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Titles ( displaying 500 of 2,312 ) Information
Youth in Egypt: Identity, Participation, and Opportunity
Author/Editor: Nadine Sika
Youth Activism in an Era of Education Inequality
Author/Editor: Kirshner, Ben
Your Time Is Done Now
Author/Editor: Pattullo, Polly
Your Ad Here
Author/Editor: Serazio, Michael
The Young Lords
Author/Editor: Enck-Wanzer, Darrel
The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, Vol. 68
Author/Editor: Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī ,Mario Kozah ,Kevin van Bladel ,Shawkat M. Toorawa
The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali
Author/Editor: Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī ,Mario Kozah ,David Gordon White ,Kevin van Bladel ,Shawkat M. Toorawa
A Year at the Helm of the United Nations General Assembly
Author/Editor: Al-Nasser, Nassir Abdulaziz
Yankee Town, Southern City
Author/Editor: Tripp, Steven Elliot
The Wrongs of the Right
Author/Editor: Hughey, Matthew W.; Parks, Gregory S
Wrong for All the Right Reasons
Author/Editor: Macinnes, Gordon
The Wrong Complexion for Protection
Author/Editor: Bullard, Robert D.; Wright, Beverly
The Wow Climax: Tracing the Emotional Impact of Popular Culture
Author/Editor: Henry Jenkins
A World to Build
Author/Editor: Harnecker, Marta
The World Is Our Classroom: Extreme Parenting and the Rise of Worldschooling
Author/Editor: Jennie Germann Molz
Works of Heart
Author/Editor: Elizabeth, Lynne; Young, Suzanne
The Work of Sartre
Author/Editor: Meszaros, Istvan
Working With the Person With Schizophrenia
Author/Editor: Selzer, Michael
Working the Diaspora
Author/Editor: Knight, Frederick C
Words upon the Word
Author/Editor: Bielo, James S
Words of Fire
Author/Editor: Collings, Anthony C
Words Made Flesh
Author/Editor: Edwards, R. A. R
Woodrow Wilson
Author/Editor: DiNunzio, Mario R
Women Who Opt Out
Author/Editor: Jones, Bernie D
The Women’s Mosque of America: Authority and Community in US Islam
Author/Editor: Tazeen M. Ali
Women Rising: In and Beyond the Arab Spring
Author/Editor: Rita Stephan ,Mounira M. Charrad
Women of the Street: How the Criminal Justice-Social Services Alliance Fails Women in Prostitution
Author/Editor: Susan Dewey,Tonia St. Germain
Women of the Nation
Author/Editor: Gibson, Dawn-Marie; Karim, Jamillah
Women of Steel
Author/Editor: Lowe, Maria R
Women, Love, and Power
Author/Editor: Baruch, Elaine
Women in Yoruba Religions
Author/Editor: Oyèrónké Oládémọ
Women in New Religions
Author/Editor: Vance, Laura
Women in Japanese Religions
Author/Editor: Ambros, Barbara R
Women in Early America
Author/Editor: Foster, Thomas A
Women in Christian Traditions
Author/Editor: Moore, Rebecca
Women in Buddhist Traditions
Author/Editor: Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Women Doing Life
Author/Editor: Lempert, Lora Bex
Women as Wartime Rapists
Author/Editor: Sjoberg, Laura
Women and Community in Oman
Author/Editor: Eickelman, Christine
Woman Suffrage and Women’s Rights
Author/Editor: DuBois, Ellen Carol
Woman Suffrage and Women’s Rights
Author/Editor: DuBois, Ellen Carol
With Honor and Integrity: Transgender Troops in Their Own Words
Author/Editor: Máel Embser-Herbert ,Bree Fram
Wisconsin Uprising
Author/Editor: Yates, Michael D
The Wired Professor
Author/Editor: Keating, Anne B.; Hargitai, Joseph R
William M. Kunstler: The Most Hated Lawyer in America
Author/Editor: DAVID J. LANGUM
Wife, Inc
Author/Editor: Leonard, Suzanne
The Widows' Might
Author/Editor: Conger, Vivian Bruce
Why Unions Matter
Author/Editor: Yates, Michael D
Why Lawsuits are Good for America
Author/Editor: Bogus, Carl T
Why Jury Duty Matters
Author/Editor: Ferguson, Andrew Guthrie
Why Girls Fight
Author/Editor: Ness, Cindy D
Who You Claim
Author/Editor: Garot, Robert
Who's Your Paddy?
Author/Editor: Duffy, Jennifer Nugent
Whose Harlem Is This, Anyway?
Author/Editor: King, Shannon
Whose Global Village?: Rethinking How Technology Shapes Our World
Author/Editor: Ramesh Srinivasan
Whose American Revolution Was It?
Author/Editor: Young, Alfred F.; Nobles, Gregory
Whitman's Presence
Author/Editor: Nathanson, Tenney
Whiter: Asian American Women on Skin Color and Colorism
Author/Editor: NIKKI KHANNA
Whiteness on the Border
Author/Editor: Bebout, Lee
White Christian Privilege: The Illusion of Religious Equality in America
Author/Editor: Khyati Y. Joshi
When the Medium was the Mission: The Atlantic Telegraph and the Religious Origins of Network Culture
Author/Editor: Jenna Supp-Montgomerie
When Sorry Isn't Enough
Author/Editor: Brooks, Roy L
When Mothers Kill: Interviews from Prison
Author/Editor: Michelle Oberman ,Cheryl L. Meyer
When Media Goes to War: Hegemonic Discourse, Public Opinion, and the Limits of Dissent
When Law Fails
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin; Ogletree Jr., Charles J
When Governments Break the Law
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin; Hussain, Nasser
When Gay People Get Married
Author/Editor: Badgett, M. V. Lee
When Boys Become Boys
Author/Editor: Chu, Judy Y.; Gilligan, Carol
When Animals Speak: Toward an Interspecies Democracy
Author/Editor: Eva Meijer
When Animals Die: Examining Justifications and Envisioning Justice
Author/Editor: Katja M. Guenther ,Julian Paul Keenan
What Would Mrs. Astor Do?: The Essential Guide to the Manners and Mores of the Gilded Age, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: Cecelia Tichi
What Works for Women at Work
Author/Editor: Williams, Joan C.; Dempsey, Rachel
What We See
Author/Editor: Goldsmith, Stephen A.; Elizabeth, Lynne
What ʿĪsā ibn Hishām Told Us: Or, A Period of Time, Vol. 37
Author/Editor: Muḥammad al-Muwayliḥī ,Roger Allen ,Maria Golia ,Philip F. Kennedy
What's Gone Wrong?
Author/Editor: Boraine, Alex
What Roe v. Wade Should Have Said: The Nation's Top Legal Experts Rewrite America's Most Controversial Decision, Revised Edition
Author/Editor: Jack M. Balkin ,Anita L. Allen ,Akhil Reed Amar ,Jack M. Balkin ,Teresa Stanton Collett ,Michael Stokes Paulsen ,Jeffrey Rosen ,Jed Rubenfeld ,Reva
What Is Parenthood?
Author/Editor: McClain, Linda C.; Cere, Daniel
What 'Isa ibn Hisham Told Us
Author/Editor: al-Muwaylihi, Muhammad
What 'Isa ibn Hisham Told Us
Author/Editor: al-Muwaylihi, Muhammad
What 'Isa ibn Hisham Told Us
Author/Editor: al-Muwaylihi, Muhammad
What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism
Author/Editor: Magdoff, Fred; Foster, John Bellamy
What Brown v. Board of Education Should Have Said
Author/Editor: Balkin, Jack
We Will Shoot Back
Author/Editor: Umoja, Akinyele Omowale
We Remember with Reverence and Love
Author/Editor: Diner, Hasia
Well Met
Author/Editor: Rubin, Rachel Lee
Weird and Wonderful
Author/Editor: Dennett, Andrea Stulman
Author/Editor: Franke, Katherine
We Dissent
Author/Editor: Avery, Michael
We Built a Village: Cohousing and the Commons
Author/Editor: Diane Rothbard Margolis ,David Bollier
We Are Worth Fighting For: A History of the Howard University Student Protest of 1989
Author/Editor: Joshua M. Myers
We Are What We Celebrate
Author/Editor: Etzioni, Amitai; Bloom, Jared
We Are the Poors
Author/Editor: Desai, Ashwin
We Are Not What We Seem
Author/Editor: Bush, Roderick D
We Are Data
Author/Editor: Cheney-Lippold, John
Author/Editor: Knight, Jack; Schwartzberg, Melissa
The Ways Women Age: Using and Refusing Cosmetic Intervention
Author/Editor: Abigail T. Brooks
Author/Editor: Schmidt, Jeremy J
Watch This!
Author/Editor: Walton, Jonathan L
Washington's New Cold War: A Socialist Perspective
Author/Editor: John Bellamy Foster ,John Ross ,Deborah Veneziale ,Vijay Prashad
Was Blind, But Now I See
Author/Editor: Flagg, Barbara J
War Songs
Author/Editor: Antarah ibn Shaddad,James E. Montgomery,Richard Sieburth,Peter Cole,Tahera Qutbuddin
War Songs
Author/Editor: ʿAntarah ibn Shaddād,James E. Montgomery,James E. Montgomery,Richard Sieburth,Peter Cole,Tahera Qutbuddin
Warriors and Peacemakers
Author/Editor: Cooney, Mark
War or Peace?
Author/Editor: Burg, Stephen L
The War on Drugs: A History
Author/Editor: David Farber
Warfare and Culture in World History, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Wayne E. Lee
A War Born Family: African American Adoption in the Wake of the Korean War
Author/Editor: Kori A. Graves
War and Health: The Medical Consequences of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Author/Editor: Catherine Lutz ,Andrea Mazzarino
Want to Start a Revolution?
Author/Editor: Theoharis, Jeanne; Woodard, Komozi; Gore, Dayo F
The Wandering Uterus
Author/Editor: Meyer, Cheryl L
Wanamaker's Temple: The Business of Religion in an Iconic Department Store
Author/Editor: Nicole C. Kirk
Walter Rodney
Author/Editor: Chung, Clairmont
Wal-Mart Wars
Author/Editor: Massengill, Rebekah Peeples
Wall Street's Think Tank
Author/Editor: Shoup, Laurence H
Walking Where Jesus Walked
Author/Editor: Kaell, Hillary
Waging Peace in Vietnam: US Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War
Author/Editor: Ron Carver,David Cortright,Barbara Doherty,William Short,Willa Seidenberg
The Vulnerable Planet
Author/Editor: Foster, John Bellamy
Vulnerability Politics: The Uses and Abuses of Precarity in Political Debate
Author/Editor: Katie Oliviero
Votes for College Women: Alumni, Students, and the Woman Suffrage Campaign
Author/Editor: Kelly L. Marino
Voices of Latin America: Social Movements and the New Activism
Author/Editor: Tom Gatehouse
Visualizing Atrocity
Author/Editor: Hartouni, Valerie
Visitors: An American Feminist in East Central Europe
Author/Editor: ANN SNITOW
Visions of Zion
Author/Editor: MacLeod, Erin C
Virtues of the Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
Author/Editor: al-Jawzi, Ibn
Virtues of the Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
Author/Editor: al-Jawzi, Ibn
Author/Editor: Chapman, John W
Virtual Searches: Regulating the Covert World of Technological Policing
Virginity Lost
Author/Editor: Carpenter, Laura
Virginia Woolf
Author/Editor: Barrett, Eileen; Cramer, Patricia
Violent Accounts
Author/Editor: Kraft, Robert N
The Violence of Care
Author/Editor: Mulla, Sameena
Violence Against Latina Immigrants
Author/Editor: Villalon, Roberta
The Vigilant Citizen: Everyday Policing and Insecurity in Miami
Author/Editor: Thijs Jeursen
A View from Abroad: The Story of John and Abigail Adams in Europe
Author/Editor: Jeanne E. Abrams
Video Games Have Always Been Queer, Vol. 16
Author/Editor: Bonnie Ruberg
Victims in the War on Crime
Author/Editor: Dubber, Markus Dirk
Vexed with Devils
Author/Editor: Gasser, Erika
Vernacular Religion: Collected Essays of Leonard Norman Primiano
Author/Editor: LEONARD NORMAN PRIMIANO ,Deborah Dash Moore ,Judith Weisenfeld
Venezuela, the Present as Struggle: Voices from the Bolivarian Revolution
Vegas Brews: Craft Beer and the Birth of a Local Scene
Author/Editor: Michael Ian Borer
Value Chains: The New Economic Imperialism
Author/Editor: INTAN SUWANDI
Value and Crisis: Essays on Marxian Economics in Japan, second edition
Author/Editor: Makoto Itoh
Vagrants and Vagabonds: Poverty and Mobility in the Early American Republic
Vaccine Court
Author/Editor: Kirkland, Anna
The Utopia Reader
Author/Editor: Claeys, Gregory; Sargent, Lyman Tower
The Urban Church Imagined: Religion, Race, and Authenticity in the City
Author/Editor: Jessica M. Barron,Rhys H. Williams
Urban Alchemy
Author/Editor: Fullilove, Mindy Thompson
Up Is Up, But So Is Down
Author/Editor: Stosuy, Brandon; Cooper, Dennis; Myles, Eileen
Up Against a Wall
Author/Editor: Corrigan, Rose
An Unusual Relationship
Author/Editor: Ariel, Yaakov
The Untold Story of Shields Green: The Life and Death of a Harper's Ferry Raider
Author/Editor: Louis A. DeCaro Jr.
Until We Fall: Long Distance Life on the Left
Unsustainable: Measurement, Reporting, and the Limits of Corporate Sustainability
Author/Editor: Matthew Archer
Unspeakable Acts
Author/Editor: Pryor, Doug W
Unsettled States
Author/Editor: Luciano, Dana; Wilson, Ivy
The Unpredictable Constitution
Author/Editor: Dorsen, Norman
Unofficial Ambassadors
Author/Editor: Alvah, Donna
Unnamable: The Ends of Asian American Art
Author/Editor: Susette Min
Unmanageable Care
Author/Editor: Mulligan, Jessica M
An Unlikely Union
Author/Editor: Moses, Paul
The Unlikely Secret Agent
Author/Editor: Kasrils, Ronnie
Unity and Struggle: Speeches and Writings of Amilcar Cabral
Author/Editor: Amilcar Cabral,Michael Wolfers
The United States of the United Races
Author/Editor: Carter, Greg
Union Power: The United Electrical Workers in Erie, Pennsylvania
Author/Editor: JAMES YOUNG
Uninsured in Chicago: How the Social Safety Net Leaves Latinos Behind, Vol. 14
Author/Editor: Robert Vargas
Author/Editor: Stacey, Judith
Author/Editor: Hardesty, Jared Ross
Unfit for Democracy
Author/Editor: Gottlieb, Stephen E
Unexpected: Parenting, Prenatal Testing, and Down Syndrome
Author/Editor: Alison Piepmeier ,George Estreich ,Rachel Adams
Unequal Crime Decline
Author/Editor: Parker, Karen F
Unequal Coverage
Author/Editor: Castañeda, Heide; Mulligan, Jessica M
Undoing the Silence
Author/Editor: Dunlap, Louise
Author/Editor: Farooq, Nihad
Under the Shadow of Napoleon
Author/Editor: Bonura, Michael
Understanding the U.S. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Author/Editor: Bailey, Beth; Immerman, Richard H
Understanding Police Interrogation: Confessions and Consequences
Author/Editor: William Douglas Woody ,Krista D. Forrest ,Edie Greene
Understanding Eyewitness Memory: Theory and Applications
Author/Editor: Sean M. Lane ,Kate A. Houston
Uncounted: The Crisis of Voter Suppression in America
Author/Editor: Gilda R. Daniels
Unclean Lips
Author/Editor: Lambert, Josh
Unbecoming Blackness
Author/Editor: Lopez, Antonio
The Ugly Laws
Author/Editor: Schweik, Susan M
Two Presidents Are Better Than One
Author/Editor: Orentlicher, David
Two Arabic Travel Books
Author/Editor: al-Sirafi, Abu Zayd
The Twilight of Social Conservatism
Author/Editor: Dombrink, John
TV or Not TV
Author/Editor: Goldfarb, Ronald L
The Tuskegee Student Uprising: A History, Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Brian Jones
Turkey’s European Future
Author/Editor: Tocci, Nathalie
Turkey’s European Future
Author/Editor: Tocci, Nathalie
Trying Cases
Author/Editor: Fales II, Haliburton
The Truth About Freud's Technique
Author/Editor: Thompson, Michael Guy
The Truth about Baked Beans: An Edible History of New England, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Meg Muckenhoupt
Trust in Black America
Author/Editor: Nunnally, Shayla C
Trump in the White House
Author/Editor: Foster, John Bellamy
True Sex
Author/Editor: Skidmore, Emily
The Trouble with Snack Time: Children’s Food and the Politics of Parenting
Author/Editor: Jennifer Patico
Troublemakers: Students’ Rights and Racial Justice in the Long 1960s
Author/Editor: Kathryn Schumaker
A Troubled Marriage
Author/Editor: Goodmark, Leigh
Trotskyists on Trial
Author/Editor: Haverty-Stacke, Donna T
Trojan Horses
Author/Editor: DuBois, Page
The Trial of Frederick Eberle
Author/Editor: Baer, Friederike
Trial by Jury
Author/Editor: Oldham, James
Treating Victims of Torture and Violence
Author/Editor: Elsass, Peter
A Treasury of Virtues
Author/Editor: al-Qadi al-Qudai
A Treasury of Virtues
Author/Editor: al-Qadi al-Qudai
The Traumatic Colonel
Author/Editor: Drexler, Michael J.; White, Ed
Transpacific Antiracism
Author/Editor: Onishi, Yuichiro
Transnational Torture
Author/Editor: Lokaneeta, Jinee
Transnational Reproduction
Author/Editor: Deomampo, Daisy
Transnational Feminism in the United States
Author/Editor: Fernandes, Leela
Transnational Adoption
Author/Editor: Dorow, Sara K
Trans Medicine: The Emergence and Practice of Treating Gender
Author/Editor: stef m. shuster
Author/Editor: Suárez-Orozco, Carola; Abo-Zena, Mona M.; Marks, Amy K
Transitional Justice
Author/Editor: Williams, Melissa S.; Elster, Jon; Nagy, Rosemary
Transgressed: Intimate Partner Violence in Transgender Lives
Author/Editor: Xavier L. Guadalupe-Diaz
The Trans Generation: How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) are Creating a Gender Revolution
Author/Editor: Ann Travers
Transgender Intimate Partner Violence: A Comprehensive Introduction
Author/Editor: Adam M. Messinger ,Xavier L. Guadalupe-Diaz
Transforming Criminal Justice: An Evidence-Based Agenda for Reform
Author/Editor: Jon B. Gould ,Pamela R. Metzger
Transforming Classes
Author/Editor: Panitch, Leo; Albo, Greg
Transforming Citizenships
Author/Editor: West, Isaac
Transformation of Rage
Author/Editor: Johnstone, Peggy Fitzhugh
The Transformation of American Sex Education: Mary Calderone and the Fight for Sexual Health
Author/Editor: Ellen S. More
Transcendent in America
Author/Editor: Williamson, Lola
Trans-Affirmative Parenting: Raising Kids Across the Gender Spectrum
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Rahilly
The Tragedy of Heterosexuality, Vol. 56
Author/Editor: Jane Ward
Trade and Investment in the 1990s
Author/Editor: Sato, Ryuzo; Ramachandran, Rama; Arouson, Myra
Toxic Town
Author/Editor: Little, Peter C
Toxic Shock: A Social History
Author/Editor: Sharra L. Vostral
Toxic Lake: Environmental Destruction and the Epic Fight to Save Onondaga Lake
Author/Editor: Thomas Shevory
Toxic Communities
Author/Editor: Taylor, Dorceta
Toward a Unified Criminology
Author/Editor: Agnew, Robert
Toward a Tenderer Humanity and a Nobler Womanhood
Author/Editor: Knupfer, Anne M.; Silk, Leonard
Tours That Bind
Author/Editor: Kelner, Shaul
The Toughest Gun Control Law in the Nation: The Unfulfilled Promise of New York's SAFE Act
Author/Editor: James B. Jacobs,Zoe Fuhr
To the Break of Dawn
Author/Editor: Cobb, William Jelani
To Serve My Country, to Serve My Race
Author/Editor: Moore, Brenda L
To Serve and Protect
Author/Editor: Benson, Bruce L
To Secure These Rights
Author/Editor: Gerber, Scott Douglas
Torah Queeries
Author/Editor: Drinkwater, Gregg; Lesser, Joshua
Tomorrow's Parties
Author/Editor: Coviello, Peter
To Live Freely in This World
Author/Editor: Mgbako, Chi Adanna
The Tolerance Trap
Author/Editor: Walters, Suzanna Danuta
Author/Editor: Molotch, Harvey; Noren, Laura
To Fix or To Heal
Author/Editor: Davis, Joseph E.; Gonzalez, Ana Marta
To Be An American
Author/Editor: Hing, Bill Ong
Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem
Author/Editor: Breslaw, Elaine G
Tinker Belles and Evil Queens: The Walt Disney Company from the Inside Out
Author/Editor: SEAN GRIFFIN
Times Square Red, Times Square Blue 20th Anniversary Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: SAMUEL R. DELANY,Robert F. Reid-Pharr
Times Square Red, Times Square Blue
Author/Editor: Delany, Samuel R
Author/Editor: Elias, Amy; Burges, Joel
The Tie That Binds
Author/Editor: Simpson, Andrea Y
Tierra y Libertad
Author/Editor: Bender, Steven W
The Threshold of Dissent: A History of American Jewish Critics of Zionism, Vol. 24
Author/Editor: Marjorie N. Feld
Three Essays on Marx’s Value Theory
Author/Editor: Amin, Samir
Three Essays on Marx’s Value Theory
Author/Editor: Amin, Samir
Those Damned Immigrants
Author/Editor: Román, Ediberto; Olivas, Michael A
Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation Between Church and State
Author/Editor: Dreisbach, Daniel
Thomas Hutchinson and the Origins of the American Revolution
Author/Editor: Walmsley, Andrew Stephen
This Year's Model
Author/Editor: Wissinger, Elizabeth
This Time We Knew
Author/Editor: Cushman, Thomas; Mestrovic, Stjepan
This Muslim American Life
Author/Editor: Bayoumi, Moustafa
This Is Our School!: Race and Community Resistance to School Reform
Author/Editor: Hava Rachel Gordon
This House of Noble Deeds
Author/Editor: Aufses Jr., Arthur H.; Niss, Barbara
The Third Net: The Hidden System of Migrant Health Care, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: Lisa Sun-Hee Park ,Erin Hoekstra ,Anthony M. Jimenez
The Third Asiatic Invasion
Author/Editor: Baldoz, Rick
They Left Great Marks on Me
Author/Editor: Williams, Kidada E
They Know Us Better Than We Know Ourselves
Author/Editor: Brown, Bridget
There Was Nothing There: Williamsburg, The Gentrification of a Brooklyn Neighborhood
Author/Editor: Sara Martucci
The Therapeutic State
Author/Editor: Nolan Jr., James L
Theory of Women in Religions
Author/Editor: Catherine Wessinger
The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism
Author/Editor: Foster, John Bellamy
Theory of Economic Dynamics: An Essay on Cyclical and Long-Run Changes in Capitalist Economy
Author/Editor: M. Kalecki
Theory of Capital Development
Author/Editor: PAUL M. SWEEZY
Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian; Decew, Judith Wagner
A Theology of Brotherhood: The Federal Council of Churches and the Problem of Race
Author/Editor: Curtis J. Evans
Theatrical Liberalism
Author/Editor: Most, Andrea
That's a Pretty Thing to Call It: Prose and Poetry by Artists Teaching in Carceral Institutions
Author/Editor: Leigh Sugar
That Pride of Race and Character
Author/Editor: Light, Caroline E
Test Tube Families
Author/Editor: Cahn, Naomi R
The Terrorist Identity
Author/Editor: Arena, Michael P.; Arrigo, Bruce A
Terrorism in American Memory: Memorials, Museums, and Architecture in the Post-9/11 Era
Author/Editor: Marita Sturken
The Tender Cut
Author/Editor: Adler, Patricia A.; Adler, Peter
Tell the Bosses We're Coming: A New Action Plan for Workers in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: SHAUN RICHMAN
Telling Women's Lives
Author/Editor: Long, Judy
The Television Will Be Revolutionized, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Lotz, Amanda D
Televised Redemption
Author/Editor: Rouse, Carolyn Moxley; Jackson Jr., John L.; Frederick, Marla F
Technomobility in China
Author/Editor: Wallis, Cara
Technologies of Speculation: The Limits of Knowledge in a Data-Driven Society
Author/Editor: Sun-ha Hong
Tea Party Women
Author/Editor: Deckman, Melissa
Teaching What You're Not
Author/Editor: Mayberry, Katherine
Taxing America
Author/Editor: Brown, Karen B.; Fellows, Mary Louise
Tax and Time: On the Use and Misuse of Legal Imagination
Author/Editor: Anthony C. Infanti
A Taste for Brown Bodies
Author/Editor: Pérez, Hiram
Taming Passion for the Public Good
Author/Editor: Kann, Mark E
The Taming of New York's Washington Square: A Wild Civility
Author/Editor: Erich Goode
Talking at Trena's
Author/Editor: May, Reuben A. Buford
Taking Back the Boulevard: Art, Activism, and Gentrification in Los Angeles
Author/Editor: Jan Lin
Take Charge!
Author/Editor: Vinton, John
Tajrid sayf al-himmah li-stikhraj ma fi dhimmat al-dhimmah: A Scholarly Edition of 'Uthman ibn Ibrahim al-Nabulusi's Text
Author/Editor: Luke Yarbrough
Syriza Wave
Author/Editor: Sheehan, Helena
Synthetic Panics
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Philip
The Synagogue in America
Author/Editor: Raphael, Marc Lee
The Sword of Ambition
Author/Editor: al-Nabulusi, Uthman b. Ibrahim
Sustaining Faith Traditions
Author/Editor: Chen, Carolyn; Jeung, Russell
Sustainable Communities and the Challenge of Environmental Justice
Author/Editor: Agyeman, Julian
The Sustainability Myth: Environmental Gentrification and the Politics of Justice
Author/Editor: Melissa Checker
Sustainability: Approaches to Environmental Justice and Social Power
Author/Editor: Julie Sze
Suspect Freedoms
Author/Editor: Mirabal, Nancy Raquel
Susan B. Anthony: A Biography
Author/Editor: Kathleen Barry
Surviving State Terror: Women’s Testimonies of Repression and Resistance in Argentina
Author/Editor: Barbara Sutton
Surviving Poverty
Author/Editor: Mazelis, Joan Maya
A Survey of Chemical and Biological Warfare
Author/Editor: John Cookson,Judith Nottingham
Surveillance Cinema
Author/Editor: Zimmer, Catherine
The Supreme Court in the Intimate Lives of Americans
Author/Editor: Ball, Howard
Author/Editor: Kaufman, Gayle
The Sun Never Sets
Author/Editor: Bald, Vivek; Chatterji, Miabi; Reddy, Sujani
Sugar, Cigars, and Revolution: The Making of Cuban New York
Author/Editor: Lisandro Pérez
Suffer the Little Children
Author/Editor: Eichler-Levine, Jodi
Subject and Agency in Psychoanalysis
Author/Editor: Moran, Frances
Style: A Queer Cosmology, Vol. 37
Author/Editor: Taylor Black
The Study of Children in Religions
Author/Editor: Ridgely, Susan B
Studying Lived Religion: Contexts and Practices
Author/Editor: Nancy Tatom Ammerman
Studs Terkel
Author/Editor: Wieder, Alan
Studies in the Short Fiction of Mahfouz and Idris
Author/Editor: Mikhail, Mona
Stuck: Why Asian Americans Don't Reach the Top of the Corporate Ladder
Author/Editor: MARGARET M. CHIN
Struggling for Ordinary
Author/Editor: Cavalcante, Andre
The Struggles of John Brown Russwurm
Author/Editor: James, Winston
The Structure of Production
Author/Editor: Skousen, Mark
The Structural Crisis of Capital
Author/Editor: Barton, Bernadette
Author/Editor: Barton, Bernadette
Strip Club
Author/Editor: Price-Glynn, Kim
Street Kids
Author/Editor: Gibson, Kristina E
Stray Wives
Author/Editor: Sievens, Mary Beth
Strange Neighbors
Author/Editor: Hessick, Carissa Byrne; Chin, Gabriel J
Strange Fruit of the Black Pacific
Author/Editor: Schleitwiler, Vince
The Strange Careers of the Jim Crow North: Segregation and Struggle outside of the South
Author/Editor: Brian Purnell,Jeanne Theoharis,Komozi Woodard
Author/Editor: Dean, James Joseph
Stories of the Self: Life Writing after the Book, Vol. 27
Author/Editor: Anna Poletti
Stories of Piety and Prayer: Deliverance Follows Adversity
Author/Editor: Julia Bray,Shawkat M. Toorawa
Stories from Trailblazing Women Lawyers: Lives in the Law
Author/Editor: Jill Norgren
Stopping the Killing
Author/Editor: Licklider, Roy
Stop and Frisk
Author/Editor: White, Michael D.; Fradella, Henry F
The Stonewall Riots: A Documentary History
Author/Editor: Marc Stein
Still Straight: Sexual Flexibility among White Men in Rural America
Author/Editor: Tony Silva
Still Jewish
Author/Editor: McGinity, Keren R
Author/Editor: Bergeaud, Emeric; Mucher, Christen
Steel Barrio
Author/Editor: Innis-Jiménez, Michael
Stay Woke: A People's Guide to Making All Black Lives Matter
Stay Cool: Why Dark Comedy Matters in the Fight Against Climate Change
Author/Editor: AARON SACHS
States of Rage
Author/Editor: Curry, Renee R
States of Confusion: How Our Voter ID Laws Fail Democracy and What to Do About It
Author/Editor: Don Waisanen ,Sonia R. Jarvis ,Nicole A. Gordon
The State of Play
Author/Editor: Balkin, Jack; Noveck, Beth Simone
Stagnation and the Financial Explosion
Author/Editor: Harry Magdoff,Paul M. Sweezy
Staging Faith
Author/Editor: Prentiss, Craig R
Spreadable Media
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Henry; Ford, Sam; Green, Joshua
The Spitting Image
Author/Editor: Lembcke, Jerry
Spirituality, Inc
Author/Editor: Lambert III, Lake
Spirituality and the State
Author/Editor: Mitchell, Kerry
Spinsters and Lesbians
Author/Editor: Franzen, Trisha
Speech Stories
Author/Editor: Bezanson, Randall P
Spectacular Girls
Author/Editor: Projansky, Sarah
The Spectacular Few
Author/Editor: Hamm, Mark S
Speaking about Godard
Author/Editor: Silverman, Kaja; Farocki, Harun
Spaces of Security: Ethnographies of Securityscapes, Surveillance, and Control
Author/Editor: Setha Low,Mark Maguire
South Central Dreams: Finding Home and Building Community in South L.A., Vol. 13
Author/Editor: Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo ,Manuel Pastor
Soundtrack to a Movement: African American Islam, Jazz, and Black Internationalism
Author/Editor: Richard Brent Turner
The Sounds of Latinidad
Author/Editor: Byrd, Samuel K
Sounds of Belonging
Author/Editor: Casillas, Dolores Ines
Author/Editor: Sobieraj, Sarah
Author/Editor: Guillory, Monique; Green, Richard
Sophia Parnok
Author/Editor: Burgin, Diana L
The Sonic Color Line
Author/Editor: Stoever, Jennifer Lynn
Solidarity and Defiant Spirituality: Africana Lessons on Religion, Racism, and Ending Gender Violence
Author/Editor: Traci C. West
Sojourner Truth
Author/Editor: Mabee, Carleton
Soft Soil, Black Grapes
Author/Editor: Cinotto, Simone
Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition
Author/Editor: Burg, B. R
The Sociology of W. E. B. Du Bois: Racialized Modernity and the Global Color Line
Author/Editor: José Itzigsohn ,Karida L. Brown
The Sociology of Bullying: Power, Status, and Aggression Among Adolescents, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: Christopher Donoghue
Society without God, Second Edition: What the Least Religious Nations Can Tell Us about Contentment
Author/Editor: Phil Zuckerman
Society without God
Author/Editor: Zuckerman, Phil
Social Structure and Forms of Consciousness, Volume 1: The Social Determination of Method
Social Structure and Forms of Conciousness, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Meszaros, Istvan
Social Security Disability Law and the American Labor Market
Author/Editor: Jon C. Dubin
Social Scientists for Social Justice: Making the Case against Segregation, Vol. 85
Author/Editor: John P. Jackson Jr.
Social Poverty: Low-Income Parents and the Struggle for Family and Community Ties
Author/Editor: Sarah Halpern-Meekin
The Social Media Reader
Author/Editor: Mandiberg, Michael
Social Media Entertainment: The New Intersection of Hollywood and Silicon Valley
Author/Editor: Stuart Cunningham,David Craig
The Socialist Imperative
Author/Editor: Lebowitz, Michael
A Socialist Defector: From Harvard to Karl-Marx-Allee
Author/Editor: Victor Grossman,Stephen Wechsler
Socialism in Provence, 1871-1914
Author/Editor: Judt, Tony
The Social Gospel in American Religion
Author/Editor: Evans, Christopher H
Social Death
Author/Editor: Cacho, Lisa Marie
The Social Anxieties of Progressive Reform
Author/Editor: Paulsson, Martin
Snitching: Criminal Informants and the Erosion of American Justice, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Barry Scheck ,Alexandra Natapoff
Author/Editor: Natapoff, Alexandra
Smoke and Mirrors
Author/Editor: Dupuis, E. Melanie
The Smell of Risk: Environmental Disparities and Olfactory Aesthetics
Author/Editor: Hsuan L. Hsu
Smart Suits, Tattered Boots: Black Ministers Mobilizing the Black Church in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Korie Little Edwards ,Michelle Oyakawa
The Smart Culture
Author/Editor: Hayman Jr., Robert L
The Slums of Aspen
Author/Editor: Park, Lisa Sun-Hee; Pellow, David N
The Slow Violence of Immigration Court: Procedural Justice on Trial
Author/Editor: Maya Pagni Barak
The Slave Soul of Russia
Author/Editor: Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel
Slavery's Exiles
Author/Editor: Diouf, Sylviane A
Slavery before Race
Author/Editor: Hayes, Katherine Howlett
Skyscraper Settlement: The Many Lives of Christodora House
Skin Theory: Visual Culture and the Postwar Prison Laboratory
Author/Editor: Cristina Mejia Visperas
Skateboarding LA: Inside Professional Street Skateboarding
Author/Editor: Gregory J. Snyder
Sitting in Darkness
Author/Editor: Hsu, Hsuan L
Sites Unseen
Author/Editor: Gleason, William A
Sisters in the Struggle
Author/Editor: Collier-Thomas, Bettye; Franklin, V.P
Sin No More
Author/Editor: Dombrink, John; Hillyard, Daniel
Sing Sing Sing
Author/Editor: Murphy, Bruce
Author/Editor: Cobb, Michael
Author/Editor: Tully, John
Signs of Resistance
Author/Editor: Burch, Susan
Signs of Disability, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: Stephanie L. Kerschbaum
The Signifying Creator
Author/Editor: Swartz, Michael D
Signature Wounds: The Untold Story of the Military's Mental Health Crisis
Author/Editor: David Kieran
Shutting Down the Streets
Author/Editor: Fernandez, Luis A.; Starr, Amory; Scholl, Christian
Show Sold Separately
Author/Editor: Gray, Jonathan
Shout to the Lord: Making Worship Music in Evangelical America
Author/Editor: Ari Y. Kelman
Shortlisted: Women in the Shadows of the Supreme Court
Author/Editor: Renee Knake Jefferson ,Hannah Brenner Johnson
The Shock of the News
Author/Editor: Monahan, Brian A
Shi'ism in America
Author/Editor: Takim, Liyakat Nathani
She’s Mad Real
Author/Editor: LaBennett, Oneka
She’s Mad Real
Author/Editor: LaBennett, Oneka
The Shared Parish
Author/Editor: Hoover, Brett C
Shamrocks and Oil Slicks: A People's Uprising Against Shell Oil in County Mayo, Ireland
Author/Editor: FRED A. WILCOX
The Shaming State: How the U.S. Treats Citizens in Need
Author/Editor: Sara Salman
Shadowing the White Man’s Burden
Author/Editor: Murphy, Gretchen
Shadowing the White Man’s Burden
Author/Editor: Murphy, Gretchen
Sexual Rights in America
Author/Editor: Abramson, Paul R.; Pinkerton, Steven D.; Huppin, Mark
The Sexuality of Migration
Author/Editor: Cantu, Lionel; Naples, Nancy A.; Vidal-Ortiz, Salvador
Sexuality Beyond Consent: Risk, Race, Traumatophilia
Author/Editor: Avgi Saketopoulou
Sexuality and War
Author/Editor: Accad, Evelyne
Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures, and Other Latina Longings
Author/Editor: Rodríguez, Juana María
Sex Tourism in Thailand: Inside Asia’s Premier Erotic Playground
Author/Editor: Ronald Weitzer
The Sex Offender Housing Dilemma: Community Activism, Safety, and Social Justice
Author/Editor: Monica Williams
The Sex Obsession: Perversity and Possibility in American Politics, Vol. 55
Author/Editor: Janet R. Jakobsen
Sex Is as Sex Does: Governing Transgender Identity
Author/Editor: Paisley Currah
Sex for Life
Author/Editor: Carpenter, Laura; DeLamater, John
Sex Fiends, Perverts, and Pedophiles
Author/Editor: Leon, Chrysanthi S
Sex and Stigma: Stories of Everyday Life in Nevada’s Legal Brothels
Author/Editor: Sarah Jane Blithe,Anna Wiederhold Wolfe,Breanna Mohr
Sex and Sexuality in Latin America
Author/Editor: Balderston, Daniel; Guy, Donna
Service-Learning in Design and Planning
Author/Editor: Angotti, Tom; Doble, Cheryl S; Horrigan, Paula
Servants of Allah
Author/Editor: Diouf, Sylviane A
Servants of Allah
Author/Editor: Diouf, Sylviane A
Author/Editor: Gerber, Scott Douglas
Sephardic Jews in America
Author/Editor: Ben-Ur, Aviva
Sensual Excess: Queer Femininity and Brown Jouissance
Author/Editor: Amber Jamilla Musser
Sensing Injustice: A Lawyer's Life in the Battle for Change
Author/Editor: Michael E. Tigar
Sensational Flesh
Author/Editor: Musser, Amber Jamilla
Sells like Teen Spirit
Author/Editor: Moore, Ryan
Selling Words
Author/Editor: Wright, R. George
Selling Welfare Reform
Author/Editor: Ridzi, Frank
Selling the Sights: The Invention of the Tourist in American Culture
Selling Sex Overseas
Author/Editor: Chin, Ko-lin; Finckenauer, James O
Selling 'em by the Sack
Author/Editor: Hogan, David G
Self and Other
Author/Editor: Rogers, Robert
Self-Analysis in Literary Study
Author/Editor: Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel
The Securitization of Society
Author/Editor: Schuilenburg, Marc
The Secular Paradox: On the Religiosity of the Not Religious, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: Joseph Blankholm
The Secret Life of Stories
Author/Editor: Bérubé, Michael
Seasons of Captivity
Author/Editor: Lieblich, Amia
Science Studies
Author/Editor: Hess, David J
The School-to-Prison Pipeline
Author/Editor: Kim, Catherine Y.; Losen, Daniel J.; Hewitt, Damon T
Scholars of the Law
Author/Editor: Cosgrove, Richard A
Scheherazade's Children
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Philip F.; Warner, Marina
Scents and Flavors: A Syrian Cookbook
Author/Editor: Charles Perry ,Claudia Roden ,Michael Cooperson ,Shawkat M. Toorawa
Scents and Flavors
Author/Editor: Charles Perry ,DAVID WAINES ,Michael Cooperson ,Shawkat M. Toorawa
The Scar That Binds
Author/Editor: Beattie, Keith
Scarred: A Feminist Journey Through Pain
Author/Editor: L. Ayu Saraswati
Saving Face
Author/Editor: Talley, Heather Laine
Save Our Unions
Author/Editor: Early, Steve
"Save My Kid": How Families of Critically Ill Children Cope, Hope, and Negotiate an Unequal Healthcare System
Author/Editor: Amanda M. Gengler
Saudi Arabia in the Balance
Author/Editor: Aarts, Paul; Nonneman, Gerd
Satisfaction Not Guaranteed
Author/Editor: Stearns, Peter N
Satire TV
Author/Editor: Gray, Jonathan; Jones, Jeffrey P.; Thompson, Ethan
Author/Editor: Rupp, Leila J
The Sanctuary of Hermes and Aphrodite at Syme Viannou VII, Vol. 2: The Greek and Roman Pottery
Author/Editor: ANTONIS KOTSONAS ,Eleni Nodarou
The Sanctuary of Hermes and Aphrodite at Syme Viannou VII, Vol. 1: The Greek and Roman Pottery, Vol. 20
Author/Editor: ANTONIS KOTSONAS ,Eleni Nodarou
Salvation with a Smile
Author/Editor: Sinitiere, Phillip Luke
Saints Under Siege
Author/Editor: Wright, Stuart A.; Richardson, James T
Sacrifice in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Author/Editor: Weddle, David L
Sacred Subdivisions
Author/Editor: Wilford, Justin
Ruth First and Joe Slovo in the War Against Apartheid
Author/Editor: Wieder, Alan
Rustic Warriors
Author/Editor: Eames, Steven
Russia's First Modern Jews
Author/Editor: Fishman, David E.; Funabashi, Yoichi
The Russians Are Coming, Again: The First Cold War as Tragedy, the Second as Farce
Russia and the Long Transition from Capitalism to Socialism
Author/Editor: Samir Amin
Author/Editor: Dutkiewicz, Piotr; Trenin, Dmitri
Run for the Border
Author/Editor: Bender, Steven W
The Rules of Logic, Vol. 99
Author/Editor: Tony Street ,Joseph E. Lowry
Rules of Disengagement
Author/Editor: Cohn, Marjorie; Gilberd, Kathleen
The Rule of Law
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian
The Ruins
Author/Editor: Farrell, Trace
A Rosenberg by Any Other Name: A History of Jewish Name Changing in America
Author/Editor: Kirsten Fermaglich
Root Shock
Author/Editor: Mindy Thompson Fullilove
Ron Carey and the Teamsters: How a UPS Driver Became the Greatest Union Reformer of the 20th Century by Putting Members First
Author/Editor: KEN REIMAN
Rome in Egypt's Eastern Desert: Volume Two, Vol. 13
Author/Editor: Hélène Cuvigny ,Roger S. Bagnall