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Titles start with H (31) Information
The Hunter Elite
Author/Editor: Tara Kathleen Kelly
The Hundred Day Winter War: Finland's Gallant Stand against the Soviet Army
Author/Editor: Gordon F. Sander
Horace M. Kallen in the Heartland: The Midwestern Roots of American Pluralism
Hopi Runners
Author/Editor: Sakiestewa Gilbert, Matthew
Hoover's War on Gays
Author/Editor: Charles, Douglas M
Hoover's Secret War against Axis Spies
Author/Editor: Batvinis, Raymond J
Hoover's FBI and the Fourth Estate
Author/Editor: Cecil, Matthew
Honoring the Civil War Dead
Author/Editor: Neff, John R
Holocaust versus Wehrmacht
Author/Editor: Pasher, Yaron
Hogs Are Up: Stories of the Land, with Digressions
Author/Editor: WES JACKSON ,Robert Jensen
Hitler's Volkssturm
Author/Editor: Yelton, David K
Hitler Strikes Poland
Author/Editor: Rossino, Alexander B
Hitler's Police Battalions
Author/Editor: Westermann, Edward B
Hitler's Generals on Trial
Author/Editor: Hebert, Valerie Genevieve
History Shock: When History Collides with Foreign Relations
Author/Editor: John Dickson
Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap
Author/Editor: Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar
Hillary Rodham Clinton: Polarizing First Lady
Author/Editor: GIL TROY
Highway Robbery: The Two-Decade Battle to Reform America's Automobile Insurance System
Author/Editor: Peter Kinzler
Hidden Cost of Freedom: The Untold Story of the CIA's Secret Funding System, 1941-1962
Author/Editor: Brad L. Fisher
Henry Adams: The Historian as Political Theorist
Author/Editor: James P. Young
The Hemingway Log
Author/Editor: Chamberlin, Brewster
Hell, No, We Didn't Go!: Firsthand Accounts of Vietnam War Protest and Resistance
Author/Editor: Eli Greenbaum
The Heir Apparent Presidency
Author/Editor: Zinman, Donald A
Health Divided
Author/Editor: Sledge, Daniel
Headlights on the Prairie
Author/Editor: Rebein, Robert
Haunted Kansas: Ghost Stories and Other Eerie Tales
Author/Editor: Lisa Hefner Heitz
Harry Truman and the Struggle for Racial Justice
Author/Editor: Shogan, Robert
Harry H. Woodring: A Political Biography of FDR's Controversial Secretary of War
Author/Editor: KEITH D. McFARLAND
Harlem's Rattlers and the Great War
Author/Editor: Sammons, Jeffrey T.; Morrow, John H. Jr
The Hanford Plaintiffs: Voices from the Fight for Atomic Justice
Author/Editor: TRISHA T. PRITIKIN,Richard C. Eymann,Tom H. Foulds,Karen Dorn Steele
Habeas Corpus in America: The Politics of Individual Rights
Author/Editor: Justin J. Wert