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Titles ( displaying 500 of 822 ) | Information |
1927 and the Rise of Modern America |
Author/Editor: Shindo, Charles
The 1929 Sino-Soviet War |
Author/Editor: Walker, Michael
The 1945 Burma Campaign and the Transformation of the British Indian Army |
Author/Editor: Raymond A. Callahan ,Daniel Marston
The 1976 House Majority Leadership Contest: Stepping Stone in the Transition to Conditional Party Government |
Author/Editor: Bruce I. Oppenheimer ,Robert L. Peabody
43: Inside the George W. Bush Presidency |
Author/Editor: Michael Nelson ,Barbara A. Perry ,Russell L. Riley
The 4th Marine Brigade at Belleau Wood and Soissons: History and Battlefield Guide |
Author/Editor: J. Michael Miller,Richard P. Mills
800 Days on the Eastern Front |
Author/Editor: Litvin, Nikolai
The 9/11 Terror Cases |
Author/Editor: Ryan, Allan A
Abandoning Vietnam |
Author/Editor: Willbanks, James H
Abolitionists, Doctors, Ranchers, and Writers |
Author/Editor: Lynne Marie Getz
Abraham Lincoln and Liberal Democracy |
Author/Editor: Buccola, Nicholas
Abraham Lincoln and White America |
Author/Editor: Dirck, Brian R
The Accountability State |
Author/Editor: Nadia Hilliard
Across Cultures and Empires: An Immigrant's Odyssey from the Soviet Army to the US War in Iraq and American Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Mahir Ibrahimov
Advising Nixon: The White House Memos of Patrick J. Buchanan |
Author/Editor: Lori Cox Han
Advising the President |
Author/Editor: Casto, William R
Advocate: On History's Front Lines from Watergate to the Keating Five, Clinton Impeachment, and Benghazi |
Author/Editor: James Hamilton ,David Ignatius
Afghanistan: A Military History from the Ancient Empires to the Great Game |
Author/Editor: Ali Ahmad Jalali
African American Environmental Thought |
Author/Editor: Smith, Kimberly K
African Americans in White Suburbia |
Author/Editor: McGowen, Ernest
After Reagan: Bush, Dukakis, and the 1988 Election |
Author/Editor: JOHN J. PITNEY JR.
After the Glory: The Struggles of Black Civil War Veterans |
Author/Editor: Donald R. Shaffer
Alexander Hamilton and the Development of American Law |
Author/Editor: Brown, Kate Elizabeth
Allies against the Rising Sun |
Author/Editor: Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan
All Roads Lead to Power |
Author/Editor: Sidorsky, Kaitlin
The All-Volunteer Force: Fifty Years of Service |
Author/Editor: William A. Taylor ,David M. Kennedy
Ambition, Pragmatism, and Party |
Author/Editor: Kaufman, Scott
Ambitious Politicians |
Author/Editor: Öhberg, Patrik
America in the Seventies |
Author/Editor: Beth Bailey ,David Farber
American Airpower Strategy in Korea, 1950-1953 |
Author/Editor: CONRAD C. CRANE
American Airpower Strategy in World War II |
Author/Editor: Crane, Conrad C
The American Army in Germany, 1918-1923: Success against the Odds |
Author/Editor: Dean A. Nowowiejski
American Burke |
Author/Editor: Weiner, Greg
American by Birth: Wong Kim Ark and the Battle for Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Carol Nackenoff ,Julie Novkov
American by Birth: Wong Kim Ark and the Battle for Citizenship |
The American Counterculture: A History of Hippies and Cultural Dissidents |
Author/Editor: DAMON R. BACH
The American Deists: Voices of Reason and Dissent in the Early Republic |
Author/Editor: Kerry S. Walters
The American Dream |
Author/Editor: Jillson, Cal
The American Elsewhere |
Author/Editor: Bryan, Jr., Jimmy L
American Folklore Studies: An Intellectual History |
Author/Editor: Simon J. Bronner
American Organic |
Author/Editor: O'Sullivan, Robin
The American Political Pattern |
Author/Editor: Shafer, Byron E
The American Road: Highways and American Political Development, 1891-1956 |
Author/Editor: Katherine M. Johnson
American Serengeti |
Author/Editor: Flores, Dan
American Soldiers |
Author/Editor: Kindsvatter, Peter S
The American State Constitutional Tradition |
Author/Editor: John J. Dinan ,Sanford Levinson
America's Bachelor Uncle: Thoreau and the American Polity |
Author/Editor: Bob Pepperman Taylor
America's Captives |
Author/Editor: Springer, Paul J
America's Deadliest Battle |
Author/Editor: Ferrell, Robert H
America’s First Wartime Election: James Madison, DeWitt Clinton, and the War of 1812 |
Author/Editor: DONALD A. ZINMAN
America's Founding and the Struggle over Economic Inequality |
Author/Editor: Fatovic, Clement
America's Ocean Wilderness: A Cultural History of Twentieth-Century Exploration |
Author/Editor: Gary Kroll
America's Space Sentinels |
Author/Editor: Richelson, Jeffrey T
America's Use of Terror: From Colonial Times to the A-bomb |
Author/Editor: Stephen Huggins
Angry Politics: Partisan Hatred and Political Polarization among College Students |
Author/Editor: Stacy G. Ulbig
Animal Sacrifice and Religious Freedom: Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah |
Author/Editor: DAVID M. O’BRIEN
The Anti-Civil Rights Movement: Affirmative Action as Wedge and Weapon |
An Anti-Federalist Constitution |
Author/Editor: Faber, Michael J
Antonin Scalia's Jurisprudence |
Author/Editor: Rossum, Ralph A
Arc of Power: Inside Nancy Pelosi's Speakership, 2005–2010 |
Author/Editor: JOHN A. LAWRENCE
Are We There Yet?: The Golden Age of American Family Vacations |
Author/Editor: Susan Sessions Rugh
Armageddon in Stalingrad: September-November 1942 The Stalingrad Trilogy, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: David M. Glantz ,Jonathan M. House
Arming the Irish Revolution: Gunrunning and Arms Smuggling, 1911– 1922 |
Author/Editor: W. H. Kautt
Arsenal of World War II |
Author/Editor: Koistinen, Paul A. C
ARVN: Life and Death in the South Vietnamese Army |
Author/Editor: Robert K. Brigham
The Autobiography of William Allen White |
Author/Editor: Griffith, Sally Foreman
Awaiting MacArthur's Return: World War II Guerrilla Resistance against the Japanese in the Philippines |
Author/Editor: James A. Villanueva
The Bakke Case |
Author/Editor: Ball, Howard
The Ballad of Ben and Stella Mae |
Author/Editor: Cecil, Matthew
The Bank War and the Partisan Press |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Stephen
Barbara Bush |
Author/Editor: Gutin, Myra G
Barbarossa 1941 |
Author/Editor: Ellis, Frank
Bargaining with the Machine: Technology, Surveillence, and the Social Contract |
Author/Editor: Robert M. Pallitto
Barred by Congress: How a Mormon, a Socialist, and an African American Elected by the People Were Excluded from Office |
Battalion Commanders at War: U.S. Army Tactical Leadership in the Mediterranean Theater, 1942-1943 |
Author/Editor: Steven Thomas Barry
The Battle for Peace: The Long Road to Ending a War with the World's Oldest Guerrilla Army |
Author/Editor: JUAN MANUEL SANTOS ,Joe Broderick ,John Kerry ,Felipe González
The Battle for the Black Ballot: Smith v. Allwright and the Defeat of the Texas All-White Primary |
Author/Editor: CHARLES L. ZELDEN
Battle for the Ruhr |
Author/Editor: Zumbro, Derek S
Battleground Alaska |
Author/Editor: Haycox, Stephen
The Battle over School Prayer: How Engel v. Vitale Changed America |
Battles on the Bench: Conflict Inside the Supreme Court |
Author/Editor: Phillip J. Cooper
Battle Studies |
Author/Editor: Ardant du Picq, Charles Jean Jacques Joseph; Spiller, Roger J
Bayou Battles for Vicksburg: The Swamp and River Expeditions, January 1-April 30, 1863 |
Author/Editor: Timothy B. Smith
Becoming Free: Autonomy and Diversity in the Liberal Polity |
Author/Editor: Emily R. Gill
Before Bostock: The Accidental LGBTQ Precedent of Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins |
Author/Editor: Jason Pierceson
Before Earth Day: The Origins of American Environmental Law, 1945-1970 |
Author/Editor: Karl Boyd Brooks
Benjamin Franklin Unmasked |
Author/Editor: Weinberger, Jerry
Betty Ford |
Author/Editor: Greene, John Robert
Beyond Cold Blood |
Author/Editor: Welch, Larry
Beyond Donkeys and Elephants: Minor Political Parties in Contemporary American Politics |
Author/Editor: Richard Davis
Beyond Pearl Harbor: A Pacific History |
Author/Editor: Beth Bailey,David Farber
Beyond the Borders of the Law |
Author/Editor: Jagodinsky, Katrina; Mitchell, Pablo
Beyond the Ivory Tower: The Case for Civically Engaged Political Scientists |
Author/Editor: Richard Davis
The Big Picture: The Cold War on the Small Screen |
Author/Editor: JOHN W. LEMZA
The Big Red One |
Author/Editor: First Division Museum at Cantigny
The Big Trial |
Author/Editor: Friedman, Lawrence M
Bill Clinton |
Author/Editor: Maney, Patrick J
Birds, Bones, and Beetles |
Author/Editor: Warner, Charles H
A Black Odyssey: John Lewis Waller and the Promise of American Life, 18781900 |
Author/Editor: Randall Bennett Woods
Black Prisoner of War: A Conscientious Objector's Vietnam Memoir |
Author/Editor: James A. Daly ,Lee Bergman ,Jeff Loeb
The Black Towns |
Bleeding Kansas, Bleeding Missouri |
Author/Editor: Earle, Jonathan; Mutti Burke, Diane
Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm: The Evolution of Operational Warfare |
Author/Editor: Robert M. Citino
Blood on the Snow |
Author/Editor: Tunstall, Graydon A
Bodies for Battle: US Army Physical Culture and Systematic Training, 1885-1957 |
Bondarchuk's War and Peace |
Author/Editor: Youngblood, Denise J
Bootstrap Liberalism: Texas Political Culture in the Age of FDR |
Author/Editor: Sean P. Cunningham
Brandeis: Beyond Progressivism |
Author/Editor: Philippa Strum
Brandeis on Democracy |
Branding Hoover's FBI |
Author/Editor: Cecil, Matthew
Breach of Trust |
Author/Editor: McKnight, Gerald D
Broken Trust |
Author/Editor: Griffin, Stephen M
Brown v. Board of Education: Caste, Culture, and the Constitution |
Buffalo Bill Cody, A Man of the West |
Author/Editor: Ingraham, Prentiss; Sagala, Sandra K
Built on the Ruins of Empire: British Military Assistance and African Independence |
Author/Editor: Blake Whitaker
Bull Threshers and Bindlestiffs: Harvesting and Threshing on the North American Plains |
Author/Editor: Thomas D. Isern
Bully Nation |
Author/Editor: Derber, Charles; Magrass, Yale
Bush v. Gore: Exposing the Growing Crisis in American Democracy |
Author/Editor: CHARLES L. ZELDEN
By One Vote |
Author/Editor: Holt, Michael F
By Order of the President |
Author/Editor: Cooper, Phillip
California at War |
Author/Editor: North, Diane M. T
The Cambodian Campaign: The 1970 Offensive and America's Vietnam War |
Author/Editor: John M. Shaw
The Cambodian Wars |
Author/Editor: Conboy, Kenneth
The Campaign to Impeach Justice William O. Douglas: Nixon, Vietnam, and the Conservative Attack on Judicial Independence |
Author/Editor: Joshua E. Kastenberg,Fred Harris
Capital Punishment on Trial: Furman v. Georgia and the Death Penalty in Modern America |
Author/Editor: DAVID M. OSHINSKY
Carbon Nation |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Bob
The Case for Gay Rights |
Author/Editor: Richards, David A. J
The Cattle Guard: Its History and Lore |
Celebrity Influence |
Author/Editor: Mark Harvey
Chasing Chickens |
Author/Editor: Neff, Rachel
The Cherokee Kid |
Author/Editor: Ware, Amy M
Chief Executive to Chief Justice |
Author/Editor: Gould, Lewis L
Childhood on the Farm: Work, Play, and Coming of Age in the Midwest |
Author/Editor: Pamela Riney-Kehrberg
Child Labor in America |
Author/Editor: Fliter, John A
Children of the Silent Majority |
Author/Editor: Seth Blumenthal
Churchill and His Generals |
Author/Editor: Raymond Callahan
The CIA and Congress |
Author/Editor: Barrett, David M
The CIA's Greatest Covert Operation |
Author/Editor: Sharp, David H
The CIA's Secret War in Tibet |
Author/Editor: Conboy, Kenneth; Morrison, James
Cinematic Cold War |
Author/Editor: Shaw, Tony; Youngblood, Denise J
Clash of Empires in South China |
Author/Editor: Macri, Franco David
Class and Community in Frontier Colorado |
Author/Editor: Richard Hogan
Cliffs and Challenges |
Author/Editor: Brunner, Laura White; Champion, Jared
Clinton's Elections: 1992, 1996, and the Birth of a New Era of Governance |
Closing with the Enemy: How GIs Fought the War in Europe, 1944-1945 |
Author/Editor: Michael D. Doubler
The Coalition Crumbles, Napoleon Returns: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 2 |
The Cold War Comes to Main Street |
Author/Editor: Rose, Lisle A
Cold War Kids |
Author/Editor: Holt, Marilyn Irvin
The Collaborative Fight: Pursuing Jointness in the US Military |
Author/Editor: Paul R. Birch ,Lina M. Svedin
Colorado Powder Keg |
Author/Editor: Childers, Michael W
The Coming of the Nixon Court |
Author/Editor: Maltz, Earl M
Coming to Terms with John F. Kennedy |
Author/Editor: Stephen F. Knott
Commanding the Army of the Potomac |
Author/Editor: Taaffe, Stephen R
A Conflict of Principles |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Carl
Congress |
Author/Editor: Fisher, Louis
The Congressional Journal of Barber B. Conable, Jr., 1968-1984 |
Author/Editor: Bill Kauffman ,Albert R. Hunt
The Conservation Constitution: The Conservation Movement and Constitutional Change, 1870-1930 |
Author/Editor: Kimberly K. Smith
The Conservative Heartland: A Political History of the Postwar American Midwest |
Author/Editor: Jon K. Lauck,Catherine McNicol Stock
Constitutional Failure |
Author/Editor: Barber, Sotirios
The Constitutional Rights of Children |
Author/Editor: Tanenhaus, David S
A Constitution in Full |
Author/Editor: Lawler, Peter Augustine; Reinsch, Richard M., II
The Constitution's Penman: Gouverneur Morris and the Creation of America's Basic Charter |
Author/Editor: Dennis C. Rasmussen
The Contested Plains: Indians, Goldseekers, and the Rush to Colorado |
Author/Editor: Elliott West
The Contested Removal Power, 1789-2010 |
Author/Editor: Alvis, J. David; Bailey, Jeremy D.; A01
Contested Valor: African American Marines in the Age of Power, Protest, and Tokenism |
Author/Editor: Cameron D. McCoy
The Contract Clause |
Author/Editor: Ely, James W. Jr
Conversations with Abner Mikva |
Author/Editor: Horwitt, Sanford
Cords of Affection: Constructing Constitutional Union in Early American History |
Author/Editor: Emily Pears
Corinth 1862 |
Author/Editor: Smith, Timothy B
Corps Commanders of the Bulge: Six American Generals and Victory in the Ardennes |
Author/Editor: Harold R. Winton ,Dennis Showalter
Corps Competency?: III Marine Amphibious Force Headquarters in Vietnam |
Author/Editor: Michael F. Morris
The Cost of Voting in the American States |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Pomante II ,Scot Schraufnagel ,Quan Li
The Courts, the Ballot Box, and Gay Rights |
Author/Editor: Mello, Joseph
Courts Unmasked: Civil Legal System Reform and COVID-19 |
Author/Editor: Alyx Mark
Creating a More Perfect Slaveholders' Union: Slavery, the Constitution, and Secession in Antebellum America |
Author/Editor: Peter Radan
Creating the Modern Army: Citizen-Soldiers and the American Way of War, 1919–1939 |
Author/Editor: William J. Woolley
Creating the Secret State: The Origins of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1943-1947 |
Author/Editor: David F. Rudgers
Critical Pluralism, Democratic Performance, and Community Power |
Author/Editor: Paul Schumaker
Crossings: Women on the Santa Fe Trail |
Author/Editor: Frances Levine
The Crusade for Equality in the Workplace |
Author/Editor: Belton, Robert; Wasby, Stephen L
Crusader for Democracy |
Author/Editor: Delgadillo, Charles
Curating America's Painful Past: Memory, Museums, and the National Imagination |
Daily Life in Wartime Japan, 1940-1945 |
Author/Editor: Yamashita, Samuel Hideo
The Damned and the Dead |
Author/Editor: Ellis, Frank
The Dance with Community: The Contemporary Debate in American Political Thought |
Author/Editor: Robert Booth Fowler
Daniel Webster and the Unfinished Constitution |
Author/Editor: Peter Charles Hoffer
Daughters of Aquarius: Women of the Sixties Counterculture |
The Day That Shook America: A Concise History of 9/11 |
Author/Editor: J. Samuel Walker
The Deadlocked Election of 1800 |
Author/Editor: Sharp, James Roger
Death of the Wehrmacht |
Author/Editor: Citino, Robert M
A Debt of Gratitude: How Jimmy Carter Put Vietnam Veteran's Issues on the National Agenda |
Author/Editor: Glenn Robins
Decent Interval |
Author/Editor: Snepp, Frank
Defending Faith |
Author/Editor: Bennett, Daniel
Defense Engagement since 1900: Global Lessons in Soft Power |
Author/Editor: Greg Kennedy
Defining Americans: The Presidency and National Identity |
Author/Editor: Mary E. Stuckey
Democratic Beginnings |
Author/Editor: Bridges, Amy
Democratic Religion from Locke to Obama |
Author/Editor: Areshidze, Giorgi
The Democratic State |
Democratic Temperament: The Legacy of William James |
Author/Editor: Joshua I. Miller ,Sheldon Wolin
The DeShaney Case |
Author/Editor: Curry, Lynne
The Development of Rural America |
Devil Dogs Chronicle: Voices of the 4th Marine Brigade in World War I |
Author/Editor: George B. Clark
The Devils We Know |
Author/Editor: Morone, James A
The Diaries of Reuben Smith, Kansas Settler and Civil War Soldier |
Author/Editor: Myers, Lana Wirt
Diem's Final Failure: Prelude to America's War in Vietnam |
Author/Editor: Philip E. Catton
Diné dóó Gáamalii: Navajo Latter-day Saint Experiences in the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Farina King
The Diplomatic Presidency: American Foreign Policy from FDR to George H. W. Bush |
Author/Editor: Tizoc Chavez
Diplomat in Khaki: Major General Frank Ross McCoy and American Foreign Policy, 18981949 |
Author/Editor: A. J. BACEVICH
Discrediting the Red Scare |
Author/Editor: Goldstein, Robert Justin
Disqualifying the High Court |
Author/Editor: Virelli, Louis
Dodge City and the Birth of the Wild West |
Author/Editor: Dykstra, Robert R.; Manfra, JoAnn
Dominion of Bears |
Author/Editor: Simpson, Sherry
The Dominion of Voice: Riot, Reason, and Romance in Antebellum Politics |
Author/Editor: Kimberly K. Smith
Donkey Work |
Author/Editor: Andelic, Patrick
Do (Not) Feed the Bears: The Fitful History of Wildlife and Tourists in Yellowstone |
Author/Editor: Alice Wondrak Biel
Do Running Mates Matter?: The Influence of Vice Presidential Candidates in Presidential Elections |
Author/Editor: Christopher J. Devine,Kyle C. Kopko
Doughboys on the Great War |
Author/Editor: Gutièrrez, Edward A
Drawing Fire |
Author/Editor: Echohawk, Brummett; Riley, Trent
Driving across Kansas |
Author/Editor: Cable, Ted; Maley, Wayne
Dynamics of American Democracy: Partisan Polarization, Political Competition and Government Performance |
Author/Editor: Eric M. Patashnik ,Wendy J. Schiller
Early Struggles for Vicksburg: The Mississippi Central Campaign and Chickasaw Bayou, October 25-December 31, 1862 |
Author/Editor: Timothy B. Smith
The Earth Memory Compass |
Author/Editor: King, Farina
The Eclipse of the Demos: The Cold War and the Crisis of Democracy before Neoliberalism |
Author/Editor: Kyong-Min Son
Edible Wild Plants of the Prairie: An Ethnobotanical Guide, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Edith Kermit Roosevelt |
Author/Editor: Gould, Lewis L
Education for Extinction: American Indians and the Boarding School Experience, 1875–1928, Ed. REV - Revised, 2nd |
Author/Editor: David Wallace Adams
Electing FDR |
Author/Editor: Ritchie, Donald A
Electing the House |
Author/Editor: Dow, Jay K
The Election of 1860 |
Author/Editor: Holt, Michael F
Elevations |
Author/Editor: McCoy, Max
Ellen and Edith |
Author/Editor: Miller, Kristie
Empire of Direct Mail: How Conservative Marketing Persuaded Voters and Transformed the Grassroots |
Author/Editor: Takahito Moriyama
Empire of the People |
Author/Editor: Dahl, Adam
Endgame at Stalingrad: Book One: November 1942 The Stalingrad Trilogy, Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: David M. Glantz ,Jonathan M. House
Endgame at Stalingrad: Book Two: December 1942 - February 1943 The Stalingrad Trilogy, Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: David M. Glantz ,Jonathan M. House
The End of Sustainability |
Author/Editor: Benson, Melinda Harm; Craig, Robin Kundis
Enduring Battle |
Author/Editor: Hamner, Christopher H
The Enduring Indians of Kansas: A Century and a Half of Acculturation |
Author/Editor: JOSEPH B. HERRING
Enduring Liberalism: American Political Thought Since the 1960s |
Author/Editor: Robert Booth Fowler
Entangled Encounters at the National Zoo: Stories from the Animal Archive |
Author/Editor: Daniel Vandersommers
Everyone Orthodox to Themselves: John Locke and His American Students on Religion and Liberal Society |
Author/Editor: John Colman
Expanding the Black Film Canon: Race and Genre across Six Decades |
Author/Editor: Lisa Doris Alexander
Expedition of Thirst |
Author/Editor: Dulin, Pete
Explicit and Authentic Acts |
Author/Editor: Kyvig, David E
Facing My Lai: Moving Beyond the Massacre |
Author/Editor: DAVID L. ANDERSON
Facing the Victorious Turks: How the French Misread the Turkish War of Independence |
Author/Editor: Andrew Orr
Fan in Chief: Richard Nixon and American Sports, 1969-1974 |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Evan Sarantakes
Fat Blame |
Author/Editor: Herndon, April Michelle
Father of Liberty |
Author/Editor: Mullins, Patrick
Father, Son, and Constitution |
Author/Editor: Wohl, Alexander
FDR and the Soviet Union: The President's Battles over Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Mary E. Glantz
Federal Ecosystem Management |
Author/Editor: Skillen, James R
Federalism on Trial |
Author/Editor: Nolette, Paul
Feeding Victory: Innovative Military Logistics from Lake George to Khe Sanh |
Author/Editor: Jobie Turner
Feminist Ethics |
Author/Editor: CLAUDIA CARD
Field Guide to the Common Grasses of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska |
Author/Editor: Barnard, Iralee
The Fight for the Old North State |
Author/Editor: Newsome, Hampton
The Fighting Coast Guard: America's Maritime Guardians at War in the Twentieth Century, with foreword by Admiral Thad Allen, USCG (ret.) |
Author/Editor: Mark A. Snell ,Thad Allen
Fighting Foreclosure: The Blaisdell Case, the Contract Clause, and the Great Depression |
Fighting Means Killing |
Author/Editor: Steplyk, Jonathan M
The Fighting Sullivans |
Author/Editor: Kuklick, Bruce
First Ladies and American Women |
Author/Editor: Hummer, Jill Abraham
First Lady Florence Harding: Behind the Tragedy and Controversy |
The First Modern Clash over Federal Power |
Author/Editor: Gould, Lewis L
The First Presidential Contest: 1796 and the Founding of American Democracy |
Author/Editor: JEFFREY L. PASLEY
Flag Burning and Free Speech: The Case of Texas v. Johnson |
Flint Hills Cowboys: Tales from the Tallgrass Prairie |
Author/Editor: JIM HOY
Flying against Fate |
Author/Editor: S. P. Mackenzie
Forging the Anglo-American Alliance |
Author/Editor: Tyler R. Bamford
Forgotten Warriors: The 1st Provisional Marine Brigade, the Corps Ethos, and the Korean War |
Author/Editor: T. X. Hammes
For the Enjoyment of the People: The Creation of National Identity in American Public Lands |
Author/Editor: Mary E. Stuckey
Foundations and American Political Science: The Transformation of a Discipline, 1945-1970 |
Author/Editor: Emily Hauptmann
Four Hats in the Ring: The 1912 Election and the Birth of Modern American Politics |
Author/Editor: LEWIS L. GOULD
The Fourth Amendment in Flux |
Author/Editor: Gizzi, Michael C.; Curtis, R. Craig
The Fourth Branch: Reconstructing the Administrative State for the Commercial Republic |
Author/Editor: Brian J. Cook
Framing the Farm Bill |
Author/Editor: Bosso, Christopher J
Framing the Solid South |
Author/Editor: Herron, Paul E
A Fraternity of Arms: America and France in the Great War |
Author/Editor: ROBERT B. BRUCE
Frederick Douglass: Race and the Rebirth of American Liberalism |
Author/Editor: Peter C. Myers
The Free Press Crisis of 1800: Thomas Cooper's Trial for Seditious Libel |
Friended at the Front |
Author/Editor: Silvestri, Lisa Ellen
From Defeat to Victory |
Author/Editor: Dick, Charles J
From Greenwich Village to Taos |
Author/Editor: Burke, Flannery
From Stalingrad to Pillau |
Author/Editor: Kobylyanskiy, Isaak
From the Courtroom to the Boardroom: Privatizing Justice in the Neoliberal United States |
Author/Editor: Deena Varner
From the Mountains to the Bay: The War in Virginia, January-May 1862 |
Author/Editor: Ethan S. Rafuse
From Victory to Stalemate |
Author/Editor: Dick, Charles J
The Frontier Challenge: Responses to the TransMississippi West |
Author/Editor: John G. Clark
Frontier Manhattan |
Author/Editor: Olson, Kevin G. W
Fugitive Slave on Trial: The Anthony Burns Case and Abolitionist Outrage |
Author/Editor: EARL M. MALTZ
Fundraiser in Chief: Presidents and the Politics of Campaign Cash |
Author/Editor: Brendan J. Doherty
A Gallant Little Army |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Timothy D
Gathering Strays: Stories from Kansas and the Southwestern Plains |
Author/Editor: Jim Hoy
Gene Kelly: The Making of a Creative Legend |
Author/Editor: Earl J. Hess,Pratibha A. Dabholkar
General Lesley J. McNair |
Author/Editor: Calhoun, Mark
General Walter Krueger |
Author/Editor: Holzimmer, Kevin C
A Generation at War: The Civil War Era in a Northern Community |
Author/Editor: Nicole Etcheson
George Washington and American Constitutionalism |
Author/Editor: GLENN A. PHELPS
George Washington and the Two-Term Precedent |
Author/Editor: David A. Yalof
George W. Goethals and the Army |
Author/Editor: McGovern, Rory
German Foreign Intelligence from Hitler's War to the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Hutchinson, Robert
The German Way of War: From the Thirty Years' War to the Third Reich |
Author/Editor: Robert M. Citino
Germany and the Axis Powers: From Coalition to Collapse |
Author/Editor: Richard L. DiNardo ,Dennis Showalter
Getting By: Women Homeworkers and Rural Economic Development |
Author/Editor: Christina E. Gringeri
Getting Physical |
Author/Editor: McKenzie, Shelly
Getting Right with Reagan: The Struggle for True Conservatism, 1980-2016 |
Author/Editor: Marcus M. Witcher
Gettysburg's Southern Front: Opportunity and Failure at Richmond |
Author/Editor: Hampton Newsome
Gibbons v. Ogden: John Marshall, Steamboats, and the Commerce Clause |
Gitlow v. New York: Every Idea an Incitement |
Author/Editor: MARC LENDLER
God against the Revolution |
Author/Editor: Frazer, Gregg L
God Hates |
Author/Editor: Barrett-Fox, Rebecca
Going to the Dogs |
Author/Editor: Thayer, Gwyneth Anne
Goldwater v. Carter: Foreign Policy, China, and the Resurgence of Executive Branch Primacy |
Gospel According to the Klan |
Author/Editor: Baker, Kelly J
Graduate Students at Work: Exploited Scholars of Neoliberal Higher Ed |
Author/Editor: Tessa Brown
Grand Old Unraveling: The Republican Party, Donald Trump, and the Rise of Authoritarianism |
Author/Editor: John Kenneth White
Grant Invades Tennessee |
Author/Editor: Smith, Timothy B
Grant's Lieutenants: From Cairo to Vicksburg |
Author/Editor: Steven E. Woodworth
Grant’s Lieutenants: From Chattanooga to Appomattox |
Author/Editor: Steven E. Woodworth
The Great New York Conspiracy of 1741: Slavery, Crime, and Colonial Law |
A Great Power of Attorney |
Author/Editor: Lawson, Gary; Seidman, Guy
The Great Yazoo Lands Sale |
Author/Editor: Hobson, Charles F
The Green Years, 1964-1976: When Democrats and Republicans United to Repair the Earth |
Author/Editor: Gregg Coodley ,David Sarasohn ,Senator Ron Wyden
Griswold v. Connecticut: Birth Control and the Constitutional Right of Privacy |
Author/Editor: JOHN W. JOHNSON
Groundwater Exploitation in the High Plains |
Author/Editor: David E. Kromm ,Stephen E. White ,Gilbert F. White
Groundwater Exploitation on the High Plains |
Author/Editor: David E. Kromm ,Stephen E. White ,Gilbert F. White
Guide to the Battle of Chickamauga |
Author/Editor: Army War College Foundation, Inc.; Spruill, Matt
The Gulf War: George H. W. Bush and American Grand Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era |
Author/Editor: Spencer D. Bakich
Habeas Corpus in America: The Politics of Individual Rights |
Author/Editor: Justin J. Wert
The Hanford Plaintiffs: Voices from the Fight for Atomic Justice |
Author/Editor: TRISHA T. PRITIKIN,Richard C. Eymann,Tom H. Foulds,Karen Dorn Steele
Harlem's Rattlers and the Great War |
Author/Editor: Sammons, Jeffrey T.; Morrow, John H. Jr
Harry H. Woodring: A Political Biography of FDR's Controversial Secretary of War |
Author/Editor: KEITH D. McFARLAND
Harry Truman and the Struggle for Racial Justice |
Author/Editor: Shogan, Robert
Haunted Kansas: Ghost Stories and Other Eerie Tales |
Author/Editor: Lisa Hefner Heitz
Headlights on the Prairie |
Author/Editor: Rebein, Robert
Health Divided |
Author/Editor: Sledge, Daniel
The Heir Apparent Presidency |
Author/Editor: Zinman, Donald A
Hell, No, We Didn't Go!: Firsthand Accounts of Vietnam War Protest and Resistance |
Author/Editor: Eli Greenbaum
The Hemingway Log |
Author/Editor: Chamberlin, Brewster
Henry Adams: The Historian as Political Theorist |
Author/Editor: James P. Young
Hidden Cost of Freedom: The Untold Story of the CIA's Secret Funding System, 1941-1962 |
Author/Editor: Brad L. Fisher
Highway Robbery: The Two-Decade Battle to Reform America's Automobile Insurance System |
Author/Editor: Peter Kinzler
Hillary Rodham Clinton: Polarizing First Lady |
Author/Editor: GIL TROY
Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar
History Shock: When History Collides with Foreign Relations |
Author/Editor: John Dickson
Hitler's Generals on Trial |
Author/Editor: Hebert, Valerie Genevieve
Hitler's Police Battalions |
Author/Editor: Westermann, Edward B
Hitler Strikes Poland |
Author/Editor: Rossino, Alexander B
Hitler's Volkssturm |
Author/Editor: Yelton, David K
Hogs Are Up: Stories of the Land, with Digressions |
Author/Editor: WES JACKSON ,Robert Jensen
Holocaust versus Wehrmacht |
Author/Editor: Pasher, Yaron
Honoring the Civil War Dead |
Author/Editor: Neff, John R
Hoover's FBI and the Fourth Estate |
Author/Editor: Cecil, Matthew
Hoover's Secret War against Axis Spies |
Author/Editor: Batvinis, Raymond J
Hoover's War on Gays |
Author/Editor: Charles, Douglas M
Hopi Runners |
Author/Editor: Sakiestewa Gilbert, Matthew
Horace M. Kallen in the Heartland: The Midwestern Roots of American Pluralism |
The Hundred Day Winter War: Finland's Gallant Stand against the Soviet Army |
Author/Editor: Gordon F. Sander
The Hunter Elite |
Author/Editor: Tara Kathleen Kelly
The Iconography of Malcolm X |
The Idea of Democracy in the Modern Era |
Author/Editor: Ralph Ketcham
The Idea of Presidential Representation: An Intellectual and Political History |
Author/Editor: Jeremy D. Bailey
I Like Ike |
Author/Editor: Greene, John Robert
Imagining Tombstone |
Author/Editor: McCormack, Kara L
Imperial Germany and War, 1871-1918 |
Author/Editor: Hughes, Daniel J.; DiNardo, Richard L
The Imperial Russian Army in Peace, War, and Revolution, 1856-1917 |
Author/Editor: Roger R. Reese
In Deadly Combat |
Author/Editor: Bidermann, Gottlob Herbert
Indian-Made |
Author/Editor: Bsumek, Erika
Indians, Alcohol, and the Roads to Taos and Santa Fe |
Author/Editor: Unrau, William E
Indians in Unexpected Places |
Author/Editor: PHILIP J. DELORIA
Inglorious Passages |
Author/Editor: Wills, Brian Steel
In God's Presence |
Author/Editor: Miller, Benjamin L
In Search of Canaan: Black Migration to Kansas, 187980 |
Author/Editor: ROBERT G. ATHEARN
The Insular Cases and the Emergence of American Empire |
Interpreting the Founding: Guide to the Enduring Debates over the Origins and Foundations of the American Republic, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Alan Gibson
In the Shadow of the Great Charter |
Author/Editor: Pallitto, Robert M
Into the Sunset: Emmett Dalton and the End of the Dalton Gang |
Author/Editor: IAN W. SHAW
Inventing Destiny: Cultural Explorations of US Expansion |
Author/Editor: Jimmy L. Bryan Jr.
Iran-Contra |
Author/Editor: Byrne, Malcolm
Iraq and the Politics of Oil: An Insider's Perspective |
Author/Editor: Gary Vogler
Irreparable Harm |
Author/Editor: Snepp, Frank
iSpy: Surveillance and Power in the Interactive Era |
Author/Editor: Mark Andrejevic
Jacqueline Kennedy |
Author/Editor: Perry, Barbara A
The Japanese American Cases: The Rule of Law in Time of War |
Author/Editor: ROGER DANIELS
Japan's Imperial Army |
Author/Editor: Drea, Edward J
Jayhawker: On History, Home, and Basketball |
Author/Editor: Andrew Malan Milward
The Jet Makers: The Aerospace Industry from 1945 to 1972 |
Author/Editor: CHARLES D. BRIGHT
The JFK Assassination Debates |
Author/Editor: Kurtz, Michael L
John C. Calhoun's Theory of Republicanism |
Author/Editor: Grove, John
John F. Kennedy and the Politics of Faith |
Author/Editor: Patrick Lacroix
The Johnson Years, Volume Two: Vietnam, the Environment, and Science |
Author/Editor: Robert A. Divine
The Journey to Separate but Equal: Madame Decuir's Quest for Racial Justice in the Reconstruction Era |
Author/Editor: Jack M. Beermann
Judging the Boy Scouts of America |
Author/Editor: Ellis, Richard J
July 22: The Civil War Battle of Atlanta |
Author/Editor: EARL J. HESS
The Jury in America |
Author/Editor: Hale, Dennis
Justice Brennan |
Author/Editor: Stern, Seth; Wermiel, Stephen
Justice on Fire |
Author/Editor: O'Connor, J. Patrick
Justice Robert H. Jackson's Unpublished Opinion in Brown v. Board |
Author/Editor: O'Brien, David M
Kafka's Indictment of Modern Law |
Author/Editor: Litowitz, Douglas E
Kansas and Kansans in World War I: Service at Home and Abroad |
Author/Editor: Blake A. Watson
Kansas Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Hoard, Robert J.; Banks, William E
Kansas Baseball, 1858-1941 |
Author/Editor: Eberle, Mark
The Kansas Beef Industry |
Author/Editor: Charles L. Wood
Kansas Boy: The Memoir of A. J. Bolinger |
Author/Editor: A. J. Bolinger ,Jeffrey H. Barker ,Melissa Walker
Kansas City's Montgall Avenue: Black Leaders and the Street They Called Home |
Author/Editor: MARGIE CARR
Kansas Governors |
Kansas Populism: Ideas and Men |
Author/Editor: O. Gene Clanton
Kazakhstan in World War II: Mobilization and Ethnicity in the Soviet Empire |
Keeping the People's Liberties: Legislators, Citizens, and Judges as Guardians of Rights |
Author/Editor: John J. Dinan
Kenekuk the Kickapoo Prophet |
Author/Editor: Joseph B. Herring
Kesselring's Last Battle |
Author/Editor: von Lingen, Kerstin
The Kremlin and the High Command: Presidential Impact on the Russian Military from Gorbachev to Putin |
Author/Editor: Dale R. Herspring ,David M. Glantz
Lady Bird Johnson and the Environment |
Author/Editor: Lewis L. Gould
Lady Bird Johnson: Our Environmental First Lady |
Author/Editor: LEWIS L. GOULD
Land Is Kin: Sovereignty, Religious Freedom, and Indigenous Sacred Sites, Foreword by Judge Abby Abinanti |
Author/Editor: Dana Lloyd ,Abby Abinanti
Landlord William Scully |
The Last Cattle Drive |
Author/Editor: Day, Robert
The Last Liberal Republican: An Insider's Perspective on Nixon's Surprising Social Policy |
Author/Editor: John Roy Price
The Last Lincoln Republican: The Presidential Election of 1880 |
The Last Wild Places of Kansas |
Author/Editor: Frazier, George
Laughing at Myself: My Education in Congress, on the Farm, and at the Movies |
Author/Editor: Dan Glickman
Launch the Intruders |
Author/Editor: Reardon, Carol
The Lawyer's Conscience: A History of American Lawyer Ethics |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Ariens
Leadership in American Politics |
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Jeffery A.; Volden, Craig
Leaders of Reform: Progressive Republicans in Kansas, 19001916 |
Leaders of Reform: Progressive Republicans in Kansas, 1900-1916 |
Leak |
Author/Editor: Holland, Max
Lee Harvey Oswald as I Knew Him |
Author/Editor: de Mohrenschildt, George; Rinella, Michael A
Leonidas Polk |
Author/Editor: Horn, Huston
Liberating Lawrence: Gay Activism in the 1970s at the University of Kansas |
Author/Editor: Katherine Rose-Mockry
Liberty and Equality |
Author/Editor: Seagrave, S. Adam
Liberty and Union |
Author/Editor: Huebner, Timothy S
The Life and Legacy of Elizabeth Miller Watkins: A Pioneering Philanthropist |
Author/Editor: Mary Dresser Burchill ,Norma Decker Hoagland
Life at Four Corners: Religion, Gender, and Education in a GermanLutheran Community, 18681945 |
Author/Editor: CAROL K. COBURN
A Light in the Tower: A New Reckoning with Mental Health in Higher Education |
Like Men of War: Black Troops in the Civil War, 1862-1865 |
Limits of Constraint: The Originalist Jurisprudence of Hugo Black, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas |
Author/Editor: James B. Staab
Lincoln and Shakespeare |
Author/Editor: Anderegg, Michael
Lincoln and the Border States |
Author/Editor: Harris, William C
Lincoln Illuminated and Remembered |
Author/Editor: William C. Harris
Lincoln's Informer: Charles A. Dana and the Inside Story of the Union War |
Author/Editor: Carl J. Guarneri
Little Rock on Trial: Cooper v. Aaron and School Desegregation |
Author/Editor: TONY A. FREYER
Lives of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers |
Author/Editor: RIgg, Bryan Mark
Lizzie Borden on Trial |
Author/Editor: Conforti, Joseph A
Lochner v. New York |
Author/Editor: Kens, Paul
Losing Binh Dinh |
Author/Editor: Boylan, Kevin M
The Lost Promise of Progressivism |
Author/Editor: ELDON J. EISENACH
The Lost Soul of the American Presidency: The Decline into Demagoguery and the Prospects for Renewal |
Author/Editor: Stephen F. Knott
Lou Henry Hoover |
Author/Editor: Young, Nancy Beck
Love Canal Revisited: Race, Class, and Gender in Environmental Activism |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth D. Blum
Lucius Polk Brown and Progressive Food and Drug Control: Tennessee and New York City, 19081920 |
Lyman Trumbull and the Second Founding of the United States |
Author/Editor: Paul M. Rego
MacArthur's Coalition |
Author/Editor: Dean, Peter J
MacArthur's Korean War Generals |
Author/Editor: Stephen R. Taaffe
Madam Mayor: Love and Loss in an American City |
Author/Editor: Stephanie A. Miner
Madison's Metronome: The Constitution, Majority Rule, and the Tempo of American Politics |
Author/Editor: Greg Weiner
Magic Bean |
Author/Editor: Roth, Matthew
Making Climate Lawyers: Climate Change in American Law Schools, 1985-2020 |
Author/Editor: Kimberly K. Smith
The Making of a Paratrooper |
Author/Editor: Gabel, Kurt
The Making of Reverse Discrimination: How DeFunis and Bakke Bleached Racism from Equal Protection |
Making Patton: A Classic War Film's Epic Journey to the Silver Screen |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Evan Sarantakes
Making Rocky Mountain National Park |
Author/Editor: Frank, Jerry J
The Man of the People: Political Dissent and the Making of the American Presidency |
Author/Editor: Nathaniel C. Green
Mapp v. Ohio: Guarding against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures |
Author/Editor: CAROLYN N. LONG
Marbury v. Madison |
Author/Editor: Nelson, William E
Marcuse: From the New Left to the Next Left |
Author/Editor: John Bokina ,Timothy J. Lukes
Marine, Public Servant, Kansan |
Author/Editor: Garcia, Dennis
Marque and Reprisal |
Author/Editor: Moss, Kenneth B
Marshall and His Generals |
Author/Editor: Taaffe, Stephen R
Mawson's Mission: Launching Women's Intercollegiate Athletics at the University of Kansas |
The Medal of Honor |
Author/Editor: Mears, Dwight S
Medellín v. Texas: International Justice, Federalism, and the Execution of José Medellin |
The Media Offensive: How the Press and Public Opinion Shaped Allied Strategy during World War II |
Author/Editor: Alexander G. Lovelace
The Mediterranean Air War |
Author/Editor: Ehlers, Robert S. Jr
Mendez v. Westminster: School Desegregation and Mexican-American Rights |
A Military History of Afghanistan |
Author/Editor: Jalali, Ali Ahmad
A Military History of India since 1972: Full Spectrum Operations and the Changing Contours of Modern Conflict |
Author/Editor: Arjun Subramaniam
Military Justice in Vietnam: The Rule of Law in an American War |
Author/Editor: William Thomas Allison
Military Service and American Democracy |
Author/Editor: Taylor, William A
Minority Victory: Gilded Age Politics and the Front Porch Campaign of 1888 |
The Miracle Case: Film Censorship and the Supreme Court |
The Moderate Imagination: The Political Thought of John Updike and the Decline of New Deal Liberalism |
Author/Editor: Yoav Fromer
The Modern American Presidency |
Author/Editor: Gould, Lewis L
Modernity and the Great Depression |
Author/Editor: Bindas, Kenneth J
Moms in Chief |
Author/Editor: Vigil, Tammy R
Montesquieu's Comparative Politics and the Spirit of American Constitutionalism |
Author/Editor: ANNE M. COHLER
Moral Imperative: 1972, Combat Rescue, and the End of America's War in Vietnam |
The Morenci Marines |
Author/Editor: Longley, Kyle
The Mormon Military Experience: 1938 to the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Sherman L. Fleek ,Robert C. Freeman
A Most Magnificent Machine: America Adopts the Railroad, 1825-1862 |
Author/Editor: CRAIG MINER
Multiculturalism and American Democracy |
Author/Editor: Arthur M. Melzer ,Jerry Weinberger ,M. Richard Zinman
Murder in Mississippi |
Author/Editor: Ball, Howard
Mussolini's Death March: Eyewitness Accounts of Italian Soldiers on the Eastern Front |
Author/Editor: Nuto Revelli,John Penuel
The Myth and Mystery of UFOs |
Author/Editor: Bullard, Thomas E
The Myths of Tet |
Author/Editor: Moise, Edwin
Nancy Reagan |
Author/Editor: Benze Jr., James G
Napoleon Absent, Coalition Ascendant: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 1 |
Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign |
Author/Editor: Clausewitz, Carl von
A Nation of Laws: America's Imperfect Pursuit of Justice |
Author/Editor: Peter Charles Hoffer
The Nation's Largest Landlord |
Author/Editor: Skillen, James R