Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | Yes |
Titles ( displaying 500 of 3,711 ) | ISSN | Status |
3 Biotech |
2190-572X, 2190-5738
preserved |
3D Printing in Medicine |
preserved |
3D Research |
preserved |
4OR |
1619-4500, 1614-2411
preserved |
AAPPS Bulletin |
preserved |
The AAPS Journal |
preserved |
AAPS Open |
preserved |
AAPS PharmSci |
1522-1059, 1550-7416
preserved |
AAPS PharmSciTech |
preserved |
Abdominal Imaging |
0942-8925, 1432-0509
preserved |
Abdominal Radiology |
2366-004X, 2366-0058
preserved |
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg |
0025-5858, 1865-8784
preserved |
2096-6326, 2662-1738
preserved |
Academic Psychiatry |
1042-9670, 1545-7230
preserved |
Academic Questions |
0895-4852, 1936-4709
preserved |
Accreditation and Quality Assurance |
0949-1775, 1432-0517
preserved |
Acoustical Physics |
1063-7710, 1562-6865
preserved |
Acoustics Australia |
0814-6039, 1839-2571
preserved |
Acta Academiae Medicinae Wuhan |
0510-9752, 1993-1352
preserved |
Acta Analytica |
0353-5150, 1874-6349
preserved |
Acta Applicandae Mathematica |
0167-8019, 1572-9036
preserved |
Acta Biotheoretica |
0001-5342, 1572-8358
preserved |
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca |
0001-544X, 1682-4016
preserved |
Acta diabetologia latina |
0001-5563, 1432-5233
preserved |
Acta Diabetologica |
0940-5429, 1432-5233
preserved |
Acta Endoscopica |
0240-642X, 1958-5454, 1765-3134
preserved |
acta ethologica |
0873-9749, 1437-9546
preserved |
Acta Geochimica |
2096-0956, 2365-7499
preserved |
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica |
2213-5812, 2213-5820
preserved |
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica |
1217-8977, 1587-1037
preserved |
Acta Geophysica |
1895-6572, 1895-7455
preserved |
Acta Geotechnica |
1861-1125, 1861-1133
preserved |
Acta Informatica |
0001-5903, 1432-0525
preserved |
Acta Mathematica |
0001-5962, 1871-2509
preserved |
Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungarica |
0001-5954, 1588-2632
preserved |
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica |
0168-9673, 1618-3932
preserved |
Acta Mathematica Hungarica |
0236-5294, 1588-2632
preserved |
Acta Mathematica Scientia |
0252-9602, 1572-9087
preserved |
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series |
1439-8516, 1439-7617
preserved |
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica |
0251-4184, 2315-4144
preserved |
Acta Mechanica |
0001-5970, 1619-6937
preserved |
Acta Mechanica Sinica |
0567-7718, 1614-3116
preserved |
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica |
0894-9166, 1860-2134
preserved |
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) |
1006-7191, 2194-1289
preserved |
Acta Meteorologica Sinica |
0894-0525, 2191-4788
preserved |
Acta Neurochirurgica |
0001-6268, 0942-0940
preserved |
Acta Neurologica Belgica |
0300-9009, 2240-2993
preserved |
Acta Neuropathologica |
0001-6322, 1432-0533
preserved |
Acta Neurovegetativa |
0375-9245, 1435-1463
preserved |
Acta Oceanologica Sinica |
0253-505X, 1869-1099
preserved |
Acta Parasitologica |
1230-2821, 1896-1851
preserved |
Acta physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |
preserved |
Acta Physica Hungarica Series A, Heavy Ion Physics |
1219-7580, 1588-2675
preserved |
Acta Physica Hungarica Series B, Quantum Electronics |
1589-9535, 1786-3767
preserved |
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum |
0137-5881, 1861-1664
preserved |
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum |
0001-6969, 2064-8316
preserved |
Acta Seismologica Sinica |
1000-9116, 1993-1344
preserved |
Acta Theriologica |
0001-7051, 2190-3743
preserved |
Activitas Nervosa Superior |
2510-2788, 1802-9698
preserved |
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology |
preserved |
ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders |
1866-6116, 1866-6647
preserved |
2192-2624, 2195-6545
preserved |
adhäsion KLEBEN & DICHTEN |
1619-1919, 2192-8681
preserved |
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research |
0894-587X, 1573-3289
preserved |
Administration in mental health |
0090-1180, 1573-3289
preserved |
Adolescent Research Review |
2363-8346, 2363-8354
preserved |
Adsorption |
0929-5607, 1572-8757
preserved |
Advanced Biotechnology |
preserved |
Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials |
2522-0128, 2522-0136
preserved |
Advanced Fiber Materials |
2524-7921, 2524-793X
preserved |
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences |
preserved |
Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging |
preserved |
Advances in Aerodynamics |
preserved |
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras |
0188-7009, 1661-4909
preserved |
Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology |
2524-5252, 2524-5260
preserved |
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences |
0256-1530, 1861-9533
preserved |
Advances in Bridge Engineering |
preserved |
Advances in Computational Intelligence |
2730-7794, 2730-7808
preserved |
Advances in Computational Mathematics |
1019-7168, 1572-9044
preserved |
Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models |
preserved |
Advances in Contraception |
0267-4874, 1573-7195
preserved |
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification |
1862-5347, 1862-5355
preserved |
Advances in Difference Equations |
preserved |
Advances in Gerontology |
2079-0570, 2079-0589
preserved |
Advances in Health Sciences Education |
1382-4996, 1573-1677
preserved |
Advances in Manufacturing |
2095-3127, 2195-3597
preserved |
Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders |
2366-7532, 2366-7540
preserved |
Advances in Operator Theory |
2662-2009, 2538-225X
preserved |
Advances in Therapy |
0741-238X, 1865-8652
preserved |
Advances in Traditional Medicine |
2662-4052, 2662-4060
preserved |
Adverse Drug Reactions and Toxicological Reviews |
preserved |
Adversity and Resilience Science |
2662-2424, 2662-2416
preserved |
Aequationes Mathematicae |
0001-9054, 1420-8903
preserved |
Aerobiologia |
0393-5965, 1573-3025
preserved |
Aerosol Science and Engineering |
2510-375X, 2510-3768
preserved |
Aerospace Systems |
2523-3947, 2523-3955
preserved |
Aerotecnica Missili & Spazio |
0365-7442, 2524-6968
preserved |
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery |
0364-216X, 1432-5241
preserved |
Affective Science |
2662-2041, 2662-205X
preserved |
African Archaeological Review |
0263-0338, 1572-9842
preserved |
African Journal of Urology |
1110-5704, 1961-9987
preserved |
Afrika Matematica |
1012-9405, 2190-7668
preserved |
0161-9152, 1574-4647
preserved |
Ageing International |
0163-5158, 1936-606X
preserved |
Agents and Actions |
0065-4299, 1420-908X
preserved |
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research |
1594-0667, 1720-8319
preserved |
Agricultural and Food Economics |
preserved |
Agricultural Research |
2249-720X, 2249-7218
preserved |
Agriculture and Human Values |
0889-048X, 1572-8366
preserved |
Agroforestry Systems |
0167-4366, 1572-9680
preserved |
Agronomy for Sustainable Development |
1774-0746, 1773-0155
preserved |
AI and Ethics |
2730-5953, 2730-5961
preserved |
AIDS and Behavior |
1090-7165, 1573-3254
preserved |
AI in Civil Engineering |
2097-0943, 2730-5392
preserved |
Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology |
preserved |
AI Perspectives |
preserved |
AI Perspectives & Advances |
preserved |
Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health |
1873-9318, 1873-9326
preserved |
Akupunktur & Aurikulomedizin |
2192-9319, 2196-6400
preserved |
Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur Klinische und Experimentelle Ophthalmologie |
0065-6100, 1435-702X
preserved |
Algebra and Logic |
0002-5232, 1573-8302
preserved |
Algebras and Representation Theory |
1386-923X, 1572-9079
preserved |
Algebra Universalis |
0002-5240, 1420-8911
preserved |
Algorithmica |
0178-4617, 1432-0541
preserved |
Allergo Journal |
0941-8849, 2195-6405
preserved |
Allergo Journal International |
preserved |
Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv |
0002-6018, 1614-0176
preserved |
Alpine Botany |
1664-2201, 1664-221X
preserved |
Al & Society |
0951-5666, 1435-5655
preserved |
Alternative Higher Education |
0361-6851, 1573-1758
preserved |
Alternative Lifestyles |
0161-570X, 1573-3475
preserved |
1868-596X, 1868-8551
queued |
AMB Express |
preserved |
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment |
0044-7447, 1654-7209
preserved |
American Journal of Cancer |
preserved |
American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs |
1175-3277, 1179-187X
preserved |
American Journal of Clinical Dermatology |
1175-0561, 1179-1888
preserved |
American Journal of Community Psychology |
0091-0562, 1573-2770
preserved |
American Journal of Criminal Justice |
1066-2316, 1936-1351
preserved |
American Journal of Dance Therapy |
0146-3721, 1573-3262
preserved |
The American Journal of Digestive Diseases |
0002-9211, 1573-2568
preserved |
American Journal of Drug Delivery |
preserved |
American Journal of Pharmacogenomics |
preserved |
American Journal of Potato Research |
0003-0589, 1099-209X, 1874-9380
preserved |
American Journal of Respiratory Medicine |
preserved |
The American Sociologist |
0003-1232, 1936-4784
preserved |
Amino Acids |
0939-4451, 1438-2199
preserved |
AMS Review |
1869-814X, 1869-8182
preserved |
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing |
0925-1030, 1573-1979
preserved |
Analysis and Mathematical Physics |
1664-2368, 1664-235X
preserved |
Analysis in Theory and Applications |
1672-4070, 1573-8175
preserved |
Analysis Mathematica |
0133-3852, 1588-273X
preserved |
The Analysis of Verbal Behavior |
0889-9401, 2196-8926
preserved |
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry |
1618-2642, 1618-2650
preserved |
Analytical Sciences |
0910-6340, 1348-2246
preserved |
Anatomia Clinica |
0343-6098, 1279-8517
preserved |
Anatomical Science International |
1447-6959, 1447-073X
preserved |
Anatomische Hefte |
0177-5154, 1432-0568
preserved |
Anatomy and Embryology |
0340-2061, 1432-0568
preserved |
Andrologie |
1166-2654, 1760-5377
preserved |
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science |
preserved |
Angewandte Schmerztherapie und Palliativmedizin |
1866-1424, 2196-6389
preserved |
Angiogenesis |
0969-6970, 1573-7209
preserved |
Animal Cognition |
1435-9448, 1435-9456
preserved |
Animal Learning & Behavior |
0090-4996, 1532-5830
preserved |
Annalen der Philosophie und philosophischen Kritik |
0165-0106, 1866-6175
preserved |
Annales françaises de médecine d'urgence |
2108-6524, 2108-6591
preserved |
Annales Henri Poincaré |
1424-0637, 1424-0661
preserved |
Annales mathématiques du Québec |
2195-4755, 2195-4763
preserved |
Annali dell'Università di Ferrara |
0430-3202, 1827-1510
preserved |
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata |
0373-3114, 1618-1891
preserved |
Annals of Behavioral Medicine |
0883-6612, 1532-4796
preserved |
Annals of Biomedical Engineering |
0090-6964, 1573-9686
preserved |
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry |
1040-1237, 1573-3238
preserved |
Annals of Combinatorics |
0218-0006, 0219-3094
preserved |
Annals of Data Science |
2198-5804, 2198-5812
preserved |
Annals of Diagnostic Paediatric Pathology |
1427-4426, 1509-5762
preserved |
Annals of Dyslexia |
0736-9387, 1934-7243
preserved |
Annals of Finance |
1614-2446, 1614-2454
preserved |
Annals of Forest Science |
1286-4560, 1297-966X
preserved |
Annals of Functional Analysis |
2639-7390, 2008-8752
preserved |
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry |
0232-704X, 1572-9060
preserved |
Annals of Hematology |
0939-5555, 1432-0584
preserved |
Annals of Intensive Care |
preserved |
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence |
1012-2443, 1573-7470
preserved |
Annals of Microbiology |
1590-4261, 1869-2044
preserved |
Annals of Nuclear Medicine |
0914-7187, 1864-6433
preserved |
Annals of Operations Research |
0254-5330, 1572-9338
preserved |
Annals of Ophthalmology |
1530-4086, 1558-9951
preserved |
Annals of PDE |
2524-5317, 2199-2576
preserved |
Annals of Pediatric Surgery |
preserved |
The Annals of Regional Science |
0570-1864, 1432-0592
preserved |
Annals of sex research |
0843-4611, 1573-286X
preserved |
Annals of Software Engineering |
1022-7091, 1573-7489
preserved |
Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics |
1867-6936, 1867-6944
preserved |
Annals of Surgical Oncology |
1068-9265, 1534-4681
preserved |
Annals of Telecommunications / Annales des Télécommunications |
0003-4347, 1958-9395
preserved |
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics |
0020-3157, 1572-9052
preserved |
Annals of Vascular Surgery |
0890-5096, 1615-5947
preserved |
Anästhesie Nachrichten |
2617-2127, 2731-3972
preserved |
Anthropocene Coasts |
preserved |
Anthropocene Science |
preserved |
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek |
0003-6072, 1572-9699
preserved |
Anzeiger fuer Schaedlingskunde (Germany) |
1436-5693, 1439-0280
preserved |
Anzeiger fuer Schaedlingskunde, Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz |
0340-7330, 1612-4766
preserved |
Apidologie |
0044-8435, 1297-9678
preserved |
Apoptosis |
1360-8185, 1573-675X
preserved |
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing |
0938-1279, 1432-0622
preserved |
Applications of Mathematics |
0862-7940, 1572-9109
preserved |
Applied Adhesion Science |
preserved |
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology |
0273-2289, 1559-0291
preserved |
Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology |
0003-6838, 1608-3024
preserved |
Applied Bioinformatics |
preserved |
Applied Biological Chemistry |
2468-0834, 2468-0842
preserved |
Applied Categorical Structures |
0927-2852, 1572-9095
preserved |
Applied Composite Materials |
0929-189X, 1573-4897
preserved |
Applied Entomology and Zoology |
0003-6862, 1347-605X
preserved |
Applied Fruit Science |
2948-2623, 2948-2631
preserved |
Applied Geomatics |
1866-9298, 1866-928X
preserved |
Applied Geophysics |
1672-7975, 1993-0658
preserved |
Applied Health Economics and Health Policy |
1175-5652, 1179-1896
preserved |
Applied Informatics |
preserved |
Applied Intelligence |
0924-669X, 1573-7497
preserved |
Applied Magnetic Resonance |
0937-9347, 1613-7507
preserved |
Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities |
1005-1031, 1993-0445
preserved |
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics |
0253-4827, 1573-2754
preserved |
Applied Mathematics and Optimization |
0095-4616, 1432-0606
preserved |
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
0175-7598, 1432-0614
preserved |
Applied Microscopy |
preserved |
Applied Nanoscience |
2190-5509, 2190-5517
preserved |
Applied Network Science |
preserved |
Applied Petrochemical Research |
2190-5525, 2190-5533
preserved |
Applied physics |
0340-3793, 1432-0630
preserved |
Applied Physics A |
0721-7250, 0947-8396, 1432-0630
preserved |
Applied Physics B |
0721-7269, 0946-2171, 1432-0649
preserved |
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback |
1090-0586, 1573-3270
preserved |
Applied Research in Quality of Life |
1871-2584, 1871-2576
preserved |
Applied Scientific Research |
0003-6994, 1573-1987
preserved |
Applied Scientific Research, Section B |
preserved |
Applied Solar Energy |
0003-701X, 1934-9424
preserved |
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy |
1874-463X, 1874-4621
preserved |
Applied Water Science |
2190-5487, 2190-5495
preserved |
Approximation Theory and its Applications |
1000-9221, 1573-8175
preserved |
Aquaculture International |
0967-6120, 1573-143X
preserved |
Aquatic Ecology |
1386-2588, 1573-5125
preserved |
Aquatic Geochemistry |
1380-6165, 1573-1421
preserved |
Aquatic Sciences |
1015-1621, 1420-9055
preserved |
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering |
2193-567X, 1319-8025, 2191-4281
preserved |
Arabian Journal of Geosciences |
1866-7511, 1866-7538
preserved |
Arabian Journal of Mathematics |
2193-5343, 2193-5351
preserved |
Arbeitsphysiologie |
0365-0863, 1439-6327
preserved |
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences |
1866-9557, 1866-9565
preserved |
Archaeologies |
1555-8622, 1935-3987
preserved |
Architectural Intelligence |
preserved |
Architecture, Structures and Construction |
2730-9886, 2730-9894
preserved |
Archival Science |
1389-0166, 1573-7500, 1573-7519
preserved |
Archiv der Mathematik |
0003-889X, 1420-8938
preserved |
Archive for History of Exact Sciences |
0003-9519, 1432-0657
preserved |
Archive for Mathematical Logic |
0933-5846, 1432-0665
preserved |
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis |
0003-9527, 1432-0673
preserved |
Archive of Applied Mechanics |
0939-1533, 1432-0681
preserved |
Archives and Museum Informatics |
1573-7500, 1042-1467
preserved |
Archives for Meteorology, Geophysics, and Bioclimatology, Series A |
0066-6416, 1436-5065
preserved |
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
2083-3318, 1644-9665
preserved |
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering |
1134-3060, 1886-1784
preserved |
Archives of Dermatological Research |
0340-3696, 1432-069X
preserved |
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
0090-4341, 1432-0703
preserved |
Archives of Gynecology |
0170-9925, 1432-0711
preserved |
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics |
0932-0067, 1432-0711
preserved |
Archives of Microbiology |
0302-8933, 1432-072X
preserved |
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery |
0936-8051, 1434-3916
preserved |
Archives of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery |
0344-8444, 1434-3916
preserved |
Archives of Osteoporosis |
1862-3522, 1862-3514
preserved |
Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology |
0302-9530, 1434-4726
preserved |
Archives of Pharmacal Research |
0253-6269, 1976-3786
preserved |
Archives of Sexual Behavior |
0004-0002, 1573-2800
preserved |
Archives of Toxicology |
0340-5761, 1432-0738
preserved |
Archives of Virology |
0003-9012, 0304-8608, 1432-8798
preserved |
Archives of Women's Mental Health |
1434-1816, 1435-1102
preserved |
Archiv für Dermatologie und Syphilis |
0365-6020, 1432-069X
preserved |
Archiv für dermatologische Forschung |
0003-9187, 1432-069X
preserved |
Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen |
0365-6039, 1432-041X
preserved |
Archiv für Gewerbepathologie und Gewerbehygiene |
0365-2564, 1432-1246
preserved |
Archiv für Gynäkologie |
0003-9128, 1432-0711
preserved |
Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Dermatologie |
0300-8614, 1432-069X
preserved |
Archiv für Klinische und Experimentelle Ohren-, Nasen- und Kehlkopfheilkunde |
0003-9195, 1434-4726
preserved |
Archiv für Kreislaufforschung |
0003-9217, 1435-1803
preserved |
Archiv für Mikroskopische Anatomie |
0176-7364, 1432-041X
preserved |
Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsmechanik |
0365-4125, 1432-041X
preserved |
Archiv für Ohrenheilkunde |
0365-5245, 1434-4726
preserved |
Archiv für Orthopädische und Unfall-Chirurgie, mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Frakturenlehre und der orthopädisch-chirurgischen Technik |
0003-9330, 1434-3916
preserved |
Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten |
0003-9373, 1433-8491
preserved |
Archiv fuer Experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie |
queued |
Archiv fuer Klinische Chirurgie |
0365-3706, 1435-2451
queued |
Archiv fuer Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung |
0003-9268, 1432-0665
preserved |
Archiv fuer Mikrobiologie |
0003-9276, 1432-072X
preserved |
Archiv fuer Toxikologie |
0003-9446, 1432-0738
preserved |
Archiv fur Elektrotechnik |
0003-9039, 1432-0487
preserved |
Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fur klinische Medicin |
0720-8723, 1432-2307
preserved |
Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis |
0004-069X, 1661-4917
preserved |
Argumentation |
0920-427X, 1572-8374
preserved |
Arid Ecosystems |
2079-0961, 2079-0988
preserved |
Arkiv för Matematik |
0004-2080, 1871-2487
preserved |
arktos |
2364-9453, 2364-9461
preserved |
Arnold Mathematical Journal |
2199-6792, 2199-6806
preserved |
Arthropod-Plant Interactions |
1872-8855, 1872-8847
preserved |
Arthroskopie |
0933-7946, 1434-3924
preserved |
Artificial Intelligence and Law |
0924-8463, 1572-8382
preserved |
Artificial Intelligence Review |
0269-2821, 1573-7462
preserved |
Artificial Life and Robotics |
1433-5298, 1614-7456
preserved |
Asia Europe Journal |
1610-2932, 1612-1031
preserved |
Asian Archaeology |
2520-8098, 2520-8101
preserved |
Asian Bioethics Review |
1793-8759, 1793-9453
preserved |
Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment |
1976-6912, 2287-1160
preserved |
Asian Journal of Business Ethics |
2210-6723, 2210-6731
preserved |
Asian Journal of Civil Engineering |
1563-0854, 2522-011X
preserved |
Asian Journal of Criminology |
1871-0131, 1871-014X
preserved |
Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health |
preserved |
Asian Journal of German and European Studies |
preserved |
Asian Journal of Philosophy |
preserved |
Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility |
preserved |
Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education |
preserved |
Asian Review of Political Economy |
preserved |
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher |
0119-5646, 2243-7908
preserved |
Asia Pacific Education Review |
1598-1037, 1876-407X
preserved |
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets |
1387-2834, 1573-6946
preserved |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences |
1976-7633, 1976-7951
preserved |
Asia Pacific Journal of Management |
0217-4561, 1572-9958
preserved |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science |
2509-7946, 2509-7954
preserved |
Asia Pacific Journal on Computational Engineering |
preserved |
Asia-Pacific Science Education |
preserved |
AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis |
1863-8171, 1863-818X
preserved |
AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv |
1863-8155, 1863-8163
preserved |
Astrodynamics |
2522-008X, 2522-0098
preserved |
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review |
0935-4956, 1432-0754
preserved |
Astronomy Letters |
1063-7737, 1562-6873
preserved |
Astronomy Reports |
1063-7729, 1562-6881
preserved |
Astrophysical Bulletin |
1990-3413, 1990-3421
preserved |
Astrophysics |
0571-7256, 1573-8191
preserved |
Astrophysics and Space Science |
0004-640X, 1572-946X
preserved |
Atlantic Economic Journal |
0197-4254, 1573-9678
preserved |
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics |
1024-8560, 2070-0393
preserved |
Atomic Energy |
1063-4258, 1573-8205
preserved |
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |
1943-3921, 1943-393X
preserved |
ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift |
0001-2785, 2192-8800
preserved |
ATZelectronics worldwide |
preserved |
ATZelektronik |
1862-1791, 2192-8878
preserved |
ATZelektronik worldwide |
queued |
ATZextra |
2195-1454, 2195-1462
preserved |
ATZextra worldwide |
2195-1470, 2195-1489
preserved |
ATZheavy duty worldwide |
preserved |
ATZoffhighway |
2191-1843, 2192-8819
queued |
ATZ worldwide |
preserved |
Audiovisual Communication Review |
0001-2890, 0885-727X, 1556-6501
preserved |
Augmented Human Research |
2365-4317, 2365-4325
preserved |
Australasian Physical & Engineering Science in Medicine |
0158-9938, 1879-5447
preserved |
Australasian Plant Disease Notes |
preserved |
Australasian Plant Pathology |
0815-3191, 1448-6032
preserved |
Australasian Plant Pathology |
0156-0972, 1448-6032
preserved |
Australian Educational Researcher |
0311-6999, 2210-5328
preserved |
Australian Plant Pathology Society Newsletter |
0310-1266, 1448-6032
preserved |
Autoimmunity Highlights |
2038-0305, 2038-3274
preserved |
Automated Software Engineering |
0928-8910, 1573-7535
preserved |
Automatic Control and Computer Science |
0146-4116, 1558-108X
preserved |
Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics |
0005-1055, 1934-8371
preserved |
Automation and Remote Control |
0005-1179, 1608-3032
preserved |
Automotive and Engine Technology |
2365-5127, 2365-5135
preserved |
Automotive Innovation |
2096-4250, 2522-8765
preserved |
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems |
1387-2532, 1573-7454
preserved |
Autonomous Intelligent Systems |
preserved |
Autonomous Robots |
0929-5593, 1573-7527
preserved |
Auto Tech Review |
2250-3390, 2347-9434
preserved |
Axiomathes |
1122-1151, 1572-8390
preserved |
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis |
2662-2033, 1735-8787
preserved |
Bandung: Journal of the Global South |
preserved |
BANKFACHKLASSE inklusive Online Prüfungstraining |
0170-6659, 2192-8665
queued |
Bankmagazin |
0944-3223, 2192-8770
queued |
Basic Research in Cardiology |
0300-8428, 1435-1803
preserved |
Baurechtliche Blatter |
1434-1832, 1613-7612
preserved |
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology |
0340-5443, 1432-0762
preserved |
Behavior Analysis in Practice |
1998-1929, 2196-8934
preserved |
The Behavior Analyst |
0738-6729, 2196-8918
preserved |
Behavior and Social Issues |
1064-9506, 2376-6786
preserved |
Behavior Genetics |
0001-8244, 1573-3297
preserved |
Behaviormetrika |
0385-7417, 1349-6964
preserved |
Behavior Research Methods |
1554-351X, 1554-3528
preserved |
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers |
0743-3808, 1532-5970
preserved |
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry |
0138-4821, 2191-0383
preserved |
Beiträge zur Klinik der Tuberkulose und spezifischen Tuberkulose-Forschung |
0179-616X, 1432-1750
preserved |
Beiträge zur Klinik und Erforschung der Tuberkulose und der Lungenkrankheiten |
0300-9696, 1432-1750
preserved |
Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences |
preserved |
Berliner Journal für Soziologie |
0863-1808, 1862-2593
preserved |
best practice onkologie |
0946-4565, 1862-8559
preserved |
BHM Berg- and Hi ttenmannische Monatshefte |
0005-8912, 1613-7531
preserved |
Bijblijven |
0168-9428, 1876-4916
preserved |
Biochar |
2524-7972, 2524-7867
preserved |
Biochemical Genetics |
0006-2928, 1573-4927
preserved |
Biochemistry (Moscow) |
0006-2979, 1608-3040
preserved |
Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A - Membrane and Cell Biology |
1990-7478, 1990-7494
preserved |
Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series B - Biomedical Chemistry |
1990-7508, 1990-7516
preserved |
BioChip Journal |
1976-0280, 2092-7843
preserved |
BioControl |
1386-6141, 1573-8248
preserved |
Biodegradation |
0923-9820, 1572-9729
preserved |
Bio-Design and Manufacturing |
2096-5524, 2522-8552
preserved |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
0960-3115, 1572-9710
preserved |
BioDrugs |
1173-8804, 1179-190X
preserved |
BioEnergy Research |
1939-1234, 1939-1242
preserved |
Biofeedback and Self-regulation |
0363-3586, 1573-3270
preserved |
Biogeochemistry |
0168-2563, 1573-515X
preserved |
Biogerontology |
1389-5729, 1573-6768
preserved |
Biointerphases |
1934-8630, 1559-4106
preserved |
Biologia |
0006-3088, 1336-9563
preserved |
Biologia Futura |
2676-8615, 2676-8607
preserved |
Biologia Plantarum |
0006-3134, 1573-8264
preserved |
Biological Cybernetics |
0340-1200, 1432-0770
preserved |
Biological Invasions |
1387-3547, 1573-1464
preserved |
Biological Theory |
1555-5542, 1555-5550
preserved |
Biological Trace Element Research |
0163-4984, 1559-0720
preserved |
Biologics in Therapy |
2195-5840, 2190-9164
preserved |
Biology and Fertility of Soils |
0178-2762, 1432-0789
preserved |
Biology Bulletin |
1062-3590, 1608-3059
preserved |
Biology Bulletin Reviews |
2079-0864, 2079-0872
preserved |
Biology of Metals |
0933-5854, 1572-8773
preserved |
Biology & Philosophy |
0169-3867, 1572-8404
preserved |
Biomanufacturing Reviews |
2363-507X, 2363-5088
preserved |
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2190-6815, 2190-6823
preserved |
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology |
1617-7959, 1617-7940
preserved |
Biomedical Engineering |
0006-3398, 1573-8256
preserved |
Biomedical Engineering Education |
2730-5937, 2730-5945
preserved |
Biomedical Engineering Letters |
2093-9868, 2093-985X
preserved |
Biomedical Materials & Devices |
2731-4812, 2731-4820
preserved |
Biomedical Microdevices |
1387-2176, 1572-8781
preserved |
BioMetals |
0966-0844, 1572-8773
preserved |
Biomolecular NMR Assignments |
1874-2718, 1874-270X
preserved |
BioNanoScience |
2191-1630, 2191-1649
preserved |
BioPhysical Economics and Resource Quality |
2366-0112, 2366-0120
preserved |
Biophysical Economics and Sustainability |
2730-7190, 2730-7204
preserved |
Biophysical Reviews |
1867-2450, 1867-2469
preserved |
Biophysics |
0006-3509, 1555-6654
preserved |
Biophysics of Structure and Mechanism |
0340-1057, 1432-1017
preserved |
Biophysics Reports |
2364-3439, 2364-3420
preserved |
Biophysik |
0006-3517, 1432-2099
preserved |
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering |
1615-7591, 1615-7605
preserved |
Bioprocess Engineering |
0178-515X, 1615-7605
preserved |
Bioresources and Bioprocessing |
preserved |
Bioscience Reports |
0144-8463, 1573-4935
preserved |
Biosemiotics |
1875-1342, 1875-1350
preserved |
Bioseparation |
0923-179X, 1573-8272
preserved |
BIOspektrum |
0947-0867, 1868-6249
preserved |
Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering |
1226-8372, 1976-3816
preserved |
Biotechnology Letters |
0141-5492, 1573-6776
preserved |
Biotechnology Techniques |
0951-208X, 1573-6784
preserved |
Biotherapy |
0921-299X, 1573-8280
preserved |
Bio tribune magazine |
1772-9416, 1951-655X
preserved |
BIT Numerical Mathematics |
0006-3835, 1572-9125
preserved |
BJC Reports |
preserved |
Blood Research |
2287-979X, 2288-0011
preserved |
Blätter der DGVFM |
0012-0200, 1864-0281, 1864-0303
preserved |
Blut |
0006-5242, 1432-0584
preserved |
BMC Chemistry |
preserved |
0037-8984, 1777-5469
preserved |
Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática - Bulletin/Brazilian Mathematical Society |
0100-3569, 1678-7714
preserved |
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana |
1405-213X, 2296-4495
preserved |
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana |
1972-6724, 2198-2759
preserved |
Book Research Quarterly |
0741-6148, 1936-4792
preserved |
Botanica Helvetica |
0253-1453, 1420-9063
preserved |
The Botanical Magazine = Shokubutsu-gaku-zasshi |
0006-808X, 1618-0860
preserved |
The Botanical Review |
0006-8101, 1874-9372
preserved |
Botanical Studies |
preserved |
Boundary-Layer Meteorology |
0006-8314, 1573-1472
preserved |
Boundary Value Problems |
preserved |
Brain and Mind |
1389-1987, 1573-3300
preserved |
Brain Cell Biology |
1559-7105, 1559-7113
preserved |
Brain Imaging and Behavior |
1931-7557, 1931-7565
preserved |
Brain Informatics |
2198-4018, 2198-4026
preserved |
Brain Structure and Function |
1863-2653, 1863-2661
preserved |
Brain Topography |
0896-0267, 1573-6792
preserved |
Brain Tumor Pathology |
1433-7398, 1861-387X
preserved |
Brazilian Journal of Botany |
0100-8404, 1806-9959
preserved |
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering |
0104-6632, 1678-4383
preserved |
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology |
1517-8382, 1678-4405
preserved |
Brazilian Journal of Physics |
0103-9733, 1678-4448
preserved |
Brazilian Journal of Science and Technology |
preserved |
Breast Cancer |
1340-6868, 1880-4233
preserved |
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment |
0167-6806, 1573-7217
preserved |
Brittonia |
0007-196X, 1938-436X
preserved |
Bruns' Beitraege fuer Klinische Chirurgie |
0007-2680, 1435-2451
queued |
BT Technology Journal |
1358-3948, 1573-1995
preserved |
Building Simulation |
1996-3599, 1996-8744
preserved |
Built Heritage |
2096-3041, 2662-6802
preserved |
Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique |
0037-9085, 1961-9049
preserved |
Bulletin géodésique |
0007-4632, 1432-1394
preserved |
Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams |
preserved |
Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology |
2662-1495, 2662-1509
preserved |
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering |
1570-761X, 1573-1456
preserved |
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment |
1435-9529, 1435-9537
preserved |
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
0007-4861, 1432-0800
preserved |
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
0007-4888, 1573-8221
preserved |
Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy |
1110-6611, 2536-9660
preserved |
Bulletin of Materials Science |
0250-4707, 0973-7669
preserved |