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Titles ( displaying 500 of 656 ) | Information |
Accommodating Revolutions |
Author/Editor: Tillson, Albert H
Activism and the American Novel |
Author/Editor: Romero, Channette
Acts of Narrative Resistance |
Author/Editor: Beard, Laura J
African Impressions: How African Worldviews Shaped the British Geographical Imagination across the Early Enlightenment |
African Musicians in the Atlantic World: Legacies of Sound and Slavery |
Author/Editor: Mary Caton Lingold
After Apartheid |
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian; Tebeau, Kahreen
After August: Blues, August Wilson, and American Drama |
Author/Editor: Patrick Maley
After Emancipation: Racism and Resistance at the University of Virginia |
Author/Editor: Kirt von Daacke ,Andrea Douglas
The Afterlives of Animals |
Author/Editor: Alberti, Samuel J. M. M
After Print: Eighteenth-Century Manuscript Cultures |
Author/Editor: Rachael Scarborough King
Against Better Judgment: Irrational Action and Literary Invention in the Long Eighteenth Century |
Against the Hounds of Hell: A Life of Howard Thurman |
An Age of Hubris: Colonialism, Christianity, and the Xhosa in the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Timothy Keegan
The Alchemy of Conquest: Science, Religion, and the Secrets of the New World |
Author/Editor: Ralph Bauer
The Algerian New Novel |
All the Devils Are Here: American Romanticism and Literary Influence |
Author/Editor: DAVID GREVEN
Almost Hemingway: The Adventures of Negley Farson, Foreign Correspondent |
Author/Editor: Rex Bowman ,Carlos Santos
Ambivalent Miracles |
Author/Editor: Wadsworth, Nancy D
Amelioration and Empire |
Author/Editor: Dierksheide, Christa
American Abolitionism |
Author/Editor: Harrold, Stanley
American Autopia: An Intellectual History of the American Roadside at Midcentury |
American Dreams: Opportunity and Upward Mobility |
Author/Editor: Guian McKee ,Cristina Lopez-Gottardi Chao
American Iconographic |
Author/Editor: Hawkins, Stephanie L
American Imperialism's Undead |
Author/Editor: Dalleo, Raphael
American Koan: Imagining Zen and Self in Autobiographical Literature |
The American Liberty Pole: Popular Politics and the Struggle for Democracy in the Early Republic |
Author/Editor: SHIRA LURIE
The American Revolution and the Habsburg Monarchy |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Singerton
American Road Narratives |
Author/Editor: Brigham, Ann
America's Wetland |
Author/Editor: Sawyer, Roy T
The Angel out of the House |
Author/Editor: Elliott, Dorice Williams
Answer at Once |
Author/Editor: Powell, Katrina M
Answering the Call of the Court |
Author/Editor: Baird, Vanessa A
The Antagonist Principle |
Author/Editor: Poston, Lawrence
Anthropocene Fictions |
Author/Editor: Trexler, Adam
Armed Citizens: The Road from Ancient Rome to the Second Amendment |
Author/Editor: Noah Shusterman
Army Spouses: Military Families during the Global War on Terror |
Author/Editor: Morten G. Ender
The Arresting Eye |
Author/Editor: Huh, Jinny
Artistic Ambassadors |
Author/Editor: Roberts, Brian Russell
At Home and Astray |
Author/Editor: Howell, Philip
At Home with Apartheid |
Author/Editor: Ginsburg, Rebecca
Avoiding War with China |
Bacchus and Civic Order |
Author/Editor: Tlusty, B. Ann
Backstage in the Novel |
Author/Editor: Saggini, Francesca
Bad Men: Creative Touchstones of Black Writers |
Author/Editor: Howard Rambsy II
Barbaric Culture and Black Critique |
Author/Editor: Wheelock, Stefan M
Basura: Cultures of Waste in Contemporary Spain |
Author/Editor: SAMUEL AMAGO
Bathed in Blood |
Author/Editor: Proctor, Nicolas W
Battle over the Bench |
Author/Editor: Steigerwalt, Amy
Beastly Natures |
Author/Editor: Brantz, Dorothee
Beautiful Deceptions |
Author/Editor: Schweighauser, Philipp
Becoming Men of Some Consequence |
Author/Editor: Ruddiman, John A
Bedazzled Saints: Catacomb Relics in Early Modern Bavaria |
Author/Editor: Noria K. Litaker
Before American History: Nationalist Mythmaking and Indigenous Dispossession |
Author/Editor: Christen Mucher
Being Apart |
Author/Editor: Parris, LaRose T
Be It Ever So Humble |
Author/Editor: MacKenzie, Scott R
The Belle Créole |
Between Sovereignty and Anarchy |
Author/Editor: Griffin, Patrick; Ingram, Robert G.; Onuf, Peter S
Between the Novel and the News |
Author/Editor: Edelstein, Sari
Bewildered Travel |
Author/Editor: Ruf, Frederick J
Beyond 1776: Globalizing the Cultures of the American Revolution |
Beyond the Royal Gaze |
Author/Editor: Kodesh, Neil
The Big House after Slavery |
Author/Editor: Morsman, Amy Feely
Black Aesthetics and the Interior Life |
Black Landscapes Matter |
Author/Editor: Walter Hood ,Grace Mitchell Tada
Blue Laws and Black Codes |
Author/Editor: Wallenstein, Peter
Bodies and Bones |
Author/Editor: Shields, Tanya L
Body and Soul |
Author/Editor: Cox, Robert S
Boredom and the Architectural Imagination: Rudofsky, Venturi, Scott Brown, and Steinberg |
Author/Editor: Andreea Mihalache
Bound for Work: Labor, Mobility, and Colonial Rule in Central Mozambique, 1940-1965 |
Author/Editor: Zachary Kagan Guthrie
The Bourgeois Interior |
Author/Editor: Brown, Julia Prewitt
Break and Flow: Hip Hop Poetics in the Americas |
Author/Editor: Charlie D. Hankin
Bridges to Memory |
Author/Editor: Bellamy, Maria Rice
Bringing Race Back In |
Author/Editor: Stout, Christopher T
Broken Government: Bridging the Partisan Divide |
Author/Editor: William J. Antholis ,Larry J. Sabato
Brothers Born of One Mother |
Author/Editor: LeMaster, Michelle
Buddha in the Marketplace: The Commodification of Buddhist Objects in Tibet |
Building Charleston |
Author/Editor: Hart, Emma
Building Natures |
Author/Editor: Daniel, Julia
The Cacophony of Politics: Northern Democrats and the American Civil War |
The Camaro in the Pasture |
Author/Editor: Riley, Robert B
Capital and Convict: Race, Region, and Punishment in Post–Civil War America |
Author/Editor: Henry Kamerling
Caribbean Jewish Crossings: Literary History and Creative Practice |
Author/Editor: Sarah Phillips Casteel,Heidi Kaufman
Caribbean Literature and the Public Sphere |
Author/Editor: Dalleo, Raphael
Caribbean Perspectives on Modernity |
Author/Editor: Fumagalli, Maria Cristina
The Case for Identity Politics: Polarization, Demographic Change, and Racial Appeals |
Author/Editor: Christopher T. Stout
Cautio Criminalis, or a Book on Witch Trials |
Author/Editor: Spee, Friedrich
The Celebrated Elizabeth Smith: Crafting Genius and Transatlantic Fame in the Romantic Era |
Author/Editor: Lucia McMahon
Changed Men: Veterans in American Popular Culture after World War II |
Author/Editor: ERIN LEE MOCK
Character and Mourning: Woolf, Faulkner, and the Novel Elegy of the First World War |
Author/Editor: Erin Penner
Characters of Blood |
Author/Editor: Bernier, Celeste-Marie
Chasing Shadows: The Nixon Tapes, the Chennault Affair, and the Origins of Watergate |
Author/Editor: KEN HUGHES
Chiefs, Priests, and Praise-Singers |
Author/Editor: MacGaffey, Wyatt
Children of the Raven and the Whale: Visions and Revisions in American Literature |
Author/Editor: Caroline Chamberlin Hellman
Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Disenchantment |
Author/Editor: Maltby, Paul
Cities of Affluence and Anger |
Author/Editor: Hefner, Peter J
The Citizenship Revolution |
Author/Editor: Bradburn, Douglas
Citizens of a Common Intellectual Homeland |
Author/Editor: Mattes, Armin
Citizens of Convenience |
Author/Editor: LAWRENCE B. A. HATTER
The Civil War Political Tradition: Ten Portraits of Those Who Formed It |
Author/Editor: Paul D. Escott
Cli-Fi and Class: Socioeconomic Justice in Contemporary American Climate Fiction |
Author/Editor: Debra J. Rosenthal ,Jason de Lara Molesky
Climate Change and Original Sin: The Moral Ecology of John Milton's Poetry |
Author/Editor: Katherine Cox
Close Kin and Distant Relatives |
Author/Editor: Morris, Susana M
Collateral Damage: Women Write about War |
Author/Editor: Bárbara Mujica
The Collected Essays of Josephine J. Turpin Washington: A Black Reformer in the Post-Reconstruction South |
Author/Editor: RITA B. DANDRIDGE
Collegiate Republic |
Author/Editor: Sumner, Margaret
Colonizing the Past: Mythmaking and Pre-Columbian Whites in Nineteenth-Century American Writing |
Author/Editor: EDWARD WATTS
The Color of Power |
Author/Editor: Douzet, Frédérick
Colossal Ambitions: Confederate Planning for a Post–Civil War World |
Author/Editor: Adrian Brettle
Comforting Myths: Concerning the Political in Art |
Coming to Terms with Democracy |
Author/Editor: Foletta, Marshall
Communication: Getting the Message Across |
Author/Editor: Nicole Hemmer
Community-Based Collaboration |
Author/Editor: Dukes, E. Franklin; Firehock, Karen E.; Birkhoff, Juliana E
Composing Cultures |
Author/Editor: Aronoff, Eric
Comrade Sister: Caribbean Feminist Revisions of the Grenada Revolution |
Author/Editor: Laurie R. Lambert
Conceived in Crisis: The Revolutionary Creation of an American State |
Author/Editor: Christopher R. Pearl
Confederate Visions |
Author/Editor: Binnington, Ian
Consuming Visions |
Author/Editor: Conde, Maite
Contemporary Francophone African Writers and the Burden of Commitment |
Author/Editor: Cazenave, Odile; Célérier, Patricia
Contesting Slavery |
Author/Editor: Hammond, John Craig; Mason, Matthew
Contract and Consent |
Author/Editor: Pole, J. R
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander |
Author/Editor: Herrington, Susan
Cosmopolitan Patriots |
Author/Editor: Ziesche, Philipp
The Cosmos, the Person, and the Sadhana: A Treatise on Tibetan Tantric Meditation |
Author/Editor: Yael Bentor
Cotton's Queer Relations |
Author/Editor: Bibler, Michael P
The Cowboy Capitalist |
Author/Editor: van van Onselen, Charles
Cradock |
Author/Editor: Butler, Jeffrey; Elphick, Richard; Hopkins, Jeannette
Creating the British Atlantic |
Author/Editor: Greene, Jack P
Creole Drama |
Author/Editor: Braun, Juliane
Crime and Culture in Early Modern Germany |
Author/Editor: Wiltenburg, Joy
Criminal Cities: The Postcolonial Novel and Cathartic Crime |
Author/Editor: MOLLY SLAVIN
Criminal Injustice |
Author/Editor: McNair, Glenn
Crossing the Boundaries of Belief |
Author/Editor: Corpis, Duane J
Crossing the Line |
Author/Editor: Ward, Candace
Crossing the River Styx: The Memoir of a Death Row Chaplain |
Author/Editor: Russ Ford ,Charles Peppers ,Todd C. Peppers
Crucible of the Civil War |
Author/Editor: Ayers, Edward L.; Gallagher, Gary W.; Torget, Andrew J
Cuba and the Fall |
Author/Editor: González, Eduardo
Cultural Entanglements: Langston Hughes and the Rise of African and Caribbean Literature |
Author/Editor: Shane Graham
A Cultural History of Underdevelopment |
Author/Editor: John Patrick Leary
Culture and Liberty in the Age of the American Revolution |
Author/Editor: Rozbicki, Michal Jan
Dancing with Disaster |
Author/Editor: Rigby, Kate
Dandyism: Forming Fiction from Modernism to the Present |
Author/Editor: LEN GUTKIN
Danger Sound Klaxon!: The Horn That Changed History |
Author/Editor: MATTHEW F. JORDAN
Declarations of Independence: Indigenous Resilience, Colonial Rivalries, and the Cost of Revolution |
Author/Editor: Christopher R. Pearl
A Deed So Accursed |
Author/Editor: Finnegan, Terence
Designing Dixie |
Author/Editor: Hillyer, Reiko
Desire and the Ascetic Ideal: Buddhism and Hinduism in the Works of T. S. Eliot |
Author/Editor: EDWARD UPTON
Detached America |
Author/Editor: Jacobs, James A
The Devil's Art: Divination and Discipline in Early Modern Germany |
Different Shades of Green |
Author/Editor: Caminero-Santangelo, Byron
Difficult Reading: Frustration and Form in Anglophone Caribbean Fiction |
Author/Editor: Jason R. Marley
Digitizing Faulkner: Yoknapatawpha in the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Theresa M. Towner
Disaster Writing |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Mark D
Dishonored Americans: The Political Death of Loyalists in Revolutionary America |
Author/Editor: Timothy Compeau
Distant Revolutions |
Author/Editor: Roberts, Timothy Mason
Disturbers of the Peace |
Author/Editor: Josephs, Kelly Baker
Diversity Matters |
Author/Editor: Haire, Susan B.; Moyer, Laura P
Does Privilege Prevail?: Litigation in High Courts across the Globe |
Author/Editor: Stacia L. Haynie ,Kirk A. Randazzo ,Reginald S. Sheehan
Doing Justice to Mercy |
Author/Editor: Rothchild, Jonathan; Boulton, Matthew Myer; Jung, Kevin
Domestic Captivity and the British Subject, 1660–1750 |
Author/Editor: Catherine Ingrassia
The Dooleys of Richmond |
Do You Hear in the Mountains... and Other Stories |
Author/Editor: Bey, Maïssa
Drawing Liberalism: Herblock’s Political Cartoons in Postwar America |
Drawing the Line |
Author/Editor: Fowler, Doreen
Driven to the Field: Sharecropping and Southern Literature |
Author/Editor: David A. Davis
Désirée Congo |
Author/Editor: ÉVELYNE TROUILLOT ,M. A. SALVODON ,Annette K. Joseph-Gabriel
Dueling Cultures, Damnable Legacies: Southern Violence and White Supremacy in the Civil War Era |
Author/Editor: James Hill Welborn III
Dunmore's New World |
Author/Editor: David, James Corbett
The Dynamics of Genre |
Author/Editor: Liddle, Dallas
Dézafi |
Author/Editor: Frankétienne
Early Modern Virginia |
Author/Editor: Bradburn, Douglas; Coombs, John C
Earnestly Contending |
Author/Editor: Bruce, Dickson D
East-West Exchange and Late Modernism: Williams, Moore, Pound |
Author/Editor: Zhaoming Qian
Ecocritical Theory |
Author/Editor: Goodbody, Axel; Rigby, Kate
Edgar Allan Poe: A Life |
The Educational Legacy of Woodrow Wilson |
Author/Editor: Axtell, James
Edwidge Danticat: The Haitian Diasporic Imaginary |
Author/Editor: Nadège T. Clitandre
The Eighteenth Centuries: Global Networks of Enlightenment |
The Elections of 2020 |
Author/Editor: Michael Nelson
Elizabeth Bishop in the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Cleghorn, Angus; Hicok, Bethany; Travisano, Thomas
Elizabeth Bishop's Brazil |
Author/Editor: BETHANY HICOK
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese: Paternalism's Daughter |
Author/Editor: Deborah A. Symonds
Elusive Equality |
Author/Editor: Littlejohn, Jeffrey L.; Ford, Charles H
Elusive Origins |
Author/Editor: Miller, Paul B
Emily Davies |
Author/Editor: Murphy, Ann B.; Raftery, Deirdre
Empires of the Imagination |
Author/Editor: Kastor, Peter J.; Weil, François
Empiricist Devotions |
Author/Editor: Courtney Weiss Smith
Encountering the Secular |
Author/Editor: Atchley, J. Heath
The Enemy Within |
Author/Editor: Smith, Michael Thomas
Environmental Design: Architecture, Politics, and Science in Postwar America |
Author/Editor: Avigail Sachs
The Equality of Believers |
Author/Editor: Elphick, Richard
Era of Experimentation |
Author/Editor: Peart, Daniel
Eric Williams and the Anticolonial Tradition |
Author/Editor: St. Pierre, Maurice
Erotic Citizens: Sex and the Embodied Subject in the Antebellum Novel |
Ersatz America |
Author/Editor: Mark, Rebecca
Essays from the Edge |
Author/Editor: Jay, Martin
Establishing Religious Freedom |
Author/Editor: Buckley, Thomas E
"Esteemed Bookes of Lawe" and the Legal Culture of Early Virginia |
Author/Editor: Warren M. Billings,Brent Tarter
European Friends of the American Revolution |
Author/Editor: Andrew J. O’Shaughnessy ,John A. Ragosta ,Marie-Jeanne Rossignol
Evangelical Gothic: The English Novel and the Religious War on Virtue from Wesley to Dracula |
Author/Editor: Christopher Herbert
Evergreen Ash: Ecology and Catastrophe in Old Norse Myth and Literature |
Author/Editor: Christopher Abram
The Evil Necessity |
Author/Editor: Brunsman, Denver
Evil People |
Author/Editor: Dillinger, Johannes
Exemplary England: Historical Inquiry and Literary Recompense in Pope, Gray, and Richardson |
Author/Editor: Sarabeth Grant
Exhibiting Slavery |
Author/Editor: Halloran, Vivian Nun
Exodus Politics |
Author/Editor: Patterson, Robert J
Experiencing Empire |
Author/Editor: Patrick Griffin
Experiencing William James |
Author/Editor: Campbell, James
Facing Freedom |
Author/Editor: Thorp, Daniel B
Failed Frontiersmen |
Author/Editor: Donahue, James J
Faith and Race in American Political Life |
Author/Editor: Jacobson, Robin Dale; Wadsworth, Nancy D
Faith, Race, and the Lost Cause: Confessions of a Southern Church |
Author/Editor: Christopher Alan Graham ,Melanie Mullen
Fake It: Fictions of Forgery |
Author/Editor: Mark Osteen
Falling Short: The Bildungsroman and the Crisis of Self-Fashioning |
Author/Editor: Aleksandar Stević
The False Cause: Fraud, Fabrication, and White Supremacy in Confederate Memory |
Author/Editor: ADAM H. DOMBY
Family Matters |
Author/Editor: Moreno, Marisel C
Fashion and Fiction |
Author/Editor: Lauren S. Cardon
Fashioning Character: Style, Performance, and Identity in Contemporary American Literature |
Author/Editor: Lauren S. Cardon
Fellow Travelers: How Road Stories Shaped the Idea of the Americas |
Author/Editor: John Ochoa
Female Genius: Eliza Harriot and George Washington at the Dawn of the Constitution |
Author/Editor: Mary Sarah Bilder
The Field of Imagination |
Author/Editor: Cleary, Scott M
Fighting Political Gridlock: How States Shape Our Nation and Our Lives |
Author/Editor: DAVID J. TOSCANO ,Mark R. Warner
The Finger of God: Enoch Mgijima, the Israelites, and the Bulhoek Massacre in South Africa, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Robert R. Edgar
First in the Homes of His Countrymen |
Author/Editor: Lydia Mattice Brandt
The First Republican Army |
Author/Editor: JOHN H. MATSUI
The Five George Masons |
Author/Editor: Pamela C. Copeland,Richard K. MacMaster
Fixing College Education |
Author/Editor: Muscatine, Charles
Flights of Imagination |
Author/Editor: Dümpelmann, Sonja
The Flirt's Tragedy |
Author/Editor: Kaye, Richard A
Foreign Trends in American Gardens |
Forms of Relation: Composing Kinship in Colonial Spanish America |
Author/Editor: Matthew Goldmark
For the People, For the Country: Patrick Henry’s Final Political Battle |
Author/Editor: John A. Ragosta
Founding Friendship |
Author/Editor: Leibiger, Stuart
Four Fools in the Age of Reason: Laughter, Cruelty, and Power in Early Modern Germany |
Framing the World |
Author/Editor: Willoquet-Maricondi, Paula
Freedom Has a Face |
Author/Editor: von von Daacke, Kirt
Freedom's Promise |
Author/Editor: Regosin, Elizabeth
Freud and Augustine in Dialogue |
Author/Editor: Parsons, William B
From Dakota to Dixie: George Buswell's Civil War |
Author/Editor: Jonathan W. White ,Reagan Connelly ,GARY W. GALLAGHER
From Jamestown to Jefferson |
Author/Editor: Rasor, Paul; Bond, Richard E
From Theology to Theological Thinking |
Author/Editor: Lacoste, Jean-Yves
The Fuggers of Augsburg |
Author/Editor: Häberlein, Mark
Fulfilling the Promise: Virginia Commonwealth University and the City of Richmond, 1968–2009 |
Author/Editor: John T. Kneebone,Eugene P. Trani
Garbage In, Garbage Out |
Author/Editor: Thomson, Vivian E
The Garden in the Machine: Planning and Democracy in the Tennessee Valley Authority |
Author/Editor: Avigail Sachs
Genealogies of Environmentalism |
Author/Editor: Glacken, Clarence; Rajan, S. Ravi
Genre Theory and Historical Change |
Author/Editor: John L. Rowlett
George Washington's Hair: How Early Americans Remembered the Founders |
Author/Editor: KEITH BEUTLER
A German Barber-Surgeon in the Atlantic Slave Trade: The Seventeenth-Century Journal of Johann Peter Oettinger |
Author/Editor: Craig Koslofsky,Roberto Zaugg
The Ghost behind the Masks |
Author/Editor: Shaw, W. David
Ghosts and Their Hosts: The Colonization of the Invisible World in Early America |
Author/Editor: Sladja Blažan
Giant's Causeway |
Author/Editor: Chaffin, Tom
The Golden-Bristled Boar |
Author/Editor: Greene, Jeffrey
The Grandees of Government |
Author/Editor: Tarter, Brent
The Great Elector's Table: The Politics of Food in Seventeenth-Century Brandenburg-Prussia |
Author/Editor: Molly Taylor-Poleskey
Greening the City |
Author/Editor: Brantz, Dorothee; Dümpelmann, Sonja
Grief and Meter |
Author/Editor: Sally Connolly
Guilty Pleasures |
Author/Editor: McIntosh, Hugh
Gun Culture in Early Modern England |
Author/Editor: LOIS G. SCHWOERER
The Haitian Declaration of Independence |
Haitian Revolutionary Fictions: An Anthology |
Author/Editor: Marlene L. Daut ,Grégory Pierrot ,Marion C. Rohrleitner
The Haitian Revolution in the Literary Imagination |
Author/Editor: Kaisary, Philip
Handcuffs and Chain Link: Criminalizing the Undocumented in America |
Healthy Environments, Healing Spaces: Practices and Directions in Health, Planning, and Design |
Henry Adams in Washington: Linking the Personal and Public Lives of America’s Man of Letters |
Author/Editor: ORMOND SEAVEY
Here to Stay: The Story of the Class of Women Who Coeducated the University of Virginia |
Hidden History |
Author/Editor: Rainville, Lynn
High Courts in Global Perspective: Evidence, Methodologies, and Findings |
Author/Editor: Nuno Garoupa ,Rebecca D. Gill ,Lydia B. Tiede
Historian |
Author/Editor: Giliomee, Hermann
Historian in Chief |
Author/Editor: Cotlar, Seth; Ellis, Richard J
Hometown Religion |
Author/Editor: Luebke, David M
How Borges Wrote |
Author/Editor: Balderston, Daniel
How Societies Are Born |
Author/Editor: Vansina, Jan
Humboldt and Jefferson |
Author/Editor: Rebok, Sandra
Ideas to Live For |
Author/Editor: Gunn, Giles
I Die by This Country |
Author/Editor: Zouari, Fawzia
The Illiberal Imagination: Class and the Rise of the U.S. Novel |
Author/Editor: Joe Shapiro
The Illimitable Freedom of the Human Mind: Thomas Jefferson’s Idea of a University |
Author/Editor: Andrew J. O’Shaughnessy
The Illusory Boundary |
Author/Editor: Reuss, Martin; Cutcliffe, Stephen H
Imitation Nation: Red, White, and Blackface in Early and Antebellum US Literature |
Immigration: Struggling over Borders |
Author/Editor: Sidney M. Milkis ,David Leblang
Imperial Educación: Race and Republican Motherhood in the Nineteenth-Century Americas |
Author/Editor: Thomas Genova
Independence without Freedom |
Author/Editor: Ramazani, R. K
Indoor America: The Interior Landscape of Postwar Suburbia |
Inkface: Othello and White Authority in the Era of Atlantic Slavery |
Author/Editor: Miles P. Grier
Institutional Games and the U.S. Supreme Court |
Author/Editor: Rogers, James R.; Flemming, Roy B.; Bond, Jon R
Interest and Connection in the Eighteenth Century: Hervey, Johnson, Smith, Equiano |
Author/Editor: Jacob Sider Jost
Inter-tech(s) |
Author/Editor: Roxanna Nydia Curto
In the Arena: A Memoir of Love, War, and Politics |
Author/Editor: Chuck Robb
In the Hands of a Good Providence |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Mary V
In the Hollow of the Wave |
Author/Editor: Scott, Bonnie Kime
In the Red and in the Black |
Author/Editor: Vause, Erika
Intimate Reconstructions |
Author/Editor: Jones, Catherine A
Ireland and America: Empire, Revolution, and Sovereignty |
Author/Editor: Patrick Griffin ,Francis D. Cogliano
The Irish and the Imagination of Race: White Supremacy across the Atlantic in the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Patrick R. O’Malley
Is Killing Wrong? |
Author/Editor: Cooney, Mark
Is Reality beyond Good and Evil?: Tibetan Buddhist Inquiry into the Ultimate Virtue |
Author/Editor: Yaroslav Komarovski
Italy and the Environmental Humanities: Landscapes, Natures, Ecologies |
Author/Editor: Serenella Iovino,Enrico Cesaretti,Elena Past
Jeffersonians in Power |
Author/Editor: Freeman, Joanne B.; Neem, Johann N
Jefferson on Display: Attire, Etiquette, and the Art of Presentation |
Author/Editor: G. S. WILSON
Jefferson's Body |
Jefferson vs. the Patent Trolls |
Author/Editor: Matsuura, Jeffrey H
Joseph Addison: An Intellectual Biography |
Author/Editor: Dan Poston
Journey on the James |
Author/Editor: Swift, Earl
Journeys of the Slave Narrative in the Early Americas |
Author/Editor: Aljoe, Nicole N.; Finseth, Ian
Keep On Keeping On |
Author/Editor: Deborah E. McDowell,Brian J. Daugherity
The Key to the Door |
Author/Editor: Maurice Apprey,Shelli M. Poe
Ladies and Gentlemen on Display |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Charlene M. Boyer
Landscape and Images |
Author/Editor: Stilgoe, John R
Landscape Fieldwork: How Engaging the World Can Change Design |
Author/Editor: Gareth Doherty
A Language of Things: Emanuel Swedenborg and the American Environmental Imagination |
Author/Editor: DEVIN P. ZUBER
The Last Afrikaner Leaders |
Author/Editor: Giliomee, Hermann
Law, Politics, and Perception |
Author/Editor: Braman, Eileen
The Law School at the University of Virginia |
Author/Editor: Philip Mills Herrington
Letters from Filadelfia: Early Latino Literature and the Trans-American Elite |
Author/Editor: Rodrigo Lazo
Liberal Epic |
Author/Editor: Adams, Edward
The Life and Undeath of Autonomy in American Literature |
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Geoff
The Life of William Faulkner: The Past Is Never Dead, 1897-1934 |
Author/Editor: CARL ROLLYSON
Lifting Every Voice: My Journey from Segregated Roanoke to the Corridors of Power |
Light and Liberty |
Author/Editor: McDonald, Robert M. S
Lighting the Way: Federal Courts, Civil Rights, and Public Policy |
Author/Editor: Douglas Rice
Limited Access: Transport Metaphors and Realism in the British Novel, 1740–1860 |
Author/Editor: Kyoko Takanashi
The Limits of Optimism |
Author/Editor: Valsania, Maurizio
Lincoln's Dilemma |
Author/Editor: Escott, Paul D
The Literatures of Spanish America and Brazil: From Their Origins through the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Earl E. Fitz
A Little Child Shall Lead Them: A Documentary Account of the Struggle for School Desegregation in Prince Edward County, Virginia |
Living on Wilderness Time |
Author/Editor: Walker, Melissa
Locating the Destitute |
Author/Editor: Radović, Stanka
The Log Cabin: An American Icon |
Longing to Awaken: Buddhist Devotion in Tibetan Poetry and Song |
Author/Editor: Holly Gayley ,Dominique Townsend
Looking for Other Worlds: Black Feminism and Haitian Fiction |
Author/Editor: Régine Michelle Jean-Charles
Love and Depth in the American Novel: From Stowe to James |
Author/Editor: ASHLEY C. BARNES
Love, Etc.: Essays on Contemporary Literature and Culture |
Loyal Protestants and Dangerous Papists |
Author/Editor: Sutto, Antoinette
The Madisons at Montpelier |
Author/Editor: Ketcham, Ralph
Magnificent Decay: Melville and Ecology |
Author/Editor: Tom Nurmi
Making #Charlottesville: Media from Civil Rights to Unite the Right |
Making the World Over: Confronting Racism, Misogyny, and Xenophobia in U.S. History |
Author/Editor: R. MARIE GRIFFITH
Male Armor |
Author/Editor: Adams, Jon Robert
Mapping Hispaniola: Third Space in Dominican and Haitian Literature |
Author/Editor: Megan Jeanette Myers
Marching Masters |
Author/Editor: Woodward, Colin Edward
Margaret Garner |
Mariana Griswold Van Rensselaer |
Author/Editor: Major, Judith K
Market Aesthetics |
Author/Editor: Machado Sáez, Elena
Marketing Analytics: Essential Tools for Data-Driven Decisions |
Masters of Tonewood: The Hidden Art of Fine Stringed-Instrument Making |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Greene
Mathilde Blind |
Author/Editor: James Diedrick
Matoaka, Pocahontas, Rebecca: Her Atlantic Identities and Afterlives |
Melville’s Other Lives: Bodies on Trial in The Piazza Tales |
Merely Judgment |
Author/Editor: Sweet, Martin J
Migrant Modernism |
Author/Editor: Brown, J. Dillon
Milieus of Minutiae: Contextualizing the Small in Literature, Philosophy, and Science |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Brogden ,Christiane Frey
The Mind of Thomas Jefferson |
Author/Editor: Onuf, Peter S
Mind over Matter: Memory Fiction from Daniel Defoe to Jane Austen |
Author/Editor: Sarah Eron
Mirrors of Memory |
Author/Editor: White, James W
Mobilizing Opportunities |
Author/Editor: Ramírez, Ricardo
Models and World Making: Bodies, Buildings, Black Boxes |
Author/Editor: Annabel Jane Wharton
The Modern Portrait Poem |
Author/Editor: Dickey, Frances
Monacan Millennium: A Collaborative Archaeology and History of a Virginia Indian People |
Mongrel Nation |
Author/Editor: Walker, Clarence E
Monumental Jesus: Landscapes of Faith and Doubt in Modern America |
Author/Editor: Margaret M. Grubiak
More Things in Heaven and Earth: Shakespeare, Theology, and the Interplay of Texts |
Author/Editor: Paul S. Fiddes
The Most Defiant Devil |
Author/Editor: Dehler, Gregory J
The Most Segregated City in America |
Author/Editor: Connerly, Charles E
Mourning El Dorado: Literature and Extractivism in the Contemporary American Tropics |
Author/Editor: Charlotte Rogers
Mourning the Presidents: Loss and Legacy in American Culture |
Author/Editor: Lindsay M. Chervinsky ,Matthew R. Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Dog |
Author/Editor: McCaig, Donald
Museum Trouble |
Author/Editor: Hoberman, Ruth
Narrating the Mesh: Form and Story in the Anthropocene |
Author/Editor: Marco Caracciolo
Nationalizing France's Army |
The Nation's Nature |
Author/Editor: Drake, James D
The Natural, Moral, and Political History of Jamaica, and the Territories thereon Depending: From the First Discovery of the Island by Christopher Columbus to the Year 1746 |
Nature's Man |
Author/Editor: Valsania, Maurizio
Navigating Neutrality: Early American Governance in the Turbulent Atlantic |
Author/Editor: Sandra Moats
Neobaroque in the Americas |
Author/Editor: Kaup, Monika
Neoliberal Nonfictions: The Documentary Aesthetic from Joan Didion to Jay-Z |
Author/Editor: DANIEL WORDEN
Nervous Fictions: Literary Form and the Enlightenment Origins of Neuroscience |
Author/Editor: JESS KEISER
Never Ask Permission |
Author/Editor: Hitz, Mary Buford
The Newark Earthworks |
Author/Editor: Lindsay Jones,Richard D. Shiels
A New Continent of Liberty: Eunomia in Native American Literature from Occom to Erdrich |
The New Death |
Author/Editor: James, Pearl
The New Dominion: The Twentieth-Century Elections That Shaped Modern Virginia |
Author/Editor: John G. Milliken ,Mark J. Rozell
Newest Born of Nations: European Nationalist Movements and the Making of the Confederacy |
Author/Editor: ANN L. TUCKER
New Woman Ecologies: From Arts and Crafts to the Great War and Beyond |
A Notorious Woman |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth J. Clapp
Novel Cultivations: Plants in British Literature of the Global Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Hope Chang
Novel Ventures |
Author/Editor: Leah Orr
Of Courtiers and Princes: Stories of Lower Court Clerks and Their Judges |
Author/Editor: Todd C. Peppers
Of Land, Bones, and Money: Toward a South African Ecopoetics |
The Oglethorpe Plan |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Thomas D
Old Dominion, New Commonwealth |
Author/Editor: Heinemann, Ronald L.; Kolp, John G.; Parent, Anthony S
Old Fields |
Author/Editor: Stilgoe, John R
Old World, New World |
Author/Editor: Sadosky, Leonard J.; Nicolaisen, Peter; Onuf, Peter S
On Endings |
Author/Editor: Grausam, Daniel
On the Trail of the D.C. Sniper |
Author/Editor: Censer, Jack R
Organic Supplements: Bodies and Things of the Natural World, 1580–1790 |
Author/Editor: Miriam Jacobson,Julie Park
Orienting Virtue: Civic Identity and Orientalism in Britain’s Global Eighteenth Century |
The Origins of African American Literature, 1680-1865 |
Author/Editor: Bruce, Dickson D
Ossianic Unconformities |
Author/Editor: Gidal, Eric
Our Coquettes |
Author/Editor: Braunschneider, Theresa
Outside the Wire |
Author/Editor: Leche, Christine Dumaine
The Pagan Writes Back |
Author/Editor: Ni, Zhange
Paine and Jefferson in the Age of Revolutions |
Author/Editor: Newman, Simon P.; Onuf, Peter S
The Pan American Imagination |
Author/Editor: Park, Stephen M
Parting Words: Victorian Poetry and Public Address |
Author/Editor: JUSTIN A. SIDER
Partners or Rivals? |
Author/Editor: Wilkinson, Betina Cutaia
A Passion for the Past |
Author/Editor: Noël Hume, Ivor
Pathologies of Paradise |
Author/Editor: Nair, Supriya M
Patriotism and Piety |
Author/Editor: Den Hartog, Jonathan J
Patriots, Prostitutes, and Spies |
Author/Editor: John M. Belohlavek
The Peaceful Transfer of Power: An Oral History of America’s Presidential Transitions |
Author/Editor: David Marchick ,Alexander Tippett ,A. J. Wilson
Performance and Personhood in Caribbean Literature |
Author/Editor: Jeannine Murray-Román
Performatively Speaking |
Author/Editor: Rosenthal, Debra J
The Permanent Resident: Excavations and Explorations of George Washington’s Life |
Author/Editor: PHILIP LEVY
Personal Business |
Author/Editor: Hunt, Aeron
The Philip Roth We Don't Know: Sex, Race, and Autobiography |
Author/Editor: Jacques Berlinerblau
The Physics of Possibility: Victorian Fiction, Science, and Gender |
Author/Editor: Michael Tondre
Pilgrimage to Vallombrosa |
Author/Editor: Elder, John
Pirating Fictions: Ownership and Creativity in Nineteenth-Century Popular Culture |
Author/Editor: MONICA F. COHEN
A Place Called Ilda: Race and Resilience at a Northern Virginia Crossroads |
Author/Editor: Tom Shoop
Plain Paths and Dividing Lines: Navigating Native Land and Water in the Seventeenth-Century Chesapeake |
Author/Editor: Jessica Lauren Taylor
Plotting Terror |
Author/Editor: Scanlan, Margaret
The Poetic Justice: A Memoir |
Author/Editor: John Charles Thomas
The Poetics of Ethnography in Martinican Narratives |
Author/Editor: Kullberg, Christina
The Poetics of Poesis |
Poetry and the Thought of Song in Nineteenth-Century Britain |
Author/Editor: Helsinger, Elizabeth K
A Political Nation |
Author/Editor: Gallagher, Gary W.; Shelden, Rachel A
Polygraphies |
Author/Editor: Rice, Alison
Popa Singer |
Postcolonial Francophone Autobiographies |
Author/Editor: Sankara, Edgard
Postcolonial Green |
Author/Editor: Roos, Bonnie; Hunt, Alex
Postmodernism and the Revolution in Religious Theory |
Author/Editor: Raschke, Carl
The Power of Negative Thinking |
Author/Editor: Schreier, Benjamin
Power versus Liberty |
Author/Editor: Read, James H
Practicing Democracy |
Author/Editor: Peart, Daniel; Smith, Adam I. P
The Pragmatist Turn |
Author/Editor: Gunn, Giles
The Preacher and the Politician |
Author/Editor: Walker, Clarence E.; Smithers, Gregory D
Preserving the White Man's Republic: Jacksonian Democracy, Race, and the Transformation of American Conservatism |
Author/Editor: Joshua A. Lynn
The Presidency and the American State: Leadership and Decision Making in the Adams, Grant, and Taft Administrations |
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Rockwell
The Presidency: Facing Constitutional Crossroads |
Primates in the Real World |
Author/Editor: Montgomery, Georgina M
The Princess of Albemarle: Amélie Rives, Author and Celebrity at the Fin de Siècle |
The Problem of Profit: Finance and Feeling in Eighteenth-Century British Literature |
Author/Editor: Michael Genovese
The Problem with Rules: Essays on the Meaning and Value of Liberal Education |
Prophetic Remembrance |
Author/Editor: Still, Erica
Prose Immortality, 1711-1819 |
Author/Editor: Sider Jost, Jacob
Public Vows: Fictions of Marriage in the English Enlightenment |
Author/Editor: Melissa J. Ganz
The Punitive Turn |
Author/Editor: McDowell, Deborah E.; Harold, Claudrena N.; Battle, Juan
Quantitative Methods in the Humanities: An Introduction |
Author/Editor: Claire Lemercier,Claire Zalc,Arthur Goldhammer
The Quebec Connection: A Poetics of Solidarity in Global Francophone Literatures |
Author/Editor: Julie-Françoise Tolliver
The Queerness of Water: Troubled Ecologies in the Eighteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Chow
Questioning Nature |
Author/Editor: Melissa Bailes
Quirks of the Quantum |
Author/Editor: Coale, Samuel Chase
Race Man |
Author/Editor: Alexander, Ann Field
Race, Politics, and Reconstruction: The First Black Cadets at Old West Point |
Author/Editor: Rory McGovern ,Ronald G. Machoian
Race, Romance, and Rebellion |
Author/Editor: O'Brien, Colleen C
Racism in American Public Life: A Call to Action |
Radical Reform |
Author/Editor: Beckel, Deborah
Radicals on the Road |
Author/Editor: Schweizer, Bernard
Ralph Ellison and Kenneth Burke |
Author/Editor: Crable, Bryan
Rambles of a Runaway from Southern Slavery |
Author/Editor: Goings, Henry; Schermerhorn, Calvin; Plunkett, Michael
Raving at Usurers |
Author/Editor: Dwight Codr
Reading Character after Calvin: Secularization, Empire, and the Eighteenth-Century Novel |
Author/Editor: David Mark Diamond
Reading Contagion: The Hazards of Reading in the Age of Print |
Author/Editor: ANNIKA MANN
Reading for the Law |
Author/Editor: Krueger, Christine L
Reading Popular Newtonianism: Print, the Principia, and the Dissemination of Newtonian Science |
Author/Editor: Laura Miller
Reading the Hindu and Christian Classics |
Author/Editor: Clooney, Francis X
Reading Trauma Narratives |
Author/Editor: Vickroy, Laurie
Reading with the Senses in Victorian Literature and Science |
Author/Editor: David Sweeney Coombs
Rearing Wolves to Our Own Destruction |
Author/Editor: Takagi, Midori
Reclaiming Nostalgia |
Author/Editor: Ladino, Jennifer K
Reclaiming Patriotism |
Author/Editor: Etzioni, Amitai
Recomposing Ecopoetics: North American Poetry of the Self-Conscious Anthropocene |
Author/Editor: Lynn Keller
Reconstructing the Campus |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Michael David
Reconstruction beyond 150: Reassessing the New Birth of Freedom |
Author/Editor: Orville Vernon Burton ,J. Brent Morris
Redemption from Tyranny: Herman Husband's American Revolution |
Author/Editor: BRUCE E . STEWART
Refiguring the Map of Sorrow |
Author/Editor: Allister, Mark
Regenerating Romanticism: Botany, Sensibility, and Originality in British Literature, 1750–1830 |
Author/Editor: Melissa Bailes
Religious Freedom |
Author/Editor: Ragosta, John A
Remaking Custom |
Author/Editor: Pearson, Ellen Holmes
Replanting a Slave Society: The Sugar and Cotton Revolutions in the Lower Mississippi Valley |
Author/Editor: Patrick Luck
The Republican Party in the Age of Roosevelt |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Elliot A
Restoration Drama and the Idea of Literature |
Rethinking Frank Lloyd Wright: History, Reception, Preservation |
Rethinking Sincerity and Authenticity: The Ethics of Theatricality in Kant, Kierkegaard, and Levinas |
Revolutionary Diplomacy: Spanish Connections and the Birth of the United States |
Author/Editor: Thomas E. Chávez
Revolutionary Negotiations |
Author/Editor: Sadosky, Leonard J
Revolutionary Prophecies: The Founders and America’s Future |
Author/Editor: Robert M. S. McDonald,Peter S. Onuf
The Risen Phoenix |
Author/Editor: Luis-Alejandro Dinnella-Borrego
Rival Visions: How Jefferson and His Contemporaries Defined the Early American Republic |
Author/Editor: Dustin Gish,Andrew Bibby
Romantic Writing and the Empire of Signs |
Author/Editor: Fang, Karen
Rome Reborn on Western Shores |
Author/Editor: Shalev, Eran
Roosevelt, the Great Depression, and the Economics of Recovery |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Elliot A
Roses in December: Black Life in Hanover County from Civil War to Civil Rights |
Author/Editor: Jody Lynn Allen
Rot, Riot, and Rebellion |
Author/Editor: Bowman, Rex; Santos, Carlos
The Row House in Washington, DC: A History |
Rumors of Revolution: Song, Sentiment, and Sedition in Colonial Louisiana |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Tsien
Sacred Capital: Methodism and Settler Colonialism in the Empire of Liberty |
Author/Editor: Hunter Price
A Saga of the New South |
Author/Editor: BRENT TARTER
San Francisco |
Author/Editor: Ponsi, Andrea
Sapphic Crossings: Cross-Dressing Women in Eighteenth-Century British Literature |