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Titles start with V ( displaying 500 of 14,138 ) Information
موسوعة تعليم الإنشاء : v
Author/Editor: نبيل أبو حلتم; زهدي أبو خليل; نائل الساحوري
V-1 Flying Bomb 1942-52
Author/Editor: Steven Zaloga
Series Title: New Vanguard
V1 Flying Bomb Aces, Ed. Unabridged
Author/Editor: Thomas, Anew.
$v_{1}$-Periodic Homotopy Groups of $SO(n)$
Author/Editor: Martin Bendersky; Donald M. Davis
V-22 Osprey
Author/Editor: Hamilton, John
Series Title: A & D Xtreme
V-2 Ballistic Missile 1942-52
Author/Editor: Zaloga, Steve
Series Title: New Vanguard
The V2 Conspiracy: A Synchronic and a Diachronic Analysis of Verbal Positions in Germanic Languages, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: Fred Weerman
Author/Editor: Ib Melchior
V-7 Ordinis Quinti Tomus Septimus
Author/Editor: Rademaker, CSM
Series Title: Opera Omnia Desiderii Erasmi - Erasmus, Opera Omnia
The Vaal Uprising of 1984 & the Struggle for Freedom in South Africa
Author/Editor: Franziska Rueedi
Vaardigheden voor het samenwerken in teams
Author/Editor: Jan Pieter van Oudenhoven; Hanneke Grutterink
Vaardighedewerkboek vir Regstudente 2u
Author/Editor: Kok, A; Viljoen, F; Nienaber, A
Vaardig met vakinhoud
Author/Editor: Jeroen Dera, Joyce Gubbels; Janneke van der Loo; Jimmy van Rijt
Vacaboi Sáfica
Author/Editor: K'Anne Meinel
Vacaciones Desde el Infierno: Historia de Jeannetta & Dee
Author/Editor: Justice Gray
Vacaciones para el Alma: Dedic�ndote Tiempo para Sanarte el Alma
Author/Editor: Dy Wakefield
Vacaciones Pervertidas
Author/Editor: Delaney Starr
Vacaciones Rusas
Author/Editor: Kenneth Eade
Vacances Avec Mon Boss
Author/Editor: Melissa Castello
Vacances avec papa: Livre pour enfants de 6 à 7 ans : un voyage très spécial !
Author/Editor: A.P. Hernández
Vacances chez le grand-père
Author/Editor: Ermance Reclus
Vacances d'artiste
Author/Editor: Augustin Filon
Vacances en Limousin
Author/Editor: Docteur Philipps
Vacancies and Interstitials in Metals and Alloys
Author/Editor: Abromeit, C.; Wollenberger, H.
Series Title: Materials Science Forum
Author/Editor: Kailin Gow; Kira G.
The Vacant Chair
Author/Editor: Mitchell, Reid.
The Vacant See in Early Modern Rome
Author/Editor: Hunt, John M.
Series Title: Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions
Vacant to Vibrant: Creating Successful Green Infrastructure Networks
Author/Editor: Sandra Albro
Vacanza all'inferno
Author/Editor: Justice Gray
Vacanza sugli altipiani (Amore sugli altipiani vol.1)
Author/Editor: Simone Beaudelaire
Vacanze Magiche
Author/Editor: Ol'ga Kryuchkova
Vacas (Cows)
Author/Editor: Murray, Julie
Vacas en la granja (Cows on the Farm)
Author/Editor: Bizzy Harris
Author/Editor: Deb Olin Unferth
Vacation Crafting: 150+ Summer Camp Projects for Boys & Girls to Make
Author/Editor: Suzanne McNeill
Vacation Decision Making
Author/Editor: Decrop, Alain.
Vacation Homes and Log Cabins
Author/Editor: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
A Vacation in Ruins
Author/Editor: McKenzie, Precious
Vacation Interrupted
Author/Editor: Allison Brennan; Sandra Brown
Author/Editor: Morine, David E.
Vacation of a Lifetime
Author/Editor: Sue, Brenda
Vacation Planning (On A Budget)
Author/Editor: Barry B. Velasquez
A Vacation with Dad: A Children’s Book for 6 and 7 Year Olds. A Very Special Trip!
Author/Editor: A.P. Hernández
Author/Editor: Jerry Bowen
Series Title: Images of America
Vaccinating Britain: Mass Vaccination and the Public Since the Second World War
Author/Editor: Gareth Millward
Vaccination Against Smallpox
Author/Editor: Edward Jenner
Vaccination and Challenges of Rabies in China
Author/Editor: Mohamad Hesam Shahrajabian
The Vaccination Controversy: The Rise, Reign and Fall of Compulsory Vaccination for Smallpox
Author/Editor: Williamson, Stanley.
The Vaccination Debate
Series Title: Essential Viewpoints
Author/Editor: Dyson, Howard L.; Steen, David B.
Vaccinations: Procedures, Types and Controversy
Author/Editor: Campbell, Braydon E.; Bezio, Adeline I.
Series Title: Public Health in the 21st Century
The Vaccinators: Smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the ‘Opening’ of Japan
Author/Editor: Jannetta, Ann Bowman
Vaccina - Wehen, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: D. W. H. Busch; J. F. Diffenbach; E. Horn; J. C. Jüngken; H. F. Link; J. Müller
Vaccine Court
Author/Editor: Kirkland, Anna
The Vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
Author/Editor: Wayne Rohde
Vaccine Design: Innovative Approaches and Novel Strategies
Author/Editor: Rino Rappuoli; Fabio Bagnoli
The Vaccine Handbook
Author/Editor: Tina Q. Tan, MD,; Melvin V. Gerbie, MD,; John P. Flaherty, MD,
The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, Twelfth Edition
Author/Editor: Gary S. Marshall, MD
Vaccine Hesitancy: Public Trust, Expertise, and the War on Science
Author/Editor: Maya J. Goldenberg
Vaccine: Measles and Rubella Vaccination Experience in Zambia
Author/Editor: Joav Merrick
The Vaccine Narrative
Author/Editor: Heller, Jacob
Vaccine Nation
Author/Editor: Conis, Elena
The Vaccine Religion
Author/Editor: Walene James
Vaccine Rhetorics
Author/Editor: Heidi Yoston Lawrence
Author/Editor: Martha London
Author/Editor: Quadros, Ciro A. de.
Series Title: Scientific and Technical Publication
Author/Editor: Hand, Carol
Series Title: Medical Marvels
Author/Editor: Feemster, Kristen A.
Series Title: What Everyone Needs to Know
Author/Editor: Alicia Z. Klepeis
Vaccines and Diagnostics for Transboundary Animal Diseases
Author/Editor: Morozov, Igor; Richt, J. A.; Roth, James A.; United States.
Series Title: Developments in Biologicals
Vaccines and Your Child
Author/Editor: Paul A. Offit; Charlotte A. Moser
Vaccines: A Reappraisal
Author/Editor: Richard Moskowitz
Vaccines For Latent Viral Infections
Author/Editor: Liljana Stevceva
Vaccines for Older Adults: Current Practices and Future Opportunities
Author/Editor: B. Weinberger
Vaccines for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer
Author/Editor: Kitchener, Henry C.; Stern, Peter L.
Vaccines: Operation Warp Speed, Regulation and Safety
Author/Editor: Oliver Huerta
Vaccine: The Debate in Modern America
Author/Editor: Largent, Mark A.
Vaccine Wars: The Two-Hundred-Year Fight for School Vaccinations
Author/Editor: Kim Tolley
Vaccine Wars: When Science and Politics Collide
Author/Editor: Allen, John
Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC
Author/Editor: Kevin Barry
Vache qui faisait le bébé (La)
Author/Editor: Benoit Charlat
Va chercher le pain
Author/Editor: Jean-Baptiste Drouot
The Vacillations of Poppy Carew: A Novel
Author/Editor: Wesley, Mary.
A Vacina AntiBullying
Author/Editor: Jennifer Hancock
Éva Circé-Côté, libre-penseuse, 1871-1949
Author/Editor: Andrée Lévesque
Vaclav Havel: A Political Tragedy in Six Acts
Author/Editor: John Keane
Vaclav Havel: Civic Responsibility in the Postmodern Age
Author/Editor: Pontuso, James F.
Vacuna Ortográfica VAL-Cuba Nivel Primario
Author/Editor: Eloína Miyares Bermúdez; Vitelio Ruiz Hernández
Author/Editor: Quadros, Ciro A. de.; Pan American Health Organization.
Series Title: Publicaci�n Cient�fica Y T�cnica
Vacunas veterinarias
Author/Editor: I. TIZARD
Author/Editor: Christian Mistral
Vacuum Bazookas, Electric Rainbow Jelly, and 27 Other Saturday Science Projects
Author/Editor: Neil A. Downie
The Vacuum Cleaner: A History
Author/Editor: Gantz, Carroll.
Vacuum, Ed. 1st world ed
Author/Editor: James, Bill
Vacuum Flowers
Author/Editor: Swanwick, Michael.
Vacuum Heat Treatment
Author/Editor: Jurči, Peter
Vacuum Heat Treatment II
Author/Editor: Peter Jurči
Vacuum-plasma Multilayer Protective Coatings for Turbine Blades
Author/Editor: Alex Sagalovych; Vlad Sagalovych; Victor Popov; Stas Dudnik
Vacuum Technology
Author/Editor: Hucknall, D. J.; Morris, A.
Vade-mecum de l'officier au Tonkin - Recueil de renseignements utiles sur la vie des postes dans les régions montagneuses, à l'usage des Européens allant débuter dans notre nouvelle colonie d'Extrême-Orient
Author/Editor: Henri Gallais
Vademecum de psicología para juristas.
Author/Editor: Muñoz Sabaté, Lluís
Vademecum de thème latin - Débutants et confirmés. CPGE, Université, Concours
Author/Editor: Demassieux Benjamin
Vade Mecum: Essays, Reviews & Interviews
Author/Editor: Richard Skinner
Vademecum f��r histopathologische Untersuchungen in der Gyn��kologie
Vademecum Metabolicum
Author/Editor: Johannes Zschocke; Georg F. Hoffmann
Vademecum Metabolicum: Diagnosis and Treatment of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Ed. 3rd edition
Author/Editor: Zschocke, Johannes; Hoffmann, Georg F.
Vademecum: Oder die römisch-katholische Lehre von der Anthropologie. Für angehende Theologen, Ed. 2. Aufl. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: Christian Franke
Vade-mecum. Transliteracja autografu
Vademecum usług bankowych
Author/Editor: Anna Iwańczuk-Kaliska, Paweł Marszałek (red.)
"Vademekum" der Protestbewegung?: Transnationale Vermittlungen durch das Kursbuch von 1965 bis 1975
Author/Editor: Kristof Niese
Vade Nobiscum 2019, tom XX. Studia z historii politycznej i wojskowej
Author/Editor: Piotr Budzyński; Maciej Dawczyk; Krzysztof Gryglewski; Michał Owczarek; Michał Ziółkowski
Vade Nobiscum, tom XXII/2021. Studia z wieków dawnyc
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Gryglewski; Jakub Kulis; Jakub Pisarski; Cyprian Wiśniewski
Vade Nobiscum, tom XXIII/2021. Studia nad XIX i XX wiekiem
Author/Editor: Cyprian Wiśniewski, Krzysztof Gryglewski, Jakub Kuliś, Jakub Pisarski
Vade Nobiscum. Tom XXI. Studia z historii gospodarczej, kulturowej i społecznej
Author/Editor: Piotr Budzyński; Maciej Dawczyk; Krzysztof Gryglewski; Michał Owczarek; Michał Ziółkowski
Vader, Voldemort and Other Villains
Vad har EU gjort för Sverige – och vad har Sverige gjort för EU?
Author/Editor: Fredrik Erixon; Stefan Fölster
Vadia 3
Series Title: Vadia
Vadia 4
Author/Editor: La Marrchesa
Vadios no Crime
Author/Editor: Justice Gray
Vadose Zone Hydrology: Cutting Across Disciplines
Author/Editor: Parlange, Marc B.; Hopmans, J. W.
VAE pour l'obtention des DEES, DEASS, DEEJE - Préparation complète pour réussir sa formation
Author/Editor: Martinet, Julien
VAE pour l'obtention des DEES, DEASS, DEEJE - Préparation complète pour réussir sa formation : Éducateur spécialisé, Assistant de service social, Éducateur de jeunes enfants
Author/Editor: Julien Martinet
Va'era-Bo (English)
Author/Editor: CET-LE TEAM
Va'era-Bo (Hebrew): Teacher's Guide
Author/Editor: CET-LE TEAM
Va-'era' (Exodus 6:2-9:35) and Haftarah (Ezekiel 28:25-29:21)
Author/Editor: Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Series Title: The JPS B'nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary
Va-'ethannan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) and Haftarah (Isaiah 40:1-26): The JPS B'nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary
Author/Editor: Jeffrey K. Salkin
The Vagabond
Author/Editor: Colette
Vagabond Fictions
Author/Editor: Carole Sweeney
Author/Editor: Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Author/Editor: Bright, Laurie Lyter
Vagabonding Masks
Author/Editor: Olga Partan
Series Title: Liber Primus
Vagabonding Through Changing Germany
Author/Editor: Harry A. Franck
Vagabond Policeman
Author/Editor: Max K. Hurlbut
Vagabonds of Gor
Author/Editor: Norman, John
Series Title: Gorean Saga
The Vagabond Spirit of Poetry
Author/Editor: Edward Clarke
Vagabonds: Tourists in the Heart of Darkness
Author/Editor: Nick Brokhausen; Jeff Miller
Vagabond Witness: Victor Serge and the Politics of Hope
Author/Editor: Paul Gordon
Vagal Functionality As Indicator for Biopsychological Stress Responsiveness and Beneficial Effects of Auricular Electrical Stimulation on Vagal Activity
Author/Editor: La Marca, Roberto
Author/Editor: Jen Minkman
Vaganti della notte Libro 2 - Shiver
Author/Editor: Kristen Middleton
Vagaries of Desire: A Collection of Philosophical Essays
Author/Editor: Airaksinen, Timo
The Vagaries of the Qas?i?dah
Author/Editor: Montgomery, J. E.
Vagaries of Value
Author/Editor: Rescher, Nicholas.
Vagheit im Recht: Grenzf�lle und flie�ende �berg�nge im Horizont des Rechtsstaats
Author/Editor: Gruschke, Daniel.
Series Title: Schriften zur Rechtstheorie
The Vagina: A Literary and Cultural History
Author/Editor: Rees, Emma L. E.
Vagina: A Re-education
Author/Editor: Enright, Lynn
Vaginalmykose und perinatale Pilzinfektion
Author/Editor: Schnell, J.D.
Vaginalsonographie in der Gyn��kologie
Author/Editor: Krause, Bernd Th.
Series Title: Frauena?rztliche Taschenbu?cher
Vagina Problems: Endometriosis, Painful Sex, and Other Taboo Topics
Author/Editor: Lara Parker
Vagrancy in Birds
Author/Editor: Alexander Lees; James Gilroy
Vagrancy in English Culture and Society, 1650-1750
Author/Editor: Hitchcock, David J.
Series Title: Cultures of Early Modern Europe
The Vagrant
Author/Editor: Lincoln Kate
Vagrant Lives in Colonial Australasia: Regulating Mobility, 1840-1910
Author/Editor: Catharine Coleborne
Vagrant Nation: Police Power, Constitutional Change, and the Making of the 1960s
Author/Editor: Goluboff, Risa Lauren
Vagrant Queen Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Magdalene Visaggio
Vagrant Queen Vol. 2: A Planet Called Doom
Author/Editor: Magdalene Visaggio
Vagrants and Vagabonds: Poverty and Mobility in the Early American Republic
Author/Editor: O'Brassill-Kulfan, Kristin
Vagrant Writing
Author/Editor: Taylor, Barry
Vague Language, Elasticity Theory and the Use of ‘Some’: A Comparative Study of L1 and L2 Speakers in Educational Settings
Author/Editor: Grace Qiao Zhang; Nhu Nguyet Le
Vagueness: A Global Approach
Author/Editor: Kit Fine
Vagueness and Degrees of Truth
Author/Editor: Smith, Nicholas J. J.
Vagueness and Law
Author/Editor: Keil, Geert; Poscher, Ralf
Vagueness and the Evolution of Consciousness: Through the Looking Glass
Author/Editor: Michael Tye
Vagueness and Thought
Author/Editor: Bacon, Andrew
Vagueness: A Reader
Author/Editor: Keefe, Rosanna.; Smith, Peter
Vagueness As a Political Strategy
Author/Editor: Scotto Di Carlo, Giuseppina
Vagueness, Gradability and Typicality: The Interpretation of Adjectives and Nouns
Author/Editor: Sassoon, Galit W.
Vagueness in Context
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Stewart
Vagueness in Psychiatry, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Keil, Geert; Keuck, Lara; Hauswald, Rico
Vagueness in the Exact Sciences: Impacts in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Engineering and Computing
Author/Editor: Apostolos Syropoulos; Basil K. Papadopoulos
Vague Scélérate: Wyatt
Author/Editor: Sawyer Bennett
Vagues de vie
Author/Editor: Lina Moaca
Vagues À L'Âme: Série Dernier Appel : Hunter
Author/Editor: Sawyer Bennett
Vahlen's Ennius
Author/Editor: Charles Knapp
Vahlens Kompendium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre Bd. 1, Ed. 5., völlig überarbeitete Auflage
Author/Editor: Bitz, Michael
Vahlens Kompendium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre Bd. 2, Ed. 5., völlig überarbeitete Auflage
Author/Editor: Bitz, Michael
Úvahy nad Tórou
Author/Editor: Leibowitz, Ješajahu
Vai Avanti!
Author/Editor: Gabriel Agbo
Vailima Letters
Author/Editor: Robert Louis Stevenson
The Vain
Author/Editor: Eliot Rahal; Crank!
The Vain Conversation: A Novel
Author/Editor: Anthony Grooms
Vaincre l'absentéisme
Author/Editor: Meuleman François
Vaincre la Dépression avec Facilité: (comprend des Extraits de Murli Brahma Kumaris avec Explications)
Author/Editor: Brahma Kumari Pari
Vaincre les objections des clients - 4e éd.
Author/Editor: Aguilar Michaël
Vaincu: (Texas Mutiny Tome 3)
Author/Editor: M.E. Carter
Vain Rhetoric
Author/Editor: Salyer, Gary D.
Series Title: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Supplement Series
Vaishnava Women Of India
Author/Editor: Radhakrishna Goswami
Vaishvik Jihad aur America: Iraq aur Afghanistan se Pare Shatakiya Yuddh
Author/Editor: Taj Hashmi
Vaishvikrit Duniya mein Lok Prashasan
Author/Editor: Bidyut Chakrabarty; Prakash Chand
Vaisikasutra Courtesans in the Ancient India
Author/Editor: Santosh Ghosh
A Vaisnava Poet in Early Modern Bengal
Author/Editor: Lutjeharms, Rembert
Series Title: Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs
Vaisnavism, Saivism and Minor Religious Systems, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: R. G. Bhandarkar
Vaitâna Sûtra: Das Ritual des Atharvaveda, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: Richard Garbe
Author/Editor: Rosalind Jackson, MD
Author/Editor: Vicky Loebel
Vakdidactiek economie
Author/Editor: Kristof De Witte; Wouter Schelfhout
Vakdidactiek voor leraren economie. Een praktijkgerichte benadering
Author/Editor: Lucien Fastré; Veerle Tulleneers; Karolien Vlayen
The VaKE Handbook: Theory and Practice of Values and Knowledge Education
Author/Editor: Sieglinde Weyringer; Jean-Luc Patry; Dimitrios Pnevmatikos; Frédérique Brossard Børhaug
Vakken en vorming in onderzoek
Author/Editor: N. Fijma
Vakuumelektronik: Zwischen Elektronenröhre und Ionentriebwerk
Author/Editor: Manfred Rost
Vakuumschalttechnik im Hochspannungseinsatz
Author/Editor: Giere, Stefan
Valadas versinkende Gärten: Roman
Author/Editor: Waldtraut Lewin
Val and Vince
Series Title: SandCastle First Sounds
Valcer protiv Eintrachta
Author/Editor: Hrvoje Šalković
Valchiria: La Principessa Vampiro 2
Author/Editor: P. Torres
Author/Editor: Henriette-Étiennette-Fanny Reybaud
Author/Editor: France Ducasse
Valdez's Bartered Bride
Author/Editor: Rachael Thomas
Author/Editor: Michael O. Holt
Series Title: Images of America
Valdosta State University
Author/Editor: Deborah Skinner Davis
Series Title: Campus History
Vale a pena estudar Engenharia Química
Author/Editor: Cremasco, Marco Aurélio
Valence Changes in Zapotec
Author/Editor: Sonnenschein, Aaron Huey; Operstein, Natalie
Valence, Semantic Case, and Grammatical Relations
Author/Editor: Abraham, Werner.
Series Title: Studies in Language Companion Series
Valences of Interdisciplinarity
Author/Editor: Foshay, Raphael
Series Title: Cultural Dialectics
Author/Editor: Götz-Votteler, Katrin; Herbst, Thomas.
Series Title: Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs
A Valency Dictionary of English: A Corpus-Based Analysis of the Complementation Patterns of English Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives
Author/Editor: Herbst, Thomas
Valency in Verbs and Verb-Related Structures
Author/Editor: Anna Malicka-Kleparska; Maria Bloch-Trojnar
Valency Over Time: Diachronic Perspectives on Valency Patterns and Valency Orientation
Author/Editor: Silvia Luraghi; Elisa Roma
Author/Editor: Ethan Long
Valentía al Rojo Vivo
Author/Editor: W.J. May
Valentía diaria
Author/Editor: John Bevere
Valentía para sanar / Courage to be Healed: Encontrar esperanza para restaurar su alma
Author/Editor: Mark Rutland
Author/Editor: Linda Joy Singleton
Valen the Outcast Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Michael Alan Nelson
Series Title: Valen the Outcast
Valen the Outcast Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Michael Alan Nelson
Series Title: Valen the Outcast
Author/Editor: Erick Carballo
Author/Editor: Poigner, Emmanuelle.
Series Title: Hot Pleasures
Author/Editor: Anthony, Evelyn.
The Valentina File
Author/Editor: A.P. Hernández
Valentina Goldman Ships Out
Author/Editor: Marisol Murano
Valentina Goldman's Immaculate Confusion
Author/Editor: Marisol Murano
Valentina in Venesië
Author/Editor: Kaya Quinsey
Valentina's Lost Days
Author/Editor: A.P. Hernández
Valentina sucht das Glück: Roman
Author/Editor: Hans Kruppa
Valentin Conrart et son temps - Sa vie, ses écrits, son rôle dans l'histoire littéraire de la première partie du XVIIe siècle
Author/Editor: Auguste Bourgoin
Author/Editor: Madame de Stolz
Author/Editor: Raymo, Chet.
Valentine a Venezia
Author/Editor: Kaya Quinsey
Valentine Baker's Heroic Stand At Tashkessen 1877
Author/Editor: Frank Jastrzembski
The Valentine Child
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Baird
Valentine Cowboy
Author/Editor: Drew Hunt
Valentine em Veneza
Author/Editor: Kaya Quinsey
Valentine en Venecia
Author/Editor: Kaya Quinsey
The Valentine Estate
Author/Editor: Ellin, Stanley.
Valentine Infantry Tank 1938–45
Author/Editor: Bruce Newsome
Valentine Infantry Tank Vs Panzer III: North Africa 1941–43
Author/Editor: Bruce Newsome
Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent
Author/Editor: William Carleton
Author/Editor: Metzger, Barbara
Author/Editor: Kooser, Ted.
Valentine's Day
Author/Editor: Pearl Markovics
Valentine's Day
Author/Editor: Kristine Spanier, MLIS
Valentine's Day
Author/Editor: Rebecca Pettiford
Valentine's Day
Author/Editor: Charly Haley
Valentine's Day
Series Title: A Buddy Book
Valentine's Day
Author/Editor: Julie Murray
Series Title: Holidays
Valentine's Day
Author/Editor: Adeline J. Zimmerman
Valentine's Day Gift
Author/Editor: Erick Carballo
Valentine's Day in Egypt: A Reading on the Religious and Cultural Argument
Author/Editor: صامولي شيلكه وأيمون كرايل
The Valentine's Day Resolution
Author/Editor: Ava Hayden
Valentine Shower
Author/Editor: John C. Houser
Series Title: A Valentine Rainbow
Valentine's Love: Uma Surpresa Romântica
Author/Editor: Lexy Timms
A Valentine's Surprise
Author/Editor: James, Melanie
Series Title: Riverton Romance
Valentine Surprise
Author/Editor: George Jacobs
Valentine the Porcupine
Author/Editor: Brown, Derrick.; Lewis, Jenny
Valentine T. McGillycuddy
Author/Editor: Moulton, Candy Vyvey
Valentine - Valentine V1
Author/Editor: Vanyda
Valentine - Valentine V2
Author/Editor: Vanyda
Valentine - Valentine V3
Author/Editor: Vanyda
Valentine - Valentine V4
Author/Editor: Vanyda
Valentine - Valentine V5
Author/Editor: Vanyda
Valentine - Valentine V6
Author/Editor: Vanyda
Valentine Wishes
Author/Editor: Daisy Banks
Valentinian Christianity: Texts and Translations
Valentinian Ethics and Paraenetic Discourse: Determining the Social Function of Moral Exhortation in Valentinian Christianity
Author/Editor: Tite, Philip L.
Valentinianism: New Studies
Author/Editor: author unknown
Valentino Affair: The Jazz Age Murder Scandal That Shocked New York Society and Gripped the World
Author/Editor: Evans, Colin
Valentino As I Knew Him
Author/Editor: S. George Ullman
Valentino: As I Knew Him (Classic Reprint)
Author/Editor: S. George Ullman
Valentino: Film Detective
Author/Editor: Estleman, Loren D.
The Valentino Mystique
Author/Editor: Ellenberger, Allan R.
Valentino Pier
Author/Editor: Reed Farrel Coleman
Valentino's Love-Child
Author/Editor: Lucy Monroe
Valentino's Love-Child & Innocent Secretary...Accidentally Pregnant
Author/Editor: Lucy Monroe
Valentin ou la Femme du mousse
Author/Editor: Alfred Des Essarts
Author/Editor: Erick Carballo
Valentin Serov: Bildfindungsprozesse des russischen Künstlers im gesamteuropäischen Kontext
Author/Editor: Tanja Malycheva
Author/Editor: Erick Carballo
Valentin Weigel (1533-1588)
Author/Editor: Weeks, Andrew.
Valentin Weigel (1533–1588) – Ein Ketzer in neuer Perspektive: Zum Abschluss der Neuedition seiner "Sämtlichen Schriften‘"
Author/Editor: Andrew Weeks
Valentio Di' Buondelmonte
Author/Editor: Khatchadourian, Haig
Valenti's One-Month Mistress
Author/Editor: Sabrina Philips
Valentynsdag geskenk
Author/Editor: Erick Carballo
Valenzen englischer Pr��dikatsverben
Author/Editor: Emons, Rudolf.
Series Title: Linguistische Arbeiten
Valenzgrammatik des Deutschen
Author/Editor: Welke, Klaus.
Series Title: De Gruyter Studium
Valenz, Konstruktion und Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Author/Editor: Fischer, Klaus.; Mòllica, Fabio.
Valenztheorie und historische Sprachwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Greule, Albrecht.
Series Title: Reihe Germanistische Linguistik
Vale of Laughter: A Novel
Author/Editor: De Vries, Peter.
The Vale of Rheidol Railway: The Story of a Narrow Gauge Survivor
Author/Editor: Peter Johnson
The Vale of Soulmaking
Author/Editor: Williams, Meg Harris
Vale of Tears
Author/Editor: King, Peter T.
Vale of Tears
Author/Editor: Levine, Robert M.
Valeria e il regno delle fate. Il racconto di Fata Dodona: Un libro infantile di fantasia e magia
Author/Editor: A.P. Hernández
Valeria en het koninkrijk der feeën: Het verhaal van de Fee Dodona
Author/Editor: A.P. Hernández
Valeria e o Reino das Fadas: O Conto da Fada Dodona: Um livro infantil de fantasia e magia
Author/Editor: A.P. Hernández
Valerian 23. The Future Is Waiting
Author/Editor: Christin (Pierre); Mezières (Jean-Claude)
Valerian: Kaisertum und Reformansätze in der Krisenphase des Römischen Reiches
Author/Editor: Toni Glas
Valeria's Last Stand
Author/Editor: Marc Fitten
Valeria's Last Stand: A Novel
Author/Editor: Marc Fitten
Valerias letztes Gefecht: Roman
Author/Editor: Marc Fitten
Valeria und das Reich der Feen: Das Märchen von der Fee Dodona
Author/Editor: A.P. Hernández
Valeria y Víctor
Author/Editor: Camarena, Cathy-Ruff, Gloria B
Series Title: Sandcastle primeros sonidos
Valeria Y Victor
Series Title: Sandcastle primeros sonidos
Author/Editor: Mary Finnerty-Morris
Valerie and Greg
Author/Editor: Melanie James
Series Title: �veiller Drive
Valerie and the Fairy Kingdom: Dodona’s Fairy Tale. A Fantasy and Magic Book for Children.
Author/Editor: A.P. Hernández
Valerie Goes To Baghdad
Author/Editor: Anne Alvarez
Author/Editor: Carlos Díaz del Castillo
Valerie Solanas: The Defiant Life of the Woman Who Wrote SCUM (and Shot Andy Warhol)
Author/Editor: Fahs, Breanne.
Valerii Flacci Argonautica I
Author/Editor: Galli, Daniela.
Series Title: Beitra?ge zur Altertumskunde
Valerii Maximi Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri novem cum incerti auctoris fragmento de preanominibus, Ed. Reprint 2021
Author/Editor: Valerius Maximus; Carl Kempf
Valerii Pereleshin
Author/Editor: Bakich, Olʹga Mikhaĭlovna
Valerius: A Roman Story
Author/Editor: Lockhart, John Gibson
Valerius Flaccus and Imperial Latin Epic
Author/Editor: Tim Stover
Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, Book I: A Commentary
Author/Editor: Kleywegt, A. J.; Valerius Flaccus, Gaius
Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, Book VI: A Commentary
Author/Editor: Wijsman, H. J. W.; Valerius Flaccus, Gaius
Valerius Flaccus�� dramatische Erz��hltechnik
Author/Editor: Sauer, Christoph.
Series Title: Hypomnemata
Valerius Flaccus, Vespasian Und Die Argo: Zur Zeithistorischen Perspektivierung Des Mythos in Den Argonautica
Author/Editor: Bernhard Söllradl
Valerius Maximus, ›Facta Et Dicta Memorabilia‹, Book 8: Text, Introduction, and Commentary
Author/Editor: John Briscoe
Valero: Volume One
Author/Editor: Keith Wild
The Valet's Tragedy
Author/Editor: Andrew Lang
Valeurs de la biodiversit� et services �cosyst�miques
Author/Editor: Roche, Philip.; Geijzendorffer, Ilse.; Levrel, Harold.; Maris, Virginie.
Series Title: Update Sciences & technologies
Valeurs extrêmes: La violence a ses raisons Une collection de 10 œuvres courtes
Author/Editor: G. G. Vega
Valeurs religieuses et développement durable
Author/Editor: Kana, Célestine Colette Fouellefak
Valeurs religieuses et de?veloppement durable
Valg av selskapsform
Author/Editor: Gjems-Onstad, Ole
Author/Editor: Ari Bach
Series Title: Valhalla
Author/Editor: Newton Thornburg
Valhalla Mad
Author/Editor: Joe Casey
Valhalla's Swordsmith
Author/Editor: Hill, Tom
The Valhalla Testament
Author/Editor: Land, Jon.
Valiant Baby: Mommy, Let's Run: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Te Gongkuangfei; Fancy Novel
Valiant Baby: Mommy, Let's Run: Volume 2
Author/Editor: Te Gongkuangfei; Fancy Novel
Valiant Boys
Author/Editor: Blackman, Tony; Wright, Anthony
Valiant Deception
Author/Editor: Harvey, Michael J.
Valiant for Truth
Author/Editor: McDonald, Neil; Brune, Peter
Valiant Gentlemen
Author/Editor: Sabina Murray
The Valiant Hearts Romance Collection
The Valiant Hours; Narrative Of �Captain Brevet,� An Irish-American In The Army Of The Potomac
Author/Editor: Thomas Francis Galwey
The Valiant Knights of Daguerre: Selected Critical Essays on Photography and Profiles of Photographic Pioneers
Author/Editor: Sadakichi Hartmann; Harry W. Lawton; George Knox
Valiant Minstrel
Author/Editor: Malvern, Gladys; Malvern, Corinne
The Valiant Runaways
Author/Editor: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn
The Valiants of Virginia
Author/Editor: Hallie Erminie Rives
Valiant Soldier, Beautiful Enemy
Author/Editor: Diane Gaston
Valiant Tracker
Author/Editor: Elle James; Elizabeth Heiter
Valiant Units of the Cold War, Unabridged
Author/Editor: Brookes, Anew.
The Valiant Welshman, the Scottish James, and the Formation of Great Britain
Author/Editor: Megan Lloyd
The Valiant Woman
Author/Editor: Alvarez, Elizabeth Hayes
The Valiant Women
Author/Editor: Jeanne Williams
Series Title: Arizona Saga
Valid Analytical Methods and Procedures
Author/Editor: Burgess, C.
Validated Numerics
Author/Editor: Tucker, Warwick
The VALIDATE Handbook. An Approach on the Integration of Values in Doing Assessments of Health Technologies
Author/Editor: Wija Oortwijn; Laura Sampietro-Colom (eds.)
Validating Analytic Rating Scales
Author/Editor: Berger, Armin
Series Title: Language Testing and Evaluation
Validating Language Proficiency Assessments in Second Language Acquisition Research
Author/Editor: Drackert, Anastasia
Series Title: Language Testing and Evaluation
Validating RDF Data
Series Title: Synthesis Lectures on the Semantic Web: Theory and Technology
Validating Your Business Continuity Plan
Author/Editor: Clark, Robert A.
The Validation Breakthrough, Third Edition: Simple Techniques for Communicating with People with Alzheimer's and Other Dementias
Author/Editor: Naomi Feil; Vicki de Klerk-Rubin
Validation de données et diagnostic (Traité des nouvelles technologies Série Diagnostic et maintenance)
Author/Editor: MAQUIN Didier; DAROUACH; BLOCH Gérard; RAGOT José
Validation in Language Testing
Author/Editor: Cumming, Alister H.; Berwick, Richard.
Series Title: Modern Languages in Practice
Validation of a Two-dimensional Model for Vanadium Redox-flow Batteries
Author/Editor: Becker, Maik
Series Title: Schriftenreihe Des Energie-Forschungszentrums Niedersachsen (EFZN)
Validation of Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes
Author/Editor: BRIAN D. KELLEY; R. ANDREW RAMELMEIER; Christi Van Horn; Jinyou Zhang; Jay Reddy; Peter Salmon; Barry Buckland; Randy Greasham; S. C. Whitaker; R. Francis; R.C. Siegel; Robert G. Gerber; Paul R. McAllister; Carol A. Smith; Thomas M. Smith; Dane W. Zabrisk
Validation of Chromatography Data Systems
Author/Editor: McDowall, R. D.
Series Title: RSC Chromatography Monographs
Validation of Chromatography Data Systems
Author/Editor: McDowall, R. D.
Series Title: RSC Chromatography Monographs
Validation of graphological judgments: An experimental study, Ed. Transl. from the Dutch: “Toetsing van grafologische uitspraken”. Reprint 2018
Author/Editor: Abraham Jansen
Validation of Instruments for the Investigation of Sexuality in Vulnerable Groups
Author/Editor: Lubia del Carmen Castillo Arcos
Validation of the Measurement Process
The Validation Process for EYPS
Author/Editor: Colloby, Jennifer.
Series Title: Achieving EYPS
Validez, lógica y derecho
Author/Editor: Carlos Alarcón Cabrera
Validierung der Fahrsimulation für das Erleben und Beurteilen fahrdynamischer Eigenschaften
Author/Editor: Wiedemann, Matthias
Validierung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Bewertungsfunktionen zur Vorhersage von Bindungsaffinitätsdifferenzen auf Basis von Ligand-Paar-Datensätzen
Author/Editor: Balasupramaniam, Shantheya
Validitaet und schriftliche Sprachkompetenz: Eine Studie zur Bewertung schriftlicher Leistungen im Fach Deutsch an schwedischen Schulen
Author/Editor: Maria Ramberg
Validity and Social Experimentation
Author/Editor: Bickman, Leonard
Series Title: Validity & Social Experimentation
Validity and Validation
Author/Editor: Taylor, Catherine S.
Validity Assessment in Rehabilitation Psychology and Settings
Author/Editor: Carone, Dominic A.; Bush, Shane S.
Validity Evaluation in Language Assessment
Author/Editor: Norris, John Michael.
Series Title: Language Testing and Evaluation
Validity in Educational and Psychological Assessment
Author/Editor: Newton, Paul E.; Robinson, Naomi; Lagrange, Marianne; Shaw, Stuart D.; Cambridge Assessment.
Validity, Reliability, and Significance: Empirical Methods for NLP and Data Science
Author/Editor: Stefan Riezler; Michael Hagmann
Valid Values
Author/Editor: Claudia Mariéle Wulf
Valientas: nuestra historia.
Author/Editor: Montoya-Bermúdez Diego Fernando; Hoyos-Hernández Paula Andrea
Author/Editor: Christian Mistral
Valkiria la principessa vampiro
Author/Editor: Pet Torres
Valkirye La Princesa Vampiro: Versión Eros: Una Maldición no Puede Ser Tan Fuerte Como el Amor
Author/Editor: Pet Torres
Valkria Chronicles 4, Switch, DLC, Wiki, Aces, Ranks, Accessories, APC, Characters, Tips, Weapons, Download, Game Guide Unofficial
Author/Editor: Leet Master
Valkuilen voor wethouders
Author/Editor: H.M.J. Bouwmans
The Valkyrie
Series Title: Opera Journeys Mini Guide Series
Author/Editor: Mike Sims
Valkyrie Concealed
Author/Editor: Allyson Lindt
Series Title: Valkyrie's Legacy
Valkyrie Condemned
Author/Editor: Allyson Lindt
Valkyrie Crowned
Author/Editor: Allyson Lindt
Valkyrie Destined
Author/Editor: Allyson Lindt
Valkyrie Hunted
Author/Editor: Allyson Lindt
Series Title: Valkyrie's Legacy
The Valkyrie Project
Author/Editor: Kilian, Michael.
Valkyrie Reborn
Author/Editor: Allyson Lindt
Series Title: Valkyrie's Legacy
Author/Editor: Heather C. Hudak
The Valkyries #6
Author/Editor: Heather Knox
Valkyrie��s Daughter
Author/Editor: John E. Siers
Valkyrie's Legacy: A Complete Reverse Harem Series
Author/Editor: Allyson Lindt
The Valkyries’ Loom: The Archaeology of Cloth Production and Female Power in the North Atlantic
Author/Editor: Michèle Hayeur Smith
Valkyrie's Wing
Author/Editor: Annemarie Skjold
Valkyrie: The North American XB-70
Author/Editor: Simons, Graham M.
Valkyrie: The Women of the Viking World
Author/Editor: Jóhanna Katrín Friðriksdóttir
Vallado (Fenced In)
Author/Editor: Kirsten McDonald
Valle del Cauca. Un estudio en torno a su sociedad y medio ambiente
Author/Editor: Perafán Cabrera, Aceneth
Valle de Sombras: Una Novela
Author/Editor: Rudy Ruiz
Valle Inclan: The Lights of Bohemia
Author/Editor: John E. Lyon
Valle-Inclán y su mundo: Ideología y forma narrativa
Author/Editor: Roberta L. Salper
Author/Editor: James E. Kern; Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum
Series Title: Images of America
Vallenato, tradici��n y comercio
Author/Editor: González, Héctor
Valles Caldera: A Geologic History
Author/Editor: Fraser Goff
The Valley
Author/Editor: McKernan, Michael
The Valley
Author/Editor: Hinojosa, Rolando.
The Valley: A Hundred Years in the Life of a Family
Author/Editor: Richard Benson
Valley Forge
Author/Editor: Lorett Treese
Series Title: Keystone Books��
Valley Forge to Monmouth: Six Transformative Months of the American Revolution
Author/Editor: Jim Stempel
Valley Girls: Lessons From Female Founders in the Silicon Valley and Beyond
Author/Editor: Kelley Steven-Waiss
Valley Interfaith and School Reform
Author/Editor: Shirley, Dennis
Series Title: Joe R. And Teresa Lozano Long Series in Latin American and Latino Art and Culture
The Valley of Arcana
Author/Editor: Arthur Preston Hankins
The Valley of Australian Monsters
Author/Editor: V.E. Armstrong
The Valley of Bones: Book 7 of A Dance to the Music of Time
Author/Editor: Anthony Powell
Valley of Brave Hearts
Author/Editor: Gadsby, June.
Valley of Choice Trilogy: One Modern Woman's Complicated Journey Into the Simple Life Told in Three Novels
Author/Editor: Olivia Newport
The Valley of Decision
Author/Editor: Edith Wharton
The Valley of Decision
Author/Editor: Wharton, Edith
Valley of Decisions
Author/Editor: Hwande, Iorhemen
Series Title: UPCC Book Collections on Project MUSE
Valley of Dreams
Author/Editor: Weinbaum, Stanley G.
Valley of Dreams
Author/Editor: Gadsby, June.
The Valley of Fear
Author/Editor: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Valley of Fear
Author/Editor: Doyle, Arthur Conan; Edwards, Owen Dudley.
The Valley of Fear
Author/Editor: Doyle, Arthur Conan.
The Valley of Fear
Author/Editor: Arthur Conan Doyle
The Valley of Fear
Author/Editor: Conan Doyle, Arthur.
Series Title: Classics to Go
The Valley of Fear
Author/Editor: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Valley of Fear
The Valley of Fear
Author/Editor: Doyle, Arthur Conan
The Valley of Fear
Author/Editor: Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan.
The Valley of Fear (Annotated Edition)
Author/Editor: Arthur Conan Doyle
The Valley of Fear (World Classics, Unabridged)
Author/Editor: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Valley of Grace
Author/Editor: Halligan, Marion
Valley of Heart's Delight: Environment and Sense of Place in the Santa Clara Valley
Author/Editor: Anne Marie Todd
Valley of Light: The Third Book in the Saskia Story
Author/Editor: Berry, Ian.
The Valley of Lost Secrets
Author/Editor: Lesley Parr
Valley of Outlaws: A Western Story
Author/Editor: Max Brand
Valley of Shadows
Author/Editor: Shirlee McCoy
Valley of Shadows
Author/Editor: Phoenix Emrys
Valley of Shadows
Author/Editor: Paul Buchanan
Valley of Shadows and Stranger in the Shadows
Author/Editor: Shirlee McCoy
Valley of Shadows: A Novel
Author/Editor: Rudy Ruiz
The Valley of Silent Men
The Valley of the 99: A Western Duo
Author/Editor: Wayne D. Overholser
The Valley of the Fox
Author/Editor: Joseph Hone
Series Title: The Peter Marlow Mysteries
Valley of the Golden Mummies: A Giant Cemetery
Author/Editor: Ruth Owen
Valley of the Guns: The Pleasant Valley War and the Trauma of Violence
Author/Editor: Eduardo Obregón Pagán
The Valley of the Hudson in the Days of the Revolution (Classic Reprint)
Author/Editor: Grace M. Pierce
Valley of the Kings
Author/Editor: Holland, Cecelia.
The Valley of the Kings: A Site Management Handbook, Ed. [International version]
Author/Editor: Weeks, Kent R.; Stoy, Jon W.; Bakhoum, Dina; Hetherington, Nigel
Valley of the Lost
Author/Editor: Delany, Vicki
Series Title: Constable Molly Smith Series
The Valley of the Lower Thames, 1640 to 1850
Author/Editor: Hamil, Fred C.
The Valley of the Moon
Author/Editor: Jack London
The Valley of the Moon
Author/Editor: Jack London
The Valley of the Moon
Author/Editor: London, Jack
Valley of the Shadow
Author/Editor: Maj. Ward M. Millar
Valley of the Shadow
Author/Editor: Tom Pawlik
Valley of the Shadow: The Siege of Dien Bien Phu
Author/Editor: Kevin Boylan; Luc Olivier
The Valley of the Six Nations
Author/Editor: Johnston, Charles Murray
Series Title: Ontario Series
The Valley of the Trent
Author/Editor: Guillet, Edwin Clarence; Champlain Society.
Valley of the Vapours
Author/Editor: Dailey, Janet.
Series Title: The Americana Series
Valley of Vice
Author/Editor: Steve Garcia
The Valley of Vision: Blake As Prophet and Revolutionary
Author/Editor: Fisher, Peter F.; Frye, Northrop
Valley of Weeping
Author/Editor: Truter, Clive.
Valley of Wild Horses
Author/Editor: Zane Grey
Valley of Wild Horses
Valley of Wild Horses
Author/Editor: Grey, Zane
Author/Editor: Hutchison, Patricia
Author/Editor: Logan Zachary
The Valley's Edge
Author/Editor: Green, Daniel R.
Valleys: Finding Courage, Conviction, and Confidence in Life's Low Points
Author/Editor: Kat Armstrong
Valley Stream
Author/Editor: Bill Florio
Series Title: Images of America
Valley Thunder: The Battle of New Market and the Opening of the Shenandoah Valley Campaign May, 1864
Author/Editor: Charles R. Knight
Vallis vacuus
Author/Editor: Santiago vives
Valmiki's Ramayana, Ed. Abridged edition
Author/Editor: Vālmīki; Sattar, Arshia
Valmiki's Uttara Kanda
Valmont - de vampierprins 3
Valmont- El Príncipe Vampiro (El heredero de la Sangre)
Author/Editor: P. Torres
Valmont El príncipe vampiro - Reino de Sangre
Author/Editor: P. Torres
Valmont, el pr�ncipe vampiro-Trono de sangre
Author/Editor: P. Torres
Valmont - Il Principe Vampiro: Trono di Sangue
Author/Editor: P. Torres
Valode & Pistre Architects
Author/Editor: Jodidio, Philip.
Author/Editor: Greenblatt, Mark Lee
Valoración de empresas: Una introducción práctica
Author/Editor: Francisco López
Valoración del activo intangible en empresas mipymes de software. Caso de estudio ParqueSoft Cali
Author/Editor: González González, Patricia
Valoración de la incapacidad laboral
Author/Editor: Ojeda Gil, José A.