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Titles ( displaying 500 of 836 ) | Information |
Yellowstone and the Smithsonian |
Author/Editor: Smith, Diane
A Yankee Ace in the RAF |
Author/Editor: Morrow Jr., John H.; Rogers, Earl
Yamashita's Ghost |
Author/Editor: Ryan, Allan A
Writing the Gettysburg Address |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Martin P
World War I and the Foundations of American Intelligence |
Author/Editor: Mark Stout
Working the Navajo Way |
Author/Editor: O'Neill, Colleen
Working the Land: The Stories of Ranch and Farm Women in the Modern American West |
Words Is a Powerful Thing: Twenty Years of Teaching Creative Writing at Douglas County Jail |
Author/Editor: Brian Daldorph
Women in the Barracks: The VMI Case and Equal Rights |
Author/Editor: philippa strum
The Woman Who Dared to Vote: The Trial of Susan B. Anthony |
Author/Editor: N. E. H. HULL
Wolfram von Richthofen |
Author/Editor: Corum, James S
Winning Elections in the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Simpson, Dick; O'Shaughnessy, Betty
William Howard Taft's Constitutional Progressivism |
Author/Editor: Kevin J. Burns
Wildflowers and Grasses of Kansas: A Field Guide, Revised and Expanded, Ed. REV - Revised |
Author/Editor: Michael John Haddock
Wide-Open Town |
Author/Editor: Mutti Burke, Diane; Roe, Jason; Herron, John
Why Stalin's Soldiers Fought: The Red Army's Military Effectiveness in World War II |
Author/Editor: ROGER R. REESE
Who Is James K. Polk?: The Presidential Election of 1844 |
Author/Editor: MARK R. CHEATHEM
The White House Vice Presidency |
Author/Editor: Goldstein, Joel
Whistling Dixie: Ronald Reagan, the White South, and the Transformation of the Republican Party |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Bartho
Where There's Smoke |
Author/Editor: Miller, Char
When Titans Clashed |
Author/Editor: Glantz, David M.; House, Jonathan M
When the Nazis Came to Skokie: Freedom for Speech We Hate |
When Lawyers Screw Up |
Author/Editor: Kritzer, Herbert; Vidmar, Neil
When a Dream Dies: Agriculture, Iowa, and the Farm Crisis of the 1980s |
Author/Editor: Pamela Riney-Kehrberg
West of Harlem: African American Writers and the Borderlands |
Author/Editor: Emily Lutenski
The Wehrmacht's Last Stand |
Author/Editor: Citino, Robert M
The Wehrmacht Retreats |
Author/Editor: Citino, Robert M
Watergate |
Author/Editor: Olson, Keith W
Watching over Yellowstone: The US Army's Experience in America's First National Park, 1886–1918 |
Author/Editor: Thomas C. Rust
Wars Civil and Great: The American Experience in the Civil War and World War I |
Author/Editor: David J. Silbey ,Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai
The War for Korea, 1945-1950 |
Author/Editor: Millett, Allan R
Warfare and Logistics along the US-Canadian Border during the War of 1812 |
Author/Editor: Christopher D. Dishman
Walt Whitman's Western Jaunt |
Author/Editor: WALTER H. EITNER
Voices from Haskell: Indian Students between Two Worlds, 1884-1928 |
Author/Editor: Myriam Vučković
A Vindication of Politics |
Author/Editor: Wright, Matthew D
Vindicating Andrew Jackson: The 1828 Election and the Rise of the Two-Party System |
Author/Editor: DONALD B. COLE
The View from Space: NASA's Evolving Struggle to Understand Our Home Planet |
Author/Editor: Richard B. Leshner,Thor Hogan
The Vietnam War on Trial |
Author/Editor: Belknap, Michal R
The Vietnam War from the Rear Echelon |
Author/Editor: Lomperis, Timothy J
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Angel Fire: War, Remembrance, and an American Tragedy |
Author/Editor: Steven Trout
Vietnam's High Ground |
Author/Editor: Harris, J. P
Vietnam Rough Riders |
Author/Editor: McAdams, Frank
Vietnamese Women at War: Fighting for Ho Chi Minh and the Revolution |
Author/Editor: SANDRA C. TAYLOR
Vietnam |
Author/Editor: Prados, John
Victory in Vietnam |
Author/Editor: Merle L. Pribbenow,William J. Duiker
Victors in Blue |
Author/Editor: Castel, Albert; Simpson, Brooks
Vaulting Ambition: FDR's Campaign to Pack the Supreme Court |
Author/Editor: Michael Nelson
Varmints and Victims |
Author/Editor: Van Nuys, Frank
The Vanishing Farmland Crisis: Critical Views of the Movement to Preserve Agricultural Land |
Author/Editor: JOHN BADEN
The US Volunteers in the Southern Philippines: Counterinsurgency, Pacification, and Collaboration, 1899-1901 |
Author/Editor: John Scott Reed
The U.S. Navy and Its Cold War Alliances, 1945-1953 |
Author/Editor: Corbin Williamson
The U.S. Constitution and Secession |
Author/Editor: Pitcaithley, Dwight T
U.S. Army Doctrine |
Author/Editor: Kretchik, Walter E
The Urban West at the End of the Frontier |
Author/Editor: Lawrence H. Larsen
The Unusual Story of the Pocket Veto Case, 1926-1929 |
The Unorthodox Presidency of Donald J. Trump |
Author/Editor: Paul E. Rutledge ,Chapman Rackaway
Unlikely Environmentalists |
Author/Editor: Milazzo, Paul Charles
Uniting the Tribes: The Rise and Fall of Pan-Indian Community on the Crow Reservation |
Author/Editor: Frank Rzeczkowski
The United States Army and the Making of America: From Confederation to Empire, 1775-1903 |
Author/Editor: Robert Wooster
The United States and the Development of the Puerto Rican Status Question, 19361968 |
Author/Editor: Surendra Bhana
The Unitary Executive Theory: A Danger to Constitutional Government |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Crouch,Mark J. Rozell,Mitchel A. Sollenberger
The Union Soldier in Battle: Enduring the Ordeal of Combat |
Author/Editor: Earl J. Hess
The Union Assaults at Vicksburg: Grant Attacks Pemberton, May 17–22, 1863 |
Author/Editor: Timothy B. Smith
Understanding Clarence Thomas |
Author/Editor: Rossum, Ralph A
Two Suns of the Southwest |
Author/Editor: Young, Nancy Beck
Two Forms of Conservatism: Judicial Reasoning in New York Courts, 1860-1920 |
Author/Editor: William E. Nelson
Two Cities |
Author/Editor: Malachuk, Daniel S
Two against Lincoln |
Author/Editor: William C. Harris
Twenty Years of Service: The Politics of Military Pension Policy and the Long Road to Reform |
Author/Editor: Brandon J. Archuleta
Twenty-Five Years among the Indians and Buffalo |
Author/Editor: Street, William D
The Turn of the Tide in the Pacific War |
Author/Editor: Judge, Sean M.; House, Jonathan M.; A23
The Truman White House: The Administration of the Presidency 19451953 |
Author/Editor: Francis H. Heller
Truman's Triumphs: The 1948 Election and the Making of Postwar America |
Author/Editor: ANDREW E. BUSCH
Triumph at Imphal-Kohima |
Author/Editor: Callahan, Raymond A
Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines in Kansas |
The Treason Trials of Aaron Burr |
Traumatic Defeat |
Author/Editor: Gallagher, Patrick
Transforming the University of Kansas |
Author/Editor: Rury, John L.; Warren, Kim Cary
Trails |
Author/Editor: Limerick, Patricia Nelson; Rankin, Charles; B01
To Trust the People with Arms: The Supreme Court and the Second Amendment |
Author/Editor: Robert J. Cottrol ,Brannon P. Denning
To the Gates of Stalingrad: Soviet-German Combat Operations, April-August 1942 The Stalingrad Trilogy, Volume I |
Author/Editor: David M. Glantz ,Jonathan M. House
To the Flag: The Unlikely History of the Pledge of Allegiance |
Author/Editor: Richard J. Ellis
Tort Reform, Plaintiffs' Lawyers, and Access to Justice |
Author/Editor: Daniels, Stephen; Martin, Joanne
Torn from their Bindings |
Author/Editor: McDade, Travis
Tom Foley: The Man in the Middle |
Author/Editor: R. Kenton Bird ,John C. Pierce
The Tokyo Rose Case |
Author/Editor: Kawashima, Yasuhide
Time's Shadow: Remembering a Family Farm in Kansas |
Author/Editor: Arnold J. Bauer
The Times and Trials of Anne Hutchinson: Puritans Divided |
Timber and the Forest Service |
Author/Editor: David A. Clary
Thunder from the Prairie: The Life of Harold E. Hughes |
Author/Editor: Jerry Harrington
Thunder and Flames |
Author/Editor: Lengel, Edward G
Through the Maelstrom |
Author/Editor: Gorbachevsky, Boris
Three Roads to Magdalena |
Author/Editor: Adams, David Wallace
Those Girls: Single Women in Sixties and Seventies Popular Culture |
Author/Editor: Katherine J. Lehman
Thomas Jefferson and the Fight against Slavery |
Author/Editor: Cara Rogers Stevens
Thomas Hobbes and Political Theory |
Author/Editor: Mary G. Dietz
Thomas Brackett Reed: The Gilded Age Speaker Who Made the Rules for American Politics |
Author/Editor: Robert J. Klotz
A Third Term for FDR |
Author/Editor: Jeffries, John
"The Constitution of the People": Reflections on Citizens and Civil Society |
Author/Editor: Robert E. Calvert ,Wilson Carey McWilliams
Terrorism TV: Popular Entertainment in Post-9/11 America |
Author/Editor: Stacy Takacs
A Terrible Thing to Waste |
Author/Editor: Golland, David Hamilton
Television in Black-and-White America: Race and National Identity |
Author/Editor: Alan Nadel
Teaching Empire: Native Americans, Filipinos, and US Imperial Education, 1879-1918 |
Teaching American Studies: The State of the Classroom as State of the Field |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello ,Joseph Entin ,Rebecca Hill ,Roderick A. Ferguson ,Kandice Chuh
Targeting the Third Reich |
Author/Editor: Ehlers Jr., Rober S
Taliban Safari |
Author/Editor: Darling, Paul
A Tale of Two Fronts: A German Soldier's Journey through World War I |
Author/Editor: Hans Schiller ,Karin Wagner ,Otti Kiraly ,Frederic Krome ,Gregory Loving ,Brian K. Feltman
Sustainable Cities in American Democracy: From Postwar Urbanism to a Civic Green New Deal |
Author/Editor: Carmen Sirianni
Supreme Court Expansion of Presidential Power |
Author/Editor: Louis Fisher
The Supreme Court and the American Elite, 1789-2020 |
Author/Editor: Lucas A. Powe Jr.
The Supreme Court |
Author/Editor: Hoffer, Peter Charles; Hoffer, Williamjames Hull; Hull, N. E. H
Superheroes, Movies, and the State: How the U.S. Government Shapes Cinematic Universes |
Succeeding Outside the Academy: Career Paths beyond the Humanities, Social Sciences, and STEM |
Structuring Poverty in the Windy City |
Author/Editor: Black, Joel E
Stopping the Panzers |
Author/Editor: Milner, Marc
Stopped at Stalingrad |
Author/Editor: Hayward, Joel S. A
States of Union: Family and Change in the American Constitutional Order |
Author/Editor: Mark E. Brandon
Stand in the Fire: Three American Soldiers and Their Wars, 1900-1950 |
Author/Editor: William Crawford Woods
Stalin's World War II Evacuations |
Author/Editor: Holmes, Larry E
Stalin's Secret War: Soviet Counterintelligence against the Nazis, 1941-1945 |
Author/Editor: Robert W. Stephan
The Stalingrad Cauldron: Inside the Encirclement and Destruction of the 6th Army |
Author/Editor: Frank Ellis
Stabilizing Fragile States: Why It Matters and What to Do about It |
Author/Editor: Rufus C. Phillips III
Spying Through a Glass Darkly |
Author/Editor: Alvarez, David; Mark, Eduard
The Spirit of 1889: Restoring the Lost Promise of the High Plains and Northern Rockies |
Spies in the Vatican |
Author/Editor: Alvarez, David
Spies in the Himalayas |
Author/Editor: Kohli, Mohan S.; Conboy, Kenneth
Spetsnaz: A History of the Soviet and Russian Special Forces |
Author/Editor: TOR BUKKVOLL
Speaking Freely |
Author/Editor: Strum, Philippa
Sovereign of a Free People: Abraham Lincoln, Majority Rule, and Slavery |
Author/Editor: James H. Read
Sovereign Mars: Transforming Our Values through Space Settlement |
Author/Editor: Jacob Haqq-Misra
Southern Strategies: Why the Confederacy Failed |
Author/Editor: Christian B. Keller
Southern First Ladies: Culture and Place in White House History |
Author/Editor: Katherine A. S. Sibley
Southern Enclosure: Settler Colonialism and the Postwar Transformation of Mississippi |
Author/Editor: JOHN H. CABLE
Something to Fear: FDR and the Foundations of American Insecurity, 1912-1945 |
Author/Editor: Ira Chernus ,Randall Fowler
Soldier Snapshots: Masculinity, Play, and Friendship in the Everyday Photographs of Men in the American Military |
Author/Editor: JAY MECHLING
Soldiering On in a Dying War: The True Story of the Firebase Pace Incidents and the Vietnam Drawdown |
Author/Editor: William J. Shkurti
Socialist Mayors in the United States: Governing in an Era of Municipal Reform, 1900-1920 |
Author/Editor: David R. Berman
The Snail Darter Case: TVA versus the Endangered Species Act |
The Sleepy Lagoon Murder Case: Race Discrimination and Mexican-American Rights |
Author/Editor: MARK A. WEITZ
Slave Women in the New World: Gender Stratification in the Caribbean |
Author/Editor: Marietta Morrissey
Ski Style |
Author/Editor: Coleman, Annie Gilbert
Sister in the Band of Brothers: Embedded with the 101st Airborne in Iraq |
Author/Editor: Katherine M. Skiba
Singin' in the Rain: The Making of an American Masterpiece |
Silent Coup of the Guardians: The Influence of U.S. Military Elites on National Security |
Author/Editor: Todd Andrew Schmidt
The Siege of Vicksburg: Climax of the Campaign to Open the Mississippi River, May 23-July 4, 1863 |
Author/Editor: Timothy B. Smith
Shiloh |
Author/Editor: Smith, Timothy B
The Sharon Kowalski Case: Lesbian and Gay Rights on Trial |
Author/Editor: CASEY CHARLES
Shaping Modern Liberalism: Herbert Croly and Progressive Thought |
Author/Editor: Edward A. Stettner
The Sex Radicals: Free Love in High Victorian America |
Author/Editor: Hal D. Sears
The Seventh West Virginia Infantry |
Author/Editor: Mellott, David W.; Snell, Mark A
Service above Self: Women Veterans in American Politics |
Serpents of War: An American Officer's Story of World War I Combat and Captivity |
Author/Editor: Harry Dravo Parkin ,Steven Trout ,Ian Isherwood
Selling Yellowstone: Capitalism and the Construction of Nature |
Author/Editor: Mark Daniel Barringer
Selling the CIA |
Author/Editor: McCarthy, David S
Secret Messages |
Author/Editor: Alvarez, David
Secrecy in the Sunshine Era |
Author/Editor: Arnold, Jason Ross
A Season of Inquiry Revisited |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Loch K
The Search for Domestic Bliss |
Author/Editor: Dowbiggin, Ian
Schools for Statesmen: The Divergent Educations of the Constitutional Framers |
Scarlet Fields |
Author/Editor: Barkley, John Lewis
Saving Point Reyes: How an Epic Conservation Victory Became a Tipping Point for Environmental Policy Action |
Author/Editor: Gerald Felix Warburg
The Santa Fe Trail |
Author/Editor: Dary, David
San Antonio v. Rodriguez and the Pursuit of Equal Education: The Debate over Discrimination and School Funding |
Author/Editor: PAUL A. SRACIC
Sam Nunn: Statesman of the Nuclear Age |
Author/Editor: Frank Leith Jones
The Salvadoran Crucible |
Author/Editor: D'Haeseleer, Brian
Sacrificing Childhood |
Author/Editor: deGraffenried, Julie K
Rutgers v. Waddington |
Author/Editor: Hoffer, Peter Charles
Russia’s Sisters of Mercy and the Great War: More Than Binding Men’s Wounds |
Author/Editor: LAURIE S. STOFF
Russia’s Sisters of Mercy and the Great War |
Author/Editor: Stoff, Laurie S
Russian War Films: On the Cinema Front, 1914-2005 |
Author/Editor: Denise J. Youngblood
The Russian Army in the Great War |
Author/Editor: Stone, David R
Rush to Judgment |
Author/Editor: Knott, Stephen F
The Roosevelt ForeignPolicy Establishment and the "Good Neighbor": The United States and Argentina, 19411945 |
Ronald Reagan and the Firing of the Air Traffic Controllers |
Author/Editor: Andrew E. Busch
The Romanian Battlefront in World War I |
Author/Editor: Torrey, Glenn E
Rodeo as Refuge, Rodeo as Rebellion: Gender, Race, and Identity in the American Rodeo |
Author/Editor: ELYSSA FORD
Rock Island Requiem |
Author/Editor: Schneider, Gregory L
Robert H. Michel |
Author/Editor: Mackaman, Frank H.; Kelly, Sean Q
The Road to Chinese Exclusion |
Author/Editor: Zhu, Liping
A River in the City of Fountains |
Author/Editor: Mallea, Amahia
The Rise of the President's Permanent Campaign |
Author/Editor: Brendan J. Doherty
The Rise of Gridiron University |
Author/Editor: Ingrassia, Brian M
The Rise and Fall of Indian Country, 1825-1855 |
Author/Editor: William E. Unrau
Right-Wing Critics of American Conservatism |
Author/Editor: Hawley, George
The Rifle Musket in Civil War Combat: Reality and Myth |
Author/Editor: Earl J. Hess
Rhythms of Change in Rocky Mountain National Park |
Author/Editor: Wohl, Ellen
The Rhetoric of Donald Trump: Nationalist Populism and American Democracy |
Author/Editor: Robert C. Rowland
Revolving Door Lobbying |
Author/Editor: LaPira, Timothy M.; Thomas III, Herschel F
Revolution by Law: The Federal Government and the Desegregation of Alabama Schools |
Author/Editor: Brian K. Landsberg
Revolt Against Modernity: Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin, and the Search for a PostLiberal Order |
Author/Editor: Ted V. McAllister
The Restless and Relentless Mind of Wes Jackson: Searching for Sustainability |
Author/Editor: ROBERT JENSEN ,David W. Orr
Resilient America |
Author/Editor: Nelson, Michael
Requiem: Variations on EighteenthCentury Themes |
Author/Editor: Forrest McDONALD ,Ellen Shapiro McDONALD
Repugnant Laws |
Author/Editor: Whittington, Keith E
Republicans and Race |
Author/Editor: Thurber, Timothy N
Reporting on the Kennedy Assassination |
Author/Editor: Willem L. Oltmans; Michael A. Rinella
Reno's Big Gamble: Image and Reputation in the Biggest Little City |
Author/Editor: Alicia Barber
Renegade for Justice: Defending the Defenseless in an Outlaw World |
Author/Editor: Stephen Lee Saltonstall ,Michael Meltsner
The Religious Beliefs of America's Founders |
Author/Editor: Frazer, Gregg L
Reinventing the Warrior: Masculinity in the American Indian Movement, 1968-1973 |
Author/Editor: Matthias André Voigt
Reinventing Richard Nixon: A Cultural History of an American Obsession |
Author/Editor: DANIEL FRICK
Reform and Reaction: The Arc of Kansas Politics |
Author/Editor: Michael A. Smith ,H. Edward Flentje ,H. Edward Flentje ,Michael A. Smith ,Burdett Loomis ,Chapman Rackaway ,Patrick Miller
Reel History: In Defense of Hollywood |
Author/Editor: Robert Brent Toplin
Red, White, and Blue |
Author/Editor: Tushnet, Mark V
Red Phoenix Rising |
Author/Editor: Hardesty, Von; Grinberg, Ilya
Red Commanders: A Social History of the Soviet Army Officer Corps, 1918-1991 |
Author/Editor: Roger R. Reese
The Red Army and the Great Terror |
Author/Editor: Whitewood, Peter
Reconstruction and Black Suffrage: Losing the Vote in Reese and Cruikshank |
Author/Editor: Robert M. Goldman
Reconstructing Iraq |
Author/Editor: Rudd, Gordon W
Reconsidering Judicial Finality: Why the Supreme Court Is Not the Last Word on the Constitution |
Author/Editor: Louis Fisher
A Rebel War Clerk's Diary |
Author/Editor: Jones, J. B.; Robertson Jr., James I
A Rebel War Clerk's Diary |
Author/Editor: Jones, J. B.; Robertson Jr., James I
Real Soldiering: The US Army in the Aftermath of War, 1815-1980 |
Author/Editor: Brian McAllister Linn
The Real Making of the President |
Author/Editor: Rorabaugh, W. J
Realigning America |
Author/Editor: Williams, R. Hal
Real Americans: National Identity, Violence, and the Constitution |
Author/Editor: Jared A. Goldstein
Reagan's Victory: The Presidential Election of 1980 and the Rise of the Right |
Author/Editor: ANDREW E. BUSCH
Reading Law Forward: The Making of a Democratic Jurisprudence from John Marshall to Stephen G. Breyer |
Author/Editor: Peter Charles Hoffer
Randolph Bourne and the Politics of Cultural Radicalism |
Author/Editor: Leslie J. Vaughan
Railroads and American Political Development |
Author/Editor: Callen, Zachary
The RAF and Tribal Control: Airpower and Irregular Warfare between the World Wars |
Author/Editor: Richard D. Newton,David Jordan
The Radical Mind: The Origins of Right-Wing Catholic and Protestant Coalition Building |
Author/Editor: Chelsea Ebin
The Racial Integration of the American Armed Forces: Cold War Necessity, Presidential Leadership, and Southern Resistance |
Author/Editor: Geoffrey W. Jensen
Race, Sex, and the Freedom to Marry |
Author/Editor: Wallenstein, Peter
Race and Redistricting: The Shaw-Cromartie Cases |
The Rabbi Saved by Hitler's Soldiers |
Author/Editor: Rigg, Bryan Mark
Quipus and Witches' Knots: The Role of the Knot in Primitive and Ancient Culture, with a Translation and Analysis of "Oribasius de Laqueis" |
Author/Editor: Cyrus Lawrence Day
Quest and Response: Minority Rights and the Truman Administration |
Author/Editor: Donald R. McCoy ,Richard T. Ruetten
Queen's Court: Judicial Power in the Rehnquist Era |
Author/Editor: Nancy Maveety
Pursuing Horizontal Management |
Author/Editor: Peters, B. Guy
Punitive War |
Author/Editor: Mountcastle, Clay
Punish Treason, Reward Loyalty: The Forgotten Goals of Constitutional Reform after the Civil War |
Author/Editor: Mark A. Graber
The Pullman Case: The Clash of Labor and Capital in Industrial America |
Author/Editor: DAVID RAY PAPKE
The Psychological War for Vietnam, 1960-1968 |
Author/Editor: Roberts III, Mervyn Edwin
Prosecuting War Crimes and Genocide: The Twentieth-Century Experience |
Author/Editor: Howard Ball
The Prophet of Harvard Law: James Bradley Thayer and His Legal Legacy |
Author/Editor: Andrew Porwancher ,Jake Mazeitis ,Taylor Jipp ,Austin Coffey
The Property of the Nation: George Washington’s Tomb, Mount Vernon, and the Memory of the First President |
Author/Editor: Matthew R. Costello
Progressive States' Rights: The Forgotten History of Federalism |
Author/Editor: Sean Beienburg
Producer of Controversy |
Author/Editor: Frost, Jennifer
Prisoners in Paradise: American Women in the Wartime South Pacific |
Presidents on Political Ground |
Author/Editor: Miroff, Bruce
The President's Czars |
Author/Editor: Sollenberger, Mitchel A.; Rozell, Mark J
The Presidents and the Poor |
Author/Editor: McAndrews, Lawrence J
Presidents and the American Environment |
Author/Editor: Otis L. Graham Jr.
President Obama |
Author/Editor: Fisher, Louis
Presidential War Power: Third Edition, Revised, Ed. 3 |
Author/Editor: Louis Fisher
The Presidential Pardon Power |
Author/Editor: Crouch, Jeffrey
Presidential Lightning Rods: The Politics of Blame Avoidance |
Author/Editor: Richard J. Ellis
Presidential Leadership in Political Time: Reprise and Reappraisal |
Author/Editor: Stephen Skowronek
Presidential Leadership in Political Time |
Author/Editor: Skowronek, Stephen
Presidential Control over Administration: A New Historical Analysis of Public Finance Policymaking, 1929-2018 |
Author/Editor: Patrick R. O’Brien
The President as Statesman: Woodrow Wilson and the Constitution |
Author/Editor: Daniel D. Stid
The Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant |
Author/Editor: Calhoun, Charles W
The Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Lewis L. Gould
The Presidency of John F. Kennedy |
Author/Editor: Giglio, James N
The Presidency of James Earl Carter, Jr., Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Burton I. Kaufman ,Scott Kaufman
The Presidency of George W. Bush |
Author/Editor: John Robert Greene
The Presidency of George H. W. Bush |
Author/Editor: Greene, John Robert
A Preface to American Political Theory |
Author/Editor: Donald S. Lutz
Prairie Fire: A Great Plains History |
Author/Editor: Julie Courtwright
Prairie Bachelor: The Story of a Kansas Homesteader and the Populist Movement |
Author/Editor: Lynda Beck Fenwick
Pragmatic Vision: Obama and the Enactment of the Affordable Care Act |
Author/Editor: Meena Bose
The Power of Accountability: Offices of Inspector General at the State and Local Levels |
Author/Editor: Robin J. Kempf
Postwar Journeys: American and Vietnamese Transnational Peace Efforts since 1975 |
Author/Editor: Hang Thi Thu Le-Tormala
Populism and Imperialism |
Author/Editor: Jessen, Nathan
The Pope's Soldiers |
Author/Editor: Alvarez, David
The Politics of War Powers: The Theory and History of Presidential Unilateralism |
Author/Editor: Sarah Burns
The Politics of the Marvel Cinematic Universe |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Carnes ,Lilly J. Goren
The Political Thought of the Civil War |
Author/Editor: Levine, Alan; Merrill, Thomas W.; Stoner, James R., Jr
The Political Theory of Conservative Economists |
Author/Editor: Conrad P. Waligorski
The Political Constitution: The Case against Judicial Supremacy |
Author/Editor: Greg Weiner
Policing Show Business: J. Edgar Hoover, the Hollywood Blacklist, and Cold War Movies |
Policing Sex in the Sunflower State: The Story of the Kansas State Industrial Farm for Women |
Author/Editor: NICOLE PERRY
Plessy v. Ferguson |
Author/Editor: Hoffer, WilliamJames Hull
Planning War, Pursuing Peace |
Author/Editor: Koistinen, Paul A. C
Place Matters: Metropolitics for the Twenty-First Century, Ed. REV - Revised, 3 |
Author/Editor: Peter Dreier ,John Mollenkopf ,Todd Swanstrom
Picturing the New Negro: Harlem Renaissance Print Culture and Modern Black Identity |
Author/Editor: Caroline Goeser
The Philippine War, 1899-1902 |
Author/Editor: Linn, Brian McAllister
Pesticides, A Love Story |
Author/Editor: Mart, Michelle
Persuading the Supreme Court: The Significance of Briefs in Judicial Decision-Making |
Author/Editor: Morgan L. W. Hazelton ,Rachael K. Hinkle
Persuading the Public: The Evolution of Popular Presidential Communication from Washington to Trump |
Author/Editor: ANNE C. PLUTA
Pershing's Crusaders |
Author/Editor: Faulkner, Richard
Peopling the Constitution |
Author/Editor: Finn, John E
The People's Martyr |
Author/Editor: Chaput, Erik J
Pecan America: Exploring a Cultural Icon |
Author/Editor: John Gifford
Peace Pact: The Lost World of the American Founding |
Author/Editor: David C. Hendrickson
Pat Nixon: Embattled First Lady |
Author/Editor: MARY C. BRENNAN
The Passenger Cases and the Commerce Clause |
Author/Editor: Freyer, Tony Allan
Party over Section |
Author/Editor: Silbey, Joel H
Part-Time Soldiers: Reserve Readiness Challenges in Modern Military History |
Author/Editor: Andrew Lewis Chadwick
Partisan Supremacy: How the GOP Enlisted Courts to Rig America's Election Rules |
Author/Editor: Terri Jennings Peretti
Parchment Barriers |
Author/Editor: Courser, Zachary; Helland, Eric; Miller, Kenneth
The Paradox of Power: Statebuilding in America, 1754-1920 |
Author/Editor: Ballard C. Campbell
The Pacific War and Contingent Victory |
Author/Editor: Myers, Michael
Our Man in Mexico |
Author/Editor: Morley, Jefferson
Our Limits Transgressed: Environmental Political Thought in America |
Author/Editor: Bob Pepperman Taylor
The OSS in Burma |
Author/Editor: Sacquety, Troy J
The OSS and Ho Chi Minh |
Author/Editor: Bartholomew-Feis, Dixee
Osage Women and Empire |
Author/Editor: Edwards, Tai
On Turner's Trail: 100 Years of Writing Western History |
Author/Editor: Wilbur R. Jacobs
The One-Party Presidential Contest |
Author/Editor: Ratcliffe, Donald
On Account of Sex: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the Making of Gender Equality Law |
Old Tip vs. the Sly Fox: The 1840 Election and the Making of a Partisan Nation |
Author/Editor: RICHARD J. ELLIS
Octopus's Garden: How Railroads and Citrus Transformed Southern California |
Author/Editor: Benjamin T. Jenkins
Obscenity Rules |
Author/Editor: Strub, Whitney
The Obama Legacy |
Author/Editor: Bert A. Rockman,Andrew Rudalevige,Bert A. Rockman,Andrew Rudalevige
Obamacare Wars |
Author/Editor: Beland, Daniel; Rocco, Philip; Waddan, Alex
Nullification and Secession in Modern Constitutional Thought |
Author/Editor: Levinson, Sanford
Not White Enough: The Long, Shameful Road to Japanese American Internment |
Author/Editor: Lawrence Goldstone
Nothing but the Dirt: Stories from an American Farm Town |
Author/Editor: Kate Benz
No Shining Armor: The Marines at War in Vietnam An Oral History |
Author/Editor: OTTO J. LEHRACK
The North African Air Campaign: U.S. Army Forces from El Alamein to Salerno |
Author/Editor: Christopher M. Rein
No Place Like Home |
Author/Editor: Janovy, C.J
Nontimber Forest Products in the United States |
Author/Editor: Eric T. Jones ,Rebecca J. McLain ,James Weigand
No Child Left Behind and the Transformation of Federal Education Policy, 1965-2005 |
Author/Editor: Patrick J. McGuinn
Nixon's Nuclear Specter |
Author/Editor: Kimball, Jeffrey P.; Burr, William
Nikita Khrushchev's Journey into America |
Author/Editor: Lawrence J. Nelson,Matthew G. Schoenbachler
New York Times v. Sullivan: Civil Rights, Libel Law, and the Free Press |
Newt Gingrich: The Rise and Fall of a Party Entrepreneur |
Author/Editor: Matthew N. Green ,Jeffrey Crouch
The New Kansas Cookbook |
Author/Editor: Carey, Jayni; Carey, Frank
A New History of Iowa |
Author/Editor: JEFF BREMER
A New Guide to Kansas Mushrooms |
Author/Editor: Sherry Kay ,Benjamin Sikes ,Caleb Morse
The New Americans? |
Author/Editor: Silber Mohamed, Heather
Nazi Saboteurs on Trial: A Military Tribunal and American Law, Ed. ABR - Abridged, 2 |
Author/Editor: LOUIS FISHER
Nature's Army: When Soldiers Fought for Yosemite |
Author/Editor: Harvey Meyerson ,Beth Bailey
Nature's Altars: Mountains, Gender, and American Environmentalism |
Author/Editor: Susan R. Schrepfer
The Nature of Childhood |
Author/Editor: Riney-Kehrberg, Pamela
Native Activism in Cold War America |
Author/Editor: Cobb, Daniel M
A Nation So Conceived: Abraham Lincoln and the Paradox of Democratic Sovereignty |
Author/Editor: Michael P. Zuckert
The Nation's Largest Landlord |
Author/Editor: Skillen, James R
A Nation of Laws: America's Imperfect Pursuit of Justice |
Author/Editor: Peter Charles Hoffer
Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign |
Author/Editor: Clausewitz, Carl von
Napoleon Absent, Coalition Ascendant: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 1 |
Nancy Reagan |
Author/Editor: Benze Jr., James G
The Myths of Tet |
Author/Editor: Moise, Edwin
The Myth and Mystery of UFOs |
Author/Editor: Bullard, Thomas E
Mussolini's Death March: Eyewitness Accounts of Italian Soldiers on the Eastern Front |
Author/Editor: Nuto Revelli,John Penuel
Murder in Mississippi |
Author/Editor: Ball, Howard
Multiculturalism and American Democracy |
Author/Editor: Arthur M. Melzer ,Jerry Weinberger ,M. Richard Zinman
A Most Magnificent Machine: America Adopts the Railroad, 1825-1862 |
Author/Editor: CRAIG MINER
The Mormon Military Experience: 1938 to the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Sherman L. Fleek ,Robert C. Freeman
The Morenci Marines |
Author/Editor: Longley, Kyle
Moral Imperative: 1972, Combat Rescue, and the End of America's War in Vietnam |
Montesquieu's Comparative Politics and the Spirit of American Constitutionalism |
Author/Editor: ANNE M. COHLER
Moms in Chief |
Author/Editor: Vigil, Tammy R
Modernity and the Great Depression |
Author/Editor: Bindas, Kenneth J
The Modern American Presidency |
Author/Editor: Gould, Lewis L
The Moderate Imagination: The Political Thought of John Updike and the Decline of New Deal Liberalism |
Author/Editor: Yoav Fromer
The Miracle Case: Film Censorship and the Supreme Court |
Minority Victory: Gilded Age Politics and the Front Porch Campaign of 1888 |
Military Service and American Democracy |
Author/Editor: Taylor, William A
Military Justice in Vietnam: The Rule of Law in an American War |
Author/Editor: William Thomas Allison
A Military History of India since 1972: Full Spectrum Operations and the Changing Contours of Modern Conflict |
Author/Editor: Arjun Subramaniam
A Military History of Afghanistan |
Author/Editor: Jalali, Ali Ahmad
Mendez v. Westminster: School Desegregation and Mexican-American Rights |
The Mediterranean Air War |
Author/Editor: Ehlers, Robert S. Jr
The Media Offensive: How the Press and Public Opinion Shaped Allied Strategy during World War II |
Author/Editor: Alexander G. Lovelace
Medellín v. Texas: International Justice, Federalism, and the Execution of José Medellin |
The Medal of Honor |
Author/Editor: Mears, Dwight S
Mawson's Mission: Launching Women's Intercollegiate Athletics at the University of Kansas |
Marshall and His Generals |
Author/Editor: Taaffe, Stephen R
Marque and Reprisal |
Author/Editor: Moss, Kenneth B
Marine, Public Servant, Kansan |
Author/Editor: Garcia, Dennis
Marcuse: From the New Left to the Next Left |
Author/Editor: John Bokina ,Timothy J. Lukes
Marbury v. Madison |
Author/Editor: Nelson, William E
Mapp v. Ohio: Guarding against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures |
Author/Editor: CAROLYN N. LONG
The Man of the People: Political Dissent and the Making of the American Presidency |
Author/Editor: Nathaniel C. Green
Mamie Doud Eisenhower: The General's First Lady |
Making Rocky Mountain National Park |
Author/Editor: Frank, Jerry J
Making Patton: A Classic War Film's Epic Journey to the Silver Screen |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Evan Sarantakes
The Making of Reverse Discrimination: How DeFunis and Bakke Bleached Racism from Equal Protection |
The Making of a Paratrooper |
Author/Editor: Gabel, Kurt
Making Climate Lawyers: Climate Change in American Law Schools, 1985-2020 |
Author/Editor: Kimberly K. Smith
Magic Bean |
Author/Editor: Roth, Matthew
Madison's Metronome: The Constitution, Majority Rule, and the Tempo of American Politics |
Author/Editor: Greg Weiner
Madam Mayor: Love and Loss in an American City |
Author/Editor: Stephanie A. Miner
MacArthur's Korean War Generals |
Author/Editor: Stephen R. Taaffe
MacArthur's Coalition |
Author/Editor: Dean, Peter J
Lyman Trumbull and the Second Founding of the United States |
Author/Editor: Paul M. Rego
Lucius Polk Brown and Progressive Food and Drug Control: Tennessee and New York City, 19081920 |
Love's Virtues |
Author/Editor: MIKE W. MARTIN
Love Canal Revisited: Race, Class, and Gender in Environmental Activism |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth D. Blum
Lou Henry Hoover |
Author/Editor: Young, Nancy Beck
The Lost Soul of the American Presidency: The Decline into Demagoguery and the Prospects for Renewal |
Author/Editor: Stephen F. Knott
The Lost Promise of Progressivism |
Author/Editor: ELDON J. EISENACH
Losing Binh Dinh |
Author/Editor: Boylan, Kevin M
Lochner v. New York |
Author/Editor: Kens, Paul
Lizzie Borden on Trial |
Author/Editor: Conforti, Joseph A
Lives of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers |
Author/Editor: RIgg, Bryan Mark
Little Rock on Trial: Cooper v. Aaron and School Desegregation |
Author/Editor: TONY A. FREYER
Lincoln's Informer: Charles A. Dana and the Inside Story of the Union War |
Author/Editor: Carl J. Guarneri
Lincoln Illuminated and Remembered |
Author/Editor: William C. Harris
Lincoln and the Border States |
Author/Editor: Harris, William C
Lincoln and Shakespeare |
Author/Editor: Anderegg, Michael
Limits of Constraint: The Originalist Jurisprudence of Hugo Black, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas |
Author/Editor: James B. Staab
Like Men of War: Black Troops in the Civil War, 1862-1865 |
A Light in the Tower: A New Reckoning with Mental Health in Higher Education |
Life at Four Corners: Religion, Gender, and Education in a GermanLutheran Community, 18681945 |
Author/Editor: CAROL K. COBURN
The Life and Legacy of Elizabeth Miller Watkins: A Pioneering Philanthropist |
Author/Editor: Mary Dresser Burchill ,Norma Decker Hoagland
Liberty and Union |
Author/Editor: Huebner, Timothy S
Liberty and Equality |
Author/Editor: Seagrave, S. Adam
Liberating Lawrence: Gay Activism in the 1970s at the University of Kansas |
Author/Editor: Katherine Rose-Mockry
Leonidas Polk |
Author/Editor: Horn, Huston
Lee Harvey Oswald as I Knew Him |
Author/Editor: de Mohrenschildt, George; Rinella, Michael A
Leak |
Author/Editor: Holland, Max
Leaders of Reform: Progressive Republicans in Kansas, 1900-1916 |
Leaders of Reform: Progressive Republicans in Kansas, 19001916 |
Leadership in American Politics |
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Jeffery A.; Volden, Craig
The Lawyer's Conscience: A History of American Lawyer Ethics |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Ariens
Launch the Intruders |
Author/Editor: Reardon, Carol
Laughing at Myself: My Education in Congress, on the Farm, and at the Movies |
Author/Editor: Dan Glickman
The Last Wild Places of Kansas |
Author/Editor: Frazier, George
The Last Lincoln Republican: The Presidential Election of 1880 |
The Last Liberal Republican: An Insider's Perspective on Nixon's Surprising Social Policy |
Author/Editor: John Roy Price
The Last Cattle Drive |
Author/Editor: Day, Robert
Landlord William Scully |
Land Is Kin: Sovereignty, Religious Freedom, and Indigenous Sacred Sites, Foreword by Judge Abby Abinanti |
Author/Editor: Dana Lloyd ,Abby Abinanti
Lady Bird Johnson: Our Environmental First Lady |
Author/Editor: LEWIS L. GOULD
Lady Bird Johnson and the Environment |
Author/Editor: Lewis L. Gould
The Kremlin and the High Command: Presidential Impact on the Russian Military from Gorbachev to Putin |
Author/Editor: Dale R. Herspring ,David M. Glantz
Kesselring's Last Battle |
Author/Editor: von Lingen, Kerstin
Kenekuk the Kickapoo Prophet |
Author/Editor: Joseph B. Herring
Keeping the People's Liberties: Legislators, Citizens, and Judges as Guardians of Rights |
Author/Editor: John J. Dinan
Kazakhstan in World War II: Mobilization and Ethnicity in the Soviet Empire |
Kansas Populism: Ideas and Men |
Author/Editor: O. Gene Clanton
Kansas Governors |
Kansas City's Montgall Avenue: Black Leaders and the Street They Called Home |
Author/Editor: MARGIE CARR
Kansas Boy: The Memoir of A. J. Bolinger |
Author/Editor: A. J. Bolinger ,Jeffrey H. Barker ,Melissa Walker
The Kansas Beef Industry |
Author/Editor: Charles L. Wood
Kansas Baseball, 1858-1941 |
Author/Editor: Eberle, Mark
Kansas Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Hoard, Robert J.; Banks, William E
Kansas and Kansans in World War I: Service at Home and Abroad |
Author/Editor: Blake A. Watson
Kafka's Indictment of Modern Law |
Author/Editor: Litowitz, Douglas E
Justice Robert H. Jackson's Unpublished Opinion in Brown v. Board |
Author/Editor: O'Brien, David M
Justice on Fire |
Author/Editor: O'Connor, J. Patrick
Justice Kennedy's Jurisprudence: The Full and Necessary Meaning of Liberty |
Author/Editor: Frank J. Colucci
Justice Brennan |
Author/Editor: Stern, Seth; Wermiel, Stephen
The Jury in America |
Author/Editor: Hale, Dennis
July 22: The Civil War Battle of Atlanta |
Author/Editor: EARL J. HESS
Judging the Boy Scouts of America |
Author/Editor: Ellis, Richard J
The Journey to Separate but Equal: Madame Decuir's Quest for Racial Justice in the Reconstruction Era |
Author/Editor: Jack M. Beermann
The Johnson Years, Volume Two: Vietnam, the Environment, and Science |
Author/Editor: Robert A. Divine
John F. Kennedy and the Politics of Faith |
Author/Editor: Patrick Lacroix
John C. Calhoun's Theory of Republicanism |
Author/Editor: Grove, John
The JFK Assassination Debates |
Author/Editor: Kurtz, Michael L
The Jet Makers: The Aerospace Industry from 1945 to 1972 |
Author/Editor: CHARLES D. BRIGHT
Jayhawker: On History, Home, and Basketball |
Author/Editor: Andrew Malan Milward
Japan's Imperial Army |
Author/Editor: Drea, Edward J
The Japanese American Cases: The Rule of Law in Time of War |
Author/Editor: ROGER DANIELS
Jacqueline Kennedy |
Author/Editor: Perry, Barbara A
iSpy: Surveillance and Power in the Interactive Era |
Author/Editor: Mark Andrejevic
Irreparable Harm |
Author/Editor: Snepp, Frank
Iraq and the Politics of Oil: An Insider's Perspective |
Author/Editor: Gary Vogler
Iran-Contra |
Author/Editor: Byrne, Malcolm
Inventing Destiny: Cultural Explorations of US Expansion |
Author/Editor: Jimmy L. Bryan Jr.
Into the Sunset: Emmett Dalton and the End of the Dalton Gang |
Author/Editor: IAN W. SHAW
In the Shadow of the Great Charter |
Author/Editor: Pallitto, Robert M
Interpreting the Founding: Guide to the Enduring Debates over the Origins and Foundations of the American Republic, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Alan Gibson
The Insular Cases and the Emergence of American Empire |
In Search of Canaan: Black Migration to Kansas, 187980 |
Author/Editor: ROBERT G. ATHEARN
In God's Presence |
Author/Editor: Miller, Benjamin L
Inglorious Passages |
Author/Editor: Wills, Brian Steel
Indians in Unexpected Places |
Author/Editor: PHILIP J. DELORIA
Indians, Alcohol, and the Roads to Taos and Santa Fe |
Author/Editor: Unrau, William E
Indian-Made |
Author/Editor: Bsumek, Erika
In Deadly Combat |
Author/Editor: Bidermann, Gottlob Herbert
The Imperial Russian Army in Peace, War, and Revolution, 1856-1917 |
Author/Editor: Roger R. Reese
Imperial Germany and War, 1871-1918 |
Author/Editor: Hughes, Daniel J.; DiNardo, Richard L
Imagining Tombstone |
Author/Editor: McCormack, Kara L
I Like Ike |
Author/Editor: Greene, John Robert
The Idea of Presidential Representation: An Intellectual and Political History |
Author/Editor: Jeremy D. Bailey
The Idea of Democracy in the Modern Era |
Author/Editor: Ralph Ketcham
The Iconography of Malcolm X |
The Hunter Elite |
Author/Editor: Tara Kathleen Kelly
The Hundred Day Winter War: Finland's Gallant Stand against the Soviet Army |
Author/Editor: Gordon F. Sander
Horace M. Kallen in the Heartland: The Midwestern Roots of American Pluralism |
Hopi Runners |
Author/Editor: Sakiestewa Gilbert, Matthew
Hoover's War on Gays |
Author/Editor: Charles, Douglas M
Hoover's Secret War against Axis Spies |
Author/Editor: Batvinis, Raymond J
Hoover's FBI and the Fourth Estate |
Author/Editor: Cecil, Matthew
Honoring the Civil War Dead |
Author/Editor: Neff, John R
Holocaust versus Wehrmacht |
Author/Editor: Pasher, Yaron
Hogs Are Up: Stories of the Land, with Digressions |
Author/Editor: WES JACKSON ,Robert Jensen
Hitler's Volkssturm |
Author/Editor: Yelton, David K
Hitler Strikes Poland |
Author/Editor: Rossino, Alexander B
Hitler's Police Battalions |
Author/Editor: Westermann, Edward B
Hitler's Generals on Trial |
Author/Editor: Hebert, Valerie Genevieve
History Shock: When History Collides with Foreign Relations |
Author/Editor: John Dickson
Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar
Hillary Rodham Clinton: Polarizing First Lady |
Author/Editor: GIL TROY
Highway Robbery: The Two-Decade Battle to Reform America's Automobile Insurance System |
Author/Editor: Peter Kinzler
Hidden Cost of Freedom: The Untold Story of the CIA's Secret Funding System, 1941-1962 |
Author/Editor: Brad L. Fisher
Henry Adams: The Historian as Political Theorist |
Author/Editor: James P. Young
The Hemingway Log |
Author/Editor: Chamberlin, Brewster
Hell, No, We Didn't Go!: Firsthand Accounts of Vietnam War Protest and Resistance |
Author/Editor: Eli Greenbaum
The Heir Apparent Presidency |
Author/Editor: Zinman, Donald A
Health Divided |
Author/Editor: Sledge, Daniel
Headlights on the Prairie |
Author/Editor: Rebein, Robert
Haunted Kansas: Ghost Stories and Other Eerie Tales |
Author/Editor: Lisa Hefner Heitz
Harry Truman and the Struggle for Racial Justice |
Author/Editor: Shogan, Robert