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Titles (141) Information
Author/Editor: Jeffrey C. Isaac
Alive Inside the Wreck
Author/Editor: Joe Woodward
The Animals' Vegan Manifesto
Author/Editor: Coe, Sue
Assuming Boycott
Author/Editor: Estefan, Kareem; Kuoni, Carin; Raicovich, Lara
At the Tea Party
Author/Editor: Laura Flanders
Autobiography of Jenny X
Author/Editor: Lisa Dierbeck
Author/Editor: Andrew Smart
Beautiful Rising
Author/Editor: Abujbara, Juman; Boyd, Andrew; Mitchell, Dave
Beautiful Trouble
Author/Editor: Boyd, Andrew; Mitchell, Dave
Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution
Author/Editor: Andrew Boyd; Dave Oswald Mitchell
Beyond Zero and One
Author/Editor: Smart, Andrew
The Big Disconnect
Author/Editor: Sifry, Micah L
The Black Consciousness Reader
Author/Editor: Ndaba, Baldwin; Owen, Therese; Panyane, Masego
Black Ops Advertising
Author/Editor: Einstein, Mara
Blood Splatters Quickly
Author/Editor: Wood Jr., Edward D
Author/Editor: Critchley, Simon
The Buddha in Jail
Author/Editor: Lu, Cuong
The Candidate
Author/Editor: Nunns, Alex
The Cat in the Hat for President
Author/Editor: Coover, Robert
Author/Editor: Guffey, Robert
#Charlottesville: White Supremacy, Populism, and Resistance
Author/Editor: Christopher Howard-Woods,Colin Laidley,Maryam Omidi
Collected Fictions
Author/Editor: Gordon Lish
Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire
Author/Editor: ANYA PARAMPIL ,Former Venezuelan ,Jorge Arreaza
Creating Chaos
Author/Editor: Hancock, Larry
Author/Editor: Ross, Andrew
Cuba in Splinters
Author/Editor: Pardo Lazo, Orlando Luis; Gulley, Hillary
Author/Editor: Assange, Julian; Appelbaum, Jacob; Müller-Maguhn, Andy
Definable Traces in the Atmosphere
Author/Editor: Mike Marqusee; Liz Davies; Mark Steel
Desperately Seeking Self-Improvement
Author/Editor: Cederström, Carl; Spicer, André
The Digital Critic
Author/Editor: Barekat, Houman; Barry, Robert; Winters, David
Divining Desire
Author/Editor: Featherstone, Lisa
Dream of Doctor Bantam
Author/Editor: Jeanne Thornton
Dream or Nightmare
Author/Editor: Stephen Duncombe
Drinking Mare's Milk on the Roof of the World
Author/Editor: Lutz, Tom
The Enchanted Prince
Author/Editor: Robert Coover
Author/Editor: Belén Fernández
Author/Editor: Dawson, Ashley
Fifty Shades of Louisa May
Author/Editor: Louisa May Anonymous
Author/Editor: Whitney, Joel
Flights: Radicals on the Run
Author/Editor: JOEL WHITNEY
Folding the Red Into Black
Author/Editor: Mosley, Walter
Author/Editor: Williams, Daniel
For the Many …
Author/Editor: Phipps, Mike; Loach, Ken; Lansman, Jon
Author/Editor: Jack Colhoun
Gay Propaganda
Author/Editor: Gessen, Masha; Huff-Hannon, Joseph; Kasparov, Garry
Going Rouge
Author/Editor: Kim, Richard; Reed, Betsy
Goldstone Recants
Author/Editor: Norman G. Finkelstein
The Gospel of Self
Author/Editor: Heaton, Terry
Grabbing Pussy
Author/Editor: Finley, Karen
The Gulf
Author/Editor: Ross, Andrew
Hacking Politics
Author/Editor: David Moon; Patrick Ruffini
Hate Inc
Author/Editor: Matt Taibbi
Author/Editor: Hastreiter, Kim
Hemingway Lives!
Author/Editor: Sigal, Clancy
The Hidden History of the Balfour Declaration
Author/Editor: Huneidi, Sahar
The History of Havana
Author/Editor: Cluster, Dick; Hernández, Rafael
Homeland Security Ate My Speech
Author/Editor: Dorfman, Ariel
How I Lost by Hillary Clinton
Author/Editor: Lauria, Joe; Assange, Julian
How to Read Donald Duck
Author/Editor: Dorfman, Ariel; Mattelart, Armand
In Deep Water
Author/Editor: Peter Lehner; Bob Deans
In Defense of Julian Assange
Inferno (a poet's novel)
Author/Editor: Myles, Eileen
Inside Iran
Author/Editor: Benjamin, Medea
In Spite of You
Author/Editor: Conor Foley
Istanbul Istanbul
Author/Editor: Sönmez, Burhan; Hussein, Ãœmit
I Told You So
Author/Editor: Jon Wiener
It Runs in the Family
Author/Editor: Berrigan, Frida
Author/Editor: Miles Klee
John the Posthumous
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Jason
Killer Care
Author/Editor: James B.Lieber
Kingdom of the Unjust
Author/Editor: Benjamin, Medea
Knowing Too Much
Author/Editor: Norman Finkelstein
Law Versus Power: Our Global Fight for Human Rights
Lawyers for the Left
Author/Editor: Smith, Michael Steven
Lean Out
Author/Editor: Elissa Shevinsky
The Lost Tetrads of Marshall McLuhan
Author/Editor: McLuhan, Marshall; McLuhan, Eric
The Lost Tetrads of Mashall McLuhan
Author/Editor: McLuhan, Marshall; McLuhan, Eric
Love in the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Jamieson, Dale; Nadzam, Bonnie
Mad Science
Author/Editor: Joseph Mangano
Metaphysical Graffiti: Rock's Most Mind-Bending Questions
Author/Editor: SETH KAUFMAN
Method and Madness
Author/Editor: Norman Finkelstein
Midnight on the Mavi Marmara
Author/Editor: Bayoumi, Moustafa
Moment of Truth
Author/Editor: Stern-Weiner, Jamie
Money and Class in America
Author/Editor: Lapham, Lewis H.; Frank, Thomas
The Monster Enters: COVID-19, Avian Flu and the Plagues of Capitalism
Author/Editor: MIKE DAVIS
A Narco History
Author/Editor: Boullosa, Carmen; Wallace, Mike
NATO: What You Need To Know
Author/Editor: MEDEA BENJAMIN ,DAVID SWANSON ,Jeffrey D. Sachs
A New Hope for Mexico
Author/Editor: Obrador, Andrés Manuel López; Uhlmann, Natascha
Nights at Rizzoli
Author/Editor: Picano, Felice
Occupying Wall Street
Author/Editor: Writers for the 99%
Old Demons, New Deities
Author/Editor: Dickie, Tenzin
Old Wine, Broken Bottle
Author/Editor: Finkelstein, Norman G
The Optician of Lampedusa
Author/Editor: Kirby, Emma Jane
Ours to Hack and to Own
Author/Editor: Scholz, Trebor; Schneider, Nathan
Pandemic!: COVID-19 Shakes the World
Author/Editor: SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK
People Get Ready!
Author/Editor: Christine Berry; Joe Guinan; Owen Jones
Pocket Piketty
Author/Editor: Roine, Jesper
President Trump Unveiled
Author/Editor: Wilson, John K
The Price of Experience
Author/Editor: Marqusee, Mike
Author/Editor: McDarrah, Fred W
Program or Be Programmed
Author/Editor: Rushkoff, Douglas
A Public Service: Whistleblowing, Disclosure and Anonymity
Author/Editor: TIM SCHWARTZ
Rare Earth
Author/Editor: Mason, Paul
Remembering Akbar
Author/Editor: Ghamari, Behrooz
Rich People Things
Author/Editor: Lehmann, Chris; Arkle, Peter
Author/Editor: Rosset, Barney
Rude Pundit's Almanack 2012 Edition
Author/Editor: Lee Papa
Author/Editor: Salma, Rajathi; Longinotto, Kim
Samuel Beckett Is Closed
Author/Editor: Coffey, Michael
Author/Editor: Malcomson, Scott
The Spread Mind
Author/Editor: Manzotti, Riccardo
The Strangest
Author/Editor: Seidlinger, Michael J
Author/Editor: Prashad, Vijay
Swords in the Hands of Children
Author/Editor: Lerner, Johnathan
Tale of Ahmed
Tales of Two Londons
Author/Editor: Claire Armitstead
Ten Days that Shook the World
Author/Editor: Reed, John; Laibman, David
This Time We Went Too Far
Author/Editor: Norman G. Finkelstein
Torture Report
Author/Editor: Larry Siems
True False
Author/Editor: Klee, Miles
Trump U
Author/Editor: Gilpin, Stephen
Truth Will Prevail: Why I Was Condemned
Author/Editor: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva,Jamille Pinheiro Dias,Breno Longhi,Eduardo W. Portela e Silva
Tweets from Tahrir
Author/Editor: Nadia Idle
Understanding Hamas: And Why That Matters
Author/Editor: James B. Lieber
Weakness and Deceit
Author/Editor: Bonner, Raymond
Welcome to Dystopia
Author/Editor: Van Gelder, Gordon
Welcome to the Greenhouse
Author/Editor: Gordon Van Gelder
What Gandhi Says
Author/Editor: Norman G. Finkelstein
What's Yours Is Mine
Author/Editor: Slee, Tom
What's Yours Is Mine
Author/Editor: Tom Slee
What We Talk About When We Talk About Cities (And Love)
Author/Editor: Andy Merrifield
When Google Met WikiLeaks
Author/Editor: Assange, Julian
Who Killed Che?
Author/Editor: Michael Ratner; Michael Steven Smith
Why the Olympics Aren't Good for Us, and How They Can Be
Author/Editor: Mark Perryman
WikiLeaks and the Age of Transparency
Author/Editor: Sifry, Micah L
With Ash on Their Faces
Author/Editor: Otten, Cathy
Women of Resistance
Author/Editor: Barnhart, Danielle; Mahan, Iris
Women, Whistleblowing, WikiLeaks
Author/Editor: Avila, Renata; Harrison, Sarah; Richter, Angela
The Wrong Story
Author/Editor: Greg Shupak
A Year Inside MS-13
Author/Editor: Juan José Martínez d´Aubuisson; Natascha Elena Uhlmann