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Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | Yes |
Titles ( displaying 500 of 1,317 ) | Information |
Abolitionist Twilights: History, Meaning, and the Fate of Racial Egalitarianism, 1865-1909 |
Author/Editor: Raymond James Krohn
Academics in Action!: A Model for Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Service |
Author/Editor: Sandra L. Barnes,Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein,Bernadette Doykos,Nina C. Martin,Allison McGuire
The Accidental Playground: Brooklyn Waterfront Narratives of the Undesigned and Unplanned |
Author/Editor: DANIEL CAMPO
Across the River: On the Poetry of Mak Dizdar |
Author/Editor: Rusmir Mahmutćehajić,Saba Risaluddin,Francis R. Jones
Administering Interpretation: Derrida, Agamben, and the Political Theology of Law |
Author/Editor: Peter Goodrich,Michel Rosenfeld
Adoration: The Deconstruction of Christianity II |
Author/Editor: JEAN-LUC NANCY,John McKeane,John D. Caputo
Advances in Cyber Security: Technology, Operations, and Experiences |
Author/Editor: D. Frank Hsu,Dorothy Marinucci
Aeffect: The Affect and Effect of Artistic Activism |
Aesthetics of Negativity: Blanchot, Adorno, and Autonomy |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM S. ALLEN
Affliction: Health, Disease, Poverty |
Author/Editor: Veena Das
After Fukushima: The Equivalence of Catastrophes |
After God: Richard Kearney and the Religious Turn in Continental Philosophy |
After the Monkey Trial: Evangelical Scientists and a New Creationism |
Author/Editor: Christopher M. Rios
After Translation: The Transfer and Circulation of Modern Poetics Across the Atlantic |
Against Democracy: Literary Experience in the Era of Emancipations |
Author/Editor: Simon During
Against Redemption: Democracy, Memory, and Literature in Post-Fascist Italy |
Author/Editor: Franco Baldasso
Against Sustainability: Reading Nineteenth-Century America in the Age of Climate Crisis |
Author/Editor: Michelle C. Neely
Against the Carceral Archive: The Art of Black Liberatory Practice |
Author/Editor: Damien M. Sojoyner
Agents without Empire: Mobility and Race-Making in Sixteenth-Century France |
Author/Editor: Antónia Szabari
The Alchemy of Empire: Abject Materials and the Technologies of Colonialism |
Author/Editor: Rajani Sudan
Alegal: Biopolitics and the Unintelligibility of Okinawan Life |
Author/Editor: Annmaria M. Shimabuku
Alexandrian Cosmopolitanism: An Archive |
Author/Editor: Hala Halim
All Around the Town: Amazing Manhattan Facts and Curiosities, Second Edition: Amazing Manhattan Facts and Curiosities, Second Edition |
All Ears: The Aesthetics of Espionage |
Author/Editor: PETER SZENDY,Roland Végsõ
Allergic Intimacies: Food, Disability, Desire, and Risk |
Author/Editor: Michael Gill
Allied Encounters: The Gendered Redemption of World War II Italy |
Author/Editor: Marisa Escolar
The Amazing Adventures of Bob Brown: A Real-Life Zelig Who Wrote His Way Through the 20th Century |
Author/Editor: CRAIG SAPER
Ambiguity and the Absolute: Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty on the Question of Truth |
Ambush at Central Park: When the IRA Came to New York |
Author/Editor: Mark Bulik
The American Art-Union: Utopia and Skepticism in the Antebellum Era |
Author/Editor: Kimberly A. Orcutt
An American Heroine in the French Resistance: The Diary and Memoir of Virginia D'Albert-Lake |
Author/Editor: Judy Barrett Litoff
American Metempsychosis: Emerson, Whitman, and the New Poetry |
The American Museum of Natural History and How It Got That Way |
Author/Editor: COLIN DAVEY,THOMAS A. LESSER,Kermit Roosevelt III
American Parishes: Remaking Local Catholicism |
Author/Editor: Gary J. Adler Jr.,Tricia C. Bruce,Brian Starks
American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of US Catholicism |
Author/Editor: Katherine Dugan ,Karen E. Park
American Woman, Italian Style: Italian Americana's Best Writings on Women |
Author/Editor: Carol Bonomo Albright,Christine Palamidessi Moore
America's Last Great Newspaper War: The Death of Print in a Two-Tabloid Town |
Author/Editor: Mike Jaccarino
America’s Most Famous Catholic (According to Himself): Stephen Colbert and American Religion in the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Stephanie N. Brehm
Anarchaeologies: Reading as Misreading |
Author/Editor: Erin Graff Zivin
Anarchy and the Kingdom of God: From Eschatology to Orthodox Political Theology and Back |
Author/Editor: DAVOR DŽALTO
Angels of Mercy: White Women and the History of New York's Colored Orphan Asylum |
Author/Editor: William Seraile
The Animal That Therefore I Am |
Author/Editor: JACQUES DERRIDA,Marie-Louise Mallet,David Wills
Another Civil War: Labor, Capital, and the State in the Anthracite Regions of Pennsylvania, 1840-1868 |
Author/Editor: Grace Palladino
Answering Auschwitz: Primo Levi's Science and Humanism after the Fall |
Author/Editor: Stanislao G. Pugliese
Antebellum Posthuman: Race and Materiality in the Mid-Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Cristin Ellis
The Anthropological Turn: The Human Orientation of the Theology of Karl Rahner |
Author/Editor: Anton Losinger,Daniel O. Dahlstrom
Anthropology's Wake: Attending to the End of Culture |
Author/Editor: Scott Michaelsen,David E. Johnson
Antiquity in Gotham: The Ancient Architecture of New York City |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis
Apocalypse-Cinema: 2012 and Other Ends of the World |
Author/Editor: Will Bishop
Apocalyptic Futures: Marked Bodies and the Violence of the Text in Kafka, Conrad, and Coetzee |
Author/Editor: Russell Samolsky
Apophatic Bodies: Negative Theology, Incarnation, and Relationality |
Apparitions-Of Derrida's Other |
Author/Editor: KAS SAGHAFI
The Architecture of Concepts: The Historical Formation of Human Rights |
Author/Editor: Peter de Bolla
Army GI, Pacifist CO: The World War II Letters of Frank Dietrich and Albert Dietrich |
Author/Editor: Scott H. Bennett
Around the Book: Systems and Literacy |
Author/Editor: Henry Sussman
Art and Morality: Essays in the Spirit of George Santayana |
Author/Editor: MORRIS GROSSMAN,Martin A. Coleman,Douglas R. Anderson,Jude Jones
Artifacts of Thinking: Reading Hannah Arendt's Denktagebuch |
Author/Editor: Roger Berkowitz,Ian Storey
Artists' SoHo: 49 Episodes of Intimate History |
Art's Undoing: In the Wake of a Radical Aestheticism |
Author/Editor: Forest Pyle
Arvo Pärt: Sounding the Sacred |
Author/Editor: Peter C. Bouteneff,Jeffers Engelhardt,Robert Saler
As Bad as They Say?: Three Decades of Teaching in the Bronx |
Aspects of Alterity: Levinas, Marcel, and the Contemporary Debate |
Author/Editor: BRIAN TREANOR
Asylum Speakers: Caribbean Refugees and Testimonial Discourse |
Author/Editor: APRIL SHEMAK
At Freedom's Limit: Islam and the Postcolonial Predicament |
Author/Editor: Sadia Abbas
Athens, Still Remains: The Photographs of Jean-Franois Bonhomme |
An Atmospherics of the City: Baudelaire and the Poetics of Noise |
Author/Editor: ROSS CHAMBERS,Lazar Fleishman,Haun Saussy
Atonement and Comparative Theology: The Cross in Dialogue with Other Religions, Vol. 9 |
Atopias: Manifesto for a Radical Existentialism |
Author/Editor: Frédéric Neyrat,Walt Hunter,Lindsay Turner
At Wit's End: The Deadly Discourse on the Jewish Joke |
Author/Editor: Louis Kaplan
Audible Loss: New Music and the Crisis of Memory |
Author/Editor: Andrea Zarafshon Moore
The Author-Cat: Clemens's Life in Fiction |
Author/Editor: Forrest G. Robinson
The Babylon Complex: Theopolitical Fantasies of War, Sex, and Sovereignty |
Author/Editor: Erin Runions
Bad Faith: Teachers, Liberalism, and the Origins of McCarthyism |
Author/Editor: ANDREW FEFFER
The Banality of Heidegger |
Author/Editor: JEAN-LUC NANCY,Jeff Fort
Banished Children of Eve: A Novel of Civil War New York |
Author/Editor: PETER QUINN
The Basic Writings of Josiah Royce, Volume I: Culture, Philosophy, and Religion |
Author/Editor: JOSIAH ROYCE,John J. McDermott,Douglas R. Anderson,Jude Jones
The Basic Writings of Josiah Royce, Volume II: Logic, Loyalty, and Community |
Author/Editor: John J. McDermott,Ignas K. Skrupskelis
Becoming Christian: Race, Reformation, and Early Modern English Romance |
Author/Editor: Dennis Austin Britton
Before the Fires: An Oral History of African American Life in the Bronx from the 1930s to the 1960s |
The Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name: Seven Days with Second-Order Cybernetics |
Being and Some 20th Century Thomists |
Author/Editor: JOHN KNASAS
Being Brains: Making the Cerebral Subject |
Author/Editor: Fernando Vidal,Francisco Ortega,Stefanos Geroulanos,Todd Meyers
Being-in-Creation: Human Responsibility in an Endangered World |
Author/Editor: Brian Treanor,Bruce Ellis Benson,Norman Wirzba
Being of Two Minds: Modernist Literary Criticism and Early Modern Texts |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Goldberg
Believing in Order to See: On the Rationality of Revelation and the Irrationality of Some Believers |
Author/Editor: JEAN-LUC MARION,Christina M. Gschwandtner
Believing Scholars: Ten Catholic Intellectuals |
Author/Editor: JAMES L. HEFT,David B. Burrell
Benjamin's Passages: Dreaming, Awakening |
Author/Editor: Alexander Gelley
Bestial Traces: Race, Sexuality, Animality |
Bestiarium Judaicum: Unnatural Histories of the Jews |
Author/Editor: Jay Geller
Best Minds: How Allen Ginsberg Made Revolutionary Poetry from Madness |
Author/Editor: Stevan M. Weine
Better Off Dead: The Evolution of the Zombie as Post-Human: The Evolution of the Zombie as Post-Human |
Author/Editor: Deborah Christie,Sarah Juliet Lauro
Between Chora and the Good: Metaphor's Metaphysical Neighborhood |
Author/Editor: CHARLES P. BIGGER
Between Dancing and Writing: The Practice of Religious Studies |
Author/Editor: Kimerer L. LaMothe
Between Form and Faith: Graham Greene and the Catholic Novel |
Between Heaven and Russia: Religious Conversion and Political Apostasy in Appalachia |
Author/Editor: Sarah Riccardi-Swartz
Between Page and Screen: Remaking Literature Through Cinema and Cyberspace |
Author/Editor: Kiene Brillenburg Wurth,Lazar Fleishman,Haun Saussy
Between the Bylines: A Father's Legacy: A Father's Legacy |
Author/Editor: Susan E. Wiant
Beyond Broadband Access: Developing Data-Based Information Policy Strategies |
Author/Editor: Richard D. Taylor,Amit M. Schejter,PHILIP M. NAPOLI
Beyond Despair: The Rwanda Genocide against the Tutsi through the Eyes of Children |
Author/Editor: HÉLÈNE DUMAS ,Catherine Porter ,Louisa Lombard
Beyond Hostile Islands: The Pacific War in American and New Zealand Fiction Writing |
Author/Editor: Daniel McKay ,Patrick Porter
Beyond the Doctrine of Man: Decolonial Visions of the Human |
Author/Editor: Joseph Drexler-Dreis,Kristien Justaert
Beyond the Mother Tongue: The Postmonolingual Condition |
Author/Editor: Yasemin Yildiz
Beyond the Mushroom Cloud: Commemoration, Religion, and Responsibility after Hiroshima |
Author/Editor: YUKI MIYAMOTO
Beyond the Supersquare: Art and Architecture in Latin America after Modernism |
Author/Editor: Antonio Sergio Bessa,Mario Torres
Beyond Violence: Religious Sources of Social Transformation in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam |
Author/Editor: James L. Heft
Bilingual Brokers: Race, Literature, and Language as Human Capital |
Author/Editor: Jeehyun Lim
Black Lives and Sacred Humanity: Toward an African American Religious Naturalism |
Author/Editor: Carol Wayne White
Blackpentecostal Breath: The Aesthetics of Possibility |
Author/Editor: ASHON T. CRAWLEY
Black Robes and Buckskin: A Selection from the Jesuit Relations |
The Blind Man: A Phantasmography |
Author/Editor: Robert Desjarlais
Bob Drinan: The Controversial Life of the First Catholic Priest Elected to Congress |
Author/Editor: Raymond A. Schroth
The Body of Property: Antebellum American Fiction and the Phenomenology of Possession |
Author/Editor: CHAD LUCK
The Body of the Cross: Holy Victims and the Invention of the Atonement |
Author/Editor: TRAVIS E. ABLES
The Book of Negroes: African Americans in Exile after the American Revolution |
The Book of Tiny Prayer: Daily Meditations from the Plague Year |
Author/Editor: MICAH BUCEY
Boss of Black Brooklyn: The Life and Times of Bertram L. Baker |
Author/Editor: RON HOWELL
Bound by Conflict: Dilemmas of the Two Sudans |
Box Boats: How Container Ships Changed the World |
Author/Editor: BRIAN J. CUDAHY
Boy with the Bullhorn: A Memoir and History of ACT UP New York |
Author/Editor: Ron Goldberg
The Bread of the Strong: Lacouturisme and the Folly of the Cross, 1910-1985 |
Author/Editor: Jack Lee Downey
Breaking Point: The Ironic Evolution of Psychiatry in World War II |
Breaking Resemblance: The Role of Religious Motifs in Contemporary Art |
Author/Editor: Alena Alexandrova
Breaking the Bronze Ceiling: Women, Memory, and Public Space |
Author/Editor: Valentina Rozas-Krause ,Andrew M. Shanken
A Bridge to Justice: The Life of Franklin H. Williams |
Author/Editor: Enid Gort ,John M. Caher
Brooklyn Bridge Park: A Dying Waterfront Transformed |
Author/Editor: Joanne Witty,Henrik Krogius
Brooklyn Is: Southeast of the Island: Travel Notes |
Author/Editor: JAMES AGEE,Jonathan Lethem
Bruno Latour in Pieces: An Intellectual Biography |
Author/Editor: Henning Schmidgen,Gloria Custance
Buying Reality: Political Ads, Money, and Local Television News |
Author/Editor: Danilo Yanich
Caged: A Teacher's Journey Through Rikers, or How I Beheaded the Minotaur |
Author/Editor: Brandon Dean Lamson
Called Back: My Reply to Cancer, My Return to Life |
Author/Editor: MARY CAPPELLO
Carbonate of Copper |
Author/Editor: Roberto Tejada
Carnal Hermeneutics |
Casablanca's Conscience |
Author/Editor: Robert Weldon Whalen
Castoriadis's Ontology: Being and Creation |
Author/Editor: SUZI ADAMS
Catastrophic Historicism: Reading Julia de Burgos Dangerously |
Caterpillage: Reflections on Seventeenth-Century Dutch Still Life Painting: Reflections on Seventeenth-Century Dutch Still Life Painting |
Author/Editor: HARRY BERGER JR.
Cathay: A Critical Edition |
Author/Editor: Ezra Pound,Timothy Billings,Christopher Bush,Haun Saussy
Cathedrals of Bone: The Role of the Body in Contemporary Catholic Literature |
Author/Editor: John C. Waldmeir
The Catholic Church and the Jewish People: Recent Reflections from Rome |
Author/Editor: Philip A. Cunningham,Norbert J. Hofmann,Joseph Sievers
A Catholic Cold War: Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., and the Politics of American Anticommunism |
Author/Editor: Patrick McNamara
Catholic Social Learning: Educating the Faith That Does Justice |
Author/Editor: ROGER BERGMAN
The Catholic Studies Reader |
Celebricities: Media Culture and the Phenomenology of Gadget Commodity Life |
A Century of Subways: Celebrating 100 Years of New York's Underground Railways |
Author/Editor: Brian J. Cudahy
Chagas Disease: History of a Continent's Scourge |
Author/Editor: François Delaporte,Arthur Goldhammer
Chancellorsville and the Germans: Nativism, Ethnicity, and Civil War Memory |
Author/Editor: Christian B. Keller
Charles Peirce's Theory of Scientific Method |
Author/Editor: Francis E. Reilly
Charles S. Peirce: On Norms and Ideals |
Author/Editor: Vincent G. Potter,Stanley M. Harrison
Chasing Ghosts: A Memoir of a Father, Gone to War |
Author/Editor: Louise DeSalvo
Check it Out!: Great Reporters on What It Takes to Tell the Story |
Author/Editor: Art Athens
The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: A Critical Edition |
Christianity, Democracy, and the Shadow of Constantine |
Author/Editor: George E. Demacopoulos,Aristotle Papanikolaou
Christian Lives Given to the Study of Islam |
Author/Editor: Christian W. Troll,C. T. R. Hewer
Chronicle of Separation: On Deconstruction’s Disillusioned Love |
Church and Society: The Laurence J. McGinley Lectures, 1988-2007 |
Author/Editor: AVERY CARDINAL DULLES,Robert P. Imbelli
The Church of Greece under Axis Occupation |
Author/Editor: Panteleymon Anastasakis
Cinepoetry: Imaginary Cinemas in French Poetry |
Author/Editor: Christophe Wall-Romana,Lazar Fleishman,Haun Saussy
Circling the Elephant: A Comparative Theology of Religious Diversity |
Circuitous Journeys: Modern Spiritual Autobiography |
Author/Editor: DAVID J. LEIGH
A Circular Journey |
Author/Editor: Helen Barolini
Citizens or Papists?: The Politics of Anti-Catholicism in New York, 1685-1821 |
Author/Editor: Jason K. Duncan,Robert F. Jones
Citizen Subject: Foundations for Philosophical Anthropology |
Author/Editor: Étienne Balibar,Steven Miller
The City in the Distance |
City of Gods: Religious Freedom, Immigration, and Pluralism in Flushing, Queens |
Author/Editor: R. SCOTT HANSON
A Civic Spirituality of Sanctification: John Calvin |
Author/Editor: Roger Haight ,Alfred Pach III ,Amanda Avila Kaminski
Civil Rights in New York City: From World War II to the Giuliani Era |
The Civil War and the Summer of 2020 |
Author/Editor: Hilary N. Green ,Andrew L. Slap ,Andre E. Johnson
The Civil War Confiscation Acts: Failing to Reconstruct the South |
Author/Editor: John Syrett,Paul A. Cimbala
Class Acts: Derrida on the Public Stage |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL NAAS
Class Degrees: Smart Work, Managed Choice, and the Transformation of Higher Education |
Author/Editor: EVAN WATKINS
Classical New York: Discovering Greece and Rome in Gotham |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis,Matthew M. McGowan
Clint Eastwood and Issues of American Masculinity |
A Coat of Many Colors: Immigration, Globalization, and Reform in New York City's Garment Industry |
Author/Editor: DANIEL SOYER
Cold War Reckonings: Authoritarianism and the Genres of Decolonization |
Author/Editor: Jini Kim Watson
Colonizing Christianity: Greek and Latin Religious Identity in the Era of the Fourth Crusade |
Author/Editor: George E. Demacopoulos,Aristotle Papanikolaou,Ashley M. Purpura
Colorful Palate: A Flavorful Journey Through a Mixed American Experience |
Author/Editor: Raj Tawney
Combat Reporter: Don Whitehead's World War II Diary and Memoirs |
Author/Editor: John B. Romeiser
Coming |
Author/Editor: JEAN-LUC NANCY,ADÈLE VAN REETH,Charlotte Mandell
Coming to Life: Philosophies of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Mothering |
Commemorating Trauma: The Paris Commune and Its Cultural Aftermath |
Author/Editor: Peter Starr
Commiserating with Devastated Things: Milan Kundera and the Entitlements of Thinking |
Author/Editor: JASON M. WIRTH
Committing the Future to Memory: History, Experience, Trauma |
Author/Editor: Sarah Clift
Commodified Communion: Eucharist, Consumer Culture, and the Practice of Everyday Life |
Author/Editor: Antonio Eduardo Alonso
Common Goods: Economy, Ecology, and Political Theology |
The Common Growl: Toward a Poetics of Precarious Community |
Commons Democracy: Reading the Politics of Participation in the Early United States |
Author/Editor: DANA D. NELSON
A Common Strangeness: Contemporary Poetry, Cross-Cultural Encounter, Comparative Literature |
Author/Editor: Jacob Edmond
Common Things: Romance and the Aesthetics of Belonging in Atlantic Modernity |
Author/Editor: JAMES D. LILLEY,Timothy C. Campbell
Communications Research in Action: Scholar-Activist Collaborations for a Democratic Public Sphere |
Author/Editor: Philip M. Napoli,Minna Aslama
Communities in Fiction |
Author/Editor: J. HILLIS MILLER,Timothy C. Campbell
Comparing Faithfully: Insights for Systematic Theological Reflection |
Concrete Utopianism: The Politics of Temporality and Solidarity |
Author/Editor: Gary Wilder
The Conditions of Hospitality: Ethics, Politics, and Aesthetics on the Threshold of the Possible |
Author/Editor: THOMAS CLAVIEZ,John D. Caputo
Confederate Phoenix: Rebel Children and Their Families in South Carolina |
Author/Editor: Edmund L. Drago
Confidentiality and Its Discontents: Dilemmas of Privacy in Psychotherapy |
Author/Editor: Paul W. Mosher,Jeffrey Berman
Conflicts: The Poetics and Politics of Palestine-Israel |
Author/Editor: Liron Mor
Confucius, Rawls, and the Sense of Justice |
Author/Editor: Erin M. Cline
Constellation: Friedrich Nietzsche and Walter Benjamin in the Now-Time of History |
Author/Editor: James McFarland
Constellations of a Contemporary Romanticism |
Author/Editor: Jacques Khalip,Forest Pyle,Sara Guyer,Brian McGrath
Constitutionalism in the Approach and Aftermath of the Civil War |
Author/Editor: Paul D. Moreno,Johnathan O’Neill
A Constructive Theology of Intellectual Disability: Human Being as Mutuality and Response |
Author/Editor: Molly C. Haslam
Contested Loyalty: Debates over Patriotism in the Civil War North |
Author/Editor: Robert M. Sandow ,GARY W. GALLAGHER
A Contested Terrain: Freedpeople's Education in North Carolina During the Civil War and Reconstruction |
Author/Editor: AnneMarie Brosnan
Continent in Crisis: The U.S. Civil War in North America |
Author/Editor: Brian Schoen ,Jewel L. Spangler ,Frank Towers
Conversations on Peirce: Reals and Ideals |
Conversion in American Philosophy: Exploring the Practice of Transformation |
Author/Editor: Roger A. Ward,Douglas R. Anderson,Jude Jones
Cool: How Air Conditioning Changed Everything |
Author/Editor: Salvatore Basile
Corinna A-Maying the Apocalypse: Poems |
Author/Editor: Darcie Dennigan
Corporate Romanticism: Liberalism, Justice, and the Novel |
Author/Editor: Daniel M. Stout
The Corpse in the Kitchen: Enclosure, Extraction, and the Afterlives of the Black Hawk War |
Corpus |
Author/Editor: JEAN-LUC NANCY,Richard A. Rand,John D. Caputo
Corpus III: Cruor and Other Writings |
Author/Editor: JEAN-LUC NANCY ,Jeff Fort ,Agnès Jacob ,Robert St. Clair ,Marie-Eve Morin ,Travis Holloway
Cosmology, Ecology, and the Energy of God |
Author/Editor: Donna Bowman,Clayton Crockett
Couch City: Socrates against Simonides |
Author/Editor: HARRY BERGER JR. ,Ward Risvold ,J. Benjamin Fuqua ,Jill Frank
Counter Institution: Activist Estates of the Lower East Side |
Counter-Institutions: Jacques Derrida and the Question of the University |
Author/Editor: SIMON MORGAN WORTHAM,John D. Caputo
The Covenant's Veil: Ethiopian Orthodox Tradition of Elaboration |
Author/Editor: Alexandra Sellassie Antohin
The Crane's Walk: Plato, Pluralism, and the Inconstancy of Truth |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Barris
The Creative Retrieval of Saint Thomas Aquinas: Essays in Thomistic Philosophy, New and Old |
Author/Editor: W. NORRIS CLARKE
Crediting God: Sovereignty and Religion in the Age of Global Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Miguel Vatter
Creolizing Political Theory: Reading Rousseau through Fanon |
Author/Editor: Jane Anna Gordon
The Creolizing Subject: Race, Reason, and the Politics of Purity |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Monahan
Crimmigrant Nations: Resurgent Nationalism and the Closing of Borders |
Author/Editor: Robert Koulish,Maartje van der Woude
Critical Rhythm: The Poetics of a Literary Life Form |
Author/Editor: BEN GLASER,JONATHAN CULLER,Lazar Fleishman,Haun Saussy
Critique of Journalistic Reason: Philosophy and the Time of the Newspaper |
Author/Editor: Tom Vandeputte
Crocus |
Author/Editor: Karin Gottshall
Cross Bronx: A Writing Life |
Author/Editor: Peter Quinn
Crossing Back: Books, Family, and Memory without Pain |
Author/Editor: Marianna De Marco Torgovnick
Crossing the Rubicon: The Borderlands of Philosophy and Theology |
Author/Editor: EMMANUEL FALQUE,Reuben Shank
Crossover Queries: Dwelling with Negatives, Embodying Philosophy's Others |
Crowd Scenes: Movies and Mass Politics |
Crucified Wisdom: Theological Reflection on Christ and the Bodhisattva |
Author/Editor: S. MARK HEIM
The Cruelest of All Mothers: Marie de l'Incarnation, Motherhood, and Christian Tradition |
Author/Editor: Mary Dunn
Cruising the Library: Perversities in the Organization of Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Melissa Adler
Cultural Techniques: Grids, Filters, Doors, and Other Articulations of the Real |
Author/Editor: BERNHARD SIEGERT,geoffrey winthrop-young
Curriculum by Design: Innovation and the Liberal Arts Core |
Author/Editor: Mary Thomas Crane ,David Quigley ,Andy Boynton
Cybernetic Capitalism: A Critical Theory of the Incommunicable |
Author/Editor: JAN OVERWIJK
Cybertheology: Thinking Christianity in the Era of the Internet |
Author/Editor: ANTONIO SPADARO,Maria Way
Cytomegalovirus: A Hospitalization Diary |
Author/Editor: HERVÉ GUIBERT,David Caron,Todd Meyers,Clara Orban
A Dancer in the Revolution: Stretch Johnson, Harlem Communist at the Cotton Club |
Dancing Jacobins: A Venezuelan Genealogy of Latin American Populism |
Dangerous Citizens: The Greek Left and the Terror of the State |
Dante and Islam |
Author/Editor: JAN M. ZIOLKOWSKI
Dante and the Dynamics of Textual Exchange: Authorship, Manuscript Culture, and the Making of the 'Vita Nova' |
Dante and the Origins of Italian Literary Culture |
The Dark Side of Literacy: Literature and Learning Not to Read |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Bennett
Death and Other Penalties: Philosophy in a Time of Mass Incarceration |
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Adelsberg,Lisa Guenther,Scott Zeman
The Death of the Book: Modernist Novels and the Time of Reading |
Author/Editor: John Lurz
Death's Following: Mediocrity, Dirtiness, Adulthood, Literature |
Author/Editor: JOHN LIMON
Debates in Continental Philosophy: Conversations with Contemporary Thinkers |
Author/Editor: John D. Caputo,RICHARD KEARNEY
Decadent Orientalisms: The Decay of Colonial Modernity |
Author/Editor: David Fieni
The Decolonial Abyss: Mysticism and Cosmopolitics from the Ruins |
Author/Editor: AN YOUNTAE,John D. Caputo
Decolonial Love: Salvation in Colonial Modernity |
Author/Editor: Joseph Drexler-Dreis
Decolonizing Epistemologies: Latina/o Theology and Philosophy: Latina/o Theology and Philosophy |
Deconstructing the Death Penalty: Derrida's Seminars and the New Abolitionism |
Author/Editor: Kelly Oliver,Stephanie M. Straub
Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida, With a New Introduction |
Author/Editor: JACQUES DERRIDA,John D. Caputo
Decreation and the Ethical Bind: Simone Weil and the Claim of the Other |
Author/Editor: Yoon Sook Cha
Deep Time, Dark Times: On Being Geologically Human |
Author/Editor: David Wood
Defective Institutions: A Protocol for the Republic |
Author/Editor: JACQUES LEZRA
Delirious Naples: A Cultural History of the City of the Sun |
Author/Editor: Pellegrino D’Acierno,Stanislao G. Pugliese
Democracy, Culture, Catholicism: Voices from Four Continents |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Schuck,John Crowley-Buck
Democracy's Spectacle: Sovereignty and Public Life in Antebellum American Writing |
Democratic Anarchy: Aesthetics and Political Resistance in U.S. Literature |
Derrida after the End of Writing: Political Theology and New Materialism |
Author/Editor: CLAYTON CROCKETT,John D. Caputo
Derrida From Now On |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL NAAS
Derrida, Supplements |
Derrida Vis--vis Lacan: Interweaving Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis |
Author/Editor: ANDREA HURST
Deserter Country: Civil War Opposition in the Pennsylvania Appalachians |
Author/Editor: Robert M. Sandow
A Desire Called America: Biopolitics, Utopia, and the Literary Commons |
Author/Editor: Christian P. Haines
Deus in Machina: Religion, Technology, and the Things in Between |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Stolow
Devil's Mile: The Rich, Gritty History of the Bowery |
Dewey's Metaphysics: Form and Being in the Philosophy of John Dewey |
Author/Editor: Raymond D. Boisvert
Dialogue of Love: Breaking the Silence of Centuries |
Author/Editor: John Chryssavgis
The Diary of Prisoner 17326: A Boy's Life in a Japanese Labor Camp |
Author/Editor: John K. Stutterheim
Dictionary Poetics: Toward a Radical Lexicography |
Author/Editor: CRAIG DWORKIN
Difficulties of Ethical Life |
The Digital Condition: Class and Culture in the Information Network |
Author/Editor: Rob Wilkie
The Dignity Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of South Africa: Cases and Materials, Volumes I & II |
Author/Editor: Drucilla Cornell,Stu Woolman,Sam Fuller,Jason Brickhill,Michael Bishop,Diana Dunbar
The Disabled Church: Human Difference and the Art of Communal Worship |
Author/Editor: Rebecca F. Spurrier
Disappointment: Toward a Critical Hermeneutics of Worldbuilding |
Author/Editor: Jarrett Zigon
The Disavowed Community |
Author/Editor: JEAN-LUC NANCY
The Discipline of Philosophy and the Invention of Modern Jewish Thought |
Author/Editor: Willi Goetschel
Dis-Enclosure: The Deconstruction of Christianity |
Author/Editor: JEAN-LUC NANCY,Bettina Bergo,Gabriel Malenfant,Michael B. Smith
The Disfigured Face: Traditional Natural Law and Its Encounter with Modernity |
Author/Editor: LUIS CORTEST
Disorderly Men |
Author/Editor: Edward Cahill
The Disposition of Nature: Environmental Crisis and World Literature |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Wenzel
Dissonance: Auditory Aesthetics in Ancient Greece |
Divinanimality: Animal Theory, Creaturely Theology |
Author/Editor: STEPHEN D. MOORE
Divine Enjoyment: A Theology of Passion and Exuberance |
Author/Editor: Elaine Padilla
Divine Enticement: Theological Seductions |
Divine Multiplicity: Trinities, Diversities, and the Nature of Relation |
The Doctor and Mrs. A.: Ethics and Counter-Ethics in an Indian Dream Analysis |
Author/Editor: SARAH PINTO
Doing Philosophy Personally: Thinking about Metaphysics, Theism, and Antiblack Racism |
Domesticating a Religious Import: The Jesuits and the Inculturation of the Catholic Church in Zimbabwe, 1879-1980 |
Author/Editor: Nicholas M. Creary
The Doom of Reconstruction: The Liberal Republicans in the Civil War Era |
Author/Editor: Andrew L. Slap
The Doppelganger: Literature's Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Dimitris Vardoulakis
Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker: The Miracle of Our Continuance |
Author/Editor: Vivian Cherry,Dorothy Day,Kate Hennessy
The Drama of Possibility: Experience as Philosophy of Culture |
Author/Editor: JOHN J. McDERMOTT,Douglas R. Anderson
Drawing the Line: Toward an Aesthetics of Transitional Justice |
Author/Editor: Carrol Clarkson
The Dream Life of Citizens: Late Victorian Novels and the Fantasy of the State |
Author/Editor: Zarena Aslami
The Drinking Curriculum: A Cultural History of Childhood and Alcohol |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth A. Marshall
Dynamis of Healing: Patristic Theology and the Psyche |
Author/Editor: Pia Sophia Chaudhari
The Early Heidegger's Philosophy of Life: Facticity, Being, and Language |
Author/Editor: SCOTT M. CAMPBELL
Earth, Life, and System: Evolution and Ecology on a Gaian Planet |
Author/Editor: BRUCE CLARKE
Earthly Things: Immanence, New Materialisms, and Planetary Thinking |
Author/Editor: Karen Bray ,Heather Eaton ,Whitney Bauman
Ecce Monstrum: Georges Bataille and the Sacrifice of Form |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Biles
Ecclesiastical Knights: The Military Orders in Castile, 1150-1330 |
Author/Editor: SAM ZENO CONEDERA,Mary C. Erler,Franklin T. Harkins
The Eclipse of the Utopias of Labor |
Author/Editor: Anson Rabinbach
Eco-Deconstruction: Derrida and Environmental Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Matthias Fritsch,Philippe Lynes,David Wood,Forrest Clingerman,Brian Treanor
Ecological Form: System and Aesthetics in the Age of Empire |
Author/Editor: Nathan K. Hensley,Philip Steer,Karen Pinkus
The Economics and Financing of Media Companies: Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Robert G. Picard
Ecospirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth |
Ecstasy in the Classroom: Trance, Self, and the Academic Profession in Medieval Paris |
Ecstatic Morality and Sexual Politics: A Catholic and Antitotalitarian Theory of the Body |
Author/Editor: G. J. McALEER
Eddic, Skaldic, and Beyond: Poetic Variety in Medieval Iceland and Norway |
Author/Editor: MARTIN CHASE
Educational Reconstruction: African American Schools in the Urban South, 1865-1890 |
Author/Editor: Hilary Green
Education at War: The Fight for Students of Color in America's Public Schools |
Author/Editor: Arshad Imtiaz Ali,Tracy Lachica Buenavista
Ego Sum: Corpus, Anima, Fabula |
Author/Editor: Jean-Luc Nancy,Marie-Eve Morin
Embracing Emancipation: A Transatlantic History of Irish Americans, Slavery, and the American Union, 1840-1865 |
Author/Editor: Ian Delahanty
Empire's Wake: Postcolonial Irish Writing and the Politics of Modern Literary Form |
Author/Editor: Mark Quigley
Empowering the People of God: Catholic Action before and after Vatican II |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Bonner,Christopher D. Denny,Mary Beth Fraser Connolly
Encarnacion: Illness and Body Politics in Chicana Feminist Literature |
Author/Editor: SUZANNE BOST
Ending and Unending Agony: On Maurice Blanchot |
Author/Editor: Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe,Hannes Opelz
The End of the World and Other Teachable Moments: Jacques Derrida's Final Seminar |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL NAAS
Enlightened Sentiments: Judgment and Autonomy in the Age of Sensibility |
Author/Editor: Hina Nazar
Enlightened Spirituality: Immanuel Kant, Paul Tillich, and Reinhold Niebuhr |
Author/Editor: Roger Haight ,Alfred Pach III ,Amanda Avila Kaminski
Ens rationis from Suarez to Caramuel: A Study in Scholasticism of the Baroque Era |
Author/Editor: DANIEL D. NOVOTNÝ,Gyula Klima
Entangled Worlds: Religion, Science, and New Materialisms |
The Entrapments of Form: Cruelty and Modern Literature |
Author/Editor: Catherine Toal
Environmental Aesthetics: Crossing Divides and Breaking Ground |
Author/Editor: Martin Drenthen,Jozef Keulartz
Eros: Beyond the Death Drive |
Author/Editor: Rosaura Martínez Ruiz ,RAMSEY McGLAZER ,JUDITH BUTLER
Errings |
Author/Editor: Peter Streckfus,Elisabeth Frost
The Ethics of Authorship: Communication, Seduction, and Death in Hegel and Kierkegaard |
Author/Editor: Daniel Berthold
An Ethics of Betrayal: The Politics of Otherness in Emergent U.S. Literatures and Culture |
Ethnographica Moralia: Experiments in Interpretive Anthropology |
Author/Editor: Neni Panourgiá,George E. Marcus
The Ethnography of Rhythm: Orality and Its Technologies |
Author/Editor: HAUN SAUSSY
Eunice Hunton Carter: A Lifelong Fight for Social Justice |
Author/Editor: Marilyn S. Greenwald ,Yun Li
Europe After Wyclif |
Author/Editor: J. PATRICK HORNBECK II,MICHAEL VAN DUSSEN,Mary C. Erler,Franklin T. Harkins
Europe and Empire: On the Political Forms of Globalization |
Author/Editor: MASSIMO CACCIARI,Alessandro Carrera,Massimo Verdicchio
Even in Chaos: Education in Times of Emergency |
Author/Editor: KEVIN M. CAHILL
Excommunicated from the Union: How the Civil War Created a Separate Catholic America |
Author/Editor: William B. Kurtz,Andrew L. Slap
The Exorbitant: Emmanuel Levinas Between Jews and Christians |
Author/Editor: KEVIN HART,MICHAEL A. SIGNER,John D. Caputo
Expanded Cinema: Fiftieth Anniversary Edition |
Author/Editor: Gene Youngblood,R. Buckminster Fuller
Expectation: Philosophy, Literature |
Author/Editor: Jean-Luc Nancy,Robert Bononno,Ginette Michaud,Jean-Michel Rabaté
Experience as Philosophy: On the Work of John J. McDermott |
The Experience of God: A Postmodern Response |
Author/Editor: KEVIN HART,BARBARA E. WALL,John D. Caputo
Experimenting: Essays with Samuel Weber |
Author/Editor: Simon Morgan Wortham,Gary Hall
Experiments in Exile: C. L. R. James, Hélio Oiticica, and the Aesthetic Sociality of Blackness |
Author/Editor: LAURA HARRIS,Timothy C. Campbell
Exploring Lincoln: Great Historians Reappraise Our Greatest President |
Author/Editor: Harold Holzer,Craig L. Symonds,Frank J. Williams
Exterranean: Extraction in the Humanist Anthropocene |
The Face of the Other and the Trace of God: Essays on the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Bloechl
The Fact of Resonance: Modernist Acoustics and Narrative Form |
Faith in Life: John Dewey's Early Philosophy |
Author/Editor: DONALD J. MORSE
Faith, Reason, and Theosis |
Author/Editor: Aristotle Papanikolaou ,George E. Demacopoulos
Faith, Resistance, and the Future: Daniel Berrigan's Challenge to Catholic Social Thought |
Author/Editor: James L. Marsh,Anna J. Brown
A Falling-Off Place: The Transformation of Lower Manhattan |
Author/Editor: Barbara G. Mensch
The Fall of Sleep |
Family War Stories: The Densmores' Fight to Save the Union and Destroy Slavery |
Author/Editor: Keith P. Wilson
Fears and Fascinations: Representing Catholicism in the American South |
Author/Editor: Thomas F. Haddox
Fear Was Not in Him: The Civil War Letters of Major General Francis C. Barlow, U.S.A. |
Author/Editor: Christian G. Samito
The Feminine Symptom: Aleatory Matter in the Aristotelian Cosmos |
Author/Editor: Emanuela Bianchi
Fictitious Capital: Silk, Cotton, and the Rise of the Arabic Novel |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth M. Holt
Fielding Derrida: Philosophy, Literary Criticism, History, and the Work of Deconstruction |
Author/Editor: JOSHUA KATES,John D. Caputo
Fifth Avenue Famous: The Extraordinary Story of Music at St. Patrick's Cathedral |
Fighting Authoritarianism: American Youth Activism in the 1930s |
Author/Editor: BRITT HAAS
Fighting Fascism in Europe: The World War II Letters of an American Veteran of the Spanish Civil War |
Figures of a Changing World: Metaphor and the Emergence of Modern Culture |
Author/Editor: HARRY BERGER JR.
Figuring Violence: Affective Investments in Perpetual War |
Author/Editor: Rebecca A. Adelman
Filipino Time: Affective Worlds and Contracted Labor |
Filipinx American Studies: Reckoning, Reclamation, Transformation |
Author/Editor: Rick Bonus ,Antonio T. Tiongson Jr.
Finance Fictions: Realism and Psychosis in a Time of Economic Crisis |
Author/Editor: Arne De Boever
Finding God in All Things: Celebrating Bernard Lonergan, John Courtney Murray, and Karl Rahner |
Author/Editor: Mark Bosco,David Stagaman
First among Equals: Abraham Lincoln's Reputation During His Administration |
Author/Editor: Hans L. Trefousse
Flannery O'Connor's Manhattan |
Flashpoints for Asian American Studies |
Author/Editor: Cathy J. Schlund-Vials,Viet Thanh Nguyen
Flirtations: Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction |
Force: A Fundamental Concept of Aesthetic Anthropology |
Author/Editor: Christoph Menke,Gerrit Jackson
For Derrida |
Author/Editor: J. Hillis Miller
Fordham: A History and Memoir, Revised Edition |
Author/Editor: Raymond A. Schroth
Fordham, A History of the Jesuit University of New York: 1841-2003 |
Author/Editor: THOMAS J. SHELLEY
Fordham University School of Law: A History |
Forgetting Lot's Wife: On Destructive Spectatorship |
Author/Editor: Martin Harries
The Forgiveness to Come: The Holocaust and the Hyper-Ethical |
Author/Editor: Peter Banki,Drucilla Cornell,Roger Berkowitz
Forgotten Casualties: Downed American Airmen and Axis Violence in World War II |
Author/Editor: Kevin T Hall
The Forgotten Radical Peter Maurin: Easy Essays from the Catholic Worker |
Author/Editor: Peter Maurin,Lincoln Rice
For Lack of a Dictionary |
Author/Editor: Rosalind Morris
Form and Event: Principles for an Interpretation of the Greek World |
Author/Editor: CARLO DIANO,Timothy C. Campbell,Lia Turtas,Jacques Lezra,Timothy C. Campbell
Form and Feeling: The Making of Concretism in Brazil |
Author/Editor: Antonio Sergio Bessa
Form and Foreskin: Medieval Narratives of Circumcision |
Author/Editor: A. W. STROUSE
The Form of Love: Poetry’s Quarrel with Philosophy |
Author/Editor: JAMES KUZNER
Forms of a World: Contemporary Poetry and the Making of Globalization |
Author/Editor: Walt Hunter
For Strasbourg: Conversations of Friendship and Philosophy |
Author/Editor: JACQUES DERRIDA,Pascale-Anne Brault,Michael Naas
For the Love of Psychoanalysis: The Play of Chance in Freud and Derrida |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Rottenberg
Foucault's Critical Ethics |
Author/Editor: Richard A. Lynch
Fragmentation and Memory: Meditations onyChristian Doctrine |
France during World War II: From Defeat to Liberation |
Author/Editor: Thomas R. Christofferson,Michael S. Christofferson
Freedom and Law: A Jewish-Christian Apologetics |
Author/Editor: Randi Rashkover
Freedom and Limits |
Author/Editor: JOHN LACHS,Patrick Shade
Freedom's First Generation: Black Hampton, Virginia, 1861-1890 |
Author/Editor: Robert Francis Engs,Paul A. Cimbala
Freedoms Gained and Lost: Reconstruction and Its Meanings 150 Years Later |
Author/Editor: Adam H. Domby ,Simon Lewis
Freedom, Union, and Power: Lincoln and His Party in the Civil War |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Green
Freedwomen and the Freedmen's Bureau: Race, Gender, and Public Policy in the Age of Emancipation |
Author/Editor: Mary Farmer-Kaiser
The French of Outremer: Communities and Communications in the Crusading Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: LAURA K. MORREALE,NICHOLAS L. PAUL,Mary C. Erler,Franklin T. Harkins
Freud and Fundamentalism: The Psychical Politics of Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Stathis Gourgouris
Freud and Monotheism: Moses and the Violent Origins of Religion |
Author/Editor: Gilad Sharvit,Karen S. Feldman
Freud and the Scene of Trauma |
Author/Editor: John Fletcher
Freud's Jaw and Other Lost Objects: Fractured Subjectivity in the Face of Cancer |
Author/Editor: Lana Lin
Friends on the Way: Jesuits Encounter Contemporary Judaism |
Author/Editor: Thomas Michel
From a Nickel to a Token: The Journey from Board of Transportation to MTA |
From Factories to Palaces: Architect Charles B. J. Snyder and the New York City Public Schools |
Author/Editor: Jean Arrington ,Cynthia Skeffington LaValle ,Peg Breen
From Life to Survival: Derrida, Freud, and the Future of Deconstruction |
Author/Editor: Robert Trumbull
From Slave Ship to Harvard: Yarrow Mamout and the History of an African American Family |
Author/Editor: James H. Johnston
From the Monastery to the City: Hildegard of Bingen and Francis of Assisi |
Author/Editor: HILDEGARD OF BINGEN,FRANCIS OF ASSISI,Roger Haight ,Alfred Pach III ,Amanda Avila Kaminski
Fueling Culture: 101 Words for Energy and Environment |
Author/Editor: Imre Szeman,Jennifer Wenzel,Patricia Yaeger
Fugitive Rousseau: Slavery, Primitivism, and Political Freedom |
Author/Editor: Jimmy Casas Klausen
Fugitive Testimony: On the Visual Logic of Slave Narratives |
Author/Editor: JANET NEARY
Fundamentalism or Tradition: Christianity after Secularism |
Author/Editor: Aristotle Papanikolaou,George E. Demacopoulos
A Fury in the Words: Love and Embarrassment in Shakespeare's Venice |
Author/Editor: Harry Berger Jr.
Futile Pleasures: Early Modern Literature and the Limits of Utility |
Author/Editor: Corey McEleney
The Future Life of Trauma: Partitions, Borders, Repetition |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Yusin
Futurity in Phenomenology: Promise and Method in Husserl, Levinas, and Derrida |
Author/Editor: NEAL DeROO
The Garb of Being: Embodiment and the Pursuit of Holiness in Late Ancient Christianity |
Author/Editor: Georgia Frank,Susan R. Holman,Andrew S. Jacobs
Gasoline Dreams: Waking Up from Petroculture |
Author/Editor: SIMON ORPANA
Gay Fathers, Their Children, and the Making of Kinship |
Author/Editor: Aaron Goodfellow
Gazing Through a Prism Darkly: Reflections on Merold Westphal's Hermeneutical Epistemology |
Author/Editor: B. KEITH PUTT
Gender Essentialism and Orthodoxy: Beyond Male and Female |
Author/Editor: Bryce E. Rich
Genealogies of Fiction: Women Warriors and the Medieval Imagination in the "Orlando furioso" |
Author/Editor: Eleonora Stoppino
The General and His Daughter: The War Time Letters of General James M. Gavin to his Daughter Barbara |
Author/Editor: Barbara Gavin Fauntleroy,Starlyn Jorgensen,Gayle Wurst
The Genocide Paradox: Democracy and Generational Time |
Author/Editor: ANNE OBYRNE
The Geological Unconscious: German Literature and the Mineral Imaginary |
Author/Editor: Jason Groves
Georges de La Tour and the Enigma of the Visible |
Author/Editor: Dalia Judovitz
Gettysburg Religion: Refinement, Diversity, and Race in the Antebellum and Civil War Border North |
Author/Editor: Steve Longenecker
The Ghetto, and Other Poems: An Annotated Edition |
Author/Editor: Lola Ridge ,Lawrence Kramer
Ghost-Watching American Modernity: Haunting, Landscape, and the Hemispheric Imagination |
Giorgio Agamben: Beyond the Threshold of Deconstruction |
Author/Editor: KEVIN ATTELL
Girl Head: Feminism and Film Materiality |
Author/Editor: Genevieve Yue
Givenness and God: Questions of Jean-Luc Marion |
Author/Editor: Ian Leask,Eoin Cassidy
Giving an Account of Oneself |
Author/Editor: JUDITH BUTLER
Giving Beyond the Gift: Apophasis and Overcoming Theomania |
Author/Editor: ELLIOT R. WOLFSON
Giving the Devil His Due: Satan and Cinema |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock ,Regina M. Hansen
The Gleam of Light: Moral Perfectionism and Education in Dewey and Emerson |
Author/Editor: NAOKO SAITO,Stanley Cavell,Douglas R. Anderson,Jude Jones
The Global Emerging Market in Transition: Articles, Forecasts, and Studies |
Author/Editor: Vladimir L. Kvint
The Global South Atlantic |
Author/Editor: Kerry Bystrom,Joseph R. Slaughter
God, Hierarchy, and Power: Orthodox Theologies of Authority from Byzantium |
Author/Editor: Ashley M. Purpura,George E. Demacopoulos,Aristotle Papanikolaou
God's Mirror: Renewal and Engagement in French Catholic Intellectual Culture in the Mid–Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Katherine Davies,Toby Garfitt
The God Who Deconstructs Himself: Sovereignty and Subjectivity Between Freud, Bataille, and Derrida |
Go Figure: Energies, Forms, and Institutions in the Early Modern World |
Author/Editor: Judith H. Anderson,Joan Pong Linton
Goods: Advertising, Urban Space, and the Moral Law of the Image |
Author/Editor: EMANUELE COCCIA,Marissa Gemma,Timothy C. Campbell
Google Me: One-Click Democracy |
Author/Editor: BARBARA CASSIN,MICHAEL SYROTINSKI,Bruce Clarke,Henry Sussman
Gothic Things: Dark Enchantment and Anthropocene Anxiety |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock
The Government of Life: Foucault, Biopolitics, and Neoliberalism |
Author/Editor: Vanessa Lemm,Miguel Vatter
Grace of the Ghosts: A Theology of Institutional Reparation |
Author/Editor: Jeannine Hill Fletcher
A Grammar of the Corpse: Necroepistemology in the Early Modern Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Spragins
Grammatology of Images: A History of the A-Visible |
Author/Editor: SIGRID WEIGEL ,Chadwick Truscott Smith
Grave Attending: A Political Theology for the Unredeemed |
Author/Editor: Karen Bray
Gray Matter |
Author/Editor: SARA MICHAS-MARTIN,Elisabeth Frost
A Great Sacrifice: Northern Black Soldiers, Their Families, and the Experience of Civil War |
Author/Editor: James G. Mendez
The Great Task Remaining Before Us: Reconstruction as America's Continuing Civil War |
Author/Editor: Paul A. Cimbala,Randall M. Miller
The Ground of the Image |
Author/Editor: JEAN-LUC NANCY,Jeff Fort,John D. Caputo
Group Works: Art, Politics, and Collective Ambivalence |
Author/Editor: Ethan Philbrick
Guides to the Eucharist in Medieval Egypt: Three Arabic Commentaries on the Coptic Liturgy |
Author/Editor: Yūḥannā ibn Sabbā ,Abū al-Barakāt ibn Kabar ,Pope Gabriel V ,ARSENIUS MIKHAIL
The Guide to Gethsemane: Anxiety, Suffering, Death |
Author/Editor: EMMANUEL FALQUE,George Hughes
Hamilton Heights and Sugar Hill: Alexander Hamilton’s Old Harlem Neighborhood Through the Centuries |
Author/Editor: Davida Siwisa James
Harrying: Skills of Offense in Shakespeare's Henriad |
Author/Editor: Harry Berger Jr.
Hart Crane's 'The Bridge': An Annotated Edition |
Author/Editor: Lawrence Kramer
Hating Empire Properly: The Two Indies and the Limits of Enlightenment Anticolonialism |
Author/Editor: SUNIL M. AGNANI
Hating Empire Properly: The Two Indies and the Limits of Enlightenment Anticolonialism |
Author/Editor: SUNIL M. AGNANI
The Hawthorn Archive: Letters from the Utopian Margins |
Author/Editor: Avery F. Gordon
Heartbeats in the Muck: The History, Sea Life, and Environment of New York Harbor, Revised Edition |
Author/Editor: JOHN WALDMAN
Heaven on the Hudson: Mansions, Monuments, and Marvels of Riverside Park |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Azzarone ,Robert F. Rodriguez
Heidegger, Holderlin, and the Subject of Poetic Language: Toward a New Poetics of Dasein |
Heidegger, Philosophy, and Politics: The Heidelberg Conference |
Heidegger's Technologies: Postphenomenological Perspectives |
Author/Editor: DON IHDE
Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought |
The Hello Delay |
Author/Editor: Julie Choffel
Hell on Color, Sweet on Song: Jacob Wrey Mould and the Artful Beauty of Central Park |
Author/Editor: Francis R. Kowsky ,Lucille Gordon
The Helmholtz Curves: Tracing Lost Time |
Author/Editor: Henning Schmidgen,Nils F. Schott,Stefanos Geroulanos,Meyers Todd
Here Down on Dark Earth: Loss and Remembrance in New York City |
Author/Editor: Larry Racioppo ,Clifford Thompson ,Jan Ramirez
Heschel, Hasidism and Halakha |
Author/Editor: Samuel H. Dresner
Hidden Intercourse: Eros and Sexuality in the History of Western Esotericism |
Author/Editor: Wouter J. Hanegraaff,Jeffrey J. Kripal
Hidden: Reflections on Gay Life, AIDS, and Spiritual Desire |
Author/Editor: Richard Giannone
Hijras, Lovers, Brothers: Surviving Sex and Poverty in Rural India |
Author/Editor: VAIBHAV SARIA
The Historical Uncanny: Disability, Ethnicity, and the Politics of Holocaust Memory |
Author/Editor: Susanne C. Knittel
History and Hope: The International Humanitarian Reader |
Author/Editor: KEVIN M. CAHILL
A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865 |
Author/Editor: George Washington Williams,John David Smith,Paul A. Cimbala
Hits: Philosophy in the Jukebox |
Author/Editor: PETER SZENDY,Will Bishop
Hollow Men: Writing, Objects, and Public Image in Renaissance Italy |
Author/Editor: SUSAN GAYLARD
Holy Envy: Writing in the Jewish Christian Borderzone |
Author/Editor: Maeera Y. Shreiber
Home, Uprooted: Oral Histories of India's Partition |
Author/Editor: Devika Chawla
Homo Psyche: On Queer Theory and Erotophobia |
Author/Editor: GILA ASHTOR
An Honest Living: A Memoir of Peculiar Itineraries |
Author/Editor: Steven Salaita
Hotels |
Author/Editor: Jules O’Dwyer
The House of Early Sorrows: A Memoir in Essays |
Author/Editor: Louise DeSalvo
How to Be an Intellectual: Essays on Criticism, Culture, and the University |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey J. Williams
How to Do Comparative Theology |
How We Got to Coney Island: The Development of Mass Transportation in Brooklyn and Kings County |
Author/Editor: Brian J. Cudahy
The Human Eros: Eco-ontology and the Aesthetics of Existence |
Humanitarian Fictions: Africa, Altruism, and the Narrative Imagination |
Author/Editor: Megan Cole Paustian
The Humanities and Public Life |
Author/Editor: Peter Brooks,Hilary Jewett
Human Remains: Medicine, Death, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century Paris |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Strauss