
Author/Editor: CHRIS BAXTER
Biblical and Theological Studies on the Trinity
Author/Editor: Paul Petersen,Robert K McIver
Bible Dictionary
Author/Editor: Gabrielle Kelly,Joy Sandefur
Between the 'Mysticism of Politics' and the 'Politics of Mysticism'
Author/Editor: DAVID RANSON
Benedict, Me and the Cardinals Three
Author/Editor: William Martin Morris
Being Human in an Artificial World: Relational Spirituality for an Integral World
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Cheong
Ave Atque Vale: Hail and Farewell
Author/Editor: Michael Hedley Kelly
Australis OSCAR 5: The Improbable Story of Australia's First Private Satellite, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Owen Mace,Richard Tonkin
At the End of the River: The Coorong and Lower Lakes
Author/Editor: David Cleland Paton
At Sea with Bishop John Bede Polding: The Journals of Lewis Harding, 1835 (Liverpool to Sydney) and 1846 (Sydney to London)
Author/Editor: Lewis Harding,C. F. Fowler
The A to Z of People of Faith and Science: Short Biographies
Author/Editor: Terence J Kelly
Aspirations for Modernity and Prosperity
Author/Editor: Christine E Gudorf,Zainal Abidin Bagir,Marthen Tahun
Arte Contemporaneo: Kim En Joong
Author/Editor: Félix Hernández OP
Aquinas Academy 1945-2015: A Very Personal Australian Story
Author/Editor: Julie Thorpe
Anglicanism: Catholic Evangelical or Evangelical Catholic?: Essays Ecumenical and Polemical
Author/Editor: John A Moses
Amplifying that still, small voice
Author/Editor: Frank Brennan SJ
All the Beautiful Things: Finding Truth, Beauty and Goodness in a Fractured Church
Author/Editor: Beth Doherty
AI and IA: Utopia or Extinction?
Author/Editor: Ted Peters
Access To Space in the Southern Hemisphere
Author/Editor: Paul Babie
The ABC of Sunday Matters: Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for Year A, B, and C
Author/Editor: Mark A O’Brien
The 2015 Synod. The Crucial Questions: Divorce and Homosexuality
Author/Editor: Geoffrey James Robinson
150 Years of Pyrmont Peninsula: The Catholic Community of St. Bede 1867-2017
Author/Editor: C F Fowler