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Titles ( displaying 500 of 1,019 ) Information
The Young Adult Playbook: Living Like It Matters
Writings; Writings; Commonitories; Grace and Free Will
Author/Editor: Nicetas of Remesiana; Severus, Sulpicius; Vincent of Lerins
Writings on the Apocalypse
The Writings of Salvian, the Presbyter
Author/Editor: Salvian The Presbyter, The Presbyter
Writings Against the Saracens
Author/Editor: Peter the Venerable
Author/Editor: John of Damascus, Saint; Chase, Frederic Hathaway
Wrestling with God
Author/Editor: Garry, Patrick M
A World On Fire
Author/Editor: Cline, Erin M
The World of Early Egyptian Christianity
Author/Editor: Goehring, James E.; Timbie, Janet A.; Johnson, D. W
The Works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Cyril of Jerusalem, Saint
The Works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Cyril of Jerusalem, Saint
Words Made Flesh: The Sacramental Mission of Catholic Education
Author/Editor: R. Jared Staudt ,Patrick Reilly
The Word and the Spiritual Realities (the I and the Thou): Pneumatological Fragments
Author/Editor: Ferdinand Ebner ,Joseph R. Chapel ,Harold J. Green
Women in Early Christianity
Author/Editor: Miller, Patricia Cox
Wisdom's Watch Upon the Hours
Author/Editor: Henry, Suso
Wisdom's Apprentice
Author/Editor: Kwasniewski, Peter A.; Dewan, Lawrence
Why Read Pavel Florensky?
Author/Editor: JOHN P. BURGESS ,Andrew Louth
Why Read Pascal?
Author/Editor: PAUL J. GRIFFITHS
Whose Sacrifice is the Eucharist? The Offering of Christ and His Church in Catholic and Methodist Theology
Author/Editor: Stephen B. Sours ,Edgardo Colón-Emeric
Whole Faith
Author/Editor: DuPont, Denise
Who is my neighbor?
Author/Editor: Williams, Thomas D
What We Hold in Trust: Rediscovering the Purpose of Catholic Higher Education
Author/Editor: Don J. Briel ,Kenneth E. Goodpaster ,Michael J. Naughton ,Dennis Holtschneider
What Makes a Carmelite a Carmelite: Exploring Carmel's Charism
Author/Editor: KEITH J. EGAN ,Steven Payne
Western Creed, Western Identity
Author/Editor: Dougherty, Jude P
We Only Know Men
Author/Editor: Henry, Patrick
Weakness of Will from Plato to the Present (Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, Volume 49)
Author/Editor: Hoffmann, Tobias
The Way of Humility: St. Augustine's Theology of Preaching
Author/Editor: Charles G. Kim Jr.
The Wayfarer's End: Bonaventure and Aquinas on Divine Rewards in Scripture and Sacred Doctrine
Author/Editor: Shawn M. Colberg
Von Balthasar & the Option for the Poor
Author/Editor: Todd Walatka
The Voiding of Being: The Doing and Undoing of Metaphysics in Modernity
Author/Editor: William Desmond
Vocation to Virtue: Christian Marriage as a Consecrated Life
Author/Editor: KENT J. LASNOSKI
Vital Conflicts in Medical Ethics
Author/Editor: Rhonheimer, Martin; Murphy Jr., William F
The Vision of the Soul
Author/Editor: Wilson, James Matthew
The Virtues
Author/Editor: JOHN H. GARVEY
Victim of History: Cardinal Mindszenty, a biography
Author/Editor: MARGIT BALOGH
Vices, Virtues, and Consequences
Author/Editor: Simpson, Peter
Vatican II Behind the Iron Curtain
Author/Editor: PIOTR H. KOSICKI
The Vatican and the Emergence of the Modern Middle East
Author/Editor: de Dreuzy, Agnes
The Uses of the Dead
Author/Editor: Sherman, Caroline R
Unlocking Divine Action
Author/Editor: Dodds, Michael J
The Universe We Think In
Author/Editor: Schall, James V
The Unity of the Nations
Author/Editor: Ratzinger, Joseph
The Unity of Faith: Essays for the Building Up of the Body of Christ
Author/Editor: Thomas G. Weinandy
Unity in Christ: Bishops, Synodality, and Communion
Author/Editor: Anthony Fisher ,Cardinal Mario Grech
Understanding the Religious Priesthood: History, Controversy, Theology
Author/Editor: CHRISTIAN RAAB ,Brian E. Daley
Understanding the Medieval Meditative Ascent
Author/Editor: McMahon, Robert
Understanding the Diaconate
Author/Editor: McKnight, W. Shawn; Fagerberg, David W
Understanding Our Being
Author/Editor: Carlson, John W
Understanding Language
Author/Editor: Fairbairn, Donald
Understanding Europe (The Works of Christopher Dawson)
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher
Uncharted Territory
Author/Editor: Rossi S.J., Joseph S.; Rossi, Joseph S
The Unchanging Truth of God? Crucial Philosophical Issues for Theology
Author/Editor: Thomas G. Guarion
The Unchanging God of Love
Author/Editor: Dodds O.P., Michael J.; Dodds, Michael J
Un Catecismo para los Negocios
Author/Editor: Andrew V. Abela,Joseph E. Capizzi,Francisco J. Lara
The Ultimate Why Question
Author/Editor: Wippel, John F
Ukrainian Bishop, American Church
Author/Editor: Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Martha
The Two Wings of Catholic Thought
Author/Editor: Foster, David Ruel; Koterski S.J., Joseph W.; Koterski, Joseph W
The Turn to Transcendence
Author/Editor: Olsen, Glenn
Truth and Irony
Author/Editor: Terence J. Martin
Author/Editor: Pritzl, Kurt
The Trinity; The Spectacle; Jewish Foods; In Praise of Purity; Letters
Author/Editor: Novatian
The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God
The Trinity
Author/Editor: Hilary of Poitiers, Saint
The Trinity
Author/Editor: Emery, Gilles
The Trinity
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
The Trinitarian Theology of Basil of Caesarea
Author/Editor: Hildebrand, Stephen M
A Trinitarian Anthropology
Author/Editor: Schumacher, Michele M
Treatises on Various Subjects
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint; Deferrari, Roy J
Treatises on Noah and David
Author/Editor: BRIAN P. DUNKLE
Treatises on Marriage and Other Subjects
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint; Deferarri, Roy J.; Deferrari, Roy J
Author/Editor: Cyprian, Saint
The Treatise on Laws (Decretum DD. 1-20) with the Ordinary Gloss (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Canon Law, Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Gratian
A Treasure to be Shared: Understanding <em>Anglicanorum coetibus</em>
Author/Editor: Walter Oxley ,Ulrich Rhode ,Bishop Steven J. Lopes ,Cardinal Luis Ladaria
The Travels of Reverend Olafur Egilsson
Author/Editor: ÓLAFUR EGILSSON,Karl Smári Hreinsson,Adam Nichols
Transcending Gender Ideology: A Philosophy of Sexual Difference
Transcending Architecture
Author/Editor: Bermudez, Julio
Traditions of Natural Law in Medieval Philosophy
Author/Editor: Dominic Farrell
Tradition and the Rule of Faith in the Early Church
Author/Editor: Rombs, Ronnie J
Tractates on the Gospel of John 55–111
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Tractates on the Gospel of John 28–54
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Tractates on the Gospel of John 11–27
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Tractates on the Gospel of John 112–24; Tractates on the First Epistle of John
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Tractates on the Gospel of John 1–10
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Towards a Christian Philosophy
Author/Editor: Owens, Joseph
To Train His Soul in Books
Author/Editor: Darling Young, Robin
To Stir a Restless Heart
Author/Editor: Wood, Jacob W
Tolkien, Philosopher of War
Author/Editor: Graham James McAleer
To Know God and the Soul
Author/Editor: Teske, Roland J
Through the Past Darkly
Author/Editor: Bracher, Nathan
Three Poems
Author/Editor: Gregory of Nazianzus, Saint; Halton, Thomas P.; Meehan, Denis Molaise
The Three Dynamisms of Faith
Author/Editor: Roy, Louis
Three Christological Treatises
Author/Editor: St. Cyril of Alexandria
The Thomistic Response to the Nouvelle Theologie: Concerning the Truth of Dogma and the Nature of Theology
Author/Editor: Raymond-Léopold Bruckberger ,Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange ,Michel-Marie Labourdette ,Marie-Joseph Nicolas ,JON KIRWAN ,MATTHEW K. MINERD
Thomistic Existentialism and Cosmological Reasoning
Author/Editor: Knasas, John F. X
A Thomistic Christocentrism: Recovering the Carmelites of Salamanca on the Logic of the Incarnation
Thomas Shields and the Renewal of Catholic Education
Author/Editor: LEONARDO FRANCHI ,Mary Pat Donoghue
Thomas More's Vocation
Author/Editor: Frank Mitjans
A Thomas More Source Book
Author/Editor: Wegemer, Gerard B.; Smith, Stephen W
Thomas Aquinas' Trinitarian Theology
Author/Editor: Smith, Timothy L
Thomas Aquinas on the Immateriality of the Human Intellect
Author/Editor: ADAM WOOD
Thomas Aquinas on the Cardinal Virtues: A Summa of the Summa on Justice, Courage, Temperance, and Practical Wisdom
Author/Editor: Christopher Kaczor ,Thomas Sherman ,Ralph McInerny
Thomas Aquinas on Faith, Hope, and Love: A Summa of the Summa on the Theological Virtues
Author/Editor: Christopher Kaczor
Thomas Aquinas and the Philosophy of Punishment
Author/Editor: Koritansky, Peter Karl
Thomas Aquinas and His Predecessors
Author/Editor: Elders, Leo J
Thomas Aquinas and His Legacy
Author/Editor: Gallagher, David M
Thomas Aquinas
Author/Editor: Porro, Pasquale
The third spring
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Adam
Thinking Through Revelation
Author/Editor: Dobie, Robert J
Thine Own Self
Author/Editor: Borden Sharkey, Sarah; Borden, Sarah R
A Theology of the Christian Bible
Author/Editor: Farkasfalvy, Denis
Theology of Peter Damian
Author/Editor: Ranft, Patricia
The Theology of Marriage
Author/Editor: Burke, Cormac
The Theology of Louis Massignon
Author/Editor: Krokus, Christian
Theology Needs Philosophy
Author/Editor: Lamb, Matthew L
Theology as an Ecclesial Discipline: Ressourcement and Dialogue
Theological Treatises on the Trinity
Author/Editor: Victorinus, Marius; Clark, Mary T
The Theological-Political Origins of the Modern State
Author/Editor: Bourdin, Bernard; Pickford, Susan
Theological and Dogmatic Works
Author/Editor: Ambrose, Saint
Theodoret of Cyrus
Author/Editor: Theodoret of Cyrus
Themes in Kant's Metaphysics and Ethics
Author/Editor: Melnick, Arthur
The Texture of Being
Author/Editor: Schmitz, Kenneth L.; O'Herron, Paul
Tertullian's Aduersus Iudaeos
Author/Editor: Dunn, Geoffrey D
Teaching the Quadrivium: A Guide for Instructors
Teaching in Black and White: The Sisters of St. Joseph in the American South
Author/Editor: Barbara E. Mattick
The Teacher; The Free Choice of the Will; Grace and Free Will
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Tales of a Minstrel of Reims in the Thirteenth Century
Author/Editor: Samuel N. Rosenberg ,William Chester Jordan ,Randall Todd Pippenger
Syriac Christian Culture: Beginnings to Renaissance
Author/Editor: Aaron Michael Butts ,Robin Darling Young
Swimming Against the Current in Contemporary Philosophy
Author/Editor: Veatch, Harry B
Supper at Emmaus
Author/Editor: GLENN W. OLSEN
Summa Theologiae, Prima Pars: Volume 3, Human Beings and God's Governance of Creation, QQ 75-119: With the Commentary of Cardinal Cajetan
Author/Editor: Thomas Aquinas ,Thomas de Vio Cajetan ,William H. Marshner
Summa Theologiae, Prima Pars: Volume 1, The One God, QQ 1-26: With the Commentary of Cardinal Cajetan
Author/Editor: Thomas Aquinas ,Thomas de Vio Cajetan ,William H. Marshner
The Suffering Servant in Aquinas: Isaiah 53 and Thomas's Theology of Christ's Passion
Subtle Subversions
Author/Editor: Fox, Gwyn
The Subject in Question
Author/Editor: Soufas, C. Christopher
Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy Vol. 4
Author/Editor: Ryan, John K
Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Ryan, John K
Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy
Author/Editor: Ryan, John K
Studies in Medieval Philosophy
Author/Editor: Wippel, John F
Studies in Aristotle
Author/Editor: O'Meara, Dominic J
St. Thomas Aquinas and the Natural Law Tradition
Author/Editor: Goyette, John; Latkovic, Mark S.; Myers, Richard S
Stromateis, Books 1–3
Author/Editor: Clement of Alexandria
Strange Meetings
Author/Editor: Firchow, Peter Edgerly
The Story of Wamba
Author/Editor: Julian of Toledo; Martínez Pizarro, Joaquín
Steadfast in the Faith
Author/Editor: MacGregor, Morris J
St. Augustine's Interpretaion of the Psalms of Ascent
Author/Editor: McLarney, Gerard
State and Society in Eighteenth-Century France
Author/Editor: Miller, Stephen
The Standard Bearer of the Roman Church
Author/Editor: Drenas, Andrew J.G
Sport and Christianity
Author/Editor: Lixey, Kevin
The Split World of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Author/Editor: Sobolev, Dennis
The Splendor of the Church in Mary: Henri de Lubac, Vatican II, and Marian Ressourcement
Author/Editor: Theresa Marie Chau Nguyen ,PAUL MCPARTLAN
Spirituality in Architectural Education: Twelve Years of the Walton Critic Program at The Catholic University of America
Author/Editor: JULIO BERMUDEZ ,Craig W. Hartman ,Juhani Pallasmaa ,Alberto Campo Baeza ,Claudio Silvestrin ,Eliana Bórmida ,Michael J. Crosbie ,Prem Chandavarkar ,
Spirituality, Gender, and the Self in Renaissance Italy
Author/Editor: Mazzonis, Querciolo
The Spiritualiity of Martyrdom
Author/Editor: Pinckaers, Servais
Spirit's Gift
Author/Editor: López F.S.C.B., Antonio; López, Antonio
The Spirit of the Oxford Movement
Author/Editor: Christopher Dawson ,Kenneth L. Parker
The Spirit of God
Author/Editor: Congar, Yves
Spiraling Into God: Bonaventure on Grace, Hierarchy , and Holiness
Speaking the Incomprehensible God
Author/Editor: Rocca O.P., Gregory P.; Rocca, Gregory P
The Sources of Christian Ethics
Author/Editor: Pinckaers, Servais
A Sourcebook for Classical Logic
Author/Editor: John Tomarchio
A Sourcebook for Ancient Greek: Grammar, Poetry, and Prose
Author/Editor: John Tomarchio
The Soul of the Person
Author/Editor: Reimers, Adrian J
Songs for the Fast and Pascha
Some Seed Fell on Good Ground
Author/Editor: Dolan, Timothy Michael
Social Justice and Subsidiarity: Luigi Taparelli and the Origins of Modern Catholic Social Thought
Author/Editor: THOMAS C. BEHR
Slavery and the Catholic Church in the United States: Historical Studies
Author/Editor: David J. Endres ,Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre
A Sip from the Well of Grace
Author/Editor: Salonen, Kirsi; Schmugge, Ludwig
Sin in the Sixties
Author/Editor: Maria C. Morrow
Author/Editor: Jensen, Steven J
The Siege of Sziget
Author/Editor: Zrinyi, Miklos
Sidney's Poetics
Author/Editor: Mack, Michael
A Short Treatise on the Virgin Mary, Ed. 6th edition
Author/Editor: René Laurentin ,Charles Neumann ,Robert L. Fastiggi ,Annie Hounsokou
A Short History of Thomism
Author/Editor: Cessario O.P., Romanus; Cessario, Romanus
A Shining Lamp
Author/Editor: Catherine McAuley,Mary C. Sullivan
Shared Mission: Religious Education in the Catholic Tradition, Revised Edition
Author/Editor: LEONARDO FRANCHI ,Gerhard Cardinal Müller
Shaping American Catholicism
Author/Editor: Curran, Robert Emmett
Shakespeare and the Idea of Western Civilization
Author/Editor: R. V. YOUNG
Sex and Virtue
Author/Editor: Grabowski, John S
Seven Exegetical Works
Author/Editor: Ambrose, Saint
The Seven Deadly Sins
Author/Editor: Clarke, Kevin M.; Aquiliana, Mike
The Seven Books of History Against the Pagans
Author/Editor: Paulus Orosius; Orosius, Paulus
A Service of Love
Author/Editor: McPartlan, Paul
A Service of Love
Author/Editor: McPartlan, Paul
A Service Beyond All Recompense
Author/Editor: KURT MARTENS
Sermons, Volume 3 (187–238)
Author/Editor: Caesarius of Arles, Saint
Sermons, Volume 2 (81–186)
Author/Editor: Caesarius of Arles, Saint
Sermons, Volume 1 (1–80)
Author/Editor: Caesarius of Arles, Saint
Sermons on the Liturgical Seasons
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Author/Editor: Leo the Great, Saint; Freeland, Jane Patricia; Conway, Agnes Josephine
Select Orations
Author/Editor: Gregory of Nazianzus
Selected Works of Abbot Suger of Saint Denis
Author/Editor: Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis
Selected Works
Author/Editor: Fulgentius; Eno, Robert B
Selected Sermons, Volume 3
Author/Editor: Peter Chrysologus; Peter, Chrysologus, Saint, Archbishop of Ravenna
Selected Sermons, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Peter Chrysologus; Peter, Chrysologus, Saint, Archbishop of Ravenna
Selected Sermons; Homilies
Author/Editor: Peter Chrysologus; Valerian
Selected Prose Works
Author/Editor: Ephrem the Syrian, Saint; Mathews, Edward G
Seeking the Truth
Author/Editor: ORESTES BROWNSON,Richard M. Reinsch II
Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart: Cultivating a Sacramental Imagination in an Age of Pornography
Seat of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy in the Catholic Tradition
Author/Editor: James M. Jacobs
Seamus Heaney and the End of Catholic Ireland
Author/Editor: Kieran Quinlan
Scribit Mater
Author/Editor: Donavin, Georgiana
The Science of Being as Being
Author/Editor: Doolan, Gregory T
Scholastic Meditations
Author/Editor: Rescher, Nicholas
Schall on Chesterton
Author/Editor: Schall, James V
The Saxon War
Salvation through Temptation: Maximus the Confessor and Thomas Aquinas on Christ's Victory over the Devil
Author/Editor: Benjamin E. Heidgerken ,Paul M. Blowers
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Torrell, Jean-Pierre
Saint Thomas Aquinas: The Person and His Work
Author/Editor: JEAN-PIERRE TORRELL ,Robert Royal ,Matthew K. Minerd
Saint Augustine and the Fall of the Soul
Author/Editor: Rombs, Ronnie J
Sacrifice As Gift
Author/Editor: Matthiesen, Michon M
Sacred Players
Author/Editor: Hill-Vásquez, Heather; Hill-Vásquez, Heather
A Sacred Kingdom
Author/Editor: Moore, Michael Edward
Sacred Boundaries
Author/Editor: Luria, Keith P
Ruling Peacefully
Author/Editor: Murphy, Paul V
The Rose and Geryon
Author/Editor: Baika, Gabriella I
The Root of Friendship
Author/Editor: Flood, Anthony T
The Roles of Christ's Humanity in Salvation
Author/Editor: McLeod S.J., Frederick G.; McLeod, Frederick G
Robert of Arbrissel
Author/Editor: Dalarun, Jacques
The Road to Renewal
Author/Editor: Bonner, Jeremy
Richer of Saint-Remi
Author/Editor: Lake, Justin
Rhetoric, Science, and Magic in Seventeenth-century England
Author/Editor: Stark, Ryan J
The Rhetoric of Faith: Irenaeus and the Structure of the Adversus Haereses
Author/Editor: Scott D. Moringiello
Rhetoric in Antiquity
Author/Editor: Pernot, Laurent
Revolution and Continuity
Author/Editor: Barker, Peter; Ariew, Roger
Revisiting the Idea of Vocation
Author/Editor: Haughey S.J., John C.; Haughey, John C
Revelations of Humanity: Anthropological Dimensions of Theological Controversies
The Revelation of Your Words: The New Evangelization and the Role of the Seminary Professor of Sacred Scripture
Author/Editor: Kevin Zilverberg ,Scott Carl
Revelation and Convergence
Author/Editor: Mark Bosco,Brent Little
The Retractions
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Rethinking Cooperation with Evil: A Virtue-Based Approach
Author/Editor: Ryan Connors
The Restoration of Gregorian Chant
Author/Editor: Combe O.S.B., Dom Pierre
Ressourcement Thomism
Author/Editor: Hütter, Reinhard; Cessario, Romanus; Hütter, Reinhard
Respectably Catholic and Scientific: Evolution and Birth Control Between the World Wars
Author/Editor: Alexander Pavuk
Resilience and the virtue of fortitude
Author/Editor: Titus, Craig Steven
Re-Reading Gregory of Nazianzus
Author/Editor: Beeley, Christoper A
Representing the Troubles in Irish Short Fiction
Author/Editor: Storey, Michael L
Renewing the Mind
Author/Editor: Topping, Ryan N.S
Renewing Our Hope: Essays for the New Evangelization
Author/Editor: ROBERT BARRON ,Archbishop Christophe Pierre ,Apostolic Nuncio
Renewing Islam by Service
Author/Editor: Valkenberg, Pim
Renewing Catholic Schools: How to Regain a Catholic Vision for a Secular Age
Author/Editor: R. Jared Staudt ,Samuel J. Aquila
Remapping the History of Catholicism in the United States
Author/Editor: David J. Endres
Religious Freedom after the Sexual Revolution: A Catholic Guide
Author/Editor: HELEN M. ALVARÉ
Religious Experience in the Work of Richard Wagner
Author/Editor: Hebert, Marcel; Talar, Charles
The Religion of Reality
Author/Editor: Maleuvre, Didier
Religion and the Politics of Time
Author/Editor: Shusterman, Noah
Religion and Culture
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher
The Relic
Author/Editor: José Maria Eça de Queirós ,Robert M. Fedorchek
Reject Aeneas, Accept Pius
Author/Editor: Pius II; Krey, Philip; Christianson, Gerald
Reinterpreting Galileo
Author/Editor: Wallace, William A
Refuge in the Lord
Author/Editor: Lawrence J. McAndrews
Recovering Self-Evident Truths
Author/Editor: Scaperlanda, Michael A.; Collett, Teresa Stanton
Reclaiming Moral Agency
Author/Editor: Cunningham, Stanley B
The Reception of Pragmatism in France and the Rise of Roman Catholic Modernism, 1890-1914
Author/Editor: Schultenover, David G
Receiving the Bible in faith
Author/Editor: Williams, David M
Author/Editor: Prufer, Thomas
Reassessing Reform
Author/Editor: Bellitto, Christopher M
Reason, Revelation, and Metaphysics: The Transcendental Analogies
Author/Editor: Montague Brown
A Reason Open to God
Author/Editor: Brown, J. Steven
Reason Fulfilled by Revelation
Author/Editor: Sadler, Gregory B
Reading the Underthought
Author/Editor: Meyer, Kinereth; Salmon Deshen, Rachel
Reading the Song of Songs with St. Thomas Aquinas
Reading Romans with St. Thomas Aquinas
Author/Editor: Levering, Matthew
Reading Patristic Texts on Social Ethics
Author/Editor: Leemans, Johan
Reading John with St. Thomas Aquinas
Author/Editor: Dauphinais, Michael; Levering, Matthew
Reading Job with St. Thomas Aquinas
Reading Cusanus
Author/Editor: Miller, Clyde Lee
Reading Aristotle with Thomas Aquinas: His Commentaries on Aristotle's Major Works
Author/Editor: Leo J. Elders ,Jörgen Vijgen
Author/Editor: DeWindt, Anne Reiber; DeWindt, Edwin Brezette
The Quotable Saint Jerome
Author/Editor: Saint Jerome ,Justin McClain ,SCOTT HAHN
The Quotable Augustine
Author/Editor: Phillip H. Melton,James V. Schall
The Questions on the Octateuch, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Theodoret of Cyrus
The Questions on the Octateuch, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Theodoret of Cyrus
Questions on Aristotle's Categories
Author/Editor: Scotus, John Duns
Questions concerning Aristotle's On Animals (The Fathers of the Church, Mediaeval Continuation, Volume 9)
Author/Editor: Albert the Great
A Quest for the Historical Christ: Scientia Christi and the Modern Study of Jesus
The Quest for God and the Good Life
Author/Editor: Miller, Mark T
Queenship and Sanctity
Author/Editor: Gilsdorf, Sean; Odilo of Cluny
The Psychology of Character
Author/Editor: Rudolf Allers ,E. B. Strauss ,Jude P. Dougherty
Proust, Mann, Joyce in the Modernist Context, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Gillespie, Gerald
Prospects for Natural Theology
Author/Editor: Long, Eugene Thomas
Progress and Religion
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher
The Profession of Widowhood
Author/Editor: Walter, Katherine Clark
Professing Poetry
Author/Editor: Cavanagh, Michael
Principles of Catholic Theology, Book 3: On God, Trinity, Creation, and Christ
Principles of Catholic Theology, Book 2: On the Rational Credibility of Christianity
Principles of Catholic Theology, Book 1: On the Nature of Theology
A Primer of Pastoral Spanish
Author/Editor: Michael J. McGrath
The Primacy of Persons in Politics
Author/Editor: von Heyking, John; Heilke, Thomas
The Priest Who Put Europe Back Together
Author/Editor: Brennan, Sean
Priestly Celibacy
Author/Editor: Gary Selin,J. Francis Cardinal Stafford
Presence and Absence
Prefaces to Canon Law Books in Latin Christianity: Selected Translations, 500-1317, second edition
Author/Editor: Robert Somerville,Bruce C. Brasington
The Predestination of Humans: Augustinus, <em>Tome III, Book IX</em>
Preaching to Latinos: Welcoming the Hispanic Moment in the U.S. Church
Author/Editor: Michael I. Kueber ,Hosffman Ospino
Preaching in the Age of Chaucer
Author/Editor: Wenzel, Siegfried
Praeambula Fidei
Author/Editor: McInerny, Ralph
The Practice of Catholic Theology
Author/Editor: Paul J. Griffiths
The Power of Sacrifice
Author/Editor: Heyman, George
The Power of Patristic Preaching: The Word in Our Flesh
The Power of God
Author/Editor: Barnes, Michel René
Postmodernism and Cultural Identities
Author/Editor: Nemoianu, Virgil
Pope John Paul II Speaks on Women
Author/Editor: Deely, Brooke Williams
The Pope: His Mission and His Task
Author/Editor: Gerhard Cardinal Müller ,Brian McNeil
Pope Francis and the Search for God in America: The Significance of His Early Visits to the Americas
Author/Editor: Maria Clara Bingemer ,Peter J. Casarella ,Archbishop Christophe Pierre
The Politics of Fiscal Privilege in Provence, 1530s-1830s
Author/Editor: Blaufarb, Rafe
The Political Philosophy of Pierre Manent: Political Form and Human Action
Author/Editor: JOSEPH R. WOOD
Political Philosophy and Revelation
Author/Editor: Schall SJ, James V
The Political Economy of Distributism: Property, Liberty, and the Common Good
Author/Editor: Alexander William Salter
Poetry, Beauty, and Contemplation
Author/Editor: Trapani Jr., John G.; Trapani, John G
Poems, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Prudentius
Poems, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Prudentius
Plato's Moral Realism
Author/Editor: Rist, John M
Plato's Critique of Impure Reason
Author/Editor: Schindler, D. C
Platonic Investigations
Author/Editor: O'Meara, Dominic J
Plague and Pleasure
Author/Editor: White, Arthur
Pius XII and the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Sánchez, José M.; Sánchez, José M
The Pinckaers Reader
Author/Editor: Pinckaers O.P., Servais; Berkman, John; Titus, Craig Steven
Piers Plowman: The A Version
Pictures, Quotations, and Distinctions: Fourteen Essays in Phenomenology
The Philosophy of Nature
Author/Editor: Leclerc, Ivor
The Philosophy of John Henry Newman and Pragmatism: A Comparison
Author/Editor: Marial Corona ,Frederick D. Aquino
The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant
Author/Editor: Kennington, Richard
The Philosophy of Baruch Spinoza
Author/Editor: Kennington, Richard
Philosophy in the Renaissance: An Anthology
Author/Editor: Paul Richard Blum ,James G. Snyder
Philosophy and Art
Author/Editor: Dahlstrom, Daniel O
The Philosophical Vision of John Duns Scotus
Author/Editor: Ingham, Mary Beth; Dreyer, Mechthild
The Philosophical Life
Author/Editor: Urbano, Arthur P
Philosophical Legacies
Author/Editor: Dahlstrom, Daniel O
Philosophers of the Renaissance
Author/Editor: Blum, Paul Richard
Peter Comestor's Lectures on the Glossed Gospel of John: A Study with a Critical Edition and Translation
Author/Editor: PETER COMESTOR ,David M. Foley
The Perspective of the Acting Person
Author/Editor: Rhonheimer, Martin; Murphy Jr., William F.; Murphy, William F
The Perspective of Morality
Author/Editor: Rhonheimer, Martin
Person, Being, and History
Author/Editor: Baur, Michael
Person and Act and Related Essays
Personalist Papers
Author/Editor: Crosby, John F
The Personalism of John Henry Newman
Author/Editor: Crosby, John
The Personalism of Edith Stein: A Synthesis of Thomism and Phenomenology
Author/Editor: ROBERT McNAMARA
Personal Catholicism: The Theological Epistemologies of John Henry Newman and Michal Polanyi
Author/Editor: Martin X. Moleski
A Pernicious Sort of Woman
Author/Editor: Makowski, Elizabeth
Perfection in Death
Author/Editor: Patrick M. Clark
Peace in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas: Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics
Paul in the Summa Theologiae
Author/Editor: Levering, Matthew
Patriotism is a Catholic Virtue: Irish-American Catholics, The American Church and the Coming of the Great War
Author/Editor: THOMAS J. ROWLAND
Patience and Salvation in Third Century North Africa: A Christian Latin Reader
Author/Editor: Sarah Klitenic Wear
The Path of Mercy
Author/Editor: Sullivan, Mary C
Passions and Virtue
Author/Editor: Pinckaers, Servais; Guevin, Benedict M
A Partisan Church
Author/Editor: Scribner, Todd
Paradox at Play: Metaphor in Meister Eckhart's Sermons: with previously unpublished sermons
Author/Editor: CLINT JOHNSON
Paradise Lost: A Primer
Author/Editor: Michael Cavanagh ,Scott Newstok
Papist Devils
Author/Editor: Curran, Robert Emmett
Papal Justice
Author/Editor: Fosi, Irene
The Papacy, the Jews, and the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Coppa, Frank J
Out of due time
Author/Editor: Scotti, Paschal
Our Search with Socrates for Moral Truth
Author/Editor: Atkinson, Gary Michael
Ossium Carnes Multae e Marci Tullii Ciceronis Epistulis / The Bones’ Meats Abundant from the Epistles of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Author/Editor: Reginaldus Thomas Foster ,Daniel Patricius McCarthy ,Daniel Vowles
Ossa Ostensa: A proven system for demystifying Latin, Book One
Author/Editor: Laura Pooley
Ossa Ostensa: A Proven System for Demystifying Latin, Book 2
Author/Editor: Laura Pooley
Ossa Latinitatis Sola Ad Mentem Reginaldi Rationemque
Author/Editor: Reginaldus Thomas Foster,Daniel Patricius McCarthy
The Orphans of Byzantium
Author/Editor: Miller, Timothy S
The Origins of Catholic Words: A Discursive Dictionary
On the Virtues
Author/Editor: Capreolus, Jean; Cessario, Romanus
On the Six Days of Creation
Author/Editor: ROBIN ORTON
On the Road to Emmaus
Author/Editor: Olsen, Glenn W
On the Motive of the Incarnation
Author/Editor: The Salmanticenses
On the Moderation of Reason in Religious Matters
On the Incomprehensible Nature of God
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
On the Formation of the Clergy
On the Dignity of Society: Catholic Social Teaching and Natural Law
Author/Editor: F. Russell Hittinger ,Scott J. Roniger ,Mary Ann Glendon
On the Cessation of the Laws
Author/Editor: Grosseteste, Robert
On the Body of the Lord
On the Body and Blood of the Lord; On the Truth of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist
Author/Editor: Lanfranc of Canterbury and Guitmund of Aversa; Vaillancourt, Mark G
On Resurrection
On Repentance and Almsgiving
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
On Love and Charity
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Saint Thomas
On Liturgical Asceticism
Author/Editor: Fagerberg, David W
On Job, Volume 1
On Illustrious Men
Author/Editor: Jerome, Saint
On Genesis
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
The One Thomas More
Author/Editor: Curtright, Travis
The One, the Many, and the Trinity
Author/Editor: Pugliese, Marc A
One Poor Scruple
One Hundred Years of Philosophy
Author/Editor: Shanley, Brian
The One Creator God in Thomas Aquinas and Contemporary Theology
Author/Editor: Michael J. Dodds
The One Christ
Author/Editor: Meconi, David Vincent
On Earth as it is in Heaven: Cultivating a Contemporary Theology of Creation
Author/Editor: David Vincent Meconi
On Difficulties in Sacred Scripture
Author/Editor: St. Maximos the Confessor
On Creation [Quaestiones Disputatae de Potentia Dei, Q. 3]
Author/Editor: Thomas Aquinas; Selner-Wright, S. C
Olde Clerkis Speche
Author/Editor: WILLIAM A. QUINN
Nostra Aetate
Author/Editor: Pim Valkenberg,Anthony Cirelli
Nicholas of Cusa's On Learned Ignorance: A Commentary on De docta ignorantia
Nicholas of Cusa
Author/Editor: Meuthen, Erich
The New Prophecy and New Visions
Author/Editor: Butler, Rex D
New Narratives for Old: The Historical Method of Reading Early Christian Theology: Essays in Honor of Michel Rene Barnes
Neither Nature nor Grace: Aquinas, Barth, and Garrigou-Lagrance on the Epistemic Use of God's Effects
Author/Editor: T. Adam Van Wart
Necessity and Possibility
Author/Editor: Mosser, Kurt
Navy Priest
Author/Editor: Gribble, Richard
The Nature of Scientific Explanation
Author/Editor: Dougherty, Jude P
The Nature of Political Philosophy: And Other Studies and Commentaries
Author/Editor: James V. Schall ,William McCormick ,José Maria J. Yulo
The Nature of Natural Philosophy in the Late Middle Ages (Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, Volume 52)
Author/Editor: Grant, Edward
Nature in American Philosophy (Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, Volume 42)
Author/Editor: De Groot, Jean
Nature as Guide: Wittgenstein and the Renewal of Moral Theology
Author/Editor: DAVID GOODILL
Nature and Scientific Method
Author/Editor: Dahlstrom, Daniel O
Nature and Nature's God: A Philosophical and Scientific Defense of Aquinas' Unmoved Mover Argument
Author/Editor: Daniel Shields
Nature and Motion in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Weisheipl, James A.; Carroll William C
Natural Moral Law in Contemporary Society
Author/Editor: Zaborowski, Holger
Natural Law Ethics in Theory and Practice: A Joseph Boyle Reader
Author/Editor: John Liptay ,Christopher Tollefsen ,Robert P. George
Natural Law Ethics in Theory and Practic: A Joseph Boyle Reader
Author/Editor: John Liptay ,Christopher Tollefsen ,Robert P. George
Natural Law and Thomistic Juridical Realism: Prospects for a Dialogue with Contemporary Legal Theory
Author/Editor: Petar Popović ,F. Russell Hittinger
Native American Catholic Studies Reader: History and Theology
Author/Editor: David J. Endres ,BEN BLACK BEAR JR.
Naming Our Sins
Author/Editor: Bennett, Jana; Cloutier, David
The Myth of Liberalism
Author/Editor: John P. Safranek
Mysticism and Space
Author/Editor: Davis, Carmel Bendon
The Mystery of Union with God
Author/Editor: Blankenhorn, Bernhard
Mystery of the Church, People of God
Author/Editor: Beal, Rose
Mystery and Intelligibility: History of Philosophy as Pursuit of Wisdom
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Dirk Wilson
Mysteries of the Lord's Prayer: Wisdom from the Early Church
Author/Editor: John Gavin ,George Weigel
The Movement of World Revolution
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher
Mother Teresa's General Letters to Her Sisters
Author/Editor: Mother Teresa,BRIAN KOLODIEJCHUK
Mother Teresa: Just a Pencil In God's Hand: Reflections in Honor of a Saint
Moses Maimonides and His Time
Author/Editor: Ormsby, Eric L
Moral Vision and Tradition
Author/Editor: Cua, Antonio S
The Moral Philosophy of Dietrich von Hildebrand
Author/Editor: Cajthaml, Martin; Vohánka, Vlastimil; Crosby, John F
Moralia et Ascetica Armeniaca: The Oft-Repeated Discourses
Moral Action
Moral Absolutes
Author/Editor: Finnis, John
The Monarchia Controversy
Author/Editor: Cassell, Anthony K.; Dante Alighieri; Vernani, Guido
Modern Utopian Fictions from H. G. Wells to Iris Murdoch
Author/Editor: Firchow, Peter Edgerly
The Modern Turn
Author/Editor: Rohlf, Michael
Modernists & mystics
Author/Editor: Talar, C. J. T
The Modernist as Philosopher
Author/Editor: Talar, C. J. T
Modern Enlightenment and the Rule of Reason
Author/Editor: McCarthy, John C
The modeling of nature
Author/Editor: Wallace, William A
A Model for the Christian Life
Author/Editor: Burns, Paul C
The Minor Works
Author/Editor: Lactantius
Ministry to the Sick and Dying in the Late Medieval Church
Author/Editor: THOMAS M. IZBICKI
The Mind That Is Catholic
Author/Editor: Schall, James V
Mind, Matter, and Nature
Author/Editor: Madden, James D
Metaphysics as Mediating Dialogue
Author/Editor: Oliva Blanchette ,Cathal Doherty
Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas III
Author/Editor: John F. Wippel
Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II
Author/Editor: Wippel, John F
Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas
Author/Editor: Wippel, John F
The Metaphysical Foundations of Love
Author/Editor: Flood, Anthony T
Metaphysical Disputations III and IV: On Being's Passions in General and Its Principles and On Transcendental Unity in General
Author/Editor: FRANCISCO SUÁREZ ,Shane Duarte
Metaphysical Disputation I: On the Nature of First Philosophy or Metaphysics
Metaphysical Disputation II: On the Essential Concept or Concept of Being
The Metamorphoses of the City of God
Author/Editor: Étienne Gilson ,James G. Colbert ,RÉMI BRAGUE
Medieval Public Justice
Author/Editor: Vallerani, Massimo
Medieval Essays (The Works of Christopher Dawson)
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher
Medieval Church Law and the Origins of the Western Legal Tradition
Author/Editor: Müller, Wolfgang P.; Sommar, Mary E
Medicine, Health Care, & Ethics
Author/Editor: Morris, John F
Maurice Blondel, Social Catholicism, and Action Française
Author/Editor: Bernardi, Peter J
Matter and Mathematics: An Essential Account of Laws of Nature
Author/Editor: Andrew Younan ,Michael J. Dodds
Master of Penance
Author/Editor: Larson, Arrai A
Mary Magdalene and Her Sister Martha
Author/Editor: Cartwright, Jane
The Martyrdom of Maev and Other Irish Stories
Author/Editor: Jack Morgan
Martin Luther and the Shaping of the Catholic Tradtion: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Washington, DC May 30 to June 1, 2017
Author/Editor: Nelson H. Minnich ,Michael Root
Marriage on Trial
Author/Editor: Schmugge, Ludwig
Marks of Distinctions
Author/Editor: Resnick, Irven M
Marie de France and the Poetics of Memory
Author/Editor: Whalen, Logan E
Making the Past Present
Author/Editor: Robichaud, Paul
The Lublin Lectures and Works on Max Scheler
Love Song for the Life of the Mind
Author/Editor: Fendt, Gene
Love and Friendship in the Western Tradition: From Plato to Postmodernity
Author/Editor: James McEvoy ,James McGuirk
Lord, I Love You! Homilies through the Liturgical Year: Volume 1: Lent, Easter, and Solemnities of the Lord
Author/Editor: Pietro Rossotti ,Seán Patrick O’Malley
Look Out Below! A Story of the Airborne by a Paratrooper Padre
Author/Editor: Francis L. Sampson ,Sean Brennan ,Philip Hannan
Logos and Revelation
Author/Editor: Dobie, Robert J
The Logic of Religion
Author/Editor: Dougherty, Jude P
The Logic of Desire
Author/Editor: Lombardo O.P., Nicholas E.; Lombardo, Nicholas E
Logic as a Liberal Art: An Introduction to Rhetoric and Reasoning
Author/Editor: R. E. Houser
Local Church, Global Church
Living the Good Life
Author/Editor: Jensen, Steven J
Liturgical Theology in Thomas Aquinas: Sacrifice and Salvation History
Author/Editor: FRANCK QUOËX ,ZACHARY J. THOMAS ,Dominic M. Langevin
Liturgical Hermeneutics of Sacred Scripture
Lineages of European Political Thought
Author/Editor: Nederman, Cary J
The Light of Christ
Author/Editor: White, Thomas Joseph
Light for the Nations: The Scriptures on the Universal Mission of Israel and the Church
Light and Glory
Author/Editor: Canty, Aaron
The Life of Saint Severin
Author/Editor: Eugippius
The Life of Blessed Bernard of Tiron
Author/Editor: Grossus, Geoffrey
Life and Works
Author/Editor: Gregory Thaumaturgus, Saint
The Life and Pontificate of Pope Pius Xii
Author/Editor: Coppa, Frank
Liberty and Law
Author/Editor: Tierney, Brian
Letters, Volume 6 (1*–29*)
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint; Parsons, Wilfrid Sister; Eno, Robert B
Letters, Volume 5 (204–270)
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Letters, Volume 4 (165–203)
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Letters, Volume 3 (131-164)
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Letters, Volume 2 (83–130)
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Letters, Volume 2 (186–368)
Author/Editor: Basil, Saint; Deferrari, Roy J
Letters, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Barsanuphius and John
Letters, Volume 1 (1–82)
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Letters, Volume 1 (1–185)
Author/Editor: Basil, Saint; Deferrari, Roy J
Letters, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Barsanuphius and John
Letters of Peter Abelard, Beyond the Personal
Author/Editor: Abelard, Peter
Letters 91-120
Author/Editor: Peter Damian; Blum, Owen J
Letters, 61-90
Author/Editor: Damian, Peter
Letters 51–110
Author/Editor: Cyril of Alexandria, Saint
Letters, 31-60
Author/Editor: Damian, Peter
Letters, 1-91
Author/Editor: Ambrose, Saint
Letters (1–81)
Author/Editor: Cyprian, Saint
Letters, 151-180
Author/Editor: Peter Damian; Blum, Owen J