Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | No | Yes |
Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context, and Enquiry |
1465-4253, 2156-4914
preserved |
Alcohol and Temperance History Group Newsletter |
2691-2007, 2691-2015
preserved |
Alcohol in History: A Multidisciplinary Newsletter |
preserved |
American Art |
1073-9300, 1549-6503
preserved |
American Historical Review |
0002-8762, 1937-5239
preserved |
American Journal of Archaeology |
0002-9114, 1939-828X
preserved |
American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts |
1540-5079, 2326-6716
preserved |
American Journal of Education |
0195-6744, 1549-6511
preserved |
American Journal of Health Economics |
2332-3493, 2332-3507
preserved |
The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures |
preserved |
American Journal of Sociology |
0002-9602, 1537-5390
preserved |
The American Journal of Theology |
preserved |
American Naturalist |
0003-0147, 1537-5323
preserved |
American Political Thought: A Journal of Ideas, Institutions, and Culture |
2161-1580, 2161-1599
preserved |
Archives of American Art Journal |
0003-9853, 2327-0667
preserved |
ARLIS/NA Newsletter |
preserved |
Art Documentation |
0730-7187, 2161-9417
preserved |
The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs |
preserved |
The Biblical Archaeologist |
preserved |
The Biblical World |
preserved |
The Biological Bulletin |
0006-3185, 1939-8697
preserved |
Botanical Bulletin |
preserved |
Botanical Gazette |
preserved |
Bulletin (Archives of American Art) |
preserved |
Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem |
0276-7732, 2326-2931
preserved |
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research |
0003-097X, 2161-8062
preserved |
Bulletin of the American Society of Overseas Research |
2769-3600, 2769-3589
preserved |
Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of America |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts |
0011-9636, 2327-5995
preserved |
Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts of the City of Detroit |
0899-0271, 2327-6029
preserved |
Bulletin of the Detroit Museum of Art |
2330-6432, 2332-2918
preserved |
CAA Slides & Photographs Newsletter |
preserved |
The China Journal |
1324-9347, 1835-8535
preserved |
Classical Philology |
0009-837X, 1546-072X
preserved |
Clinical Infectious Diseases |
1058-4838, 1537-6591
preserved |
Comparative Education Review |
0010-4086, 1545-701X
preserved |
The Course of Study |
preserved |
Crime and Justice: A Review of Research |
0192-3234, 2153-0416
preserved |
Critical Historical Studies |
2326-4462, 2326-4470
preserved |
Critical Inquiry |
0093-1896, 1539-7858
preserved |
Current Anthropology |
0011-3204, 1537-5382
preserved |
Early Modern Women |
1933-0065, 2378-4776
preserved |
Economic Development and Cultural Change |
0013-0079, 1539-2988
preserved |
Elementary School Journal |
0013-5984, 1554-8279
preserved |
The Elementary School Teacher |
preserved |
The Elementary School Teacher and Course of Study |
preserved |
English Literary Renaissance |
0013-8312, 1475-6757
preserved |
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy |
2771-1668, 2771-1676
preserved |
Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy |
2689-7857, 2689-7865
preserved |
Environmental History |
1084-5453, 1930-8892
preserved |
Environmental History Review |
1053-4180, 2325-5811
preserved |
Environmental Review |
0147-2496, 2325-582X
preserved |
Ethics |
0014-1704, 1539-297X
preserved |
Forest and Conservation History |
1046-7009, 2325-5803
preserved |
Forest History Newsletter |
0015-7422, 2325-5781
preserved |
Francis W. Parker School Studies in Education |
preserved |
Francis W. Parker School Yearbook |
preserved |
Freshwater Invertebrate Biology |
preserved |
Freshwater Science |
2161-9549, 2161-9565
preserved |
Gesta |
0016-920X, 2169-3099
preserved |
Getty Research Journal |
1944-8740, 2329-1249
preserved |
HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory |
2575-1433, 2049-1115
preserved |
Hebraica |
preserved |
The Hebrew Student |
preserved |
History of Humanities |
2379-3163, 2379-3171
preserved |
History of Religions |
0018-2710, 1545-6935
preserved |
HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science |
2152-5188, 2156-6240
preserved |
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology |
0899-823X, 1559-6834
preserved |
Innovation Policy and the Economy |
1531-3468, 1537-2618
preserved |
International Journal of American Linguistics |
0020-7071, 1545-7001
preserved |
The International Journal of Ethics |
preserved |
International Journal of Plant Sciences |
1058-5893, 1537-5315
preserved |
Isis |
0021-1753, 1545-6994
preserved |
I Tatti Studies |
0393-5949, 2037-6731
preserved |
The Journal of African American History |
1548-1867, 2153-5086
preserved |
Journal of Anthropological Research |
0091-7710, 2153-3806
preserved |
Journal of British Studies |
0021-9371, 1545-6986
preserved |
Journal of Business |
0021-9398, 1537-5374
preserved |
Journal of Clinical Ethics |
1046-7890, 1945-5879
preserved |
Journal of Consumer Research |
0093-5301, 1537-5277
preserved |
Journal of Cuneiform Studies |
0022-0256, 2325-6737
preserved |
Journal of Forest History |
0094-5080, 2325-579X
preserved |
Journal of Geology |
0022-1376, 1537-5269
preserved |
Journal of Human Capital |
1932-8575, 1932-8664
preserved |
Journal of Infectious Diseases |
0022-1899, 1537-6613
preserved |
Journal of Labor Economics |
0734-306X, 1537-5307
preserved |
Journal of Law and Courts |
2164-6570, 2164-6589
preserved |
Journal of Law and Economics |
0022-2186, 1537-5285
preserved |
Journal of Legal Studies |
0047-2530, 1537-5366
preserved |
Journal of Modern History |
0022-2801, 1537-5358
preserved |
Journal of Near Eastern Studies |
0022-2968, 1545-6978
preserved |
The Journal of Negro History |
0022-2992, 2325-6842
preserved |
Journal of Political Economy |
0022-3808, 1537-534X
preserved |
Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics |
2832-9368, 2832-9376
queued |
The Journal of Politics |
0022-3816, 1468-2508
preserved |
Journal of Religion |
0022-4189, 1549-6538
preserved |
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research |
2378-1815, 2378-1823
preserved |
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists |
2333-5955, 2333-5963
preserved |
Journal of the North American Benthological Society |
0887-3593, 1937-237X
preserved |
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research |
2334-2315, 1948-822X
preserved |
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes |
0075-4390, 2044-0014
preserved |
Journal of the Warburg Institute |
preserved |
KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge |
2473-599X, 2473-6007
preserved |
Library Quarterly |
0024-2519, 1549-652X
preserved |
Maarav |
0149-5712, 2836-7103
preserved |
Marine Resource Economics |
0738-1360, 2334-5985
preserved |
Metropolitan Museum Journal |
0077-8958, 2169-3072
preserved |
Modern Philology |
0026-8232, 1545-6951
preserved |
National Tax Journal |
0028-0283, 1944-7477
preserved |
NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics |
1932-8796, 2150-8372
preserved |
NBER Macroeconomics Annual |
0889-3365, 1537-2642
preserved |
Near Eastern Archaeology |
1094-2076, 2325-5404
preserved |
New Mexico Anthropologist |
preserved |
Newsletter (College Art Association of America, Visual Resources Committee) |
preserved |
The Old and New Testament Student |
preserved |
The Old Testament Student |
preserved |
Opportunities for Research in Renaissance Drama |
preserved |
Opportunities for Research in Renaissance Drama (Exclusive of Shakespeare) |
preserved |
Osiris |
0369-7827, 1933-8287
preserved |
Papers (Bibliographical Society of America) |
preserved |
The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America |
0006-128X, 2377-6528
preserved |
Philosophy of Science |
0031-8248, 1539-767X
preserved |
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology |
1522-2152, 1537-5293
preserved |
Physiological Zoology |
preserved |
Polity: The Journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association |
0032-3497, 1744-1684
preserved |
Portable Gray |
2637-8361, 2637-8396
preserved |
Proceedings and Papers (Bibliographical Society of America) |
0272-5193, 2380-8012
preserved |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific |
0004-6280, 1538-3873
preserved |
Pulmonary Circulation |
2045-8932, 2045-8940
preserved |
Quarterly Bulletin (Archives of American Art) |
preserved |
Quarterly Review of Biology |
0033-5770, 1539-7718
preserved |
Renaissance Drama |
0486-3739, 2164-3415
preserved |
Renaissance Drama (1956-1957) |
preserved |
Renaissance Drama, a Report on Research Opportunities |
preserved |
Renaissance Quarterly |
0034-4338, 1935-0236
preserved |
Res: Anthropology and aesthetics |
0277-1322, 2327-9621
preserved |
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy |
1750-6816, 1750-6824
preserved |
The School Review |
preserved |
Schools: Studies in Education |
1550-1175, 2153-0327
preserved |
Signs |
0097-9740, 1545-6943
preserved |
Signs and Society |
2326-4489, 2326-4497
preserved |
Smithsonian Studies in American Art |
preserved |
The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs |
1930-8418, 2640-7329
preserved |
Social Service Review |
0037-7961, 1537-5404
preserved |
Source: Notes in the History of Art |
0737-4453, 2328-207X
preserved |
Southwestern Journal of Anthropology |
preserved |
Speculum |
0038-7134, 2040-8072
preserved |
Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual |
0195-9468, 2167-8529
preserved |
Studies in the Decorative Arts |
preserved |
Supreme Court Economic Review |
0736-9921, 2156-6208
preserved |
The Supreme Court Review |
0081-9557, 2158-2459
preserved |
Tax Policy and the Economy |
0892-8649, 1537-2650
preserved |
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science |
0007-0882, 1464-3537
preserved |
The Bulletin of the National Tax Association |
2327-8706, 2327-9508
preserved |
The Social History of Alcohol Review |
preserved |
West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture |
2153-5531, 2153-5558
preserved |
Winterthur Portfolio |
0084-0416, 1545-6927
preserved |
The Wordsworth Circle |
0043-8006, 2640-7310
preserved |
Yearbook of Anthropology |
preserved |
Zoological Bulletin |
0898-1051, 1939-8778
preserved |