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Titles (49) Information
Women's Language: An Analysis of Style and Expression in Letters Before 1800
Author/Editor: Eva Hættner Aurelius ,Hedda Gunneng ,Jon Helgason
Welcome Home Mr Swanson: Swedish Emigrants and Swedishness on Film
Author/Editor: Ann-Kristin Wallengren ,Charlotte Merton
War and Peace in Transition: Changing Roles of External Actors
Author/Editor: Karin Aggestam ,Annika Björkdahl
The Value of Courage
Author/Editor: Per Bauhn
Urban Squares: Spatio-temporal Studies of Design and Everyday Life in the Öresund Region
Author/Editor: Mattias Kärrholm
Understanding Literacy in Its Historical Contexts: Socio-Cultural History and the Legacy of Egil Johansson
Author/Editor: Harvey J. Graff ,Alison Mackinnon ,Bengt Sandin ,Ian Winchester
Treasured Memories: Tales of Buried Belongings in Wartime Estonia
Author/Editor: Mats Burström ,Charlotte Merton
Tracking Discourses: Politics, Identity and Social Change
Author/Editor: Annika Egan Sjölander ,Jenny Gunnarsson Payne
Swedish Film: An Introduction and a Reader
Author/Editor: Mariah Larsson ,Anders Marklund
Swedish and German Liberalism: From Factions to Parties 1860–1920
Author/Editor: Martin Åberg
The Story of War: Church and Propaganda in France and Sweden 1610–1710
Author/Editor: Anna Maria Forssberg
Spas: The Cultural Economy of Hospitality, Magic and the Senses
Author/Editor: Tom O’Dell
Social Transformations in Scandinavian Cities: Nordic Perspectives on Urban Marginalisation and Social Sustainability
Author/Editor: Erica Righard ,Magnus Johansson ,Tapio Salonen
Scandinavia in the First World War: Studies in the War Experience of the Northern Neutrals
Author/Editor: Claes Ahlund
Rethinking the Space for Religion: New Actors in Central and Southeast Europe on Religion, Authenticity and Belonging
Author/Editor: Catharina Raudvere ,Krzysztof Stala ,Trine Stauning Willert
Reconsidering Religion, Law, and Democracy: New Challenges for Society and Research
Author/Editor: Anna-Sara Lind ,Mia Lövheim ,Ulf Zackariasson
Public Diplomacy and Academic Mobility in Sweden: The Swedish Institute and Scholarship Programs for Foreign Academics, 1938–2010
Author/Editor: Andreas Åkerlund
Political Change and the Rise of Labour in Comparative Perspective: Britain and Sweden 1890-1920
Author/Editor: Mary Hilson
Physical and Cultural Space in Pre-Industrial Europe: Methodological Approaches to Spatiality
Author/Editor: Marko Lamberg ,Marko Hakanen ,Janne Haikari
Old Norse Religion in Long-Term Perspectives: Origins, Changes & Interactions
Author/Editor: Anders Andrén ,Kristina Jennbert ,Catharina Raudvere
Nordic Narratives of the Second World War: National Historiographies Revisited
Author/Editor: Henrik Stenius ,Mirja Österberg ,Johan Östling
Neither Fish nor Fowl: Educational Broadcasting in Sweden 1930-2000
Author/Editor: Maija Runcis ,Bengt Sandin ,Charlotte Merton
Negotiating Pasts in the Nordic Countries: Interdisciplinary Studies in History and Memory
Author/Editor: Anne Eriksen ,Jón Viðar Sigurðsson
National Relations: Public Diplomacy, National Identity and the Swedish Institute 1945-1970
Author/Editor: Nikolas Glover
More than Mythology: Narratives, Ritual Practices and Regional Distribution in Pre-Christian Scandinavian Religions
Author/Editor: Catharina Raudvere ,Jens Peter Schjødt
Mercenary Swedes: French Subsidies to Sweden 1631-1796
Author/Editor: Svante Norrhem ,Charlotte Merton
Medicine, Morality, and Political Culture: Legislation on Venereal Disease in Five Northern European Countries, c.1870–c.1995
Author/Editor: Ida Blom
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twilight: Studies in Fiction, Media and a Contemporary Cultural Experience
Author/Editor: Mariah Larsson ,Ann Steiner
Global Care Work: Gender and Migration in Nordic Societies
Author/Editor: Lise Widding Isaksen
Forms of Knowledge: Developing the History of Knowledge
Author/Editor: Johan Östling ,David Larsson Heidenblad ,Anna Nilsson Hammar
Fashioned in the North: Nordic Histories, Agents and Images of Fashion Photography
Author/Editor: Anna Dahlgren
Facing the Sea: Essays in Swedish Maritime Studies
Author/Editor: Simon Ekström ,Leos Müller
Europe: The Return of History
Author/Editor: Sven Tägil
Europe at the Crossroads: Confronting Populist, Nationalist, and Global Challenges
Author/Editor: Pieter Bevelander ,Ruth Wodak
Europeans: Essays on Culture and Identity
Author/Editor: Åke Daun ,Sören Jansson
Echoes of the Holocaust: Historical Cultures in Contemporary Europe
Author/Editor: Klas-Göran Karlsson ,Ulf Zander
Divided Cities: Governing Diversity
Author/Editor: Annika Björkdahl ,Lisa Strömbom
Displaced belongings
Author/Editor: Mirja Arnshav ,Anneli Karlsson ,Charlotte Merton
Culture Unbound: Americanization & Everyday Life in Sweden
Author/Editor: Tom O’Dell
Cultural Transformations After Communism: Central and Eastern Europe in Focus
Author/Editor: Barbara Törnquist-Plewa ,Krzysztof Stala
Contested Technologies: Xenotransplantation and Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Author/Editor: Anders Persson ,Stellan Welin
Congestion Taxes in City Traffic: Lessons Learnt from the Stockholm Trial
Author/Editor: Anders Gullberg ,Karolina Isaksson
A Clean House?: Studies of Corruption in Sweden
Author/Editor: Andreas Bergh ,Gissur Ó. Erlingsson ,Richard Öhrvall ,Mats Sjölin
The Chronicle of Duke Erik: A Verse Epic from Medieval Sweden
Author/Editor: Erik Carlquist ,Peter C. Hogg ,Professor Eva Österberg
Building Peace, Creating Conflict?: Conflictual Dimensions of Local and International Peacebuilding
Author/Editor: Hanne Fjelde ,Kristine Höglund
The Balkans in Focus: Cultural Boundaries in Europe
Author/Editor: Sanimir Resic ,Barbara Törnquist-Plewa
The Atomized Body: The Cultural Life of Stem Cells, Genes and Neurons
Author/Editor: Max Liljefors ,Susanne Lundin ,Andréa Wiszmeg
The Agrarian History of Sweden: From 4000 BC to AD 2000
Author/Editor: Janken Myrdal ,Mats Morell
Aging with Dignity: Innovation and Challenge in Sweden – The Voice of Elder Care Professionals
Author/Editor: Sofia Widén ,William A. Haseltine