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Titles (113) Information
Advanced Students’ Knowledge of Vocabulary in a First and Second Language
Author/Editor: Monica Karlsson
Advancing Language Research through Q Methodology
Author/Editor: Nicola Fraschini ,Adrian Lundberg ,Renata Aliani
The Affective Dimension in English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education
Author/Editor: David Lasagabaster ,Alberto Fernández-Costales ,Flor de Lis González-Mujico
Agency in the Peripheries of Language Revitalisation: Examining European Practices on the Ground
Author/Editor: Mary S. Linn ,Alejandro Dayán-Fernández
Antisocial Language Teaching: English and the Pervasive Pathology of Whiteness
Author/Editor: JPB Gerald
The Assessment of Multilingual Learners: Supporting English Language Learners, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Kate Mahoney
Authenticity across Languages and Cultures: Themes of Identity in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Author/Editor: Leo Will ,Wolfgang Stadler ,Irma Eloff
Autonomy Support Beyond the Language Learning Classroom: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
Author/Editor: Jo Mynard ,Scott J. Shelton-Strong
Black Teachers of English(es) in Japan: Transnational, Professional and Pedagogical Encounters
Author/Editor: Gregory Paul Glasgow
Born-Digital Texts in the English Language Classroom
Author/Editor: Saskia Kersten ,Christian Ludwig
Centering Multilingual Learners and Countering Raciolinguistic Ideologies in Teacher Education: Principles, Policies and Practices
Author/Editor: Jeff Bale ,Shakina Rajendram ,Katie Brubacher ,Mama Adobea Nii Owoo ,Jennifer Burton ,Wales Wong ,Yiran Zhang ,Elizabeth Jean Larson ,Antoinette Gag
The Challenge of Subtitling Offensive and Taboo Language into Spanish: A Theoretical and Practical Guide
Author/Editor: José Javier Ávila-Cabrera
Communication that Counts: Language Practice and Ideology in Globalized Accounting
Author/Editor: Pia Patricia P. Tenedero
Contemporary Perspectives on Shopping, Retail and Tourism
Author/Editor: Dallen J. Timothy
Control, Abuse, Bullying and Family Violence in Tourism Industries
Author/Editor: Elisa Zentveld
The Creative Writer's Mind
Author/Editor: Nigel Krauth
Critical Conversation Analysis: Inequality and Injustice in Talk-in-Interaction
Author/Editor: Hansun Zhang Waring ,Nadja Tadic
Cultures of Sustainable Peace: Conflict Transformation, Gender-Based Violence, Decolonial Praxes
Author/Editor: Hyab Teklehaimanot Yohannes ,Alison Phipps ,Tawona Sitholé
Developing Language Competence through English for Specific Purposes in English-Medium University Settings
Author/Editor: Marta Aguilar-Pérez ,Balbina Moncada-Comas ,Dietmar Tatzl
Developing Writing Competence in L2 Chinese Classrooms: Research and Application
Author/Editor: Li Yang ,Laura Valentín-Rivera
Digital Multimodal Composing: Connecting Theory, Research and Practice in Second Language Acquisition
Author/Editor: Matt Kessler
Discourses, Identities and Investment in Foreign Language Learning
Author/Editor: Jennifer Martyn
Early Foreign Language Learning and Teaching: Evidence Versus Wishful Thinking
Author/Editor: Marianne Nikolov ,Stela Letica Krevelj
Early Language Learning in Context: A Critical Socioeducational Perspective
Author/Editor: David Hayes
The Ecology of Pre-Primary Foreign Language Learning
Author/Editor: Joanna Rokita-Jaśkow
EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development: Voices from Under-Represented Contexts
Author/Editor: Estela Ene ,Betsy Gilliland ,Sarah Henderson Lee ,Tanita Saenkhum ,Lisya Seloni
English for Academic Purposes: Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future
Author/Editor: Douglas E. Bell
English in Post-Revolutionary Iran
Author/Editor: Borjian, Maryam
English Pronunciation Teaching: Theory, Practice and Research Findings
Author/Editor: Veronica G. Sardegna ,Anna Jarosz
Equity in Multilingual Schools and Communities: Celebrating the Contributions of Guadalupe Valdés
Author/Editor: Amanda K. Kibler ,Aída Walqui ,George C. Bunch ,Christian J. Faltis
The Future of Cultural Tourism
Author/Editor: Xavier Matteucci ,Simone Moretti ,Licia Calvi ,Jessika Weber-Sabil
The Future of Dark Tourism: Enlightening New Horizons
Author/Editor: Philip R. Stone ,Daniel W.M. Wright
Future Tourism in a Robonomic World
Author/Editor: Stanislav Ivanov ,Craig Webster
Grammar in ELT and ELT Materials: Evaluating its History and Current Practice
Author/Editor: Graham Burton
Heritage Languages in the Digital Age: The Case of Autochthonous Minority Languages in Western Europe
Author/Editor: Birte Arendt ,Gertrud Reershemius
Identity and Language Learning: Extending the Conversation
Author/Editor: Bonny Norton ,Claire Kramsch
Individual Language Policy: Bilingual Youth in Vietnam
Author/Editor: Trang Thi Thuy Nguyen
Integrating e-Portfolios into L2 Classrooms: Education for Future
Author/Editor: Ricky Lam
Intercultural Citizenship in Language Education: Teaching and Learning Through Social Action
Author/Editor: Kaishan Kong ,Allison J. Spenader
International Student Engagement in Higher Education: Transforming Practices, Pedagogies and Participation
Author/Editor: Margaret Kettle
International Students' Multilingual Literacy Practices: An Asset-based Approach to Understanding Academic Discourse Socialization
Author/Editor: Peter I. De Costa ,Wendy Li ,Jongbong Lee
Korean-English Bilingualism in Early Childhood: A Longitudinal Investigation of Development
Author/Editor: Sunny K. Park-Johnson
Language Learning, Digital Communications and Study Abroad: Identity and Belonging in Translocal Contexts
Author/Editor: Levi Durbidge
Language Management: From Bricolage to Strategy in British Companies
Author/Editor: Natalie Victoria Wilmot
Language, Migration and In/Exclusion in the Workplace
Author/Editor: Jo Angouri ,Julie Kerekes ,Minna Suni
Language Politics in Tunisia: A Study of Language Ideological Debates
Author/Editor: Fethi Helal ,Joseph Lo Bianco
Language Teacher Identity and Wellbeing
Author/Editor: Anne Feryok
Language Teacher Wellbeing across the Career Span
Author/Editor: Giulia Sulis ,Sarah Mercer ,Sonja Babic ,Astrid Mairitsch
Lau v. Nichols and Chinese American Language Rights: The Sunrise and Sunset of Bilingual Education
Author/Editor: Trish Morita-Mullaney
Lessons from a Dual Language Bilingual School: Celebrando una década de Dos Puentes Elementary
Author/Editor: Tatyana Kleyn ,Victoria Hunt ,Alcira Jaar ,Rebeca Madrigal ,Consuelo Villegas
Lifelong Motivation and Foreign Language Learning: Perspectives from Later Life
Author/Editor: Bérénice Darnault
A Linguistic Approach to the Study of Dyslexia
Author/Editor: Gloria Cappelli ,Sabrina Noccetti
Linguistic Justice on Campus: Pedagogy and Advocacy for Multilingual Students
Author/Editor: Brooke R. Schreiber ,Eunjeong Lee ,Jennifer T. Johnson ,Norah Fahim
Listening Without Borders: Creating Spaces for Encountering Difference
Author/Editor: Magdalena Kubanyiova ,Parinita Shetty ,Louise Dearden ,Ana Korzun
Making Language Visible in the University: English for Academic Purposes and Internationalisation
Author/Editor: Bee Bond
Measuring Second Language Pragmatic Competence: A Psycholinguistic Perspective
Author/Editor: Rod Ellis ,Carsten Roever ,Natsuko Shintani ,Yan Zhu
Meeting the Needs of Reunited Refugee Families: An Ecological, Multilingual Approach to Language Learning
Author/Editor: Sarah Cox
Mindsets in Language Education
Author/Editor: Adrian Leis ,Åsta Haukås ,Nigel Mantou Lou ,Sachiko Nakamura
Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education in the Asia-Pacific Region
Author/Editor: Suwilai Premsrirat ,David Hirsh
Motivation, Autonomy and Emotions in Foreign Language Learning: A Multi-Perspective Investigation in Hungary
Author/Editor: Kata Csizér ,Dávid Smid ,Anna Zólyomi ,Ágnes Albert
Motivation to Learn Multiple Languages in Japan: A Longitudinal Perspective
Author/Editor: Chika Takahashi
The Multilingual Adolescent Experience: Small Stories of Integration and Socialization by Polish Families in Ireland
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Machowska-Kosciak
Multilingual Classrooms for Young Children in the UK: Advancing Diversity through Technology and Research
Author/Editor: Jieun Kiaer
Multilingualism and Gendered Immigrant Identity: Perspectives from Catalonia
Author/Editor: Farah Ali
Multilingual Perspectives on Translanguaging
Author/Editor: Jeff MacSwan
Multilingual Selves and Motivations for Learning Languages other than English in Asian Contexts
Author/Editor: Anas Hajar ,Syed Abdul Manan
Multilingual Teaching: The Missing Piece
Author/Editor: Roma Chumak-Horbatsch
Multilingual Testing and Assessment
Author/Editor: Gessica De Angelis
Multimodality and Multilingualism: Towards an Integrative Approach
Author/Editor: Steph Ainsworth ,Dominic Griffiths ,Gee Macrory ,Kate Pahl
Multimodal Literacies in Young Emergent Bilinguals: Beyond Print-Centric Practices
Author/Editor: Sally Brown ,Ling Hao
New Horizons in Prescriptivism Research
Author/Editor: Nuria Yáñez-Bouza ,María E. Rodríguez-Gil ,Javier Pérez-Guerra
Overcoming the Gentrification of Dual Language, Bilingual and Immersion Education: Solution-Oriented Research and Stakeholder Resources for Real Integration
Author/Editor: M. Garrett Delavan ,Juan A. Freire ,Kate Menken
Patient-centred Communication: Discourse of In-home Medical Consultations for Older Adults
Author/Editor: Kayo Kondo
Plurilingual Education in a Monolingualised Nation: Exploring New Frontiers in Language Teaching in Japan
Author/Editor: Daniel Roy Pearce
Political Activism in the Linguistic Landscape: Or, how to use Public Space as a Medium for Protest
Author/Editor: Philip Seargeant ,Korina Giaxoglou ,Frank Monaghan
The Power of Voice in Transforming Multilingual Societies
Author/Editor: Julia Gspandl ,Christina Korb ,Angelika Heiling ,Elizabeth J. Erling
Pragmatics of Chinese as a Second Language
Author/Editor: Shuai Li
The Professional Lives of Language Study Abroad Alumni: A Mixed Methods Investigation
Author/Editor: Celeste Kinginger ,Jingyuan Zhuang
Race and Ethnicity in English Language Teaching: Korea in Focus
Author/Editor: Christopher Joseph Jenks
Redoing Linguistic Worlds: Unmaking Gender Binaries, Remaking Gender Pluralities
Author/Editor: Kris Aric Knisely ,Eric Louis Russell
(Re)imagining Translanguaging Pedagogies through Teacher–Researcher Collaboration
Author/Editor: Leah Shepard-Carey ,Zhongfeng Tian
Researching and Teaching Speech Acts with Young L2 Learners: Beneath the Linguistic Surface
Author/Editor: Milica Savić ,Anders Myrset ,Maria Economidou-Kogetsidis
Researching Multilingually: Conceptual and Methodological Failures, Struggles and Successes
Author/Editor: Bridget Goodman ,Brian Seilstad
Rethinking Hospitality and Tourism Education: Disruptors and Transformations
Author/Editor: Marcela Fang ,Kim Williams ,Alison Morrison ,Tracy Harkison
The Rise of Tourism in China: Social and Cultural Change
Author/Editor: Yiping Li
Scenario Planning and Tourism Futures: Theory Building, Methodologies and Case Studies
Author/Editor: Albert Postma ,Stefan Hartman ,Ian Yeoman
Second Language Literacy Pedagogy: A Sociocultural Theory Perspective
Author/Editor: Kimberly Buescher Urbanski
Second Language Pronunciation Assessment
Author/Editor: Isaacs, Talia; Trofimovich, Pavel
Sex in Tourism: Exploring the Light and the Dark
Author/Editor: Neil Carr ,Liza Berdychevsky
Shades of Decolonial Voices in Linguistics
Author/Editor: Sinfree Makoni ,Cristine Severo ,Ashraf Abdelhay ,Anna Kaiper-Marquez ,Višnja Milojičić
Spanish So White: Conversations on the Inconvenient Racism of a ‘Foreign’ Language Education
Author/Editor: Adam Schwartz
Speaking Up: Understanding Language and Gender
Author/Editor: Allyson Jule
Stories from Exceptional Language Learners Who Have Achieved Nativelike Proficiency, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Author/Editor: Katarina Mentzelopoulos ,Zoltán Dörnyei ,Capucine Trotignon
Teacher Development for Content-Based Language Education: International Perspectives
Author/Editor: Susan Ballinger ,Ruth Fielding ,Diane J. Tedick
Teacher Reflection: Policies, Practices and Impacts
Author/Editor: Zia Tajeddin ,Atsuko Watanabe
Teachers of Multiple Languages: Identities, Beliefs and Emotions
Author/Editor: Eric K. Ku
Teaching and Learning Third Languages
Author/Editor: Francesca D’Angelo
Tension-Filled English at the Multilingual University: A Bakhtinian Perspective
Author/Editor: Maria Kuteeva
The Thesis Writing Journeys of Bachelor’s and Master’s Students: A Transnational European Perspective
Author/Editor: Bojana Petrić ,Montserrat Castelló
The Tourism Area Life Cycle: Review, Relevance and Revision
Author/Editor: Richard Butler
Tourism as a Pathway to Hope and Happiness
Author/Editor: Tej Vir Singh ,Richard Butler ,David A. Fennell
Tourism, Cyclones, Hurricanes and Flooding
Author/Editor: C. Michael Hall ,Girish Prayag
Touristic World-Making and Fan Pilgrimage in Popular Culture Destinations
Author/Editor: Vassilios Ziakas ,Christine Lundberg ,Maria Lexhagen
Transcultural Pedagogies for Multilingual Classrooms: Responding to Changing Realities in Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Rahat Zaidi ,Umit Boz ,Eve Moreau
Transforming World Language Teaching and Teacher Education for Equity and Justice: Pushing Boundaries in US Contexts
Author/Editor: Beth Wassell ,Cassandra Glynn
Translanguaging and English as a Lingua Franca in the Plurilingual Classroom
Author/Editor: Anna Mendoza
Translanguaging and Epistemological Decentring in Higher Education and Research
Author/Editor: Heidi Bojsen ,Petra Daryai-Hansen ,Anne Holmen ,Karen Risager
Transnational Research in English Language Teaching: Critical Practices and Identities
Author/Editor: Rashi Jain ,Bedrettin Yazan ,Suresh Canagarajah
Understanding Success and Failure in Adult ESL: Superación vs Dropout of Adult English Learners in the US
Author/Editor: Taewoong Kim
Using Tasks in Second Language Teaching: Practice in Diverse Contexts
Author/Editor: Craig Lambert ,Rhonda Oliver
Visualising Language Students and Teachers as Multilinguals: Advancing Social Justice in Education
Author/Editor: Paula Kalaja ,Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer
Willingness to Communicate, Multilingualism and Interactions in Community Contexts
Author/Editor: Alastair Henry ,Peter D. MacIntyre
Young Learners' Oracy Acquisition and Development in International Foreign Language Learning Contexts
Author/Editor: Dimitra Karoulla-Vrikki ,Lucilla Lopriore