Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | Yes |
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración |
1012-8255, 2056-5127
preserved |
Academic and Library Computing |
preserved |
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal |
preserved |
Accounting Research Journal |
1030-9616, 1839-5465
preserved |
Advances in Autism |
2056-3868, 2056-3876
preserved |
Advances in Dual Diagnosis |
1757-0972, 2042-8324
preserved |
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities |
2044-1282, 2044-1290
preserved |
Advances in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities |
preserved |
African Journal of Economic and Management Studies |
2040-0705, 2040-0713
preserved |
Agricultural Finance Review |
0002-1466, 2041-6326
preserved |
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology |
0002-2667, 1748-8842, 1758-4213
preserved |
American Journal of Business |
1935-519X, 1935-5181
preserved |
American Journal of Police |
preserved |
Annals in Social Responsibility |
preserved |
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials |
0003-5599, 1758-4221
preserved |
The Antidote |
preserved |
Applied Computing and Informatics |
2634-1964, 2210-8327
preserved |
Applied Economic Analysis |
preserved |
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research |
1985-9899, 2536-0051
preserved |
Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences |
1319-5166, 2588-9214
preserved |
Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research |
1938-7806, 2631-6862
preserved |
Arts and the Market |
2056-4945, 2056-4953
preserved |
Arts Marketing: An International Journal |
preserved |
Asian Association of Open Universities Journal |
1858-3431, 2414-6994
preserved |
Asian Education and Development Studies |
2046-3162, 2046-3170
preserved |
Asian Journal of Accounting Research |
2459-9700, 2443-4175
preserved |
Asian Journal of Economics and Banking |
2615-9821, 2633-7991
preserved |
Asian Journal on Quality |
preserved |
Asian Libraries |
preserved |
Asian Review of Accounting |
1321-7348, 1758-8863
preserved |
Asia Pacific International Journal of Marketing |
preserved |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration |
1757-4323, 1757-4331
preserved |
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
2071-1395, 2398-7812
preserved |
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics |
1355-5855, 1758-4248
preserved |
Aslib Journal of Information Management |
2050-3806, 2050-3814
preserved |
Aslib Proceedings |
preserved |
Assembly Automation |
0144-5154, 1758-4078
preserved |
Balance Sheet |
preserved |
Baltic Journal of Management |
1746-5265, 1746-5273
preserved |
Benchmarking: An International Journal |
1463-5771, 1758-4094
preserved |
Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology |
preserved |
BLL Review |
preserved |
The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances |
0888-045X, 2054-1724
preserved |
British Food Journal |
0007-070X, 1758-4108
preserved |
British Journal of Clinical Governance |
preserved |
British Journal of Forensic Practice |
1463-6646, 2042-8340
preserved |
Built Environment Project and Asset Management |
2044-124X, 2044-1258
preserved |
Business Analyst Journal |
0973-211X, 2754-6721
preserved |
Business Process Management Journal |
1463-7154, 1758-4116
preserved |
Business Process Re-engineering & Management Journal |
preserved |
Business Strategy Series |
preserved |
Campus-Wide Information Systems |
preserved |
Career Development International |
1362-0436, 1758-6003
preserved |
The CASE Journal |
preserved |
Central European Management Journal |
2658-0845, 2658-2430
preserved |
China Accounting and Finance Review |
1029-807X, 2307-3055
preserved |
China Agricultural Economic Review |
1756-137X, 1756-1388
preserved |
China Finance Review International |
2044-1398, 2044-1401
preserved |
China Political Economy |
preserved |
Chinese Management Studies |
1750-614X, 1750-6158
preserved |
Circuit World |
0305-6120, 1758-602X
preserved |
Clinical Governance: An International Journal |
preserved |
Clinical Performance and Quality Healthcare |
preserved |
Collection and Curation |
2514-9326, 2514-9334
preserved |
Collection Building |
preserved |
COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
0332-1649, 2054-5606
preserved |
Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal |
1059-5422, 2051-3143
preserved |
Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management |
1471-4175, 1477-0857
preserved |
Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality |
2752-6666, 2752-6674
preserved |
Continuity & Resilience Review |
2516-7502, 2516-7510
preserved |
Corporate Communications: An International Journal |
1356-3289, 1758-6046
preserved |
Corporate Governance |
1472-0701, 1758-6054
preserved |
Critical Perspectives on International Business |
1742-2043, 1758-6062
preserved |
Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal |
preserved |
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management |
2059-5794, 2059-5808
preserved |
Data Technologies and Applications |
2514-9288, 2514-9318
preserved |
Development and Learning in Organizations |
1477-7282, 1758-6097
preserved |
Digital Library Perspectives |
2059-5816, 2059-5824
preserved |
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance |
2398-5038, 2398-5046
preserved |
Digital Transformation and Society |
2755-0761, 2755-077X
preserved |
Direct Marketing: An International Journal |
preserved |
Disaster Prevention and Management |
0965-3562, 1758-6100
preserved |
Drugs and Alcohol Today |
1745-9265, 2042-8359
preserved |
Drugs, Habits and Social Policy |
2752-6739, 2752-6747
preserved |
Ecofeminism and Climate Change |
2633-4062, 2633-4070
preserved |
EconomiA |
1517-7580, 2358-2820
preserved |
Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues |
preserved |
Education + Training |
0040-0912, 1758-6127
preserved |
The Electronic Library |
0264-0473, 1758-616X
preserved |
Electronic Resources Review |
preserved |
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies |
preserved |
Emerald Open Research |
preserved |
Employee Counselling Today |
preserved |
Employee Relations |
0142-5455, 1758-7069
preserved |
Empowerment in Organizations |
preserved |
Engineering Computations |
0264-4401, 1758-7077
preserved |
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management |
0969-9988, 1365-232X
preserved |
English Teaching: Practice & Critique |
2059-5727, 1175-8708
preserved |
Environmental Management and Health |
preserved |
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal |
2040-7149, 2040-7157
preserved |
Equal Opportunities International |
preserved |
Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care |
1757-0980, 2042-8367
preserved |
EuroMed Journal of Business |
1450-2194, 1758-888X
preserved |
European Business Review |
0955-534X, 1758-7107
preserved |
European Journal of Innovation Management |
1460-1060, 1758-7115
preserved |
European Journal of Management and Business Economics |
2444-8451, 2444-8494
preserved |
European Journal of Management Studies |
2183-4172, 2635-2648
preserved |
European Journal of Marketing |
0309-0566, 1758-7123
preserved |
European Journal of Training and Development |
2046-9012, 2046-9020
preserved |
Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship |
2049-3983, 2049-3991
preserved |
Executive Development |
preserved |
Facilities |
0263-2772, 1758-7131
preserved |
Foresight |
1463-6689, 1465-9832
preserved |
Forest Economic Review |
preserved |
Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment |
2634-2499, 2634-2502
preserved |
Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy |
2635-0173, 2635-0181
preserved |
Gender in Management: An International Journal |
1754-2413, 1754-2421
preserved |
Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication |
2514-9342, 2514-9350
preserved |
Grey Systems: Theory and Application |
2043-9377, 2043-9385
preserved |
Handbook of Business Strategy |
0894-4318, 1077-5730
preserved |
Health Education |
0965-4283, 1758-714X
preserved |
Health Manpower Management |
preserved |
Higher Education Evaluation and Development |
2514-5789, 2514-5797
preserved |
Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning |
2042-3896, 2042-390X
preserved |
History of Education Review |
0819-8691, 2054-5649
preserved |
Housing, Care and Support |
1460-8790, 2042-8375
preserved |
Humanomics |
preserved |
Human Resource Management International Digest |
0967-0734, 1758-7166
preserved |
IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation |
2976-8500, 2753-4022
preserved |
IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies |
2754-0138, 2754-0146
preserved |
IIMT Journal of Management |
2976-7261, 2976-727X
preserved |
The IMP Journal |
0809-7259, 2059-1403
preserved |
Indian Growth and Development Review |
1753-8254, 1753-8262
preserved |
Industrial and Commercial Training |
0019-7858, 1758-5767
preserved |
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology |
0036-8792, 1758-5775
preserved |
Industrial Management |
preserved |
Industrial Management & Data Systems |
0263-5577, 1758-5783
preserved |
The Industrial Robot |
0143-991X, 1758-5791
preserved |
Info |
preserved |
Information and Learning Science |
2398-5348, 2398-5356
preserved |
Information & Computer Security |
2056-4961, 2056-497X
preserved |
Information Discovery and Delivery |
2398-6247, 2398-6255
preserved |
Information Management & Computer Security |
preserved |
Information Technology & People |
0959-3845, 1758-5813
preserved |
Innovation & Management Review |
preserved |
Integrated Manufacturing Systems |
preserved |
Interactive Technology and Smart Education |
1741-5659, 1758-8510
preserved |
Interlending & Document Supply |
preserved |
Interlending Review |
preserved |
International Civil Engineering Abstracts |
queued |
International Hospitality Review |
preserved |
International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies |
2046-8253, 2046-8261
preserved |
International Journal for Researcher Development |
preserved |
International Journal of Accounting and Information Management |
1834-7649, 1758-9037
preserved |
International Journal of Advertising & Marketing to Children |
preserved |
International Journal of Agile Management Systems |
preserved |
International Journal of Bank Marketing |
0265-2323, 1758-5937
preserved |
International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation |
2398-4708, 2398-4716
preserved |
International Journal of Career Management |
preserved |
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management |
1756-8692, 1756-8706
preserved |
International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology |
0955-6222, 1758-5953
preserved |
International Journal of Commerce and Management |
preserved |
International Journal of Comparative Education and Development |
2396-7404, 2309-4907
preserved |
International Journal of Conflict Management |
1044-4068, 1758-8545
preserved |
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management |
0959-6119, 1757-1049
preserved |
International Journal of Crowd Science |
preserved |
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research |
preserved |
International Journal of Development Issues |
1446-8956, 1758-8553
preserved |
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment |
1759-5908, 1759-5916
preserved |
International Journal of Disruptive Innovation in Government |
preserved |
International Journal of Educational Management |
0951-354X, 1758-6518
preserved |
International Journal of Emergency Services |
2047-0894, 2047-0908
preserved |
International Journal of Emerging Markets |
1746-8809, 1746-8817
preserved |
International Journal of Energy Sector Management |
1750-6220, 1750-6239
preserved |
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research |
1355-2554, 1758-6534
preserved |
International Journal of Ethics and Systems |
2514-9369, 2514-9377
preserved |
International Journal of Event and Festival Management |
1758-2954, 1758-2962
preserved |
International Journal of Excellence in Government |
preserved |
International Journal of Future Government |
queued |
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship |
1756-6266, 1756-6274
preserved |
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance |
0952-6862, 1758-6542
preserved |
International Journal of Health Governance |
2059-4631, 2059-464X
preserved |
International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis |
1753-8270, 1753-8289
preserved |
International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare |
2056-4902, 2056-4910
preserved |
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management |
2690-6090, 2690-6104
preserved |
The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology |
2056-4880, 2056-4899
preserved |
International Journal of Innovation Science |
1757-2223, 1757-2231
preserved |
International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics |
1756-378X, 1756-3798
preserved |
International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems |
2049-6427, 2049-6435
preserved |
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management |
1753-8394, 1753-8408
preserved |
International Journal of Law and Management |
1754-243X, 1754-2448
preserved |
International Journal of Law in the Built Environment |
preserved |
The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services |
1747-9886, 2042-8642, 1754-8187
preserved |
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma |
2040-4166, 2040-4174
preserved |
The International Journal of Logistics Management |
0957-4093, 1758-6550
preserved |
International Journal of Managerial Finance |
1743-9132, 1758-6569
preserved |
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
1753-8378, 1753-8386
preserved |
International Journal of Manpower |
0143-7720, 1758-6577
preserved |
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education |
2046-6854, 2046-6862
preserved |
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care |
1747-9894, 2042-8650
preserved |
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow |
0961-5539, 1758-6585
preserved |
International Journal of Operations & Production Management |
0144-3577, 1758-6593
preserved |
International Journal of Organizational Analysis (1993-2003) |
preserved |
The International Journal of Organizational Analysis (2005-) |
1934-8835, 1758-8561
preserved |
International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior |
1093-4537, 1532-4273
preserved |
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications |
1742-7371, 1742-738X
preserved |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing |
1750-6123, 1750-6131
preserved |
International Journal of Physical Distribution |
preserved |
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management |
0960-0035, 1758-664X
preserved |
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management |
preserved |
International Journal of Prisoner Health |
preserved |
International Journal of Prison Health |
2977-0254, 2977-0262
preserved |
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management |
1741-0401, 1758-6658
preserved |
International Journal of Public Leadership |
2056-4929, 2056-4937
preserved |
International Journal of Public Sector Management |
0951-3558, 1758-6666
preserved |
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences |
1756-669X, 1756-6703
preserved |
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management |
0265-671X, 1758-6682
preserved |
International Journal of Quality Science |
preserved |
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management |
0959-0552, 1758-6690
preserved |
International Journal of Service Industry Management |
preserved |
International Journal of Social Economics |
0306-8293, 1758-6712
preserved |
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy |
0144-333X, 1758-6720
preserved |
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship |
1464-6668, 2515-7841
preserved |
International Journal of Structural Integrity |
1757-9864, 1757-9872
preserved |
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education |
1467-6370, 1758-6739
preserved |
International Journal of Tourism Cities |
2056-5607, 2056-5615
preserved |
International Journal of Web Information Systems |
1744-0084, 1744-0092
preserved |
International Journal of Wine Business Research |
1751-1062, 1751-1070
preserved |
International Journal of Wine Marketing |
preserved |
International Journal of Workplace Health Management |
1753-8351, 1753-836X
preserved |
International Journal on Grey Literature |
preserved |
International Marketing Review |
0265-1335, 1758-6763
preserved |
International Perspectives on Health Equity |
preserved |
International Trade, Politics and Development |
2586-3932, 2632-122X
preserved |
Internet Research |
1066-2243, 2054-5657
preserved |
Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy |
0791-8437, 2398-8819
preserved |
Islamic Economic Studies |
1319-1616, 2411-3395
preserved |
ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance |
0128-1976, 2289-4365
preserved |
Journal for Multicultural Education |
2053-535X, 2053-5368
preserved |
Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies |
2042-1168, 2042-1176
preserved |
Journal of Accounting Literature |
0737-4607, 2452-1469
preserved |
Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change |
1832-5912, 1839-5473
preserved |
The Journal of Adult Protection |
1466-8203, 2042-8669
preserved |
Journal of Advances in Management Research |
0972-7981, 2049-3207
preserved |
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research |
1759-6599, 2042-8715
preserved |
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies |
2044-0839, 2044-0847
preserved |
Journal of Applied Accounting Research |
0967-5426, 1758-8855
preserved |
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education |
2050-7003, 1758-1184
preserved |
Journal of Asia Business Studies |
1558-7894, 1559-2243
preserved |
Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies |
preserved |
Journal of Assistive Technologies |
1754-9450, 2042-8723
preserved |
Journal of Behavioral Strategy |
2052-1944, 2052-1952
queued |
Journal of Blood Service Economics |
2769-4054, 2769-4062
preserved |
Journal of Business and Socio-economic Development |
2635-1374, 2635-1692
preserved |
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing |
0885-8624, 2052-1189
preserved |
Journal of Business Strategy |
0275-6668, 2052-1197
preserved |
Journal of Capital Markets Studies |
preserved |
Journal of Centrum Cathedra |
preserved |
Journal of Children's Services |
1746-6660, 2042-8677
preserved |
Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies |
1754-4408, 1754-4416
preserved |
Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship |
preserved |
Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management |
preserved |
Journal of Clinical Effectiveness |
preserved |
Journal of Communication Management |
1363-254X, 1478-0852
preserved |
Journal of Consumer Marketing |
0736-3761, 2052-1200
preserved |
Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science |
2516-7480, 2516-7499
preserved |
Journal of Corporate Real Estate |
1463-001X, 1479-1048
preserved |
Journal of Criminal Psychology |
2009-3829, 2049-9388
preserved |
Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice |
2056-3841, 2056-385X
preserved |
Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development |
2044-1266, 2044-1274
preserved |
Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics |
2399-6439, 2399-6447
preserved |
Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: Seonmul yeon’gu |
1229-988X, 2713-6647
preserved |
Journal of Documentation |
0022-0418, 1758-7379
preserved |
Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences |
1026-4116, 2054-6238, 2054-6246
preserved |
Journal of Economics and Development |
1859-0020, 2632-5330
preserved |
Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science |
2077-1886, 2218-0648
preserved |
Journal of Economic Studies |
0144-3585, 1758-7387
preserved |
Journal of Educational Administration |
0957-8234, 1758-7395
preserved |
Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics |
2754-4214, 2754-4222
preserved |
Journal of Enabling Technologies |
2398-6263, 2398-6271
preserved |
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology |
1726-0531, 1758-8901
preserved |
Journal of Enterprise Information Management |
1741-0398, 1758-7409
preserved |
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy |
1750-6204, 1750-6212
preserved |
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy |
2045-2101, 2045-211X
preserved |
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies |
2053-4604, 2053-4612
preserved |
Journal of Ethics in Entrepreneurship and Technology |
2633-7436, 2633-7444
preserved |
Journal of European Industrial Training |
preserved |
Journal of European Real Estate Research |
1753-9269, 1753-9277
preserved |
Journal of Facilities Management |
1472-5967, 1741-0983
preserved |
Journal of Family Business Management |
2043-6238, 2043-6246
preserved |
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management |
1361-2026, 1758-7433
preserved |
Journal of Financial Crime |
1359-0790, 1758-7239
preserved |
Journal of Financial Economic Policy |
1757-6385, 1757-6393
preserved |
Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction |
1366-4387, 1759-8443
preserved |
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance |
1358-1988, 1740-0279
preserved |
Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting |
1985-2517, 2042-5856
preserved |
Journal of Forensic Practice |
2050-8794, 2050-8808
preserved |
Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research |
2049-8799, 2049-8802
preserved |
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing |
2398-5364, 2398-5372
preserved |
Journal of Global Responsibility |
2041-2568, 2041-2576
preserved |
Journal of Health Organization and Management |
1477-7266, 1758-7247
preserved |
Journal of Health Research |
0857-4421, 2586-940X
preserved |
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing |
1755-750X, 1755-7518
preserved |
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights |
2514-9792, 2514-9806
preserved |
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology |
1757-9880, 1757-9899
preserved |
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
2042-6747, 2042-6755
preserved |
Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences |
2636-4182, 2632-279X
preserved |
Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting |
preserved |
Journal of Indian Business Research |
1755-4195, 1755-4209
preserved |
Journal of Industry-University Collaboration |
preserved |
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society |
1477-996X, 1758-8871
preserved |
Journal of Innovative Digital Transformation |
2976-9051, 2976-906X
preserved |
Journal of Integrated Care |
1476-9018, 2042-8685
preserved |
Journal of Intellectual Capital |
1469-1930, 1758-7468
preserved |
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour |
preserved |
Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles |
preserved |
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment |
2633-6596, 2633-660X
preserved |
Journal of International Cooperation in Education |
2755-029X, 2755-0303
preserved |
Journal of International Education in Business |
2046-469X, 1836-3261
preserved |
Journal of International Logistics and Trade |
1738-2122, 2508-7592
preserved |
Journal of International Trade Law and Policy |
1477-0024, 2045-4376
preserved |
Journal of Internet and Digital Economics |
2752-6356, 2752-6364
preserved |
Journal of Investment Compliance |
preserved |
Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research |
1759-0817, 1759-0825
preserved |
Journal of Islamic Marketing |
1759-0833, 1759-0841
preserved |
Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China |
preserved |
Journal of Knowledge Management |
1367-3270, 1758-7484
preserved |
Journal of Korea Trade |
preserved |
Journal of Leadership Education |
preserved |
Journal of Learning Disabilities and Offending Behaviour |
2042-0927, 2042-8693
preserved |
Journal of Management Development |
0262-1711, 1758-7492
preserved |
Journal of Management History |
1751-1348, 1758-7751
preserved |
Journal of Management History (Archive) |
preserved |
Journal of Management in Medicine |
preserved |
Journal of Managerial Psychology |
0268-3946, 1758-7778
preserved |
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management |
1741-038X, 1758-7786
preserved |
Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science |
preserved |
Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice |
1755-6228, 2042-8707
preserved |
Journal of Modelling in Management |
1746-5664, 1746-5672
preserved |
Journal of Money and Business |
2634-2596, 2634-260X
preserved |
Journal of Money Laundering Control |
1368-5201, 1758-7808
preserved |
Journal of Organizational Change Management |
0953-4814, 1758-7816
preserved |
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance |
2051-6614, 2051-6622
preserved |
Journal of Organizational Ethnography |
2046-6749, 2046-6757
preserved |
Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership |
2514-7641, 2514-765X
preserved |
Journal of Place Management and Development |
1753-8335, 1753-8343
preserved |
Journal of Product & Brand Management |
1061-0421, 2054-1643
preserved |
Journal of Professional Capital and Community |
2056-9556, 2056-9548
preserved |
Journal of Property Finance |
preserved |
Journal of Property Investment & Finance |
1463-578X, 1470-2002
preserved |
Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law |
2514-9407, 2514-9415
preserved |
Journal of Property Valuation and Investment |
preserved |
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management |
1096-3367, 1945-1814
preserved |
Journal of Public Mental Health |
1746-5729, 2042-8731
preserved |
Journal of Public Procurement |
1535-0118, 2150-6930
preserved |
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering |
1355-2511, 1758-7832
preserved |
Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning |
preserved |
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing |
2040-7122, 2040-7130
preserved |
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship |
1471-5201, 1471-521X
preserved |
Journal of Responsible Production and Consumption |
preserved |
The Journal of Risk Finance |
1526-5943, 2331-2947
preserved |
Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China |
preserved |
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management |
2053-4620, 2053-4639
preserved |
Journal of Service Management |
1757-5818, 1757-5826
preserved |
Journal of Services Marketing |
0887-6045, 2054-1651
preserved |
Journal of Service Theory and Practice |
2055-6225, 2055-6233
preserved |
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development |
1462-6004, 1758-7840
preserved |
Journal of Social Marketing |
2042-6763, 2042-6771
preserved |
Journal of Strategy and Management |
1755-425X, 1755-4268
preserved |
Journal of Structural Fire Engineering |
2040-2317, 2040-2325
preserved |
Journal of Systems and Information Technology |
1328-7265, 1758-8847
preserved |
Journal of Technology Management in China |
preserved |
Journal of Tourism Analysis |
preserved |
Journal of Tourism Futures |
2055-5911, 2055-592X
preserved |
Journal of Trade Science |
2815-5793, 2815-5726, 2755-3957
preserved |
Journal of Valuation |
preserved |
Journal of Work-Applied Management |
2205-2062, 2205-149X
preserved |
Journal of Workplace Learning |
1366-5626, 1758-7859
preserved |
Kybernetes |
0368-492X, 1758-7883
preserved |
LBS Journal of Management & Research |
0972-8031, 0974-1852
preserved |
Leadership in Health Services |
1366-0756, 1751-1879
preserved |
Leadership & Organization Development Journal |
0143-7739, 1472-5347
preserved |
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives |
preserved |
The Learning Organization |
0969-6474, 1758-7905
preserved |
Librarian Career Development |
preserved |
Library Consortium Management: An International Journal |
preserved |
Library Hi Tech |
0737-8831, 2054-166X
preserved |
Library Hi Tech News |
0741-9058, 2054-1678
preserved |
Library Management |
0143-5124, 1758-7921
preserved |
Library Review |
preserved |
Library Workstation and PC Report |
preserved |
Library Workstation Report |
preserved |
A Life in the Day |
preserved |
Logistics Information Management |
preserved |
Logistics World |
preserved |
M300 and PC Report |
preserved |
Machine Learning and Data Science in Geotechnics |
3029-0414, 3029-0422
preserved |
Management Decision |
0025-1747, 1758-6070
preserved |
Management Development Review |
preserved |
Management Matters |
2279-0187, 2752-8359
preserved |
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal |
1477-7835, 1758-6119
preserved |
Management Research News |
preserved |
Management Research Review |
2040-8269, 2040-8277
preserved |
Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management |
1536-5433, 1558-0946
preserved |
Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review |
2752-9819, 2752-9827
preserved |
Managerial Auditing Journal |
0268-6902, 1758-7735
preserved |
Managerial Finance |
0307-4358, 1758-7743
preserved |
Managerial Law |
preserved |
Managing Service Quality |
preserved |
Marine Economics and Management |
preserved |
Maritime Business Review |
2397-3757, 2397-3765
preserved |
Marketing Intelligence & Planning |
0263-4503, 1758-8049
preserved |
Measuring Business Excellence |
1368-3047, 1758-8057
preserved |
Meditari Accountancy Research |
1022-2529, 2049-372X, 2049-3738
preserved |
Mental Health and Digital Technologies |
preserved |
Mental Health and Social Inclusion |
2042-8308, 2042-8316
preserved |
Mental Health Review Journal |
1361-9322, 2042-8758
preserved |
Mental Illness |
preserved |
Microelectronics International |
1356-5362, 1758-812X
preserved |
Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications |
preserved |
Multicultural Education & Technology Journal |
preserved |
Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures |
1573-6105, 1573-6113
preserved |
Multinational Business Review |
1525-383X, 2054-1686
preserved |
Nankai Business Review International |
2040-8749, 2040-8757
preserved |
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship |
2574-8904, 1550-333X
preserved |
New Library World |
preserved |
Nutrition & Food Science |
0034-6659, 1758-6917
preserved |
OCLC Micro |
preserved |
OCLC Systems & Services |
preserved |
Office Technology and People |
preserved |
Online & CD-ROM Review |
preserved |
Online Information Review |
1468-4527, 1468-4535
preserved |
Online Review |
preserved |
On the Horizon |
1074-8121, 2054-1708
preserved |
Open House International |
0168-2601, 2633-9838
preserved |
Organizational Anaylsis |
preserved |
Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People |
2635-0270, 2635-0289
preserved |
Organization Management Journal |
2753-8567, 1541-6518
preserved |
Pacific Accounting Review |
0114-0582, 2041-5494
preserved |
Participation and Empowerment: An International Journal |
preserved |
PDS Partners: Building Research to Practice |
2833-2040, 2833-2059
preserved |
Performance Measurement and Metrics |
1467-8047, 1758-6925
preserved |
Personnel Review |
0048-3486, 1758-6933
preserved |
Pigment & Resin Technology |
0369-9420, 1758-6941
preserved |
Planning Review |
preserved |
Police Studies: International Review of Police Development |
preserved |
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management |
1363-951X, 1758-695X
preserved |
Pricing Strategy and Practice |
preserved |
Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems |
preserved |
Property Management |
0263-7472, 1758-731X
preserved |
PSU Research Review: An International Journal |
2399-1747, 2398-4007
preserved |
Public Administration and Policy |
1727-2645, 2517-679X
preserved |
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal |
1352-2752, 1758-7646
preserved |
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management |
1176-6093, 1758-7654
preserved |
Qualitative Research in Financial Markets |
1755-4179, 1755-4187
preserved |
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal |
1746-5648, 1746-5656
preserved |
Qualitative Research Journal |
1443-9883, 1448-0980
preserved |
Quality Assurance in Education |
0968-4883, 1758-7662
preserved |
Quality Education for All |
preserved |
Quality in Ageing and Older Adults |
1471-7794, 2044-1835
preserved |
Railway Sciences |
2755-0907, 2755-0915
preserved |
Rajagiri Management Journal |
0972-9968, 2633-0091
preserved |
Rapid Prototyping Journal |
1355-2546, 1758-7670
preserved |
RAUSP Management Journal |
preserved |
Records Management Journal |
0956-5698, 1758-7689
preserved |
Reference Reviews |
preserved |
Reference Services Review |
0090-7324, 2054-1716
preserved |
Research Journal of Textile and Apparel |
1560-6074, 2515-8090
preserved |
Retail & Distribution Management |
preserved |
Review of Accounting and Finance |
1475-7702, 1758-7700
preserved |
Review of Behavioral Finance |
1940-5979, 1940-5987
preserved |
Review of Economics and Political Science |
2356-9980, 2631-3561
preserved |
Review of International Business and Strategy |
2059-6014, 2059-6022
preserved |
Revista de Gestão |
1809-2276, 2177-8736
preserved |
Robotic Intelligence and Automation |
2754-6969, 2754-6977
preserved |
Safer Communities |
1757-8043, 2042-8774
preserved |
SAM Advanced Management Journal |
preserved |
Saudi Journal of Language Studies |
2634-243X, 2634-2448
preserved |
School-University Partnerships |
1935-7125, 2833-2075
preserved |
Sensor Review |
0260-2288, 1758-6828
preserved |
Smart and Resilient Transport |
2632-0487, 2632-0495
preserved |
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment |
2046-6099, 2046-6102
preserved |
Social Care and Neurodisability |
2042-0919, 2042-874X
preserved |
Social Enterprise Journal |
1750-8614, 1750-8533
preserved |
Social Responsibility Journal |
1747-1117, 1758-857X
preserved |
Social Studies Research and Practice |
preserved |
Social Transformations in Chinese Societies |
1871-2673, 2515-8481
preserved |
Society and Business Review |
1746-5680, 1746-5699
preserved |
Soldering & Surface Mount Technology |
0954-0911, 1758-6836
preserved |
South Asian Journal of Business Studies |
2398-628X, 2398-6298
preserved |
South Asian Journal of Global Business Research |
2045-4457, 2045-4465
preserved |
South Asian Journal of Marketing |
2719-2377, 2738-2486
preserved |
Southeast Asia: A Multidisciplinary Journal |
1819-5091, 2948-0426
preserved |
Spanish Journal of Marketing |
2444-9695, 2444-9709
preserved |
Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal |
2042-678X, 2042-6798
preserved |
Strategic Direction |
0258-0543, 1758-8588
preserved |
Strategic HR Review |
1475-4398, 1758-8537
preserved |
Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal |
preserved |
Strategy & Leadership |
1087-8572, 1758-9568
preserved |
Structural Survey |
preserved |