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Titles ( displaying 500 of 3,401 ) | Information |
Zygmunt Bauman and the West: A Sociology of Intellectual Exile |
Author/Editor: JACK PALMER
Zygmunt Bauman and the Theory of Culture |
Author/Editor: Dariusz Brzeziński ,Katarzyna Bartoszyńska
Zoroastrian Faith |
Author/Editor: Nigosian, S
Zambian Crisis Behaviour |
Author/Editor: Anglin, Douglas G
Yugoslav Drama |
Author/Editor: Crnobrnja, Mihailo
Youth, University, and Canadian Society |
Author/Editor: Axelrod, Paul; Reid, John G
Youth Squad: Policing Children in the Twentieth Century |
You're Not Dead Until You're Forgotten |
Author/Editor: Dunning, John
Young Subjects: Children, State-Building, and Social Reform in the Eighteenth-Century French World |
Author/Editor: JULIA M. GOSSARD
Young Man's Benefit |
Author/Editor: Emery, George; Emery, Herbert
York Wilson |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Lela; Dyck, Sandra
York University |
Author/Editor: Horn, Michiel
Yiddish Lives On: Strategies of Language Transmission |
Yellow Crocodiles and Blue Oranges |
Author/Editor: MacFadyen, David
The Yearbook of Symbolic Anthropology |
Author/Editor: Schwimmer, Erik
Yearbook of Air and Space Law - 1967 - Annuaire de droit aerien et spatial |
Author/Editor: Mankiewicz, Rene H
Yakutia |
Author/Editor: Okladnikov, A.P
Wyndham Lewis and the Avant-Garde |
Author/Editor: Foshay, Toby Avard
W. Stanford Reid |
Author/Editor: MacLeod, A. Donald
A Written Constitution for Quebec? |
Author/Editor: Richard Albert ,Léonid Sirota
Writing the Lives of the English Poor, 1750s-1830s |
Author/Editor: King, Steven
Writing the Everyday |
Author/Editor: Fuller, Danielle
The Writings of David Thompson, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Moreau, William E
Writings of David Thompson, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Thompson, David; Moreau, William E
Writing Rogues: The Soviet Picaresque and Identity Formation, 1921–1938 |
Writing Lovers |
Author/Editor: Cook, Méira
The Writing Life |
Author/Editor: Fetherling, George; Busby, Brian
Writing Herself into Being |
Author/Editor: Smart, Patricia
Wrestling with Life |
Author/Editor: GEORGE REINITZ,Richard King
Wrapped up in God |
Author/Editor: Rawlyk, George
The Wounded Brain Healed |
World of the Gift |
Author/Editor: Godbout, Jacques T.; Caille, Alain C
A World of Paper |
Author/Editor: Rule, John C.; Trotter, Ben S
World Mission |
Author/Editor: Wright, Robert A
The World in Canada |
Author/Editor: Carment, David; Bercuson, David
World as Event |
Author/Editor: John, Brian
The World and Darfur |
Author/Editor: Grzyb, Amanda F
Works by A.Y. Jackson from the 1930s |
Author/Editor: Groves, Naomi
Work of Words |
Author/Editor: Thurston, John
Work in Tumultuous Times |
Author/Editor: Shalla, Vivian; Clement, Wallace
Working Without Commitments |
Author/Editor: Lewchuk, Wayne; Clarke, Marlea; de Wolff
Working People, Fifth Edition |
Author/Editor: Morton, Desmond
Working Papers on Canadian Politics |
Author/Editor: Meisel, John
Working Papers on Canadian Politics |
Author/Editor: Meisel, John
Working Bodies |
Author/Editor: Stone, Sharon-Dale
Work in a Warming World |
Author/Editor: Carla Lipsig-Mummé,Stephen McBride
Workers and Canadian History |
Author/Editor: Kealey, Gregory S
Words in Collision: Multilingualism in English-Language Fiction |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL L. ROSS
Word of the Law |
Author/Editor: Klinck, D.R
Word and Its Ways in English |
Author/Editor: Hirtle, Walter
Women, Work, and the French State |
Author/Editor: Stewart, Mary Lynn
Women, Work, and Place |
Author/Editor: Kobayashi, Audrey
Women, Work, and Coping |
Author/Editor: Long, Bonita C.; Kahn, Sharon E
Women Who Made the News |
Author/Editor: Lang, Marjory
Women's Struggle for Higher Education in Russia, 1855-1900 |
Author/Editor: Johanson, Christine
Women's Organizing and Public Policy in Canada and Sweden |
Author/Editor: Briskin, Linda; Eliasson, Mona
Women, Peace, and Security: Feminist Perspectives on International Security |
Author/Editor: Caroline Leprince ,Cassandra Steer
Women in Zones of Conflict |
Author/Editor: Jacoby, Tami Amanda
Women in the Canadian Academic Tundra |
Author/Editor: Hannah, Elena; Paul, Linda; Vethamany-Globus, Swani
Women in Power |
Author/Editor: Steinberg, Blema S
Women in British Imperial Airspace |
Author/Editor: Millward, Liz
Women, Health, and Nation |
Author/Editor: Feldberg, Georgina; Ladd-Taylor, Molly; Li, Alison
Women Founders of the Social Sciences |
Author/Editor: McDonald, Lynn
Women, Feminism and Development |
Author/Editor: Dagenais, Huguette; Piché, Denise
Women, Environment, and Networks of Empire: Elizabeth Gwillim and Mary Symonds in Madras |
Women and Work |
Author/Editor: Chaykowski, Richard; Powell, Lisa
Women and Well-Being |
Author/Editor: Dhruvarajan, Vanaja
Women and the Canadian State/Les femmes et l'Etat canadien |
Author/Editor: Andrew, Caroline; Rodgers, Sandra
Women and State Socialism |
Author/Editor: Heitlinger, Alena
Women and Narrative Identity |
Author/Editor: Green, Mary J
A Woman with Demons |
Author/Editor: Ota, Yuzo
Woman Who Mapped Labrador |
Author/Editor: Hubbard, Mina Benson
Woman's Way Through Unknown Labrador |
Author/Editor: Hubbard, Mina Benson; Grace, Sherrill E
Woman's Songs in Ancient Greece |
Author/Editor: Klinck, Anne L
Wives and Mothers, School Mistresses and Scullery Maids |
Author/Editor: Errington, Elizabeth Jane
With Your Words in My Hands: The Letters of Antonietta Petris and Loris Palma |
Author/Editor: Sonia Cancian ,Antonietta Petris ,Donna R. Gabaccia
With the Witnesses |
Author/Editor: Tracy, Dale
With Skilful Hand |
Author/Editor: Barnard, David T
With Scarcely a Ripple |
Author/Editor: Widdis, Randy William
Without Walls or Barriers |
Author/Editor: David Peterson,Arthur Milnes,Ryan Zade,Steve Paikin
Without Beginning or End, Vol. 86 |
With a Unity of Purpose: How the First World War Changed Newfoundland |
Witch Hunts |
Author/Editor: Rapley, Robert
Wisdom of Eccentric Old Men |
Author/Editor: Bly, Peter Anthony
The Winter Count |
Author/Editor: Leman, Dilys
Winnipeg |
Author/Editor: Artibise, Alan F.J
Winning Power |
Author/Editor: Flanagan, Tom
Wings of the Doves |
Author/Editor: Lombardi, Elena
William Thomas, Architect: 1799-1860 |
Author/Editor: McArthur, Glenn; Szamosi, Annie
William R. McIntyre |
Author/Editor: McConnell, W
William Lyon Mackenzie |
Author/Editor: Lesueur, William; McKillop
William Blake in the Desolate Market |
Author/Editor: Bentley Jr, G.E
Wilfrid Sellars |
Author/Editor: deVries, Willem
Wild Geese |
Author/Editor: Harding, John S.; Hori, Victor SÅgen; Soucy, Alexander
Why the Church? |
Author/Editor: Giussani, Luigi
Why I Left Canada |
Author/Editor: Infeld, Leopold
Why Canada Cares |
Author/Editor: Lui, Andrew
Why Botswana Prospered |
Author/Editor: Leith, J
Whose Mission, Whose Orders? |
Author/Editor: Charters, David A
Whose Canada? |
Author/Editor: Grinspun, Ricardo; Shamsie, Yasmine
Who Killed the Queen? |
Author/Editor: Dressel, Holly
White Siberia |
Author/Editor: Pereira, N
White Men Came to the St. Lawrence |
Author/Editor: Bishop, Morris
White Man's Gonna Getcha |
Author/Editor: Morantz, Toby
White Canada Forever |
Author/Editor: Ward, Peter
Whiplash and Other Useful Illnesses |
Author/Editor: Malleson, Andrew
While the Women Only Wept |
Author/Editor: Potter-MacKinnon, Janice
Where We Live |
Author/Editor: John Reibetanz
Where to from Here? |
Author/Editor: Duckett, Stephen
Where Have the Old Words Got Me? |
Author/Editor: Maud, Ralph
When the Whalers Were Up North |
Author/Editor: Eber, Dorothy Harley
When the North Was Red |
Author/Editor: Bartels, Dennis A.; Bartels, Alice L
When the French Tried to be British |
Author/Editor: Gunn, J.A.W
When Green Growth Is Not Enough |
Author/Editor: Hayden, Anders
When Ballet Became French |
Author/Editor: Karthas, Ilyana
What Women Represent: The Impact of Women in Parliament |
Author/Editor: ERICA RAYMENT
What Was History Painting and What Is It Now? |
What Ukrainian Elections Taught Me about Democracy, Vol. 30 |
Author/Editor: JANE COOPER
What the World Might Look Like: Decolonial Stories of Resilience and Refusal |
Author/Editor: SUSIE O’BRIEN
What The Thunder Really Said |
Author/Editor: Bolgan, Anne C
What the Bones Say |
Author/Editor: Cove, John
What Television Remembers: Artifacts and Footprints of TV in Toronto |
Author/Editor: Jennifer VanderBurgh
What's Wrong with the Law? |
Author/Editor: Zander, Michael
What's to Eat? |
Author/Editor: Cooke, Nathalie
What's the Import? |
Author/Editor: McSweeney, Kerry
What Really Matters |
Author/Editor: O'Grady, Thomas
What Makes Clusters Competitive? |
Author/Editor: Hira, Anil
Whatever Happened to the Music Teacher? |
Author/Editor: Savoie, Donald J
Wet Apples, White Blood |
Author/Editor: Guttman, Naomi
West Indians of Costa Rica |
Author/Editor: Harpelle, Ronald N
Western Ontario and the American Frontier |
Author/Editor: Landon, Fred
The Western Interior of Canada |
Author/Editor: Warkentin, John
West/Border/Road |
Author/Editor: Roberts, Katherine Ann
Welfare State and Canadian Federalism |
Author/Editor: Banting, Keith
Welfare, Property Rights and Economic Policy |
Author/Editor: Rymes, Thomas K
Weariness, the Fever, and the Fret |
Author/Editor: McCuaig, Katherine
Weariness of the Self |
Author/Editor: Ehrenberg, Alain
We Are What We Mourn |
Author/Editor: Uppal, Priscila
We All Begin in a Little Magazine |
Author/Editor: Arc, 0
Weakening Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Zabala, Santiago
Wavelengths of Your Song |
Author/Editor: Schönmaier, Eleonore
Water Quality, Vol. 85 |
Water into Wine? |
Author/Editor: Larmer, Robert A
Waterglass |
Author/Editor: Donaldson, Jeffery
Water as a Social Opportunity |
Author/Editor: Davidson, Seanna L.; Linton, Jamie; Mabee, Warren E
Watch that Ends the Night |
Author/Editor: MacLennan, Hugh
Watching Quebec |
Author/Editor: Cook, Ramsay
watching for life |
Author/Editor: DAVID ZIEROTH
Wash, Wear, and Care |
War with a Silver Lining |
Author/Editor: Heath, Gordon L
War Is Here |
Author/Editor: ROBERT McGILL
War Diary of Clare Gass |
Author/Editor: Gass, Clare; Mann, Susan
War and Remembrance: Recollecting and Representing War |
Author/Editor: Renée Dickason ,Delphine Letort ,Michel Prum ,Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger
The War Against the Seals |
Author/Editor: Busch, Briton Cooper
Waning of the Green |
Author/Editor: McGowan, Mark G
Wampum Denied |
Author/Editor: Antal, Sandy
W.A. Mackintosh |
Author/Editor: HUGH GRANT
Walter Long, Ireland, and the Union, 1905-1920 |
Author/Editor: Kendle, John
Walter Gordon and the Rise of Canadian Nationalism |
Author/Editor: Azzi, Stephen
Wallace Stevens among Others |
Author/Editor: Jarraway, David R
Waiting for the Wave |
Author/Editor: Flanagan, Tom
Wages of Crime |
Author/Editor: Naylor, R.T
Wacousta or, The Prophecy |
Author/Editor: Richardson, John
Voyage to Newfoundland |
Author/Editor: Thoulet, Julien
Voluntary Detours: Small-Town and Rural Museums in Alberta, Vol. 34 |
Author/Editor: Lianne McTavish
Voltaire and Sensibility |
Author/Editor: Ridgway, R.S
The Voices of Medieval English Lyric: An Anthology of Poems ca 1150–1530 |
Author/Editor: Anne L. Klinck
Voices in Time |
Author/Editor: MacLennan, Hugh
Voices in Exhile |
Author/Editor: Barratt, Glynn
Voices from Hudson Bay |
Author/Editor: Beardy, Flora; Coutts, Robert
Voices from Hudson Bay |
Author/Editor: Beardy, Flora; Coutts, Robert
Voices from French Ontario |
Author/Editor: Arnopoulos, Sheila McLeod
Voices for the Watershed |
Author/Editor: Beck, Gregor G
Voice of the Vanishing Minority |
Author/Editor: Hill, Robert
The Vitality of Contradiction |
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Bruce
Visions of Canada |
Author/Editor: Ostry, Bernard; Yalden, Janice
A Vision Greater than Themselves |
Author/Editor: Laurence B. Mussio
The Visionary Landscape |
Author/Editor: Piehler, Paul
Visibly Canadian |
Author/Editor: Stanworth, Karen
Visible Histories |
Author/Editor: Mackenzie, Suzanne
Virtual Marshall McLuhan |
Author/Editor: Theall, Donald
Virgil the Blind Guide |
Author/Editor: Howard, Lloyd H
Violence Interrupted: Confronting Sexual Violence on University Campuses |
Violence and the Female Imagination |
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Paula Ruth
Vingt ans apres, Habitants et marchands |
Author/Editor: Dépatie, Sylvie; Desbarats, Catherine
Villain, Vermin, Icon, Kin: Wolves and the Making of Canada |
Village Politics and the Mafia in Sicily |
Author/Editor: Sabetti, Filippo
Vikings to U-Boats |
Author/Editor: Bassler, Gerhard P
View from Xanadu |
Author/Editor: Mugridge, Ian
View From Rome |
Author/Editor: Stagni, Pellegrino; Zucchi, John E
Vie et mort du couple en Nouvelle-France |
Author/Editor: Brun, Josette
The Video Art of Sylvia Safdie |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Eric
Victory Harvest |
Author/Editor: Kelsey, Marion
The Victorian Army at Home |
Author/Editor: Skelley, Alan Ramsay
Victor and Evie |
Veterans Charter and Post-World War II Canada |
Author/Editor: Neary, Peter; Granatstein
Verbal Art |
Author/Editor: Pettersson, Anders
V-Bombs and Weathermaps |
Author/Editor: McElheran, Brock
Vatican II and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Bruno-Jofré, Rosa; MacDonald, Heidi; Smyth, Elizabeth M
Vasily Grossman |
Vasil Byka? |
Author/Editor: Gimpelevich, Zina J
Variable Conditions: Para-computational Arts in Canada, 1965–1995, Vol. 43 |
Author/Editor: Adam Lauder
Vanguard of the New Age |
Author/Editor: McCann, Gillian
Vancouver's Chinatown |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Kay J
Values in Conflict |
Author/Editor: Axelrod, Paul
Valparaíso School |
Author/Editor: Rispa, Raúl; Pérez de Arce, Rodrigo; Pérez Oyarzún, Fernando
Valour and the Horror Revisited |
Author/Editor: Bercuson, David J.; Wise
Uttering the Unutterable: Aristotle, Religion, and Literature |
Author/Editor: LOUIS GROARKE
Usable Urban Past Planning and Politics |
Author/Editor: Artibise, Alan F.J
Ursula Franklin Speaks |
Author/Editor: Franklin, Ursula Martius
Urdu for Children, Book II, Teacher's Manual |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book II, Stories and Poems, Part Two |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book II, Stories and Poems, Part One |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book II, Let's Write Urdu, Part Two |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book II, Let's Write Urdu, Part One |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book II, Let's Read Urdu, Part Two |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book II, Let's Read Urdu, Part One |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book II, 3 Book Set, Part Two |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book II, 3 Book Set, Part One |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book 1 |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book 1 |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book 1 |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urdu for Children, Book 1 |
Author/Editor: Alvi, Sajida
Urban Policing in Canada |
Author/Editor: Martin, Maurice A
Urban Enigmas |
Author/Editor: Sloan, Johanne
Urban Encounters |
Author/Editor: Radice, Martha; Boudreault-Fournier, Alexandrine
Urban Development in South-Central Ontario |
Author/Editor: Spelt, Jacob
Urban Affairs |
Author/Editor: Andrew, Caroline; Graham, Katherine A.H.; Phillips, Susan
Urban Aboriginal Policy Making in Canadian Municipalities |
Author/Editor: Peters, Evelyn J
Uqalurait |
Author/Editor: Bennett, John; Rowley, Susan
Upper Ottawa Valley to 1855 |
Author/Editor: Reid, Richard
Up and to the Right |
Author/Editor: Toomey, Craig
Unveiling the Nation |
Author/Editor: Laxer, Emily
Unthinking Modernity |
Author/Editor: Stamps, Judith
The Unreformed Senate of Canada |
Author/Editor: MacKay, Robert A
Unreal Country |
Author/Editor: Willmott, Glenn
Unravelling the Franklin Mystery, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Woodman, David C
Unravelling the Franklin Mystery |
Author/Editor: Woodman, David C
Unpacking the Kists |
Author/Editor: Patterson, Brad; Brooking, Tom; McAloon, Jim
Unlucky to the End |
Author/Editor: Pound, Richard W
The Unlit Path Behind the House |
Author/Editor: Margo Wheaton
Unlikely Insider: A West Coast Advocate in Ottawa |
University Women: A History of Women and Higher Education in Canada, Vol. 257 |
Author/Editor: Sara Z. MacDonald
University Housing in Canada |
Author/Editor: Bland, John; Schoenauer, Norbert
University Governance in Canada: Navigating Complexity |
Author/Editor: Julia Eastman ,Glen A. Jones ,Claude Trottier ,Olivier Bégin-Caouette
University |
Author/Editor: Alexander, King; Alexander, Kern
Universals |
Author/Editor: Moreland, J.P
Uniting in Measures of Common Good |
Author/Editor: Ferry, Darren
Unified Fields |
Author/Editor: Rogers, Janine
Un Homme Grand |
Author/Editor: Anctil, Pierre
Un grand patron |
Author/Editor: Schull, Joseph
Unfulfilled Union, 5th Edition |
Author/Editor: Stevenson, Garth
Unfulfilled Union, 4th Edition |
Author/Editor: Stevenson, Garth
Unforced Flourishing |
Author/Editor: Salumets, Thomas
Unemployment Crisis |
Author/Editor: MacLean, Brian K.; Osberg, Lars
Une mort très digne |
Author/Editor: Young, Brian J
Undisciplined Women |
Author/Editor: Greenhill, Pauline; Tye, Diane
An Undisciplined Economist |
Author/Editor: Barer, Morris L.; Stoddart, Greg L.; McGrail, Kimberlyn M
Un destin plus grand que soi |
Author/Editor: Laurence B. Mussio,Michel Buttiens
Under the Weather: Reimagining Mobility in the Climate Crisis |
Under Technology's Thumb |
Author/Editor: Leiss, William
Understanding Military Culture |
Author/Editor: English, Allan D
Understanding Canada |
Author/Editor: Clement, Wallace
Understand and Control Your Asthma |
Author/Editor: Boutin, Hélène; Boulet, Louis-Philippe
Under Conrad's Eyes |
Author/Editor: DiSanto, Michael John
Unbuttoned |
Author/Editor: Christopher, Christopher
The Unbounded Level of the Mind |
Author/Editor: Janda, Richard; Jukier, Rosalie; Jutras, Daniel
Ulster's Men |
Author/Editor: McGaughey, Jane G.V
Ukrainian Ritual on the Prairies: Growing a Ukrainian Canadian Identity |
Ukraine, the Middle East, and the West |
Author/Editor: THOMAS M. PRYMAK
U-Boats Against Canada |
Author/Editor: Hadley, Michael L
Types of Interpretation in the Aesthetic Disciplines |
Author/Editor: Carlshamre, Staffan; Pettersson, Anders
Tyendinaga Tales |
Author/Editor: Rustige, Rona
Two Worlds |
Author/Editor: Westfall, William
Two-Edged Sword |
Author/Editor: Tracy, Nicholas
Twenty-First-Century Immigration to North America |
Author/Editor: Esses, Victoria M.; Donald E., Donald E
Twenty-First Century Democracy |
Author/Editor: Resnick, Philip
Twentieth Century Theories of Art |
Author/Editor: Thompson, James M
Twentieth-Century Shore-Station Whaling in Newfoundland and Labrador |
Author/Editor: Dickinson, Anthony; Sanger, Chesley
The Twelfth of February: Canadian Aid for Gender Equality during the Rise of Violent Extremism in Pakistan, Vol. 17 |
Author/Editor: RHONDA GOSSEN
Turtle Hypodermic of Sickenpods |
Author/Editor: Solway, David
Turning to the World |
Turkey and the Armenian Ghost |
Author/Editor: Marchand, Laure; Perrier, Guillaume
Tulip in the Desert |
Author/Editor: Iqbal, Muhammed; Mir, Mustansir
Tug of War |
Author/Editor: Hampson, Fen Olser; Troitskiy, Mikhail
Tuberculosis Then and Now |
Author/Editor: Condrau, Flurin; Worboys, Michael
Tsardom of Sufficiency, Empire of Norms |
Author/Editor: DAVID W. DARROW
Truth Matters |
Author/Editor: Zuidervaart, Lambert; Carr, Allyson; Klaassen, Matthew
Truth Commissions and State Building |
Author/Editor: Bonny Ibhawoh ,Jasper Abembia Ayelazuno ,Sylvia Bawa
Truth and Relevance |
Author/Editor: Baum, Gregory
Truth |
Author/Editor: Engel, Pascal
Trust, Distrust, and Mistrust in Multinational Democracies |
A Truffaut Notebook |
Author/Editor: Solecki, Sam
True Spirit and Original Intent of Treaty 7 |
Author/Editor: Treaty 7 Elders
True Poetry |
Author/Editor: Greenhill, Pauline
Trudeau and the End of a Canadian Dream |
Author/Editor: Laforest, Guy
Troubling Natural Categories |
Author/Editor: Adelson, Naomi; Butt, Leslie; Kielmann, Karina
Tropes and Territories |
Author/Editor: Dvorak, Marta; New, W.H
Trojan-Horse Aid |
Author/Editor: Walsh, Susan
Triquet's Cross |
Author/Editor: MacFarlane, John
Trio |
Author/Editor: Tolmie, Sarah
Trials of Labour |
Author/Editor: Burtch, Brian
Tremblay Report |
Author/Editor: Kwavnick, David
Treaty No. 9 |
Author/Editor: Long, John S
Treading Fast Rivers |
Author/Editor: Schönmaier, Eleonore
Transnationalism |
Author/Editor: Behiels, Michael; Stuart, Reginald C
Translation Effects |
Author/Editor: Mezei, Kathy; Simon, Sherry; Flotow, Luise von
Translating Montreal |
Author/Editor: Simon, Sherry
Translating Air |
Author/Editor: Kath MacLean
Transforming the Nation |
Author/Editor: Blake, Raymond B
Transforming Psyche |
Author/Editor: Huber, Barbara Weir
Transforming Medical Education: Historical Case Studies of Teaching, Learning, and Belonging in Medicine |
Author/Editor: Delia Gavrus ,Susan Lamb
Transforming Conversations |
Author/Editor: Wallin, Dawn; Wallace, Janice
Transformation of Sin |
Author/Editor: Grant, Patrick
The Transformation of Civil Society: An Oral History of Ukrainian Peasant Culture, 1920s to 1930s |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM NOLL
Transdisciplinarity |
Author/Editor: Somerville, Margaret A.; Rapport, David J
The Transcultural Streams of Chinese Canadian Identities |
Author/Editor: Jessica Tsui-yan Li
TransCanadian Feminist Fictions |
Transatlantic Upper Canada: Portraits in Literature Land and British-Indigenous Relations |
Transatlantic Subjects |
Author/Editor: Christie, Nancy
Transatlantic Passages |
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Paula; Santoro, Miléna
Trans-Atlantic Partners |
Author/Editor: Potter, Evan H
Transatlantic Methodists |
Author/Editor: Webb, Todd
Trance Speakers |
Author/Editor: Massicotte, Claudie
Tragedy and After |
Author/Editor: Faas, E
Traditional Gaelic Bagpiping, 1745-1945 |
Author/Editor: Gibson, John G
Trade Barriers to the Public Good |
Author/Editor: Michalos, Alex C
Trade and Health |
Author/Editor: Blouin, Chantal; Heymann, Jody; Drager, Nick
Trade and Commerce: Canada’s Economic Constitution |
Author/Editor: Malcolm Lavoie
Tracings of Gerald Le Dain's Life in the Law |
Toxic Immanence: Decolonizing Nuclear Legacies and Futures |
Author/Editor: LIVIA MONNET
Town House, Country House |
Author/Editor: Boswell, Hazel
To Will One Thing |
Author/Editor: Walker, Jeremy
Tower under Siege |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Brian; Massey, Christine; Smith, Richard
Toward the Charter |
Author/Editor: MacLennan, Christopher
Towards North American Monetary Union? |
Author/Editor: Helleiner, Eric
Towards Constructive Change in Aboriginal Communities |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Donald M
Towards a Godless Dominion: Unbelief in Interwar Canada, Vol. 99 |
Towards a Francophone Community |
Author/Editor: Gendron, Robin S
Towards a Canada-Quebec Union |
Author/Editor: Resnick, Philip
Toward Equity and Inclusion in Canadian Cities |
Author/Editor: Klodawsky, Fran; Siltanen, Janet; Andrew, Caroline
Toward a Healthcare Strategy for Canadians |
Author/Editor: Carson, A. Scott; Dixon, Jeffrey; Nossal, Kim Richard
À tout prendre et Il était une fois dans l’Est |
Author/Editor: Julie Vaillancourt
A Touch of Fire: Marie-André Duplessis the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec and the Writing of New France |
Author/Editor: THOMAS M. CARR JR
Touching Beauty: The Poetics of Kim Thúy |
To the Spring, by Night |
Author/Editor: Dagtekin, Seyhmus
To the Arctic by Canoe 1819-1821 |
Author/Editor: Houston, Stuart
Total Science |
Author/Editor: Prévost, Jean-Guy
Total Defence Forces in the Twenty-First Century, Vol. 20 |
Tortillas and Tomatoes |
Author/Editor: Basok, Tanya
The Torontonians |
Author/Editor: Young, Phyllis Brett
Toronto Architect Edmund Burke |
Author/Editor: Carr, Angela
Top Secret Exchange |
Author/Editor: Zimmerman, David
To Preserve & Defend |
Author/Editor: Tulchinsky, G
Tom Paine and William Cobbett |
Author/Editor: Wilson, David A
To Make a Killing: Arthur Cutten, the Man Who Ruled the Markets |
To Make a Difference |
Author/Editor: Goodman, Morris
Tolerant Allies |
Author/Editor: Donaghy, Greg
Together We Survive |
Author/Editor: Long, John S.; Brown, Jennifer S.H
To Build a Shadowy Isle of Bliss |
Author/Editor: Weinroth, Michelle; Browne, Paul Leduc
Tin-Pots and Pirate Ships |
Author/Editor: Hadley, Michael L.; Sarty, Roger
Tinkers and Travellers |
Author/Editor: Gmelch, Sharon
Timing Canada |
Author/Editor: Paul Huebener
Timely Voices |
Author/Editor: Stanivukovic, Goran
Time in Time |
Author/Editor: Smith, J. Mark
Time and Space |
Author/Editor: Dainton, Barry Francis
Time and Philosophy |
Author/Editor: McCumber, John
Tigers and the Internet: Story, Shamans, History |
Author/Editor: KIRA VAN DEUSEN
Tides of Empire |
Author/Editor: Graham, Gerald S
Tides of Change on Grand Manan Island |
Author/Editor: Marshall, Joan
Thumper |
Author/Editor: Macdonald, Donald S
Through the First Antarctic Night, 1898-1899 |
Author/Editor: Cook, Frederick A
Through Sunshine and Shadow |
Author/Editor: Cook, Sharon Anne
Through Post-Atomic Eyes, Vol. 29 |
Author/Editor: Claudette Lauzon ,John O’Brian
Three Pillars of Public Management |
Author/Editor: Ingstrup, Ole; Crookall, Paul
Thomas Nagel |
Author/Editor: Thomas, Alan
Thomas D'Arcy McGee |
Author/Editor: Wilson, David A
Thomas D'Arcy McGee |
Author/Editor: Wilson, David A
Thomas Attwood |
Author/Editor: Moss, David
This Unfriendly Soil |
Author/Editor: MacKinnon, Neil
This Strange Loneliness: Heaney's Wordsworth |
Author/Editor: PETER MACKAY
This Kindred People |
Author/Editor: Kohn, Edward P
This Great National Object |
Author/Editor: Styran, Roberta M.; Taylor, Robert
This Distant and Unsurveyed Country |
Author/Editor: Ross, Gillies
This Colossal Project |
Author/Editor: Roberta M. Styran,Robert R. Taylor
A Thirst for Wine and War: The Intoxication of French Soldiers on the Western Front |
Author/Editor: ADAM D. ZIENTEK
Third Solitudes |
Author/Editor: Greenstein, Michael
The Thin Smoke of the Heart |
Author/Editor: Bowling, Tim
Thinking with Water |
Author/Editor: Chen, Cecilia; MacLeod, Janine; Neimanis, Astrida
Thinking Outside the Box |
Author/Editor: Banting, Keith; Chaykowski, Richard; Lehrer, Steven
Thinking about Faith |
Author/Editor: Horvath, Tibor
They Shot, He Scored |
Author/Editor: Wright, James K
These Mysterious People |
Author/Editor: Roy, Susan
There's Always Something to Do |
Author/Editor: Risso-Gill, Christopher
Theory and History of Ocean Boundary-Making |
Author/Editor: Johnston, Douglas M
Theopompus The Historian |
Author/Editor: Shrimpton, Gordon S
Theology of the Oral Torah |
Author/Editor: Neusner, Jacob
Theology and the Victorian Novel |
Author/Editor: Perkin, J. Russell
Then and Now |
Author/Editor: Coutu, Joan
Theatricality of Robert Lepage |
Author/Editor: Dundjerovi?, Aleksandar Saša
Theatre of Apollo |
Author/Editor: Griffith, Drew
Thackeray's Cultural Frame of Reference |
Author/Editor: McMaster, R
Terra Nostra |
Author/Editor: Murray, Jeffrey S
Tense, Reference, and Worldmaking |
Author/Editor: McGilvray, James A
Tenants in Time |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Catharine Anne
Telling the Flesh |
Author/Editor: Boon, Sonja
Telling it to the Judge |
Author/Editor: Ray, Arthur J
Telecom Nation |
Author/Editor: Mussio, Laurence
Teeth of Time |
Author/Editor: Cook, Ramsay
Tecumseh's Bones |
Author/Editor: St-Denis, Guy
Technology and Nationalism |
Author/Editor: Adria, Marco
Technology and National Competitiveness |
Author/Editor: Niosi, Jorge
Techniciens de l'organisation sociale |
Author/Editor: Bourbeau, Amélie
Tear Gas Epiphanies |
Author/Editor: Robertson, Kirsty
Teaching for Commitment |
Author/Editor: Thiessen, Elmer John
Teaching as Activism |
Author/Editor: Tripp, Peggy; Muzzin, Linda
Tax, Borrow and Spend |
Author/Editor: Gillespie, Irwin
Tanzanian Doctor |
Author/Editor: Stirling, Leader
Tancook Schooners |
Author/Editor: O'Leary, Wayne M
Tamarack & Clearcut |
Author/Editor: Bluger, Marianne; Haas, Rudi
Talking in Context |
Author/Editor: Goodfellow, Anne Marie
Tales Until Dawn |
Author/Editor: MacNeil, Joe Neil; Shaw, John
Tales for an Unknown City |
Author/Editor: Yashinsky, Dan
Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo |
Author/Editor: Rink, Henrik
Taking to the Streets: Crowds Politics and the Urban Experience in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Montreal |
Author/Editor: DAN HORNER
Taking Stock |
Author/Editor: Peters, Guy; Savoie, Donald J
Taking Sex into Account |
Author/Editor: Vickers, Jill McCalla
T.A. Crerar |
Author/Editor: Rea, J
Tablature |
Author/Editor: Whiteman, Bruce
Systemic Risk in the Financial Sector: Ten Years After the Great Crash |
Syntactic Recoverability of Null Arguments |
Author/Editor: Roberge, Yves
Symbols in Life and Art |
Author/Editor: Leith, James A
The Symbolic State: Minority Recognition, Majority Backlash, and Secession in Multinational Countries, Vol. 7 |
Author/Editor: KARLO BASTA
Swinging the Maelstrom |
Author/Editor: Grace, Sherrill E
Swinburne and His Gods |
Author/Editor: Louis, Margot K
The Sweet Sixteen |
Author/Editor: Kay, Linda
Sweet Canadian Girls Abroad: A Transnational History of Stage and Screen Actresses |
the swailing |
Suspended Conversations: The Afterlife of Memory in Photographic Albums Second Edition, Ed. DGO - Digital original, 2 |
Suspended Conversations |
Author/Editor: Langford, Martha
Survival by Association |
Author/Editor: Welch, Barbara M
Survival and Consolidation |
Author/Editor: Debo, Richard K
Surveyors of Empire |
Author/Editor: Hornsby, Stephen J
Surveillance, Privacy, and the Globalization of Personal Information |
Author/Editor: Zureik, Elia; Stalker, Lynda Harling; Smith, Emily
Surpassing Wonder |
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Surgeons, Smallpox, and the Poor |
Author/Editor: Marble, Allan Everett
A Surgeon in the Army of the Potomac |
Author/Editor: Wafer, Francis M.; Wells, Cheryl A
Surface Climates of Canada |
Author/Editor: Bailey, W.G.; Oke, Timothy R.; Rouse, Wayne
Supreme Fictions |
Author/Editor: John, B
Sun in Winter |
Author/Editor: Lambton, Gunda
The Sum of the Satisfactions |
Author/Editor: McDowall, Duncan
The Suffering Gene |
Author/Editor: Burdon, Roy
Such Hardworking People |
Author/Editor: Iacovetta, Franca
The Subtle Knot |
Author/Editor: Habinek, Lianne
Subsistence under Capitalism |
Subaltern Appeal to Experience |
Author/Editor: Ireland, Craig
Styles of Meaning and Meanings of Style in Richardson's Clarissa |
Author/Editor: Fulton, Gordon
St. Ursula's Convent or the Nun of Canada |
Author/Editor: Hart, Julia C.B.; Lochhead, Douglas G
Studies in Christian Existentialism |
Author/Editor: Macquarrie, John
Student Unrest in India |
Author/Editor: Ross, Aileen D
Student's Guide for Writing in Political Science |
Author/Editor: Martel, Andre
Struggling for Effectiveness |
Author/Editor: Brown, Stephen
Struggle to Serve |
Author/Editor: Godfrey, W.G
Struggle for Swazi Labour, 1890-1920 |
Author/Editor: Crush, Jonathan
Struggle for Quebec |
Author/Editor: Young, Robert
The Structures of Law and Literature |
Author/Editor: Miller, Jeffrey
Structure, Information and Communication Complexity, IIS 1 |
Author/Editor: Flocchini, Paola
Strict Metrical Tradition |
Author/Editor: Keppel-Jones, David
Strategy and Command: The Anglo-French Coalition on the Western Front, 1915 |
Author/Editor: ROY A. PRETE
Strategy and Command |
Author/Editor: Prete, Roy A
Strategies of Public Engagement |
Author/Editor: Gillies, David
Strategic Cousins |
Author/Editor: Blaxland, John C
Strange Things Done |
Author/Editor: Coates, Ken S.; Morrison, William R
Strangers in Arms |
Author/Editor: ROBERT ENGEN
Strangers Among Us |
Author/Editor: Woodman, David C
Stranger Gods |
Author/Editor: Clark, Roger Y
Strange Manuscript found in a Copper Cylinder |
Author/Editor: De Mille, James; Parks, Malcolm
The Strange Demise of British Canada |
Author/Editor: Champion, C.P
Strange Death of the Liberal Empire |
Author/Editor: Torrance, David E
Strange Contrarieties |
Author/Editor: Barker, John
The Strange and Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas James |
Author/Editor: Franklin, Colleen
Straits of Malacca |
Author/Editor: Freeman, Donald B
Straight Talk |
Author/Editor: Dion, Stéphane
St Petersburg Dialogues |
Author/Editor: Maistre, Joseph de
St Petersburg |
Author/Editor: Bater, James H
The Story of Shaw's Saint Joan |
Author/Editor: Tyson, Brian
Storm Still |
Author/Editor: O'Meara, David
Stories of the Middle Space |
Author/Editor: Bowen, Deborah C
St Mary's |
Author/Editor: Heaman, E.A
Stikeman Elliott |
Author/Editor: Pound, Richard W
Stikeman Elliott |
Author/Editor: Pound, Richard W
Sterling Public Servant |
Author/Editor: Ryten, Jacob
Steps on the Road to Medicare |
Author/Editor: Houston, Stuart
Stephen Leacock |
Author/Editor: Lynch, Gerald
Stello |
Author/Editor: Vigny, Alfred de
Stefansson and the Canadian Arctic |
Author/Editor: Diubaldo, Richard
Steering the Course |
Author/Editor: Hughes, Sam
Steeped in Blood |
Author/Editor: Latchford, Frances J
Steamboat Connections |
Author/Editor: Mackey, Frank
Stealing the Show |
Author/Editor: Lambton, Gunda