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The Aftermath of the Cassinga Massacre: Survivors, Deniers and Injustices
Author/Editor: Vilho Amukwaya Shigwedha ,Ellen Ndeshi Namhila
Always Something Else: Urban Asia and Africa as Experiment
Author/Editor: AbdouMaliq Simone
As Long as They Don't Bury Me Here: Social Relations of Poverty in a Namibian Shantytown
Author/Editor: Inge Tvedten,Michael Bollig
Breweries, Politics and Identity: The History Behind Namibia's Beer
Author/Editor: Tycho van der Hoog
Bruchstücke: Forschungsreisen in Deutsch-Südwestafrika
Author/Editor: Hans Schinz ,Dag Henrichsen
Building Bridges: Namibian Nationalists Clemens Kapuuo, Hosea Kutako, Brendan Simbwaye, Samuel Witbooi
Author/Editor: Dag Henrichsen,Naomi Jacobson,Karen Marshall
The Changing Faces of Aawambo Musical Arts
Author/Editor: Minette Mans
Decolonising the Academy: A Case for Convivial Scholarship
Author/Editor: Francis B. Nyamnjoh
Diamond Warriors in Colonial Namibia: Diamond Smuggling, Migrant Workers and Development in Owamboland
Author/Editor: Job Shipululo Amupanda
Die Linie: Ethnografisches Feldtagebuch einer Namibia-Forschung im Jahr 1996
Author/Editor: Sonja Speeter-Blaudszun
Digitalization and the Field of African Studies
Author/Editor: Mirjam de Bruijn
Erika Sutter: Seen with Other Eyes: Memories of a Swiss Eye Doctor in Rural South Africa
Author/Editor: Gertrud Stiehle,Mamphela Ramphele,Frances Lund
Explorations in African History: Reading Patrick Harries
Author/Editor: Veit Arlt,Stephanie Bishop,Pascal Schmid
Fictioning Namibia as a Space of Desire: An Excursion into the Literary Space of Namibia During Colonialism, Apartheid and th
Author/Editor: Renzo Baas
Gender and Colonialism: A History of Kaoko in north-western Namibia 1870s-1950s
Author/Editor: Lorena Rizzo,Patricia Hayes
The Gender Politics of the Namibian Liberation Struggle
Author/Editor: Martha Akawa,Bience Gawanas
Growing Wild: The Correspondence of a Pioneering Woman Naturalist from the Cape
Author/Editor: Mary Elizabeth Barber,Alan Cohan,Tanja Hammel,Jasmin Rindlisbacher
The Inevitable Pipeline into Exile: Botswana's Role in the Namibian Liberation Struggle
Author/Editor: Johann Müller,Reinhart Kössler
Infrastructures of Migrant Labour in Colonial Ovamboland, 1915 to 1954
Author/Editor: Lovisa Tegelela Nampala ,Patricia Hayes
In the Twilight of the Revolution: The Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (South Africa) 1959-1994
Author/Editor: Kwandiwe Kondlo,Patrick Harries
Kingdom, State and Civil Society in Africa: Conceptual and Political Collisions
Author/Editor: Nelson Kasfir
Listening to Colonial History. Echoes of Coercive Knowledge Production in Historical Sound Recordings from Southern Africa: Echoes of Coercive Knowledge Production in Historical Sound Recordings from Southern Africa
Author/Editor: Anette Hoffmann
"Little Research Value": African Estate Records and Colonial Gaps in a Post-Colonial National Archive
Naming the Land: San Identity and Community Conservation in Namibia's West Caprivi
Author/Editor: Julie J. Taylor,William Beinart
National Culture in Post-Apartheid Namibia: State-sponsored Cultural Festivals and their Histories
Author/Editor: Michael Akuupa,M. McKittrick
Native Estates: Records of Mobility across Colonial Boundaries
Author/Editor: Ellen Ndeshi Namhila
Owners of Learning: The Nyae Nyae Village Schools over Twenty-Five Years
Author/Editor: Jennifer Hays
A Path Through Hard Grass: A Journalist's Memories of Exile and Apartheid
Author/Editor: Ruth Weiss,Nadine Gordimer
The Politics of a South African Frontier: The Griqua, the Sotho-Tswana and the Missionaries, 1780-1840
Author/Editor: Martin Chatfield Legassick,Robert Ross
The Politics of Nature and Science in Southern Africa
Author/Editor: Maano Ramutsindela,Giorgio Miescher,Melanie Boehi
Ruling Nature, Controlling People: Nature Conservation, Development and War in North-Eastern Namibia since the 1920s
Author/Editor: Luregn Lenggenhager
The San and the N‡a Jaqna Conservancy, Tsumkwe District West, Namibia: The San and the N‡a Jaqna Conservancy, Tsumkwe District West, Namibia
Author/Editor: Cameron Welch,John G. Galaty
Traders and Trade in Colonial Ovamboland, 1925-1990: Elite Formation and the Politics of Consumption under Indirect Rule and Apartheid
Author/Editor: Gregor Dobler
Transformation from Below? White Suburbia in the Transformation of Apartheid South Africa to Democracy
Author/Editor: Ursula Scheidegger
Transition Towards Gender Equality: Namibia Between the Empowerment of Women and Violence of Men
Author/Editor: Sonja Gierse-Arsten ,Jennifer Wies
Voices from the Kavango: A Study of the Contract Labour System in Namibia, 1925-1972
Author/Editor: Kletus Muhena Likuwa
Where are you from?: �Playing White� under Apartheid
Author/Editor: Ulla Dentlinger
Women Journalists in Namibia's Liberation Struggle Women 1985-1990
Author/Editor: Maria Mboono Nghidinwa,Henning Melber
Writing Namibia - Coming of Age
Author/Editor: Sarala Krishnamurthy ,Nelson Mlambo ,Helen Vale