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Titles ( displaying 500 of 841 ) | Information |
Zionism and the Quest for Justice in the Holy Land |
Author/Editor: Donald E. Wagner ,Walter T. Davis ,Walter Brueggemann
Zenon Vantini: From Grand Tour to Package Holiday |
Author/Editor: Pamela Sambrook
Worshipping Trinity: Coming Back to the Heart of Worship (2nd Edition) |
Author/Editor: Robin A. Parry ,Matt Redman ,Keith Getty
Worshipping a Crucified Man: Christians, Graeco-Romans and Scripture in the Second Century |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Hudson
A Worldly Christian: The Life and Times of Stephen Neill |
Author/Editor: Dyron B. Daughrity
Words of Power: Reading Shakespeare and the Bible |
Author/Editor: Jem Bloomfield
Women on the Land: Their Story During Two World Wars |
Author/Editor: Carol Twinch
Women and Worship at Corinth: Paul's Rhetorical Arguments in 1 Corinthians |
Author/Editor: Lucy Peppiatt
With God on their Side: William Booth, The Salvation Army and Skeleton Army Riots |
Author/Editor: James Gardner
The Wisdom of Jesus: Between the Sages of Israel and the Apostles of the Church |
Author/Editor: Charles W. Hedrick
Willingly to School: A History of Women's Education |
Author/Editor: Mary Cathcart Borer
Why Was Billy Bunter Never Really Expelled?: and another Twenty-Five Mysteries of Children's Literature |
Author/Editor: Dennis Butts ,Peter Hunt
Why Resurrection: An Introduction into the Belief in the Afterlife in Judaism and Christianity |
Author/Editor: Carlos Blanco
Where All the Ladders Start: A Study of Poems, Poets and the People who Inspired Them |
Author/Editor: Julian Lovelock
When the Eternal Can Be Met: The Bergsonian Theology of Time in the Works of C.S. Lewis, T.S. Eliot and W.H. Auden |
Author/Editor: Corey Latta
When Prayer Takes Place: Forays into a Biblical World |
Author/Editor: J. Gerald Janzen ,Brent A. Strawn ,Patrick D. Miller
The Wheat and the Tares: Doctrines of the Church in the Reformation, 1500-1590 |
Author/Editor: Andrew Allan Chibi
W. H. Crossland: An Architectural Biography |
Author/Editor: Sheila Binns
What in God's Name Are You Eating: How Can Christians Live and Eat Responsibly in Today's Global Village |
Author/Editor: Andrew Francis
Well Played: A Christian Theology of Sport and the Ethics of Doping |
Author/Editor: Michael R. Shafer ,Robert Song
The Web of Friendship: Nicholas Ferrar and Little Gidding |
Author/Editor: Joyce Ransome
A Way into Scholasticism: A Companion to St. Bonaventure's 'The Soul's Journey into God' |
Author/Editor: Peter S. Dillard
Way Back To God: The Spiritual Theology of Saint Bonaventure |
Author/Editor: Douglas Dales
War, Peace and Reconciliation: A Theological Enquiry |
Author/Editor: Theodore R. Weber
Warfare and Waves: Calvinists and Charismatics in the Church of England |
Author/Editor: Peter Herriot
War and the Gospel |
Author/Editor: Jean Lasserre ,Oliver Coburn ,George F. MacLeod
Waiting on the Spirit of Promise: The Life and Theology of Suffering of Abraham Cheare |
Author/Editor: Brian L. Hanson ,Michael A. G. Haykin
The Waiting Father: Sermons on the Parables of Jesus |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,John W. Doberstein
Voluble Soul: Thomas Traherne's Poetic Style and Thought |
Author/Editor: Richard Willmott
Voice of Nonconformity: William Robertson Nicoll and The British Weekly |
Author/Editor: Keith A. Ives
Vital Truth: Convictions of the Christian Community |
Author/Editor: Nigel G. Wright
Visual Theology of the Huguenots: Towards an Architectural Iconology of Early Modern French Protestantism 1535 to 1623 |
Author/Editor: Randal Carter Working
Vision Changing Charities: RNIB History in Socio-Political Context, 1970-2010 |
Author/Editor: Ian Bruce
The Virtues and Vices in the Arts: A Sourcebook |
Author/Editor: Shawn R. Tucker
Virgin Birth of Christ |
Author/Editor: J. Gresham Machen
Viktor Frankl and the Book of Job: A Search for Meaning |
Author/Editor: Marshall H. Lewis ,Alexander Batthyány
Victorian Nonconformity |
Author/Editor: David W. Bebbington
A Vexing Gadfly: The Late Kierkegaard on Economic Matters |
Author/Editor: ELISEO PÉREZ-ÁVAREZ ,Enrique Dussel
The Use of the Old Testament in a Wesleyan Theology of Mission |
Author/Editor: Gordon L. Snider
The Universe is Indifferent: Theology, Philosophy, and Mad Men |
Author/Editor: Ann W. Duncan ,Jacob L. Goodson
Unity and Diversity in Christ: Interpreting Paul in Context - Collected Essays |
Author/Editor: William S. Campbell
Union with Christ: Adolf Schlatter's Relational Christology |
Author/Editor: Michael Bräutigam ,Andreas J. Köstenberger
An Unexpected Light: Theology and Witness in the Poetry and Thought of Charles Williams, Micheal O'Siadhail and Geoffrey Hill |
Author/Editor: David C. Mahan
Understanding Prayer for the Dead: Its Foundation in History and Logic |
Author/Editor: James B. Gould ,Jerry L. Walls
Understanding Jacques Ellul |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey P. Greenman ,Read Mercer Schuchardt ,Noah J. Toly
Unclean: Meditations on Purity, Hospitality, and Mortality |
Author/Editor: Richard Beck
An Uncertain Certainty: Snapshots in a Journey from 'Either-Or' to 'Both-And' in Christian Ministry |
Author/Editor: Graham Buxton ,John R. Franke
The Turning Point in the Gospel of Mark: A Study in Markan Christology |
Author/Editor: Gregg S. Morrison
A Tudor Story: The Return of Anne Boleyn |
Author/Editor: W.S. Pakenham-Walsh
Truth that Never Dies: The Dr G.R. Beasley-Murray Memorial Lectures 2002-2012 |
Author/Editor: Nigel G. Wright
Truth and Reality: The Wisdom of St Bonaventure |
Author/Editor: Douglas Dales
The Truth about Science and Religion: From the Big Bang to Neuroscience |
Author/Editor: Fraser Fleming
Trust in an Age of Arrogance |
Author/Editor: C. FitzSimons Allison
True Myth: C.S. Lewis and Joseph Campbell on the Veracity of Christianity |
Author/Editor: James W. Menzies
True Christianity: The Doctrine of Dispensations in the Thought of John William Fletcher (1729-1785) |
Author/Editor: J. Russell Frazier
The Trinity and the Vindication of Christian Paradox: An Interpretation and Refinement of the Theological Apologetic of Cornelius Van Til |
Author/Editor: B.A. Bosserman ,K. Scott Oliphint
Trinity After Pentecost |
Author/Editor: William P. Atkinson
Trinitarian Theology after Barth |
Author/Editor: Myk Habets ,Phillip Tolliday ,John Webster
The Trinitarian Self: The Key to the Puzzle of Violence |
Author/Editor: Charles K. Bellinger
Triadosis: Union with the Triune God |
Author/Editor: Eduard Borysov
Treatise on Grace: and Other Posthumously Published Writings |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Edwards ,Paul Helm
The Translation of the Bible into Chinese: The Origin and Unique Authority of the Union Version |
Author/Editor: Ann Cui’an Peng
Translating the English Bible: From Relevance to Deconstruction |
Author/Editor: Philip W. Goodwin
Transforming Visions: Transformations of Text Tradition and Theology in Ezekiel |
Author/Editor: William A. Tooman ,Michael A. Lyons
Transforming Renewal: Charismatic Renewal Meets Thomas Merton |
Author/Editor: Andy Lord
Transforming Faith Communities: A Comparative Study of Radical Christianity in Sixteenth-century Anabaptism and Late Twentieth-century Latin America |
Author/Editor: Michael Ian Bochenski ,Christopher Rowland
Transfiguring Luther: The Planetary Promise of Luther's Theology |
Author/Editor: Vítor Westhelle ,David Tracy
Trajectories of Justice: What the Bible Says about Slaves, Women, and Homosexuality |
Author/Editor: Robert Karl Gnuse
Traces of the Trinity: Signs, Sacraments and Sharing God's Life |
Author/Editor: Andrew Robinson
Towards Reconciliation: Understanding Violence and the Sacred after Rene Girard |
Author/Editor: Paul Gifford
To the Jew First or to the Jew at Last: Romans 1:16c and Jewish Missional Priority in Dialogue with Jews for Jesus |
Author/Editor: Antoine X.J. Fritz
Tools of Control or Seeds of Liberation?: Reformed Evangelism and Slavery in the Ante-Bellum American South |
Author/Editor: Iain Whyte
To Follow the Lambe Wheresoever He Goeth: The Ecclesial Polity of the English Calvinistic Baptists 1640-1660 |
Author/Editor: Ian Birch ,Stephen Holmes
The Titles of Jesus in Christology: Their History in Early Christianity |
Author/Editor: Ferdinand Hahn ,Harold Knight ,George Ogg
Timothy Richard's Vision |
Author/Editor: Eunice V. Johnson ,Carol Lee Hamrin ,Ruth Hayhoe ,Aisi Li
Timeless Truth in the Hands of History: A Short History of System in Theology |
Author/Editor: Gale Heide
A Time and a Place: George Crabbe, Aldeburgh and Suffolk |
Author/Editor: Frances Gibb
Three Theological Mistakes: How to Correct Enlightenment Assumptions about God, Miracles, and Free Will |
Author/Editor: Ric S. Machuga
A Thoroughly Mischievous Person: The Other Arthur Ransome |
Author/Editor: Alan Kennedy
Thomas Merton: Twentieth-Century Wisdom for Twenty-First-Century Living |
Author/Editor: Paul R. Dekar ,Paul M. Pearson
Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon: The Camaldoli Correspondence |
Author/Editor: Donald Grayston
Thomas Merton and the Individual Witness: Kingdom Making in a Post-Christian, Post-Truth World |
Author/Editor: David E. Oberson
Thomas F. Torrance and the Church Fathers: A Reformed, Evangelical, and Ecumenical Reconstruction of the Patristic Tradition |
Author/Editor: Jason Robert Radcliff
Thinking Woman: A Philosophical Approach to the Quandary of Gender |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Hockenbery Dragseth
Thinking the Faith with Passion: Selected Essays |
Author/Editor: David J. Gouwens ,Lee C. Barrett ,Paul L. Holmer ,Don E. Saliers
Things Seen and Unseen: The Logic of Incarnation in Merleau-Ponty's Metaphysics of Flesh |
Author/Editor: Orion Edgar
They who Give from Evil: The Response of the Eastern Church to Moneylending in the Early Christian Era |
Author/Editor: Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen
Theosis II: Deification in Christian Theology (Volume 2) |
Author/Editor: Vladimir Kharlamov
Theosis: Deification in Christian Theology (Volume 1) |
Author/Editor: Stephen Finlan ,Vladimir Kharlamov
The Theory of Knowledge: A Coursebook |
Author/Editor: Clare Hay
Theories of Justice: A Dialogue with Karol Wojtyla and Karl Barth |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Mar Brettmann
TheoMedia: The Media of God and the Digital Age |
Author/Editor: Andrew Byers
Theology of Wagner's Ring Cycle I: The Genesis and Development of the Tetralogy and the Appropriation of Sources, Artists, Philosophers, and Theologians |
Author/Editor: Richard H. Bell
Theology of Wagner's Ring Cycle II: Theological and Ethical Issues |
Author/Editor: Richard H. Bell
A Theology of Nonsense |
Author/Editor: Josephine Gabelman ,John Milbank
Theology of George MacDonald: The Child against the Vampire of Fundamentalism |
Author/Editor: John R. de Jong
Theology in Language, Rhetoric, and Beyond: Essays in Old and New Testament |
Author/Editor: Jack R. Lundbom
Theology as Repetition: John Macquarrie in Conversation |
Author/Editor: Stephen Foster
Theology and Society in Three Cities: Berlin, Oxford and Chicago, 1800-1914 |
Author/Editor: Mark D. Chapman
Theology and Philosophy in Eastern Orthodoxy: Essays on Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought |
Author/Editor: Christoph Schneider
Theology and Issues of Life and Death |
Author/Editor: John Heywood Thomas ,Susan F. Parsons
Theology and Culture: A Guide to the Discussion |
Author/Editor: D. Stephen Long
Theology after Lacan: The Passion for the Real |
Author/Editor: Creston Davis ,Marcus Pound ,Clayton Crockett
Theologizing Friendship: How 'Amicitia' in the Thought of Aelred and Aquinas Inscribes the Scholastic Turn |
Author/Editor: Nathan Lefler ,Austin G. Murphy
Theologies of Liberation in Palestine-Israel: Indigenous, Contextual, and Postcolonial Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Nur Masalha ,Lisa Isherwood ,Samuel J. Kuruvilla ,Naim Ateek ,Marc H. Ellis ,Nur Masalha ,Gareth Lloyd Jones ,Rosemary Radford Ruether ,Lisa Isherwo
Theologies of Failure |
Author/Editor: Roberto Sirvent ,Duncan B. Reyburn
Thecla's Devotion: Narrative, Emotion and Identity in the Acts of Paul and Thecla |
Author/Editor: J.D. McLarty
Theatrical Theology: Explorations in Performing the Faith |
Author/Editor: Wesley Vander Lugt ,Trevor Hart
Text Message: The Centrality of Scripture in Preaching |
Author/Editor: Ian Stackhouse ,Oliver D. Crisp
The Tangled Bank: Toward an Ecotheological Ethics of Responsible Participation |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Hogue
Talking the Talk: A dramatic exposition of 2 Samuel 5.11 to 1 Kings 2.11 |
Author/Editor: Pete Wilcox
A Tale of Two Theologians: Treatment of Third World Theologies |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Mong ,Peter C. Phan
Taking Hold of the Real: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Profound Worldliness of Christianity |
Author/Editor: Barry Harvey
Swimming with Dr Johnson and Mrs Thrale: Sport and Exercise in Eighteenth-century England |
Author/Editor: Julia Allen
Swallows, Amazons and Coots: A Reading of Arthur Ransome |
Author/Editor: Julian Lovelock ,Sophie Neville
Sustainable History and Human Dignity: A Neurophilosophy of History and the Future of Civilisation |
Author/Editor: Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan
Suffering in Romans |
Author/Editor: Siu Fung Wu ,Todd D. Still
Such Silver Currents: The Story of William and Lucy Clifford, 1845-1929 |
Author/Editor: M. Chisholm ,Michael Atiyah ,Roger Penrose
Subversive Spirituality: Transforming Mission through the Collapse of Space and Time |
Author/Editor: L. Paul Jensen ,Wilbert R. Shenk
Subversive Peacemakers: War-Resistance 1914-1918: An Anglican Perspective |
Author/Editor: Clive Barrett
Subversive Meals: An Analysis of the Lord's Supper under Roman Domination during the First Century |
Author/Editor: R. Alan Streett
Studies in Ancient Persia and the Achaemenid Period |
Author/Editor: John Curtis
Struggling with God: Kierkegaard and the Temptation of Spiritual Trial |
Author/Editor: Simon D. Podmore
The Story of the Bodmer Papyri: From the First Monastery's Library in Upper Egypt to Geneva and Dublin |
Author/Editor: James M. Robinson
The Story of Quakerism in Scotland: 1650–1850 |
Author/Editor: George B. Burnet ,William H. Marwick
The Story of Original Sin |
Author/Editor: John E. Toews
The Story of Charlotte Mason, 1842-1923 |
Author/Editor: Essex Cholmondeley
Storied Revelations: Parables, Imagination and George MacDonald’s Christian Fiction |
Author/Editor: Gisela H. Kreglinger ,Eugene H. Peterson
Still Growing: The Creative Self in Older Adulthood |
Author/Editor: Donald Capps
State of Paralysis: A Cultural History of Brexit |
Author/Editor: John Elsom
State of Affairs: The Science-Theology Controversy |
Author/Editor: Richard J. Coleman
Star Tales, Ed. REV - Revised, 1 |
Author/Editor: Ian Ridpath
The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church and the Causes Which Hinder it |
Author/Editor: Roland Allen ,Michael Turnbull
Spiritual Reading: A Study of the Christian Practice of Reading Scripture |
Author/Editor: Angela Lou Harvey ,R.W.L. Moberly
Spiritual Counsel in the Anglican Tradition |
Author/Editor: David Hein ,Charles R. Henery
Spiritual Complaint: The Theology and Practice of Lament |
Author/Editor: Miriam J. Bier ,Tim Bulkeley
Spirit of Liberality: Collected Essays |
Author/Editor: George Newlands
The Spiral Gospel: Intratextuality in Luke's Narrative |
Author/Editor: Rob James
Speak Thus: Christian Language in Church and World |
Author/Editor: Craig R. Hovey
The Sovereignty of God Debate |
Author/Editor: G. Stephen Long ,George Kalantzis
Soul Mentoring: Discover the Ancient Art of Caring for Others |
Author/Editor: David Robinson
Soft Shepherd or Almighty Pastor: Power and Pastoral Care |
Author/Editor: Annemie Dillen
Society and God: Culture and Creed from a Philosophical Standpoint |
Author/Editor: William Charlton
The Social World of Deuteronomy: A New Feminist Commentary |
Author/Editor: Don C. Benjamin
The Social Scientific Study of Religion: A Method for Constructive Theology |
Author/Editor: Paul S. Chung ,Ulrich Duchrow
Sino-Vatican Relations: From Denunciation to Dialogue |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Mong ,Jean-Pierre Charbonnier
Sin, Grace and Free Will: A Historical Survey of Christian Thought (Volume 2) |
Author/Editor: Matthew Knell
Sin, Grace and Free Will: A Historical Survey of Christian Thought (Volume 1): The Apostolic Fathers to Augustine |
Author/Editor: Matthew Knell
Sin and its Remedy in Paul |
Author/Editor: Nijay K. Gupta ,John K. Goodrich
Simone Weil: Mystic of Passion and Compassion |
Author/Editor: Maria Clara Bingemer ,Karen M. Kraft ,Tomeu Estelrich
Signs of Salvation: The Theme of Creation in John's Gospel |
Author/Editor: Anthony M. Moore
The Signature of all Things |
Author/Editor: Jacob Boehme ,John Elliston ,William Law
Shaped for Service: Ministerial Formation and Virtue Ethics |
Author/Editor: Paul W. Goodliff
Shalom and the Ethics of Belief: Nicholas Wolterstorff's Theory of Situated Rationality |
Author/Editor: Nathan D. Shannon
The Shadow of the Telescope: A Biography of John Herschel |
Author/Editor: Günther Buttmann ,B.E.J. Pagel ,David S. Evans
Sex, Wives, and Warriors: Reading Old Testament Narrative with Its Ancient Audience |
Author/Editor: Phillip F. Esler
Sex, Power, Control: Responding to Abuse in the Institutional Church |
Author/Editor: Fiona Gardner ,Stephen Parsons
Setting the Captives Free: The Bible and Human Trafficking |
Author/Editor: Marion L.S. Carson
Sense and Spirituality: The Arts and Spiritual Formation |
Author/Editor: James McCullough
Send Back the Money!: The Free Church of Scotland and American Slavery |
Author/Editor: Iain Whyte
Semiotic Approach to the Theology of Inculturation |
Author/Editor: Cyril Orji ,Dennis M. Doyle
Seeking the Imperishable Treasure: Wealth, Wisdom, and a Jesus Saying |
Author/Editor: Steven R. Johnson
Seeing Things as They Are: G.K. Chesterton and the Drama of Meaning |
Author/Editor: Duncan Reyburn
Seeing Animals: Their Path Through Our History |
Author/Editor: Angela Dyer
Secularism: The Hidden Origins of Disbelief |
Author/Editor: Mike King
The Sculptor and his Stone: Selected Readings on Hellenistic and Christian Learning and Thought in the Early Greek Fathers |
Author/Editor: Chrysostomos Archbishop
Scottish Federalism and Covenantalism in Transition: The Theology of Ebenezer Erskine |
Author/Editor: Stephen G. Myers
Scepticism, Relativism, and Religious Knowledge: A Kierkegaardian Perspective Informed by Wittgenstein's Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Michael G. Harvey ,Stanley Hauerwas
The Scarlet Woman and the Red Hand: Evangelical Apocalyptic Belief in the Northern Ireland Troubles |
Author/Editor: Joshua T. Searle
The Scandal of Sacramentality: The Eucharist in Literary and Theological Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Brannon Hancock ,Ann Loades ,David Jasper
Scaffolds of the Church: Towards Poststructural Ecclesiology |
Author/Editor: Cyril Hovorun
Say It Again, Sam: A Literary and Filmic Study of Narrative Repetition in 1 Samuel 28 |
Author/Editor: Grenville J.R. Kent
Safeguarding the Stranger: An Abrahamic Theology and Ethic of Protective Hospitality |
Author/Editor: Jayme R. Reaves
Sacraments After Christendom |
Author/Editor: Andrew Francis ,Janet Sutton
Sacramental Presence after Heidegger: Onto-theology, Sacraments, and the Mother's Smile |
Author/Editor: Conor Sweeney
The Roots of William Tyndale's Theology |
Author/Editor: Ralph S. Werrell
Romans: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Craig S. Keener
The Role of Old Testament Theology in Old Testament Interpretation: and Other Essays |
Author/Editor: Walter Brueggemann ,K. C. Hanson
The Role of Death in Life: A Multidisciplinary Examination of the Relationship between Life and Death |
Author/Editor: John Behr ,Conor Cunningham
Roland Allen II: A Theology of Mission |
Author/Editor: Steven Richard Rutt
Roland Allen: A Missionary Life, Ed. first |
Author/Editor: Steven Richard Rutt
Rock of Ages: The changing faces of the Christian God |
Author/Editor: John Butler
The Road that I Must Walk: A Disciple's Journey |
Author/Editor: Darrin W. Snyder Belousek ,Alan Kreider ,Eleanor Kreider
Ritual and Drama: The Mediaeval Theatre |
Author/Editor: Francis Edwards
Risking Proclamation, Respecting Difference: Christian Faith, Imperialistic Discourse, and Abraham |
Author/Editor: Chris Boesel
Richard Hooker and the Vision of God: Exploring the Origins of 'Anglicanism' |
Author/Editor: Charles Miller
Richard Cumberland and Natural Law: Secularisation of Thought in Seventeenth-Century England |
Author/Editor: Linda Kirk
Richard Aldington: Poet, Soldier and Lover 1911-1929, Ed. Revised edition |
Author/Editor: Vivien Whelpton
Richard Aldington: Poet, Soldier and Lover 1911-1929 |
Author/Editor: Vivien Whelpton
Richard Aldington: Novelist, Biographer and Exile 1930-1962 |
Author/Editor: Vivien Whelpton
Revivalism and Social Christianity: The Prophetic Faith of Henri Nick and Andre Trocme |
Author/Editor: Christophe Chalamet
Revitalizing Theological Epistemology: Holisitc Evangelical Approaches to the Knowledge of God |
Author/Editor: Steven B. Sherman
ReVisioning: Critical Methods of Seeing Christianity in the History of Art |
Author/Editor: James Romaine ,Linda Stratford
Revelation: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Gordon D. Fee
Revelation and Reconciliation: An Angle on Modernity, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Stephen N. Williams
Returning to Reality: Christian Platonism for our Times |
Author/Editor: Phillip M. Thompson
Returning to Reality: Christian Platonism for our Times |
Author/Editor: Paul Tyson
Rethinking Hell: Readings in Evangelical Conditionalism |
Author/Editor: Christopher M. Date ,Gregory G. Stump ,Joshua W. Anderson ,John G. Stackhouse Jr.
Rethinking Constantine: History, Theology, and Legacy |
Author/Editor: Edward L. Smither
Resurrection in Retrospect: A Critical Examination of the Theology of N. T. Wright |
Author/Editor: Peter Carnley
Restorative Christ |
Author/Editor: Geoff Broughton
The Resourceful Self: And a Little Child Shall Lead Them |
Author/Editor: Donald Capps
The Resounding Soul: Reflections on the Metaphysics and Vivacity of the Human Person |
Author/Editor: Eric Austin Lee ,Samuel Kimbriel
The Renewal of Heart Is Mission Church |
Author/Editor: Gregory S. Clapper
Render Unto Caesar: Ecclesiastical Politics in the Reign of Queen Anne |
Author/Editor: R. Barry Levis
Religious Origins of Democratic Pluralism: Paul Peter Waldenstrom and the Politics of the Swedish Awakening 1868-1917 |
Author/Editor: Mark Safstrom
The Religious Life: The Insights of William James |
Author/Editor: Donald Capps
Religious Influences in Thai Female Education (1889-1931) |
Author/Editor: Runchana P. Suksod-Barger
Religion on Trial |
Author/Editor: Craig A. Parton
Religion in the Anthropocene |
Author/Editor: Celia Deane-Drummond ,Sigurd Bergmann ,Markus Vogt ,Heinrich Bedford-Strohm
Religion, Gender, and Industry: Exploring Church and Methodism in a Local Setting |
Author/Editor: Geordan Hammond ,Peter S. Forsaith ,D. Bruce Hindmarsh
Religion at Play: A Manifesto |
Author/Editor: André Droogers
Religion and Violence: A Dialectical Engagement through the Insights of Bernard Lonergan |
Author/Editor: Dominic Arcamone
Religion and the Rise of History: Martin Luther and the Cultural Revolution in Germany, 1760-1810 |
Author/Editor: Leonard S. Smith
Religion and Science Fiction |
Author/Editor: James F. McGrath
A Relevant Way to Read: A New Approach to Exegesis and Communication |
Author/Editor: Margaret G. Sim
The Reform of the Ministry: A Study in the Work of Roland Allen |
Author/Editor: Roland Allen ,David M. Paton
Reformed Epistemology and the Problem of Religious Diversity: Proper Function, Epistemic Disagreement, and Christian Exclusivism |
Author/Editor: Joseph Kim
Reflections for the Unfolding Year |
Author/Editor: Alan Wilkinson
Rees Howells, Intercessor |
Author/Editor: Norman P. Grubb
The Rediscovery of the Old Testament |
Author/Editor: H. H. Rowley
The Reconstruction of Resurrection Belief |
Author/Editor: Peter Carnley
Reconciling Violence and Kingship: A Study of Judges and 1 Samuel |
Author/Editor: Marty Alan Michelson
Recognizing Other Subjects: Feminist Pastoral Theology and the Challenge of Identity |
Author/Editor: Katharine E. Lassiter
Re-Appropriating 'Marvellous Fables': Justin Martyr's Strategic Retrieval of Myth in '1 Apology' |
Author/Editor: Noël Wayne Pretila
The Real Church: An Ecclesiology of the Visible |
Author/Editor: Harald Hegstad
Reading the Bible with Giants: How 2000 Years of Biblical Interpretation Can Shed Light on Old Texts: Second Edition |
Author/Editor: David Paul Parris
Reading Scripture with the Saints |
Author/Editor: C. Clifton Black ,Stephen E. Fowl
Reading Scripture to Hear God: Kevin Vanhoozer and Henri de Lubac on God's Use of Scripture in the Economy of Redemption |
Author/Editor: Kevin Storer
Reading Revelation: A Thematic Approach |
Author/Editor: W. Gordon Campbell
Reading Faithfully - Volume Two: Writings from the Archives: Frei's Theological Background |
Author/Editor: Hans W. Frei ,Mike Higton ,Mark Alan Bowald
Reading Faithfully - Volume One: Writings from the Archives: Theology and Hermeneutics |
Author/Editor: Hans W. Frei ,Mike Higton ,Mark Alan Bowald ,George Hunsinger
Reading Daniel as a Text in Theological Hermeneutics |
Author/Editor: Aaron B. Hebbard
Reading Bonhoeffer: A Guide to His Spiritual Classics and Selected Writings on Peace |
Author/Editor: GEFFREY B. KELLY
Reading Auschwitz with Barth: The Holocaust as Problem and Promise for Barthian Theology |
Author/Editor: Mark R. Lindsay ,Martin Rumscheidt
R.C. Hutchinson: The Man and His Writing |
Author/Editor: Barry Webb
Ramanuja and Schleiermacher: Toward a Constructive Comparative Theology |
Author/Editor: Jon Paul Sydnor ,Francis X. Clooney
Raised from Obscurity: A Narratival and Theological Study of the Characterization of Women in Luke-Acts |
Author/Editor: Greg W. Forbes ,Scott D. Harrower ,Lynn H. Cohick
Raimon Panikkar: A Companion to his Life and Thought |
Author/Editor: Peter C. Phan ,Young-chan Ro ,Rowan Williams
Radical Grace: Justice for the Poor and Marginalised - Charles Wesley's Views for the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: S.T. Kimbrough Jr. ,Stanley Hauerwas
Radical Embodiment |
Author/Editor: David H. Nikkel
The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus' Indictment of the Religious Leaders: A Critical Analysis of Luke 7:18-35 |
Author/Editor: Roberto Martínez
The Quest for the Fictional Jesus: Gospel Rewrites, Gospel (Re)Interpretation, and Christological Portraits within Jesus Novels |
Author/Editor: Margaret E. Ramey
Purity: Essays in Bible and Theology |
Author/Editor: Andrew Brower Latz ,Arseny Ermakov
Puritans, the Millennium and the Future of Israel: Puritan Eschatology 1600 to 1660 |
Author/Editor: Peter Toon
Purification of Memory: A Study of Modern Orthodox Theologians from a Catholic Perspective |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Mong
Psychology: A New Complete GCSE Course, for AQA Specification 4180 |
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Shoesmith
Psalm 29 through Time and Tradition |
Author/Editor: Lowell k. handy
Proverbs and the Formation of Character |
Author/Editor: Dave Bland ,William P. Brown
The Proof of the External World: Cartesian Theism and the Possibility of Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Steven M. Duncan
The Process of Buddhist-Christian Dialogue |
Author/Editor: Paul O. Ingram
Private Lives of the Ancient Mariner: Coleridge and his Children |
Author/Editor: Molly Lefebure
Principalities and Powers: Revising John Howard Yoder's Sociological Theology |
Author/Editor: Jamie Pitts
Presence in the Modern World |
Author/Editor: Jacques Ellul ,Lisa Richmond ,Ted Lewis ,David W. Gill
Prepare, Succeed, Advance: A Guidebook for Getting a PhD in Biblical Studies and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Nijay K. Gupta
Prepare, Succeed, Advance: A Guidebook for Getting a PhD in Biblical Studies and Beyond, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Nijay K. Gupta
Preaching and the Personal |
Author/Editor: J. Dwayne Howell
The Prayer that Spans the World: Sermons on the Lord’s Prayer |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,JOHN W. DOBERSTEIN
A Prayer for All Seasons: The Collects of the Book of Common Prayer |
Author/Editor: Thomas Cranmer
Practices of Wonder: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Sophia Vasalou
The Practice of the Body of Christ: Human Agency in Pauline Theology after MacIntyre |
Author/Editor: Colin D. Miller ,Stanley Hauerwas
The Power of God: A Jonathan Edwards Commentary on the Book of Romans |
Author/Editor: David S. Lovi ,Benjamin Westerhoff ,Douglas A. Sweeney
Postcolonial Public Theology: Faith, Scientific Rationality, and Prophetic Dialogue |
Author/Editor: Paul S. Chung
Pope Francis: His Life and Thought |
Author/Editor: Mario I. Aguilar
A Polity of Persuasion: Gift and Grief of Anglicanism |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey W. Driver ,Bruce N. Kaye
Political Engagement as Biblical Mandate |
Author/Editor: PAUL D. HANSON
Polis, Ontology, Ecclesial Event: Engaging with Christos Yannaras' Thought |
Author/Editor: Sotiris Mitralexis ,Andreas Andreopoulos ,Pui Him Ip ,Isidoros Katsos ,Dionysios Skliris ,John Milbank
Plundering Egypt: A Subversive Christian Ethic of Economy |
Author/Editor: G.P. Wagenfuhr
Playing with Dragons: Living with Suffering and God |
Author/Editor: Andy Angel ,N.T. Wright
The Place of the Spirit: Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Location |
Author/Editor: Sarah Morice-Brubaker ,Cyril O’Regan
Pitfalls of Trained Incapacity: The Unintended Effects of Integral Missionary Training in the Basel Mission on its Early Work in Ghana (1828-1840) |
Author/Editor: Birgit Herppich ,Wilbert R. Shenk
Pioneer and Priest: Jesus Christ in the Epistle to the Hebrews |
Author/Editor: R.J. McKelvey
The Pietist Impulse in Christianity |
Author/Editor: Christian T. Collins Winn ,G. William Carlson ,Christopher Gehrz ,Eric Holst ,James H. Barnes ,Peter C. Erb
Pianos: Care and Restoration |
Author/Editor: Eric Smith
The Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas: A Sketch |
Author/Editor: Stephen L. Brock
Philosophy Begins in Wonder: An Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy Theology and Science |
Philosophy and Salvation: An Essay on Wisdom, Beauty, and Love as the Goal of Life |
Author/Editor: Carlos Blanco
Philo of Alexandria |
Author/Editor: Jean Daniélou ,James G. Colbert
The Philokalia and the Inner Life: On Passions and Prayer |
Author/Editor: Christopher C.H. Cook
Philippians |
Author/Editor: Linda L. Belleville
Philip of Spain and the Netherlands: An Essay on Moral Judgments in History |
Author/Editor: Cecil John Cadoux
Phenomenology of Human Understanding |
Author/Editor: Brian Cronin
Perspectives of Jesus in the Writings of Paul: A Historical Examination of Shared Core Commitments with a View to Determining the Extent of Paul's Dependence on Jesus |
Author/Editor: Gerry Schoberg
Perspectives in Pentecostal Eschatologies: World Without End |
Author/Editor: Peter Althouse ,Robby Waddell
Perspective Criticism: Point of View and Evaluative Guidance in Biblical Narrative |
Author/Editor: Gary Yamasaki
Persons, Powers, and Pluralities: Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Culture |
Author/Editor: Eric G. Flett
Personhood and Christianity: in Psychodynamic and Corporate Perspective |
Author/Editor: Oliver Forshaw
Personal Reality, Volume 2: The Emergentist Concept of Science, Evolution, and Culture |
Author/Editor: Daniel Paksi
Personal Reality: The Emergentist Concept of Science, Evolution, and Culture Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Daniel Paksi
The Perfection of Freedom: Schiller, Schelling, and Hegel between the Ancients and the Moderns |
Author/Editor: D.C. Schindler
Perfecting Perfection: Essays in Honour of Henry D. Rack |
Author/Editor: Robert Webster
Peacemaking and Religious Violence |
Author/Editor: Roger A. Johnson
Paul: The Theology of the Apostle in the Light of Jewish Religious History |
Author/Editor: H. J. Schoeps ,Harold Knight
Paul's Pisidian Antioch Speech: (Acts 13) |
Author/Editor: John Eifion Morgan-Wynne
Paul's Non-Violent Gospel: The Theological Politics of Peace in Paul's Life and Letters |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Gabrielson
Paul's Message and Ministry in Covenant Perspective: Selected Essays |
Author/Editor: Scott J. Hafemann
Paul's Letter to the Romans and Roman Imperialism: An Ideological Analysis of the Exordium (Romans 1:1-17) |
Author/Editor: Ian E. Rock ,John W. D. Holder
Paul and the Politics of Difference: A Contextual Study of the Jewish-Gentile Difference in Galatians and Romans |
Author/Editor: Jae Won Lee
Passion For Living: John Wilmot Earl of Rochester |
Author/Editor: R.E. Pritchard
Passionate Embrace: Luther on Love, Body and Sensual Presence |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Gerle
The Oxbridge Evangelist: Motivations, Practices, and Legacy of C.S. Lewis |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Gehring ,William J. Abraham
Our Only Hope: More than We Can Ask or Imagine |
Author/Editor: Margaret B. Adam
Our Bodies Are Selves |
Author/Editor: Philip Hefner ,Ann Milliken Pederson ,Susan Barreto
Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christian Contexts: Reconsidering the Bauer Thesis |
Author/Editor: Paul A. Hartog
The Original Ending of Mark: A New Case for the Authenticity of Mark 16:9-20 |
Author/Editor: Nicholas P. Lunn
Oral Tradition and Synoptic Verbal Agreement: Evaluating the Empirical Evidence for Literary Dependence |
Author/Editor: T.M. Derico
The Operation of Grace: Further Essays on Art, Faith, and Mystery |
Author/Editor: Gregory Wolfe
On the Trinity: English Translation and Commentary |
Author/Editor: Ruben Angelici
Onslaught against Innocence: Cain, Abel and the Yahwist |
Author/Editor: André LaCocque
The Only Sacrament Left to Us: The Threefold Word of God in the Theology and Ecclesiology of Karl Barth |
Author/Editor: Thomas Christian Currie
The Only Mind Worth Having: Thomas Merton and the Child Mind |
Author/Editor: Fiona Gardner ,Rowan Williams
On Kierkegaard and the Truth |
Author/Editor: Paul L. Holmer ,David J. Gouwens ,Lee C. Barrett ,Stanley Hauerwas ,David Cain
One Path for All: Gregory of Nyssa on the Christian Life and Human Destiny |
Author/Editor: Rowan A. Greer ,J. Warren Smith
The One God |
Author/Editor: Michael L. Chiavone
One Firm Anchor: The Church and the Merchant Seafarer |
Author/Editor: R.W.H. Miller
The One and the Three: Nature, Person and Triadic Monarchy in the Greek and Irish Patristic Tradition |
Author/Editor: Chrysostom Koutloumousianos ,Andrew Louth
On Eagles' Wings: An Exploration of Strength in the Midst of Weakness |
Author/Editor: David J. Cohen ,Michael Parsons ,Derek Tidball
The Older Liszt: Music, World and Spirit |
Author/Editor: Peter G. Coleman
Oh, That You Would Rend the Heavens and Come Down!: The Eschatological Theology of Third Isaiah (Isaiah 56-66) |
Author/Editor: Abraham Sung-Ho Oh
Of Seas and Ships and Scientists: The Remarkable History of the UK's National Institute of Oceanography, 1949-1973 |
Author/Editor: A.S. Laughton ,W.J. Gould ,M.J. Tucker ,H.S.J. Roe
Obeah, Christ and Rastaman: Jamaica and its Religion |
Author/Editor: Ivor Morrish
Now is the Day of Salvation: An Audience-oriented Study of 2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2 |
Author/Editor: Timothy Milinovich
The Not-So-Intelligent Designer: Why Evolution Explains the Human Body and Intelligent Design Does Not |
Author/Editor: Abby Hafer ,Alexander Winkler
Notes on Genesis and Exodus: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 2 |
Author/Editor: Thomas Merton ,Patrick F. O’Connell ,Pauline A. Viviano
Notes from a Wayward Son: A Miscellany, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Andrew G. Walker ,Andrew D. Kinsey ,William J. Abraham
Notes from a Wayfarer: The Autobiography of Helmut Thielicke |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,David R. Law ,H. George Anderson
Non-Muslims in Muslim Majority Societies: With Focus on the Middle East and Pakistan |
Author/Editor: Kajsa Ahlstrand ,Göran Gunner
Nine Gates: The Chassidic Mysteries |
Author/Editor: Jiri Langer ,Stephen Jolly
Niebuhr in Egypt: European Science in a Biblical World |
Author/Editor: Roger H. Guichard Jr
The New Yoder |
Author/Editor: Peter Dula ,Chris K. Huebner
New Testament Greek Primer |
Author/Editor: Gerald L. Stevens
New Testament Greek Intermediate: From Morphology to Translation |
Author/Editor: Gerald L. Stevens
Never-Ending Prayer: A Case for the Christian Tradition |
Author/Editor: Bert Hoedemaker
The Neo-Orthodox Theology of W.W. Bryden |
Author/Editor: JOHN A. VISSERS
Neither Here nor There: The Many Voices of Liminality |
Author/Editor: Timothy Carson ,Barbara Brown Taylor
Negating Negation: Against the Apophatic Abandonment of the Dionysian Corpus |
Author/Editor: Timothy D. Knepper
Nature's Interpreter: The Life and Times of Alexander von Humboldt |
Author/Editor: Donald McCrory
The Nature of Environmental Stewardship: Understanding Creation Care Solutions to Environmental Problems |
Author/Editor: Johnny Wei-Bing Lin
Nature and Grace: A New Approach to Thomistic Ressourcement |
Author/Editor: Andrew Dean Swafford ,Edward T. Oakes
Nationhood, Providence, and Witness: Israel in Modern Theology and Social Theory |
Author/Editor: Carys Moseley
Narnian Virtues: Building Good Character with C.S. Lewis |
Author/Editor: Mark A. Pike ,Thomas Lickona
Naked Faith: The Mystical Theology of Phoebe Palmer |
Author/Editor: Elaine A. Heath ,William J. Abraham
Myth and Gospel in the Fiction of John Updike |
Author/Editor: John McTavish
The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church |
Author/Editor: Vladimir Lossky
The Mystery and the World: Passion for God in Times of Unbelief |
Author/Editor: Maria Clara Bingemer ,Peter J. Casarella ,Jovelino Ramos ,Joan Ramos
Musing with Confucius and Paul: Toward a Chinese Christian Theology |
Author/Editor: K.K. Yeo
Moving Beyond Individualism in Pastoral Care and Counseling |
Author/Editor: Barbara J. McClure
Mothers on the Margin: The Significance of the Women in Matthew's Genealogy |
Author/Editor: E. Anne Clements
Moses |
Author/Editor: Gerhard von Rad ,Stephen Neill ,Walter Brueggemann ,K.C. Hanson
Monumental Tales: The Fascinating Stories behind the World's Pet Statues and Memorials |
Author/Editor: Jackie Buckle ,Chris Packham
A Monastic Introduction to Sacred Scripture: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 1 |
Author/Editor: Thomas Merton ,Patrick F. O’Connell ,Bonnie Bowman Thurston
Mission in the Early Church: Themes and Reflections |
Author/Editor: Edward L. Smither
Missionary Principles: and Practice |
Author/Editor: Roland Allen ,Brian Stanley
Missionary Methods: St Paul's or Ours |
Author/Editor: Roland Allen ,Michael Nazir-Ali
A Missiology of the Road: Early Perspectives in David Bosch's Theology of Mission and Evangelism |
Author/Editor: J. Kevin Livingston
The Missiological Spirit: Christian Mission Theology in the Third Millennium Global Context |
Author/Editor: Amos Yong
The Ministry of the Spirit: Selected Writings of Roland Allen |
Author/Editor: Roland Allen ,Lamin Sanneh ,Alexander McLeish ,David M. Paton
The Mind and the Machine: What It Means to Be Human and Why It Matters |
Author/Editor: Matthew Dickerson
Milton's Inward Liberty: A Reading of Christian Liberty from the Prose to 'Paradise Lost' |
Author/Editor: Filippo Falcone ,Marialuisa Bignami
Miguel de Unamuno's Quest for Faith: A Kierkegaardian Understanding of Unamuno's Struggle to Believe |
Author/Editor: Jan E. Evans ,Stephen T. Davis
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh: A Life |
Author/Editor: Avril Pyman
The Messianic Secret: Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien |
Author/Editor: William Wrede ,J.C.G. Greig
Mere Education: C.S. Lewis as Ethical teacher for our Time |
Author/Editor: Mark A. Pike
Men of One Book: A Comparison of Two Methodist Preachers, John Wesley and George Whitefield |
Author/Editor: Ian J. Maddock ,Andrew T.B. McGowan
Memory and Legacy: A Thackeray Family Biography 1876-1919 |
Author/Editor: John Aplin
Meet Me at the Palaver: Narrative Pastoral Counselling in Postcolonial Contexts |
Author/Editor: Tapiwa N. Mucherera
Meetings that Work: A Practical Guide to Teamwork in Different Groups |
Author/Editor: Catherine Widdicombe
Measuring the Distance between Locke and Toland: Reason, Revelation, and Rejection during the Locke-Stillingfleet Debate |
Author/Editor: Jonathan S. Marko
Matthew Henry: Pastoral Liturgy in Challenging Times |
Author/Editor: Jong Hun Joo ,Todd E. Johnson
A Matter of Choice: The Effects of Decision-Making in Human Affairs |
Author/Editor: Philip Hodgkiss
Masters of their Craft: The Art, Architecture and Garden Design of the Nesfields |
Author/Editor: Shirley Rose Evans
Maskwork: The Background, Making and Use of Masks |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Foreman ,Richard Penton
Mary Sumner: Motherhood, Mission and Education, Ed. first |
Author/Editor: Sue Anderson-Faithful
Mary Slessor - Everybody's Mother: The Era and Impact of a Victorian Missionary |
Author/Editor: Jeanette Hardage
Marxism and Morality: A Critical Examination of Marxist Ethics |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Churchich
Martin Luther and Buddhism: Aesthetics of Suffering |
Author/Editor: Paul S. Chung ,Jürgen Moltmann
Marking Thought and Talk in New Testament Greek: New Light from Linguistics on the Particles 'hina' and 'hoti' |
Author/Editor: Margaret G. Sim ,Larry W. Hurtado
Mark: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Kim Huat Tan
A Man of Many Parts: Essays in Honor of John Bowker on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday |
Author/Editor: Eugene E. Lemcio ,Rowan Williams
Man in God's World: The Faith and Courage to Live - or Die |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,John W. Doberstein
The Manichaean Codices of Medinet Madi |
Author/Editor: James M. Robinson
The Making of the Self: Ancient and Modern Asceticism |
Author/Editor: Richard Valantasis
The Making of Swallows and Amazons (1974) |
Author/Editor: Sophie Neville
Making Memory: Jewish and Christian Explorations in Monument, Narrative, and Liturgy |
Author/Editor: Alana M. Vincent
Making it in the Political Blogosphere: The World's Top Political Bloggers Share the Secrets to Success |
Author/Editor: Tanni Haas
Make-Believe: God in 21st Century Novels |
Author/Editor: David Dickinson
The Lyrical Theology of Charles Wesley: A Reader (Expanded Edition) |
Author/Editor: S.T. Kimbrough Jr.
Luther's Revolution: The Political Dimensions of Martin Luther's Universal Priesthood |
Author/Editor: Nathan Montover
Luther as Heretic: Ten Catholic Responses to Martin Luther, 1518-1541 |
Author/Editor: Richard C. Kessler ,M. Patrick Graham ,David Bagchi
Lutheran Identity and Political Theology |
Author/Editor: Carl-Henric Grenholm ,Göran Gunner
Luke's Jesus in the Roman Empire and the Emperor in the Gospel of Luke |
Author/Editor: Pyung-Soo Seo
Love that Rejoices in the Truth: Theological Explorations |
Author/Editor: Charles M. Wood
Love and Terror in the Third Reich: A Tale of Broken Integrity |
Author/Editor: Peter Matheson ,Heinke Sommer-Matheson ,William F. Storrar
The Lost Literature of Socialism (2nd edition), Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: George Watson
The Lord Protector: Religion and Politics in the Life of Oliver Cromwell |
Author/Editor: Robert S. Paul
The Lord is the Spirit: The Holy Spirit and the Divine Attributes |
Author/Editor: Andrew K. Gabriel
Looking unto Jesus: The Christ-Centered Piety of Seventeenth-Century Baptists |
Author/Editor: J. Stephen Yuille ,TOM NETTLES
Longing for Spring: A New Vision for Wesleyan Community |
Author/Editor: Elaine A. Heath ,Scott T. Kisker ,Jonathan Wilson-hartgrove
The Logic of the Spirit in Human Thought and Experience: Exploring the Vision of James E. Loder Jr |
Author/Editor: Dana R. Wright ,Keith J. White ,John S. McClure
Living without a Why: Mysticism, Pluralism, and the Way of Grace |
Author/Editor: Paul O. Ingram
Living on Hope while Living in Babylon: The Christian Anarchists of the 20th Century |
Author/Editor: Tripp York
Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World: From 'After Virtue' to a New Monasticism (2nd Edition), Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Jonathan R. Wilson
Living Deeply: A Psychological and Spiritual Journey, Ed. first |
Author/Editor: Fraser Watts
Liturgical Liaisons: The Textual Body, Irony, and Betrayal in John Donne and Emily Dickinson |
Author/Editor: Jamey Heit ,David Jasper
Liturgical Feasts and Seasons: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 3 |
Author/Editor: Thomas Merton ,Patrick F. O’Connell ,Paul Quenon
Literature and Religion: A Dialogue between China and the West |
Author/Editor: David Jasper ,Ou Guang-an
The Literary Construction of the Other in the Acts of the Apostles: Charismatics, the Jews, and Women |
Author/Editor: Mitzi J. Smith
The Limits of a Catholic Spirit: John Wesley, Methodism, and Catholicism |
Author/Editor: Kelly Diehl Yates ,Howard A. Snyder
Liminal Reality and Transformational Power: Revised Edition: Transition, Renewal and Hope |
Author/Editor: Timothy Carson
The Liminal Loop: Twelve Tales of Transformation |
Author/Editor: Timothy Carson
Like a Mighty Army: The Salvation Army, the Church, and the Churches |
Author/Editor: David W. Taylor ,John H. Y. Briggs
Life, the Universe and Everything: An Aristotelian Philosophy for a Scientific Age |
Author/Editor: Ric Machuga
The Life of the Servant |
Author/Editor: Henry Suso ,James M. Clark
The Life of a Galilean Shaman: Jesus of Nazareth in Anthropological-Historical Perspective |
Author/Editor: Pieter F. Craffert
Life in the Spirit: A Post-Constantinian and Trinitarian Account of the Christian Life |
Author/Editor: Andréa D. snavely
Life Can Begin Again: Sermons on the Sermon on the Mount |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,John W. Doberstein
Life and Death in Higher Education: A Political and Sociological Analysis of British Colleges of Education |
Author/Editor: Clare Debenham
Life after Tragedy: Essays on Faith and the First World War Evoked by Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy |
Author/Editor: Michael W. Brierley ,Georgina A. Byrne ,Andrew G. Studdert-Kennedy
Liberating Mission in Mozambique: Faith and Revolution in the Life of Eduardo Mondlane |
Author/Editor: Robert Faris ,John W. de Gruchy
The Letters of Paul as Rituals of Worship |
Author/Editor: John Paul Heil
Letters of Light: Passages from Ma'or va-shemesh |
Author/Editor: Aryeh Wineman
Letters of Ascent: Spiritual Direction in the Letters of Bernard of Clairvaux |
Author/Editor: Michael C. Voigts
Letters from the Pillar Apostles: The Formation of the Catholic Epistles as a Canonical Collection |
Author/Editor: Darian R. Lockett
The Letter from Rome to Corinth from the Era of Domitian: 1 Clement |
Author/Editor: Adolf von Harnack ,Jacob N. Cerone ,Larry L. Welborn
Legacy of the Founders: From Monks to Missionaries |
Author/Editor: Nicki Verploegen
Learning to Look: Velazquez, Fra Angelico, Canaletto, Pollock |
Author/Editor: Robert Cumming ,Gino Ballantyne
Learning from MacIntyre |
Author/Editor: Ron Beadle ,Geoff Moore
Leaning Into the Future: The Kingdom of God in the Theology of Jurgen Moltmann and the Book of Revelation |
Author/Editor: Poul F. Guttesen
Leadership in Unknown Waters: Liminality as Threshold into the Future |
Author/Editor: Lisa R. Withrow
Laughter and the Grace of God: Restoring Laughter to its Central Role in Christian Faith and Theology |
Author/Editor: Brian Edgar
The Latin Clerk: The Life, Work and Travels of Adrian Fortescue |
Author/Editor: Aidan Nichols
Knowledge of the Holy: The Attributes of God. Their Meaning in the Christian Life |
Author/Editor: A.W. Tozer
King and Messiah |
Author/Editor: Aage Bentzen
Kilvert's World of Wonders: Growing up in Mid-Victorian England |
Author/Editor: John Toman
Kempe: The Life, Art and Legacy of Charles Eamer Kempe, Ed. first |
Author/Editor: Adrian Barlow
Katharine Briggs: Story-Teller |
Author/Editor: H.R. Ellis Davidson
Karl Barth: God's Word in Action |
Author/Editor: Paul S. Chung
Karl Barth and the Resurrection of the Flesh: The Loss of the Body in Participatory Eschatology |
Author/Editor: Nathan Hitchcock ,Philip G. Ziegler
Karl Barth and the Future of Evangelical Theology |
Author/Editor: Christian T. Collins Winn ,John L. Drury ,William J. Abraham
Justpeace Ethics: A Guide to Restorative Justice and Peacebuilding |
Justification in a Post-Christian Society |
Author/Editor: Carl-Henric Grenholm ,Göran Gunner
Just Deceivers: An Exploration of the Motif of Deception in the Books of Samuel |
Author/Editor: Matthew Newkirk
Julian of Norwich and the Problem of Evil |
Author/Editor: Richard Norton
Jude and 2 Peter: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Andrew M. Mbuvi
A Jubilee for All Time: The Copernican Revolution in Jewish-Christian Relations |
Author/Editor: Gilbert S. Rosenthal
The Joshua Delusion: Rethinking Genocide in the Bible |
Author/Editor: Douglas S. Earl ,Christopher J.H. Wright ,R.W.L. Moberly
Joseph's Dilemma: 'Honour Killing' in the Birth Narrative of Matthew |
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Marohl
John Knox |
Author/Editor: Eustace Percy ,The 13th Duke of Hamilton
John Howard Yoder: Radical Theologian |
Author/Editor: J. Denny Weaver ,Earl Zimmerman ,Zachary J. Walton ,Gerald J. Mast ,Ted Grimsrud ,Glen Harold Stassen ,Marva J. Dawn ,Lisa Schirch
John: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Jey J. Kanagaraj
Jews and Anti-Judaism in Esther and the Church |
Author/Editor: Tricia Miller
Jesus, History and Mount Darwin: An Academic Excursion |
Author/Editor: Rick Kennedy
Jesus, Debt, and the Lord's Prayer: First-Century Debt and Jesus' Intentions |
Author/Editor: Douglas E. Oakman
Jesus before Pentecost |
Author/Editor: William P. Atkinson
Jesus and Women: Beyond Feminism |
Author/Editor: Niamh M. Middleton
Jesus and the Cross: Necessity, Meaning, and Atonement |
Author/Editor: Peter Laughlin
Jesus and Pocahontas: Gospel, Mission, and National Myth |
Author/Editor: Howard A. Snyder
Jesus and Marginal Women: The Gospel of Matthew in Social-Scientific Perspective |
Author/Editor: Stuart L . Love
Jesus and Magic: Freeing the Gospel Stories from Modern Misconceptions |
Author/Editor: Richard A. Horsley
Jesus and Identity: Reconstructing Judean Ethnicity in Q |
Author/Editor: Markus Cromhout
Jesus after Modernity: A Twenty-First-Century Critique of Our Modern Concept of Truth and the Truth of the Gospel |
Author/Editor: James P. Danaher
Jeremiah among the Prophets |
Author/Editor: Jack R. Lundbom
Jeremiah 48 as Christian Scripture |
Author/Editor: Julie Irene Woods ,Walter Moberly
Jean Danielou's Doxological Humanism: Trinitarian Contemplation and Humanity's True Vocation |
Author/Editor: Marc C. Nicholas
Israel's Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenant Fidelity |
Author/Editor: Mark S. Kinzer ,Jennifer M. Rosner
Israel and Babylon: The Babylonian Influence on Israelite Religion |
Author/Editor: Hermann Gunkel ,K.C. Hanson
Islam, Peace and Social Justice: A Christian Perspective |
Author/Editor: A. Christian van Gorder
Irenaeus on the Christian Faith: A Condensation of 'Against Heresies' |
Author/Editor: James R. Payton Jr.
Inventing the Middle Ages: The Lives, Works, and Ideas of the Great Medievalists of the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Norman F. Cantor
An Introduction to the New Testament, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Charles B. Puskas ,C. Michael Robbins
Introducing Christian Theologies, Volume 1: Voices from Global Christian Communities, Vol. 1 |
Author/Editor: Victor I. Ezigbo
Introducing Christian Theologies II: Voices from Global Christian Communities - Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Victor I. Ezigbo
In the Shadow of his Wings: The Pastoral Ministry of Angels: Yesterday, Today, and for Heaven |
Author/Editor: JONATHAN MACY
In the Shadow of Death: Archibald Campbell Tait, Archbishop of Canterbury |
Author/Editor: John Witheridge
In the Fellowship of His Suffering: A Theological Interpretation of Mental Illness — A Focus on "Schizophrenia" |
Author/Editor: Elahe Hessamfar ,John Swinton
In the Face of Death: Thielicke-Theologian, Preacher, Boundary Rider |
Author/Editor: Fabian F. Grassl ,Timothy J. Wengert ,Wolfram Thielicke
In the Eyes of God: A Metaphorical Approach to Biblical Anthropomorphic Language |
Author/Editor: Brian C. Howell
In the Beginning Were Stories, Not Texts: Story Theology |
Author/Editor: C.S. Song
Interweaving Innocence: A Rhetorical Analysis of Luke's Passion Narrative (Lk 22:66-23:49) |
Author/Editor: Heather M. Gorman
Interpreting Ancient Israelite History, Prophecy, and Law |
Author/Editor: John H. Hayes ,Brad E. Kelle
The Intelligible Ode: Intimations of Paradise |
Author/Editor: Graham Davidson
Institution of a Christian Man |
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Insight To Heal: Co-Creating Beauty amidst Human Suffering |
Author/Editor: Mark Graves
The Inhumanity of Right |
Author/Editor: Christos Yannaras ,Norman Russell
The Inheritance of Genius: A Thackeray Family Biography 1798-1875 |
Author/Editor: John Aplin
In Harm's Way: A History of Christian Peacemaker Teams |
Author/Editor: KATHLEEN KERN
Inferior Office: A History of Deacons in the Church of England |
Author/Editor: Francis Young
Importing Faith: The Effect of American "Word of Faith" Culture on Contemporary English Evangelical Revivalism |
Author/Editor: Glyn J. Ackerley
Imitation, Knowledge, and the Task of Christology in Maximus the Confessor |
Author/Editor: Luke Steven
Image and Hope: John Calvin and Karl Barth on Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting |
Author/Editor: Yaroslav Viazovski ,Paul Helm
Illusions of Freedom: Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and the Human Condition |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey M. Shaw
If You Call Yourself a Jew: Reappraising Paul's Letter to the Romans |
Author/Editor: Rafael Rodríguez
The Identity and the Life of the Church: John Calvin's Ecclesiology in the Perspective of his Anthropology |
Author/Editor: Yosep Kim
The Ideal of Kingship in the Writings of Charles Williams, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien: Divine Kingship is reflected in Middle-Earth |
Author/Editor: Christopher Scarf
Hymns and Hymnody III: Historical and Theological Introductions, Volume 3: From the English West to the Global South |
Author/Editor: Mark A. Lamport ,Benjamin K. Forrest ,Vernon M. Whaley
Hymns and Hymnody: Historical and Theological Introductions: Volume II: From Catholic Europe to Protestant Europe |
Author/Editor: Mark A. Lamport ,Benjamin K. Forrest ,Vernon M. Whaley
The Human Icon: A Comparative Study of Hindu and Orthodox Christian Beliefs |
Author/Editor: Christine Mangala Frost
Huldah: The Prophet Who Wrote Hebrew Scripture |
Author/Editor: Preston Kavanagh
HTML of Cruciform Love: Toward a Theology of the Internet |
Author/Editor: John Frederick ,Eric Lewellen
How the World Began: Sermons on the Creation Story |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,John W. Doberstein