Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with C (163) | ISSN | Status |
Current Sociology |
0011-3921, 1461-7064
preserved |
Currents in Biblical Research |
1476-993X, 1745-5200
preserved |
Current Directions in Psychological Science |
0963-7214, 1467-8721
preserved |
A Current Bibliography on African Affairs |
0011-3255, 2376-6662
preserved |
Cultures of Science |
2096-6083, 2633-3287
preserved |
Culture & Psychology |
1354-067X, 1461-7056
preserved |
Culture and Education: Cultura y Educación |
1135-6405, 1578-4118
preserved |
Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies |
1532-7086, 1552-356X
preserved |
Cultural Sociology |
1749-9755, 1749-9763
preserved |
Cultural Geographies |
1474-4740, 1477-0881
preserved |
Cultural Dynamics |
0921-3740, 1461-7048
preserved |
Cultural and Social History |
1478-0038, 1478-0046
queued |
Cross-Cultural Research |
1069-3971, 1552-3578
preserved |
Critique of Anthropology |
0308-275X, 1460-3721
preserved |
Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies |
1749-6020, 1749-6039
preserved |
Critical Sociology |
0896-9205, 1569-1632
preserved |
Critical Social Policy |
0261-0183, 1461-703X
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine |
1045-4411, 1544-1113
preserved |
Critical Research on Religion |
2050-3032, 2050-3040
preserved |
Criminology & Criminal Justice |
1748-8958, 1748-8966
preserved |
Criminal Justice Review |
0734-0168, 1556-3839
preserved |
Criminal Justice Policy Review |
0887-4034, 1552-3586
preserved |
Criminal Justice and Behavior |
0093-8548, 1552-3594
preserved |
Criminal Justice Abstracts |
0146-9177, 1551-1685
preserved |
Criminal Justice |
preserved |
Crime, Media, Culture |
1741-6590, 1741-6604
preserved |
Crime & Delinquency |
0011-1287, 1552-387X
preserved |
Creative Nursing |
1078-4535, 1946-1895
preserved |
Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Open |
preserved |
Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction |
1943-3875, 1943-3883
preserved |
Craniomaxillofacial Research & Innovation |
preserved |
Counseling Psychologist |
0011-0000, 1552-3861
preserved |
Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation |
2150-1378, 2150-1386
preserved |
Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology |
1478-422X, 1743-2782
preserved |
Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly |
0010-8804, 1552-3853, 1938-9663
preserved |
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly |
1938-9655, 1938-9663
preserved |
Cooperation and Conflict |
0010-8367, 1460-3691
preserved |
Convergence |
1354-8565, 1748-7382
preserved |
Contributions to Indian Sociology |
0069-9659, 0069-9667, 0973-0648
preserved |
Contexts |
1536-5042, 1537-6052
preserved |
Contemporary Voice of Dalit |
2455-328X, 2456-0502
preserved |
Contemporary Sociology |
0094-3061, 1939-8638
preserved |
Contemporary Review of the Middle East |
2347-7989, 2349-0055
preserved |
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood |
preserved |
Contemporary Education Dialogue |
0973-1849, 2249-5320
preserved |
Contemporary Drug Problems |
0091-4509, 2163-1808
preserved |
Contact |
2515-2564, 2515-2564
preserved |
Conservation and Society |
queued |
Conflict Management and Peace Science |
0738-8942, 1549-9219
preserved |
Concurrent Engineering |
1063-293X, 1531-2003
preserved |
Comunicación, Lenguaje y Educación |
preserved |
Computability |
2211-3568, 2211-3576
preserved |
Comprehensive Psychology |
preserved |
Composites and Advanced Materials |
preserved |
Complementary Health Practice Review |
1533-2101, 1552-3845
preserved |
Competition & Change |
1024-5294, 1477-2221
preserved |
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries |
1389-9597, 1783-5917, 2399-2956, 2507-0681
preserved |
Compensation & Benefits Review |
0886-3687, 1552-3837
preserved |
Comparative Political Studies |
0010-4140, 1552-3829
preserved |
Comparative American Studies |
1477-5700, 1741-2676
preserved |
Community Health Equity Research & Policy |
2752-535X, 2752-5368
preserved |
Community Dental Health |
0265-539X, 2515-1746
preserved |
Community College Review |
0091-5521, 1940-2325
preserved |
Communio |
queued |
Communication & Sport |
2167-4795, 2167-4809
preserved |
Communication Research |
0093-6502, 1552-3810
preserved |
Communication Disorders Quarterly |
1525-7401, 1538-4837
preserved |
Communication and the Public |
2057-0473, 2057-0481
preserved |
Communication Abstracts |
preserved |
Common Law World Review |
1473-7795, 1740-5556
preserved |
Collective Intelligence |
preserved |
Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archive Profressionals |
preserved |
Coastal Studies & Society |
preserved |
Clothing and Textiles Research Journal |
0887-302X, 1940-2473
preserved |
Clinical Trials |
1740-7745, 1740-7753
preserved |
Clinical Risk |
1356-2622, 1758-1028
preserved |
Clinical Rehabilitation |
0269-2155, 1477-0873
preserved |
Clinical Psychological Science |
2167-7026, 2167-7034
preserved |
Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology |
2169-4826, 2169-4834
preserved |
Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development |
2160-763X, 2160-7648
preserved |
Clinical Pediatrics |
0009-9228, 1938-2707
preserved |
Clinical Pathology |
preserved |
Clinical Nursing Research |
1054-7738, 1552-3799
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Reviews in Women's Health |
triggered |
Clinical Medicine Reviews in Vascular Health |
triggered |
Clinical Medicine Reviews in Therapeutics |
triggered |
Clinical Medicine Reviews in Patient Care |
triggered |
Clinical Medicine Reviews in Oncology |
triggered |
Clinical Medicine Reviews in Cardiology |
triggered |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and Intensive Medicine |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Geriatrics |
triggered |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Blood Disorders |
preserved |
Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders |
preserved |
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation |
1386-0291, 1875-8622
preserved |
Clinical Ethics |
1477-7509, 1758-101X
preserved |
Clinical EEG and Neuroscience |
1550-0594, 2169-5202
preserved |
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry |
1359-1045, 1461-7021
preserved |
Clinical Case Studies |
1534-6501, 1552-3802
preserved |
Clinical and Translational Neuroscience |
2514-183X, 2514-183X
preserved |
Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis |
1076-0296, 1938-2723
preserved |
Clin-Alert |
0069-4770, 1530-812X
preserved |
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal |
1055-6656, 1545-1569
preserved |
City & Community |
1535-6841, 1540-6040
preserved |
Citizenship, Social and Economics Education |
2047-1734, 1478-8047
preserved |
Chronic Stress |
2470-5470, 2470-5470
preserved |
Chronic Respiratory Disease |
1479-9723, 1479-9731
preserved |
Chronic Illness |
1742-3953, 1745-9206
preserved |
Christianity & Literature |
0148-3331, 2056-5666
preserved |
Christian Education Journal |
0739-8913, 2378-525X
preserved |
Chinese Sociological Dialogue |
2397-2009, 2397-2017
preserved |
Chinese Public Administration Review |
1539-6754, 2573-1483
preserved |
Chinese Journal of Transnational Law |
preserved |
Chinese Journal of Sociology |
2057-150X, 2057-1518
preserved |
China Report |
0009-4455, 0973-063X
preserved |
China Information |
0920-203X, 1741-590X
preserved |
Child Neurology Open |
preserved |
Child Maltreatment |
1077-5595, 1552-6119
preserved |
Child Language Teaching & Therapy |
0265-6590, 1477-0865
preserved |
Childhood Obesity and Nutrition |
2469-3006, 2381-6635
queued |
Childhood |
0907-5682, 1461-7013
preserved |
Cheminformatics |
1572-4778, 1875-8614
preserved |
Cephalalgia Reports |
2515-8163, 2515-8163
preserved |
Cephalalgia: An International Journal of Headache - Supplement |
queued |
Cephalalgia |
0333-1024, 1468-2982
preserved |
Cellular Polymers |
0262-4893, 1478-2421
preserved |
Cell Transplantation |
0963-6897, 1555-3892
preserved |
Cell & Tissue Transplantation & Therapy |
triggered |
Cell Medicine |
2155-1790, 2155-1790
preserved |
Cell Communication Insights |
triggered |
Cartilage |
1947-6035, 1947-6043
preserved |
Career Development for Exceptional Individuals |
0885-7288, 1557-5047
preserved |
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals |
2165-1434, 2165-1442
preserved |
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Open |
preserved |
Cardiac Cath Lab Director |
2150-1335, 2150-0134
preserved |
Capital & Class |
0309-8168, 2041-0980
preserved |
Cancer Informatics |
preserved |
Cancer Growth and Metastasis |
preserved |
Cancer Control |
1073-2748, 1526-2359
preserved |
Cancer Biomarkers |
1574-0153, 1875-8592
preserved |
Canadian Pharmacists Journal |
1715-1635, 1913-701X
preserved |
Canadian Journal of School Psychology |
0829-5735, 2154-3984
preserved |
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry |
0008-4824, 0706-7437, 1497-0015
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapists |
0008-4174, 1911-9828
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research |
0844-5621, 1705-7051
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease |
preserved |
Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal |
0846-5371, 1488-2361
preserved |
California Management Review |
0008-1256, 2162-8564
preserved |
Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin |
0008-0683, 2456-6462
preserved |
Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Biannual Journal of English Renaissance Studies |
0184-7678, 2054-4715
preserved |