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Titles ( displaying 500 of 912 ) Information
Yorkshire Landscapes: A photographic tour of England's largest and most varied county
Author/Editor: Doug Kennedy
Writing Around the Ancient Mediterranean: Practices and Adaptations
Author/Editor: Philippa M. Steele ,Philip J. Boyes
The Wrecks of HM Frigates Assurance (1753) and Pomone (1811): Including the fascinating naval career of Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Barrie, KCB, KCH (1774–1841)
Woven Threads: Patterned Textiles of the Aegean Bronze Age
Author/Editor: Maria C. Shaw,Anne P. Chapin,Elizabeth J. W. Barber,Giuliana Bianco,Brendan Burke,Emily C. Egan,Suzanne Peterson Murray
Wool Economy in the Ancient Near East
Author/Editor: Catherine Breniquet,Cécile Michel
Women and Weapons in the Viking World: Amazons of the North
With Alexander in India and Central Asia: moving east and back to west, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Claudia Antonetti,Paolo Biagi
Winchester: Swithun’s ‘City of Happiness and Good Fortune’: An Archaeological Assessment, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Patrick Ottaway,Tracy Matthews,Ken Qualmann,Steven Teague,Richard Whinney,Martin Biddle,Martin Biddle,Beatrice Clayre,John Collis,Tom Beaumont James,Francis Morris,Helen Rees,Graham Scobie,Keith Wilkinson
Winchester: An Archaeological Assessment: Swithun’s ‘City of Happiness and Good Fortune’, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: Patrick Ottaway ,Tracy Matthews ,Ken Qualmann ,Steven Teague ,Richard Whinney ,Martin Biddle ,Martin Biddle ,Beatrice Clayre ,John Collis
William Faden and Norfolk’s 18th-Century Landscape
Author/Editor: Tom Williamson ,Andrew Macnair
Wild Things: Recent advances in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic research
Author/Editor: Frederick W. F. Foulds,Helen C. Drinkall,Angela R. Perri,David T. G. Clinnick,James W. P. Walker
Wild Things 2.0: Further Advances in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Research
Author/Editor: James Walker,David Clinnick
Wild Harvest: Plants in the Hominin and Pre-Agrarian Human Worlds
Author/Editor: Karen Hardy,Lucy Kubiak-Martens
What the Victorians Threw Away
Author/Editor: Tom Licence
Westward on the High-Hilled Plains: The Later Prehistory of the West Midlands, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: DEREK HURST
Westward on the High-Hilled Plains: The Later Prehistory of the West Midlands, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: DEREK HURST
West Cotton, Raunds: A Study of Medieval Settlement Dynamics AD 450-1450. Excavation of a deserted medieval hamlet in Northamptonshire, 1985-89
Author/Editor: Andy Chapman ,Umberto Albarella ,Tony Baker ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Gill Campbell ,Paul Courtney ,Simon Davis ,Tora Hylton ,Mark Robinson
A Welsh Landscape through Time: Excavations at Parc Cybi, Holy Island, Anglesey
Wellington Quarry, Herefordshire (1986-96): Investigations of a Landscape in the Lower Lugg Valley
Author/Editor: Robin Jackson,Darren Miller,Ian Baxter,Alex Bayliss,Peter S. Bellamy,Robert Berstan,Chris Bronk Ramsey,Gordon Cook,Randolph E. Donahue,Adrian A. Evans,Richard P. Evershed,Alex Gibson,James Greig,Laura Griffin,Derek Hurst,Robert A. Ixer,David Jordan,John M
Well Built Mycenae Fascicule 34.1: Technical Reports. The Results of Neutron Activation Analysis of Mycenaean Pottery
Author/Editor: W. D. Taylour ,E. B. French ,K. A. Wardle ,Gordon Hillman ,Susan Sherratt
Weaving and Fabric in Antiquity / Weben und Gewebe in der Antike: Materiality – Representation – Epistemology – Metapoetics / Materialität – Repräsentation – Episteme – Metapoetik
Author/Editor: Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer
Wearing the Cloak: Dressing the Soldier in Roman Times
Author/Editor: Marie-Louise Nosch
Weapons and Tools in Rock Art: A World Perspective
The Wealth of England: The Medieval Wool trade and Its Political Importance 1100–1600, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Susan Rose
Ways of Being Roman: Discourses of Identity in the Roman West
Author/Editor: Louise Revell
A Wayside Shrine in Northern Moab: Excavations in the Wadi ath-Thamad, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: P. M. MICHÈLE DAVIAU,Gabrielle Cole,Carlos E. Cordova,Christopher M. Foley,Jan Gunneweg,Marta Balla,Robert M. Kerr,David Lipovitch,Kenneth J. Mcnamara,David S. Reese,Margreet L. Steiner,P. M. MICHÈLE DAVIAU,MARGREET L. STEINER
War and Worship: Textiles from 3rd to 4th-century AD Weapon Deposits in Denmark and Northern Germany
Author/Editor: Susan Möller-Wiering,Lise Ræder Knudsen
The Wandering Herd: The Medieval Cattle Economy of South-East England c.450-1450
Author/Editor: Andrew Margetts
Walks through Historic Sandwich
Author/Editor: Helen Clarke
Visualising the Neolithic
Author/Editor: Andrew Cochrane,Andrew Meirion Jones
A Visual Catalogue of Richard Hattatt's Ancient Brooches
Author/Editor: Richard Hattatt’s
Violence and Civilization: Studies of Social Violence in History and Prehistory
Author/Editor: Roderick Campbell
Viking Worlds: Things, Spaces and Movement
Author/Editor: Marianne Hem Eriksen,Unn Pedersen,Bernt Rundberget,Irmelin Axelsen,Heidi Lund Berg
The Viking Way: Magic and Mind in Late Iron Age Scandinavia, Ed. 2, 2nd Edition
Author/Editor: NEIL PRICE
Vikings and the Danelaw
Author/Editor: James Graham-Campbell,Richard Hall,Judith Jesch,David N. Parsons
Viking Migration and Settlement in East Anglia: The Place-Name Evidence
Author/Editor: David Boulton
The Viking Age: A Time with Many Faces
Author/Editor: CAROLINE AHLSTRÖM ARCINI,T. Douglas Price,Bengt Jacobsson,Maria Cinthio,Leena Drenzel,Bibiana Agustí Farjas,Jonny Karlsson,Staffan Hyll
A View from the West: The Neolithic of the Irish Sea Zone
Author/Editor: Vicki Cummings
A Veritable Eden'. The Manchester Botanic Garden: A History
Author/Editor: Ann Brooks
Values and Revaluations: The Transformation and Genesis of 'Values in Things' from Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives
Author/Editor: Hans Peter Hahn ,Anja Klöckner ,Dirk Wicke
Using Images in Late Antiquity
The Use and reuse of stone circles: Fieldwork at five Scottish monuments and its implications
Author/Editor: Richard Bradley,Courtney Nimura
Urban Landscape Survey in Italy and the Mediterranean
Author/Editor: Frank Vermeulen,Gert-Jan Burgers,Simon Keay,Cristina Corsi
An Upland Biography: Landscape and Prehistory on Gardom's Edge, Derbyshire, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: John Barnatt,Bill Bevan,Mark Edmonds,Pauline Beswick,Kevin Cootes,Caroline Jackson,Patrick Quinn
Understanding Relations Between Scripts: The Aegean Writing Systems
Author/Editor: Philippa M. Steele
Understanding Relations Between Scripts II: Early Alphabets, Vol. Volume 1
Author/Editor: Philip J. Boyes ,Philippa M. Steele
Understanding Ancient Fortifications: Between Regionality and Connectivity, Ed. 1st
Twelfth-Century Sculptural Finds at Canterbury Cathedral and the Cult of Thomas Becket
Tutankhamun and Carter: Assessing the Impact of a Major Archaeological Find
The Tundzha Regional Archaeology Project: Surface Survey, Palaeoecology, and Associated Studies in Central and Southeast Bulgaria, 2009-2015 Final Report
Tudor and Stuart Royal Gardens
Author/Editor: David Jacques
Trireme Olympias: The Final Report
Author/Editor: Boris Rankov,Ronald Bockius,René Burlet,John Coates,Edwin Gifford,John Howarh,Douglas Lindsay,Paul Lipke,Seán McGrail,Robin Oldfield,Anthony J. Papalas,Boris Rankov,Harry Rossiter,André W. Sleeswyk,Timothy Shaw,Andrew Taylor,Alec Tilley,Herman Wallinga,Fo
The Tripolye Culture Giant-Settlements in Ukraine: Formation, development and decline
Author/Editor: Francesco Menotti,Aleksey G. Korvin-Piotrovskiy
Trinacria, 'An Island Outside Time': International Archaeology in Sicily
Trends in Biological Anthropology. Volume 2, Ed. 1st
Trends in Biological Anthropology 1
Author/Editor: Karina Gerdau-Radonić,Kathleen McSweeney
Trees in Towns and Cities: A History of British Urban Arboriculture
Author/Editor: Mark Johnston
Tree-Rings, Kings and Old World Archaeology and Environment: Papers Presented in Honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm
Author/Editor: Sturt W. Manning,Mary Jaye Bruce
Treasures from the Sea: Purple Dye and Sea Silk, Ed. 1st
The Transition to Late Antiquity on the lower Danube: Excavations and survey at Dichin, a Late Roman to early Byzantine Fort and a Roman aqueduct
Author/Editor: Andrew Poulter,M. Boyd,A. Cholakova,V. Dinchev,E. Ghey,P. Grinter,P. Guest,A. Hammon,T. Hristova,B. Hurman,C. Johnstone,W. Manning,H. Neumann,R. Parks,T. Smith,V. Swan,R. Tomlin,I. Tsurov,P. Vladkova,S. Watts
Transforming the Landscape: Rock Art and the Mississippian Cosmos, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Carol Diaz-Granados,Jan Simek,George Sabo III,Mark Wagner
Transformation in Anglo-Saxon Culture: Toller Lectures on Art, Archaeology and Text, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Charles Insley,Gale R. Owen-Crocker
Traditional Buildings in the Oxford Region
Author/Editor: John Steane,James Ayres
Tracing the Indo-Europeans: New evidence from archaeology and historical linguistics
Author/Editor: Birgit Anette Olsen,Thomas Olander,Kristian Kristiansen
Tracing Textile Production from the Viking Age to the Middle Ages: Tools, Textiles, Texts and Contexts
Author/Editor: INGVILD ØYE
TRAC 2015: Proceedings of the 25th annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Mandich,Thomas J. Derrick,Sergio Gonzalez Sanchez,Giacomo Savani,Eleonora Zampieri
TRAC 2014
Author/Editor: Tom Brindle,Martyn Allen,Emma Durham,Alex Smith
TRAC 2013: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, London 2013
Author/Editor: Hannah Platts,John Pearce,Caroline Barron,Jason Lundock,Justin Yoo
TRAC 2012: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Frankfurt 2012
Author/Editor: Annabel Bokern,Marion Bolder-Boos,Stefan Krmnicek,Dominik Maschek,Sven Page
TRAC 2011: Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference
Author/Editor: Maria Duggan,Frances McIntosh,Darrell J. Rohl
TRAC 2010: Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference
Author/Editor: Dragana Mladenović ,Ben Russell
TRAC 2008: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Amsterdam 2008
Author/Editor: Mark Driessen,Stijn Heeren,Joep Hendriks,Fleur Kemmers,Ronald Visser
TRAC 2000: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Theoretical Archaeology Conference. London 2000
Author/Editor: Gwyn Davies,Andrew Gardner,Kris Lockyear
Towns and Topography (Essays in Memory of David H. Hill)
Author/Editor: Gale R. Owen-Crocker,Susan D. Thompson
Towards a Social Bioarchaeology of the Mycenaean Period: A biocultural analysis of human remains from the Voudeni cemetery, Achaea, Greece
Tools and Weapons, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: the Egyptian Collection in University College,W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE
The Tomb of the Vizier Rē‘-wer at Saqqara, Vol. 25
Author/Editor: SAID EL-FIKEY
The Tomb of Pharaoh’s Chancellor Senneferi at Thebes (TT99), Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: NIGEL STRUDWICK,Helen Strudwick,Trevor F. Emmett,Irmtraut Munro,John H. Taylor,Pamela Rose,B. Bohleke,Tony Waldron,Nigel Strudwick,Julie Dawson,Bridget Leach
The Tomb of Amenemhab: No. 44 at Qurnah, Vol. 23
Author/Editor: HASSAN EL-SAADY
The Times of Their Lives: Hunting History in the Archaeology of Neolithic Europe
Author/Editor: Alasdair Whittle
Through a Glass Brightly: Studies in Byzantine and Medieval Art and Archaeology Presented to David Buckton
Author/Editor: Chris Entwistle
Thomas White (c. 1736–1811): Redesigning the northern British landscape
Author/Editor: Deborah Turnbull ,Louise Wickham
Thinking Through Images: Narrative, rhythm, embodiment and landscape in the Nordic Bronze Age, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: Christopher Tilley
Thinking Mesolithic
Author/Editor: Stefan Karol Kozłowski
Themes in Old World Zooarchaeology: From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic
Author/Editor: Umberto Albarella ,Cleia Detry ,Sónia Gabriel ,Catarina Ginja ,Ana Elisabete Pires ,João Pedro Tereso
Textile Terminologies in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean from the Third to the First Millennnia BC
Author/Editor: C. Michel,M.-L. Nosch
Textiles and the Medieval Economy: Production, Trade, and Consumption of Textiles, 8th–16th Centuries
Author/Editor: Angela Ling Huang,Carsten Jahnke
Textiles and Textile Production in Europe: From Prehistory to AD 400
Author/Editor: Margarita Gleba,Ulla Mannering
Textiles and Cult in the Ancient Mediterranean
Textile Production in Pre-Roman Italy
Author/Editor: Margarita Gleba
Textile Production and Consumption in the Ancient Near East: archaeology, epigraphy, iconography
Author/Editor: M.-L. Nosch,H. Koefoed,E. Andersson Strand
Textile Activity and Cultural Identity in Sicily Between the Late Bronze Age and Archaic Period, Vol. 37
Author/Editor: Gabriella Longhitano
Temporary Palaces: The Great House in European Prehistory
Author/Editor: Richard Bradley
Tell Ahmar on the Syrian Euphrates: From Chalcolithic Village to Assyrian Provincial Capital
Author/Editor: GUY BUNNENS ,Cristina Baccarin ,Vanessa Boschloos ,Deborah Giannessi ,Elizabeth Hendrix ,Andrew S. Jamieson ,Adelheid Otto ,Silvia Perini ,Arlette R
A Taste for Green: A global perspective on ancient jade, turquoise and variscite exchange
Author/Editor: Carlos Rodríguez-Rellán,Ben A. Nelson,Ramón Fábregas Valcarce
A Tale of the Unknown Unknowns: A Mesolithic Pit Alignment and a Neolithic Timber Hall at Warren Field, Crathes, Aberdeenshire
Author/Editor: Hilary K. Murray,J. Charles Murray,Shannon M. Fraser,Anne Crone,Althea Davies,Claire Deacon,Brian Dolan,Richard Evershed,Mhairi Hastie,Gail Higginbottom,Stephen Lancaster,Peter Marshall,Robert McCulloch,Andrew Meharg,Alison Sheridan,Andrew Smith,Catherine
Table Settings: The Material Culture and Social Context of Dining, AD 1700-1900
Author/Editor: James Symonds
Swaledale: Valley of the Wild River
Author/Editor: Andrew Fleming
Sveti Pavao Shipwreck: A 16th century Venetian merchantman from Mljet, Croatia
Author/Editor: Carlo Beltrame,Sauro Gelichi,Igor Miholjek,Cristiano Alfonso,Jurica Bezak,Elisa Costa,Martina Ćurković,Margherita Ferri,Anita Jelić,Antonija Jozić,Garo Kürkman,Igor Mihajlović,Robert Mosković,Mladen Mustaček,Domagoj Perkić,Tajana Trbojević Vukičević,Vesna
The Submerged Site of La Marmotta (Rome, Italy): Decrypting a Neolithic Society
Submerged Prehistory
Author/Editor: Jonathan Benjamin,Clive Bonsall,Catriona Pickard,Anders Fischer
Structure, Image, Ornament: Architectural Sculpture in the Greek World
Author/Editor: Peter Schultz,Ralf von den Hoff
Street Trees in Britain: A History
Author/Editor: Mark Johnston
St Peter's, Barton-upon-Humber, Lincolnshire: Volume 1, History, Archaeology and Architecture
Author/Editor: Warwick Rodwell ,Caroline Atkins ,Sally Badham ,Alex Bayliss ,Nancy Beavan ,Christopher Bronk Ramsey ,Anne Boyle ,John Cherry ,Philip Clogg
St Paul's Cathedral: archaeology and history
Author/Editor: John Schofield,Lyn Blackmore,Robert Bowles,Hazel Forsyth,Damian Goodburn,Azizul Karim,Jackie Keily,Adrian Miles,Jacqueline Pearce,Terence Smith,Bill White,Robin Wroe-Brown
Stories from Ancient Greece & Rome
Author/Editor: Joyce Tyldesley,Julian Heath
Stories from Ancient Egypt
Author/Editor: Joyce Tyldesley,Julian Heath
Stone Axe Studies III
Author/Editor: Vin Davis,Mark Edmonds
St Kilda and the Wider World: Tales of an Iconic Island
Author/Editor: Andrew Fleming
State Formation in Italy and Greece: Questioning the Neoevolutionist Paradigm
Author/Editor: Nicola Terrenato,Donald C. Haggis
Stairway to Heaven: The Functions of Medieval Upper Spaces
Author/Editor: TOBY HUITSON
Souvenirs and New Ideas
Author/Editor: Diane Fortenberry
The Southern Transjordan Edomite Plateau and the Dead Sea Rift Valley: The Bronze Age to the Islamic Period (3800/3700 BC–AD 1917)
The Southern Levant during the first centuries of Roman rule (64 BCE–135 CE): Interweaving Local Cultures
Author/Editor: Paolo Cimadomo
South-Eastern Mediterranean Peoples Between 130,000 and 10,000 Years Ago
Author/Editor: Elena A. A. Garcea,Nick Barton,Ofer Bar-Yosef,Anna Belfer-Cohen,Abdeljalil Bouzouggar,Brian Boyd,Laine Clark-Balzan,Simon N. Collcutt,André Debénath,Elena A. A. Garcea,Mohamed Abdeljalil El Hajraoui,Roland Nespoulet,Romuald Schild,Jean-Luc Schwenninger,Jo
Somerset's Peatland Archaeology: Managing and Investigating a Fragile Resource
Author/Editor: Richard Brunning ,Christopher Bronk Ramsey ,Nigel Cameron ,Gordon Cook ,Paul Davies ,Rowena Gale ,W. Derek Hamilton ,David Hogan ,Julie Jones
Socialising Complexity: Approaches to Power and Interaction in the Archaeological Record
Author/Editor: Sheila Kohring,Stephanie Wynne-Jones
Social Dimensions of Food in the Prehistoric Balkans, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Maria Ivanova,Bogdan Athanassov,Vanya Petrova,Desislava Takorova,Philipp W. Stockhammer
The Social Context of Technology: Non-ferrous Metalworking in Later Prehistoric Britain and Ireland
Author/Editor: Leo Webley,Sophia Adams,Joanna Brück
The Social Context of Technological Change: Egypt and the Near East, 1650-1150 BC
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Shortland
Social Change in Aegean Prehistory
Author/Editor: Corien Wiersma,Sofia Voutsaki
The Social Archaeology of Funerary Remains
Author/Editor: Rebecca Gowland,Christopher Knüsel
Snails: Archaeology and Landscape Change
Author/Editor: Paul Davies
Small Finds and Ancient Social Practices in the Northwest Provinces of the Roman Empire
Slave-Wives, Single Women and “Bastards" in the Ancient Greek World: Law and Economics Perspectives
Author/Editor: Morris Silver
Skyscapes: The Role and Importance of the Sky in Archaeology
Author/Editor: Fabio Silva,Nicholas Campion
Siraf: History, Topography and Environment
Author/Editor: David Whitehouse,Donald S. Whitcomb,T. J. Wilkinson
Sinews of Empire, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Håkon Fiane Teigen,Eivind Heldaas Seland
Silk: Trade & Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity
Silk Roads: From Local Realities to Global Narratives
Author/Editor: Jeffrey D. Lerner ,Yaohua Shi
Silk for the Vikings
Author/Editor: Marianne Vedeler
Silchester Revealed: The Iron Age and Roman Town of Calleva
Author/Editor: Michael Fulford
Signals of Belief in Early England: Anglo-Saxon Paganism Revisited
Author/Editor: Martin Carver,Alex Sanmark,Sarah Semple
Side-by-Side Survey: Comparative Regional Studies in the Mediterranean World
Author/Editor: Susan E. Alcock,John F. Cherry
Shuffling Nags, Lame Ducks: The Archaeology of Animal Disease
Author/Editor: László Bartosiewicz,Erika Gál
Ships and Guns: The Sea Ordnance in Venice and in Europe between the 15th and the 17th Centuries
Author/Editor: Carlo Beltrame,Renato Gianni Ridella
Sheri Khan Tarakai and Early Village Life in the Borderlands of North-West Pakistan: Bannu Archaeological Project Surveys and Excavations 1985-2001
Author/Editor: F. Khan,J.R. Knox,K.D. Thomas,C.A. Petrie,J.C. Morris,C.R. Cartwright,L. Joyner,C.A. Petrie
Shadowland: Wales 3000-1500 BC
Author/Editor: Steve Burrow
Shades of Green: An Environmental and Cultural History of Sitka Spruce
Author/Editor: Ruth Tittensor
Shabtis, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE ,Egyptian Collection in University College
Seventeenth-century Water Gardens and the Birth of Modern Scientific thought in Oxford: The Case of Hanwell Castle
Author/Editor: Stephen Wass
Settlement in the Irish Neolithic: New discoveries at the edge of Europe
Author/Editor: Jessica Smyth
Sentient Archaeologies: Global Perspectives on Places, Objects and Practice
The Selhurst Park Project: Middle Barn, Selhurstpark Farm, Eartham, West Sussex 2005–2008
Author/Editor: George Anelay
Segedunum: Excavations By Charles Daniels In The Roman Fort At Wallsend (1975-1984)
Author/Editor: Alan Rushworth,Alexandra Croom,M. C. Bishop,I. D. Caruana,C. M. Daniels,P. Moffat,C. MacRae,M. Johnstone
Seeking the First Farmers in Western Sjælland, Denmark: The Archaeology of the Transition to Agriculture in Northern Europe
Author/Editor: T. Douglas Price
Seats of Power in Europe during the Hundred Years War: An Architectural Study from 1330 to 1480
Author/Editor: ANTHONY EMERY
Seals and their Context in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Phillipp R. Schofield
Scientific Dating in Archaeology, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: Seren Griffiths ,Martin Bridge ,Ben Gearey ,Sam Harris ,Tom Higham ,Richard Staff ,Abi Stone
Sasanian and Islamic Settlement and Ceramics in Southern Iran (4th to 17th Century AD): The Williamson Survey
Sandwich - The 'Completest Medieval Town in England': A Study of the Town and Port from its Origins to 1600
Author/Editor: Helen Clarke,Sarah Pearson,Mavis Mate,Keith Parfitt,Sheila Sweetinburgh,Bridgett Jones,Allan T. Adams,Barry Corke,John Hills,Howard A. Jones,Peter Williams
Samothracian Connections: Essays in Honor of James R. McCredie
Author/Editor: Olga Palagia,Bonna D. Wescoat
Sailing to Classical Greece: Papers on Greek Art, Archaeology and Epigraphy presented to Petros Themelis
Author/Editor: Olga Palagia,Hans Rupprecht Goette
Saddling the Dogs: Journeys Through Egypt and the Near East
Author/Editor: Diane Fortenberry,Deborah Manley
Sacred Nature: Animism and Materiality in Ancient Religions, Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Nicola Laneri ,Anna Perdibon
Sacred Mound, Holy Rings: Silbury Hill and the West Kennet palisade enclosures: a Later Neolithic complex in north Wiltshire
Author/Editor: Alasdair Whittle ,J. Best ,C.R. Cartwright ,I. Cornwall ,G. W. Dimbleby ,A. Edwards ,J.G. Evans ,A. Fairbairn ,N. Gardner
Sacred Landscapes in Antiquity: Creation, Manipulation, Transformation, Ed. 1st
The Sacred Body: Materializing the Divine through Human Remains in Antiquity, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Nicola Laneri
Russian Cloth Seals in Britain: Trade, Textiles and Origins
Author/Editor: John Sullivan
Rural Settlement, Lifestyles and Social Change in the Later First Millennium AD at Flixborough, Lincolnshire: Anglo-Saxon Flixborough in its Wider Context
Author/Editor: Christopher Loveluck ,James Barrett ,Kenneth Cameron ,John Carrott ,Richard Darrah ,Keith Dobney ,Sarah Foot ,Geoff Gaunt ,Allan Hall
Round Mounds and Monumentality in the British Neolithic and Beyond
Author/Editor: Jim Leary,Timothy Darvill,David Field
Rough Cilicia: New Historical and Archaeological Approaches
Author/Editor: Michael C. Hoff,Rhys F. Townsend
The Rother Valley: A Short History of a Lowland English River Catchment and Prospects for Future Management
Author/Editor: John Boardman ,Ian Foster
The Roots of Asian Weaving
Author/Editor: Eric Boudot,Chris Buckley
Rome and the north-western Mediterranean: Integration and connectivity c. 150–70 BC
Rome and the Colonial City: Rethinking the Grid
Author/Editor: Sofia Greaves ,Andrew Wallace-Hadrill
Roman Urbanism in Italy: Recent Discoveries and New Directions, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: Alessandro Launaro
Romans and Barbarians Beyond the Frontiers: Archaeology, Ideology and Identities in the North, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Sergio González Sánchez,Alexandra Guglielmi,Darrell Rohl
Roman Religion in the Danubian Provinces: Space Sacralisation and Religious Communication During the Principate (1st–3rd Century AD)
Author/Editor: Csaba Szabó
Romano-British Settlement and Cemeteries at Mucking: Excavations by Margaret and Tom Jones, 1965–1978
Author/Editor: Sam Lucy,Christopher Evans,Rosemary Jefferies,Grahame Appleby,Chris Going,Jo Appleby,Donald Bailey,Paul Barford,Joanna Bird,David Buckley,J. Cooper,Leslie Cram,P.E. Curnow,Brenda Dickinson,Geraldine Done,Kay Hartley,Colin Haselgrove,Martin Henig,Frank Jen
The Romano-British Peasant: Towards a Study of People, Landscapes and Work during the Roman Occupation of Britain
Author/Editor: Mike McCarthy
Roman Military Equipment from the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome, second edition
Author/Editor: M. C. Bishop,J. C. N. Coulston
Roman Military Architecture on the Frontiers: Armies and Their Architecture in Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Rob Collins,Matthew Symonds,Meike Weber
Roman Imperial Armour: The production of early imperial military armour
Author/Editor: D. Sim,J. Kaminski
Roman Guernsey: Excavations, Fieldwork and Maritime Archaeology 1980–2015, Vol. 9, Ed. 1st
Roman Finds: Context and Theory
Author/Editor: Richard Hingley,Steven Willis
The Romanesque Abbey of St Peter at Gloucester
Author/Editor: Carolyn Heighway,Richard Bryant,Malcolm Thurlby
Roman Crete: New Perspectives
Author/Editor: Jane E. Francis,Anna Kouremenos
Roman Colonies in the First Century of Their Foundation
Author/Editor: Rebecca J. Sweetman
Roman Butrint: An Assessment, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Inge Lyse Hansen ,Richard Hodges
Roman Aquileia: The Impenetrable City-Fortress, a Sentry of the Alps
Author/Editor: Natale Barca
The Roman Amphitheatre of Chester, Volume 1: the Prehistoric and Roman archaeology, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Tony Wilmott,Dan Garner,Julian Baum,Barry Bishop,Christopher Bronk Ramsey,Gill Campbell,Gordon Cook,Gillian Dunn,Carlotta Gardner,Jen Harland,Zoë Hazell,Alison Heke,Martin Henig,Peter Hill,Peter Marshall,Elaine L Morris,Quita Mould,Sarah Paynter,Ruth Pell
Rocks in Motion: Dakhleh Oasis Petroglyphs in the Context of Paths, Roads and Mobility
Author/Editor: Paweł L. Polkowski ,Colin A. Hope
Rock Art Through Time: Scanian rock carvings in the Bronze Age and Earliest Iron Age
Author/Editor: Peter Skoglund
Rock Art Studies - News of the World Volume 3
Author/Editor: Paul Bahn,Natalie Franklin,Matthias Strecker
Rock Art Studies: News of the World IV
Author/Editor: Paul Bahn ,Natalie Franklin ,Matthias Strecker
The Rock Art of Norway
Author/Editor: Trond Lødøen,Gro Mandt
Rock Art and Seascapes in Uppland
Author/Editor: Johan Ling,Kristian Kristiansen
Roads in the Deserts of Roman Egypt: Analysis, Atlas, Commentary
Author/Editor: Maciej Paprocki
The Ritual Killing and Burial of Animals: European Perspectives
Author/Editor: Aleksander Pluskowski
Ritual in Early Bronze Age Grave Goods
Author/Editor: Ann Woodward,John Hunter,David Bukach,Stuart Needham,Alison Sheridan,Peter Bray,Mary Davis,Sheila Hamilton-Dyer,Duncan Hook,Rob Ixer,Mick Jones,Mark Maltby,Sonia O’Connor,Philip Potts,Fiona Roe,Lore Troalen,John Watson,Peter Webb
The Rhyton from Danilo: Structure and Symbolism of a Middle Neolithic Cult-Vessel
Author/Editor: Omer Rak,Theresa Alt,Wayles Browne
Revisiting Grooved Ware: Understanding Ceramic Trajectories in Britain and Ireland, 3200–2400 cal BC, Vol. 20
Author/Editor: Mike Copper ,Alasdair Whittle ,Alison Sheridan
Rethinking Celtic Art
Author/Editor: Duncan Garrow,Chris Hosden,J. D. Hill
Resistance at the Edge of Empires: The Archaeology and History of the Bannu basin from 1000 BC to AD 1200, Vol. 3, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Cameron A. Petrie ,P. Magee ,F. Khan ,J.R. Knox ,K.D. Thomas
Re-Presenting the Past: Archaeology through Text and Image
Author/Editor: Sheila Bonde,Stephen Houston
Representations: Material and immaterial modes of communication in the Bronze Age Aegean
Author/Editor: John Bennet
Representations and Communications: Creating an Archaeological Matrix of Late Prehistoric Rock Art
Author/Editor: Åsa C. Fredell,Kristian Kristiansen,Felipe Criado Boado
Repeopling La Manche: New Perspectives on Neanderthal archaeology and landscapes from La Cotte de St Brelade, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Beccy Scott ,Andrew Shaw ,Katharine Scott ,Matt Pope ,Michael J. Allen ,Julie Gardiner
Remembering and Forgetting the Ancient City
Author/Editor: Javier Martínez Jiménez ,Sam Ottewill-Soulsby
Religious Individualisation: Archaeological, Iconographic and Epigraphic Case Studies from the Roman World
Author/Editor: Ralph Haeussler ,Anthony King ,Francisco Marco Simón ,Günther Schörner
Relentlessly Plain: Seventh Millennium Ceramics at Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: OLIVIER P. NIEUWENHUYSE,Bram van As,Koen Berghuijs,Renske Dooijes,Richard P. Evershed,Loe Jacobs,Ewout Koek,Luc Megens,Marie Le Mière,Valérie Thirion-Merle,Bonnie Nilhamn,Maurice Picon,Jo-Hannah Plug,Mélanie Roffet-Salque,Anna Russell
Reinventing Sustainability: How Archaeology can Save the Planet
Author/Editor: Erika Guttmann-Bond
Re-imagining Periphery: Archaeology and Text in Northern Europe from Iron Age to Viking and Early Medieval Periods
Regional Schools in Hellenistic Sculpture
Author/Editor: Olga Palagia,William Coulson
Regional Perspectives on Neolithic Pit Deposition: Beyond the Mundane
Author/Editor: Hugo Anderson-Whymark,Julian Thomas,Timothy Darvill
Reconstructing Past Population Trends in Mediterranean Europe (3000 BC - AD 1800)
Author/Editor: John Bintlìjf,Kostas Sbonias
Recent Advances in Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones
Author/Editor: Deborah Ruscillo
Radiocarbon and the Chronologies of Ancient Egypt
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Shortland,C. Bronk Ramsey,Michael Dee,Fiona Brock
Quaternary of the Trent
Author/Editor: David Bridgland,Andy Howard,Mark White,Tom White
Quaternary History and Palaeolithic Archaeology in the Axe Valley at Broom, South West England
Author/Editor: R. T. Hosfield ,C. P. Green
Quality Management in Archaeology
Author/Editor: Willem J. H. Willems,Monique H. van den Dries
Puspika: Tracing Ancient India Through Texts and Traditions: Contributions to Current Research in Indology Volume I
Author/Editor: Nina Mirnig,Péter-Dániel Szántó,Michael Williams
Puspika: Tracing Ancient India Through Texts and Traditions
Author/Editor: Giovanni Ciotti,Alastair Gornall,Paolo Visigalli
Puṣpikā V: Tracing Ancient India, through Texts and Traditions: Contributions to Current Research in Indology
Author/Editor: Heleen De Jonckheere,Marie-Hélène Gorisse,Agnieszka Rostalska
Puṣpikā: Tracing Ancient India Through Texts and Traditions: Contributions to Current Research in Indology Volume 3
Author/Editor: Robert Leach,Jessie Pons
Puṣpikā: Tracing Ancient India Through Texts and Traditions: Contributions to Current Research in Indology Volume 4
Author/Editor: Lucas den Boer,Daniele Cuneo
Public Archaeology and Climate Change, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Tom Dawson,Courtney Nimura,Elías López-Romero,Marie-Yvane Daire
Ptolemy I Soter: A Self-Made Man
Author/Editor: Timothy Howe
Proceedings of the Ninth International Dakhleh Oasis Project Conference: Papers presented in honour of Anthony J. Mills
Author/Editor: Gillian E. Bowen,Colin A. Hope,Bruce E. Parr,Sabri Y. Abd al-Rahman,Maher B. Amin,Sobhi Ashour,Kamel A. Bayoumy,Gillian E. Bowen,Andrew Connor,John C. Darnell,Françoise Dunand,Tosha L. Dupras,Iain Gardner,James C. R. Gill,Caleb R. Hamilton,Colin A. Hope,C
Preserved in the Peat: an extraordinary Bronze Age burial on Whitehose Hill, Dartmoor, and its wider context
Author/Editor: Andy M. Jones
Prehistoric Ukraine: From the First Hunters to the First Farmers
Prehistoric rock art in Scandinavia: Agency and Environmental Change
Author/Editor: Courtney Nimura
Prehistoric Pottery from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: ASHTEN R. WARFE
Prehistoric Egypt, Vol. 9
Author/Editor: W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE
Prehistoric Britain: The Ceramic Basis
Author/Editor: Ann Woodward,J. D. Hill
Prehistoric, Ancient Near Eastern & Aegean Textiles and Dress
Author/Editor: Mary Harlow,Cécile Michel,Marie-Louise Nosch
Pottery and Social Life in Medieval England: Towards a Relational Approach
Author/Editor: Ben Jervis
Pompeii: Art, Industry and Infrastructure
Author/Editor: Eric Poehler,Miko Flohr,Kevin Cole
Political Economies of the Aegean Bronze Age
Author/Editor: Daniel J. Pullen
Plants, People and Places: Recent Studies in Phytolithic Analysis
Author/Editor: Marco Madella,Débora Zurro
Plants in Neolithic Britain and Beyond
Author/Editor: Andrew S Fairburn
Plants and People: Choices and Diversity through Time
Author/Editor: Alexandre Chevalier,Elena Marinova,Leonor Peña-Chocarro
Places of Special Virtue: Megaliths in the Neolithic landscapes of Wales
Author/Editor: Vicki Cummings,Alasdair Whittle
Places in Between: The Archaeology of Social, Cultural and Geographical Borders and Borderlands
Author/Editor: David Mullin
Picturing the Bronze Age
Author/Editor: Peter Skoglund,Johan Ling,Ulf Bertilsson
Personal Ornaments in Prehistory: An exploration of body augmentation from the Palaeolithic to the Early Bronze Age
Author/Editor: Emma L. Baysal
Personal Adornment and the Construction of Identity: A Global Archaeological Perspective
Author/Editor: Hannah V. Mattson
Peopling Insular Art: Practice, Performance, Perception
People with Animals: Perspectives and Studies in Ethnozooarchaeology
Author/Editor: Lee G. Broderick
The People of the Cobra Province in Egypt: A Local History, 4500 to 1500 BC
Author/Editor: Wolfram Grajetzki
Pecsaetna: People of the Anglo-Saxon Peak District
Author/Editor: Phil Sidebottom
Pathways and Ceremonies: The Cursus Monuments of Britain and Ireland
Author/Editor: Alistair Barclay,Jan Harding
Paths Towards a New World
Author/Editor: Mats Larsson,Geoffrey Lemdahl,Kerstin Lidén
Paths to Complexity - Centralisation and Urbanisation in Iron Age Europe
Author/Editor: Manuel Fernández-Götz,Holger Wendling,Katja Winger
Past Bodies: Body-Centered Research in Archaeology
Author/Editor: Dušan Borić ,John Robb
The Parthian and Early Sasanian Empires: Adaptation and Expansion, Ed. 1st
Paradigm Found: Archaeological Theory – Present, Past and Future. Essays in Honour of Evžen Neustupný
Author/Editor: Kristian Kristiansen,Ladislav Šmejda,Jan Turek
Pantalica in the Sicilian Late Bronze and Iron Ages: Excavations of the Rock-cut Chamber Tombs by Paolo Orsi from 1895 to 1910
Author/Editor: Robert Leighton,Rosa Maria Albanese Procelli
The Panathenaic Games: Proceedings of an International Conference held at the University of Athens, May 11-12, 2004
Author/Editor: Olga Palagia,Alkestis Choremi-Spetsieri
Palmyra after Zenobia AD 273-750: An Archaeological and Historical Reappraisal
Author/Editor: Emanuele E. Intagliata
Painting Pots – Painting People: Late Neolithic Ceramics in Ancient Mesopotamia, Ed. 1st
On the Fascination of Objects: Greek and Etruscan Art in the Shefton Collection
Author/Editor: John Boardman,Andrew Parkin,Sally Waite
Onomatologos: Studies in Greek Personal Names presented to Elaine Matthews
Author/Editor: R. W. V. Catling,F. Marchand,M. Sasanow
Old Kingdom, New Perspectives: Egyptian Art and Archaeology 2750-2150 BC
Author/Editor: Nigel Strudwick,Helen Strudwick
Of Rocks and Water: An Archaeology of Place
Author/Editor: Ömür Harmanşah,John F. Cherry
Of Odysseys and Oddities: Scales and Modes of Interaction Between Prehistoric Aegean Societies and their Neighbours
Author/Editor: Barry P.C. Molloy
Offa's Dyke: Landscape and Hegemony in Eighth Century Britain
Author/Editor: Keith Ray,Ian Bapty
Oceans Odyssey: Deep-Sea Shipwrecks in the English Channel, the Straits of Gibraltar and the Atlantic Ocean
Author/Editor: Greg Stemm,Sean Kingsley
Oceans Odyssey 3: The Deep-Sea Tortugas Shipwreck, Straits of Florida: A Merchant Vessel from Spain's 1622 Tierra Firme Fleet
Author/Editor: Greg Stemm,Sean Kingsley
Oceans Odyssey 2: Underwater Heritage Management & Deep-Sea Shipwrecks in the English Channel & Atlantic Ocean
Author/Editor: Greg Stemm,Sean Kingsley
Objects of Daily Use, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE
Oasis Papers 8: Pleistocene Research in the Western Desert of Egypt, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: Maxine R. Kleindienst ,Charles S. Churcher ,Albert F. C. Haldemann ,Henry P. Schwarcz ,Bruce E. Parr
The Oasis Papers 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project
Author/Editor: Roger S. Bagnall,Paola Davoli,Colin A. Hope,Bruce E. Parr,Nicola Aravecchia,Giuseppina Azzarello,Roger S. Bagnall,Barbara E. Barich,Maher Bashendi,Gillian E. Bowen,Jean-Paul Bravard,Charles S. Churcher,Magali Coudert,Mattia Crespi,Raffaella Cribiore,Paola
The Oasis Papers 2: Proceedings of the Second International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project
Author/Editor: Marcia F. Wiseman,Bruce E. Parr,Arthur C. Aufderheide,Roger S. Bagnall,Laurence Blondaux,Larry Cartmell,Charles S. Churcher,Tosha L. Dupras,Scott I. Fairgrieve,Norman Evensen,Jacqueline Frizano,Iain Gardner,Robert Giegengack,Alicia L. Hawkins,Maxine R. Kl
Numismatic Archaeology/Archaeological Numismatics
Author/Editor: K.A. Sheedy,Ch. Papageorgiadou-Banis
Not Just for Show: The Archaeology of Beads, Beadwork, and Personal Ornaments, Ed. 1st
Northwold Manor Reborn: Architecture, Archaeology and Restoration of a Derelict Norfolk House
Author/Editor: Warwick Rodwell ,Diane Gibbs ,Ptolemy Dean
The North Through its Names: A Phenomenology of Medieval and Early-Modern Northern England
Author/Editor: Dave Postles
North Meets South: Theoretical Aspects on the Northern and Southern Rock Art Traditions in Scandinavia, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Peter Skoglund,Johan Ling,Ulf Bertilsson,Kristian Kristiansen
North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles X
Author/Editor: Eva Andersson Strand,Margarita Gleba,Ulla Mannering,Cherine Munkholt,Maj Ringgaard
Northern Archaeological Textiles
Author/Editor: Frances Pritchard,John Peter Wild
North Downs Landscapes: Exploring the Glorious English Countryside on London’s Doorstep
Author/Editor: Doug Kennedy
The Norse Sorceress: Mind and Materiality in the Viking World
A Norse Settlement in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations on Mounds 2 and 2A, Bornais, South Uist
Author/Editor: Niall Sharples,J Best,J Bond,C Bronk Ramsey,D Challinor,A Clarke,G Cook,O Davis,I Dennis,A Forster,K Harding,C Ingrem,A Lane,J Light,P Marshall,K Milek,J Mulville,K Munro,A Pannett,A Powell,R Smith,J Summers,F Taylor,K Waddington
A Norse Farmstead in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations at Mound 3, Bornais, South Uist
Author/Editor: Niall Sharples,J Bond,J Cartledge,A Clarke,S Colledge,I Dennis,R Gale,M Hamilton,C Ingrem,A Lane,J Light,P Macdonald,P Marshall,K Milek,J Mulville,A Smith,H Smith,T Young
Norfolk Landscapes: A colourful journey through the Broads, Brecks, Staithes and Churches of Norfolk
Author/Editor: Doug Kennedy
Nishapur Revisited: Stratigraphy and Ceramics of the Qohandez
Author/Editor: Rocco Rante,Annabelle Collinet,Rajabali Labbaf Khaniki,A. Bouquillon,Y. Coquinot,C. Doublet,Y. Gallet,A. Genevey,E. Porto,A. Zink
Nineteenth Century Childhoods in Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives
Author/Editor: Jane Eva Baxter,Meredith A. B. Ellis
Nicopolis ad Istrum III: A late Roman and early Byzantine City: the Finds and the biological Remains
Author/Editor: A. G. Poulter,M. J. Beech,T. F. C. Blagg,Z. Boev,H. Bush,J. L. Buysse,J. Chapman,R. K. Falkner,M. Henig,B. Irving,J. Kenworthy,S. A. Parfitt,A. Roberts,C. Salter
New Light on the Neolithic of Northern England
New Forest: The Forging of a Landscape, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Hadrian Cook
Neolithic Stone Extraction in Britain and Europe: An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective, Vol. 12
Author/Editor: Peter Topping
Neolithic Stepping Stones: Excavation and survey within the western seaways of Britain, 2008-2014, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: DUNCAN GARROW,FRASER STURT,Hugo Anderson-Whymark,Anwen Cooper,Mike Copper,Elise Fraser,Charles French,Seren Griffiths,Donovan Hawley,Julie Jones,Ceren Kabukcu,Anne Pirie,Henrietta Quinnell,John Renouf,Katharine Sawyer,Rob Scaife,Roger Taylor,Martin Tingle
The Neolithic of the Irish Sea
Author/Editor: Vicki Cummings,Chris Fowler
The Neolithic of Europe: Papers in Honour of Alasdair Whittle, Ed. 1st
Neolithic Landscapes
Author/Editor: Peter Topping
Neolithic Houses in Northwest Europe and beyond
Author/Editor: Timothy Darvill,Julian Thomas
A Neolithic Ceremonial Complex in Galloway: Excavations at Dunragit and Droughduil, 1999–2002
Author/Editor: Julian Thomas
Neolithic Bodies
Author/Editor: Penny Bickle,Emilie Sibbesson
Neolithic Archaeology in the Intertidal Zone
Author/Editor: Jane Sidell,Fiona Haughey
Neolithic Alepotrypa Cave in the Mani, Greece, Ed. 1st
Neighbours and Successors of Rome: Traditions of Glass Production and use in Europe and the Middle East in the Later 1st Millennium AD
Author/Editor: Daniel Keller,Jennifer Price,Caroline Jackson
Neanderthals in Wales: Pontnewydd and the Elwy Valley Caves
Author/Editor: Stephen Aldhouse-Green,Rick Peterson,Elizabeth A. Walker
Naqada and Ballas, Vol. 11
Author/Editor: W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE
Nairi Lands: The Identity of the Local Communities of Eastern Anatolia, South Caucasus and Periphery During the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. A Reassessment of the Material Culture and the Socio-Economic Landscape
Myth and Materiality
Author/Editor: John Waddell
Myth and History: Ethnicity & Politics in the First Millennium British Isles
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Yeates
My Life as a Replica: St John's Cross, Iona
Moving on in Neolithic Studies: Understanding Mobile Lives
Author/Editor: Jim Leary,Thomas Kador
Movement, Exchange and Identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC: Beyond Frontiers, Ed. 1st
Mount Grace Priory: Excavations of 1957–1992
Author/Editor: Glyn Coppack ,Laurence Keen ,Colin Hayfield ,Andrew Saunders ,Jackie Hall ,Mark Dinnin ,Andrew Jones ,Brian Irvine ,Kevin Leahy
Mountains of Silver and Rivers of Gold: The Phoenicians in Iberia
Author/Editor: ANN NEVILLE,R. J. A. Wilson
Motherhood and Infancies in the Mediterranean in Antiquity
Author/Editor: Margarita Sánchez Romero,Rosa Mª Cid López
More than Meets the Eye: Studies on Upper Palaeolithic Diversity in the Near East
Author/Editor: A. Nigel Goring-Morris,Anna Belfer-Cohen
Monuments in the Making: Raising the Great Dolmens in Early Neolithic Northern Europe
Author/Editor: Vicki Cummings ,Colin Richards
Monumental Times: Pasts, Presents, and Futures in the Prehistoric Construction Projects of Northern and Western Europe
Author/Editor: Richard Bradley
Monumentalising Life in the Neolithic: Narratives of Continuity and Change
Monastic Archaeology
Author/Editor: Graham Keevill,Mick Aston,Teresa Hall
Molluscs in Archaeology: Methods, Approaches and Applications
Author/Editor: Michael J. Allen
Mobility, Meaning and Transformations of Things: shifting contexts of material culture through time and space
Author/Editor: Hans Peter Hahn,Hadas Weiss
Mining and Quarrying in Neolithic Europe: A Social Perspective
Author/Editor: Anne Teather,Peter Topping,Jon Baczkowski
Metals, Minds and Mobility: Integrating Scientific Data with Archaeological Theory
Mesolithic Settlement in the North Sea Basin: A Case Study from Howick, North-East England
Author/Editor: Clive Waddington,Geoff Bailey,Alex Bayliss,Alan Biggins,Ian Boomer,Christopher Bronk Ramsey,Ann Clarke,Jacqui Cotton,Derek Hamilton,Karen Hardy,Nicky Milner,Kristian Pedersen,Robert Shiel,Tony Stevenson,Ben Johnson,James Brightman
Memory and Mourning: Studies on Roman Death
Author/Editor: Valerie M. Hope,Janet Huskinson
Megalithic Tombs in Western Iberia: Excavations at the Anta da Lajinha
The Megalithic Architectures of Europe
Author/Editor: Luc Laporte,Chris Scarre
The Mediterranean from 50,000 to 25,000 BP: Turning Points and New Directions
Author/Editor: Marta Camps,Carolyn Szmidt
Mediterranean Archaeologies of Insularity in an Age of Globalization
Author/Editor: Anna Kouremenos,Jody Michael Gordon
A Medieval Woman's Companion: Women's Lives in the European Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Susan Signe Morrison
Medieval Rural Settlement: Britain and Ireland, AD 800-1600
Author/Editor: Neil Christie,Paul Stamper
The Medieval Peasant House in Midland England
Author/Editor: Nat Alcock,Dan Miles,John Chenevix Trench,Christopher Currie,Chris Dyer,Bob Laxton,Cliff Litton
Medieval Money Matters
Author/Editor: Diana Wood
A Medieval Life: William de Felton and Edlingham Castle, 1260–1327
Author/Editor: Graham Fairclough
The Medieval Kirk, Cemetery and Hospice at Kirk Ness, North Berwick: the Scottish Seabird centre Excavations 1999-2006
Author/Editor: Thomas Addyman,Tanja Romankiewicz,Kenneth Macfadyen,Alasdair Ross,Nicholas Uglow,John Borland,Stewart Brown,Stuart Campbell,Ruby Cerón-Carrasco,Carol Christiansen,Simon Colebrook,Rosemary Cramp,Michael Donnelly,Julie Franklin,George Haggarty,Derek Hamilto
Medieval Floor Tiles of Northern England: Pattern and purpose: production between the 13th and 16th centuries
Author/Editor: J. Stopford
Medieval Devon and Cornwall: Shaping an Ancient Countryside
Author/Editor: Sam Turner
Medieval Childhood: Archaeological Approaches
Author/Editor: D. M. Hadley,K. A. Hemer
The Medieval Broadcloth: Changing Trends in Fashions, Manufacturing and Consumption
Author/Editor: Kathrine Vestergård Pedersen,Marie-Louise B. Nosch
Medieval Bridges of Middle England
Author/Editor: Marshall G. Hall
Medieval Adaptation, Settlement and Economy of a Coastal Wetland: The Evidence from Around Lydd, Romney Marsh, Kent
Author/Editor: Luke Barber,Greg Priestley-Bell,Mark Gardiner,Sheila Sweetinburgh
Medicine, Healing and Performance
Author/Editor: Effie Gemi-Iordanou,Stephen Gordon,Robert Matthew,Ellen McInnes,Rhiannon Pettitt
Medicine and Healing in the Ancient Mediterranean
Author/Editor: Demetrios Michaelides
Material Mnemonics: Everyday Memory in Prehistoric Europe
Author/Editor: Katina T. Lillios,Vasileios Tsamis
The Materiality of Magic: An artifactual investigation into ritual practices and popular beliefs
Author/Editor: Ceri Houlbrook,Natalie Armitage
Materiality and Social Practice: Transformative Capacities of Intercultural Encounters
Author/Editor: Joseph Maran,Philipp W. Stockhammer
Materialitas: Working Stone, Carving Identity
Author/Editor: Blaze O’Connor,Gabriel Cooney,John Chapman,Michael J. Allen,David McOmish
Materialising Roman Histories
Author/Editor: Astrid Van Oyen,Martin Pitts
Material Cultures in Public Engagement: Re-inventing Public Archaeology within Museum collections
Author/Editor: Anastasia Christophilopoulou
Material Approaches to Roman Magic: Occult Objects and Supernatural Substances
Author/Editor: Adam Parker,Stuart Mckie,Sergio González Sánchez
The Marriage Bed of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York: A Masterpiece of Tudor Craftsmanship
Author/Editor: Peter N. Lindfield
Marking Place: New perspectives on early Neolithic enclosures, Vol. 14
Author/Editor: Jonathan Last
Markets in Early Medieval Europe: Trading and 'Productive' Sites, 650-850
Author/Editor: Tim Pestel,Katharina Ulmschneider
Markets and Exchanges in Pre-Modern and Traditional Societies, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Juan Carlos Moreno García
Market as Place and Space of Economic Exchange: Perspectives from Archaeology and Anthropology
Author/Editor: Hans Peter Hahn,Geraldine Schmitz
Maritime Archaeology on Dry Land: Special Sites along the Coasts of Britain and Ireland from the First Farmers to the Atlantic Bronze Age
Author/Editor: Richard Bradley
A Maritime Archaeology of Ships: Innovation and Social Change in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Author/Editor: Jonathan Adams
Mari: Capital of Northern Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium. The archaeology of Tell Hariri on the Euphrates
Author/Editor: Jean-Claude Margueron
Manufactured Bodies: The Impact of Industrialisation on London Health
Author/Editor: Gaynor Western,Jelena Bekvalac
Managing Archaeological Landscapes in Northumberland: Till Tweed Studies Volume 1
Author/Editor: David G. Passmore,Clive Waddington,Alex Bayliss,Jacqui Cotton,Basil Davies,Alison Deegan,Tim Gates,Alex Gibson,Derek Hamilton,Richard Hewitt,Steve Houghton,Jacqui Huntley,Harry Kenward,Eniko Magyari,Peter Marshall,David Smith,Emma Tetlow,Tim van der Schri
Making Textiles in pre-Roman and Roman Times: People, Places, Identities
Author/Editor: Margarita Gleba,Judit Pásztókai-Szeőke
Making One's Way in the World: The Footprints and Trackways of Prehistoric People
Author/Editor: Martin Bell
Making Journeys: Archaeologies of Mobility
Making a Mark: Image and Process in Neolithic Britain and Ireland
Author/Editor: Andrew Meirion Jones,Marta Díaz-Guardamino,Ian Dawson,Louisa Minkin,Joshua Pollard,Dale Sarjeantson,Antonia Thomas
Made for Trade: A New View of Icenian Coinage, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: JOHN TALBOT
The Macedonians in Athens, 322-229 B.C.: Proceedings of an International Conference held at the University of Athens, May 24-26, 2001
Author/Editor: Olga Palagia,Stephen V. Tracy
Lost Lives, New Voices: Unlocking the Stories of the Scottish Soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650
Author/Editor: Christopher Gerrard,Pam Graves,Andrew Millard,Richard Annis,Anwen Caffell,Julia Beaumont,Janet Beveridge,William Budde,Morag Cross,Anwen Gutiérrez,Alejandra Caffell,Isabel Hengelhaupt,Arran Johnston,Hannah Koon,Lisa Mackenzie,Janet Montgomery,Anita Radini
The Lost Dark Age Kingdom of Rheged: the Discovery of a Royal Stronghold at Trusty’s Hill, Galloway, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Ronan Toolis,Christopher Bowles,Beverley Ballin Smith,Torben Ballin,Cathy Batt,Alice Blackwell,Ewan Campbell,Gemma Cruickshanks,Mary Davis,Karen Deighton,Jane Evans,Katherine Forsyth,Derek Hamilton,Laura Hamlet,Samuel Harris,Fraser Hunter,Vanessa Pashley,
The Lost Art of the Anglo-Saxon World: The Sacred and Secular Power of Embroidery
Author/Editor: Alexandra Lester-Makin
Looting or Missioning: Insular and Continental Sacred Objects in Viking Age Contexts in Norway
London Under Ground: the archaeology of a city
Author/Editor: Ian Haynes,Harvey Sheldon,Lesley Hannigan
London Bridge and its Houses, c. 1209-1761
Locating the Sacred: Theoretical Approaches to the Emplacement of Religion
Author/Editor: Claudia Moser,Cecelia Feldman
Local Places, Global Processes: histories of environmental change in Britain and beyond
Author/Editor: Peter Coates,David Moon,Paul Warde
Llangorse Crannog: The Excavation of an Early Medieval Royal Site in the Kingdom of Brycheiniog
Author/Editor: Alan Lane,Mark Redknap,Peter Morgan Barnes,Edward Besly,Julia Best,Sheridan Bowman,Astrid Caseldine,Tony Daly,Mary Davis,Kathryn Dowse,Damian Goodburn,Hero Granger-Taylor,Catherine J. Griffiths,Jana Horák,Jacqui Mulville,Louise Mumford,Nigel Nayling,Peter
Living with the Flood: Mesolithic to post-medieval archaeological remains at Mill Lane, Sawston, Cambridgeshire – a wetland/dryland interface
Author/Editor: Samantha Paul,Kevin Colls,Henry Chapman
Living with the Dead: Ancestor Worship and Mortuary Ritual in Ancient Egypt
Author/Editor: Nicola Harrington
Living Well Together? Settlement and Materiality in the Neolithic of South-East and Central Europe
Author/Editor: Douglass W. Bailey,Alasdair Whittle,Daniela Hofmann
Living Through the Dead: Burial and Commemoration in the Classical World
Author/Editor: Maureen Carroll,Jane Rempel,John Drinkwater
Living the Lunar Calendar
Author/Editor: Jonathan Ben-Dov,Wayne Horowitz,John M. Steele
Living off the Land: Agriculture in Wales c. 400 to 1600 AD
Author/Editor: Rhiannon Comeau ,Andy Seaman
Lives in Land – Mucking excavations: Volume 1. Prehistory, Context and Summary
Author/Editor: Christopher Evans,Grahame Appleby,Sam Lucy,Jo Appleby,Matt Brudenell,Paul Barford,Justine Bayley,Mark Birley,Nigel Brown,David Buckley,Timothy Champion,Anwen Cooper,Geraldene Done,David Dungworth,John Etté,Alex Gibson,James Greig,Colin Haselgrove,Elizabet
Lincoln Castle Revealed: The Story of a Norman Powerhouse and its Anglo-Saxon Precursor
Life on the Edge: Human Settlement and Marginality
Author/Editor: C M Mills,G Coles
Life in the Limes: Studies of the people and objects of the Roman frontiers
Author/Editor: Rob Collins,Frances McIntosh
Life in Medieval Landscapes: People and Places in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Sam Turner,Bob Silvester
A Life in Balkan Archaeology
Author/Editor: John Chapman
Life and Economy at Early Medieval Flixborough, c. AD 600-1000: The Artefact Evidence
Author/Editor: D. H. Evans,Christopher Loveluck,Marion M. Archibald,Paul Blinkhorn,Michelle P. Brown,Jane Cowgill,Rosemary Cramp,Brenda Dickinson,Peter Didsbury,Glynis Edwards,Vera I. Evison,Martin Foreman,Geoff Gaunt,Kay Hartley,John Hines,Jennifer Jones,Christopher Lo
Life and Death in the Mesolithic of Sweden, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Mats Larsson
Life and Death in Asia Minor in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Times: Studies in Archaeology and Bioarchaeology
Later Prehistory of the Badia: Excavation and Surveys in Eastern Jordan, Volume 2
Author/Editor: A. V. G. Betts,D. Cropper,L. Martin,C. McCartney,L. Cooke,A. Garrard,W. Lancaster,F. Lancaster,F. Matsaert,H. Pessin,D. Reese,G. Willcox
The Later Iron Age in Britain and Beyond
Author/Editor: Colin Haselgrove,Tom Moore
Late Quaternary Landscape Evolution of the Swale-Ure Washlands, North Yorkshire
Author/Editor: David Bridgland ,Jim Innes ,Antony Long ,Wishart Mitchell
The Late Minoan III Necropolis of Armenoi: Volume II - Biomolecular and Epigraphical Investigations
A Late Iron Age farmstead in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations at Mound 1, Bornais, South Uist
Author/Editor: Niall Sharples,J Bond,C Bronk Ramsey,A Carter,J Cartledge,A Clarke,S Colledge,G Cook,K Forsyth,R Gale,K Harding,C Ingrem,A Lane,J Light,P Macdonald,R Madgwick,P Marshall,K Milek,J Mulville,E Norris,T O’Connell,A Pannett,A Powell,D Serjeantson,A Smith,H Sm
Late Antique and Early Medieval Hispania: Landscapes without Strategy?
Author/Editor: Pilar Diarte-Blasco
The Lantern Tower of Westminster Abbey, 1060-2010: Reconstructing its History and Architecture
Author/Editor: Warwick Rodwell,Richard Gem,The Dean of Westminster
The Language of Ramesses: Late Egyptian Grammar
Author/Editor: François Neveu,Maria Cannata
The Land was Forever: 15,000 years in north-east Scotland: Excavations on the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route/Balmedie-Tipperty
Author/Editor: Kirsty Dingwall ,Matt Ginnever ,Richard Tipping ,Jürgen van Wessel ,Don Wilson
Lands of the Shamans: Archaeology, Landscape and Cosmology
Author/Editor: Dragoş Gheorghiu,George Nash,Herman Bender,Emília Pásztor
Landscapes Through the Lens: Aerial Photographs and the Historic Environment
Author/Editor: David C. Cowley ,Robin A. Standring ,Matthew J. Abicht
Landscapes Revealed: Geophysical Survey in the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Area 2002–2011
Author/Editor: AMANDA BREND ,NICK CARD ,JANE DOWNES ,MARK EDMONDS ,JAMES MOORE ,Richard Bates ,Martin Bates ,Crane Begg ,Dave Cowley
Landscapes of Ritual Performance in Eastern North America, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: Cheryl Claassen
Landscapes, Documents and Maps: Villages in Northern England and Beyond, AD 900-1250
Author/Editor: Brian K. Roberts
Landscape of the Megaliths: Excavation and Fieldwork on the Avebury Monuments, 1997-2003
Author/Editor: Mark Gillings,Joshua Pollard,David Wheatley,Rick Peterson,Rosamund Cleal,Nicholas Cooper,Paul Courtney,Fiona Coward,Andrew David,Rowena Gale,Anthony Gouldwell,James Gunter,Helen Lewis,Philip Macdonald,Andrew Mann,Louise Martin,Lorraine Mepham,Graham Morga
Landscape, Ethnicity and Identity in the archaic Mediterranean Area
Author/Editor: Gabriele Cifani,Simon Stoddart,Skylar Neil
Landscape Beneath the Waves: The Archaeological Exploration of Underwater Landscapes, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Caroline Wickham-Jones
Land, Power and Prestige: Bronze Age Field Systems in Southern England
Author/Editor: David Thomas Yates
Land and People: Papers in Memory of John G. Evans
Author/Editor: Michael J. Allen,Niall Sharples,Terry O’Connor
A Lake Dwelling in its Landscape: Iron Age settlement at Cults Loch, Castle Kennedy, Dumfries & Galloway, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Graeme Cavers,Anne Crone
The Kyrenia Ship Final Excavation Report, Volume I: History of the Excavation, Amphoras, Pottery and Coins as Evidence for Dating, Vol. 1, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Susan Womer Katzev ,Helena Wylde Swiny
KOINE: Mediterranean Studies in Honor of R. Ross Holloway
Author/Editor: Derek B. Counts,Anthony S. Tuck
Knowledge is Light: Travellers in the Near East
Author/Editor: Katherine Salahi
Knossos, Mycenae, Troy: The Enchanting Bronze Age and its Tumultuous Climax
Author/Editor: Natale Barca
Karia and the Dodekanese: Cultural Interrelations in the Southeast Aegean II Early Hellenistic to Early Byzantine
Karia and the Dodekanese: Cultural Interrelations in the Southeast Aegean I Late Classical to Early Hellenistic
Kale Akte, the Fair Promontory: Settlement, Trade and Production on the Nebrodi Coast of Sicily 500 BC­–AD 500, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: ADAM LINDHAGEN ,R. J. A. Wilson ,Anders Lindahl
Julius Caesar’s Battle for Gaul: New Archaeological Perspectives
Author/Editor: Andrew P. Fitzpatrick ,Colin Haselgrove
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 9: The Roman Pottery Kilns at Rossington Bridge Excavations 1956-1961
Author/Editor: P. C. Buckland,K. F. Hartley,V. Rigby,M. Aitken,S. Esmonde Cleary,G. Crawley,M. J. Dolby,M. Henig,G. Lloyd Morgan,J. Samuels,T. O’Connor,G. H. Weaver,J. P. Wild
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 20, Vol. 20
Author/Editor: ENIKO HUDAK
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies: Volume 19, Vol. 19
Author/Editor: STEVEN WILLIS
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 17
Author/Editor: STEVEN WILLIS
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 16
Author/Editor: Steven Willis
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies, Vol. 18
Author/Editor: STEVEN WILLIS
Jomon Reflections: Forager Life and Culture in the Prehistoric Japanese Archipelago
Author/Editor: Tatsuo Kobayashi ,Simon Kaner ,Oki Nakamura
Jerusalem Throne Games: The Battle of Bible Stories After the Death of David, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Peter Feinman
Is There a British Chalcolithic?: People, Place and Polity in the later Third Millennium, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: Michael J. Allen ,Julie Gardiner ,Alison Sheridan
Islands and Communities: Perspectives on Insularity, Connectivity, and Belonging
Author/Editor: Anastasia Christophilopoulou
Iron Age Ritual, a Hillfort and Evidence for a Minster at Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
Author/Editor: Michael Farley ,Gillian Jones ,Sophia Adams ,Phil Austin ,Christopher Bronk Ramsey ,Gordon Cook ,Diane FitzMaurice ,Barbara Hurman ,Andrew Jones
Iron Age and Roman Coin Hoards in Britain
Ireland's First Settlers: Time and the Mesolithic
Author/Editor: Peter Woodman
The Invisible Diggers: A Study of British Commercial Archaeology
Author/Editor: Paul Everill
Invention and Innovation: The Social Context of Technological Change 2: Egypt, the Aegean and the Near East, 1650-1150 B.C.
Author/Editor: Janine Bourriau,Jacke Phillips
An Introduction to Peatland Archaeology and Palaeoenvironments, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Benjamin Gearey ,Henry Chapman ,Kayt Armstrong ,Michael Bamforth ,Rosie Everett ,William Fletcher ,Cathy Moore ,Muireann Ní Cheallacháin ,David N. S
In the Darkest of Days: Exploring Human Sacrifice and Value in Southern Scandinavian Prehistory
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Walsh ,Sean O’Neill ,Lasse Sørensen
Interweaving Worlds: Systemic Interactions in Eurasia, 7th to the 1st Millennia BC
Author/Editor: Toby C. Wilkinson,Susan Sherratt,John Bennet
Interrogating Networks: Investigating Networks of Knowledge in Antiquity
Author/Editor: Lin Foxhall
Interpreting Transformations of People and Landscapes in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Archaeological Approaches and Issues
Interpreting the English Village: Landscape and Community at Shapwick, Somerset
Author/Editor: Mick Aston,Christopher Gerrard
Interpreting Archaeological Topography: 3D Data, Visualisation and Observation
Author/Editor: Rachel S. Opitz,David C. Cowley
Interdisciplinarity and Archaeology: Scientific Interactions in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Archaeology
Author/Editor: Laura Coltofean-Arizancu ,Margarita Díaz-Andreu
Insularity and identity in the Roman Mediterranean, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Anna Kouremenos
Inside the City in the Greek World
Author/Editor: Sara Owen,Laura Preston
Inhabiting the Promised Land: Exploring the Complex Relationship between Archaeology and Ancient Israel as Depicted in the Bible
Author/Editor: Margreet L. Steiner
Inhabiting the Landscape: Place, Custom and Memory, 1500-1800
Author/Editor: Nicola Whyte
Incomplete Archaeologies: Assembling Knowledge in the Past and Present
Author/Editor: Emily Miller Bonney,Kathryn J. Franklin,James A. Johnson
The Impact of the Edwardian Castles in Wales
Author/Editor: Diane M. Williams,John R. Kenyon
Image, Memory and Monumentality: Archaeological Engagements with the Material World: A Celebration of the Academic Achievements of Professor Richard Bradley
Author/Editor: Andrew Meirion Jones,Joshua Pollard,Michael J. Allen,Julie Gardiner
Image and Power in the Archaeology of Early Medieval Britain: Essays in honour of Rosemary Cramp
Author/Editor: Helena Hamerow,Arthur MacGregor
Iconic Costumes: Scandinavian Late Iron Age Costume Iconography
Huntsman’s Quarry, Kemerton: A Late Bronze Age settlement and landscape in Worcestershire
Author/Editor: Robin Jackson,Alex Bayliss,Peter Bellamy,Christopher Bronk Ramsey,Roger C. P. Doonan,James Greig,Derek Hurst,Andrew Moss,Mike Napthan,Elizabeth Pearson,Stephanie Pinter-Bellows,Ian Tyers,David F. Williams,Ann Woodward,Laura Templeton,Carolyn Hunt,Steve Ri
Hunters, Fishers and Foragers in Wales: Towards a Social Narrative of Mesolithic Lifeways
Author/Editor: Malcolm Lillie
Hunter-Gatherer Ireland: Making Connections in an Island World
Author/Editor: Graeme Warren
Human Transformations of the Earth, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: Charles French
Human Paleoecology in the Levantine Corridor
Author/Editor: Naama Goren-Inbar,John D. Speth
Houses of the Dead
Author/Editor: Alistair Barclay,David Field,Jim Leary
The Houses of Hereford 1200-1700, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: NIGEL BAKER,PAT HUGHES,RICHARD MORRISS,Ron Shoesmith,Bryan Byron,Ken Hoverd,James O. Davies,Nigel Baker
House of the Surgeon, Pompeii: Excavations in the Casa del Chirurgo (VI 1, 9-10.23)
Author/Editor: Michael A. Anderson,Damian Robinson,H. E. M. Cool,Richard Hobbs,Charlene Murphy,Jane Richardson,Robyn Veal,Helen White,Will Wootton,Rick Jones
Hopewell Ceremonial Landscapes of Ohio: More Than Mounds and Geometric Earthworks
Author/Editor: Mark J. Lynott
The Historic Landscape of Devon: A Study in Change and Continuity
Author/Editor: Lucy Ryder
Historic Gardens and Parks of Derbyshire: Challenging Landscapes, 1570-1920, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Dianne Barre
Highhays, Kilkenny: A Medieval Pottery Production Centre in South-East Ireland
Author/Editor: EMMA DEVINE ,CÓILÍN Ó DRISCEOIL ,Niamh Curtin ,Mary Dillon ,Mark Hounslow ,Michael J. Hughes ,Karin Ilseth ,Vassil Karloukovski ,Jimmy Lenehan
Heritage Under Pressure – Threats and Solution: Studies of Agency and Soft Power in the Historic Environment
Author/Editor: Michael Dawson,Edward James,Michael Nevell
Heritage Transformed
Author/Editor: Ian Baxter
Hedgerow History: Ecology, History and Landscape Character
Author/Editor: Gerry Barne,Tom Williamson
The Harmony of Symbols: The Windmill Hill causewayed enclosure, Wiltshire
Author/Editor: Alasdair Whittle ,Joshua Pollard ,Caroline Grigson ,Janet Ambers ,Don Brothwell ,Joanna Brück ,Caroline Cartwright ,Andrew David ,Andrew Fairbairn
A Handbook of Geoarchaeological Approaches to Settlement Sites and Landscapes
Author/Editor: Charles French
Hagia Sophia in Context: An Archaeological Re-examination of the Cathedral of Byzantine Constantinople
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner: Feasting Rituals in the Prehistoric Societies of Europe and the Near East
Author/Editor: Gonzalo Aranda Jiménez,Sandra Montón-Subías,Margarita Sánchez Romero,Ferran Adrià
Gudme: Iron Age Settlement and Central Halls, Vol. 1
Growing Up in the Ice Age: Fossil and Archaeological Evidence of the Lived Lives of Plio-Pleistocene Children
Author/Editor: April Nowell
Greek Colonization in Local Contexts: Case studies in colonial interactions
Author/Editor: Jason Lucas,Carrie Ann Murray,Sara Owen,Martin Millett
Greek and Roman Textiles and Dress: An Interdisciplinary Anthology
Author/Editor: Mary Harlow,Marie-Louise Nosch
Greek and Roman Oared Warships 399-30BC
Author/Editor: J. S. Morrison,J. F. Coates
Greece, Macedon and Persia
Author/Editor: Timothy Howe,E. Edward Garvin,Graham Wrightson
Great Excavations: Shaping the Archaeological Profession
Author/Editor: John Schofield
Grave Disturbances: The Archaeology of Post-depositional Interactions with the Dead, Vol. 14
Author/Editor: Edeltraud Aspöck ,Alison Klevnäs ,Nils Müller-Scheeßel
Gods and Garments: Textiles in Greek Sanctuaries in the 7th to the 1st Centuries BC, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Cecilie Brøns
Global Textile Encounters
Author/Editor: Marie-Louise Nosch,Zhao Feng,Lotika Varadarajan
A Globalised Visual Culture?: Towards a Geography of Late Antique Art
Author/Editor: Fabio Guidetti ,Katharina Meinecke
Global Ancestors: Understanding the Shared Humanity of our Ancestors
Author/Editor: Margaret Clegg,Rebecca Redfern,Jelena Bekvalac,Heather Bonney
The Glass Vessels of Anglo-Saxon England: c. AD 650-1100
Author/Editor: ROSE BROADLEY
Glass Stamps and Weights, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE
Glass of the Roman World
Author/Editor: Justine Bayley,Ian Freestone,Caroline Jackson
Gilded Flesh: Coffins and Afterlife in Ancient Egypt
Author/Editor: Rogério Sousa
Gestures: Essays in Ancient History, Literature, and Philosophy presented to Alan L Boegehold
Author/Editor: Geoffrey W. Bakewell,James P. Sickinger
Geophysical Data in Archaeology: A Guide to Good Practice, Vol. 2001
Author/Editor: Armin Schmidt
A Geography of Offerings: Deposits of Valuables in the Landscapes of Ancient Europe, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Richard Bradley
Gathering Time: Dating the Early Neolithic Enclosures of Southern Britain and Ireland, Volumes 1 and 2
Author/Editor: Alasdair Whittle,Frances Healy,Alex Bayliss,Michael J. Allen,Tim Allen,Christopher Bronk Ramsey,Lydia Cagney,Gabriel Cooney,Ed Danaher,Timothy Darvill,Philip Dixon,Peter Dorling,Mark Edmonds,Christopher Evans,Steve Ford,Charles French,Mark Germany,Seren G
Gardens of Earthly Delight: The History of Deer Parks
Author/Editor: John Fletcher
Gardens in History: A Political Perspective
Author/Editor: Louise Wickham
Gardens and Gardeners of the Ancient World: History, Myth and Archaeology
Author/Editor: Linda Farrar
From These Bare Bones: Raw Materials and the Study of Worked Osseous Objects
Author/Editor: Alice Choyke,Sonia O’Connor
From the Foundations to the Legacy of Minoan Archaeology: Studies in Honour of Professor Keith Branigan
Author/Editor: Maria Relaki,Yiannis Papadatos
From Surface Collection to Prehistoric Lifeways: Making Sense of the Multi-Period Site of Orlovo, South East Bulgaria
Author/Editor: John Chapman,Bisserka Gaydarska,Ana Raduntcheva,Ruslan Kostov,Irko Petrov,Elena Georgieva,Yvonne Beadnell
From Roman Civitas to Anglo-Saxon Shire: Topographical Studies on the Formation of Wessex
Author/Editor: BRUCE EAGLES,Barry Ager,Michael Allen,Rosamond Faith
From Minos to Midas: Ancient Cloth Production in the Aegean and in Anatolia
Author/Editor: Brendan Burke
From Mine to Microscope: Advances in the Study of Ancient Technology
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Shortland,Ian C. Freestone,Thilo Rehren
From Machair to Mountains: Archaeological Survey And Excavation in South Uist
Author/Editor: Mike Parker Pearson
From Hunter-Gatherers to Early Christians: The Archaeology of Ancient Societies in the Llŷn Peninsula
Author/Editor: Julian Maxwell Heath
From House Societies to States: Early Political Organisation, From Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: Juan Carlos Moreno García
From Foragers to Farmers: Papers in Honour of Gordon C. Hillman
Author/Editor: Andrew S. Fairbairn,Ehud Weiss
From Cooking Vessels to Cultural Practices in the Late Bronze Age Aegean, Ed. 1st
From Bann Flakes to Bushmills: Papers in Honour of Professor Peter Woodman
Author/Editor: Nyree Finlay,Sinéad McCartan,Nicky Milner,Caroline Wickham-Jones,MICHAEL J. ALLEN,DAVID MCOMISH
Freshwater Fish in England: A Social and Cultural History of Coarse Fish from Prehistory to the Present Day
Author/Editor: Alison Locker
Fragments of the Bronze Age: The Destruction and Deposition of Metalwork in South-West Britain and its Wider Context, Vol. 13
Author/Editor: Matthew G. Knight
Fortified Settlements in Early Medieval Europe: Defended Communities of the 8th-10th Centuries
Forsaken Relics: Practices and Rituals of Appropriating Abandoned Artifacts from Antiquity to Modern Times, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: Alessandro Buono ,Gianluca Miniaci ,Anna Anguissola
Forms of Dwelling: 20 years of Taskscapes in archaeology, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Ulla Rajala,Philip Mills
Form and Fabric: Studies in Rome's material past in honour of B R Hartley
Author/Editor: Joanna Bird