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Titles start with W (11) Information
Wound Building: Dispatches from the Latest Disasters in UK Poetry
Author/Editor: Danny Hayward
Works for Works, Book 1: Useless Beauty
Author/Editor: Gavin Keeney
Wonder, Horror, Mystery: Letters on Cinema and Religion in Malick, Von Trier, and Kieślowski
Author/Editor: Morgan Meis ,J.M. Tyree
The Witch and the Hysteric: The Monstrous Medieval in Benjamin Christensen's Häxan
Author/Editor: Alexander Doty ,Patricia Clare Ingham
The Wind ~ An Unruly Living
Author/Editor: Jeremy Bendik-Keymer
Widening Scripts: Cultivating Feminist Care in Academic Labor
Author/Editor: Mariana Prandini Assis ,Michelle Forrest ,Angela Henderson ,Lindsey MacCallum ,Ian Reilly ,Ellen Shaffner ,Scott Stoneman
Weaponising Speculation
Author/Editor: Caoimhe Doyle
The Way Things Go
Author/Editor: Louis Bury
Waste: Capitalism and the Dissolution of the Human in Twentieth-Century Theater
Author/Editor: Jessica Rizzo
Warez: The Infrastructure and Aesthetics of Piracy
Author/Editor: Martin Paul Eve
Walk on the Beach: Things from the Sea, Volume 1