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Titles (113) Information
Young Learners' Oracy Acquisition and Development in International Foreign Language Learning Contexts
Author/Editor: Dimitra Karoulla-Vrikki ,Lucilla Lopriore
Willingness to Communicate, Multilingualism and Interactions in Community Contexts
Author/Editor: Alastair Henry ,Peter D. MacIntyre
Visualising Language Students and Teachers as Multilinguals: Advancing Social Justice in Education
Author/Editor: Paula Kalaja ,Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer
Using Tasks in Second Language Teaching: Practice in Diverse Contexts
Author/Editor: Craig Lambert ,Rhonda Oliver
Understanding Success and Failure in Adult ESL: Superación vs Dropout of Adult English Learners in the US
Author/Editor: Taewoong Kim
Transnational Research in English Language Teaching: Critical Practices and Identities
Author/Editor: Rashi Jain ,Bedrettin Yazan ,Suresh Canagarajah
Translanguaging and Epistemological Decentring in Higher Education and Research
Author/Editor: Heidi Bojsen ,Petra Daryai-Hansen ,Anne Holmen ,Karen Risager
Translanguaging and English as a Lingua Franca in the Plurilingual Classroom
Author/Editor: Anna Mendoza
Transforming World Language Teaching and Teacher Education for Equity and Justice: Pushing Boundaries in US Contexts
Author/Editor: Beth Wassell ,Cassandra Glynn
Transcultural Pedagogies for Multilingual Classrooms: Responding to Changing Realities in Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Rahat Zaidi ,Umit Boz ,Eve Moreau
Touristic World-Making and Fan Pilgrimage in Popular Culture Destinations
Author/Editor: Vassilios Ziakas ,Christine Lundberg ,Maria Lexhagen
Tourism, Cyclones, Hurricanes and Flooding
Author/Editor: C. Michael Hall ,Girish Prayag
Tourism as a Pathway to Hope and Happiness
Author/Editor: Tej Vir Singh ,Richard Butler ,David A. Fennell
The Tourism Area Life Cycle: Review, Relevance and Revision
Author/Editor: Richard Butler
The Thesis Writing Journeys of Bachelor’s and Master’s Students: A Transnational European Perspective
Author/Editor: Bojana Petrić ,Montserrat Castelló
Tension-Filled English at the Multilingual University: A Bakhtinian Perspective
Author/Editor: Maria Kuteeva
Teaching and Learning Third Languages
Author/Editor: Francesca D’Angelo
Teachers of Multiple Languages: Identities, Beliefs and Emotions
Author/Editor: Eric K. Ku
Teacher Reflection: Policies, Practices and Impacts
Author/Editor: Zia Tajeddin ,Atsuko Watanabe
Teacher Development for Content-Based Language Education: International Perspectives
Author/Editor: Susan Ballinger ,Ruth Fielding ,Diane J. Tedick
Stories from Exceptional Language Learners Who Have Achieved Nativelike Proficiency, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Author/Editor: Katarina Mentzelopoulos ,Zoltán Dörnyei ,Capucine Trotignon
Speaking Up: Understanding Language and Gender
Author/Editor: Allyson Jule
Spanish So White: Conversations on the Inconvenient Racism of a ‘Foreign’ Language Education
Author/Editor: Adam Schwartz
Shades of Decolonial Voices in Linguistics
Author/Editor: Sinfree Makoni ,Cristine Severo ,Ashraf Abdelhay ,Anna Kaiper-Marquez ,Višnja Milojičić
Sex in Tourism: Exploring the Light and the Dark
Author/Editor: Neil Carr ,Liza Berdychevsky
Second Language Pronunciation Assessment
Author/Editor: Isaacs, Talia; Trofimovich, Pavel
Second Language Literacy Pedagogy: A Sociocultural Theory Perspective
Author/Editor: Kimberly Buescher Urbanski
Scenario Planning and Tourism Futures: Theory Building, Methodologies and Case Studies
Author/Editor: Albert Postma ,Stefan Hartman ,Ian Yeoman
The Rise of Tourism in China: Social and Cultural Change
Author/Editor: Yiping Li
Rethinking Hospitality and Tourism Education: Disruptors and Transformations
Author/Editor: Marcela Fang ,Kim Williams ,Alison Morrison ,Tracy Harkison
Researching Multilingually: Conceptual and Methodological Failures, Struggles and Successes
Author/Editor: Bridget Goodman ,Brian Seilstad
Researching and Teaching Speech Acts with Young L2 Learners: Beneath the Linguistic Surface
Author/Editor: Milica Savić ,Anders Myrset ,Maria Economidou-Kogetsidis
(Re)imagining Translanguaging Pedagogies through Teacher–Researcher Collaboration
Author/Editor: Leah Shepard-Carey ,Zhongfeng Tian
Redoing Linguistic Worlds: Unmaking Gender Binaries, Remaking Gender Pluralities
Author/Editor: Kris Aric Knisely ,Eric Louis Russell
Race and Ethnicity in English Language Teaching: Korea in Focus
Author/Editor: Christopher Joseph Jenks
The Professional Lives of Language Study Abroad Alumni: A Mixed Methods Investigation
Author/Editor: Celeste Kinginger ,Jingyuan Zhuang
Pragmatics of Chinese as a Second Language
Author/Editor: Shuai Li
The Power of Voice in Transforming Multilingual Societies
Author/Editor: Julia Gspandl ,Christina Korb ,Angelika Heiling ,Elizabeth J. Erling
Political Activism in the Linguistic Landscape: Or, how to use Public Space as a Medium for Protest
Author/Editor: Philip Seargeant ,Korina Giaxoglou ,Frank Monaghan
Plurilingual Education in a Monolingualised Nation: Exploring New Frontiers in Language Teaching in Japan
Author/Editor: Daniel Roy Pearce
Patient-centred Communication: Discourse of In-home Medical Consultations for Older Adults
Author/Editor: Kayo Kondo
Overcoming the Gentrification of Dual Language, Bilingual and Immersion Education: Solution-Oriented Research and Stakeholder Resources for Real Integration
Author/Editor: M. Garrett Delavan ,Juan A. Freire ,Kate Menken
New Horizons in Prescriptivism Research
Author/Editor: Nuria Yáñez-Bouza ,María E. Rodríguez-Gil ,Javier Pérez-Guerra
Multimodal Literacies in Young Emergent Bilinguals: Beyond Print-Centric Practices
Author/Editor: Sally Brown ,Ling Hao
Multimodality and Multilingualism: Towards an Integrative Approach
Author/Editor: Steph Ainsworth ,Dominic Griffiths ,Gee Macrory ,Kate Pahl
Multilingual Testing and Assessment
Author/Editor: Gessica De Angelis
Multilingual Teaching: The Missing Piece
Author/Editor: Roma Chumak-Horbatsch
Multilingual Selves and Motivations for Learning Languages other than English in Asian Contexts
Author/Editor: Anas Hajar ,Syed Abdul Manan
Multilingual Perspectives on Translanguaging
Author/Editor: Jeff MacSwan
Multilingualism and Gendered Immigrant Identity: Perspectives from Catalonia
Author/Editor: Farah Ali
Multilingual Classrooms for Young Children in the UK: Advancing Diversity through Technology and Research
Author/Editor: Jieun Kiaer
The Multilingual Adolescent Experience: Small Stories of Integration and Socialization by Polish Families in Ireland
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Machowska-Kosciak
Motivation to Learn Multiple Languages in Japan: A Longitudinal Perspective
Author/Editor: Chika Takahashi
Motivation, Autonomy and Emotions in Foreign Language Learning: A Multi-Perspective Investigation in Hungary
Author/Editor: Kata Csizér ,Dávid Smid ,Anna Zólyomi ,Ágnes Albert
Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education in the Asia-Pacific Region
Author/Editor: Suwilai Premsrirat ,David Hirsh
Mindsets in Language Education
Author/Editor: Adrian Leis ,Åsta Haukås ,Nigel Mantou Lou ,Sachiko Nakamura
Meeting the Needs of Reunited Refugee Families: An Ecological, Multilingual Approach to Language Learning
Author/Editor: Sarah Cox
Measuring Second Language Pragmatic Competence: A Psycholinguistic Perspective
Author/Editor: Rod Ellis ,Carsten Roever ,Natsuko Shintani ,Yan Zhu
Making Language Visible in the University: English for Academic Purposes and Internationalisation
Author/Editor: Bee Bond
Listening Without Borders: Creating Spaces for Encountering Difference
Author/Editor: Magdalena Kubanyiova ,Parinita Shetty ,Louise Dearden ,Ana Korzun
Linguistic Justice on Campus: Pedagogy and Advocacy for Multilingual Students
Author/Editor: Brooke R. Schreiber ,Eunjeong Lee ,Jennifer T. Johnson ,Norah Fahim
A Linguistic Approach to the Study of Dyslexia
Author/Editor: Gloria Cappelli ,Sabrina Noccetti
Lifelong Motivation and Foreign Language Learning: Perspectives from Later Life
Author/Editor: Bérénice Darnault
Lessons from a Dual Language Bilingual School: Celebrando una década de Dos Puentes Elementary
Author/Editor: Tatyana Kleyn ,Victoria Hunt ,Alcira Jaar ,Rebeca Madrigal ,Consuelo Villegas
Lau v. Nichols and Chinese American Language Rights: The Sunrise and Sunset of Bilingual Education
Author/Editor: Trish Morita-Mullaney
Language Teacher Wellbeing across the Career Span
Author/Editor: Giulia Sulis ,Sarah Mercer ,Sonja Babic ,Astrid Mairitsch
Language Teacher Identity and Wellbeing
Author/Editor: Anne Feryok
Language Politics in Tunisia: A Study of Language Ideological Debates
Author/Editor: Fethi Helal ,Joseph Lo Bianco
Language, Migration and In/Exclusion in the Workplace
Author/Editor: Jo Angouri ,Julie Kerekes ,Minna Suni
Language Management: From Bricolage to Strategy in British Companies
Author/Editor: Natalie Victoria Wilmot
Language Learning, Digital Communications and Study Abroad: Identity and Belonging in Translocal Contexts
Author/Editor: Levi Durbidge
Korean-English Bilingualism in Early Childhood: A Longitudinal Investigation of Development
Author/Editor: Sunny K. Park-Johnson
International Students' Multilingual Literacy Practices: An Asset-based Approach to Understanding Academic Discourse Socialization
Author/Editor: Peter I. De Costa ,Wendy Li ,Jongbong Lee
International Student Engagement in Higher Education: Transforming Practices, Pedagogies and Participation
Author/Editor: Margaret Kettle
Intercultural Citizenship in Language Education: Teaching and Learning Through Social Action
Author/Editor: Kaishan Kong ,Allison J. Spenader
Integrating e-Portfolios into L2 Classrooms: Education for Future
Author/Editor: Ricky Lam
Individual Language Policy: Bilingual Youth in Vietnam
Author/Editor: Trang Thi Thuy Nguyen
Identity and Language Learning: Extending the Conversation
Author/Editor: Bonny Norton ,Claire Kramsch
Heritage Languages in the Digital Age: The Case of Autochthonous Minority Languages in Western Europe
Author/Editor: Birte Arendt ,Gertrud Reershemius
Grammar in ELT and ELT Materials: Evaluating its History and Current Practice
Author/Editor: Graham Burton
Future Tourism in a Robonomic World
Author/Editor: Stanislav Ivanov ,Craig Webster
The Future of Dark Tourism: Enlightening New Horizons
Author/Editor: Philip R. Stone ,Daniel W.M. Wright
The Future of Cultural Tourism
Author/Editor: Xavier Matteucci ,Simone Moretti ,Licia Calvi ,Jessika Weber-Sabil
Equity in Multilingual Schools and Communities: Celebrating the Contributions of Guadalupe Valdés
Author/Editor: Amanda K. Kibler ,Aída Walqui ,George C. Bunch ,Christian J. Faltis
English Pronunciation Teaching: Theory, Practice and Research Findings
Author/Editor: Veronica G. Sardegna ,Anna Jarosz
English in Post-Revolutionary Iran
Author/Editor: Borjian, Maryam
English for Academic Purposes: Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future
Author/Editor: Douglas E. Bell
EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development: Voices from Under-Represented Contexts
Author/Editor: Estela Ene ,Betsy Gilliland ,Sarah Henderson Lee ,Tanita Saenkhum ,Lisya Seloni
The Ecology of Pre-Primary Foreign Language Learning
Author/Editor: Joanna Rokita-Jaśkow
Early Language Learning in Context: A Critical Socioeducational Perspective
Author/Editor: David Hayes
Early Foreign Language Learning and Teaching: Evidence Versus Wishful Thinking
Author/Editor: Marianne Nikolov ,Stela Letica Krevelj
Discourses, Identities and Investment in Foreign Language Learning
Author/Editor: Jennifer Martyn
Digital Multimodal Composing: Connecting Theory, Research and Practice in Second Language Acquisition
Author/Editor: Matt Kessler
Developing Writing Competence in L2 Chinese Classrooms: Research and Application
Author/Editor: Li Yang ,Laura Valentín-Rivera
Developing Language Competence through English for Specific Purposes in English-Medium University Settings
Author/Editor: Marta Aguilar-Pérez ,Balbina Moncada-Comas ,Dietmar Tatzl
Cultures of Sustainable Peace: Conflict Transformation, Gender-Based Violence, Decolonial Praxes
Author/Editor: Hyab Teklehaimanot Yohannes ,Alison Phipps ,Tawona Sitholé
Critical Conversation Analysis: Inequality and Injustice in Talk-in-Interaction
Author/Editor: Hansun Zhang Waring ,Nadja Tadic
The Creative Writer's Mind
Author/Editor: Nigel Krauth
Control, Abuse, Bullying and Family Violence in Tourism Industries
Author/Editor: Elisa Zentveld
Contemporary Perspectives on Shopping, Retail and Tourism
Author/Editor: Dallen J. Timothy
Communication that Counts: Language Practice and Ideology in Globalized Accounting
Author/Editor: Pia Patricia P. Tenedero
The Challenge of Subtitling Offensive and Taboo Language into Spanish: A Theoretical and Practical Guide
Author/Editor: José Javier Ávila-Cabrera
Centering Multilingual Learners and Countering Raciolinguistic Ideologies in Teacher Education: Principles, Policies and Practices
Author/Editor: Jeff Bale ,Shakina Rajendram ,Katie Brubacher ,Mama Adobea Nii Owoo ,Jennifer Burton ,Wales Wong ,Yiran Zhang ,Elizabeth Jean Larson ,Antoinette Gag
Born-Digital Texts in the English Language Classroom
Author/Editor: Saskia Kersten ,Christian Ludwig
Black Teachers of English(es) in Japan: Transnational, Professional and Pedagogical Encounters
Author/Editor: Gregory Paul Glasgow
Autonomy Support Beyond the Language Learning Classroom: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
Author/Editor: Jo Mynard ,Scott J. Shelton-Strong
Authenticity across Languages and Cultures: Themes of Identity in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Author/Editor: Leo Will ,Wolfgang Stadler ,Irma Eloff
The Assessment of Multilingual Learners: Supporting English Language Learners, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Kate Mahoney
Antisocial Language Teaching: English and the Pervasive Pathology of Whiteness
Author/Editor: JPB Gerald
Agency in the Peripheries of Language Revitalisation: Examining European Practices on the Ground
Author/Editor: Mary S. Linn ,Alejandro Dayán-Fernández
The Affective Dimension in English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education
Author/Editor: David Lasagabaster ,Alberto Fernández-Costales ,Flor de Lis González-Mujico
Advancing Language Research through Q Methodology
Author/Editor: Nicola Fraschini ,Adrian Lundberg ,Renata Aliani
Advanced Students’ Knowledge of Vocabulary in a First and Second Language
Author/Editor: Monica Karlsson