Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | Yes |
Titles (186) | Information |
Youth Sport in Australia |
Author/Editor: Steve Georgakis ,Kate Russell
Young Offenders on Community Orders: Health, Welfare and Criminogenic Needs |
Author/Editor: Dianna T Kenny ,Paul K Nelson ,Istvan Schreiner ,Christopher J Lennings ,Tony Butler
The Workingman's Paradise |
Author/Editor: John Miller ,William Lane ,Andrew McCann ,Bruce Bennett ,Robert Dixon
Wind Turbine Syndrome: A Communicated Disease |
Author/Editor: Simon Chapman,Fiona Crichton
Vitality and Change in Warlpiri Songs: Juju-ngaliyarlu karnalu-jana pina-pina-mani kurdu-warnu-patu jujuku |
Author/Editor: Georgia Curran ,Linda Barwick ,Valerie Napaljarri Martin ,Simon Japangardi Fisher ,Nicolas Peterson ,Theresa Napurrurla Ross ,Mary Laughren
Violence in France and Australia: Disorder in the Postcolonial Welfare State |
Author/Editor: Craig Browne ,Justine McGill
An Unlikely Leader: The Life and Times of Captain John Hunter |
Author/Editor: Robert Barnes
The Two Romanticisms and other essays: Mystery and Interpretation in Romantic Literature |
Author/Editor: William Christie
Tribute and Trade: China and Global Modernity, 1784–1935 |
Author/Editor: William Christie ,Angela Dunstan ,Q. S. Tong
Transition to Retirement: A Guide to Inclusive Practice |
Author/Editor: Roger J. Stancliffe,Nathan J. Wilson,Nicolette Gambin,Christine Bigby,Susan Balandin
The Tolpuddle Martyrs: Injustice Within the Law, Ed. DGO - Digital original |
Author/Editor: Herbert Vere Evatt ,Geoffrey Robertson
Tiwi Textiles: Design, Making, Process |
Author/Editor: Diana Wood Conroy ,Bede Tungutalum
Time, Tide and History: Eleanor Dark's Fiction |
Author/Editor: Fiona Morrison ,Brigid Rooney
Through the Clock's Workings |
Author/Editor: Amy Barker
Through a Glass Darkly: Reflections on the Sacred |
Author/Editor: Frances Di Lauro ,Victoria Barker
Tales of the Early Days |
Author/Editor: Price Warung ,Laurie Hergenhan ,Bruce Bennett ,Robert Dixon
Taking Our Place: Aboriginal Education and the Story of the Koori Centre at the University of Sydney |
Author/Editor: John Cleverley ,Janet Mooney
Sydney University Sport 1852-2007: More than a Club |
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Sherington ,Steve Georgakis
Sustaining Heritage: Giving the Past a Future |
Author/Editor: Tony Gilmour
Sustainable Data from Digital Fieldwork |
Author/Editor: Linda Barwick ,Nicholas Thieberger
Stepping On: Building Confidence and Reducing Falls |
The state of the art: teaching drama in the 21st century |
Author/Editor: Michael Anderson,Colleen Roche
Sport in the Lives of Young Australians |
Author/Editor: Richard Light
Speak My Name: Investigating Egyptian Mummies |
Author/Editor: James Fraser ,Conni Lord ,John Magnussen
South Flows the Pearl: Chinese Australian Voices |
Author/Editor: Mavis Gock Yen ,Siaoman Yen ,Richard Horsburgh
Songs from the Stations: Wajarra as Performed by Ronnie Wavehill Wirrpnga, Topsy Dodd Ngarnjal and Dandy Danbayarri at Kalkaringi |
Author/Editor: Myfany Turpin,Felicity Meakins,Brenda L Croft,Linda Barwick
Social Work Field Education and Supervision Across Asia Pacific |
Author/Editor: Carolyn Noble ,Mark Henrickson
Social Work Education: Voices from the Asia Pacific |
Smoking Among Healthcare Professionals |
Author/Editor: Derek R. Smith ,Peter A. Leggat
Smoke Signals: Selected Writing |
Author/Editor: Simon Chapman
Sir Frank Packer: A Biography |
Author/Editor: Bridget Griffen-Foley
Singing Bones: Ancestral Creativity and Collaboration |
Author/Editor: Samuel Curkpatrick
Shooting Blanks at the Anzac Legend: Australian women's war fictions |
Author/Editor: Donna Coates
Shirley Hazzard: New Critical Essays |
Author/Editor: Brigitta Olubas,Robert Dixon
The Search for Security in the Pacific 1901-1914: A History of Australian Defence and Foreign Policy 1901-23: Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Neville Meaney
Risking together: How finance is dominating everyday life in Australia |
Author/Editor: Dick Bryan,Mike Rafferty
Richard Flanagan: Critical Essays |
Author/Editor: Robert Dixon
Research, records and responsibility: ten years of PARADISEC |
Author/Editor: Amanda Harris,Nick Thieberger,Linda Barwick
Republics of Letters: Literary Communities in Australia |
Author/Editor: Peter Kirkpatrick ,Robert Dixon
Removing the Emperor's Clothes: Australia and Tobacco Plain Packaging |
Author/Editor: Simon Chapman,Becky Freeman
Reframing the “Desert Frontier”: Studies in the ancient Near East and northern Arabia in honour of David Kennedy |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Repper ,Robert Bewley ,Mike Bishop
Reflections and Voices: Exploring the Music of Yothu Yindi with Mandawuy Yunupingu |
Author/Editor: Aaron Corn ,Marcia Langton ,Allan Marett ,Melinda Sawers ,Galarrwuy Yunupiηu
Recovering Convict Lives: A Historical Archaeology of the Port Arthur Penitentiary |
Author/Editor: Richard Tuffin ,David Roe ,Sylvana Szydzik ,E. Jeanne Harris ,Ashley Matic
Recording Kastom: Alfred Haddon's Journals from the Torres Strait and New Guinea, 1888 and 1898 |
Author/Editor: Anita Herle,Jude Philp
The Reality and the Rhetoric: Organisational Sustainability Reporting |
Author/Editor: Geoff Frost ,Stewart Jones ,Philip Lee
Reading Aboriginal Women's Life Stories, Ed. REV - Revised, Revised 2016 edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Brewster
Quit Smoking Weapons of Mass Distraction |
Author/Editor: Simon Chapman
Prophecy, Fate and Memory in the Early Medieval Celtic World |
Author/Editor: Jonathan M. Wooding,Lynette Olson
Practices, Profession and Pedagogy in Accounting: Essays in Honour of Bill Birkett |
Author/Editor: Jane Baxter ,Chris Poullaos
Power: The University of Sydney Student Anthology 2018 |
Politics and Religion in the New Century: Philosophical Reflections |
Author/Editor: Philip Andrew Quadrio ,Carrol Besseling
The Poison of Polygamy: A Social Novel |
Author/Editor: Wong Shee Ping,Ely Finch
Plumes from Paradise: Trade Cycles in Outer Southeast Asia and their Impact on New Guinea and Nearby Islands Until 1920 |
Author/Editor: PAMELA SWADLING,Roy Wagner,Billai Laba
Photogrammetry for Archaeological Objects: A Manual |
Author/Editor: Madeline G.P. Robinson
Patrick White Within the Western Literary Tradition |
Author/Editor: John Beston
Patrick White's Theatre: Australian Modernism on Stage, 1960–2018 |
Author/Editor: Denise Varney
Parting with my Sex: Cross-Dressing, Inversion and Sexuality in Australian Cultural Life |
Author/Editor: Lucy Chesser
Over Our Dead Bodies: Port Arthur and Australia's Fight for Gun Control, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Simon Chapman
Orofacial Pain: Problem Based Learning |
Author/Editor: E. Russell Vickers
One Planet, One Health |
Author/Editor: Merrilyn Walton
The Old Songs are Always New: Singing Traditions of the Tiwi Islands |
Author/Editor: Genevieve Campbell ,Tiwi Elders,knowledge holders
Oh Lucky Country |
Author/Editor: Rosa Cappiello ,Nicole Moore ,Gaetano Rando ,Bruce Bennett ,Robert Dixon
Obaysch: A Hippopotamus in Victorian London |
Author/Editor: John Simons,Melissa Boyde,Fiona Probyn-Rapsey
Nothing Rhymes with Orange |
Author/Editor: Katherine Brabon
Norman Haire and the Study of Sex |
Author/Editor: Diana Wyndham
Mutiny, Mayhem, Mythology: Bounty's Enigmatic Journey |
Author/Editor: Alan Frost
Music, Dance and the Archive |
Author/Editor: Amanda Harris ,Linda Barwick ,Jakelin Troy
Moving in the Open Daylight: Doc Evatt, an Australian at the United Nations |
Author/Editor: Ashley Hogan ,Michael Kirby
A Modern Epidemic: Expert Perspectives on Obesity and Diabetes |
Author/Editor: Louise A Baur ,Stephen M Twigg ,Roger S Magnusson
Migration and Cultural Contact: Germany and Australia |
Author/Editor: Andrea Bandhauer ,Maria Veber
Middlebrow Modernism: Eleanor Dark's Interwar Fiction |
Author/Editor: Melinda J. Cooper
Memory and Foresight in the Celtic World: Perspectives from the Late Medieval through Modern Periods |
Author/Editor: Lorna G. Barrow,Jonathan M. Wooding
Meatsplaining: The Animal Agriculture Industry and the Rhetoric of Denial |
Author/Editor: Jason Hannan,David Nibert
May Gibbs: Mother of the Gumnuts |
Author/Editor: Maureen Walsh
Markets, rights and power in Australian social policy |
Author/Editor: Gabrielle Meagher,Susan Goodwin
Making Animals Public: Inside the ABC’s natural history archive |
Author/Editor: Gay Hawkins ,Ben Dibley
Made to Matter: White Fathers, Stolen Generations |
Author/Editor: Fiona Probyn-Rapsey
Made in Chinatown: Chinese Australian Furniture Factories, 1880-1930 |
Author/Editor: Peter Charles Gibson
Lucy Osburn, a Lady Displaced: Florence Nightingale's Envoy to Australia |
Author/Editor: Judith Godden
Limits of Location: Creating a Colony |
Author/Editor: Gretchen Poiner ,Sybil Jack
Lifestyle-Integrated Functional Exercise (LiFE) Program to Prevent Falls [Trainer's Manual] |
Author/Editor: Lindy Clemson,Jo Munro,Maria Fiatarone Singh
Lifestyle-Integrated Functional Exercise (LiFE) Program to Prevent Falls [Participant's Manual] |
Author/Editor: Lindy Clemson ,Jo Munro ,Maria Fiatarone Singh
The Life of Such is Life: A Cultural History of an Australian Classic |
Author/Editor: Roger Osborne
Letters to Australia, Volume 6: Essays from 1956–1972 |
Author/Editor: Julius Stone,Jonathan Stone,Eleanor (Stone) Sebel,Michael E Stone
Letters to Australia, Volume 5: Essays from 1954–1955 |
Author/Editor: Julius Stone,Jonathan Stone,Eleanor (Stone) Sebel,Michael Stone
Letters to Australia, Volume 4: Essays from 1952–1953 |
Author/Editor: Julius Stone,Jonathan Stone,Eleanor (Stone) Sebel,Michael E Stone
Letters to Australia, Volume 3: Essays from 1950–1951 |
Author/Editor: Julius Stone ,Jonathan Stone ,Eleanor (Stone) Sebel ,Michael E Stone
Letters to Australia, Volume 2: Essays from the 1940s |
Author/Editor: Julius Stone,Jonathan Stone,Eleanor (Stone) Sebel,Michael E Stone
Letters to Australia, Volume 1: Essays from the 1940s |
Author/Editor: Julius Stone,Jonathan Stone,Eleanor (Stone) Sebel,Michael E Stone
The Letters of Charles Harpur and his Circle |
Lectures on Political Theory 1941-45 |
Author/Editor: John Anderson ,Creagh McLean Cole
Lectures on Modern Philosophy 1932-35: Hume, Reid and James |
Author/Editor: John Anderson ,Creagh McLean Cole
Lectures on Greek Philosophy 1928 |
Author/Editor: John Anderson ,Graham Cullum ,Creagh McLean Cole ,Graham Cullum
Late Medieval Irish Law Manuscripts: A Reappraisal of Methodology and Content |
Author/Editor: Rowena Finnane
A Land in Between: The Orontes Valley in the Early Urban Age |
Author/Editor: Melissa A. Kennedy
Jakarda Wuka (Too Many Stories): Narratives of Rock Art from Yanyuwa Country in Northern Australia's Gulf of Carpentaria |
Author/Editor: li-Yanyuwa li-Wirdiwalangu ,Liam M. Brady ,John Bradley ,Amanda Kearney
Invasion to Embassy: Land in Aboriginal Politics in New South Wales, 1770–1972 |
Author/Editor: Heather Goodall
International Student Policy in Australia: The welfare dimension |
Author/Editor: Gaby Ramia
Inside Stories: 20 Years of Media and Communications at the University of Sydney |
Author/Editor: Agata Mrva-Montoya ,Cheryl O’Byrne ,Pam Walker
Inner and Outer Worlds: Gail Jones' Fiction |
Author/Editor: Anthony Uhlmann
Impact of the Modern: Vernacular Modernities in Australia 1870s–1960s |
Author/Editor: Robert Dixon ,Veronica Kelly
The Government and copyright: the Government as proprietor, preserver and user of copyright material under the Copyright Act 1968 |
Author/Editor: JS Gilchrist
The Good Mother: Contemporary Motherhoods in Australia |
Author/Editor: Susan Goodwin ,Kate Huppatz
Goldfish in the Parlour: The Victorian craze for marine life |
Author/Editor: John Simons
Global social work: Crossing borders, blurring boundaries |
Author/Editor: Carolyn Noble,Helle Strauss,Brian Littlechild
Globalisation, the state and regional Australia |
Author/Editor: Amanda Walsh,Marian Baird,Gaby Ramia
Gerald Murnane: Another World in This One |
Author/Editor: Anthony Uhlmann
The Gazelle’s Dream: Game Drives of the Old and New Worlds |
Author/Editor: Alison Betts ,W. Paul van Pelt
Game Drives of the Aralo-Caspian Region |
Author/Editor: Vadim N. Yagodin,Shamil S. Amirov,W. Paul van Pelt,W. Paul van Pelt,Alison Betts
Gail Jones: Word, Image, Ethics |
Author/Editor: Tanya Dalziell
For the Sake of a Song: Wangga Songmen and Their Repertories |
Author/Editor: Allan Marett ,Linda Barwick ,Lysbeth Ford
Flora of the Sydney Region: Fifth Edition, Ed. 5 |
Author/Editor: Belinda J. Pellow ,Murray J. Henwood ,Roger C. Carolin
The Flip Side: Old China Hands and the American Popular Imagination, 1935–1985 |
Author/Editor: Stuart Christie
The Flight of Birds: A Novel in Twelve Stories |
Author/Editor: Joshua Lobb
Flashy, Fun and Functional: How Things Helped to Invent Melbourne’s Gold Rush Mayor |
Author/Editor: Sarah Hayes,Martin Gibbs,Angela Middleton
Fighting nature: Travelling menageries, animal acts and war shows |
Author/Editor: Peta Tait,Melissa Boyde,Fiona Probyn-Rapsey
Fiction of Tim Winton: Earthed and Sacred |
Author/Editor: Lyn McCredden
Fallen Among Reformers: Miles Franklin, Modernity and the New Woman |
Author/Editor: Janet Lee
Expanding Peace Journalism: Comparative and Critical Approaches |
Author/Editor: Ibrahim Seaga Shaw ,Jake Lynch ,Robert A Hackett ,Johan Galtung
Enter the Animal: Cross-species perspectives on grief and spirituality |
Author/Editor: Teya Brooks Pribac
Engaging with animals: Interpretations of a shared existence |
Author/Editor: Georgette Leah Burns,Mandy Paterson,Melissa Boyde,Fiona Probyn-Rapsey
Engaging China: How Australia can lead the way again |
Author/Editor: Jamie Reilly ,Jingdong Yuan ,Gareth Evans
Ending War, Building Peace |
Author/Editor: Lynda-ann Blanchard ,Leah Chan
The Enchantment of English: Professing English Literatures in Australian Universities, Ed. DGO - Digital original |
Author/Editor: Leigh Dale
Eliza Hamilton Dunlop: Writing from the Colonial Frontier |
Author/Editor: Anna Johnston ,Elizabeth Webby
Elizabeth Harrower: Critical Essays |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth McMahon,Brigitta Olubas,Robert Dixon
Educating for Business, Public Service and the Social Sciences: A History of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Sydney 1920-1999 |
Author/Editor: Peter Groenewegen
The Ebb and Flow of the Ghūrid Empire |
Author/Editor: David C. Thomas
Djalkiri: Yolŋu Art, Collaborations and Collections |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Conway
Diversity: The University of Sydney Student Anthology 2019 |
Author/Editor: University of Sydney
Dingo Bold: The Life and Death of K’gari Dingoes |
Author/Editor: Rowena Lennox
Decolonising Animals |
Author/Editor: Rick De Vos
Debates in Peace Journalism |
Author/Editor: Jake Lynch ,RICHARD FALK
Customary Marine Tenure in Australia |
Author/Editor: Nicolas Peterson ,Bruce Rigsby
Cultivating Community: How discourse shapes the philosophy, practice and policy of water management in the Murray–Darling Basin |
Author/Editor: Amanda Shankland
Crafting Country: Aboriginal Archaeology in the Eastern Chichester Ranges, Northwest Australia |
Author/Editor: Caroline Bird,James W. Rhoads
The Cost of War: War, Return and the Re-Shaping of Australian Culture |
Author/Editor: Stephen Garton
Contemporary Australian Literature: A World Not Yet Dead |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Birns,Robert Dixon
Comparative Urban Land Use Planning: Best Practice |
Author/Editor: Leslie A. Stein
Community-Led Research: Walking New Pathways Together |
Author/Editor: Victoria Rawlings ,James L. Flexner ,Lynette Riley
The Commonwealth Block, Melbourne: A Historical Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Tim Murray ,Kristal Buckley ,Sarah Hayes ,Geoff Hewitt ,Justin McCarthy ,Richard Mackay ,Barbara Minchinton ,Charlotte Smith ,Jeremy Smith
Clinical Data Mining in an Allied Health Organisation: A Real World Experience |
Author/Editor: Roslyn Giles ,Irwin Epstein ,Anne Vertigan
The Climate Crisis and Other Animals |
Author/Editor: Richard Twine
Climate Alert: Climate Change Monitoring and Strategy |
Author/Editor: Yuzhu You ,Ann Henderson-Sellers
Christina Stead and the Matter of America |
Author/Editor: Fiona Morrison
Cellar Door: An Anthology of Stories, Poems and Essays by University of Sydney Students |
Author/Editor: University of Sydney students
Casino Clubs NSW: Profits, Tax, Sport and Politics |
Author/Editor: Betty Con Walker
Captured: How neoliberalism transformed the Australian state |
Author/Editor: Phillip Toner ,Michael Rafferty
Cane Toads: A Tale of Sugar, Politics and Flawed Science |
Author/Editor: Nigel Turvey
Camouflage cultures: beyond the art of disappearance |
Author/Editor: Ann Elias,Ross Harley,Nicholas Tsoutas
Camouflage Australia: Art, Nature, Science and War |
Buying and Selling the Poor: Inside Australia’s Privatised Welfare-to-Work Market |
Author/Editor: Siobhan O’Sullivan ,Michael McGann ,Mark Considine
The Broad Arrow: Being Passages from the History of Maida Gwynnham, a Lifer |
Author/Editor: Oliné Keese ,Jenna Mead
Biography of a Book: Henry Lawson's While the Billy Boils |
Author/Editor: PAUL EGGERT
Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: The Twentieth Century 1912–2000 (Chinese edition), Ed. REV - Revised, Chinese language edition |
Author/Editor: 蕭 虹
Between the Murray and the Sea: Aboriginal Archaeology in South-eastern Australia |
Author/Editor: David Frankel
Behind the Screens: Nursing, Somology and the Problem of the Body |
Author/Editor: Jocalyn Lawler
Beaches of the New South Wales Coast: A Guide to Their Nature, Characteristics, Surf and Safety, Ed. 2, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: ANDREW D SHORT
Australian urban land use planning: Principles, systems and practice, 2nd edition, Ed. NED - New edition, 2 |
Author/Editor: Nicole Gurran
Australian Universities: A conversation about public good |
Author/Editor: Julia Horne ,Matthew A. M. Thomas
Australian Social Attitudes IV: The Age of Insecurity |
Author/Editor: Shaun Wilson,Markus Hadler
Australian Made: A Multicultural Reader |
Author/Editor: Sonia Mycak ,Amit Sarwal
Australian Books and Authors in the American Marketplace 1840s–1940s |
Author/Editor: David Carter,Roger Osborne
Australian Arts: Where the Bloody Hell Are You?: Australian Arts in an International Context |
Author/Editor: John Clark ,Peter McCallum ,Ian Maxwell ,Ian Maxwell
Australian Animal Law: Context and Critique |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Ellis
Australia and World Crisis, 1914-1923: A History of Australian Defence and Foreign Policy 1901-23: Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Neville Meaney
Australia and the World: A Festschrift for Neville Meaney |
Author/Editor: Joan Beaumont ,Matthew Jordan
Australia and the Wider World: Selected Essays of Neville Meaney |
Author/Editor: Neville Meaney ,James Curran ,Stuart Ward
At a Turning Point: Work, care and family policies in Australia |
Author/Editor: Marian Baird ,Elizabeth Hill ,Sydney Colussi
The Art of Living in Australia, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Philip E. Muskett
Archibald Liversidge, FRS: Imperial Science under the Southern Cross |
Author/Editor: Roy MacLeod
An Archaeology of Institutional Confinement: The Hyde Park Barracks, 1848-1886, Vol. 4 |
Author/Editor: Peter Davies ,Penny Crook ,Tim Murray
Archaeology and History of the Chinese in Southern New Zealand During the Nineteenth Century: A Study of Acculturation, Adaptation and Change |
Author/Editor: Neville A. Ritchie
Animal Welfare in China: Culture, Politics and Crisis |
Author/Editor: Peter J. Li
Animal welfare in Australia: Politics and policy |
Author/Editor: ChenPeter John
Animals in the anthropocene: critical perspectives on non-human futures |
Animal Dreams |
Author/Editor: David Brooks
Animal Death |
Author/Editor: Jay Johnston,Fiona Probyn-Rapsey
Animal bones in Australian Archaeology: a field guide to common native and introduces species |
Author/Editor: Melanie Fillios,Natalie Blake
Ambivalent Macbeth |
Author/Editor: R.S. White
Alex Miller: The Ruin of Time |
Author/Editor: Robert Dixon
Agricultural and Resource Policy: Principles and Practice, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: David Godden
After Alexander: The Hellenistic and Early Roman Periods at Pella in Jordan |
Author/Editor: John Tidmarsh
Access to Public Sector Information Volume 2: Law, Technology and Policy |
Access to Public Sector Information Volume 1: Law, Technology and Policy |
50 Great Moments: Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the University of Sydney's Electron Microscope Unit |
Author/Editor: Kyle R Ratinac