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Titles ( displaying 500 of 623 ) Information
Youth Encounter Programs in Israel: Pedagogy, Identity, and Social Change
Author/Editor: Karen Ross
Yom Kippur in Amsterdam: Stories
Author/Editor: MAXIM D. SHRAYER
Yiddish Poetry and the Tuberculosis Sanatorium: 1900-1970
Author/Editor: Ernest B. Gilman
Yeats and Postmodernism
Author/Editor: LEONARD ORR
Writing Suburban Citizenship: Place-Conscious Education and the Conundrum of Suburbia
Author/Editor: ROBERT E. BROOKE ,Steve Parks ,Eileen Schell
The Writing of Where: Graffiti and the Production of Writing Spaces
Author/Editor: Charles N. Lesh
The World Through the Eyes of Angels
Author/Editor: Mahmoud Saeed ,Samuel Salter ,Rafah Abuinnab ,Zahra Jishi
Working Out Desire: Women, Sport, and Self-Making in Istanbul
Author/Editor: Sertaç Sehlikoglu
Words Not Swords: Iranian Women Writers and the Freedom of Movement
Women, the Family, and Divorce Laws in Islamic History
Author/Editor: Amira El Azhary Sonbol ,Elizabeth Warnock Fernea
Women’s War Stories: The Lebanese Civil War, Women’s Labor, and the Creative Arts
Author/Editor: Michelle Hartman ,Malek Abisaab
Women of Jordan: Islam, Labor, and the Law
Author/Editor: Amira El-Azhary Sonbol
Women of Faith and Religious Identity in Fin-de-Siècle France
Author/Editor: Emily Machen ,Michael Barkun
Women, Islam, and Identity: Public Life in Private Spaces in Uzbekistan
Author/Editor: Svetlana Peshkova
Women, Insecurity, and Violence in a Post-9/11 World
Women, Art, and Literature in the Iranian Diaspora
Author/Editor: Mehraneh Ebrahimi
With Rake in Hand: Memoirs of a Yiddish Poet
Author/Editor: Joseph Rolnik ,Gerald Marcus ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Wins and Losses: Stories
Author/Editor: Peter Makuck
Will to Freedom: A Perilous Journey Through Fascism and Communism
Author/Editor: Egon Balas
Why Alliances Fail: Islamist and Leftist Coalitions in North Africa
Author/Editor: Matt Buehler ,Fred H. Lawson
Who Will Die Last?: Stories of Life in Israel
Author/Editor: David Ehrlich ,Ken Frieden
Who Are These People Anyway?
Author/Editor: Irving Powless Jr. ,Lesley Forrester ,Christopher Vecsey
When the Danube Ran Red
Author/Editor: Zsuzsanna Ozsváth ,David Patterson
When Running Made History
Author/Editor: Roger Robinson
The Wheel of Language: Representing Speech in Middle English Poetry 1377-1422
Author/Editor: David K. Coley
"What! Still Alive?!": Jewish Survivors in Poland and Israel Remember Homecoming
Author/Editor: Monika Rice
The West Wing: The American Presidency as Television Drama
Western Sahara: War, Nationalism, and Conflict Irresolution
Author/Editor: Stephen Zunes ,Jacob Mundy
Western Sahara: War, Nationalism, and Conflict Irresolution, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Stephen Zunes ,Jacob Mundy
We Never Swim in the Same River Twice
Author/Editor: Hassouna Mosbahi ,William Maynard Hutchins
We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns: The Kids Who Fought for Civil Rights in Mississippi
Author/Editor: Tracy Sugarman
"We Are Jews Again": Jewish Activism in the Soviet Union
Author/Editor: Yuli Kosharovsky ,Stefani Hoffman ,Ann Komaromi ,Joshua Rubenstein ,Henry Feingold
We Are Iraqis: Aesthetics and Politics in a Time of War
Author/Editor: Nadje Al-Ali ,Deborah Al-Najjar
Watermelon Democracy: Egypt’s Turbulent Transition
Author/Editor: Joshua Stacher
Watching TV with a Linguist
Author/Editor: Kristy Beers Fägersten
Watching TV: American Television Season by Season, Fourth Edition
Author/Editor: Harry Castleman ,Walter J. Podrazik
War Remains: Ruination and Resistance in Lebanon
The War of the Wheels: H. G. Wells and the Bicycle
Author/Editor: Jeremy Withers ,Steven A. Riess
The War of 1812 in the Champlain Valley
Author/Editor: ALLAN S. EVEREST
War Lives: Revenge, Grief, and Conflict in Israeli Fiction
Author/Editor: Nitza Ben-Dov
Walking Seasonal Roads: Reflections on a Dwelling Place
Author/Editor: MARY A. HOOD
Waiting for the Past: A Novel
Author/Editor: Hadiya Hussein ,Barbara Romaine
Waiting For America: A Story of Emigration
Author/Editor: Maxim D. Shrayer
Vilna My Vilna: Stories by Abraham Karpinowitz
Author/Editor: ABRAHAM KARPINOWITZ ,Helen Mintz ,Justin Cammy ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Victims of Commemoration: The Architecture and Violence of Confronting the Past in Turkey
Author/Editor: Eray Çaylı
Veiled Employment: Islamism and the Political Economy of Women’s Employment in Iran
Utopian Negotiation: Aphra Behn and Margaret Cavendish
Author/Editor: Aphra Behn ,Margaret Cavendish ,ODDVAR HOLMESLAND
The Urgency of Indigenous Values
Author/Editor: Philip P. Arnold
The Urban Social History of the Middle East, 1750-1950
The Urban Plays of the Early Abbey Theatre: Beyond O'Casey
Unveiling the Harem: Elite Women and the Paradox of Seclusion in Eighteenth-Century Cairo
Author/Editor: Mary Ann Fay
Unveiling Men: Modern Masculinities in Twentieth-Century Iran
Author/Editor: Wendy DeSouza
Unknown Museums of Upstate New York: A Guide to 50 Treasures
Author/Editor: Chuck D’Imperio
Understanding Hezbollah: The Hegemony of Resistance
Author/Editor: Abed T. Kanaaneh
Uncommon Allies: American Jews and Christians Uniting against Hitler, 1933-1945
Author/Editor: Alan M. Shore
Unaccompanied Traveler: The Writings of Kathleen M. Murphy
Author/Editor: Kathleen M. Murphy ,Patrick Bixby
TV on Strike: Why Hollywood Went To War Over the Internet
Author/Editor: Cynthia Littleton
Turkey's State Crisis: Institutions, Reform, and Conflict
Author/Editor: Bülent Aras
Turkey, Egypt, and Syria: A Travelogue
Author/Editor: Shiblī Nuʿmānī ,Gregory Maxwell Bruce
The Tumble Inn
Author/Editor: William Loizeaux
Tree of Pearls, Queen of Egypt
Author/Editor: Jurji Zaydan ,Samah Selim ,Roger Allen
The Travels of Benjamin Zuskin
Author/Editor: Ala Zuskin Perelman ,Sharon Blass ,Mordechai Altshuler ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Travels in Translation: Sea Tales at the Source of Jewish Fiction
Author/Editor: Ken Frieden ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Trauma and Recovery in the Twenty-First-Century Irish Novel
Author/Editor: Kathleen Costello-Sullivan ,James MacKillop
Toward an Islamic Reformation: Civil Liberties, Human Rights, and International Law
The Time Remaining
Author/Editor: Samuel Hazo
Through "Poverty's Vale": A Hardscrabble Boyhood in Upstate New York, 1832-1862
Through and Through: Toledo Stories, Second Edition
Author/Editor: JOSEPH GEHA
Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language
Author/Editor: Abdelfattah Kilito ,Waïl S. Hassan
The Thomas Indian School and the "Irredeemable" Children of New York
Author/Editor: KEITH R. BURICH ,Christopher Vecsey
Thieves in Retirement: A Novel
Author/Editor: Hamdi Abu Golayyel ,Marilyn Booth
They Rule the World
Author/Editor: Samuel Hazo
Tenants and Cobwebs
Author/Editor: Samir Naqqash ,Sadok Masliyah ,Nancy E. Berg
Television Finales: From Howdy Doody to Girls
Author/Editor: Douglas L. Howard ,David Bianculli ,Robert J. Thompson
Tel Aviv: Mythography of a City
Author/Editor: Maoz Azaryahu
Teach Me How to Whisper: Horses and Other Poems
Author/Editor: Gjekë Marinaj ,Gjekë Marinaj ,Frederick Turner ,Frederick Turner
A Taste of Upstate New York: The People and the Stories Behind 40 Food Favorites
Author/Editor: Chuck D’Imperio
Tarnished Rings: The International Olympic Committee and the Salt Lake City Bid Scandal
Author/Editor: Stephen Wenn ,Robert Barney ,Scott Martyn
Tarnished Rings: The International Olympic Committee and the Salt Lake City Bid Scandal, Revised Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Stephen Wenn ,Robert Barney ,Scott Martyn ,Richard Pound
Talking through the Door: An Anthology of Contemporary Middle Eastern American Writing
Author/Editor: Susan Atefat-Peckham ,Lisa Suhair Majaj
Tabernacle of Hate: Seduction into Right-Wing Extremism, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: KERRY NOBLE ,Jean Rosenfeld
Syria from Reform to Revolt: Volume 2: Culture, Society, and Religion
Author/Editor: Christa Salamandra ,Leif Stenberg ,Fred H. Lawson
Syria from Reform to Revolt: Volume 1: Political Economy and International Relations
Author/Editor: Raymond Hinnebusch ,Tina Zintl
Sylvia Porter: America's Original Personal Finance Columnist
Author/Editor: TRACY LUCHT
Author/Editor: Brian O’Hare
Super Girls, Gangstas, Freeters, and Xenomaniacs: Gender and Modernity in Global Youth Culture
Author/Editor: Susan Dewey ,Karen J. Brison
Sumud: Birth, Oral History, and Persisting in Palestine
Author/Editor: Livia Wick
Suicide Prohibition: The Shame of Medicine
Author/Editor: Thomas Szasz
Suburban Affiliations: Social Relations in the Greater Dublin Area
Straightedge Youth: Complexity and Contradictions of a Subculture
Author/Editor: Robert T. Wood
The Story of Joseph: A Fourteenth-Century Turkish Morality Play by Sheyyad Hamza
Author/Editor: Sheyyad Hamza ,Bill Hickman
Stone Houses of Jefferson County
Author/Editor: Maureen Hubbard Barros ,Brian W. Gorman ,Robert A. Uhlig ,Richard Margolis
The St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project: An Oral History of the Greatest Construction Show on Earth
Author/Editor: Claire Puccia Parham
Stepping through Origins: Nature, Home, and Landscape in Irish Literature
Steel's: A Forgotten Stock Market Scandal From the 1920s
Author/Editor: Dave Dyer
State of Siege
Author/Editor: MAHMOUD DARWISH ,Munir Akash ,Daniel Abdal-hayy Moore ,Munir Akash
Stateless: The Politics of the Armenian Language in Exile
Standish O'Grady's Cuculain: A Critical Edition
Author/Editor: Standish O’Grady ,Gregory Castle ,Patrick Bixby ,James MacKillop
Sports Business Unplugged: Leadership Challenges from the World of Sports
Author/Editor: Rick Burton ,Norm O’Reilly ,David Stern
The Sport of Kings and the Kings of Crime: Horse Racing, Politics, and Organized Crime in New York 1865­–1913
Author/Editor: STEVEN A. RIESS
Sport and the Shaping of Italian American Identity
Author/Editor: GERALD R. GEMS
Sour Grapes
Author/Editor: Zakaria Tamer ,Alessandro Columbu ,Mireia Costa Capallera ,Nader K. Uthman
The Soul of Central New York: Syracuse Stories by Sean Kirst
Author/Editor: SEAN KIRST ,Eric Carle
Sophie Halaby in Jerusalem: An Artist’s Life
Author/Editor: Laura S. Schor ,Kamal Boullata
Sons of the People: The Mamluk Trilogy
"Something on My Own": Gertrude Berg and American Broadcasting, 1929-1956
Author/Editor: GLENN D. SMITH JR. ,Robert J. Thompson
Social Concern and Left Politics in Jewish American Art: 1880-1940
Author/Editor: Matthew Baigell ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
The Snake's Pass: A Critical Edition
Author/Editor: Bram Stoker ,Lisabeth C. Buchelt ,James MacKillop
Snakes and Babies: Poems
Author/Editor: Jules Gibbs
A Sleepless Eye: Aphorisms from the Sahara
Author/Editor: Ibrahim al-Koni ,Hartmut Fähndrich ,Roger Allen
Sleeping in the Forest: Stories and Poems
Author/Editor: Sait Faik ,Talat S. Halman ,Jayne L. Warner ,Michael Beard ,Adnan Haydar
The Slave Yards: A Novel
Author/Editor: Najwa Bin Shatwan ,Nancy Roberts
Sketching the Adirondacks: Letters from the Wilderness
Author/Editor: Edward I. Pitts
Silver Seasons and a New Frontier: The Story of the Rochester Red Wings, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Jim Mandelaro ,Scott Pitoniak ,Cal Ripken, Jr.
The Shi'ites of Lebanon: Modernism, Communism, and Hizbullah's Islamists
Sheva's Promise: A Chronicle of Escape From a Nazi Ghetto
Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Spiritual Mentor of Wasati Salafism
Author/Editor: Sagi Polka ,Fred H. Lawson
Shahaama: Five Egyptian Men Tell Their Stories
Author/Editor: Andrea Rugh ,Roger Allen
Shadows in Winter: A Memoir of Loss and Love
Author/Editor: EITAN FISHBANE ,Leon R. Kass
Sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa: Contemporary Issues and Challenges
Author/Editor: J. Michael Ryan ,Helen Rizzo
Seven Generations of Iroquois Leadership: The Six Nations since 1800
Author/Editor: Laurence M. Hauptman
Selections From the Art of Party Crashing: in Medieval Iraq
Author/Editor: al-Khatib al-Baghdadi ,Emily Selove
The Second Message of Islam
Author/Editor: Mahmoud Mohamed Taha ,Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na‘im
The Second Coming of Paisley: Militant Fundamentalism and Ulster Politics
Author/Editor: Richard Lawrence Jordan
Seamus Heaney as Aesthetic Thinker: A Study of the Prose
Author/Editor: Eugene O’Brien ,James MacKillop
Screwball Television: Critical Perspectives on Gilmore Girls
Author/Editor: David Scott Diffrient ,David Lavery
Science, Technology, and Irish Modernism
Author/Editor: Kathryn Conrad ,Cóilín Parsons ,Julie McCormick Weng
Scholar in the Wilderness: Francis Adrian Van der Kemp
Author/Editor: HARRY F. JACKSON
Sayyid Qutb: An Intellectual Biography
Author/Editor: Sayyid Qutb ,Giedrė Šabasevičiūtė
Salt Journals: Tunisian Women on Political Imprisonment
Author/Editor: Haifa Zangana ,Christalla Yakinthou ,Virginie Ladisch ,Katharine Halls ,Nariman Youssef
The Salome Ensemble: Rose Pastor Stokes, Anzia Yezierska, Sonya Levien, and Jetta Goudal
Author/Editor: Alan Robert Ginsberg
The Salmiya Collection: Stories of the Life and Times of Modern Kuwait
Author/Editor: Craig Loomis
Sajjilu Arab American: A Reader in SWANA Studies
Author/Editor: Louise Cainkar ,Pauline Homsi Vinson ,Amira Jarmakani
Rural Indigenousness: A History of Iroquoian and Algonquian Peoples of the Adirondacks
Author/Editor: Melissa Otis ,Christopher Vecsey
Rum Across the Border: The Prohibition Era in Northern New York
Author/Editor: ALLAN S. EVEREST
The Rotinonshonni: A Traditional Iroquoian History through the Eyes of Teharonhia:wako and Sawiskera
Author/Editor: BRIAN RICE
The Room and the World: Essays on the Poet Stephen Dunn
Author/Editor: Laura McCullough
The Rogue Narrative and Irish Fiction, 1660-1790
Author/Editor: Joe Lines
The Road to the Spring: Collected Poems of Mary Austin
Author/Editor: Mary Austin ,James Perrin Warren
Rivers of Light: The Life of Claire Myers Owens
Author/Editor: Miriam Kalman Friedman
Riverscapes and National Identities
Author/Editor: Tricia Cusack
River of Mountains: A Canoe Journey down the Hudson
Author/Editor: PETER LOURIE
The Rivals and Other Stories
Author/Editor: Jonah Rosenfeld ,Rachel Mines
Rise of the Rich: A New View of Modern World History
Author/Editor: Peter Gran
The Rise of American High School Sports and the Search for Control: 1880-1930
Author/Editor: Robert Pruter
Righting Educational Wrongs: Disability Studies in Law and Education
Author/Editor: Arlene S. Kanter ,Beth A. Ferri ,Nancy Cantor
Rhetoric and Nation: The Formation of Hebrew National Culture, 1880-1990
Author/Editor: SHAI P. GINSBURG
Revolutions of All Colors: A Novel
Author/Editor: Dewaine Farria
The Revolutionary Roots of Modern Yiddish, 1903-1917
Author/Editor: Barry Trachtenberg
Revolutionary Damnation: Badiou and Irish Fiction from Joyce to Enright
The Revolt of the Young: Essays by Tawfiq al-Hakim
Author/Editor: Tawfīq al-Hakim ,Mona Radwan ,Roger Allen ,Mehrzad Boroujerdi
The Rev. J. W. Loguen, as a Slave and as a Freeman: A Narrative of Real Life
Author/Editor: J. W. Loguen ,JENNIFER A. WILLIAMSON
Rethinking Occupied Ireland: Gender and Incarceration in Contemporary Irish Film
Author/Editor: Jessica Scarlata
Respectability and Reform: Irish American Women's Activism, 1880-1920
Author/Editor: Tara M. McCarthy
Resistance, Revolt, and Gender Justice in Egypt
Author/Editor: MARIZ TADROS ,miriam cooke ,Simona Sharoni ,Suad Joseph
Reservoir Year: A Walker’s Book of Days
Author/Editor: NINA SHENGOLD ,Will Lytle ,Carol Zaloom
(Re)Presenting Wilma Rudolph
Author/Editor: Rita Liberti ,Maureen M. Smith ,Steven A. Riess
Representing the National Landscape in Irish Romanticism
Author/Editor: Julia M. Wright
Remember Me To Lebanon: Stories of Lebanese Women in America
Author/Editor: Evelyn Shakir
Remapping Modern Germany after National Socialism, 1945-1961
Author/Editor: Matthew D. Mingus
Remaking Holocaust Memory: Documentary Cinema by Third-Generation Survivors in Israel
Author/Editor: Liat Steir-Livny
Relocated Memories: The Great Famine in Irish and Diaspora Fiction, 1846-1870
Author/Editor: Marguérite Corporaal
Religion, Gender, and Kinship in Colonial New France
Author/Editor: Lisa J. M. Poirier
Red Shoes for Rachel: Three Novellas
Author/Editor: Boris Sandler ,Barnett Zumoff ,Mikhail Krutikov ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Red Jacket: Iroquois Diplomat and Orator
Author/Editor: Christopher Densmore
Re-Centering Culture and Knowledge in Conflict Resolution Practice
Author/Editor: Mary Adams Trujillo ,S.Y. Bowland ,Linda James Myers ,Phillip M. Richards ,Beth Roy
The Rebels and Other Short Fiction
Author/Editor: RICHARD POWER ,James MacKillop ,James MacKillop
Reading the Wampum: Essays on Hodinöhsö:ni’ Visual Code and Epistemological Recovery
Author/Editor: Penelope Myrtle Kelsey
Readings in Syrian Prison Literature: The Poetics of Human Rights
Author/Editor: R. Shareah Taleghani
Reading Joss Whedon
Reading Arabia: British Orientalism in the Age of Mass Publication, 1880-1930
Author/Editor: Andrew C. Long
A Reader's Guide to William Faulkner: The Short Stories
Author/Editor: Edmond L. Volpe
Rastafari: Roots and Ideology
Author/Editor: Barry Chevannes ,Lyman Tower Sargent ,Gregory Claeys
Rastafari in the New Millennium: A Rastafari Reader
Author/Editor: Michael Barnett ,Rex Nettleford
Raging Against the Machine: Political Opposition Under Authoritarianism in Egypt
Author/Editor: Holger Albrecht
Radical Chapters: Pacifist Bookseller Roy Kepler and the Paperback Revolution, Revised Edition
Author/Editor: Michael Doyle
Radical Chapters: Pacifist Bookseller Roy Kepler and the Paperback Revolution
Author/Editor: Michael Doyle
Race across America: Eddie Gardner and the Great Bunion Derbies
Author/Editor: Charles B. Kastner
Quest for Love in Central Morocco: Young Women and the Dynamics of Intimate Lives
Author/Editor: Laura Menin
Quest for Divinity: A Critical Examination of the Thought of Mahmud Muhammad Taha
Author/Editor: MOHAMED A. MAHMOUD ,Mehrzad Boroujerdi
Pulling Strings: The Legacy of Melville A. Clark
Author/Editor: LINDA PEMBROKE KAISER ,Dennis Connors
Psychiatry: The Science of Lies
Author/Editor: Thomas Szasz
Prison Pedagogies: Learning and Teaching with Imprisoned Writers
Author/Editor: Joe Lockard ,Sherry Rankins-Robertson
Pretty Liar: Television, Language, and Gender in Wartime Lebanon
Author/Editor: Natalie Khazaal
Preserving the Old City of Damascus
Author/Editor: FAEDAH M. TOTAH
Preparing For Peace: Conflict Transformation Across Cultures, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Author/Editor: John Paul Lederach
Prelude to Prison: Student Perspectives on School Suspension
Author/Editor: Marsha Weissman
Pragmatism in Islamic Law: A Social and Intellectual History
Author/Editor: Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim ,Peter Gran
Postrevolutionary Iran: A Political Handbook
Author/Editor: Mehrzad Boroujerdi ,Kourosh Rahimkhani
Postcolonial Overtures: The Politics of Sound in Contemporary Northern Irish Poetry
Author/Editor: Julia C. Obert ,James MacKillop
A Portrait of Pacifists: Le Chambon, the Holocaust, and the Lives of André and Magda Trocmé
Author/Editor: Richard P. Unsworth ,PETER I. ROSE
Popular Turkish Love Lyrics and Folk Legends
Author/Editor: Talat S. Halman ,Zeki Findikoğlu ,Jayne L. Warner
The Politics of Urban and Regional Development and the American Exception
Author/Editor: Kevin R. Cox
Politics, Culture, and the Irish American Press: 1784–1963
Author/Editor: Debra Reddin van Tuyll ,Mark O’Brien ,Marcel Broersma
Politics as Worship: Righteous Activism and the Egyptian Muslim Brothers
Author/Editor: Sumita Pahwa
Political Muslims: Understanding Youth Resistance in a Global Context
Political Acts: Women in Northern Irish Theatre, 1921-2012
Policing Egyptian Women: Sex, Law, and Medicine in Khedival Egypt
Author/Editor: Liat Kozma
Poets Translate Poets: A Hudson Review Anthology
Author/Editor: PAULA DEITZ ,Mark Jarman
Poetry, Politics, and the Law in Modern Ireland
Author/Editor: Adam Hanna
The Plays of Margaret Drabble: A Critical Edition
Author/Editor: José Francisco Fernández
The Playboy of the Western World—A New Version: A Critical Edition
Author/Editor: Bisi Adigun ,Roddy Doyle ,Jason King ,Matthew Spangler
Planning the American Indian Reservation: From Theory to Empowerment
Author/Editor: Nicholas Christos Zaferatos ,BRIAN CLADOOSBY
A Place We Call Home: Gender Race and Justice in Syracuse
Author/Editor: K. Animashaun Ducre
Places Lost and Found: Travel Essays from the Hudson Review
Author/Editor: Ronald Koury ,Tess Lewis
Place and Ideology in Contemporary Hebrew Literature
Author/Editor: Karen Grumberg
Pistachio Seller
Author/Editor: REEM BASSIOUNEY ,Osman Nusairi
Pious Citizens: Reforming Zoroastrianism in India and Iran
Author/Editor: Monica M. Ringer ,Mehrzad Boroujerdi
Pioneers: The First Breach
Author/Editor: S. An-sky ,Rose Waldman ,Nathaniel Deutsch ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Picturing Disability: Beggar, Freak, Citizen and Other Photographic Rhetoric
Author/Editor: Robert Bogdan ,Martin Elks ,James A. Knoll
The Photographed Cat: Picturing Close Human-Feline Ties 1900-1940
Author/Editor: Arnold Arluke ,Lauren Rolfe
Petty Business
Author/Editor: Yirmi Pinkus ,Evan Fallenberg ,Yardenne Greenspan
Perspectives on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Nuanced Postnetwork Television
Author/Editor: Amanda Konkle ,Charles Burnetts
The Persistence of Orientalism: Anglo-American Historians and Modern Egypt
Author/Editor: Peter Gran
The Perils of Joy: Contesting Mulid Festivals in Contemporary Egypt
Author/Editor: Samuli Schielke
Performing Democracy in Iraq and South Africa: Gender, Media, and Resistance
Author/Editor: Kimberly Wedeven Segall
The Perception of Meaning
Author/Editor: Hisham Bustani ,Thoraya El-Rayyes ,Michael Beard ,Adnan Haydar
People’s Peace: Prospects for a Human Future
Author/Editor: Yasmin Saikia ,Chad Haines
The People of Godlbozhits
Author/Editor: LEYB RASHKIN ,Jordan Finkin ,David Rechter
Peconic Bay: Four Centuries of History on Long Island’s North and South Forks
Author/Editor: Marilyn E. Weigold ,John Cronin
Peacekeeping in South Lebanon: Credibility and Local Cooperation
Author/Editor: Vanessa F. Newby ,Robert A. Rubinstein ,Çerağ Esra Çuhadar
Pax Syriana: Elite Politics in Postwar Lebanon
Author/Editor: Rola el-Husseini ,Ryan Crocker
Paul Celan: The Romanian Dimension
Author/Editor: Petre Solomon ,Emanuela Tegla ,J. M. Coetzee ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
The Paradox of Repression and Nonviolent Movements
Author/Editor: Lester R. Kurtz ,Lee A. Smithey ,Brian Martin
Palestinian Women’s Activism: Nationalism, Secularism, Islamism
Author/Editor: ISLAH JAD
Palestinian Women and Muslim Family Law in the Mandate Period
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Brownson
Packaged Lives: Ten Stories and a Novella
Author/Editor: Haifa Zangana ,Mundher Adhami ,Wen-chin Ouyang ,Wen-chin Ouyang
Over the Line
Author/Editor: DAVID LLOYD
Our Knowledge Is Not Primitive: Decolonizing Botanical Anishinaabe Teachings
Author/Editor: Wendy Makoons Geniusz ,Annmarie Geniusz
Ottoman Rule of Law and the Modern Political Trial: The Yildiz Case
Author/Editor: Avi Rubin ,Fred H. Lawson
Ottoman Children and Youth during World War I
Other People's Diasporas: Negotiating Race in Contemporary Irish and Irish-American Culture
Author/Editor: Sinéad Moynihan
Orphans and Destitute Children in the Late Ottoman Empire
Author/Editor: Nazan Maksudyan
Origins of the Iroquois League: Narratives, Symbols, and Archaeology
Author/Editor: Anthony Wonderley ,Martha L. Sempowski
Open House: 35 Historic Upstate New York Homes
Author/Editor: Chuck D’Imperio ,Bob Beatty
The Only Thing That Matters
Author/Editor: Kim Jensen
One Step Toward Jerusalem: Oral Histories of Orthodox Jews in Stalinist Hungary
Author/Editor: Sándor Bacskai ,Eva Maria Thury
An Oneida Indian in Foreign Waters: The Life of Chief Chapman Scanandoah, 1870-1953
Author/Editor: Laurence M. Hauptman ,Christopher Vecsey
One Family's Response To Terrorism: A Daughter's Memoir
Author/Editor: Susan Kerr van de Ven ,Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Once There Was Warsaw: A Memoir
Author/Editor: Ber Kutsher ,Gerald Marcus
"Off the Straight Path": Illicit Sex, Law, and Community in Ottoman Aleppo
Author/Editor: Elyse Semerdjian
Off the Beaten Path: Stories of People Around the World
Author/Editor: Ruth Johnson Colvin
The Odyssey of an Apple Thief
Author/Editor: Moishe Rozenbaumas ,Jonathan Layton ,Isabelle Rozenbaumas ,Samuel Kassow
Not Just a Soccer Game: Colonialism and Conflict Among Palestinians in Israel
Author/Editor: MAGID SHIHADE
Nitzotz: The Spark of Resistance in Kovno Ghetto and Dachau-Kaufering Concentration Camp
Author/Editor: Laura M. Weinrib ,Estee Shafir Weinrib
Nightingales and Pleasure Gardens: Turkish Love Poems
Author/Editor: Talat S. Halman ,Jayne L. Warner ,Michael Beard ,Adnan Haydar
The New Belly Dancer of the Galaxy: A Novel
Nepali Migrant Women: Resistance and Survival in America
Author/Editor: Shobha Hamal Gurung ,Dorothy E. Smith ,Susan S. Wadley
A Naturalist's Guide to Wetland Plants: An Ecology for Eastern North America
Author/Editor: Donald D. Cox ,Shirley A. Peron
Native Tongue, Stranger Talk: The Arabic and French Literary Landscapes of Lebanon
Author/Editor: Michelle Hartman
National Symbols in Modern Iran: Identity, Ethnicity, and Collective Memory
Author/Editor: Menahem Merhavy
National Minority, Regional Majority: Palestinian Arabs Versus Jews in Israel
Author/Editor: Yitzhak Reiter
National Elections in Turkey: People, Politics, and the Party System
Author/Editor: F. Michael Wuthrich ,Fred H. Lawson
My Torturess
Author/Editor: BENSALEM HIMMICH ,Roger Allen ,Michael Beard ,Adnan Haydar
The Myth of Middle East Exceptionalism: Unfinished Social Movements
Author/Editor: Mojtaba Mahdavi ,John L. Esposito
My Name on His Tongue: Poems
Author/Editor: Laila Halaby
My Los Angeles in Black and (Almost) White
Author/Editor: Andrew Furman
My Friendship With Martin Buber
My Blue Piano
Author/Editor: Else Lasker-Schüler ,Brooks Haxton ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
My Bird
A Muslim Suicide
Author/Editor: BENSALEM HIMMICH ,Roger Allen
The Muslim Social: Neoliberalism, Charity, and Poverty in Turkey
Author/Editor: Gizem Zencirci
Mushrooms of the Southeastern United States
Munsee Indian Trade in Ulster County New York 1712-1732
Author/Editor: Kees-Jan Waterman ,J. Michael Smith ,Kees-Jan Waterman
The Muckers: A Narrative of the Crapshooters Club
Author/Editor: William Osborne Dapping ,Woody Register
Mother India
Author/Editor: Tova Reich
Moses Hazen and the Canadian Refugees in the American Revolution
Author/Editor: ALLAN S. EVEREST
The Moroccan Women's Rights Movement
Author/Editor: Amy Young Evrard
Moroccan Folktales
Author/Editor: Jilali El Koudia ,Jilali El Koudia ,Roger Allen ,Hasan M. El-Shamy
Moonfixer: The Basketball Journey of Earl Lloyd
Author/Editor: Earl Lloyd ,Sean Kirst ,Dave Bing
The Monstrous Races in Medieval Art and Thought
Monarch of the Square: An Anthology of Muhammad Zafzaf’s Short Stories
Author/Editor: Muhammad Zafzaf ,Mbarek Sryfi ,Roger Allen
Mona Passage: A Novel
Author/Editor: Thomas Bardenwerper
Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran
Author/Editor: Mark J. Gasiorowski ,Malcolm Byrne ,Mehrzad Boroujerdi
Modernizing Marriage: Family, Ideology, and Law in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Egypt
Author/Editor: Kenneth M. Cuno ,Susan S. Wadley
Modernity, Sexuality, and Ideology in Iran: The Life and Legacy of a Popular Female Artist
Author/Editor: Kamran Talattof
Modernity, Community, and Place in Brian Friel's Drama: Second Edition, Ed. 2
Modernity, Community, and Place in Brian Friel's Drama
Author/Editor: Richard Rankin Russell
Modern Irish Drama: W. B. Yeats to Marina Carr, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Sanford Sternlicht
Modern Arab American Fiction: A Reader's Guide
The Mizrahi Era of Rebellion: Israel's Forgotten Civil Rights Struggle 1948-1966
Author/Editor: BRYAN K. ROBY
Missing a Beat: The Rants and Regrets of Seymour Krim
Author/Editor: Seymour Krim ,Mark Cohen ,Dan Wakefield
The Misadventures of Marvin
Author/Editor: Marvin Druger
Mirror For the Muslim Prince: Islam and the Theory of Statecraft
Author/Editor: Mehrzad Boroujerdi
Minorities and the Modern Arab World: New Perspectives
Author/Editor: Laura Robson ,Peter Gran
The Ministers’ War: John W. Mears, the Oneida Community, and the Crusade for Public Morality
Author/Editor: MICHAEL DOYLE
A Millennium of Turkish Literature: A Concise History
Author/Editor: Talat S. Halman ,Jayne L. Warner
Militant Women of a Fragile Nation
Author/Editor: MALEK ABISAAB
Mihrî Hatun: Performance, Gender-Bending, and Subversion in Ottoman Intellectual History
The Midnight Court
Author/Editor: Brian Merriman ,David Marcus ,Brian Ó Conchubhair
Meïr Aaron Goldschmidt and the Poetics of Jewish Fiction
Memory Ireland: The Famine and the Troubles, Volume 3, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Oona Frawley
Memory Ireland: James Joyce and Cultural Memory, Volume 4, Ed. 4
Author/Editor: Oona Frawley ,Katherine O’Callaghan
Memory Ireland: History and Modernity, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Oona Frawley
Memory Ireland: Diaspora and Memory Practices, Volume 2, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Oona Frawley
The Meeting: An Auschwitz Survivor Confronts an SS Physician
Masculine Identity in the Fiction of the Arab East since 1967
Author/Editor: Samira Aghacy ,Evelyne Accad
Martyrdom Street
Author/Editor: Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet
Market Orientalism: Cultural Economy and the Arab Gulf States
Author/Editor: Benjamin Smith
The Man Who Guarded the Bomb: Stories
Author/Editor: Gregory Orfalea
Making the New Middle East: Politics, Culture, and Human Rights
Author/Editor: Valerie J. Hoffman ,Mehran Kamrava
Making Peace with Referendums: Cyprus and Northern Ireland
Author/Editor: Joana Amaral
Making Do in Damascus: Navigating a Generation of Change in Family and Work
Author/Editor: Sally K. Gallagher
Mahmud Sami al-Barudi: Reconfiguring Society and the Self
Author/Editor: TERRI DEYOUNG
Mahmoud Darwish: The Poet's Art and His Nation
Author/Editor: Khaled Mattawa
The Magic Mirror of Literary Translation: Reflections on the Art of Translating Verse
Author/Editor: Eric Sellin
Mad Scholars: Reclaiming and Reimagining the Neurodiverse Academy
Author/Editor: Melanie Jones ,Shayda Kafai
The Lycanthropy Reader: Werewolves in Western Culture
Author/Editor: Charlotte F. Otten
Lucinda; or, The Mountain Mourner
Author/Editor: P. D. MANVILL ,Mischelle B. Anthony
Love Is Like Water and Other Stories
Author/Editor: Samia Serageldin
Louis Marshall and the Rise of Jewish Ethnicity in America: A Biography
Author/Editor: M. M. Silver
The Lost Orchard: The Palestinian-Arab Citrus Industry, 1850-1950
Author/Editor: Mustafa Kabha ,Nahum Karlinsky
Loom: A Novel
The Logic of Cooperation in Autocracies: Political Opposition in the Third Yemeni Republic
Author/Editor: Jens Heibach
Localizing Islam in Europe: Turkish Islamic Communities in Germany and the Netherlands
Author/Editor: Ahmet Yükleyen
Living in Romantic Baghdad: An American Memoir of Teaching and Travel in Iraq, 1924-1947
Author/Editor: IDA DONGES STAUDT ,John Joseph ,John Joseph
Literary Optics: Staging the Collective in the Nahda
Author/Editor: Maha AbdelMegeed
Literary Hasidism: The Life and Works of Michael Levi Rodkinson
Author/Editor: JONATAN MEIR ,Jeffrey G. Amshalem ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Literary Drowning: Postcolonial Memory in Irish and Caribbean Writing
Author/Editor: Stephanie Pocock Boeninger
Literary Awakenings: Personal Essays from the Hudson Review
Author/Editor: Ronald Koury ,William H. Pritchard
Lingering Bilingualism: Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literatures in Contact
Author/Editor: NAOMI BRENNER ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Lines in Water: Religious Boundaries in South Asia
Author/Editor: Eliza F. Kent ,Tazim R. Kassam
Like a Man Gone Mad: Poems in a New Century
Author/Editor: Samuel Hazo
Light within the Shade: Eight Hundred Years of Hungarian Poetry
Author/Editor: Zsuzsanna Ozsváth ,Frederick Turner
Life on Drugs in Iran: Between Prison and Rehab
Author/Editor: Nahid Rahimipour Anaraki
The Life and Thought of Louis Lowy: Social Work Through the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Lorrie Greenhouse Gardella ,Joachim Wieler
Leveling the Playing Field: The Story of the Syracuse Eight
Author/Editor: David Marc ,JIM BROWN ,Steven A. Riess
Letters to America: Selected Poems of Reuven Ben-Yosef
Author/Editor: Reuven Ben-Yosef ,Michael Weingrad ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
The Less Said, the Truer: New and Selected Poems, 2016-2022
Author/Editor: Samuel Hazo
Legends Never Die: Athletes and their Afterlives in Modern America
Author/Editor: RICHARD IAN KIMBALL ,Steven A. Riess
Leaving Russia: A Jewish Story
Author/Editor: MAXIM D. SHRAYER
Laying Out the Bones: Death and Dying in the Modern Irish Novel from James Joyce to Anne Enright
Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shi’i Iran, Revised Edition
Author/Editor: Shahla Haeri
Laura Cornelius Kellogg: Our Democracy and the American Indian and Other Works
Author/Editor: Kristina Ackley ,Cristina Stanciu ,Loretta V. Metoxen ,Christopher Vecsey
Latina Leadership: Language and Literacy Education across Communities
Author/Editor: Laura Gonzales ,Michelle Hall Kells
The Last Bohemian: Brian Desmond Hurst, Irish Film, British Cinema
Author/Editor: LANCE PETTITT ,Mark Cousins
The Large Landowning Class and the Peasantry in Egypt, 1837-1952
Author/Editor: Raouf Abbas ,Assem El-Dessouky ,Amer Mohsen ,Mona Zikri ,Peter Gran
Land of Enchantment
Author/Editor: Liza Wieland
Landmarks of Otsego County
Labor Against the Regime: Workers' Mobilization in Egypt, 2004-2011
Kurds in Dark Times: New Perspectives on Violence and Resistance in Turkey
Author/Editor: Ayça Alemdaroğlu ,Fatma Müge Göçek
The Kurdish Quasi-State: Development and Dependency in Post-Gulf War Iraq
Author/Editor: DENISE NATALI
Kodak Elegy: A Cold War Childhood
Author/Editor: William Merrill Decker
Killing Contention: Demobilization in Morocco during the Arab Spring
Author/Editor: Sammy Zeyad Badran
Kate O'Brien and Spanish Literary Culture
Author/Editor: JANE DAVISON
Jurji Zaidan and the Foundations of Arab Nationalism
Author/Editor: THOMAS PHILIPP ,Jurji Zaidan ,Hilary Kilpatrick ,Paul Starkey
Judah L. Magnes: An American Jewish Nonconformist
Author/Editor: Daniel P. Kotzin
Author/Editor: LAURA PELASCHIAR ,James MacKillop
A Journey Into Mohawk and Oneida Country 1634-1635: The Journal of Harmen Meyndertsz Van Den Bogaert Revised Edition
Author/Editor: Charles T. Gehring ,William A. Starna ,Gunther Michelson
Journals of Grace Hartigan, 1951-1955
Author/Editor: Grace Hartigan ,William T. La Moy ,Joseph P. McCaffrey
Joseph Ellicott and the Holland Land Company: The Opening of Western New York
Jonah and Sarah: Jewish Stories of Russia and America
Author/Editor: DAVID SHRAYER-PETROV ,Maxim D. Shrayer
Joining the Clubs: The Business of the National Hockey League to 1945
Author/Editor: J. Andrew Ross ,Steven A. Riess
J. M. Synge and Travel Writing of the Irish Revival
Author/Editor: GIULIA BRUNA
Jewish Women in Comics: Bodies and Borders
Author/Editor: Heike Bauer ,Andrea Greenbaum ,Sarah Lightman
A Jewish Professor's Political Punditry: Fifty-Plus Years of Published Commentary By Ron Rubin
Author/Editor: Ron Rubin ,Peri Devaney
Jewish Libya: Memory and Identity in Text and Image
Author/Editor: Jacques Roumani ,David Meghnagi ,Judith Roumani
Jerusalem Stands Alone
Author/Editor: Mahmoud Shukair ,Nicole Fares
Jerusalem: Conflict and Cooperation in a Contested City
Author/Editor: Madelaine Adelman ,Miriam Fendius Elman ,Robert A. Rubinstein
James K. McGuire: Boy Mayor and Irish Nationalist
Author/Editor: Joseph E. Fahey
Jamaat-e-Islami Women in Pakistan: Vanguard of a New Modernity?
Author/Editor: Amina Jamal
Istanbul Appearances: Beauty and the Making of Middle-Class Femininities in Urban Turkey
Author/Editor: Claudia Liebelt
Israel Undercover: Secret Warfare and Hidden Diplomacy in the Middle East
Author/Editor: STEVE POSNER
Israelites in Erin: Exodus, Revolution, and the Irish Revival
Author/Editor: ABBY BENDER ,James MacKillop
Island of Bewilderment: A Novel of Modern Iran
Author/Editor: Simin Daneshvar ,Patricia J. Higgins ,Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi
Islam, Revival, and Reform: Redefining Tradition for the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: John O. Voll ,Natana J. DeLong-Bas
Islamist Opposition in Authoritarian Regimes: The Party of Justice and Development in Morocco
Author/Editor: Eva Wegner
Islam, Arabs, and Intelligent World of the Jinn
Author/Editor: Amira El-Zein
Irish Women Dramatists: 1908-2001
Author/Editor: Eileen Kearney ,Charlotte Headrick
Irish Theater in America: Essays on Irish Theatrical Diaspora
Author/Editor: John P. Harrington
The Irish Revival: A Complex Vision
Author/Editor: Joseph Valente ,Marjorie Howes
Irish Questions and Jewish Questions: Crossovers in Culture
Author/Editor: Aidan Beatty ,Dan O’Brien ,Kathleen Costello-Sullivan
An Irish Literature Reader: Poetry, Prose, Darma, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Maureen O’Rourke Murphy ,James MacKillop ,James MacKillop
The Irish Bridget: Irish Immigrant Women in Domestic Service in America, 1840-1930
Author/Editor: Margaret Lynch-Brennan ,Maureen O’Rourke Murphy
The Irish Bildungsroman
Author/Editor: Gregory Castle ,Sarah L. Townsend ,Matthew L. Reznicek
Ireland in Focus: Film, Photography, and Popular Culture
Author/Editor: Eóin Flannery ,Michael Griffin ,Colin Graham
Iraqi Migrants in Syria: The Crisis before the Storm
Iran's Experiment with Parliamentary Governance: The Second Majles, 1909-1911
Author/Editor: Mangol Bayat
Iranian Women and Gender in the Iran-Iraq War
Author/Editor: Mateo Mohammad Farzaneh
The Iranian Constitutional Revolution and the Clerical Leadership of Khurasani
Author/Editor: Mateo Mohammad Farzaneh ,Fred H. Lawson
Invisible Seasons: Title IX and the Fight for Equity in College Sports
Author/Editor: Kelly Belanger ,Steven A. Riess
In the Wake of the Poetic: Palestinian Artists After Darwish
Author/Editor: NAJAT RAHMAN
In the Shadow of Kinzua: The Seneca Nation of Indians since World War II
In the Alley of the Friend: On the Poetry of Hafez
Author/Editor: Shahrokh Meskoob ,M. R. Ghanoonparvar
Interrogating The Shield
Author/Editor: Nicholas Ray
Interrogating Secularism: Race and Religion in Arab Transnational Art and Literature
Author/Editor: Danielle Haque
Interpreters of Occupation: Gender and the Politics of Belonging in an Iraqi Refugee Network
Author/Editor: Madeline Otis Campbell ,miriam cooke ,Simona Sharoni ,Suad Joseph
The International Politics of the Persian Gulf
Author/Editor: Mehran Kamrava
The Intentional Leader
Author/Editor: Kenneth A. Shaw ,James L. Fisher
Inside the TV Writer's Room: Practical Advice For Succeeding in Television
Author/Editor: Lawrence Meyers
In Mohawk Country: Early Narratives about a Native People
Author/Editor: Dean R. Snow ,Charles T. Gehring ,William A. Starna
Industrial Development and Irish National Identity, 1922-1939
Author/Editor: Mary E. Daly
Improbable Women: Five Who Explored the Middle East
The Imprint of Alan Swallow: Quality Publishing in the West
Author/Editor: W. DALE NELSON ,Marilyn Auer
The Implacable Urge to Defame: Cartoon Jews in the American Press, 1877-1935
Author/Editor: Matthew Baigell ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Imperial Citizen: Marriage and Citizenship in the Ottoman Frontier Provinces of Iraq
Author/Editor: Karen M. Kern
Imagined Identities: Identity Formation in the Age of Globalism
Author/Editor: Gönül Pultar ,Nur Yalman
The Ideal Refugees: Islam, Gender, and the Sahrawi Politics of Survival
Author/Editor: Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh
Ibrahim the Mad and Other Plays: Volume One: An Anthology of Modern Turkish Drama
Author/Editor: Talat S. Halman ,Jayne L. Warner
Humor and Nonviolent Struggle in Serbia
Author/Editor: Janjira Sombatpoonsiri ,Robert A. Rubinstein
Human Rights and Conflict Resolution in Context: Colombia, Sierra Leone, and Northern Ireland
Author/Editor: Eileen F. Babbitt ,Ellen L. Lutz
The House of the Edrisis: A Novel, Volume Two
Author/Editor: Ghazaleh Alizadeh ,M. R. Ghanoonparvar
The House of the Edrisis: A Novel, Volume One
Author/Editor: Ghazaleh Alizadeh ,M. R. Ghanoonparvar
House of Refuge: Origins of Juvenile Reform in New York State, 1815-1857
Author/Editor: ROBERT S. PICKETT
Hot Maroc: A Novel
Horse Racing the Chicago Way: Gambling, Politics, and Organized Crime, 1837-1911
Author/Editor: Steven A. Riess
Horace Kallen Confronts America: Jewish Identity, Science, and Secularism
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Kaufman
The Holy Land in Transit: Colonialism and the Quest for Canaan
Author/Editor: Steven Salaita ,Peter Gran
The Historical Animal
Author/Editor: Susan Nance
Hijab and the Republic: Uncovering the French Headscarf Debate
Author/Editor: Bronwyn Winter
Helene Schweitzer: A Life of Her Own
Author/Editor: Patti M. Marxsen ,Sylvia Stevens-Edouard
Hegel and the Third World: The Making of Eurocentrism in World History
Author/Editor: Teshale Tibebu
The Heart of Lebanon: Brief Excursions into Our Mountains and History
Author/Editor: AMEEN RIHANI ,Roger Allen
Hearing the Voices of Jonestown: Putting a Human Face on an American Tragedy
Author/Editor: Mary Mccormick Maaga ,Catherine Wessinger
Harry Haft: Survivor of Auschwitz, Challenger of Rocky Marciano
Author/Editor: ALANS COTT HAFT ,John Radzilowski ,Mike Silver
A Half-Life of Cardio-Pulmonary Function: Poems and Paintings
Author/Editor: Eric Gansworth
Hakibbutz Ha’artzi, Mapam, and the Demise of the Israeli Labor Movement
Author/Editor: Tal Elmaliach ,Haim Watzman
Hafez in Love: A Novel
Author/Editor: Iraj Pezeshkzad ,Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi ,Patricia J. Higgins ,Dominic Parviz Brookshaw
Guilt Rules All: Irish Mystery, Detective, and Crime Fiction
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Mannion ,Brian Cliff
A Guerrilla Odyssey: Modernization, Secularism, Democracy, and Fadai Period of National Liberation in Iran, 1971-1979
Author/Editor: Peyman Vahabzadeh
Green Syndicalism: An Alternative Red/Green Vision
Author/Editor: Jeff Shantz
Gravyland: Writing Beyond the Curriculum in the City of Brotherly Love
Author/Editor: Stephen Parks
Graves of Upstate New York: A Guide to 100 Notable Resting Places, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Chuck D’Imperio
The Grandest Madison Square Garden: Art, Scandal, and Architecture in Gilded Age New York
Author/Editor: Suzanne Hinman
God, Man, and Devil: Yiddish Plays in Translation
Author/Editor: NAHMA SANDROW ,Ken Frieden ,Harold Bloom
Globalizing City: The Urban and Economic Transformation of Accra, Ghana
Author/Editor: Richard Grant
Globalization, Social Movements, and Peacebuilding
Author/Editor: Jackie Smith ,Ernesto Verdeja
Gladiators in Suits: Race, Gender, and the Politics of Representation in Scandal
Author/Editor: Simone Adams ,Kimberly R. Moffitt ,Ronald L. Jackson II
Gilgamesh’s Snake and Other Poems
Author/Editor: GHAREEB ISKANDER ,John Glenday ,Ghareeb Iskander ,Michael Beard ,Adnan Haydar
Get Off Your Knees: A Story of Faith, Courage, and Determination
Author/Editor: JOHN ROBINSON ,Dave Allen
Gertrude Bell: The Arabian Diaries, 1913-1914
Author/Editor: Rosemary O’Brien ,Gertrude Bell
George Rodger: An Adventure in Photography, 1908-1995
Author/Editor: Carole Naggar
George Moore and the Autogenous Self: The Autobiography and Fiction
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Grubgeld ,Richard Fallis
Geography of New York State Supplement
Author/Editor: John H. Thompson
Generations of Dissent: Intellectuals, Cultural Production, and the State in the Middle East and North Africa
Author/Editor: Alexa Firat ,R. Shareah Taleghani
Gene Basset’s Vietnam Sketchbook: A Cartoonist’s Wartime Perspective
Author/Editor: Thom Rooke
Gender and Medicine in Ireland 1700-1950
Author/Editor: Margaret H. Preston ,Margaret Ó hÓgartaigh
Gay is Good: The Life and Letters of Gay Rights Pioneer Franklin Kameny
Author/Editor: Franklin Kameny ,Michael G. Long
Gardens of the Gilded Age: Nineteenth-Century Gardens and Homegrounds of New York State
Gaia, Queen of Ants
Author/Editor: Hamid Ismailov ,Shelley Fairweather-Vega
The Funambulists: Women Poets of the Arab Diaspora
Author/Editor: LISA MARCHI
From Where We Stand: Recovering a Sense of Place
Author/Editor: Deborah Tall ,Stephen Kuusisto ,William Kittredge
From Rice Fields to Killing Fields: Nature, Life, and Labor under the Khmer Rouge
Author/Editor: JAMES A. TYNER
From Our Springtime: Literary Memoirs and Portraits of Yiddish New York
Author/Editor: Reuben Iceland ,Gerald Marcus
From Empire To Empire: Jerusalem Between Ottoman and British Rule
From a Distant Relation
Author/Editor: Mikhah Yosef Berdichevsky ,James Adam Redfield ,Avner Holtzman
For the Duration: A Lighthearted WAAF Memoir
Author/Editor: Felicity Ashbee ,Cleota Reed
FOIL: The Law and the Future of Public Information in New York
Author/Editor: Brett Orzechowski
Fit for America: Major John L. Griffith and the Quest for Athletics and Fitness
Author/Editor: MATTHEW LINDAMAN ,Steven A. Riess
First Taste of Freedom: A Cultural History of Bicycle Marketing in the United States
Author/Editor: Robert J. Turpin ,Steven A. Riess
Fine Meshwork: Philip Roth, Edna O'Brien, and Jewish-Irish Literature
Author/Editor: DAN O’BRIEN
Finding the Jewish Shakespeare: The Life and Legacy of Jacob Gordin
Author/Editor: BETH KAPLAN
Finding Judge Crater: A Life and Phenomenal Disappearance in Jazz Age New York
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Riegel
Finders: Justice, Faith, and Identity in Irish Crime Fiction
Author/Editor: Anjili Babbar
Figures That Speak: The Vocabulary of Turkish Nationalism
Author/Editor: Matthew deTar
Feminisms with Chinese Characteristics
Author/Editor: Ping Zhu ,Hui Faye Xiao
The Female Suffering Body: Illness and Disability in Modern Arabic Literature
Author/Editor: ABIR HAMDAR
Felâtun Bey and Râkim Efendi: An Ottoman Novel
Author/Editor: Ahmet Midhat Efendi ,Melih Levi ,Monica M. Ringer ,A. Holly Shissler ,Michael Beard ,Adnan Haydar
Fatma: A Novel of Arabia
Author/Editor: Raja Alem ,Tom McDonough
Fatema Mernissi for Our Times
Author/Editor: Minoo Moallem ,Paola Bacchetta
Fanny Seward: A Life
Author/Editor: Trudy Krisher
Family, Gender, and Law in a Globalizing Middle East and South Asia
Author/Editor: Kenneth M. Cuno ,Manisha Desai
Falling Up: The Days and Nights of Carlisle Floyd, The Authorized Biography
Author/Editor: Thomas Holliday ,Plácido Domingo
Faith and Politics in the Public Sphere: The Gülen Movement and the Mormon Church
Author/Editor: ETGA UGUR
The Extraordinary Adirondack Journey of Clarence Petty: Wilderness Guide, Pilot, and Conservationist
Author/Editor: CHRISTOPHER ANGUS ,Anne LaBastille
Exploring the Power of Nonviolence: Peace, Politics, and Practice
Author/Editor: Randall Amster ,Elavie Ndura ,Michael N. Nagler
Everyday Politics in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Author/Editor: Matteo Capasso
Ethnicity, Identity, and the Development of Nationalism in Iran
The Essentials of Ibadi Islam
Author/Editor: Valerie J. Hoffman
Errancies of Desire: Monstrous Masculinities across the Atlantic
Author/Editor: Vartan P. Messier
The Erie Canal Reader, 1790-1950
Author/Editor: Roger W. Hecht
Erasure and Tuscarora Resilience in Colonial North Carolina
Author/Editor: David La Vere
The End of the Innocence: The 1964–1965 New York World’s Fair
Author/Editor: Lawrence R. Samuel
Empires in Friction: Egypt in the Sixteenth Century
Author/Editor: Nelly Hanna
The Emperor Tea Garden
Author/Editor: Nazli Eray ,Robert Finn
Emirate, Egyptian, Ethiopian: Colonial Experiences in Late Nineteenth-Century Harar
Author/Editor: Avishai Ben-Dror ,Fred H. Lawson
Embracing the Divine: Passion and Politics in Christian Middle East
Author/Editor: Akram Fouad Khater
The Elusive Fox
Author/Editor: MUHAMMAD ZAFZAF ,Mbarek Sryfi ,Roger Allen
Einstein's Pacifism and World War I
Author/Editor: Virginia Iris Holmes ,Henry Feingold
Egypt's Other Wars: Epidemics and the Politics of Public Health
Author/Editor: Nancy Elizabeth Gallagher
The Education of Women and The Vices of Men: Two Qajar Tracts
Ecumenism, Memory, and German Nationalism, 1817-1917
Author/Editor: STAN M. LANDRY
Early Yiddish Epic
Author/Editor: Jerold C. Frakes
Druze and their Faith in Tawhid
Author/Editor: ANIS OBEID
The Downfall of Abba Hillel Silver and the Foundation of Israel
Author/Editor: Ofer Shiff
Does the Land Remember Me?: A Memoir of Palestine
Author/Editor: Aziz Shihab ,Persis M. Karim
Disenchantment: George Steiner and Meaning of Western Civilization After Auschwitz
Author/Editor: Catherine D. Chatterley
Disability Rhetoric
Author/Editor: Jay Timothy Dolmage
Disability and Mothering: Liminal Spaces of Embodied Knowledge
Author/Editor: Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson ,Jen Cellio
Dinner with Stalin and Other Stories
Author/Editor: DAVID SHRAYER-PETROV ,Maxim D. Shrayer
Diary of a Lonely Girl, or The Battle against Free Love
Author/Editor: MIRIAM KARPILOVE ,Jessica Kirzane
The Desert: Or, the Life and Adventures of Jubair Wali al-Mammi
Author/Editor: Albert Memmi ,Judith Roumani ,Michael Beard ,Adnan Haydar
Democracy and the Nature of American Influence in Iran, 1941-1979
Author/Editor: David R. Collier
Democracy and Conflict Resolution: The Dilemmas of Israel's Peacemaking
Author/Editor: Miriam Fendius Elman ,Oded Haklai ,Hendrik Spruyt
The Decoration of Houses
Author/Editor: Edith Wharton ,Ogden Codman Jr. ,Emily J. Orlando ,Joel D. Goldfield
Decolonization Models for America’s Last Colony: Puerto Rico
Author/Editor: Ángel Collado-Schwarz ,Francisco Catalá-Oliveras ,Juan Lara
Declaring Disaster: Buffalo's Blizzard of '77 and the Creation of FEMA
Author/Editor: Timothy W. Kneeland
Day My Mother Cried and Other Stories
Author/Editor: William D. Kaufman ,Baruch Feldstern ,Peter Pitzele
Dance Lessons: A Novel
Author/Editor: Áine Greaney
Cultural Criticism in Egyptian Women's Writing
Author/Editor: Caroline Seymour-Jorn