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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles ( displaying 500 of 855 ) | Information |
Zig-Zag-and-Swirl |
Author/Editor: Henry, Lyell D
You Never Get It Back |
Author/Editor: Cara Blue Adams
The Year of the Femme |
Author/Editor: Donish, Cassie
A Year of Iowa Nature |
Author/Editor: Kurtz, Carl
Writing Wars: Authorship and American War Fiction, WWI to Present |
Author/Editor: David F. Eisler
Writing Vietnam, Writing Life |
Author/Editor: Herzog, Tobey C
Writing the Trail |
Author/Editor: Lawrence, Deborah
Writing the Lost Generation |
Author/Editor: Monk, Craig
Writing Not Writing |
Author/Editor: Fisher, Tom
A Wrestling Life 2 |
Author/Editor: Gable, Dan
A Wrestling Life |
Author/Editor: Gable, Dan; Schulte, Scott
The WPA Guide to 1930s Iowa |
Author/Editor: Federal Writers Project, Joseph Frazier
Worth |
Author/Editor: Schiff, Robyn
Workshops of Empire |
Author/Editor: Bennett, Eric
The Woods: Stories |
Author/Editor: Janice Obuchowski
Women, Money, and the Law |
Author/Editor: Warren, Joyce W
Women in Agriculture |
Author/Editor: Ambrose, Linda M.; Jensen, Joan M
Women Adapting |
Author/Editor: Wood, Bethany
Woman Suffrage and Citizenship in the Midwest, 1870-1920 |
Author/Editor: Egge, Sara
Wm & H'ry |
Author/Editor: Hallman, J. C
With Wings Extended: A Leap into the Wood Duck's World |
Author/Editor: greg hoch
William Gibson and the Future of Contemporary Culture |
Wildland Sentinel: Field Notes from an Iowa Conservation Officer |
Author/Editor: Erika Billerbeck
Wildflowers of the Tallgrass Prairie |
Author/Editor: Runkel, Sylvan T.; Roosa, Dean M
Wildflowers of Iowa Woodlands |
Author/Editor: Runkel, Sylvan T.; Bull, Alvin F
Wildflowers and Other Plants of Iowa Wetlands, 2nd edition |
Author/Editor: Runkel, Sylvan T.; Roosa, Dean M
Whose World Is This? |
Author/Editor: Montgomery, Lee
Whitman's Drift |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Matt
The Whitman Revolution: Sex, Poetry, and Politics |
Author/Editor: Betsy Erkkila
Whitman Noir |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Ivy
Whitman East and West |
Author/Editor: Folsom, Ed
Whitman & Dickinson |
Author/Editor: Athenot, Éric; Miller, Cristanne
A Whitman Chronology |
Author/Editor: Krieg, Joann P
Whitman and the Irish |
Author/Editor: Krieg, Joann P
Whitman among the Bohemians |
Author/Editor: Levin, Joanna; Whitley, Edward
Where The Sky Began |
Author/Editor: Madson, John
Where Do Birds Live? |
Author/Editor: McGehee, Claudia
When You Learn the Alphabet |
Author/Editor: Allen, Kendra
When War Becomes Personal |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Donald
When Mystical Creatures Attack! |
Author/Editor: Founds, Kathleen
What Is Your Quest? |
Author/Editor: Salter, Anastasia
What Happens Next? |
Author/Editor: Bauer, Douglas
What Flies Want: Poems |
Author/Editor: Emily Pérez
What Counts as Love |
Author/Editor: Crotty, Marian
Wet Places at Noon |
Author/Editor: Abbott, Lee K
The West Side of Any Mountain |
Author/Editor: Bryson, J. Scott
Welcome to Dragon Talk: Inspiring Conversations about Dungeons & Dragons and the People Who Love to Play It |
Author/Editor: Shelly Mazzanoble ,Greg Tito
We Heard It When We Were Young |
Author/Editor: Chuy Renteria
We Have All Gone Away |
Author/Editor: Harnack, Curtis
We Carry Smoke and Paper: Essays on the Grief and Hope of Conversion |
Author/Editor: MELODY S. GEE
Weaving a Future |
Author/Editor: Zorn, Elayne
Weathering Winter |
Author/Editor: Klaus, Carl H
A Watershed Year |
Author/Editor: Mutel, Cornelia F
The Water Diviner and Other Stories |
Author/Editor: Pietersz Vilhauer, Ruvanee
Warblers in Your Pocket |
Author/Editor: Gardner, Dana
The Wapsipinicon Almanac: Selections from Thirty Years |
Author/Editor: Timothy Fay
Walt Whitman's Songs of Male Intimacy and Love |
Author/Editor: Erkkila, Betsy; Whitman, Walt
Walt Whitman's Song of Myself |
Author/Editor: Miller, Edwin Haviland
Walt Whitman's Selected Journalism |
Author/Editor: Whitman, Walt; Noverr, Douglas A.; Stacy, Jason
Walt Whitman's Reconstruction |
Author/Editor: Buinicki, Martin T
Walt Whitman and the World |
Author/Editor: Allen, Gay Wilson; Folsom, Ed
Walt Whitman and the Making of Jewish American Poetry |
Author/Editor: Dara Barnat
Walt Whitman and the Earth |
Author/Editor: Killingsworth, M. Jimmie
Walt Whitman and the Class Struggle |
Author/Editor: Lawson, Andrew
Walt Whitman |
Author/Editor: Genoways, Ted
Walt Whitman |
Author/Editor: Folsom, Ed
Wallace Stevens And The Apocalyptic Mode |
Author/Editor: Woodland, Malcolm
Waking Sleeping Beauty |
Author/Editor: Trites, Roberta S
The Waiting |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Megan
Vows, Veils, and Masks: The Performance of Marriage in the Plays of Eugene O'Neill |
Author/Editor: BETH WYNSTRA
Voices Cast Out to Talk Us In |
Author/Editor: Roberson, Ed
A Vocabulary of Thinking |
Author/Editor: Mix, Deborah M
Vivid and Continuous |
Author/Editor: McNally, John
Visits with the Amish |
Author/Editor: Egenes, Linda
Visible Dissent |
Author/Editor: Longo, Teresa V
Violet America |
Author/Editor: Arthur, Jason
The Victorian Marionette Theatre |
Author/Editor: Mccormick, John
The Vascular Plants of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Eilers, Lawrence J.; Roosa, Dean M
The Vanishing Messiah |
Author/Editor: Wetzel, David N
Up on the River |
Author/Editor: Madson, John
Up in Here |
Author/Editor: Dostert, Mark
Up a Country Lane Cookbook |
Author/Editor: Birkby, Evelyn
The University of Iowa Guide to Campus Architecture, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Scott, John Beldon; Lehnertz, Rodney P
The University of Iowa Guide to Campus Architecture |
Author/Editor: Scott, John Beldon; Lehnertz, Rodney P
Unfriendly Fire |
Author/Editor: Mullen, Peg
Uncertainty and Plenitude |
Author/Editor: Stitt, Peter
Unbeknownst |
Author/Editor: Hanson, Julie
Twelve Millennia |
Author/Editor: Theler, James L; Boszhardt, Robert F
Twain in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Scharnhorst, Gary
Twain, Alcott, and the Birth of the Adolescent Reform Novel |
Author/Editor: Trites, Roberta S
Turtles in Your Pocket |
Author/Editor: VanDeWalle, Terry; Collins, Suzanne L
Truth in Nonfiction |
Author/Editor: Lazar, David
The True Story of Alice B. Toklas |
Author/Editor: Linzie, Anna
The Trouble with Sauling Around |
Author/Editor: Walker, Madeline Ruth
Trickster |
Author/Editor: Potts, Randall
Trespasses |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Lacy M
Tremulous Hinge |
Author/Editor: Giannelli, Adam
Trekking across America: An Up-Close Look at a Once-Popular Pastime |
Author/Editor: Lyell D. Henry Jr.
Trees in Your Pocket |
Author/Editor: Rosburg, Thomas
Tree of Heaven |
Author/Editor: Mckean, James
Travels and Archaeology in South Chile |
Author/Editor: Bird, Junius B.; Hyslop, John
Traveler, There Is No Road |
Author/Editor: Jackson-Schebetta, Lisa
A Trauma Artist |
Author/Editor: Heberle, Mark A
Transnational Modernity and the Italian Reinvention of Walt Whitman, 1870-1945 |
Author/Editor: Caterina Bernardini
Translingual Poetics |
Author/Editor: Dowling, Sarah
Transcendental Meditation in America |
Author/Editor: Weber, Joseph
Transatlantic Stowe |
Author/Editor: Kohn, Denise; Meer, Sarah; Todd, Emily B
Transatlantic Connections |
Author/Editor: Thomas, M. Wynn
Transaction Histories |
Author/Editor: Stonecipher, Donna
Trace of One |
Author/Editor: Goodman, Joanna
Townships |
Author/Editor: Martone, Michael
Time of Beauty, Time of Fear |
Author/Editor: McGavran, James Holt
Tight Spaces |
Author/Editor: Scott, Kesho; Muhanji, Cherry; High, Egyirba
Tied to the Great Packing Machine |
Author/Editor: Warren, Wilson J
Ticket to Minto |
Author/Editor: Fracis, Sohrab Homi
Thus I Lived with Words |
Author/Editor: Federico, Annette R
Through Amazonian Eyes |
Author/Editor: Moran, Emilio F
Thoreaus Sense of Place |
Author/Editor: Schneider, Richard J
Thoreau in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Petrulionis, Sandra Harbert
This Vast Book of Nature |
Author/Editor: Cenkl, Pavel
This State of Wonders |
Author/Editor: Folmar, John Kent
"This Mighty Convulsion": Whitman and Melville Write the Civil War |
This Day in History |
Author/Editor: Varallo, Anthony
The Thin Tear In The Fabric Of Space |
Author/Editor: Trevor, Douglas
Things Kept, Things Left Behind |
Author/Editor: Tomlinson, Jim
Thieves' Latin |
Author/Editor: Shippy, Peter Jay
They Don't Want Her There: Fighting Sexual and Racial Harassment in the American University |
Author/Editor: Carolyn Chalme
These Boys and Their Fathers |
Author/Editor: Waters, Don
There Goes the Neighborhood |
Author/Editor: Reynolds, David R
"The Million Dead, Too, Summ'd Up": Walt Whitman's Civil War Writings |
Author/Editor: Walt Whitman ,Ed Folsom ,Christopher Merrill
The The Long White |
Author/Editor: Dilworth, Sharon
"The Disenthralled Hosts of Freedom": Party Prophecy in the Antebellum Editions of Leaves of Grass |
Author/Editor: DAVID GRANT
Theatres of Independence |
Author/Editor: Dharwadker, Aparna Bhargava
Theatre Is More Beautiful Than War |
Author/Editor: Carlson, Marvin
Theatre, Community, and Civic Engagement in Jacobean London |
Author/Editor: Bayer, Mark
Theatre and Identity in Imperial Russia |
Author/Editor: Schuler, Catherine A
Thank You for Being Concerned and Sensitive |
Author/Editor: Henry, Jim
Tending Iowa’s Land: Pathways to a Sustainable Future |
Author/Editor: Cornelia F. Mutel
Tell This Silence |
Author/Editor: Duncan, Patti
Tell Everyone I Said Hi |
Author/Editor: Simpson, Chad
Technomodern Poetics |
Author/Editor: Tietchen, Todd F
Teaching Tainted Lit |
Author/Editor: Casey, Janet G
Teaching Life |
Author/Editor: Salwak, Dale
The Tallgrass Prairie Reader |
Author/Editor: Price, John T
The Tallgrass Prairie Center Guide to Seed and Seedling Identification in the Upper Midwest |
Author/Editor: Williams, Dave
The Tallgrass Prairie Center Guide to Prairie Restoration in the Upper Midwest |
Author/Editor: Smith, Daryl; Williams, Dave; Houseal, Greg
Tales of an Old Horsetrader |
Author/Editor: Daniels, Leroy Judson; Herrick, Helen S
Tales of an American Hobo |
Author/Editor: Fox, Charles Elmer
Tales from an Uncertain World |
Author/Editor: Gardiner, L. S
Take Nothing With You |
Author/Editor: Schweig, Sarah V
System of Ghosts |
Author/Editor: Tigue, Lindsay
Symptoms of the Self: Tuberculosis and the Making of the Modern Stage |
Author/Editor: Roberta Barker
Sweet Will |
Author/Editor: Levine, Philip
Swaying |
Author/Editor: Grearson, Jessie Carroll
Susan Glaspell's Poetics and Politics of Rebellion |
Author/Editor: Jouve, Emeline
Supply Chain |
Author/Editor: Triplett, Pimone
Supplement to “Walt Whitman: A Descriptive Bibliography" |
Author/Editor: Joel Myerson
Supplement to “Walt Whitman |
Author/Editor: Myerson, Joel
Superhero Thought Experiments |
Author/Editor: Gavaler, Chris; Goldberg, Nathaniel
Sunday Houses the Sunday House |
Author/Editor: Hughey, Elizabeth
Sum of the Parts |
Author/Editor: Ryden, Kent C
A Sugar Creek Chronicle |
Author/Editor: Mutel, Cornelia F
Study for Necessity |
Author/Editor: Kwiatek, JoEllen
Struggling With Iowas Pride |
Author/Editor: Warren, Wilson J
Strange Duets |
Author/Editor: Marra, Kim
Straight Korean Female Fans and Their Gay Fantasies |
Author/Editor: Kwon, Jungmin
Stowe in Her Own Time |
Author/Editor: Belasco, Susan
Stories We Tell Ourselves |
Author/Editor: Herman, Michelle
Stories No One Hopes Are about Them |
Author/Editor: A. J. Bermudez
Stories From Under The Sky |
Author/Editor: Madson, John
A Store Almost in Sight |
Author/Editor: Bremer, Jeff
Status and Conservation of Midwestern Amphibians |
Author/Editor: Lannoo, Michael J
Star Ledger |
Author/Editor: Hull, Lynda
Star Attractions: Twentieth-Century Movie Magazines and Global Fandom |
Stanton in Her Own Time |
Author/Editor: Baker, Noelle A
Standards of Value |
Author/Editor: Germana, Michael
Stamford '76 |
Author/Editor: Hart, JoeAnn
Staging Postcommunism: Alternative Theatre in Eastern and Central Europe after 1989 |
Author/Editor: Vessela S. Warner,Diana Manole
Stagestruck Filmmaker |
Author/Editor: Mayer, David
Squee from the Margins |
Author/Editor: Pande, Rukmini
Spar |
Author/Editor: Volkman, Karen
A Sourcebook of Nasca Ceramic Iconography |
Author/Editor: Proulx, Donald A
Sound Fury: Poems |
Author/Editor: Mark Levine
Song of Myself |
Author/Editor: Whitman, Walt
Something We Have That They Don't |
Author/Editor: Clark & Ford, Steve & Mark
something has to happen next |
Author/Editor: roberts, andrew michael
(some of) The Adventures of Carlyle, My Imaginary Friend |
Author/Editor: Hazners, Dainis
Solidarity and Survival |
Author/Editor: Stromquist, Shelton
Soldiers Once and Still |
Author/Editor: Vernon, Alex
Soldier Boy |
Author/Editor: Popchock, Barry
Soft Canons |
Author/Editor: Kilcup, Karen L
Social Responsibilities of the Businessman |
Author/Editor: Bowen, Howard R
Snakes and Lizards in Your Pocket |
Author/Editor: VanDeWalle, Terry
The Small-Town Midwest |
Author/Editor: Couch, Julianne
Small Boat |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Lesle
Slavery in American Children's Literature, 1790-2010 |
Author/Editor: Connolly, Paula T
Sky Dance of the Woodcock |
Author/Editor: Hoch, Greg
Skull in the Ashes |
Author/Editor: Kaufman, Peter
The Six-Minute Memoir: Fifty-Five Short Essays on Life |
Sitting In |
Author/Editor: Carruth, Hayden
Signs in America's Auto Age |
Author/Editor: Jakle & Sculle, John A. & Keith A
Shrubs and Vines of Iowa |
Author/Editor: van der Linden, Peter J.; Farrar, Donald R
Shiny Objects |
Author/Editor: Benedict, Dianne
Sherlock's World |
Author/Editor: McClellan, Ann K
A Shared Life |
Author/Editor: Soniat, Katherine
The Shape of Inca History |
Author/Editor: Niles, Susan A
Shakespeare on the American Yiddish Stage |
Author/Editor: Berkowitz, Joel
Shakespeare and Chekhov in Production and Reception |
Author/Editor: Tulloch, John
Shadow Girl |
Author/Editor: Abramson, Deb
Sex for Sale |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Katie N
Seven Wheelchairs |
Author/Editor: Presley, Gary
Service in a Time of Suspicion |
Author/Editor: Sandhoff, Michelle
Sentimental Readers |
Author/Editor: Halpern, Faye
A Self Made of Words |
Author/Editor: Klaus, Carl H
Selected Letters of Walt Whitman |
Author/Editor: Miller, Edwin Haviland
The Selected Letters of Elizabeth Stoddard |
Author/Editor: Putzi, Jennifer; Stockton, Elizabeth
See You in the Streets |
Author/Editor: Sergel, Ruth
A Secret To Be Burried |
Author/Editor: Lensink, Judy Nolte
Seasons of Plenty |
Author/Editor: Hoppe, Emilie
Screenwriting for Neurotics |
Author/Editor: Sublett, Scott Winfield
The Scientific Nomenclature of Birds in the Upper Midwest |
Author/Editor: Sandrock, James; Prior, Jean C
The Sawdust Trail |
Author/Editor: Sunday, William A
Sarah's Seasons |
Author/Editor: Davis, Martha Moore
Salt Lantern |
Author/Editor: Morgan, William Towner
Salms |
Salem Is My Dwelling Place |
Author/Editor: Miller, Edwin Haviland
Salamanders in Your Pocket |
Author/Editor: VanDeWalle, Terry
Safe as Houses |
Author/Editor: Bertino, Marie-Helene
The Sacred Cause of Union |
Author/Editor: Baker, Thomas R
A Ruth Suckow Omnibus |
Author/Editor: Suckow, Ruth
Running to the Fire |
Author/Editor: Bascom, Tim
Rows of Memory |
Author/Editor: Sanchez, Saul
The Roots of Theatre |
Author/Editor: Rozik, Eli
The Roots of Cane: Jean Toomer and American Magazine Modernism |
Author/Editor: JOHN K. YOUNG
Rooted |
Author/Editor: Pichaske, David R
Ronald Harwood's Tragic Vision: A Critical Analysis of His Novels, Plays, and Screenplays |
Author/Editor: Ann C. Hall
Roman Holidays |
Author/Editor: Martin, Robert K.; Person, Leland S
The Rise of Women Farmers and Sustainable Agriculture |
Author/Editor: Sachs, Carolyn; Barbercheck, Mary; Braiser, Kathryn
Richard Wright's Art of Tragedy |
Author/Editor: Joyce Ann Joyce
Richard Ford and the Ends of Realism |
Author/Editor: McGuire, Ian
Revolver |
Author/Editor: Schiff, Robyn
Reverse Colonization: Science Fiction, Imperial Fantasy, and Alt-victimhood |
Author/Editor: David M. Higgins
Return to Warden's Grove |
Author/Editor: Norment, Christopher
The Resurrectionists: A Novel |
Restoring the Tallgrass Prairie |
Author/Editor: Shirley, Shirley
Representing the Past |
Author/Editor: Canning, Charlotte M.; Postlewait, Thomas
Re-living the American Frontier: Western Fandoms, Reenactment, and Historical Hobbyists in Germany and America Since 1900 |
Author/Editor: NANCY REAGIN
Reinventing the Peabody Sisters |
Author/Editor: Elbert, Monika M.; Hall, Julie E.; Rodier, Katharine
Rehearsing Revolutions |
Author/Editor: McAvoy, Mary
Reforming the World |
Author/Editor: Sanchez, Maria Carla
Reflecting the Audience |
Author/Editor: Davis, Jim; Emeljanow, Victor
Redstart |
Author/Editor: Gander, Forrest; Kinsella, John
Rediscovering The New World |
Author/Editor: Fitz, Earl E
Rediscovering Nancy Drew |
Author/Editor: Dyer, Carolyn Stewart
The Recurrence of Fate |
Author/Editor: Golub, Spencer Jay
Reconstituting Authority |
Author/Editor: Moddelmog, William E
Reading The Social Body |
Author/Editor: Burroughs, Catherine B
Reading the Middle Generation Anew |
Author/Editor: Haralson, Eric
Reading Project |
Author/Editor: Pressman, Jessica; Marino, Mark C.; Douglass, Jeremy
Reading Inca History |
Author/Editor: Julien, Catherine
Reading Duncan Reading |
Author/Editor: Collis, Stephen; Lyons, Graham
Reading Capitalist Realism |
Author/Editor: Shonkwiler, Alison; La Berge, Leigh Claire
Reading as Therapy |
Author/Editor: Aubry, Timothy
Reading as Collective Action |
Author/Editor: Hengen Fox, Nicholas
Raymond Carver |
Author/Editor: Halpert, Sam
Raw Goods Inventory |
Author/Editor: Rosko, Emily
The Raptors of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Roosa, Dean M; Stravers, Jon W.; Ehresman, Bruce
Rank |
Author/Editor: McCollough, Aaron
The Rainy Season |
Author/Editor: Messitt, Maggie
Author/Editor: Karras, John; Karras, Ann
Radical Vernacular |
Author/Editor: Willis, Elizabeth
Radicals, Volume 2: Memoir, Essays, and Oratory: Audacious Writings by American Women, 1830-1930 |
Author/Editor: Meredith Stabel ,Zachary Turpin
Radicals, Volume 1: Fiction, Poetry, and Drama: Audacious Writings by American Women, 1830-1930 |
Author/Editor: Meredith Stabel ,Zachary Turpin ,ROXANE GAY
Race Sounds |
Author/Editor: Furlonge, Nicole Brittingham
Race and Time |
Author/Editor: Gray, Janet
Questions of Poetics |
Author/Editor: Watten, Barrett
Queerbaiting and Fandom: Teasing Fans through Homoerotic Possibilities |
Author/Editor: Joseph Brennan
The Quack's Daughter |
Author/Editor: Nettleton, Greta
Pynchon's California |
Author/Editor: McClintock, Scott; Miller, John
Purple Passages |
Author/Editor: DuPlessis, Rachel Blau
Pulp and Paper |
Author/Editor: Rolnick, Josh
Provincial Inca |
Author/Editor: Malpass, Michael A
The Prophet's Whistle: Late Antique Orality, Literacy, and the Quran |
Author/Editor: George Archer
The Promise of Failure |
Author/Editor: McNally, John
A Projectile Point Guide for the Upper Mississippi River Valley |
Author/Editor: Boszhardt, Robert F
Profiles and Plotlines: Data Surveillance in Twenty-first Century Literature |
Author/Editor: Katherine D. Johnston
The Principles of Comedy Improv: Truths, Tales, and How to Improvise |
Author/Editor: Tom Blank ,Jennifer Coolidge
The Prairie Winnows Out Its Own |
Author/Editor: Nelson, Paula M
A Prairie Populist |
Author/Editor: Nelsen, Jane Taylor
The Prairie in Seed |
Author/Editor: Williams, Dave
Prairie City, Iowa |
Author/Editor: Bauer, Douglas
Prairie |
Author/Editor: Winckler, Suzanne
The Pragmatic Whitman |
Author/Editor: Mack, Stephen John
A Practical Guide to Prairie Reconstruction |
Author/Editor: Kurtz, Carl
Power Ballads |
Author/Editor: Boast, Will
Poverty and Charity in Early Modern Theater and Performance |
Author/Editor: Henke, Robert
A Potter's Workbook |
Author/Editor: Illian, Clary
Postmodern/Postwar and After |
Author/Editor: Gladstone, Jason; Hoberek, Andrew; Worden, Daniel
The Portrait and the Book |
Author/Editor: Walsh, Megan
Politics, Desire, and the Hollywood Novel |
Author/Editor: Rhodes, Chip
Polish Theatre Revisited: Theatre Fans in the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: AGATA ŁUKSZA
Poisonous Muse |
Author/Editor: Crosby, Sara L
A Point Is Which Has No Part |
Author/Editor: Waldner, Liz
Poetry Matters |
Author/Editor: Milne, Heather
Poetry FM: American Poetry and Radio Counterculture |
Poetics of the Hive |
Author/Editor: Hollingsworth, Cristopher
The Poetics of Scale: From Apollinaire to Big Data |
Author/Editor: CONRAD STEEL
Poetics of Emergence: Affect and History in Postwar Experimental Poetry |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Lee
Poetics of Cognition: Thinking through Experimental Poems |
Poetics and Praxis 'After' Objectivism |
Author/Editor: Howard, W. Scott; Rossell, Broc
Poetic Obligation |
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Matthew G
Poems of the American Empire: The Lyric Form in the Long Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Jen Hedler Phillis
Poe in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Fisher, Benjamin F
Poe Abroad |
Author/Editor: Vines, Lois Davis
The Plea: The True Story of Young Wesley Elkins and His Struggle for Redemption |
Author/Editor: Patricia L. Bryan ,Thomas Wolf
Playing Fans |
Author/Editor: Booth, Paul
Playful Song Called Beautiful |
Author/Editor: Blair, John
Playful Letters |
Author/Editor: Boeckeler, Erika Mary
Planned Solstice |
Author/Editor: Greenberg, David Micah
Plain and Ugly Janes |
Author/Editor: Wright, Charlotte M
Places of Quiet Beauty |
Author/Editor: Conard, Rebecca
Places in the Making |
Author/Editor: Cocola, Jim
A Place Of Sense |
Author/Editor: Martone, Michael
A Place for Humility |
Author/Editor: Gerhardt, Christine
A Place for Dialogue |
Author/Editor: Stevens, Sharon McKenzie
Pink Pirates |
Author/Editor: Irr, Caren
Pikillacta |
Author/Editor: McEwan, Gordon F
The Phantom Unmasked |
Author/Editor: Patrick, Kevin
Permanent Visitors |
Author/Editor: Moffett, Kevin
Performing Whitely in the Postcolony |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Megan
Performing the Progressive Era |
Author/Editor: Shulman, Max; Westgate, J. Chris
Performing History |
Author/Editor: Rokem, Freddie
The Performance of Power |
Author/Editor: Case, Sue-Ellen; Reinelt, Janelle G
A Perfect Picture of Hell |
Author/Editor: Genoways, Ted; Genoways, Hugh H
The People's Forests |
Author/Editor: Marshall, Robert
The People of Denendeh |
Author/Editor: Helm, June
P.E.O. Cookbook |
Author/Editor: Schoonover, David E
The Penelope Project |
Author/Editor: Basting, Anne; Towey, Maureen; Rose, Ellie
Pella Dutch |
Author/Editor: Webber, Philip E
A Peculiar People |
Author/Editor: Schwieder, Elmer; Schwieder, Dorothy
Patient Listening |
Author/Editor: Herwaldt, Loreen
Paracritical Hinge |
Author/Editor: Mackey, Nathaniel
Outside Is the Ocean |
Author/Editor: Lansburgh, Matthew
Out of This World |
Author/Editor: Swander, Mary
Out of the Girls' Room and into the Night |
Author/Editor: Thisbe Nissen
Out Home |
Author/Editor: Madson, John; McIntosh, Michael
Outer Sunset |
Others Had It Worse |
Author/Editor: Covert, Vetra Melrose Padget; Baker, Chris D
Othello and Interpretive Traditions |
Author/Editor: Pechter, Edward
Origins Of Magnetospheric Physics |
Author/Editor: Van Allen, James A
The Orange Wire Problem and Other Tales from the Doctor’s Office |
Author/Editor: Watts, David
The Orange Wire Problem and Other Tales from the Doctor’s Office |
Author/Editor: Watts, David
Oppenheimer Is Watching Me |
Author/Editor: Porter, Jeff
On the Viking Trail |
Author/Editor: Lago, Don
On the Shoreline of Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Arthur, Chris
On the Origin of Superheroes |
Author/Editor: Gavaler, Chris
On Tact, & the Made Up World |
Author/Editor: Glazer, Michele
The Only Efficient Instrument |
Author/Editor: Cane, Aleta Feinsod; Alves, Susan
Oneota Flow |
Author/Editor: Faldet, David S
One Dog Happy |
Author/Editor: McNett, Molly
On Behalf of the Family Farm |
Author/Editor: Devine, Jenny Barker
Old Capitol |
Author/Editor: Keyes, Margaret N
Okoboji Wetlands |
Author/Editor: Lannoo, Michael J
Of Wilderness and Wolves |
Author/Editor: Errington, Paul L.; Sivils, Matthew Wynn
Of This New World |
Author/Editor: Hyde, Allegra
Of Men and Marshes |
Author/Editor: Errington, Paul
Odd Bloom Seen from Space |
Author/Editor: Welch, Timothy Daniel
November Storm |
Author/Editor: Oldshue, Robert
Novel Subjects: Authorship as Radical Self-Care in Multiethnic American Narratives |
Author/Editor: LEAH A. MILNE
The Novel and the American Left |
Author/Editor: Casey, Janet Galligani
No Use Pretending |
Author/Editor: Thomas A. Dodson
Notations Of The Wild |
Author/Editor: Voros, Gyorgyi
Not a Thing to Comfort You |
Author/Editor: Wortman-Wunder, Emily
No Such Country |
Author/Editor: Lueth, Elmar
Nola |
Author/Editor: Hemley, Robin
The Ninth Decade: An Octogenarian’s Chronicle |
Author/Editor: Carl H. Klaus
Nineteenth Century Home Architecture of Iowa City: A Silver Anniversary Edition |
Author/Editor: MARGARET N. KEYES ,Irving B. Weber
Night in Erg Chebbi and Other Stories |
Author/Editor: Hamlin, Edward
New Visions of Community in Contemporary American Fiction |
Author/Editor: Michael, Magali Cornier
The New Existence |
Author/Editor: Michael Collins
Networks of Modernism |
Author/Editor: Beal, Wesley
Neocolonial Fictions of the Global Cold War |
Author/Editor: Belletto, Steven; Keith, Joseph
Neighboring on the Air |
Author/Editor: Birkby, Evelyn
Necessary Courage |
Author/Editor: Soike, Lowell J
Nature and Culture in the Northern Forest |
Author/Editor: Cenkl, Pavel
Natural Selections |
Author/Editor: Campana, Joseph
The Natural History of the Turtles of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Terry VanDeWalle ,Neil P. Bernstein ,James L. Christiansen
The Natural History of the Snakes and Lizards of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Terry VanDeWalle
Nathaniel Mackey, Destination Out: Essays on His Work |
Author/Editor: Jeanne Heuving
Narratives, Nerdfighters, and New Media |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Burek Pierce
My Victorians: Lost in the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: ROBERT CLARK
The Myth of Emptiness and the New American Literature of Place |
Author/Editor: Harding, Wendy
Mythical River |
Author/Editor: Sevigny, Melissa L
The Mythical Bill |
Author/Editor: McAuliffe, Jody
Myself and Some Other Being |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Daniel
My Business Is to Create |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Eric G
My Body To You |
Author/Editor: Searle, Elizabeth
Must a Violence |
Author/Editor: Buchanan, Oni
The Music of Thought in the Poetry of George Oppen and William Bronk |
Author/Editor: Weinfield, Henry
Music for the Melodramatic Theatre in Nineteenth-Century London and New York |
Author/Editor: Pisani, Michael V
Mushrooms and Other Fungi of the Midcontinental United States |
Author/Editor: Huffman, Donald M.; Tiffany, Lois H.; Knaphaus, George
Mountains Of Memory |
Author/Editor: Scheese, Don
Moths in Your Pocket |
Author/Editor: Durbin, Jim; Olsen, Frank; Jantscher, Tom
Mother Archive: A Dominican Family Memoir |
Author/Editor: ERIKA MORILLO
The Most American Thing in America |
Author/Editor: Canning, Charlotte M
Montane Foragers |
Author/Editor: Aldenderfer, Mark S
Molière, the French Revolution, and the Theatrical Afterlife |
Author/Editor: Leon, Mechele
Modern Hamlets & Soliloquies |
Author/Editor: Maher, Mary Z
Modern Czech Theatre |
Author/Editor: Burian, Jarka M
Miss Stephen's Apprenticeship |
Author/Editor: Brackenbury, Rosalind
Millennial Fandom |
Author/Editor: Stein, Louisa Ellen
Millennial Ecuador |
Author/Editor: Whitten, Norman E
Micrographia |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Emily
Metawritings |
Author/Editor: Talbot, Jill
Metamedia |
Author/Editor: Starre, Alexander
The Messenger |
Author/Editor: Pippin, Stephanie
The Men in My Country |
Author/Editor: Abildskov, Marilyn
Memorandum from the Iowa Cloud Appreciation Society: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Joseph G. Peterson
Memoirs Of A Cold War Son |
Author/Editor: Gaines, Post, Jr
Meme |
Author/Editor: Wheeler, Susan
Melville in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Olsen-Smith, Steven
Melodramatic Formations |
Author/Editor: Mcconachie, Bruce A
Meat Makes People Powerful |
Author/Editor: Warren, Wilson J
The Meanings of J. Robert Oppenheimer |
Author/Editor: Banco, Lindsey Michael
The Meaning of Rivers |
Author/Editor: McMillin, T. S
May All Your Fences Have Gates |
Author/Editor: Nadel, Alan
Matter |
Author/Editor: Ramke, Bin
Master Class |
Author/Editor: Bunge, Nancy
Mass Authorship and the Rise of Self-Publishing |
Author/Editor: Laquintano, Timothy
Mary Jane's Ghost |
Author/Editor: Gregory, Ted
Mark Twain Speaking |
Author/Editor: Fatout, Paul
Marginal Sights |
Author/Editor: Moy, James S
Mapping the Invisible Landscape |
Author/Editor: Ryden, Kent C
The Man in the Banana Trees |
Author/Editor: Marguerite Sheffer
Male Sexuality under Surveillance |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Graham
The Making of Theatrical Reputations |
Author/Editor: Zarhy-Levo, Yael
The Making of a Black Scholar |
Author/Editor: Porter, Horace A
Making Local Food Work |
Author/Editor: Janssen, Brandi
Making Americans |
Author/Editor: Schmidt, Gary D
Main Street Revisited |
Author/Editor: Francaviglia, Richard V
Main Street Public Library |
Author/Editor: Wiegand, Wayne A
Mad Men Unzipped |
Author/Editor: Dill-Shackleford, Karen E.; Vinney, Cynthia; Hogg, Jerri Lynn
The Made-Up Self |
Author/Editor: Klaus, Carl H
Lungs Full of Noise |
Author/Editor: Mellas, Tessa
Lug Your Careless Body out of the Careful Dusk |
Author/Editor: Wilkinson, Joshua Marie
A Lucky American Childhood |
Author/Editor: Engle, Paul
Love Song to the Demon-Possessed Pigs of Gadara |
Author/Editor: William Fargason
The Lovers Set Down Their Spoons |
Author/Editor: Slomski, Heather A
Love Is My Favorite Flavor: A Midwestern Dining Critic Tells All |
Author/Editor: Wini Moranville
Love in a Global Village |
Author/Editor: Grearson, Jessie Carroll; Smith, Lauren B
Love amid the Turmoil |
Author/Editor: Elder III, Donald C
The Lost Region |
Author/Editor: Lauck, Jon K
Lost in the Customhouse |
Author/Editor: Loving, Jerome
Lost and |
Author/Editor: Griffin, Jeff
Looking Glasses and Neverlands |
Author/Editor: Coats, Karen
London's West End Actresses and the Origins of Celebrity Charity, 1880-1920 |
Author/Editor: Hindson, Catherine
London in a Box |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Odai
Lo |
Author/Editor: Melissa Crowe
A Little Middle of the Night |
Author/Editor: Brodak, Molly
Little Big World |
Author/Editor: Hammond, Jeffrey
Literature and the Child |
Author/Editor: Mcgavran, James Holt
A Literary History of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Andrews, Clarence A
The Lines |
Author/Editor: Varallo, Anthony
Lincoln in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Bush, Harold K
Like a Sea |
Author/Editor: Amadon, Samuel
The Lightning Jar |
Author/Editor: Felt, Christian
A Life on the Middle West's Never-Ending Frontier |
Author/Editor: Boyd, Willard L
The Life of a Hunter |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Michelle
The Life and Writings of Julio C. Tello |
Author/Editor: Burger, Richard L
Life And Death At Paloma |
Author/Editor: Quilter, Jeffrey
Life and Adventures of Jack Engle |
Author/Editor: Whitman, Walt
Liberal Education and the Public Interest |
Author/Editor: Freedman, James O
Letters to Kate |
Author/Editor: Klaus, Carl H
Lester Higata's 20th Century |
Author/Editor: Hamby, Barbara
The Lengest Neoi |
The Legacy of David Foster Wallace |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Samuel; Konstantinou, Lee
Ledger |
Author/Editor: Wheeler, Susan
Leaving the Pink House |
Author/Editor: Randolph, Ladette
Leaves of Grass, 1860 |
Author/Editor: Whitman, Walt; Stacy, Jason
The Last Unkillable Thing |
Author/Editor: Emily Pittinos
Landscape With Figures |
Author/Editor: Ryden, Kent C
La Far |
Author/Editor: Linsker, Eric
Kolonie-Deutsch |
Author/Editor: Webber, Philip E
Knowing Where It Comes From |
Author/Editor: Parasecoli, Fabio
Kitchen Sink Realisms |
Author/Editor: Chansky, Dorothy
Kinship with the Land |
Author/Editor: Burns, E. Bradford
King James and Letters of Homoerotic Desire |
Author/Editor: Bergeron, David M
Kindred Hands |
Author/Editor: Cognard-Black, Jennifer; MacLeod Walls, Elizabeth
The Kind of Things Saints Do |
Author/Editor: Valeri, Laura
The Kindness of Strangers |
Author/Editor: TOM LUTZ
Kicking Ass in a Corset: Jane Austen’s 6 Principles for Living and Leading from the Inside Out |
Author/Editor: Andrea Kayne
Khabaar: An Immigrant Journey of Food, Memory, and Family |
Author/Editor: Madhushree Ghosh
Johnny Cash International: How and Why Fans Love the Man in Black |
Author/Editor: Michael Hinds,Jonathan Silverman
Jews and the Making of Modern German Theatre |
Author/Editor: Malkin, Jeanette R.; Rokem, Freddie
Jefferson in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Hayes, Kevin J
The Jefferson Highway |
Author/Editor: Henry, Lyell D., Jr
Jazz Country |
Author/Editor: Porter, Horace A
James Weldon Johnson's Modern Soundscapes |
Author/Editor: Morrissette, Noelle
James Van Allen |
Author/Editor: Foerstner, Abigail
James Merrill, Postmodern Magus |
Author/Editor: Smith, Evans Lansing