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Titles start with P ( displaying 500 of 995 ) Information
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, New edition
Author/Editor: Ernst Bernhardt-KabischBernhardt-Kabisch,Constantin FlorosFloros
Pursuing the Sublime in Digital Media, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Samuel Coale
Purchase, Power and Persuasion: Essays on Political Philosophy, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gary James Jason
Punkt, Linie, Flaeche – territorialisierte Europaeisierung, New edition
Author/Editor: Tobias Chilla
Punishing Transgression in Honor Culture and Face Culture, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ernest W.B. Hess-Lüttich,Mine Krause,Yan Sun,Michael Steppat
Punctuation in Context – Past and Present Perspectives, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Claridge,Merja Kytö
Puissances émergentes et sécurité internationale : une nouvelle donne ?, New edition
Author/Editor: Delphine Deschaux-Dutard,Sabine Lavorel
Pueblos indígenas e inversión en territorio ancestral, New edition
Author/Editor: Gloria Huamán Rodríguez
Publizistik und Politisierung der Frauenbewegung in der wilhelminischen Epoche, New edition
Author/Editor: Christina Stange-Fayos
Public Undertakings of Nuclear Waste Storage: The Role of the Government in the Dissemination of Public Knowledge, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Silvia Amato
Public Service Media Renewal, New edition
Author/Editor: Michal Glowacki,Alicja Jaskiernia
Public-Sector Wage Premium in Poland, New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriela Grotkowska
Public Relations, Values and Cultural Identity, New edition
Author/Editor: Enric Ordeix,Valérie Carayol,Ralph Tench
Public Relations In The Networked Publics, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Bayram Oguz Aydin,Salih Gürbüz,Özlem Dugan
Public Relations and Advertising Theories: Concepts and Practices, New edition
Author/Editor: Bayram Oguz AydinAydin,Emine SahinSahin,Özlem DuganDugan
Public Private Partnerships und oeffentliche Verschuldung, New edition
Author/Editor: Nicolas Gatzke
Public-Private Partnership in the Cultural Sector, New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Borin
Public-private-Partnership im kommunalen Bereich, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerrit Manssen,Antje Himmelreich,Elena Gricenko
The Public Policy Exception to the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards: A Comparative Study of United States and Turkish Law and Practice, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gizem Halis Kasap
Public Policy Analysis in Turkey: Past, Present and Future, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Onur Kulaç,Elvettin Akman,Cenay Babaoglu
Public Financing of Public Service Broadcasting and its Qualification as State Aid, New edition
Author/Editor: Benjamin Linke
Public Enterprises Today: Missions, Performance and Governance – Les entreprises publiques aujourd’hui : missions, performance, gouvernance, New edition
Author/Editor: CIRIEC,Luc Bernier
Public Diplomacy, New edition
Author/Editor: Seref AtesAtes,Melih BarutBarut
Public Diplomacy, New edition
Author/Editor: María Luisa Azpíroz Manero
Public Diplomacy im Westen, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Brünner
Public and Civil Service in Poland, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Janusz-Pohl,Tomasz Barankiewicz,Bogusław Przywora
Public Affairs, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerhard Göhler,Katrin Grothe,Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen
The Puberty Ritual in Sri Lanka, New edition
Author/Editor: Paul Mantae Kim
Pétrole en Seine (1861–1940), New edition
Author/Editor: Morgan Le Dez
Psychotraumatherapeutische Behandlung von Patienten nach Akutem Herzinfarkt, New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Thomsen
Psychotherapie in der GKV zwischen alten Kontroversen und gesetzlicher Neuregelung, New edition
Author/Editor: Astrid Wallrabenstein
A Psycho-Spiritual View on the Message of Jesus in the Gospels, New edition
Author/Editor: Wali van Lohuizen
Psychometrically Relevant Differences between Source and Migrant Populations, New edition
Author/Editor: Patrick Brzoska
Psychology of the Operator of Technical Devices, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Felicjan Terelak
Psychology and Formalisation, New edition
Author/Editor: Anita Williams
Psychologie und Totalitarismus, New edition
Author/Editor: Susanne Guski-Leinwand
Psychologie im Nationalsozialismus, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Wieser
Psychologie im Leistungssport, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin K. W. Schweer
Psychologie – Genese einer Wissenschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Ingmar Zalewski
Psychologie der Lebendorganspende, New edition
Author/Editor: Merve Winter
Psychological Machinery, New edition
Author/Editor: Dalibor Voboril,Martin Jelinek,Petr Kveton
Psychological Contracting, New edition
Author/Editor: Janina Volmer
Psychologen in autoritaeren Systemen, New edition
Author/Editor: Theo Herrmann,Wlodek Zeidler
Psychologen im Konzentrationslager – Methoden und Strategien des Ueberlebens, New edition
Author/Editor: Frank Wiedemann
Psychoanalysis – the Promised Land?: The History of Psychoanalysis in Poland 1900–1989. Part I. The Sturm und Drang Period. Beginnings of Psychoanalysis in the Polish Lands during the Partitions 1900–1918, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Pawel Dybel,Jodi C. Greig
Psychoanalyse und Freiheit, New edition
Author/Editor: Susann Heenen-Wolff
Psycho-Affective Factors in Consecutive Interpreting, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marcin Walczynski
Psychiatry, Subjectivity, Community, New edition
Author/Editor: Alvise Sforza-Tarabochia
Psicopatografie: Il racconto della malattia mentale nella narrativa italiana del XXI secolo, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Stefano Redaelli
Pseudo-Dionysius and Gregory Palamas: The Byzantine Synthesis of Eastern Patristics, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Switkiewicz-Blandzi
Psalm Salomo 14: Text, Tradition und Komposition einer fruehjuedischen Dichtung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sven Behnke
Psalm of Praise for the Rescue of the Throat: Concatenation and lectio continua of Pss 33–34–35, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Edwin Rodrigues
Pruefung kreditwirtschaftlicher Zinsaenderungsrisiken, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Mantzel
Présences, résurgences et oublis du religieux dans les littératures française et québécoise, New edition
Author/Editor: Gilles Dupuis,Klaus-Dieter Ertler,Alessandra Ferraro
Présences et interférences franco-ibériques, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Teresa Garcia Castanyer,Lluna Llecha-Llop Garcia,Alicia Piquer Desvaux
Présences de George Sand en Pologne, New edition
Author/Editor: Regina Bochenek-Franczakowa
Prépositions et rection verbale, New edition
Author/Editor: Fumitake Ashino,Jean-Jacques Franckel,Denis Paillard
Prozessvertraege im US-amerikanischen Zivilprozess, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rebekka Sarah Karolewicz
Prozessorientierte Technische Bildung, New edition
Author/Editor: Walter E. Theuerkauf
Prozesse der Europaeisierung im erweiterten Europa, New edition
Author/Editor: Svetlina Koeva
Prozessbeschaeftigung als unfreiwillige Weiterbeschaeftigung, New edition
Author/Editor: Lukas Middel
Prozessanthropologie: Ein transdisziplinaerer pastoralpsychologischer Entwurf, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Domvikar Pfr. Dr. Matthias Fritz
Proyecciones de Gabriel Miró en la narrativa del 27, New edition
Author/Editor: Guillermo Lain Corona
Provinz in der Gegenwartsliteratur, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Goran Lovric
Provincial Turn, New edition
Author/Editor: Ulrike Tischler-Hofer,Karl Kaser
Provincial Queens, New edition
Author/Editor: Mike Homfray
Providence and Personalism, New edition
Author/Editor: Darren Kennedy
«Proverbs Speak Louder Than Words», New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Mieder
Pro-vax: Supporting Vaccines through Activism, Petitions, and Trials, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Vaccarella,Kimberly Myers,Samantha Vanderslott
Proust und der Krieg, New edition
Author/Editor: Uta Felten,Kristin Mlynek-Theil,Kerstin Küchler
Proust’s «In Search of Lost Time»: The History of a Vocation, New edition
Author/Editor: Meindert Evers
Proust, Pop und Gender: Strategien und Praktiken populaerer Medienkulturen bei Marcel Proust, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anne-Marie Lachmund
Proust ou l’écriture inversive, New edition
Author/Editor: Frédéric Fladenmuller
Proust lesen: eine Werkzeugkiste, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Uta Felten
Proust avant la «Recherche», New edition
Author/Editor: Than-Vân Ton-That
Prototype Modelling in Social-Emotional Education: At the Example of a COVID-19 Online Learning Environment, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Giedre Kvieskiene,Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg
Protestant Privilege and Pluralism on Campus: Contrasting Cases from North Carolina’s Research Triangle, c.1800–Present, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Scott Muir
Protestantismus heute: Potentiale – Pathologien – Paradoxien, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Uwe Gerber
Protestantism as a worldwide renewal movement from 1945 until today: Panoramic survey, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jan A.B. Jongeneel
Protest and Dissent: Conflicting Spaces in Translation and Culture, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Pantuchowicz,Anna Warso
«Protection, Prevention, Prosecution»:, New edition
Author/Editor: Eliette Mirau-Gondoin
The protection of human rights of irregular migrants, New edition
Author/Editor: Elisa Fornalé
Protection of Human Life in Its Early Stage, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Stepkowski
Prostranstvo, New edition
Author/Editor: Erich Poyntner
Prostitution, New edition
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob
Prospektpflichten und Prospekthaftung fuer geschlossene Fonds, New edition
Author/Editor: Katja Rosa
Prospects and Challenges for EU-China Relations in the 21st Century, New edition
Author/Editor: Jing Men,Giuseppe Balducci
The Prospect of Mobile Journalism and Social Media for African Citizens: A Comparative Study About Participation in Public Debate in Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Almuth Schellpeper
Prosozialitaet im Islam, New edition
Author/Editor: Özden Günes
Prosody and Conceptional Variation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Teixeira Kalkhoff,Maria Selig,Christine Mooshammer
Proserpina: Goethe's Melodrama with Music by Carl Eberwein, Orchestral Score, Piano Reduction, and Translation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lorraine Byrne Bodley
The Prose Poem As a (Non)Genre: A Polish Case Study, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jakob Ziguras,Agnieszka Kluba
Proselyten und Rueckkehr, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna L. Staudacher
Prosa von Gabriele Wohmann, New edition
Author/Editor: Grit Dommes
Prophetie und Politik, New edition
Author/Editor: Clara Wille
The Prophecy of Hananiah in Jeremiah 28: A Study among Christians in Abuja, Nigeria, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: John Jimoh
A ‘proper’ woman? One woman’s story of success and failure in academia, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Eamon Maher,Pat O'Connor
Property rights and their violations - La propriété violée, New edition
Author/Editor: Luigi Lorenzetti,Michela Barbot,Luca Mocarelli
Propaganda oder Verstaendigung?, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniela Högerle
Propaedeutik der Unterrichtsmethoden in der Waldorfpaedagogik, New edition
Author/Editor: Angelika Wiehl
Pronomen, ihr Bedeutungs- und Emotionspotenzial, New edition
Author/Editor: Zofia Berdychowska,Jolanta Mazurkiewicz-Sokolowska
Promptuarium ecclesiasticum medii aevi: Umfassendes Nachschlagewerk der mittelalterlichen Kirchensprache und Theologie- Unter Mitarbeit von Nicolai Clarus, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller
Promptuarium ecclesiasticum medii aevi, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller
Promoting Non-Animal Protein Sources in Sub-Saharan Africa, New edition
Author/Editor: Sunday Paul Bako,Frank Olwari
Promoción cultural y Traducción: Ferias internacionales del libro e invitados de honor, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ana Luna Alonso,Iolanda Galanes Santos,Carmen Villarino Pardo
Promises and perils of emerging technologies for human condition: Voices from four postcommunist Central and East European countries, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Sýkora
A Prometheus on a Human Scale – Ignacy Łukasiewicz, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Piotr Franaszek,Pawel Grata,Anna Kozicka-Kolaczkowska,Mariusz Ruszel,Grzegorz Zamoyski
Proliferation and Implementation of Prison Ombudsmen, New edition
Author/Editor: Sabine Carl
Prolegomena to the Study of Modern Philosophy, New edition
Author/Editor: VEDA
Prolegomena to a Science of Reasoning, New edition
Author/Editor: Charles S. Peirce,Elize Bisanz
Projet en partage, partage sans projet: Les dimensions sociales et territoriales du projet, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Pauline Bosredon,Frédéric Dumont
Projekt zur Erstellung eines Online-Fachwoerterbuches der Linguistik (Deutsch-Italienisch), New edition
Author/Editor: Carolina Flinz
Projekt- und Investitionsentscheidungen zu Green Controlling in oeffentlichen Unternehmen mit dezentralen Organisationsstrukturen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Michalsky
Projektrisiken und Finanzierungsstrukturen bei Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Babl,Paschen von Flotow,Dirk Schiereck
Projekte und Projektionen in der translatorischen Kompetenzentwicklung, New edition
Author/Editor: Silvia Hansen-Schirra,Don Kiraly
Project Logistics Road Map, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mehmet Sitki Saygili
Projections of Demand for Care among the Elderly in Poland, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ryszard Kokoszczyński,Wojciech Łątkowski
Progresividad en la narración colaborativa: Un análisis multimodal, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ignacio Satti
Programmwortschatz einer hoefischen Dichtersprache, New edition
Author/Editor: Nina Bartsch
Prognosen im Kapitalmarktrecht, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas Michael Mildner
Prognose makrooekonomischer Zeitreihen: Ein Vergleich linearer Modelle mit neuronalen Netzen, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Koller
Prognoseberichterstattung, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniela Barth
Profiles of Power: Philosopher-Kings, Princes, and Supermen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: M.A. Soupios
Profile der Germanistik in Mittelosteuropa – Transformationsprozesse und Perspektiven, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ellen Tichy
Profil des Online-Diskurses in Blog-Interaktionen an der Schnittstelle zwischen theoretischem Konzept und empirischem Modell, New edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Pedzisz
Professionelles Schreiben in mehreren Sprachen: Strategien, Routinen und Sprachen im Schreibprozess, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sabine E. Dengscherz
Professionelle Investor Relations-Kommunikation: Anforderungen an boersennotierte KMU in Deutschland, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Linda Rinke
Professionelle Fußballspieler in der internationalen Rechnungslegung, New edition
Author/Editor: Jens Hackenberger
Professionals, Amateurs and Performance, New edition
Author/Editor: David John Day
Professional Military Education: A Cross-Cultural Survey, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Duraid Jalili,Hubert Annen
Professionalisierung islamischer Gefaengnisseelsorge im niedersaechsischen Justizvollzug, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Bülent Ucar,Christina Kayales,Esnaf Begic
Professionalisierung im Lehramtsstudium Deutsch: Ueberzeugungen, Wissen, Defragmentierung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nicole Masanek,Jörg Kilian
Professionalisation of Adult Educators, New edition
Author/Editor: Susanne Lattke,Wolfgang Jütte
Professional English in the European Context: The EHEA Challenge, New edition
Author/Editor: Angeles Linde López,Rosalia Crespo Jiménez
«Produzenten statt Parasiten», New edition
Author/Editor: Veronica Oelsner
Produktprogrammoptimierung mit Preisbuendelung, New edition
Author/Editor: Niels Becker
Produktplatzierung und duales Rundfunksystem, New edition
Author/Editor: Dominik Herzog
Produktnamen der Lebensmittelindustrie, New edition
Author/Editor: Marion Ernst
Produktion und Druckueberlieferung der editio princeps von Sebastian Brants «Narrenschiff» (Basel 1494), New edition
Author/Editor: Annika Rockenberger
Produire, diffuser et contester les savoirs sur le sexe, New edition
Author/Editor: Sylvie Burgnard
Product-Switching und Marktmachtmissbrauch: Eine regulierungs- und kartellrechtliche Betrachtung zu Vermarktungsstrategien im Arzneimittelbereich, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas Schüssel
Productive Foreign Language Skills for an Intercultural World, New edition
Author/Editor: Michal Paradowski
The Production of Subjectivity in «The Diamond Age» by Neal Stephenson, New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Jonckheere
Production of Emotions, New edition
Author/Editor: Teresa Brus,Marcin Tereszewski
The Process of Formation of Religious Members in the Church, New edition
Author/Editor: Marren Rose A. Awiti IBVMAwiti IBVM
Proceso Histórico-Social en la Literatura de los Primeros Cronistas de la Conquista de América: Cristóbal Colón, Hernán Cortés, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga, Bernal Díaz del Castillo, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Juan Bartolomé de
Author/Editor: Tamara Alvarez-Detrell,Michael G. Paulson,Manuel Antonio Arango
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference TENDEV 2023: Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Development facing the Climate Change, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jean Vasile Andrei,Nicoleta MATEOC-SÎRB,Andrea Feher
Proceedings of Methods XVI: Papers from the sixteenth international conference on Methods in Dialectology, 2017, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yoshiyuki Asahi
Proceedings of Methods XIV, New edition
Author/Editor: Alena Barysevich,Alexandra D'Arcy,David Heap
Proceedings of Methods XIII, New edition
Author/Editor: Barry Heselwood,Clive Upton
Procedimientos de conexión discursiva en español: adquisición y aprendizaje, New edition
Author/Editor: José M. Busto Gisbert,José J. Gómez
Procede del Padre y del Hijo, New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Alvarez
Problems of Methodology and Philosophy in Linguistics, New edition
Author/Editor: Ireneusz Bobrowski
Problems of Bioethics, New edition
Author/Editor: Lukas Ohly
The Problem of Nutrition, New edition
Author/Editor: Josep Lluis Barona Vilar
The Problem of De Facto States in International Relations in Africa, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Marcin Grabowski,Kłosowicz Robert,Mormul Joanna
Probleme und Perspektiven sprechwissenschaftlicher Arbeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Ursula Hirschfeld,Lutz Christian Anders
Probleme der strafrechtlichen Produkthaftung von Vorstandsmitgliedern einer Aktiengesellschaft fuer das Zustandekommen eines rechtswidrigen Beschlusses, New edition
Author/Editor: Catherine Di Lorenzo
Probleme der neuen Ansatzrechte im Sinne des § 268 Abs. 8 HGB und der entsprechenden Ausschuettungssperren, New edition
Author/Editor: Leif Klinkert
Probleme der Librettouebersetzung, New edition
Author/Editor: Wiebke Langer
Problematisches und pathologisches Gluecksspielverhalten bei Spielhallen-Servicekraeften, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Kornek
Problematik des Vorsteuerabzuges bei Holdinggesellschaften, New edition
Author/Editor: Dominik Trachte
The Problematics of Writing Back to the Imperial Centre: Joseph Conrad, Chinua Achebe and V. S. Naipaul in Conversation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nabil Baazizi
Problemas de la traducción automática español-alemán-español, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gerd Wotjak,José Juan Batista Rodríguez,Dolores García Padrón,Juan Cuartero Otal
Problemas de demarcación en morfología y sintaxis del español, New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Feliu Arquiola
Probing the Past, New edition
Author/Editor: Wendy Everham,Virginia Schelbert
Probenpraxis, Hybriditaet und Heritage: Untersuchungen zur Proben- und Auffuehrungspraxis barocker Musik in Bolivien 2016 und 2017, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sven Schneider
Probabilistic variability in clausal verb complementation in World Englishes, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Raquel P. Romasanta
Privilegierung von Public-Public-Partnerships im europaeischen Vergaberecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Felix Siebler
Privilegien des Fiskus im Insolvenzverfahren, New edition
Author/Editor: Elmar Feuerborn
Privatrechtstheorie und Wirtschaft von 1967 bis 1982, New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Christine Klix
Privatizing Democracy, New edition
Author/Editor: Jule Goikoetxea
Privatization Performance in Turkey, New edition
Author/Editor: Esra Kabaklarli
Privatising Capital, New edition
Author/Editor: Gavin Rae
Privatisierung von Sicherheit und Frieden?, New edition
Author/Editor: Annina Bürgin
Privatisierung und Diversifizierung im Strafvollzug, New edition
Author/Editor: Eun Meeh Cho
Privatisierung im deutschen Strafvollzug, New edition
Author/Editor: Nina Wadle
Privatisierung des Strafvollzugs, New edition
Author/Editor: Sascha Rüppel
Privatisierung des kommunalen Forderungsmanagements, New edition
Author/Editor: Steffen Kroschwald
Privatisation of Planning Powers and Urban Infrastructure- Privatisierung von Planung und staedtischen Infrastrukturen, New edition
Author/Editor: Stephan Mitschang
Private Sicherheits- und Militaerunternehmen im bewaffneten Konflikt, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Köhler
Privates Grundvermoegen im Internationalen Erbschaftsteuerrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Florian Reichthalhammer
Author/Editor: Steffen Burk,Tatiana Klepikova,Miriam Piegsa
The Private Sector and the Marginalized Poor, New edition
Author/Editor: Christine Husmann
Privater Vollzug des Unionsrechts, New edition
Author/Editor: Rose von Richthofen
Private Rechtsdurchsetzung im europaeischen Wirtschaftsrecht: Rechtsvergleichende Analyse der Rechtsdurchsetzungsmechanismen zur Ergaenzung der oeffentlichen Rechtsdurchsetzung, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Dyan Denisse Studerus Silva
Private Arbeitsunterbrechungen als Pflichtverstoß, New edition
Author/Editor: Lukas Jäger
Private and Public on Social Network Sites, New edition
Author/Editor: Jingwei Wu
Privatautonome Gestaltung der Vorstandshaftung, New edition
Author/Editor: Kilian Eßwein
Privacy and Philosophy, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrew McStay
Prison: Cultural Memory and Dark Tourism, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Z. Wilson
Prismatic Reflections on Spanish Golden Age Theater, New edition
Author/Editor: Gwyn E. Campbell,Amy R. Williamsen
Prisión(es): Un análisis feminista del laberinto penitenciario, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Canaparo,Lorena Valenzuela-Vela
Péripéties européennes: Mélanges offerts à Marie-Thérèse Bitsch à l’occasion de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sylvain Schirmann,Martial Libera
Priorities for Public Relations Leaders, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Andrea Oliveira,María-Isabel Míguez-González,Ferran Lalueza Bosch
Prinzip Perspektivierung, New edition
Author/Editor: Zofia Bilut-Homplewicz
Prinzip Perspektivierung: Germanistische und polonistische Textlinguistik – Entwicklungen, Probleme, Desiderata: Teil II: Polonistische Textlinguistik, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Zofia Bilut-Homplewicz
Prinzipiengeleitetes Investment und Wirtschaftspolitik, New edition
Author/Editor: Christina Eichel
Prinzipien der Aufklaerung und ihre Bedeutung fuer die Sozialphilosophie, New edition
Author/Editor: Albrecht Kreuzer
Principles of Turkish Administrative Law, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ahmet Yayla,Nihal ÖZKARDEŞ
The Principle of Subsidiarity in Catholic Social Thought, New edition
Author/Editor: Simeon Tsetim Iber
Principios de culturología y fraseología españolas, New edition
Author/Editor: Lucia Luque Nadal
Principes d’économie de l’innovation, New edition
Author/Editor: Sophie Boutillier,Joëlle Forest,Delphine Gallaud,Blandine Laperche,Corinne Tanguy,Leïla Temri
Principals of Higher Education Institutions in Barbados: A Life History Methodology, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jean Butcher-Lashley
The Princess Story, New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Rothschild
The Prince and the «Condottiero» in Italian Humanism and Renaissance: Literature, History, Political Theory and Art, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Alyn Stacey,Marta Celati,Maria Pavlova
The Primordial Dance, New edition
Author/Editor: Paul Downes
Primo Levi e la chimica delle parole / Primo Levi et la chimie des mots, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Cicotti,Massimo Malvetti,Francesco Neri
Primat des Logos vor dem Ethos, New edition
Author/Editor: Marian Gruber,Wolfgang Wehrmann
Primat der Verfassungsschutzeffektivitaet: Eine Untersuchung zum Spannungsverhaeltnis zwischen rechtsstaatlicher Strafrechtspflege und den §§ 9a, 9b Bundesverfassungsschutzgesetz, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Regina Harzer,André Koller
Primary Education in Ireland, 1897-1990, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Walsh
Primaerprozess, Emotionen und Beziehungsmuster in Tagtraeumen, New edition
Author/Editor: Isabelle Meier
Priests of My People, New edition
Author/Editor: Bryan A. Stewart
Price Elasticity, New edition
Author/Editor: Evelyn Friedel
Pré-História e nacional-socialismo na Alemanha, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Dopcke
Preverbs and Idiomatization in Gothic, New edition
Author/Editor: John M. Bucsko
Preventing Violence and Achieving World Peace, New edition
Author/Editor: Ori Z. Soltes,Margaret A. Johnson
Preventing Mass Human-Rights Violations and Atrocity Crimes, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: James Richards,Angieszka Bienczyk-Missala
Preußen als Kreuzzugsregion, New edition
Author/Editor: Hans Hettler
Presupposition and [E]motion: The Upgraded Function and the Semantics of the Participle in the New Testament, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Roque N. Albuquerque
Preston King: History, Toleration, and Friendship, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kipton E. Jensen
Prestige-Science Fiction – Neue deutschsprachige Romane zwischen Kunstanspruch und Unterhaltung: Unter Mitarbeit von Sina Roepke, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Rauen
Prestige, New edition
Author/Editor: Patrycja Poniatowska,Henryk Domanski
Pressefreiheit und Persoenlichkeitsschutz, New edition
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Parteli
The Presocratics in the Thought of Martin Heidegger, New edition
Author/Editor: W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz
The President’s Law Firm: The Office of Legal Counsel from Roosevelt to Trump, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Billy W. Monroe
Presidential Politics after Woodstock: Exit Right to Hurd Road, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jeffrey J. Volle
Presidential Campaigns in the Age of Social Media: Clinton and Trump, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: William L. Benoit,Mark J. Glantz
The Presidential Campaign in the Republic of Korea in 2017: The Role of Social Media, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Trzcinska
Preserving Polyphonies, New edition
Author/Editor: Claire Ellender
Presentation of Democracy Culture and News in Turkish Media: Issues of Scientific Responsibility and Democracy, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Burcu Peksevgen
Preschool and Primary Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Jaan Mikk,Marika Veisson,Piret Luik
Pre-Raphaelite Sisters: Art, Poetry and Female Agency in Victorian Britain, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Glenda Youde,Robert Wilkes
Pre-Raphaelites in the Spirit World: The Séance Diary of William Michael Rossetti, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rosalind White,J. B. Bullen,Lenore A. Beaky
Preparing Modern Languages Students for 'Difference', New edition
Author/Editor: Ruth Whittle,Sandra Salin
Preparation Processes of Nonfinancial KPIs for Management Reports: Empirical Evidence on Process Design and Determinants, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Nienaber
Prendre la parole en L2, New edition
Author/Editor: Evelyne Berger
Prendre au sérieux le droit à une alimentation saine et durable: Analyse comparée d’une histoire contemporaine et prospective juridique, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Lambert
Premium Price-Promotion, New edition
Author/Editor: Felix Zöllner
Prelude to Disaster, New edition
Author/Editor: John Bullion
Prekaritaet in deutschsprachigen Romanen der Gegenwart, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Till Mischko
Preis und Markendehnung, New edition
Author/Editor: Katia Rumpf
Preissetzungsalgorithmen im deutschen und europaeischen Kartellrecht: Digitale Formen horizontaler Kollusion, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jochen Mohr,Patrick Zobel
Preisgekroente, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Beutin
Preisdifferenzierung aus Kundensicht, New edition
Author/Editor: Rebecca Winkelmann
Predicting Item Difficulty in a Reading Test: A Construct Identification Study of the Austrian 2009 Baseline English Reading Test, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Siller
Predicting Insider Espionage — A Five-Factor Model, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Klich-Kluczewska,Frank Danesy
Predications in competition and the rise of serial verb constructions in English: The verbal and nominal complementation of Old English aspectual and manipulative verbs, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maurizio Gotti,Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Predicates of Gratification in English and Polish: A Semantic-Syntactic Perspective, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Góra
A Pre-Collapse Cure for Stupidity: Media, Politics, Philosophy, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jacek Dąbała
The Preamble as Policy: A Guidebook to Governance and Civic Duty, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Irons,Jim Twombly
The Preamble and Mission of the Constitution, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael J. C. TaylorTaylor
Preaching to Second Generation Korean Americans, New edition
Author/Editor: Matthew D. Kim
Preaching to Possible Selves: A Contextual Homiletic for Second Generation Korean Americans, Ed. 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Matthew D. Kim
Preaching to Multiethnic Congregation, New edition
Author/Editor: Woosung Calvin Choi
Preaching and the Theological Imagination, New edition
Author/Editor: Zachary Guiliano,Cameron Partridge
Praxis. An Exercise in Engaging Cultural Studies, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ryszard Nycz,Agata Skórzyńska
Pratiques plurilingues en milieu professionnel international, New edition
Author/Editor: Eve Lejot
Pratiques pédagogiques et éducation prioritaire, New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Fouquet-Chauprade,Anne Soussi
Pratiques imaginées et images des pratiques plurilingues, New edition
Author/Editor: Pia Stalder
Pratiques et représentations sociales des langues en contexte scolaire plurilingue, New edition
Author/Editor: Stella Cambrone-Lasnes
Pratiques et politiques en petite enfance: Perspectives internationales, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Florence Pirard,Marianne Zogmal,Pascale Garnier
Pratiques communicatives de la médiation, New edition
Author/Editor: Michele De Gioia
Praktische Analyse der Steuerpflichten in Deutschland Ansaessiger aus direktem und indirektem Erwerb, Besitz und Veraeußerung spanischer Immobilien, New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriel Buades Castella
Pragmatische und rhetorische Determinanten des Translationsprozesses, New edition
Author/Editor: Beate SommerfeldSommerfeld,Karolina KesickaKesicka,Malgorzata Korycinska-WegnerKorycinska-Wegner,Anna Fimiak-ChwilkowskaFimiak-Chwilkowska
Pragmatische Phraseologismen und ihre lexikografische Darstellung, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Ruusila
Pragmatische Kompetenzen im schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Holger Limberg,Karen Glaser
The Pragmatics of Academic Writing, New edition
Author/Editor: Nicola Owtram
Pragmatic and Cross-Cultural Competences: Focus on Politeness, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Szende,George Alao
Pragmantax II, New edition
Author/Editor: Katrin Schöpe,Renate Belentschikow,Angelika Bergien,Armin Burkhardt
Prag in der amerikanischen Literatur: Cynthia Ozick und Philip Roth, New edition
Author/Editor: Simone Kraus
Praeventive und repressive Datenverarbeitung unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Zweckbindungsgedankens, New edition
Author/Editor: Dennis Bodenbenner
Praeventive Aufsicht der Europaeischen Union ueber den Bundeshaushalt, New edition
Author/Editor: Tobias Loscher
Praevention von Rueckenbeschwerden in der stationaeren Krankenpflege, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Voelker
Praenatale Schaedigungen mit postnatalen Folgen, New edition
Author/Editor: Christine Robben
Praegnante Kuerze und mehr: Kurztexte und multimodale Kurzformen im oeffentlichen Raum, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Zofia Berdychowska,Frank Liedtke
Praediktoren von Aggression, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Fischer
Praedikative Strukturen in Theorie und Text(en), New edition
Author/Editor: Irmtraud Behr,Zofia Berdychowska
«Praeceptor Germaniae», New edition
Author/Editor: George Bajeski
Practitioner Research in Teacher Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Issa M. Saleh,Myint Swe Khine
Practicing Disability Studies in Education, New edition
Author/Editor: David J. Connor,Jan W. Valle,Chris Hale
The Practice of Knowing and Knowing in Practices, New edition
Author/Editor: Bengt Molander
The Practice of Equality: Jacques Rancière and Critical Pedagogy, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Stephen Cowden,David Ridley
Practice Fields in Public Relations: The Panorama of Turkey, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ümit Arklan
‘Power to Observe’, New edition
Author/Editor: Whitney Standlee
Power Relations and Judicial Corruption in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mehdi Khosravi
Power, Place and Representation, New edition
Author/Editor: Bill Richardson,Lorraine Kelly
Power, Persuasion and Manipulation in Specialised Genres, New edition
Author/Editor: María Ángeles Orts Llopis,Ruth Breeze,Maurizio Gotti
The Power of the Image, New edition
Author/Editor: András Benedek,Kristof Nyiri
The Power of the Image in the Work of Lídia Jorge, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Nazaré Torrão,José Cândido de Oliveira Martins
The Power of Theater: Actors and Spectators in Ancient Rome, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Miroslaw Kocur
The Power of Symbols, New edition
Author/Editor: Francine Giese,Ariane Varela Braga
The Power of Smell in American Literature, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniela Babilon
The Power of Silence, New edition
Author/Editor: Hasine Sen
The Power of Science, New edition
Author/Editor: Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero
The Power of Love and Guilt, New edition
Author/Editor: Irena Avsenik Nabergoj
Power of Imagination, New edition
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Rothert
Power-Knowledge in Tabari’s «Histoire» of Islam: Politicizing the past in Medieval Islamic Historiography, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Amir Moghadam,Terence Lovat
The Power and Value of Music, New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas Kramarz
Power and Subjectivity in the Late Work of Roland Barthes and Pier Paolo Pasolini, New edition
Author/Editor: Viola Brisolin
Power and Primacy: A History of Western Intervention in the Asia-Pacific: 2023 Updated Edition, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: A.B Abrams
Power and Primacy: A History of Western Intervention in the Asia-Pacific, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: A.B. Abrams
Power and Poverty, New edition
Author/Editor: Alpago Alpago
The Power and Impact of Standardised Tests, New edition
Author/Editor: Lambrini Loumbourdi
Power and Imagination, New edition
Author/Editor: Leonidas Donskis
Power and Ethics: Finding Freedom through Critique, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Matthew Gildersleeve,Andrew Crowden
Poverty Relief in a Mixed Economy, New edition
Author/Editor: Karin Heitzmann
Poverty and Inequality in Ecuador, Brazil and Mexico after the 2008 Global Crisis, New edition
Author/Editor: Lukasz Czarnecki,Erik Balleza,Mayra Saenz
Pour une sociologie des inégalités environnementales, New edition
Author/Editor: Valérie Deldrève
Pour une histoire globale des réseaux de pouvoir, New edition
Author/Editor: François Charles Mougel,Françoise Taliano-des Garets,Bertrand Blancheton
Pour une histoire connectée et transnationale des épurations en Europe après 1945, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marc Bergère,Jonas Campion,Emmanuel Droit,Dominik Rigoll,Marie-Bénédicte Vincent
Pourquoi les migrants vivent-ils plus longtemps ?, New edition
Author/Editor: Jonathan Zufferey
Pour l’amour de Byzance, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Gastgeber,Charalampos Messis,Dan Ioan Muresan,Filippo Ronconi
Pour en finir avec le terrorisme, New edition
Author/Editor: Ami-Jacques Rapin
Poétiques et politiques du témoignage dans la fiction contemporaine, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Alain Ekorong,Christophe Premat,Armel Jovensel Ngamaleu
Poétique du sens: Fictions de l’interprétation de François Rabelais à DeLillo, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Marc Maufort,Christian Michel
Poéticas del regreso en la literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jesús Cano Reyes
Poéticas de la niñería: Infantilidad, resistencia y subversión en la poesía latinoamericana e ibérica contemporánea, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Berta García Faet
Potenzial und Grenzen der Missbrauchskontrollregelung in der Europaeischen Union und in der Volksrepublik China, New edition
Author/Editor: Li Li
Potential of Precedent in the Statutory Legal Order, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Leszek Leszczynski,Bartosz Lizewski,Adam Szot
Potentiale partizipativen Sprachlernens im Sprachkontakt: Studien zu sprachlich-kommunikativen Partizipationsbarrieren am Beispiel innereuropaeischer Arbeitsmigration von Spanien nach Deutschland, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Arne Krämer
Postwar Reconciliation in Central Europe and East Asia, New edition
Author/Editor: Olga Barbasiewicz
Post-War Middle-Class Housing, New edition
Author/Editor: Gaia Caramellino,Federico Zanfi
The Postulates of Restorative Justice and the Continental Model of Criminal Law, New edition
Author/Editor: Teresa Dukiet-Nagorska
(Post)transformational Migration, New edition
Author/Editor: Marek Nowak,Michal Nowosielski
Post-totalitarian Societes in Transformation: From Systemic Change into European Integration, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Sondel-Cedarmas,Elzbieta Mach,Grzegorz Pozarlik
Post-Tonal Affinities in Piano Works of Bartók, Chen, and Crumb, New edition
Author/Editor: Monica Kang
Post-Soviet Conflicts Revisited, New edition
Author/Editor: Hans-Georg Heinrich
Post Offices of Europe 18th – 21st Century, New edition
Author/Editor: Muriel Le Roux,Sébastien Richez
Postmulticulturalism: Realities, Discourses, Practices, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Augie Fleras
Postmodernism in Estonian Literary Culture, New edition
Author/Editor: Piret Viires
Postmodern Impegno - Impegno postmoderno, New edition
Author/Editor: Pierpaolo Antonello,Florian Mussgnug
Postmigrant Club Cultures in Urban Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Kira Kosnick
Post-Merger Intercultural Communication in Multinational Companies, New edition
Author/Editor: Christina Burek
Post Merger Integration beim Unternehmenskauf, New edition
Author/Editor: Lars Heinrich Osterhues
Postkommunismus und verordneter Nationalismus, New edition
Author/Editor: Dittmar Schorkowitz
Postkoloniale Positionen?, New edition
Author/Editor: Verena Rodatus
(Post-)koloniale frankophone Kriegsreportagen: Genrehybridisierungen, Medienkonkurrenzen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sara Izzo
(Post-)Jugoslawien, New edition
Author/Editor: Ivana Drmic,Yannic Federer,Fabienne Gilbertz,Insa Braun
Postfossile Gesellschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Dietrich Fürst,Andrea Bache,Lina Trautmann
Post-formalism, Pedagogy Lives, New edition
Author/Editor: Hans Jansen,Hugo Letiche
Post-Crisis Perspectives, New edition
Author/Editor: Óscar García Agustín,Christian Ydesen
The Post-communist Cleavage.: Social Bases of Politics in Poland after 1989, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jolanta Scicinska,Miroslawa Grabowska
A Postcolonial Ulysses in the Lusophone World, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lisandra Silva e Sousa
Postcolonial Slavic Literatures After Communism, New edition
Author/Editor: Klavdia Smola,Dirk Uffelmann
Postcolonial Romanticisms: Landscape and the Possibilities of Inheritance, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Roy Osamu Kamada
Postcolonial Readings of Romanian Identity Narratives, New edition
Author/Editor: Onoriu Colacel
A Postcolonial Reading of the Acts of the Apostles, New edition
Author/Editor: Rubén Muñoz-Larrondo
Postcolonial Nation and Narrative III: Literature & Cinema: Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and São Tomé e Príncipe, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ana Mafalda Leite,Hilary Owen,Ellen Sapega,Carmen Secco
Postcolonial feminine writing: Bodies, Gazes and Voices, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mine Sevinc
Postcolonial Departures, New edition
Author/Editor: Hano Pipic
The Postcolonial Citizen, New edition
Author/Editor: Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
Postcolonial Archipelagos, New edition
Author/Editor: Kristian Van Haesendonck
Postcolonial and Feminist Grotesque, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Sofia Pimentel Biscaia
Postcategorical Utopia: James Baldwin and the Political Unconscious of Imagined Futures, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Raffaella Baccolini,Antonis Balasopoulos,Joachim Fischer,Michael G. Kelly,Tom Moylan,Phillip E. Wegner,Pekka Kilpelainen
Post- and Transhumanism, New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Ranisch,Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
A Post-Analytical Approach to Philosophy and Theory of Law, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Burzynski,Andrzej Bator,Zbigniew Pulka
Post-9/11 Representations of Arab Men by Arab American Women Writers, New edition
Author/Editor: Marta Bosch-Vilarrubias
Post-2000 Poetry of Dissent: Comparative Readings For students of International A-Level English Literature, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Abha Prakash
The Possibility of the ICJ and the ICC Taking Action in the Wake of Israel’s Operation «Cast Lead» in the Gaza Strip, New edition
Author/Editor: Oded Friedmann
Possibilism and Evaluation: Judith Tendler and Albert Hirschman, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Nicoletta Stame
Positive und negative Hoeflichkeit in der Interimssprache, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian SchröterSchröter
Positionierungen im Fluchtkontext, New edition
Author/Editor: Mariam ArounaArouna
Poésie francophone de Louisiane à la fin du XXe siècle, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-François Caparroy
Poésie et Histoire(s) en Europe aux XX e et XXI e siècles- Poesie und Geschichte(n) in Europa im 20. und im 21. Jahrhundert, New edition
Author/Editor: Françoise Lartillot,Rémy Colombat
Português como Língua de Herança: A coesão em textos escritos por crianças plurilíngues, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Layla Cristina Jochmann
Portuguese Morphophonology: A Generative-Markedness Approach: Volume 3 Verbs, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Arthur Brakel
Portuguese Morphophonology: A Generative-Markedness Approach: Volume 2 Nominals, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Arthur Brakel
Portuguese Morphophonology: A Generative-Markedness Approach: Volume 1 Foundations, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Arthur Brakel
Portuguese Emigrant Entrepreneurship: in London, Andorra, Nice and Monaco, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Ortelinda Barros Gonçalves,Paulo Cunha
Portugiesisch als Diasystem- O Português como Diassistema, New edition
Author/Editor: Aurelia Merlan,Jürgen Schmidt-Radefeldt
Portraits of the Artist, New edition
Author/Editor: Jessica Wood
Portraets in italienischen Romanen des 19. Jahrhunderts, New edition
Author/Editor: Johanna Hellermann
Portfolio als Baustein einer neuen Lernkultur, New edition
Author/Editor: Carmen Becker
Pornography: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob
Por lagunas y acequias, New edition
Author/Editor: Barrera Lopez-Trinidad
Populist Political Communication across Europe: Contexts and Contents, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Stepinska
Populist Parties and the Failure of the Political Elites, New edition
Author/Editor: Göran Adamson
Populism, Popular Sovereignty, and Public Reason, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Mayr,Andreas Orator
Population, the state, and national grandeur, New edition
Author/Editor: Paul-André RosentalRosental
Population et environnement, New edition
Author/Editor: Guy Brunet
Population en danger !, New edition
Author/Editor: Virginie De Luca Barrusse
Popular Politics and Popular Culture in the Age of the Masses, New edition
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Hill
Popular History and Fiction, New edition
Author/Editor: Madeleine Brook
Popular Genres and Their Uses in Fiction, New edition
Author/Editor: Jadwiga Wegrodzka
Popular Fiction in the Age of Bismarck, New edition
Author/Editor: Terry May
The Popular Anti-Icon in American Sports, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas WeikWeik
Populaere Geschichtsmagazine in internationaler Perspektive, New edition
Author/Editor: Susanne Popp,Jutta Schumann,Fabio Crivellari,Michael Wobring,Claudius Springkart
Poor Relief in Ireland, 1851-1914, New edition
Author/Editor: Mel Cousins
«Poor Green Erin», 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Eoin Bourke
Poor, but Sexy, New edition
Author/Editor: Geoff Stahl
Pons Latinus – Latein als Bruecke zum Deutschen als Zweitsprache, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Große
Ponchos y sarapes: El cine mexicano en Buenos Aires (1934–1943), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ángel Miquel
Poèmes et Aphorismes (1989–2015), New edition
Author/Editor: Chénieux Gendron Jacqueline,Giovanna
The Polyphony of Utopia: Critical Negativities Across Cultures from Bellamy and Bogdanov to Yefremov, Piercy and Butler, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Raffaella Baccolini,Antonis Balasopoulos,Joachim Fischer,Michael G. Kelly,Tom Moylan,Phillip E. Wegner,Pavla Veselá
Polyphonie parisienne et architecture au temps de l’art gothique (1140-1240), New edition
Author/Editor: Pascale Duhamel
Polvo eres y en cine te convertirás: Valoraciones y relevancia de la fidelidad en la recepción de crítica y público de la adaptación cinematográfica de Ask the Dust, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Bruno Echauri Galván
Políticos en conflicto: una aproximación pragmáticodiscursiva al debate electoral cara a cara, New edition
Author/Editor: José Luis Blas Arroyo
Polonica non leguntur – Polnisches liest man nicht? Zur Geschichte des schwierigen deutsch-polnischen Verhaeltnisses: Ein Essay, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Erhard Brödner
Polnisches Deutsch – Deutsches Polnisch, New edition
Author/Editor: Rahel Cerna-Willi
Polnisch-deutsche Unternehmenskommunikation, New edition
Author/Editor: Sambor Grucza,Mariola Wierzbicka,Justyna Alnajjar,Pawel Bak
Polizeipaedagogik als moegliches neues Feld fuer Wissenschaft und Polizei, New edition
Author/Editor: Sibylle Schäfer
Polizeikostenrecht in rechtsvergleichender Perspektive, New edition
Author/Editor: HyeongHoon Kim
Politische Triebkraefte der Innovation, New edition
Author/Editor: Benjamin Miethling
Politische Teilhaberechte nationaler Minderheiten in Serbien, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Siniša Begenišic
Politische Sozialisation im Kindergarten der DDR: Wie Kinder zur Heimatliebe erzogen werden sollten, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Uta Zintler
Politische Repraesentation und vorgestellte Gemeinschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Michel Dormal
Politische Philosophie eines modernen Idealismus, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Caspart
Politische Online-Kommunikation im kolumbianischen Praesidentschaftswahlkampf 2010, New edition
Author/Editor: Dinah Leschzyk
Politische, mediale und kommunikative Dimensionen der Weblogs in Russland, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Daria Khrushcheva
Politische Kultur und Theatralitaet, New edition
Author/Editor: Gottfried Fischborn
Politische Bildung als Instrument zur Verbesserung der politischen Partizipation, des Politikinteresses und der Demokratiequalitaet, New edition
Author/Editor: Franz Zeilner
Politique étrangère comparée : Canada – États-Unis, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel Lacroix,Gordon Mace
Politiques linguistiques familiales / Family language policies: Échanges verbaux et transmissions linguistiques / Verbal exchanges and transmission of languages, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Shahzaman Haque,Françoise Le Lièvre
Politiques éducatives, diversité et justice sociale: Perspectives comparatives internationales, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Régis Malet,Liu Baocun
Politiques de la diversité, New edition
Author/Editor: Milena Doytcheva
Politiques de communication, médias et défense, New edition
Author/Editor: André Dumoulin,Delphine Deschaux-Beaume,Sylvain Paile
Politik und Religionskultur in Hessen und Nassau zwischen ‘Staatsumbruch’ (1918) und ‘nationaler Revolution’ (1933), New edition
Author/Editor: Karl Dienst
Politik und Kultur der Gabe, New edition
Author/Editor: Simone Wörer
Politik neu denken, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Döge
Politiker*innen als Figuren in der digitalen Mediengesellschaft: Ein diskurslinguistischer Untersuchungsrahmen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lisa Blasch
Politik, Bildung und soziale Gerechtigkeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Heinz Sünker
Politikberatung fuer Marktwirtschaft in Transformationsstaaten: Grundlagen, Visionen und Anwendungen- Policy Advice on the Social Market Economy for Transformation Economies: Principles, Vision, and Applications, New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Beckmann,Christian Müller,Katrin Röpke
Polities and Poetics: Race Relations and Reconciliation in Australian Literature, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Adelle Sefton-Rowston
Politic Words: Writing Women | Writing History, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gerald Dawe
Politics of the Soul in the Alcibiades, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: James M. Magrini
Politics of Symbolization Across Central and Eastern Europe, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nicolas Maslowski,Elzbieta Halas
The Politics of Social Housing in Britain, New edition
Author/Editor: Jamileh Manoochehri
The Politics of Representation in Ahdaf Soueif’s «The Map of Love», New edition
Author/Editor: Sabina D'Alessandro
The Politics of Parliamentary Pensions in Western Democracies, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Caroline Warfelmann
The Politics of Metanoia, New edition
Author/Editor: Theodros A. Teklu
The Politics of Marijuana: A New Paradigm, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Timothy McGettigan
The Politics of Lockdowns, Masks, and Vaccines: The Trump Administration and the Coronavirus, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Haas
The Politics of Irish Primary Education: Reform in an Era of Secularisation, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jonathan Tiernan,Sean McGraw
The Politics of Dubbing, New edition
Author/Editor: Carla Mereu Keating
Politics of Dissent, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Bak Jørgensen,Óscar García Agustín
Politics of Despotic Leaders: Subversion, Repression and Development in the Hazara Ismaili Community of Afghanistan, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Hafizullah Emadi
Politics of Cross-Cultural Reading, New edition
Author/Editor: Marion Dalvai
Politics, Humor and the Counterculture, New edition
Author/Editor: Vwadek P. Marciniak
Politics, Culture and Economy in Popular Practices in the Americas, New edition
Author/Editor: Eduardo González Castillo,Jorge Pantaleón,Nuria Carton de Grammont
Politics and Slum Upgrading in Kenya, New edition
Author/Editor: George M. Kiyu
Politics and populism across modes and media, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ruth Breeze,Ana María Fernández Vallejo
Politics and Poetics of Gender in the Early 20th Century: Case Studies in Romania and the United Kingdom, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Corina Mitrulescu
Politics and Church in Transylvania 1875-1918, New edition
Author/Editor: Marius Eppel
Politics against pessimism, New edition
Author/Editor: Geoff Dow,Winton Higgins
Politicizing Consumer Choice, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Gunkel
The Politicization of the European Union: From European Governance to EU Politics, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Stefano Greco
The Political Woman in Print, New edition
Author/Editor: Birgit Mikus
The Political Thought of Hasan al-Turabi, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Saleem Abu Jaber
Political Systems of the Former Yugoslavia, New edition
Author/Editor: Izabella Kimak,Tomasz Bichta
The Political System of Poland: Tradition and Contemporaneity, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Tomasz Slomka,Stanislaw Sulowski
Political, Religious and Social Conflict in the States of Savoy, 1400–1700, New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Alyn Stacey
Political Participation Capital, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Ryszard Garlicki
Political Opposition in Theory and Central European Practice, New edition
Author/Editor: Michal Kubát
Political Myths in History Textbooks: War Images of the Falange in Spain (1939–1951) and the Polish Workers’ Party in Poland (1945–1956), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Machteld Venken,Maciej Chrostowski
Political Music: Legitimization and Contestation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Izabella Kimak,Tomasz Bichta,Anna Szwed-Walczak
Political Music: Communication and Mobilization, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Izabella Kimak,Anna Szwed-Walczak,Tomasz Bichta
Political Leadership: Structure – Consciousness – Emotions, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Filip Pierzchalski
Political Leadership in Morphogenetic Perspective, New edition
Author/Editor: Filip Pierzchalski
Political Imagination and Utopian Energies in Central and Eastern Europe, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Marta Soniewicka,Jan Géryk,Petr Agha
Political History of Guinea since World War Two, New edition
Author/Editor: Mohamed Saliou Camara
The Political Gesture in Pedro Costa’s Films, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Fiona Handyside,Danielle Hipkins,Mariana Liz,Catherine Wheatley,Patrícia Sequeira Brás
Political Geography: New revised edition, Ed. 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Igor Okunev
The Political Economy of Liberation, New edition
Author/Editor: Anthony Bradley
«Political ecology» des services écosystémiques, New edition
Author/Editor: Xavier Arnauld de Sartre,Monica Castro,Simon Dufour,Johan Oszwald
Political Correctness, New edition
Author/Editor: Ursula Reutner,Elmar Schafroth
Political Communication in the Era of New Technologies, New edition
Author/Editor: Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska,Jan Garlicki
Political Animals, New edition
Author/Editor: Alec Charles
The Political and Cultural History of the Kurds, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Amir Harrak
Politeness and Audience Response in Chinese-English Subtitling, New edition
Author/Editor: Yuan Xiaohui
Polite Forms, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Harry White
Polish Translation Studies in Action: Concepts – Methodologies – Applications. A Reader, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Piotr Boncza Bukowski,Magdalena Heydel
Polish Science and Technology Studies in the New Millennium, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Abriszewski,Aleksandra Derra,Andrzej W. Nowak
«Polish Risorgimento», New edition
Author/Editor: Lidia Jurek
The Polish Reason of State in Austria: The Poles in the Political Life of Austria in the Period of the Dual Monarchy (1867–1918), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Burzynski,Dorota Litwin-Lewandowska
Polish Queer Modernism, New edition
Author/Editor: Piotr Sobolczyk
Polish Patriotism after 1989, New edition
Author/Editor: Dorota Szeligowska
Polish Organisations in Germany, New edition
Author/Editor: Michal Nowosielski
The Polish Middle Class, New edition
Author/Editor: Patrycja Poniatowska,Henryk Domanski
Polish Media System in a Comparative Perspective: Media in Politics, Politics in Media, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska
Polish Literature and the Holocaust (1939–1968), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Burzynski,Slawomir Buryla,Dorota Krawczynska,Jacek Leociak
Polish-Irish Encounters in the Old and New Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Sabine Egger,John McDonagh
Polish Highlanders in Carpathian Bukovina: A Sociolinguistic and Lexical Study, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Andrzej Kątny,Helena Krasowska
Polish consonant clusters in the British mouth: A study in online loanword adaptation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marek Radomski
Polish Avant-Garde in Berlin, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Stolarska-Fronia
Policy Payoffs in Koalitionsverhandlungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Madeline Kaupert
The Policy of Payment by Results in Irish Primary Schools, 1871–1900: rancour and discord, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Tony Lyons
Policing in Colonial Empires, New edition
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Blanchard,Marieke Bloembergen,Amandine Lauro
The Policies and Politics of Pope Pius XII, New edition
Author/Editor: Frank J. Coppa
Police Brutality in Greece: The Rotten Tree, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Emanuel Guittet,Julien Pomarède,Anastassia Tsoukala
Poles in Kaiser’s Army On the Front of the First World War, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ryszard Kaczmarek
Polen und Deutsche in Europa- Polacy i Niemcy w Europie, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Düring,Krzysztof Trybus
Polen und Deutsche in Europa Polacy i Niemcy w Europie, New edition
Author/Editor: Czeslawa SchatteSchatte,Krzysztof TrybusTrybus,Michael DüringDüring,Maciej JunkiertJunkiert
Polen und Deutsche in Europa / Polacy i Niemcy w Europie: GrenzRaeume: Beitraege zur internationalen Konferenz, 1. und 2. Dezember 2017, Kiel / Tom podsumowujący konferencję międzynarodową, 1 i 2 grudnia 2017, Kilonia, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Düring,Krzysztof Trybus,Rebekka Wilpert,Maciej Junkiert
Polen und Deutsche im Angesicht der revolutionaeren Umwaelzungen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jarosław Fazan,Maciej Junkiert,Krzysztof Trybuś,Michael Düring,Rebekka Wilpert
Polens Staatlichkeit in sieben Jahrhunderten, New edition
Author/Editor: Adrianna Michel
Polen im Ersten Weltkrieg, New edition
Author/Editor: Hartmut Michael KühnKühn
Poland towards its Southern Neighbours, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Przemyslaw Waingertner
Poland’s New Ways of Public Diplomacy, New edition
Author/Editor: Beata Ociepka
Poland-Mexico towards a Strategic Partnership, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anita Oberda-Monkiewicz