Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | Yes |
Abortion Rights as Religious Freedom |
Author/Editor: PETER S. WENZ
Abuse of Power: How Cold War Surveillance and Secrecy Policy Shaped the Response to 9/11 |
Author/Editor: Athan G. Theoharis
Accessible Citizenships: Disability, Nation, and the Cultural Politics of Greater Mexico |
Accidental Immigrants and the Search for Home: Women, Cultural Identity, and Community |
Author/Editor: CAROL E. KELLEY
Achieving Against The Odds |
Author/Editor: Esther Kingston-Mann ,Tim Sieber
Across The Red Line: Stories From The Surgical Life |
Author/Editor: Richard C. Karl
The Aesthetics of Environment |
Author/Editor: Arnold Berleant
Affirmative Action and the University: A Philosophical Inquiry |
Author/Editor: Steven M. Cahn
African American Jeremiad Rev: Appeals For Justice In America |
Author/Editor: David Howard-Pitney
African American Perspectives on Political Science |
Author/Editor: Wilbur C. Rich ,Charles V. Hamilton
African American Writing: A Literary Approach |
The African Transformation of Western Medicine and the Dynamics of Global Cultural Exchange |
Author/Editor: David Baronov
Afro-Caribbean Religions: An Introduction to Their Historical, Cultural, and Sacred Traditions |
Author/Editor: Nathaniel Samuel Murrell
Afrocentric Idea Revised |
Author/Editor: Molefi Kete Asante
AFSCME's Philadelphia Story: Municipal Workers and Urban Power in the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Francis Ryan
Afterimage: Film, Trauma And The Holocaust |
Author/Editor: Joshua Hirsch
AIDS Alibis: Sex, Drugs, and Crime in the Americas |
Author/Editor: STEPHANIE C. KANE
AIDS: Crisis in Professional Ethics |
Author/Editor: Elliot D. Cohen ,Michael Davis
All Talk: The Talkshow in Media Culture |
Author/Editor: Wayne Munson
Alone in a Crowd: Women in the Trades Tell Their Stories |
Author/Editor: Jean Reith Schroedel
Alternative Health Care |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Goldstein
American Conversations |
Author/Editor: ELLEN BIGLER
The American Diary of a Japanese Girl: An Annotated Edition |
Author/Editor: Yone Noguchi ,Edward Marx ,Laura E. Franey
The American Dream in the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Sandra L. Hanson ,John Kenneth White
American Dunkirk: The Waterborne Evacuation of Manhattan on 9/11 |
Author/Editor: James Kendra ,Tricia Wachtendorf
American Heathens: The Politics of Identity in a Pagan Religious Movement |
American History Now |
Author/Editor: Eric Foner ,Lisa McGirr
The Americanization of Social Science: Intellectuals and Public Responsibility in the Postwar United States |
Author/Editor: David Paul Haney
The American Perception of Class |
America's First Adventure in China: Trade, Treaties, Opium, and Salvation |
Author/Editor: JOHN R. HADDAD
Americas Jews |
Author/Editor: Chaim I. Waxman
Animal Passions and Beastly Virtues: Reflections on Redecorating Nature |
Author/Editor: Marc Bekoff ,Jane Goodall
Animal Sacrifices |
Author/Editor: Tom Regan
Animals at Play: Rules of the Game |
Author/Editor: Marc Bekoff ,Michael J. DiMotta
Animals Property & The Law |
Author/Editor: Gary L. Francione ,William M. Kunstler
Another Arabesque: Syrian-Lebanese Ethnicity in Neoliberal Brazil |
Author/Editor: John Tofik Karam
Antifoundationalism |
Author/Editor: Tom Rockmore ,Beth J. Singer
Applications Of Feminist Legal Theory |
Author/Editor: D. Kelly Weisberg
Arabs in America: Building a New Future |
Author/Editor: Michael W. Suleiman
The Archival Turn in Feminism: Outrage in Order |
Author/Editor: KATE EICHHORN
Arms And The Enlisted Woman |
"A Road to Peace and Freedom": The International Workers Order and the Struggle for Economic Justice and Civil Rights, 1930-1954 |
Author/Editor: Robert M. Zecker
Arsenio Rodríguez and the Transnational Flows of Latin Popular Music |
Author/Editor: David F. García
Art And Engagement |
Art in Cinema: Documents Toward a History of the Film Society |
Author/Editor: Scott MacDonald ,Robert A. Haller
The Art of Play: Recess and the Practice of Invention |
Author/Editor: Anna R. Beresin
Art, Politics, and Development |
Author/Editor: Philipp H. Lepenies
As French as Everyone Else?: A Survey of French Citizens of Maghrebin, African, and Turkish Origin |
Author/Editor: SYLVAIN BROUARD ,VINCENT TIBERJ ,Paul M. Sniderman ,Jennifer Fredette
The Asian American Avant-Garde: Universalist Aspirations in Modernist Literature and Art |
Author/Editor: AUDREY WU CLARK
The Asian American Movement |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM WEI
Asian American Panethnicity: Bridging Institutions and Identities |
Author/Editor: Yen Le Espiritu
Asian American Plays for a New Generation |
Author/Editor: Josephine Lee ,Don Eitel ,R. A. Shiomi
Asian American Women's Popular Literature: Feminizing Genres and Neoliberal Belonging |
Author/Editor: PAMELA THOMA
At A Loss For Words: How America Is Failing Our Children |
Author/Editor: Betty Bardige ,T. Berry Brazelton
Atlanta: Race, Class And Urban Expansion |
Author/Editor: Larry Keating
Atlanta Unbound: Enabling Sprawl through Policy and Planning |
Author/Editor: Carlton Wade Basmajian
Bad Faith Good Faith |
Author/Editor: Ronald E. Santoni
Baltimore '68: Riots and Rebirth in an American City |
Author/Editor: Jessica I. Elfenbein ,Thomas L. Hollowak ,Elizabeth M. Nix
Becoming American Becoming Ethnic |
Author/Editor: Thomas Dublin
Before Roe: Abortion Policy in the States |
Author/Editor: Rosemary Nossiff
Behind the Backlash: Muslim Americans After 9/11 |
Author/Editor: Lori Peek
Behind the Mask of the Strong Black Woman: Voice and the Embodiment of a Costly Performance |
Author/Editor: Tamara Beauboeuf-Lafontant
Berlusconi's Italy: Mapping Contemporary Italian Politics |
Author/Editor: Michael E. Shin ,John A. Agnew
Bernie Sanders and the Boundaries of Reform: Socialism in Burlington |
Author/Editor: W. J. CONROY
Between the Lines: South Asians and Postcoloniality |
Author/Editor: Deepika Bahri ,Mary Vasudeva
Beyond Preservation: Using Public History to Revitalize Inner Cities |
Author/Editor: Andrew Hurley
Beyond Segregation: Multiracial And Multiethnic Neighborhoods |
Author/Editor: Michael T. Maly
Beyond the City Limits: Urban Policy and Economics Restructuring in Comparative Perspective |
Author/Editor: John R. Logan ,Todd Swanstrom
Beyond the Schoolhouse Gate: Free Speech and the Inculcation of Values |
Author/Editor: Robert Wheeler Lane
Bill Giles and Baseball |
Author/Editor: John B. Lord
Bioethics In Social Context |
Author/Editor: Barry Hoffmaster
BITS of Belonging: Information Technology, Water, and Neoliberal Governance in India |
Author/Editor: Simanti Dasgupta
Black Baltimore: A New Theory of Community |
Author/Editor: HAROLD A. McDOUGALL
Black City Cinema: African American Urban Experiences In Film |
Author/Editor: Paula J. Massood
Black Communists Speak on Scottsboro: A Documentary History |
Author/Editor: Walter T. Howard
Black Power Ideologies: An Essay in African American Political Thought |
Author/Editor: JOHN T. McCARTNEY
Black Regions of the Imagination: African American Writers between the Nation and the World |
Author/Editor: EVE E. DUNBAR
Black Theatre: Ritual Performance In The African Diaspora |
Author/Editor: Paul Carter Harrison ,Victor Leo Walker II ,Gus Edwards
Black Venus 2010: They Called Her "Hottentot" |
Author/Editor: DEBORAH WILLIS ,Carla Williams
The Black Worker, Volume 1: The Black Worker to 1896 |
Author/Editor: Philip S. Foner ,Ronald L. Lewis
The Black Worker, Volume 2: The Black Worker During the Era of the National Labor Union |
Author/Editor: Philip S. Foner ,Ronald L. Lewis ,Keona K. Ervin
The Black Worker, Volume 3: The Black Worker During the Era of the Knights of Labor |
Author/Editor: Philip S. Foner ,Ronald L Lewis
The Black Worker, Volume 4: The Black Worker During the Era of the American Federation of Labor and the Railroad Brotherhoods |
Author/Editor: Philip S. Foner ,Ronald L. Lewis ,Keona K. Ervin
The Black Worker, Volume 5: The Black Worker from 1900 to 1919 |
Author/Editor: Philip S. Foner ,Ronald L. Lewis
The Black Worker, Volume 6: he Era of Post-War Prosperity and the Great Depression, 1920-1936 |
Author/Editor: Philip S. Foner ,Ronald L. Lewis
The Black Worker, Volume 7: The Black Worker from the Founding of the CIO to the AFL-CIO Merger, 1936-1955 |
Author/Editor: Philip S. Foner ,Ronald L. Lewis
The Black Worker, Volume 8: The Black Worker Since the AFL-CIO Merger, 1955-1980 |
Author/Editor: Philip S. Foner ,Ronald L. Lewis ,Robert Cvornyek ,Keona K. Ervin
Blow Up the Humanities |
Author/Editor: Toby Miller
Blue Juice: Euthanasia in Veterinary Medicine |
Author/Editor: Patricia Morris
Blue Skies: A History of Cable Television |
Author/Editor: Patrick R. Parsons
Body Language: Sisters in Shape, Black Women's Fitness, and Feminist Identity Politics |
Author/Editor: Kimberly J. Lau
Borderless Borders |
Author/Editor: Frank Bonilla ,Edwin Meléndez ,Rebecca Morales ,María de los Angeles Torres
The Borders of Justice |
Author/Editor: Étienne Balibar ,Sandro Mezzadra ,Ranabir Samaddar
Borscht Belt Bungalows: Memoirs Of Catskill Summers |
Author/Editor: IRWIN RICHMAN
The Bottom Line: Observations and Arguments on the Sports Business |
The Boxing Scene |
Author/Editor: Thomas Hauser
Broken Promise: The Subversion Of U.S. Labor Relations |
Author/Editor: JAMES A. GROSS
"Building Like Moses with Jacobs in Mind": Contemporary Planning in New York City |
Author/Editor: SCOTT LARSON
Building the Urban Environment: Visions of the Organic City in the United States, Europe, and Latin America |
Author/Editor: Harold L. Platt
Bullying: The Social Destruction of Self |
But Still Like Air |
Author/Editor: VELINA HASU HOUSTON ,Roberta Uno
Campaign Advertising and American Democracy |
Author/Editor: Michael M. Franz ,Paul B. Freedman ,Kenneth M. Goldstein ,Travis N. Ridout
Cane Fires: The Anti-Japanese Movement in Hawaii, 1865-1945 |
Author/Editor: Gary Y. Okihiro
Captain America and the Nationalist Superhero: Metaphors, Narratives, and Geopolitics |
Author/Editor: Jason Dittmer
Caribbean Migration to Western Europe and the United States: Essays on Incorporation, Identity, and Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Margarita Cervantes-Rodríguez ,Ramón Grosfoguel ,Eric Mielants
The Carrot or the Stick for School Desegregation Policy: Magnet Schools or Forced Busing |
The Case About Amy |
Author/Editor: R.C. SMITH ,FRANK G. BOWE
The Case Against Christianity |
Cat Culture: The Social World Of A Cat Shelter |
Author/Editor: Janet M. Alger ,Steven F. Alger
Catheters, Slurs, and Pickup Lines: Professional Intimacy in Hospital Nursing |
Author/Editor: Lisa C. Ruchti
Celebrating Debutantes and Quinceañeras: Coming of Age in American Ethnic Communities |
Author/Editor: Evelyn Ibatan Rodriguez
Challenging the Chip: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry |
Author/Editor: Ted Smith ,David A. Sonnenfeld ,David Naguib Pellow ,Leslie A. Byster ,Shenglin Chang,Amanda Hawes ,Wen-ling Tu,Andrew Watterson ,Jim Hightower
Chang and Eng Reconnected: The Original Siamese Twins in American Culture |
Author/Editor: Cynthia Wu
The Change Election: Money, Mobilization, and Persuasion in the 2008 Federal Elections |
Author/Editor: David B. Magleby
Cheaper by the Hour: Temporary Lawyers and the Deprofessionalization of the Law |
Author/Editor: Robert A. Brooks
Children In The Field |
Author/Editor: JOAN CASSELL
Chinatown: The Socioeconomic Potential of an Urban Enclave |
Author/Editor: MIN ZHOU ,Alejandro Portes
Chinese Americans and the Politics of Race and Culture |
Author/Editor: Sucheng Chan ,Madeline Y. Hsu
Chinese American Transnationalism: The Flow of People, Resources |
Author/Editor: Sucheng Chan
The Chinese Diaspora on American Screens: Race, Sex, and Cinema |
Author/Editor: Gina Marchetti
Choices and Changes: Interest Groups in the Electoral Process |
Author/Editor: Michael M. Franz
Choosing State Supreme Court Justices: Merit Selection and the Consequences of Institutional Reform |
Author/Editor: Greg Goelzhauser
The Christ Child Goes to Court |
Author/Editor: Wayne R. Swanson
Church and State in the City: Catholics and Politics in Twentieth-Century San Francisco |
Author/Editor: William Issel
Cinema 16: Documents Toward History Of Film Society |
Author/Editor: Scott MacDonald
Cinemas in Transition in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 |
Author/Editor: Catherine Portuges ,Peter Hames
Circling the Bases: Essays on the Challenges and Prospects of the Sports Industry |
Author/Editor: Andrew Zimbalist
Citizen Lawmakers |
Author/Editor: DAVID D. SCHMIDT
Citizen Lobbyists: Local Efforts to Influence Public Policy |
Author/Editor: Brian E. Adams
Citizenship and Governance in a Changing City: Somerville, MA |
Author/Editor: Susan A. Ostrander
City and Environment |
Author/Editor: Christopher G. Boone ,Ali Modarres
City Of Sisterly And Brotherly Loves: Lesbian And Gay Philadelphia, 1945-1972 |
Author/Editor: Marc Stein
The City on the Hill From Below: The Crisis of Prophetic Black Politics |
Author/Editor: Stephen H. Marshall
A City within a City: The Black Freedom Struggle in Grand Rapids, Michigan |
Author/Editor: TODD E. ROBINSON
Civic Talk: Peers, Politics, and the Future of Democracy |
Author/Editor: Casey A. Klofstad
Claiming America |
Author/Editor: K. Scott Wong ,Sucheng Chan
Claiming the Oriental Gateway: Prewar Seattle and Japanese America |
Author/Editor: Shelley Sang–Hee Lee
Class Of '66: Living in Suburban Middle America |
Author/Editor: Paul Lyons
Cleavage Politics and the Populist Right: The New Cultural Conflict in Western Europe |
Author/Editor: Simon Bornschier
Closing The Book On Homework: Enhancing Public Education |
Author/Editor: John Buell
Closure: The Rush to End Grief and What it Costs Us |
Author/Editor: Nancy Berns
Cold War in a Hot Zone: The United States Confronts Labor and Independence Struggles in the British West Indies |
Author/Editor: Gerald Horne
Coming Of Age In Buffalo: Youth and Authority in the Postwar Era |
Commentary In American Life |
Author/Editor: Murray Friedman ,Nathan Abrams ,John Ehrman ,Nathan Glazer ,Thomas L. Jeffers ,George H. Nash ,Richard Gid Powers ,Fred Siegel ,Terry Teachout
Communities In Economic Crisis |
Author/Editor: JOHN GAVENTA ,BARBARA ELLEN SMITH ,ALEX WILLINGHAM ,Paula Rayman ,Carmen Sirianni
Community Builders |
The Company We Keep: Occupational Community in the High-Tech Network Society |
Comprehending Columbine |
Author/Editor: RALPH W. LARKIN
Conceiving Masculinity: Male Infertility, Medicine, and Identity |
Author/Editor: Liberty Walther Barnes
The Concept of the Social in Uniting the Humanities and Social Sciences |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL E. BROWN
Confronting Margaret Mead: Scholarship, Empire, and the South Pacific |
Author/Editor: Lenora Foerstel ,Angela Gilliam
Constructing Muslims in France: Discourse, Public Identity, and the Politics of Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Fredette
Constructing the Enemy: Empathy/Antipathy in U.S. Literature and Law |
Author/Editor: Rajini Srikanth
Consumed In The City: Observing Tuberculosis At Century'S End |
Author/Editor: Paul Draus
Consuming Catastrophe: Mass Culture in America's Decade of Disaster |
Consuming Work: Youth Labor in America |
Contemporary Asian American Communities: Intersections And Divergences |
Author/Editor: Linda Trinh Võ,Rick Bonus
Contemporary Chinese America: Immigration, Ethnicity, and Community Transformation |
Author/Editor: Min Zhou ,Alejandro Portes
Contemporary Social Constructionism: Key Themes |
Author/Editor: Darin Weinberg
The Coolie Speaks: Chinese Indentured Laborers and African Slaves in Cuba |
Author/Editor: Lisa Yun
Courts Liberalism And Rights: Gay Law And Politics In The United States and Canada |
Author/Editor: Jason Pierceson
Covering Accident Costs: Insurance, Liability, and Tort Reforms |
Author/Editor: MARK C. RAHDERT
Cowboys As Cold Warriors: The Western And U S History |
Creating a Buddhist Community: A Thai Temple in Silicon Valley |
Author/Editor: Jiemin Bao
Creating a New World Economy: Forces of Change and Plans for Action |
Creating The Countryside |
Author/Editor: E. Melanie DuPuis ,Peter Vandergeest
Creolizing Contradance in the Caribbean |
Author/Editor: Peter Manuel
Crime And Capitalism: Readings in Marxist Crimonology |
Crime and Family: Selected Essays of Joan McCord |
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Sayre-McCord ,David P. Farrington
Criminology and Public Policy: Putting Theory to Work |
Author/Editor: Hugh D. Barlow ,Scott H. Decker
The Crisis of American Labor: Operation Dixie and the Defeat of the CIO |
Critical Study Of Work |
Author/Editor: Rick Baldoz ,Charles Koeber ,Philip Kraft
Critical White Studies |
Author/Editor: Richard Delgado ,Jean Stefancic
Crossroads, Directions and A New Critical Race Theory |
Author/Editor: Francisco Valdes ,Jerome McCristal Culp ,Angela P. Harris
Crowding Out Latinos |
Author/Editor: Marco Portales
The Cubans of Union City: Immigrants and Exiles in a New Jersey Community |
Author/Editor: Yolanda Prieto
Culinary Fictions: Food in South Asian Diasporic Culture |
Author/Editor: ANITA MANNUR
The Cult Of The Court |
Author/Editor: John Brigham
Cultural Citizenship: Cosmopolitanism, Consumerism, and Television in a Neoliberal Age |
Author/Editor: TOBY MILLER
Cultural Politics |
Author/Editor: Marcy Darnovsky ,Barbara Epstein ,Richard Flacks
Customizing the Body: The Art and Culture of Tattooing |
Author/Editor: Clinton R. Sanders ,D. Angus Vail
Damaged Goods?: Women Living With Incurable Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
Author/Editor: Adina Nack
The Dance of Politics: Gender, Performance, and Democratization in Malawi |
Author/Editor: Lisa Gilman
Dancing the Fairy Tale: Producing and Performing The Sleeping Beauty |
Author/Editor: Laura Katz Rizzo
Dangerous Knowledge: The JFK Assassination in Art and Film |
Author/Editor: Art Simon
Dangerous Trade: Histories of Industrial Hazard across a Globalizing World |
Author/Editor: Christopher Sellers ,Joseph Melling
Dark Continent Of Our Bodies: Black Feminism & Politics Of Respectability |
Author/Editor: E. Frances White
Dark Days in the Newsroom: McCarthyism Aimed at the Press |
Author/Editor: EDWARD ALWOOD
The Day the Dancers Stayed: Performing in the Filipino/American Diaspora |
Author/Editor: Theodore S. Gonzalves
The Death and Life of the Single-Family House: Lessons from Vancouver on Building a Livable City |
Author/Editor: Nathanael Lauster
Defending Community: The Struggle for Alternative Redevelopment in Cedar-Riverside |
Defining America: Through Immigration Policy |
Author/Editor: Bill Ong Hing ,Anthony D. Romero
The Delinquent Girl |
Author/Editor: Margaret A. Zahn
Demanding Respect: The Evolution of the American Comic Book |
Author/Editor: Paul Lopes
Democratic Theorizing from the Margins |
Author/Editor: Marla Brettschneider
Descent Into Discourse: The Reification of Language and the Writing of Social History |
Author/Editor: Bryan D. Palmer ,Susan Porter Benson ,Stephen Brier ,Roy Rosenzweig
DES Daughters, Embodied Knowledge, and the Transformation of Women's Health Politics in the Late Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Susan E. Bell
Desis In The House: Indian American Youth Culture In Nyc |
Author/Editor: Sunaina Marr Maira
Detroit: Race and Uneven Development |
Author/Editor: Joe T. Darden ,Richard Child Hill ,June Thomas ,Richard Thomas ,Joe T. Darden
Deviance and Medicalization: From Badness to Sickness |
Author/Editor: PETER CONRAD ,JOSEPH W. SCHNEIDER ,Joseph R. Gusfleld
Dewey's Dream: Universities and Democracies in an Age of Education Reform |
Author/Editor: Lee Benson ,Ira Harkavy ,John Puckett
The Difference That Disability Makes |
Author/Editor: Rod Michalko
Dilemmas Of American Self |
Author/Editor: JOHN P. HEWITT
Dirty Details |
Author/Editor: marion deutsche cohen ,marty wyngaarden krauss
Disability and Passing: Blurring the Lines of Identity |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey A. Brune ,Daniel J. Wilson
The Disability Rights Movement: From Charity to Confrontation |
Author/Editor: Doris Zames Fleischer ,Frieda Zames
The Disenfranchisement of Ex-Felons |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth A. Hull ,John Conyers Jr.
Disorders Of Desire Rev: Sexuality And Gender In Modern American Sexology |
Author/Editor: Janice M. Irvine
Distant Corners: American Soccer's History of Missed Opportunities and Lost Causes |
Author/Editor: David Wangerin
Doing Comparable Worth: Gender, Class, and Pay Equity |
Author/Editor: JOAN ACKER
Domesticity and Dirt: Housewives and Domestic Servants in the United States, 1920-1945 |
Domesticity And Dirt: Housewives and Domestic Servants in the United States, 1920-1945 |
Dominican Baseball: New Pride, Old Prejudice |
Author/Editor: ALAN KLEIN
Down and Out in Los Angeles and Berlin: The Sociospatial Exclusion of Homeless People |
Author/Editor: JÜRGEN VON MAHS
Dream Machine: Realism and Fantasy in Hindi Cinema |
Author/Editor: SAMIR DAYAL
Drug Smugglers on Drug Smuggling: Lessons from the Inside |
Author/Editor: Scott H. Decker ,Margaret Townsend Chapman
The Early Colombian Labor Movement: Artisans and Politics in Bogota, 1832-1919 |
Author/Editor: DAVID SOWELL
Earthly Plenitudes: A Study on Sovereignty and Labor |
Author/Editor: Bruno Gullì
East is West and West is East: Gender, Culture, and Interwar Encounters between Asia and America |
Author/Editor: KAREN KUO
Echoes From The Holocaust: Philosophical Reflections on a Dark Time |
Author/Editor: Alan Rosenberg ,Gerald E. Myers
Ecofeminism |
Author/Editor: Greta Gaard
Ecological Politics |
Author/Editor: Greta Gaard
Ecomusicology: Rock, Folk, and the Environment |
Author/Editor: MARK PEDELTY
Economic Citizens: A Narrative of Asian American Visibility |
Author/Editor: Christine So
Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic |
Author/Editor: Amalia L. Cabezas
Education Of A University President |
Author/Editor: Marvin Wachman ,JAMES W. HILTY
Effects Of The Nation: Mexican Art In Age Of Globalization |
Author/Editor: Carl Good ,John V. Waldron
Elements of Discipline: Nine Principles for Teachers and Parents |
Author/Editor: Stephen Greenspan ,Arnold J. Sameroff
Empowering Young Writers: The "Writers Matter" Approach |
Ending Poverty As We Know It: Guaranteeing A Right To A Job |
The End of Empires: African Americans and India |
Author/Editor: Gerald Horne
The End of White World Supremacy: Black Internationalism and the Problem of the Color Line |
Author/Editor: Roderick Bush
The Enigmatic Academy: Class, Bureaucracy, and Religion in American Education |
Author/Editor: Christian J. Churchill ,Gerald E. Levy
Environmental Activism and the Urban Crisis: Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago |
Author/Editor: Robert R. Gioielli
Environmental Change |
Author/Editor: Rosemary O’Leary
Environmental Ethics |
Author/Editor: Holmes Rolston III ,Tom Regan
Essays on Twentieth-Century History |
Author/Editor: Michael Adas
Ethical Borders: NAFTA, Globalization, and Mexican Migration |
Author/Editor: Bill Ong Hing
The Ethical Engineer: An "Ethics Construction Kit" Places Engineering in a New Light |
Author/Editor: Eugene Schlossberger
The Ethics of Care: A Feminist Approach to Human Security |
Author/Editor: Fiona Robinson
Ethnicity and Inequality in Hawai'i |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Y. Okamura
Ethnic Pride, American Patriotism: Slovaks And Other New Imiigrants |
Author/Editor: June Granatir Alexander
Ethnic Renewal in Philadelphia's Chinatown: Space, Place, and Struggle |
Author/Editor: Kathryn E. Wilson
Ethnographies of Youth and Temporality: Time Objectified |
Author/Editor: Anne Line Dalsgård ,Martin Demant Frederiksen ,Susanne Højlund ,Lotte Meinert ,Michael G. Flaherty
Evaluating Art |
Author/Editor: GEORGE DICKIE
Exiled Memories: Stories of Iranian Diaspora |
Author/Editor: Zohreh T. Sullivan
Expected Miracles: Surgeons at Work |
Author/Editor: Joan Cassell
Exploring the Roots of Digital and Media Literacy through Personal Narrative |
Author/Editor: Renee Hobbs
Eyes Without Country: Searching for a Palestinian Strategy of Liberation |
Author/Editor: Souad R. Dajani
Facing the Death Penalty: Essays on a Cruel and Unusual Punishment |
Author/Editor: Michael L. Radelet
Faith Reason Skepticism |
Family and Work in Everyday Ethnography |
Author/Editor: Tamara Mose Brown ,Joanna Dreby
Family Ties |
Author/Editor: John R. Logan ,Glenna D. Spitze
Fashioning Diaspora: Beauty, Femininity, and South Asian American Culture |
Author/Editor: VANITA REDDY
Fast Lives: Women Who Use Crack Cocaine |
Author/Editor: Claire E. Sterk
Feminism and Affect at the Scene of Argument: Beyond the Trope of the Angry Feminist |
Author/Editor: Barbara Tomlinson
Feminism and Community |
Author/Editor: Penny A. Weiss ,Marilyn Friedman
Feminist Generations: The Persistence of the Radical Women's Movement |
Feminist Organizations: Harvest of the New Women's Movement |
Author/Editor: Myra Marx Ferree ,Patricia Yancey Martin
The Fibromyalgia Story: Medical Authority And Women'S Worlds Of Pain |
Author/Editor: Kristin K. Barker
Fighting Back in Appalachia: Traditions of Resistance and Change |
Author/Editor: Stephen L. Fisher
Filipino American Lives |
Author/Editor: Yen Le Espiritu
Filling the Ark: Animal Welfare in Disasters |
Author/Editor: Leslie Irvine
Final Negotiations: A Story of Love, and Chronic Illness |
Author/Editor: CAROLYN ELLIS
Financialization Of Daily Life |
Author/Editor: Randy Martin
Fire on the Prairie: Harold Washington, Chicago Politics, and the Roots of the Obama Presidency |
The First Suburban Chinatown: The Remaking of Monterey Park, California |
Author/Editor: TIMOTHY P. FONG
Fishers At Work, Workers At Sea: Puerto Rican Journey Thru Labor & Refuge |
Author/Editor: David Griffith ,Manuel Valdés Pizzini
Flow: The Life and Times of Philadelphia's Schuylkill River |
Author/Editor: Beth Kephart
Food And Evolution: Toward a Theory of Human Food Habits |
For Both Cross and Flag: Catholic Action, Anti-Catholicism, and National Security Politics in World War II San Francisco |
Author/Editor: William Issel
Forgotten Conquests: Rereading New World History from the Margins |
Author/Editor: Gustavo Verdesio
Four Germanys: A Chronicle of the Schorcht Family |
Author/Editor: DONALD S. PITKIN ,John C. Torpey
Framing Blackness: The African American Image in Film |
Author/Editor: Ed Guerrero
Fred Allen's Radio Comedy |
Author/Editor: ALAN HAVIG ,Allen F. Davis
Free Time: The Forgotten American Dream |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt
Free Trade & Uneven Development: North American Apparel Industry After Nafta |
Author/Editor: Gary Gereffi ,David Spener ,Jennifer Bair
From Confinement to Containment: Japanese/American Arts during the Early Cold War |
Author/Editor: EDWARD TANG
From Good Will To Civil Rights: Transforming Federal Disability Policy |
Author/Editor: Richard K. Scotch
From the Molly Maguires to the United Mine Workers: The Social Ecology of an Industrial Union, 1869-1897 |
Author/Editor: HAROLD W. AURAND ,Walter Licht
From Warism to Pacifism: A Moral Continuum |
Author/Editor: Duane L. Cady
Frontiers Of Illusion: Science, Technology, and the Politics of Progress |
Author/Editor: Daniel Sarewitz
Furthering Fair Housing: Prospects for Racial Justice in America's Neighborhoods |
Author/Editor: Justin P. Steil ,Nicholas F. Kelly ,Lawrence J. Vale ,Maia S. Woluchem
Gatherings In Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration |
Author/Editor: R. Stephen Warner ,Judith G. Wittner
The Gendered Executive: A Comparative Analysis of Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Chief Executives |
Author/Editor: Janet M. Martin ,MaryAnne Borrelli
Gender Thinking |
Author/Editor: STEVEN G. SMITH
Getting Paid While Taking Time: The Women's Movement and the Development of Paid Family Leave Policies in the United States |
Author/Editor: Megan A. Sholar
Ghostly Encounters: The Hauntings of Everyday Life |
Author/Editor: Dennis Waskul ,Michele Waskul
Ghosts of Organizations Past: Communities of Organizations as Settings for Change |
Author/Editor: Dan Ryan
Global Decisions, Local Collisions: Urban Life In The New World Order |
Author/Editor: David Ranney
Global Emergence Of Gay & Lesbian Pol |
Author/Editor: Barry D Adam ,Jan Willem Duyvendak ,André Krouwel
Global Energy Shifts: Fostering Sustainability in a Turbulent Age |
Author/Editor: Bruce Podobnik
Global Philadelphia: Immigrant Communities Old and New |
Author/Editor: Ayumi Takenaka ,Mary Johnson Osirim
Global Production: The Apparel Industry in the Pacific Rim |
Author/Editor: Edna Bonacich ,Lucie Cheng ,Norma Chinchilla ,Nora Hamilton ,Paul Ong
Global Television: Co-Producing Culture |
Author/Editor: Barbara J. Selznick
God Talk: Experimenting With the Religious Causes of Public Opinion |
Going Down To The Barrio: Homeboys and Homegirls in Change |
Author/Editor: Joan W. Moore
Going Global: Culture, Gender, and Authority in the Japanese Subsidiary of an American Corporation |
Author/Editor: Ellen V. Fuller
The Gold Standard: The Challenge Of Evidence-Based Medicine |
Author/Editor: Stefan Timmermans ,Marc Berg
Governing How We Care: Contesting Community and Defining Difference in U.S. Public Health Programs |
Author/Editor: Susan J. Shaw
The Great Refusal: Herbert Marcuse and Contemporary Social Movements |
Author/Editor: Andrew T. Lamas ,Todd Wolfson ,Peter N. Funke ,Angela Y. Davis
Greening Africana Studies: Linking Environmental Studies with Transforming Black Experiences |
Author/Editor: Rubin Patterson
Growing Up With Television: Everyday Learning Among Young Adolescents |
Author/Editor: JoEllen Fisherkeller
A Guilted Age: Apologies for the Past |
Author/Editor: Ashraf H. A. Rushdy
Half A Job: Bad and Good Part-Time Jobs in a Changing Labor Market |
Author/Editor: CHRIS TILLY
Hapa Girl: A Memoir |
Author/Editor: May-lee Chai
Hard-Boiled |
Author/Editor: Erin A. Smith
Having Epilepsy: The Experience and Control of Illness |
Author/Editor: Joseph W. Schneider ,Peter Conrad
Health and Health Care In Developing Countries: Sociological Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Peter Conrad ,Eugene B. Gallagher
Hegemony: The New Shape Of Global Power |
Author/Editor: John Agnew
The Heidegger Case: On Philosophy and Politics |
Helping Out |
Author/Editor: Miri Song
Heroes In Hard Times |
Author/Editor: Neal King
Higher Education and Democracy: Essays on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement |
Author/Editor: John Saltmarsh ,Edward Zlotkowski
Hikes Around Philadelphia |
Author/Editor: Boyd Newman ,Linda Newman
Hip Hop Underground: The Integrity and Ethics of Racial Identification |
Author/Editor: Anthony Kwame Harrison
The Hirschfeld Archives: Violence, Death, and Modern Queer Culture |
Author/Editor: Heike Bauer
The Historiography of Communism |
Author/Editor: Michael E. Brown
Hitler's Heroines: Stardom & Womanhood In Nazi Cinema |
Author/Editor: Antje Ascheid
Hmong Means Free: Life in Laos and America |
Author/Editor: Sucheng Chan
Hollywood Asian: Philip Ahn and the Politics of Cross-Ethnic Performance |
Author/Editor: HYE SEUNG CHUNG
Hollywood's New Deal |
Home Girls: Chicana Literary Voices |
Honey, Honey, Miss Thang: Being Black, Gay, and on the Streets |
Author/Editor: LEON E. PETTIWAY
Hope Is Cut: Youth, Unemployment, and the Future in Urban Ethiopia |
Author/Editor: Daniel Mains
How Did You Get To Be Mexican |
Author/Editor: Kevin R. Johnson
How Holocausts Happen: The United States in Central America |
Author/Editor: Douglas V. Porpora
How to Be South Asian in America: Narratives of Ambivalence and Belonging |
Author/Editor: ANUPAMA JAIN
How We Die Now: Intimacy and the Work of Dying |
Author/Editor: KARLA A. ERIKSON
The Huddled Masses Myth: Immigration And Civil Rights |
Author/Editor: Kevin R. Johnson
Hume's Inexplicable Mystery: His Views on Religion |
Author/Editor: Keith E. Yandell
Hybridity, or the Cultural Logic of Globalization |
Author/Editor: Marwan M. Kraidy
I Can't Remember: Family Stories of Alzheimer's Disease |
Author/Editor: Esther Strauss Smaller ,Kathleen O’Brien
Identifying Consumption: Subjects and Objects in Consumer Society |
Author/Editor: Robert G. Dunn
Identity And Power: Puerto Rican Politics and the Challenge of Ethnicity |
Author/Editor: José E. Cruz
The Identity Dilemma: Social Movements and Collective Identity |
Author/Editor: Aidan McGarry ,James M. Jasper
Identity Politics: Lesbian Feminism and the Limits of Community |
Author/Editor: SHANE PHELAN
If You Tame Me: Understanding Our Connection With Animals |
Author/Editor: Leslie Irvine ,MARC BEKOFF
"I Hear America Singing": Folk Music and National Identity |
Author/Editor: Rachel Clare Donaldson
Illegal Migrations and the Huckleberry Finn Problem |
Author/Editor: John S. W. Park
Images Of Animals |
Author/Editor: Eileen Crist
Imagined Liberation: Xenophobia, Citizenship, and Identity in South Africa, Germany, and Canada |
Author/Editor: Heribert Adam ,Kogila Moodley
An Immigrant Neighborhood: Interethnic and Interracial Encounters in New York before 1930 |
Author/Editor: Shirley J. Yee
Immigrants Unions & The New Us Labor Mkt |
Author/Editor: Immanuel Ness
Immigrant Workers in Industrial France: The Making of a New Laboring Class |
Author/Editor: Gary S. Cross
In a Queer Voice: Journeys of Resilience from Adolescence to Adulthood |
Author/Editor: Michael Sadowski ,Carol Gilligan
An Indian in White America |
Author/Editor: Mark Monroe ,Carolyn Reyer ,Kenneth Lincoln
Inheritance Law And The Evolving Family |
Author/Editor: Ralph C. Brashier
Inner Speech and the Dialogical Self |
Author/Editor: NORBERT WILEY
Insane Therapy: Portrait of a Psychotherapy Cult |
Author/Editor: Marybeth F. Ayella
In Search Of Parenthood: Coping with Infertility and High-Tech Conception |
Author/Editor: Judith N. Lasker ,Susan Borg
Intention Interpretation |
The International Monetary Fund and Latin America: The Argentine Puzzle in Context |
Author/Editor: CLAUDIA KEDAR
Intimacy Across Borders: Race, Religion, and Migration in the U.S. Midwest |
Author/Editor: JANE JUFFER
Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? |
Author/Editor: Gary L. Francione ,Alan Watson
Invasion of the Mind Snatchers: Television's Conquest of America in the Fifties |
Author/Editor: ERIC BURNS
Inventing Vietnam: The War in Film and Television |
Author/Editor: Michael Anderegg
Irrationalism: Lukacs and the Marxist View of Reason |
Author/Editor: TOM ROCKMORE
Israel's Dead Soul |
Author/Editor: Steven Salaita
Issei, Nisei, War Bride: Three Generations of Japanese American Women in Domestic Service |
Author/Editor: Evelyn Nakano Glenn
Italian Irish Filmmakers |
Author/Editor: Lee Lourdeaux
It's Our Military Too: Women and the U.S Military |
Author/Editor: Judith Hicks Stiehm
I Walked With Giants: The Autobiography of Jimmy Heath |
Author/Editor: JIMMY HEATH ,JOSEPH McLAREN ,Bill Cosby ,Wynton Marsalis
James Naismith: The Man Who Invented Basketball |
Author/Editor: ROB RAINS ,HELLEN CARPENTER ,Roy Williams
Japanese Cities |
Author/Editor: Kuniko Fujita ,Richard Child Hill
Japanese Women and the Transnational Feminist Movement before World War II |
Author/Editor: Taeko Shibahara
Jews Against Zionism: The American Council for Judaism, 1942-1948 |
Author/Editor: THOMAS A. KOLSKY
Jim Bunning |
Author/Editor: Frank Dolson
Job Queues, Gender Queues: Explaining Women's Inroads into Male Occupations |
Author/Editor: Barbara F. Reskin ,Patricia A. Roos ,Katharine M. Donato ,Polly A. Phipps ,Barbara J. Thomas ,Chloe E. Bird ,Linda A. Detman ,Thomas Steiger
Jobs and Economic Development in Minority Communities |
Author/Editor: Paul Ong ,Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris
Jobs Aren't Enough: Toward a New Economic Mobility for Low-Income Families |
Author/Editor: Roberta Rehner Iversen ,Annie Laurie Armstrong
Jookin': The Rise of Social Dance Formations in African-American Culture |
Author/Editor: Katrina Hazzard-Gordon
Judging Children As Children: A Proposal for a Juvenile Justice System |
Author/Editor: Michael A. Corriero
Just a Dog: Animal Cruelty, Self, and Society |
Author/Editor: Arnold Arluke
Just Around The Corner: The Paradox Of The Jobless Recovery |
Justice And School Systems: The Role of the Courts in Education Litigation |
Author/Editor: Barbara Flicker
Justifiable Conduct: Self-Vindication in Memoir |
Author/Editor: ERICH GOODE
Just Queer Folks: Gender and Sexuality in Rural America |
Author/Editor: Colin R. Johnson
Just Who Loses?: Discrimination in the United States, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Samuel Roundfield Lucas
Klezmer: Music and Community in Twentieth-Century Jewish Philadelphia |
Author/Editor: Hankus Netsky
Knowledge LTD: Toward a Social Logic of the Derivative |
Author/Editor: Randy Martin
Kongo Graphic Writing and Other Narratives of the Sign |
Author/Editor: Bárbaro Martínez-Ruiz
Labor and Capital on the African Copperbelt |
Author/Editor: Jane L. Parpart ,Bill Freund
Labor Education for Women Workers |
Author/Editor: Barbara Mayer Wertheimer ,Sheri Davis-Faulkner
Laboring For Rights |
Author/Editor: Gerald Hunt
Labor of Fire: The Ontology of Labor between Economy and Culture |
Author/Editor: Bruno Gullì
Labor's Time: Shorter Hours, The Uaw, And The |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Cutler
Labor's War At Home: The Cio In World War II |
Author/Editor: Nelson Lichtenstein
Ladies and Gents: Public Toilets and Gender |
Author/Editor: Olga Gershenson ,Barbara Penner ,Peter Greenaway
La Merica: Images Of Italian Greenhorn Experience |
Author/Editor: Michael La Sorte
Language Policy & Identity In The U.S. |
Author/Editor: Ronald Schmidt Sr.
Laotian Daughters: Working toward Community, Belonging, and Environmental Justice |
Author/Editor: BINDI V. SHAH
La Raza Unida Party |
Author/Editor: Armando Navarro
Latina Politics, Latino Politics: Gender, Culture, and Political Participation in Boston |
Latino Lives in America: Making It Home |
Author/Editor: Luis Ricardo Fraga ,John A. Garcia ,Rodney E. Hero ,Michael Jones-Correa ,Valerie Martinez-Ebers ,Gary M. Segura
Latinos and the U.S. Political System: Two-Tiered Pluralism |
Author/Editor: Rodney E. Hero
Latinos in New England |
Author/Editor: Andrés Torres
Legacy and Legitimacy: Black Americans and the Supreme Court |
Author/Editor: Rosalee A. Clawson ,Eric N. Waltenburg
Legal Inversions: Lesbians, Gay Men, and the Politics of the Law |
Author/Editor: Didi Herman ,Carl Stychin
Legalizing Gay Marriage: Vermont And The National Debate |
Author/Editor: Michael Mello ,David L. Chambers
Liberalism at Work: The Rise and Fall of OSHA |
Author/Editor: Charles Noble
Life And Death In Intensive Care |
Author/Editor: Joan Cassell
Life in and against the Odds: Debts of Freedom and the Speculative Roots of U.S. Culture |
Author/Editor: Heidi Hoechst
A Life In The Struggle: Ivory Perry and the Culture of Opposition |
Literary Gestures: The Aesthetic in Asian American Writing |
Livestock/Deadstock: Working with Farm Animals from Birth to Slaughter |
Author/Editor: Rhoda M. Wilkie
Live Wire: Women and Brotherhood in the Electrical Industry |
Author/Editor: Francine A. Moccio
Living in the Crossfire: Favela Residents, Drug Dealers, and Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro |
Author/Editor: Maria Helena Moreira Alves ,Philip Evanson ,Cristina Pedroza de Faria (Kita Pedroza),José Valentin Palacios Vilches
Living Rooms as Factories: Class, Gender, and the Satelite Factory System in Taiwan |
Author/Editor: Ping-Chun Hsiung
Local Protests, Global Movements: Capital, Community, and State in San Francisco |
Author/Editor: Karl Beitel
Long Distance Love: A Passion for Football |
Author/Editor: Grant Farred
Look, A White!: Philosophical Essays on Whiteness |
Author/Editor: George Yancy
Looking Up at Down: The Emergence of Blues Culture |
Lost Talent |
Author/Editor: Sandra L. Hanson
Love, Sorrow, And Rage |
Author/Editor: Alisse Waterston
Lucia: Testimonies Of A Brazilian |
Author/Editor: Robert Gay ,Arthur Schmidt
The Machinery of Whiteness: Studies in the Structure of Racialization |
Author/Editor: Steve Martinot
Machos Maricones & Gays: Cuba and Homosexuality |
Author/Editor: IAN LUMSDEN
Making a Global Immigrant Neighborhood: Brooklyn's Sunset Park |
Author/Editor: Tarry Hum
Making Equity Planning Work: Leadership in the Public Sector |
Author/Editor: Norman Krumholz ,John Forester ,Alan A. Altshuler
Making Ethnic Choices: California's Punjabi Mexican Americans |
Making Modern Love: Sexual Narratives and Identities in Interwar Britain |
Author/Editor: LISA Z. SIGEL
Making Of Asian America: Through Political Participation |
Author/Editor: Pei-te Lien
Managing Contracted Services in the Nonprofit Agency: Administrative, Ethical, and Political Issues |
Author/Editor: Susan R. Bernstein ,Roger A. Lohmann
Managing Sickle Cell Disease: In Low-Income Families |
Author/Editor: Shirley A. Hill
Managing the Infosphere: Governance, Technology, and Cultural Practice in Motion |
Author/Editor: Stephen D. McDowell ,Philip E. Steinberg ,Tami K. Tomasello
Mandates, Parties, and Voters: How Elections Shape the Future |
Author/Editor: James H. Fowler ,Oleg Smirnov
Manufacturing Suburbs: Building Work And Home |
Author/Editor: Robert Lewis
Marriage In A Culture Of Divorce |
Author/Editor: Karla B. Hackstaff
Marsh Meadow Mountain |
Author/Editor: John J. Harding ,Carol Decker
Marx On Religion |
Author/Editor: John Raines
Mary Heaton Vorse: The Life of an American Insurgent |
Author/Editor: Dee Garrison ,Allen F. Davis
Masters of the Sabar: Wolof Griot Percussionists of Senegal |
Author/Editor: Patricia Tang
Material Law: A Jurisprudence of What's Real |
Author/Editor: John Brigham
Mavericks, Money, and Men: The AFL, Black Players, and the Evolution of Modern Football |
Author/Editor: CHARLES K. ROSS
Maya Diaspora: Guatemalan Roots, New American Lives |
Author/Editor: James Loucky ,Marilyn M. Moors
Maya In Exile: Guatemalans in Florida |
Author/Editor: Allan F. Burns ,Jerónimo Camposeco
Medicaid And The Limits of State Health Reform |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Sparer
Medicalized Masculinities |
Author/Editor: Dana Rosenfeld ,Christopher A. Faircloth
Medical Malpractice: Law, Tactics, and Ethics |
Author/Editor: Frank M. McClellan
Men Can: The Changing Image and Reality of Fatherhood in America |
Author/Editor: Donald N. S. Unger
Men's College Athletics and the Politics of Racial Equality: Five Pioneer Stories of Black Manliness, White Citizenship, and American Democracy |
Author/Editor: Gregory J. Kaliss
Merger Games: The Medical College of Pennsylvania, Hahnemann University, and the Rise and Fall of the Allegheny Healthcare System |
Author/Editor: Judith P. Swazey ,Carla M. Messikomer ,Vicki Leeman Hall ,Judith C. Watkins
Messages From Home: The Parent-Child Home Program For Overcoming Educational Disadvantage |
Author/Editor: Phyllis Levenstein ,Susan Levenstein
Messiahs of 1933: How American Yiddish Theatre Survived Adversity through Satire |
Author/Editor: Joel Schechter
Mexican Voices of the Border Region: Mexicans and Mexican Americans Speak about Living along the Wall |
Author/Editor: Laura Velasco Ortiz ,Oscar F. Contreras ,Sandra del Castillo
A Midwestern Mosaic: Immigration and Political Socialization in Rural America |
Author/Editor: J. CELESTE LAY
The Migrants Table: Meals And Memories In |
Author/Editor: Krishnendu Ray
Missed Connections |
Author/Editor: Barbara Stenross
Mobilizing Communities: Asset Building as a Community Development Strategy |
Author/Editor: Gary Paul Green ,Ann Goetting
Mobilizing Gay Singapore: Rights and Resistance in an Authoritarian State |
Author/Editor: Lynette J. Chua
Mobilizing Science: Movements, Participation, and the Remaking of Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Sabrina McCormick
Model City Blues: Urban Space and Organized Resistance in New Haven |
Author/Editor: Mandi Isaacs Jackson
Modeling Citizenship: Jewish and Asian American Writing |
Money For Change: Social Movement Philanthropy at the Haymarket People's Fund |
The Money Pitch: Baseball Free Agency and Salary Arbitration |
Author/Editor: Roger I. Abrams
Monitoring Sweatshops: Workers, Consumers, and the Global Apparel Industry |
Author/Editor: Jill Esbenshade
Morality and Human Nature: A New Route to Ethical Theory |
Author/Editor: ROBERT J. MCSHEA
Morality, Responsibility, and the University: Studies in Academic Ethics |
Author/Editor: Steven M. Cahn
A Moral Military |
Author/Editor: Sidney Axinn
Moral Philosophy Of Moore |
Author/Editor: Robert Peter Sylvester ,RAY PERKINS JR. ,R. W. SLEEPER ,TOM REGAN
Moral Responsibility and Persons |
Author/Editor: Eugene Schlossberger
More Than Black: Multiracial Identity & New Racial Order |
Author/Editor: G. Reginald Daniel
Mothers, Daughters, and Political Socialization: Two Generations at an American Women's College |
Movements in Times of Democratic Transition |
Moving Up And Out: Poverty, Education & Single Parent Family |
Author/Editor: Lori Holyfield ,Hillary Rodham Clinton
Música Norteña: Mexican Migrants Creating a Nation between Nations |
Author/Editor: Cathy Ragland
Muhammad Ali: The Making of an Icon |
Author/Editor: Michael Ezra
Mulan's Legend and Legacy in China and the United States |
Author/Editor: LAN DONG
Multicultural Girlhood: Racism, Sexuality, and the Conflicted Spaces of American Education |
Author/Editor: Mary E. Thomas
Multiethnic Moments: The Politics of Urban Education Reform |
Author/Editor: CLARENCE N. STONE ,Susan E. Clarke ,Rodney E. Hero ,Mara S. Sidney ,Luis R. Fraga ,Bari A. Erlichson
Music and Social Change in South Africa: Maskanda Past and Present |
Author/Editor: KATHRYN OLSEN
Music, Disability, and Society |
Author/Editor: Alex Lubet
Musicians from a Different Shore: Asians and Asian Americans in Classical Music |
Author/Editor: Mari Yoshihara
Music, Style, and Aging: Growing Old Disgracefully? |
Author/Editor: Andy Bennett
Music Talent & Performance: Conservatory Cultural System |
Author/Editor: Henry Kingsbury
The Muslim Question in Europe: Political Controversies and Public Philosophies |
Author/Editor: Peter O’Brien
The Mutual Housing Experiment: New Deal Communities for the Urban Middle Class |
My Culture, My Color, My Self: Heritage, Resilience, and Community in the Lives of Young Adults |
Author/Editor: Toby S. Jenkins
National Insecurity: U.S. Intelligence After the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Craig Eisendrath ,Tom Harkin
The National Question: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Self-Determination in the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Berch Berberoglu
Nature in Common?: Environmental Ethics and the Contested Foundations of Environmental Policy |
Author/Editor: Ben A. Minteer
Nature's Keeper |
Author/Editor: Peter S. Wenz
Nearest East: American Millenialism and Mission to the Middle East |
Author/Editor: Hans-Lukas Kieser
A Needle, a Bobbin, a Strike: Women Needleworkers in America |
Author/Editor: Joan M. Jensen ,Sue Davidson
Negotiated Care: The Experience of Family Day Care Providers |
Author/Editor: Margaret K. Nelson
Neither Separate Nor Equal |
Author/Editor: Barbara Ellen Smith
Never Easy, Never Pretty: A Fan, A City, A Championship Season |
Author/Editor: Dean Bartoli Smith ,Stan Charles
Never Married Women |
Author/Editor: Barbara Levy Simon
New Advances in the Study of Civic Voluntarism: Resources, Engagement, and Recruitment |
Author/Editor: Casey A. Klofstad ,Henry E. Brady ,Kay Lehman Schlozman ,Sidney Verba
A New Brand of Business: Charles Coolidge Parlin, Curtis Publishing Company, and the Origins of Market Research |
Author/Editor: Douglas B. Ward
The New Chicago: A Social and Cultural Analysis |
Author/Editor: John P. Koval ,Larry Bennett ,Michael I. J. Bennett ,Fassil Demissie ,Roberta Garner ,Kiljoong Kim
Newcomers In Workplace: Immigrants and the Restructing of the U.S. Economy |
Author/Editor: Louise Lamphere ,Alex Stepick ,Guillermo Grenier
New Jack Jocks: Rebels, Race, And The American Athlete |
Author/Editor: Larry Platt
New Left Revisited |
Author/Editor: John McMillian ,Paul Buhle
New Social Movements: From Ideology to Identity |
Author/Editor: Enrique Laraña ,Hank Johnston ,Joseph R. Gusfield
The NFL: Critical and Cultural Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Thomas P. Oates ,Zack Furness ,Michael Oriard
A Nice Place to Visit: Tourism and Urban Revitalization in the Postwar Rustbelt |
Author/Editor: AARON COWAN
No Sword To Bury: Japanese Americans In Hawaii |
Author/Editor: Franklin Odo
Not from Here: A Memoir |
Author/Editor: ALLAN G. JOHNSON