Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles (80) | Information |
Achieving Access to Justice in a Business and Human Rights Context: An Assessment of Litigation and Regulatory Responses in European Civil-Law Countries |
Author/Editor: Virginie Rouas
The Afterlife of Apuleius |
Anti-Communism in Britain During the Early Cold War: A Very British Witch Hunt |
Author/Editor: Matthew Gerth
Becoming a Historian: An Informal Guide |
Author/Editor: Penelope J. Corfield ,Tim Hitchcock
Before Grenfell: Fire, Safety and Deregulation in Twentieth-Century Britain |
Author/Editor: Shane Ewen
Books, Readers and Libraries in Fiction |
Author/Editor: Karen Attar ,Andrew Nash
Brave new world: Imperial and democratic nation-building in Britain between the wars |
Author/Editor: Laura Beers,Geraint Thomas
Brazil: Essays on History and Politics |
Author/Editor: Leslie Bethell
Children’s Experiences of Welfare in Modern Britain |
Author/Editor: Siân Pooley ,Jonathan Taylor
Church and People in Interregnum Britain |
Author/Editor: Fiona McCall
Cinemas and Cinema-Going in the United Kingdom: Decades of Decline, 1945–65 |
Author/Editor: Sam Manning
Civilian Specialists at War: Britain's Transport Experts and the First World War |
Author/Editor: Christopher Phillips
The Clinical Legal Education Handbook |
Author/Editor: Linden Thomas,Nick Johnson
Coal Country: The Meaning and Memory of Deindustrialization in Postwar Scotland |
Author/Editor: Ewan Gibbs
Creative Spaces: Urban Culture and Marginality in Latin America |
Author/Editor: Niall H.D. Geraghty,Adriana Laura Massidda
The Creighton Century, 1907-2007, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: David Bates ,Jennifer Wallis ,Jane Winters
Cultural Worlds of the Jesuits in Colonial Latin America |
Author/Editor: Linda A. Newson
Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean |
Author/Editor: Peter Wade,James Scorer,Ignacio Aguiló
Dethroning historical reputations: universities, museums and the commemoration of benefactors |
Author/Editor: Jill Pellew,Lawrence Goldman
Electronic Evidence |
Author/Editor: Stephen Mason,Daniel Seng
Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures, Ed. 5 |
Author/Editor: Stephen Mason ,Daniel Seng
Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures, Ed. CMB - Combined volume, 5 |
Author/Editor: Stephen Mason ,Daniel Seng
Electronic Signatures in Law |
Author/Editor: Stephen Mason
Empty Spaces: Perspectives on emptiness in modern history |
Author/Editor: Courtney J. Campbell,Allegra Giovine,Jennifer Keating
Envisioning Global LGBT Human Rights: (Neo)colonialism, Neoliberalism, Resistance and Hope |
Author/Editor: Nancy Nicol,Adrian Jjuuko,Richard Lusimbo,Nick J. Mulé,Susan Ursel,Amar Wahab,Phyllis Waugh
European Religious Cultures: Essays offered to Christopher Brooke on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Miri Rubin
European Religious Cultures: Essays offered to Christopher Brooke on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, Ed. DGO - Digital original |
Author/Editor: Miri Rubin
European Socialists Across Borders: Transnational Cooperation and Alternative Visions of Europe After 1945 |
Author/Editor: Mélanie Torrent ,Andrew J. Williams
The Family Firm: monarchy, mass media and the British public, 1932-53 |
Author/Editor: Edward Owens
Freedom Seekers: Escaping from Slavery in Restoration London |
Author/Editor: Simon P. Newman
Gender and Historiography: Studies in the earlier middle ages in honour of Pauline Stafford |
Author/Editor: Janet L. Nelson,Susan Reynolds,Susan M. Johns
Gender, Emotions and Power, 1750–2020 |
Author/Editor: Hannah Parker ,Josh Doble
Gender in medieval places, spaces and thresholds |
Author/Editor: Victoria Blud,Diane Heath,Einat Klafter
Giving Birth in Eighteenth-Century England |
Author/Editor: Sarah Fox
The Glasgow Sugar Aristocracy: Scotland and Caribbean Slavery, 1775–1838 |
Author/Editor: Stephen Mullen
Healthcare in Ireland and Britain 1850-1970: Voluntary, regional and comparative perspectives |
Author/Editor: Donnacha Seán Lucey,Virginia Crossman
A history of the French in London: liberty, equality, opportunity |
Author/Editor: Debra Kelly,Martyn Cornick
A Horizon of (Im)possibilities: A Chronicle of Brazil’s Conservative Turn |
Author/Editor: Katerina Hatzikidi ,Eduardo Dullo
Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth |
Author/Editor: Corinne Lennox,Matthew Waites
Individuals and Institutions in Medieval Scholasticism |
Author/Editor: Antonia Fitzpatrick ,John Sabapathy
International Handbook on Clinical Tax Education |
Author/Editor: Amy Lawton ,Annette Morgan ,David Massey ,Donovan Castelyn
Law, Humanities and the COVID Crisis |
Author/Editor: Carl F. Stychin
Liberation Theology and Praxis in Contemporary Latin America: As it Was in the Beginning? |
Author/Editor: Pablo Bradbury ,Niall H. D. Geraghty
London and beyond: Essays in honour of Derek Keene |
Author/Editor: Matthew Davies,James A. Galloway
Magna Carta: history, context and influence |
Author/Editor: Lawrence Goldman
Mapping Crisis: Participation, Datafication and Humanitarianism in the Age of Digital Mapping |
Author/Editor: Doug Specht
Mapping the State: English Boundaries and the 1832 Reform Act |
Author/Editor: Martin Spychal
The Margins of Late Medieval London, 1430-1540 |
Author/Editor: Charlotte Berry
Masculinity and Danger on the Eighteenth-Century Grand Tour |
Author/Editor: Sarah Goldsmith
A Matter of Trust: Building Integrity into Data, Statistics and Records to Support the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals |
Author/Editor: Anne Thurston
Medieval Londoners: essays to mark the eightieth birthday of Caroline M. Barron |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth A. New,Christian Steer
Medieval Merchants and Money: Essays in Honour of James L. Bolton |
Author/Editor: Martin Allen,Matthew Davies
Memory, Migration and (De)Colonisation in the Caribbean and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Jack Webb,Rod Westmaas,Maria del Pilar Kaladeen,William Tantam
More-Than-Human Histories of Latin America and the Caribbean: Decentring the Human in Environmental History |
Author/Editor: Diogo de Carvalho Cabral ,André Vasques Vital ,Margarita Gascón
New World Objects of Knowledge: A Cabinet of Curiosities |
Author/Editor: Mark Thurner ,Juan Pimentel
A Nicaraguan Exceptionalism? Debating the Legacy of the Sandinista Revolution |
Author/Editor: Hilary Francis
Octavia Hill, social activism and the remaking of British society |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Baigent,Ben Cowell
People, Texts and Artefacts: Cultural Transmission in the Medieval Norman Worlds |
Author/Editor: David Bates,Edoardo D’Angelo,Elisabeth van Houts
Persuasive Language in Cicero’s Pro Milone: A close reading and commentary |
Pieter Geyl and Britain: Encounters, Controversies, Impact |
Author/Editor: Stijn van Rossem ,Ulrich Tiedau
The Poets Laureate of the Long Eighteenth Century, 1668–1813: Courting the Public |
Author/Editor: Leo Shipp
The Politics of Women's Suffrage: Local, National and International Dimensions |
Author/Editor: Alexandra Hughes-Johnson ,Lyndsey Jenkins
Precarious Professionals: Gender, Identities and Social Change in Modern Britain |
Author/Editor: Heidi Egginton ,Zoë Thomas
Profession and Performance: Aspects of oratory in the Greco-Roman world |
Providing for the Poor: The Old Poor Law, 1750–1834 |
Author/Editor: Peter Collinge ,Louise Falcini
Provincialising nature: multidisciplinary approaches to the politics of the environment in Latin America |
Author/Editor: Michela Coletta,Malayna Raftopoulos
Queer Between the Covers: Histories of Queer Publishing and Publishing Queer Voices |
Author/Editor: Leila Kassir ,Richard Espley
Ravenna: its role in earlier medieval change and exchange |
Author/Editor: Judith Herrin,Jinty Nelson
Refugee Reception in Southern Africa: National and Local Policies in Zambia and South Africa |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Maple
A return to the village: community ethnographies and the study of Andean culture in retrospective |
Author/Editor: Francisco Ferreira,Billie Jean Isbell
Revisiting the Falklands-Malvinas Question: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Guillermo Mira ,Fernando Pedrosa
She said she was in the family way': Pregnancy and infancy in modern Ireland |
Author/Editor: Elaine Farrell
The Signature in Law: From the Thirteenth Century to the Facsimile |
Author/Editor: Stephen Mason
The Social and Political Life of Latin American Infrastructures |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Alderman ,Geoff Goodwin
Star Chamber Matters: An Early Modern Court and Its Records |
Author/Editor: K. J. Kesselring ,Natalie Mears
Supervivencia indígena en la Nicaragua colonial |
Author/Editor: Linda A. Newson ,Adolfo Bonilla
Talking History: Seminar Culture at the Institute of Historical Research, 1921–2021 |
Author/Editor: David Manning
Thomas Frederick Tout (1855–1929): refashioning history for the twentieth century |
Author/Editor: Caroline M. Barron,Joel T. Rosenthal
Unite, Proletarian Brothers!: Radicalism and Revolution in the Spanish Second Republic |
Author/Editor: Matthew Kerry
Women and the Law |
Author/Editor: Susan Atkins ,Brenda Hoggett