Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Titles start with R (103) | ISSN | Status |
The Ryodoraku |
0286-1631, 1884-9253
preserved |
Ryodoraku |
0913-0942, 1884-9245
preserved |
Russian Eurasian Society |
2435-3191, 2758-5484
preserved |
Russian and East European Studies |
1348-6497, 1884-5347
preserved |
Rural and Environment Engineering |
0287-8607, 1884-717X
preserved |
Roshiashi kenkyu |
0386-9229, 2189-986X
preserved |
Ronen Shika Igaku |
0914-3866, 1884-7323
preserved |
Ronen biyou |
preserved |
ronchou |
1882-1982, 2758-7932
preserved |
Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies |
1344-4204, 2432-4302
preserved |
Risk and Management |
0911-0992, 2434-6721
preserved |
Rishiri Studies |
0919-9160, 2759-1018
preserved |
Rinsho yakuri/Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics |
0388-1601, 1882-8272
preserved |
Rinsho Shinkeigaku |
0009-918X, 1882-0654
preserved |
Rinsho Ketsueki |
0485-1439, 1882-0824
preserved |
Rigakuryouhou Tochigi |
2186-4861, 2434-2300
preserved |
Rigaku Ryoho Saga |
2188-9325, 2424-2438
preserved |
Rigakuryoho Okayama |
0919-9829, 2759-2111
preserved |
Rigaku ryoho no kiso to rinsho |
2434-3390, 2758-1179
preserved |
Rigakuryoho Kagaku |
2434-2807, 1341-1667
preserved |
Revue japonaise de didactique du français |
1880-5930, 2433-1902
preserved |
Revue de Philosophie Francaise |
1343-1773, 2436-7729
preserved |
Revue de la Societe japono-francaise de Sociologie |
1343-7313, 2424-242X
preserved |
Reviews in Agricultural Science |
preserved |
Review of Polarography |
0034-6691, 1884-7692
preserved |
The Review of Laser Engineering |
0387-0200, 1349-6603
preserved |
Review of Japan Society of Health Support Science |
preserved |
The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology |
0917-639X, 1348-1940
preserved |
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies |
1882-3742, 2188-2495
preserved |
Review of Consumer Co-operative Studies |
0911-1042, 2758-5492
preserved |
Respiratory Endoscopy |
preserved |
Resources Processing |
1348-6012, 1349-9262
preserved |
Resources Processing |
0912-4764, 1883-9150
preserved |
Resources Data Journal |
preserved |
Reserch Proceedings of Japan Society for Tourism Studies |
preserved |
Research Series of the Study of Social Policy |
preserved |
research report summary |
2436-8776, 2758-2167
preserved |
Research Reports of Sendai National College of Technology |
0386-4243, 2423-8740
preserved |
Research Reports of National Institute of Technology, Tokyo College |
0286-0503, 2189-5309
preserved |
Research Reports of National Institute of Technology, Sendai College, Hirose |
preserved |
Research Reports of National Institute of Technology, Oyama College |
0288-2825, 2432-3500
preserved |
Research Reports of National Institute of Technology, Nagaoka College |
0027-7568, 2432-3241
preserved |
Research Reports Of National Institute Of Technology (KOSEN), Kumamoto College |
1884-6734, 2189-8553
preserved |
Research Reports of National Institute of Technology, Ichinoseki College |
0385-4140, 2435-7057
preserved |
Research Reports of National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College |
0286-5491, 2424-1962
preserved |
Research Reports of National Institute of Technology, Hachinohe College |
0385-4124, 2433-2003
preserved |
Research Report of the Lake Biwa Museum |
preserved |
Research Report of Miyakonojo National College of Technology |
preserved |
preserved |
Research Report of Informatics Education |
preserved |
Research on Education of Man |
0913-0438, 2758-2752
preserved |
Research on Early Childhood Care and Education in Japan |
1340-9808, 2424-1679
preserved |
Research on Academic Degrees and University Evaluation |
1880-0343, 2434-4427
preserved |
Research of Radiologic Imaging : Response Function (In Japanese) |
preserved |
Research of Radiologic Imaging : Analysis and Evaluation (In Japanese) |
preserved |
Research of Education Economics |
2436-1798, 2436-1801
preserved |
Research Journal of Teaching and Learning Materials |
0915-857X, 2189-8022
preserved |
Research Journal of Sports Performance |
preserved |
Research Journal of Physical Arts |
1340-4393, 2436-8032
preserved |
Research Journal of JAPEW |
preserved |
Research Journal of JAPEW |
1882-0980, 2185-3401
preserved |
Research Journal of Educational Methods |
0385-9746, 2189-907X
preserved |
Research Journal of Disaster Education |
2435-9556, 2436-6315
preserved |
Research Journal of Care and Welfare |
1340-8178, 2758-1268
preserved |
Research Journal of Budo |
0287-9700, 2185-8519
preserved |
Research in Exercise Epidemiology |
1347-5827, 2434-2017
preserved |
Research for Tropical Agriculture |
1882-8434, 2187-2414
preserved |
Research for Transport Policy |
preserved |
Research for Community Policy |
1348-608X, 2186-1692
preserved |
Researches on Crustasea |
preserved |
Researches on Crustacea, Special Number |
preserved |
Researches in Organic Geochemistry |
1344-9915, 2189-7891
preserved |
Research Bulletin of Tokushima Bunri University |
0286-9829, 2432-4248
preserved |
Research Bulletin of the Kyushu Association of Education |
0287-0622, 2433-8494
preserved |
The Research Bulletin of Kanto Gakuen University Liberal Arts |
preserved |
Research Bulletin of English Teaching |
1880-716X, 2759-1638
preserved |
Research Abstracts on the Annual Meeting, Regular Meeting and Seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education |
preserved |
The Reseach Bulletin of Economics, Kanto Gakuen University |
preserved |
Repura |
0024-1008, 2185-1352
preserved |
Reproductive Immunology and Biology |
1881-607X, 1881-7211
preserved |
Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan |
preserved |
Reports for the Japan Academic Society of Tourism |
0287-1963, 2758-9153
preserved |
Report of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan |
0915-6321, 2436-1402
preserved |
Report of The Kyushu Branch of the Crop Science of Japan |
0285-3507, 2433-7757
preserved |
Report of the Hokkaido Branch, the Japanese Society of Breeding |
preserved |
Report of the Hokkaido Branch, the Japanese Society of Breeding and Hokkaido Branch, the Crop Science Society of Japan |
preserved |
Report of the Chugoku Branch of the Crop Science Society of Japan |
0913-4670, 2433-2968
preserved |
Report of Grant-Supported Research The Asahi Glass Foundation |
1882-0069, 2436-1631
preserved |
Report of Grant-Supported Researches The Amada Foundation |
2434-0723, 2434-4028
preserved |
Report of Consumer Co-operative Institute of Japan |
2189-2660, 2758-5506
preserved |
Report:Collaboratrs Association for Detecting Anomalous Signs from Underground |
preserved |
Renkon |
preserved |
Renka Haikai Kenkyu |
0387-3269, 2185-2901
preserved |
Religion and Society |
1342-4726, 2424-1601
preserved |
Religion and Ethics |
preserved |
Regional Human Resource Development Studies |
2435-3604, 2435-3612
preserved |
Records and Archives |
0917-2343, 2433-7498
preserved |
Record of Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu |
preserved |
Reading |
2186-6171, 2186-8670
preserved |
1345-5281, 2436-519X
preserved |
Radiologic Imaging Reserch |
preserved |
Radiation Safety Management |
1347-1511, 1884-9520
preserved |
Radiation Environment and Medicine |
2423-9097, 2432-163X
preserved |