Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Digital Collections | No | Yes |
Titles ( displaying 500 of 2,807 ) | ISSN | Status |
Zygon |
0591-2385, 1467-9744
preserved |
Zoonoses and Public Health |
1863-1959, 1863-2378
preserved |
Zoologica Scripta |
0300-3256, 1463-6409
preserved |
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society |
0024-4082, 1096-3642
preserved |
Zoo Biology |
0733-3188, 1098-2361
preserved |
Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe B |
0931-2021, 1439-0450
preserved |
Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A |
0177-0543, 1439-0442
preserved |
Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin |
0044-4294, 1439-0442
preserved |
Zeitschrift Fur Tierzuchtung Und Zuchtungsbiologie |
0044-3581, 1439-0388
preserved |
Zeitschrift Fur Tierernahrung Und Futtermittelkunde |
0373-0069, 1439-0396
preserved |
Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie |
0372-8323, 0005-9021
preserved |
Zeitschrift für Züchtung. Reihe B, Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie einschließlich Tierernährung |
0179-9789, 1439-0388
preserved |
Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie Einschließlich Tierernährung |
0179-9770, 1439-0388
preserved |
Zeitschrift Für Tierpsychologie |
0044-3573, 1439-0310
preserved |
Zeitschrift für Tierphysiologie Tierernährung und Futtermittelkunde |
0044-3565, 1439-0396
preserved |
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Düngung, A, Wissenschaftlicher Teil |
0372-851X, 0372-9702, 1522-2624
preserved |
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde |
0044-3263, 1522-2624
preserved |
Zeitschrift Für Chemie |
0044-2402, 0044-2402
preserved |
Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie |
0044-2313, 1521-3749
preserved |
Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie |
0863-1786, 1521-3749
preserved |
Zeitschrift für anorganische Chemie |
0863-1778, 1521-3749
preserved |
Zeitschrift für anorganische Chemie |
0372-7874, 1521-3749
preserved |
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie |
0044-2240, 1439-0418
preserved |
Zeitschrift für allgemeine Mikrobiologie |
0044-2208, 1521-4028
preserved |
ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
0044-2267, 1521-4001
preserved |
Yeast |
0749-503X, 1097-0061
preserved |
The Yale Review |
0044-0124, 1467-9736
preserved |
X-Ray Spectrometry |
0049-8246, 1097-4539
preserved |
Xenotransplantation |
0908-665X, 1399-3089
preserved |
Wound Repair and Regeneration |
1067-1927, 1524-475X
preserved |
World Water Policy |
preserved |
Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing presents the archives of Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis for Nursing |
preserved |
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing |
1545-102X, 1741-6787
preserved |
World Stroke Academy |
preserved |
World Psychiatry |
1723-8617, 2051-5545
preserved |
World Oil Trade |
0950-1029, 1467-9728
preserved |
World of Work Report |
2049-9280, 2049-9280
preserved |
World Migration Report |
1561-5502, 2414-2603
preserved |
World Medical & Health Policy |
preserved |
World Journal Of Surgery |
0364-2313, 1432-2323
preserved |
World Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology - Head And Neck Surgery |
2095-8811, 2589-1081
preserved |
World Food Policy |
preserved |
World Englishes |
0883-2919, 1467-971X
preserved |
World Employment and Social Outlook |
preserved |
World Economy |
0378-5920, 1467-9701
preserved |
World Banking Abstracts |
0265-9484, 1467-9698
preserved |
World Affairs |
0043-8200, 1940-1582
preserved |
WorkingUSA |
1089-7011, 1743-4580
preserved |
Women in Higher Education |
1060-8303, 2331-5466
preserved |
WIREs Mechanisms Of Disease |
preserved |
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing |
1530-8669, 1530-8677
preserved |
Wind Energy |
1095-4244, 1099-1824
preserved |
Wilmott |
1540-6962, 1541-8286
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water |
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine |
1939-5094, 1939-005X
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA |
1757-7004, 1757-7012
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology |
1939-5116, 1939-0041
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Membrane Transport and Signaling |
2190-460X, 2190-4618
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Forensic Science |
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment |
2041-8396, 2041-840X
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology |
1759-7684, 1759-7692
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
1942-4787, 1942-4795
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics |
1939-5108, 1939-0068
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science |
1759-0876, 1759-0884
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science |
1939-5078, 1939-5086
preserved |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change |
1757-7780, 1757-7799
preserved |
Wildlife Society Bulletin |
1938-5463, 2328-5540, 0091-7648
preserved |
Wildlife Monographs |
0084-0173, 1938-5455
preserved |
Wildlife Letters |
preserved |
Wildlife Biology |
0909-6396, 1903-220X
preserved |
Wentia |
0511-4780, 1438-8677
preserved |
Weed Research |
0043-1737, 1365-3180
preserved |
Weed Biology and Management |
1444-6162, 1445-6664
preserved |
Weather |
0043-1656, 1477-8696
preserved |
Water Resources Research |
0043-1397, 1944-7973
preserved |
Water Law |
0959-9754, 1099-1816
preserved |
Water Environment Research |
1061-4303, 1554-7531
preserved |
Water and Environment Journal |
1747-6585, 1747-6593
preserved |
Vox Sanguinis |
0042-9007, 1423-0410
preserved |
Vom Wasser |
0083-6915, 2699-1721
preserved |
The Volunteer Management Report |
1091-3777, 2325-8578
preserved |
Voices |
1538-2680, 1548-7423
preserved |
Vocational Guidance Quarterly |
0042-7764, 2164-585X
preserved |
The Vocational Guidance Magazine |
2164-5833, 2164-5884
preserved |
Visual Anthropology Review |
1058-7187, 1548-7458
preserved |
View |
2688-3988, 2688-268X
preserved |
Vietnam Journal of Chemistry |
0866-7144, 2572-8288
preserved |
Veterinary Surgery |
0161-3499, 1532-950X
preserved |
Veterinary Record Open |
2399-2050, 2052-6113
preserved |
Veterinary Record Case Reports |
preserved |
Veterinary Record |
0042-4900, 2042-7670
preserved |
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound |
1058-8183, 1740-8261
preserved |
Veterinary Radiology |
0196-3627, 1740-8261
preserved |
Veterinary Ophthalmology |
1463-5216, 1463-5224
preserved |
Veterinary Nursing Journal |
1741-5349, 2045-0648
preserved |
Veterinary Medicine & Science |
preserved |
Veterinary Dermatology |
0959-4493, 1365-3164
preserved |
Veterinary Clinical Pathology |
0275-6382, 1939-165X
preserved |
Veterinary and Comparative Oncology |
1476-5810, 1476-5829
preserved |
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia |
1467-2987, 1467-2995
preserved |
Value in Health |
1098-3015, 1524-4733
queued |
Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis |
0947-076X, 1522-2454
preserved |
Vadose Zone Journal |
preserved |
Utilities Law Review |
0960-2356, 1099-1808
preserved |
UroPrecision |
2835-1061, 2835-1053
preserved |
Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems |
preserved |
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology |
0960-7692, 1469-0705
preserved |
UEG Journal |
2050-6406, 2050-6414
preserved |
Tropical Science |
0041-3291, 1556-9179
preserved |
Tropical Medicine & International Health |
1360-2276, 1365-3156
preserved |
TriboTest |
1354-4063, 1557-685X
preserved |
Trends in Urology & Men's Health |
2044-3730, 2044-3749
preserved |
Trends in Urology, Gynaecology & Sexual Health |
1362-5306, 1931-2288
preserved |
Transportation Journal |
0041-1612, 2157-328X
preserved |
Transplant International |
0934-0874, 1432-2277
preserved |
Transplant Infectious Disease |
1398-2273, 1399-3062
preserved |
Translational Sports Medicine |
2573-8488, 2573-8488
preserved |
Translational Biophotonics |
preserved |
Transfusion Medicine |
0958-7578, 1365-3148
preserved |
Transfusion Alternatives in Transfusion Medicine |
1295-9022, 1778-428X
preserved |
Transfusion |
0041-1132, 1537-2995
preserved |
Transforming Anthropology |
1051-0559, 1548-7466
preserved |
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases |
1865-1674, 1865-1682
preserved |
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies |
preserved |
The Transactions of the Zoological Society of London |
0084-5620, 1469-7998
preserved |
Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London |
0035-8894, 1365-2311
preserved |
Transactions of the Philological Society |
0079-1636, 1467-968X
preserved |
Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences |
0028-7113, 2164-0947
preserved |
Transactions Of The Microscopical Society Of London |
2047-1483, 1365-2818
preserved |
Transactions of the Microscopical Society & Journal |
0962-7375, 1365-2818
preserved |
Transactions of the London Mathematical Society |
preserved |
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London: 3rd Series |
1945-9467, 1945-936X
preserved |
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. 2nd Series: Zoology |
1945-9440, 1945-9343
preserved |
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. 2nd Series: Botany |
1945-9459, 1945-9351
preserved |
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London |
1945-9432, 1945-9335
preserved |
Transactions of the Laboratory Club |
preserved |
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers |
0020-2754, 1475-5661
preserved |
Transactions of the Institute of Brewing |
preserved |
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
0002-8487, 1548-8659
preserved |
Transactions in GIS |
1361-1682, 1467-9671
preserved |
Transactions--American Geophysical Union |
0002-8606, 2324-9250
preserved |
Traffic |
1398-9219, 1600-0854
preserved |
Traditional & Kampo Medicine |
preserved |
Toxicity Assessment |
0884-8181, 1098-2256
preserved |
Topics in Cognitive Science |
1756-8757, 1756-8765
preserved |
To Improve the Academy |
1065-237X, 2334-4822
preserved |
Tissue Antigens |
0001-2815, 1399-0039
preserved |
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie |
0040-747X, 1467-9663
preserved |
Thunderbird International Business Review |
1096-4762, 1520-6874
preserved |
Thought: A Journal of Philosophy |
preserved |
Thoracic Cancer |
1759-7706, 1759-7714
preserved |
Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis |
1744-9979, 1744-9987
preserved |
Therapeutic Apheresis |
1091-6660, 1526-0968
preserved |
The Plant Phenome Journal |
preserved |
The Plant Genome |
preserved |
Theory and Practice of Object Systems |
1074-3227, 1096-9942
preserved |
Theoria |
0040-5825, 1755-2567
preserved |
Theoretical Economics |
1933-6837, 1555-7561
preserved |
The FASEB Journal |
0892-6638, 1530-6860
preserved |
The Curriculum Journal |
0958-5176, 1469-3704
preserved |
The American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology |
1076-7460, 1751-715X
preserved |
Tesol Quarterly |
0039-8322, 1545-7249
preserved |
Tesol Journal |
1056-7941, 1949-3533
preserved |
Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity |
preserved |
Terrestrial Magnetism |
preserved |
Terra Nova |
0954-4879, 1365-3121
preserved |
Teratology |
0040-3709, 1096-9926
preserved |
Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis |
0270-3211, 1520-6866
preserved |
Tellus B |
0280-6509, 1600-0889
preserved |
Tellus A |
0280-6495, 1600-0870
preserved |
Tellus |
0040-2826, 2153-3490
preserved |
Tectonics |
0278-7407, 1944-9194
preserved |
Teaching Theology & Religion |
1368-4868, 1467-9647
preserved |
Teaching Statistics |
0141-982X, 1467-9639
preserved |
Teaching Anthropology: Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges Notes |
1537-1751, 1941-4161
preserved |
Taxon |
0040-0262, 1996-8175
preserved |
Systems Research and Behavioral Science |
1092-7026, 1099-1743
preserved |
Systems Research |
0731-7239, 1099-1735
preserved |
Systems Engineering |
1098-1241, 1520-6858
preserved |
Systems and Computers in Japan |
0882-1666, 1520-684X
preserved |
System Dynamics Review |
0883-7066, 1099-1727
preserved |
Systematic Entomology |
0307-6970, 1365-3113
preserved |
Syntax |
1368-0005, 1467-9612
preserved |
Synapse |
0887-4476, 1098-2396
preserved |
Symbolic Interaction |
0195-6086, 1533-8665
preserved |
Swiss Political Science Review |
1424-7755, 1662-6370
preserved |
SVA Review |
1053-6779, 2163-4238
preserved |
Sustainable Food Proteins |
preserved |
Sustainable Development |
0968-0802, 1099-1719
preserved |
SusMat |
preserved |
Surgical Practice |
1744-1625, 1744-1633
preserved |
Surface and Interface Analysis |
0142-2421, 1096-9918
preserved |
Support for Learning |
0268-2141, 1467-9604
preserved |
Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society |
1466-6162, 2517-617X
preserved |
Suicide and Lifethreatening Behavior |
0363-0234, 1943-278X
preserved |
The Successful Registrar |
1534-7710, 1943-7560
preserved |
Successful Fundraising |
1070-9061, 2325-8624
preserved |
Studies in Visual Communication |
0276-6558, 2326-8492
preserved |
Studies in the Anthropology of Visual Communications |
0192-6918, 1940-1957
preserved |
Studies in Family Planning |
0039-3665, 1728-4465
preserved |
Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism |
1473-8481, 1754-9469
preserved |
Studies in Applied Mathematics |
0022-2526, 1467-9590
preserved |
Studia Linguistica |
0039-3193, 1467-9582
preserved |
Student Anthropologist |
preserved |
Student Affairs Today |
1098-5166, 1943-7552
preserved |
Structural Design of Tall Buildings |
1062-8002, 1099-1794
preserved |
Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings |
1541-7794, 1541-7808
preserved |
Structural Control and Health Monitoring |
1545-2255, 1545-2263
preserved |
Structural Concrete |
1464-4177, 1751-7648
preserved |
Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology |
preserved |
Stress Medicine |
0748-8386, 1099-1700
preserved |
Stress and Health |
1532-3005, 1532-2998
preserved |
Strategic Management Journal |
0143-2095, 1097-0266
preserved |
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal |
1932-4391, 1932-443X
preserved |
Strategic Enrollment Management Quarterly |
preserved |
Strategic Change |
1086-1718, 1099-1697
preserved |
Strain |
0039-2103, 1475-1305
preserved |
STEM CELLS Translational Medicine |
2157-6564, 2157-6580
preserved |
Stem Cells |
1066-5099, 1549-4918
preserved |
Steinbeck Review |
1546-007X, 1754-6087
preserved |
Steel Research International |
1611-3683, 1869-344X
preserved |
Steel Research |
0177-4832, 1869-344X
preserved |
Steel Construction |
1867-0520, 1867-0539
preserved |
Statistics in Medicine |
0277-6715, 1097-0258
preserved |
Statistica Neerlandica |
0039-0402, 1467-9574
preserved |
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining |
1932-1864, 1932-1872
preserved |
Stat |
preserved |
Starch - Stärke |
0038-9056, 1521-379X
preserved |
Stahlbau |
0038-9145, 1437-1049
preserved |
Sports Engineering |
1369-7072, 1460-2687
preserved |
Spirituality and Health International |
1743-1867, 1557-0665
preserved |
SPE Polymers |
preserved |
Spectroscopy Europe |
0966-0941, 1522-2349
queued |
Special Events Galore |
1538-1625, 2325-8586
preserved |
Special Care in Dentistry |
0275-1879, 1754-4505
preserved |
Spate: Journal of Student Personnel Association for Teacher Education |
0036-1836, 2164-6171
preserved |
Space Weather Quarterly |
1539-4964, 2325-4432
preserved |
Space Weather |
preserved |
The Southern Journal of Philosophy |
0038-4283, 2041-6962
preserved |
Southern Economic Journal |
0038-4038, 2325-8012
preserved |
Southeastern Political Review |
0730-2177, 1747-1346
preserved |
South African Journal of Economics |
0038-2280, 1813-6982
preserved |
Sonography |
2202-8323, 2054-6750
preserved |
SOLGAN Newsletter |
preserved |
Solar RRL |
preserved |
Soil Use and Management |
0266-0032, 1475-2743
preserved |
Soil Survey Horizons |
0584-0554, 2689-713X
preserved |
Soil Science Society of America Journal |
0361-5995, 1435-0661
preserved |
Soil Science & Plant Nutrition |
0038-0768, 1747-0765
queued |
Soil Horizons |
preserved |
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability |
0960-0833, 1099-1689
preserved |
Software Process: Improvement and Practice |
1077-4866, 1099-1670
preserved |
Software: Practice and Experience |
0038-0644, 1097-024X
preserved |
Software Focus |
1529-7942, 1529-7950
preserved |
Sociology of Health & Illness |
0141-9889, 1467-9566
preserved |
Sociology Compass |
preserved |
Sociological Theory |
0735-2751, 1467-9558
preserved |
The Sociological Review Monographs |
0081-1769, 2059-7932
preserved |
Sociological Review |
0038-0261, 1467-954X
preserved |
Sociological Quarterly |
0038-0253, 1533-8525
preserved |
Sociological Methodology |
0081-1750, 1467-9531
preserved |
Sociological Lens |
2832-5796, 2832-580X
preserved |
Sociological Inquiry |
0038-0245, 1475-682X
preserved |
Sociological Forum |
0884-8971, 1573-7861
preserved |
Sociologia Ruralis |
0038-0199, 1467-9523
preserved |
Society for Visual Anthropology Newsletter |
1046-7688, 2163-4211
preserved |
Social Science Quarterly |
0038-4941, 1540-6237
preserved |
Social Policy Report |
1075-7031, 2379-3988
preserved |
Social Policy & Administration |
0144-5596, 1467-9515
preserved |
Social Issues and Policy Review |
1751-2395, 1751-2409
preserved |
Social Development |
0961-205X, 1467-9507
preserved |
Social Anthropology |
0964-0282, 1469-8676
preserved |
Social and Personality Psychology Compass |
preserved |
Smart Molecules |
2751-4587, 2751-4595
preserved |
Smart Molecules |
queued |
Smart Medicine |
preserved |
preserved |
Small Structures |
preserved |
Small Science |
preserved |
Small Methods |
preserved |
Small Business and Enterprise Development |
0968-1000, 1099-1662
preserved |
Small |
1613-6810, 1613-6829
preserved |
Sleep Research |
2994-4147, 2994-4155
preserved |
Sleep and Biological Rhythms |
1446-9235, 1479-8425
preserved |
Skin Research and Technology |
0909-752X, 1600-0846
preserved |
Skin Health And Disease |
preserved |
Skandinavisches Archiv Für Physiologie |
0370-839X, 1748-1716
preserved |
Single Molecules |
1438-5163, 1438-5171
preserved |
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography |
0129-7619, 1467-9493
preserved |
Significance |
1740-9705, 1740-9713
preserved |
Signal Transduction |
1615-4053, 1615-4061
preserved |
Sid Symposium Digest of Technical Papers |
0097-966X, 2168-0159
preserved |
Shoulder & Elbow |
1758-5732, 1758-5740
preserved |
Sexual Medicine Reviews |
2050-0513, 2050-0521
preserved |
Sexual Medicine |
preserved |
Sexuality, Gender & Policy |
preserved |
Separation Science Plus |
preserved |
Sensors Update |
1432-2404, 1616-8984
preserved |
Seminars in Surgical Oncology |
8756-0437, 1098-2388
preserved |
Seminars in Dialysis |
0894-0959, 1525-139X
preserved |
Sedimentology |
0037-0746, 1365-3091
preserved |
Security and Privacy |
preserved |
Security and Communication Networks |
1939-0114, 1939-0122
preserved |
Sculpture Review |
0747-5284, 2632-3494
preserved |
Sculpture, Monuments And Open Space |
preserved |
Scottish Journal of Political Economy |
0036-9292, 1467-9485
preserved |
The Sciences |
0036-861X, 2326-1951
preserved |
Science News |
0036-8423, 1943-0930
preserved |
Science Education |
0036-8326, 1098-237X
preserved |
School Science and Mathematics |
0036-6803, 1949-8594
preserved |
Scanning: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies |
0161-0457, 1932-8745
preserved |
Scandinavian Political Studies |
0080-6757, 1467-9477
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics |
0303-6898, 1467-9469
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare |
0907-2055, 1468-2397
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology |
0036-5564, 1467-9450
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports |
0905-7188, 1600-0838
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology |
0300-9475, 1365-3083
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal Of Haematology |
0036-553X, 1600-0609
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Economics |
0347-0520, 1467-9442
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences |
0283-9318, 1471-6712
preserved |
The Russian Review |
0036-0341, 1467-9434
preserved |
Rural Sociology |
1549-0831, 0036-0112
preserved |
River Research and Applications |
1535-1459, 1535-1467
preserved |
preserved |
RiskNews |
1612-8931, 1616-0045
preserved |
Risk Management and Insurance Review |
1098-1616, 1540-6296
preserved |
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy |
1944-4079, 1944-4079
preserved |
Risk Analysis |
0272-4332, 1539-6924
preserved |
Rheumatology & Autoimmunity |
2767-1410, 2767-1429
preserved |
Revue Internationale du Travail |
0378-5599, 1564-9121
preserved |
Revue Internationale de Securite Sociale |
0379-0312, 1752-1718
preserved |
Revista Internacional de Seguridad Social |
0250-605X, 1752-1734
preserved |
Revista Internacional del Trabajo |
0378-5548, 1564-9148
preserved |
Reviews of Geophysics |
8755-1209, 1944-9208
preserved |
Reviews in Religion & Theology |
1350-7303, 1467-9418
preserved |
Reviews in Medical Virology |
1052-9276, 1099-1654
preserved |
Reviews in Aquaculture |
1753-5123, 1753-5131
preserved |
Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies |
0917-0553, 1467-940X
preserved |
Review of Progress in Coloration and Related Topics |
0557-9325, 1478-4408
preserved |
Review of Policy Research |
1541-132X, 1541-1338
preserved |
Review of International Economics |
0965-7576, 1467-9396
preserved |
Review of Income and Wealth |
0034-6586, 1475-4991
preserved |
Review of Financial Economics |
1058-3300, 1873-5924
preserved |
Review of European Comparative and International Environmental Law |
2050-0386, 2050-0394
preserved |
Review of European Community & International Environmental Law |
0962-8797, 1467-9388
preserved |
Review of Education |
preserved |
Review of Economic Studies |
0034-6527, 1467-937X
queued |
Review of Development Economics |
1363-6669, 1467-9361
preserved |
Review of Agricultural Economics |
1058-7195, 1467-9353
preserved |
Restoration Ecology |
1061-2971, 1526-100X
preserved |
Responsive Materials |
preserved |
Respirology Case Reports |
preserved |
Respirology |
1323-7799, 1440-1843
preserved |
Resource Geology |
1344-1698, 1751-3928
preserved |
Research World |
1567-3073, 2330-4448
preserved |
Research Synthesis Methods |
1759-2879, 1759-2887
preserved |
Research Intelligence |
0307-9023, 1469-3518
preserved |
Research in Nursing & Health |
0160-6891, 1098-240X
preserved |
Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis |
preserved |
Reproductive Medicine and Biology |
1445-5781, 1447-0578
preserved |
Reproductive, Female And Child Health |
preserved |
Reproduction in Domestic Animals |
0936-6768, 1439-0531
preserved |
Repertorium Novarum Specierum Regni Vegetabilis |
0375-121X, 1522-239X
preserved |
Renaissance Studies |
0269-1213, 1477-4658
preserved |
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation |
preserved |
Remediation Journal |
1051-5658, 1520-6831
preserved |
Religious Studies Review |
0319-485X, 1748-0922
preserved |
Religion Compass |
preserved |
Rehabilitation Nursing |
0278-4807, 2048-7940
preserved |
Regulation & Governance |
1748-5983, 1748-5991
preserved |
Regulated Rivers: Research & Management |
0886-9375, 1099-1646
preserved |
Regional Science Policy & Practice |
preserved |
Regeneration |
preserved |
Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays‐Bas et de la Belgique |
0370-7539, 0370-7539
preserved |
Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays‐Bas |
preserved |
Recruiting & Retaining Adult Learners |
2155-644X, 2155-6458
preserved |
Real Estate Economics |
1080-8620, 1540-6229
preserved |
The Reading Teacher |
0034-0561, 1936-2714
preserved |
Reading Research Quarterly |
0034-0553, 1936-2722
preserved |
Reading |
0034-0472, 1467-9345
preserved |
R&D Management |
0033-6807, 1467-9310
preserved |
Ratio Juris |
0952-1917, 1467-9337
preserved |
Ratio |
0034-0006, 1467-9329
preserved |
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry |
0951-4198, 1097-0231
preserved |
Random Structures and Algorithms |
1042-9832, 1098-2418
preserved |
The RAND Journal of Economics |
0741-6261, 1756-2171
preserved |
Radio Science |
0048-6604, 1944-799X
preserved |
Radiation Oncology Investigations |
1065-7541, 1520-6823
preserved |
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society |
0035-9009, 1477-870X
preserved |
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences |
0033-5541, 1469-445X
preserved |
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology |
0370-2901, 1469-445X
preserved |
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology |
0144-8757, 1469-445X
preserved |
Quantum Engineering |
preserved |
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships |
0931-8771, 1521-3838
preserved |
Quantitative Economics |
1759-7323, 1759-7331
preserved |
Quantitative Biology |
2095-4689, 2095-4697
preserved |
Quality Assurance Journal |
1087-8378, 1099-1786
preserved |
Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods |
1757-8361, 1757-837X
preserved |
Quality and Reliability Engineering International |
0748-8017, 1099-1638
preserved |
QSAR & Combinatorial Science |
1611-020X, 1611-0218
preserved |
Pulmonary Circulation |
preserved |
Public Policy Research |
1744-5396, 1744-540X
preserved |
Public Money Management |
0954-0962, 1467-9302
preserved |
Public Health Nursing |
0737-1209, 1525-1446
preserved |
Public Health Challenges |
preserved |
Public Budgeting & Finance |
0275-1100, 1540-5850
preserved |
Public Administration Review |
0033-3352, 1540-6210
preserved |
Public Administration and Development |
0271-2075, 1099-162X
preserved |
Public Administration |
0033-3298, 1467-9299
preserved |
Psychotherapy and Politics International |
1476-9263, 1556-9195
preserved |
Psychophysiology |
0048-5772, 1469-8986
preserved |
Psycho-Oncology |
1057-9249, 1099-1611
preserved |
PsychologyOpen |
queued |
Psychology of Women Quarterly |
0361-6843, 1471-6402
preserved |
Psychology in the Schools |
0033-3085, 1520-6807
preserved |
Psychology and Psychotherapy: theory, Research and Practice |
1476-0835, 2044-8341
preserved |
Psychology and Marketing |
0742-6046, 1520-6793
preserved |
Psychological Science |
0956-7976, 1467-9280
preserved |
Psychogeriatrics |
1346-3500, 1479-8301
preserved |
The Psychoanalytic Quarterly |
0033-2828, 2167-4086
preserved |
PsyCH Journal |
2046-0252, 2046-0260
preserved |
Psychiatry And Clinical Neurosciences Reports |
preserved |
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences |
1323-1316, 1440-1819
preserved |
Psychiatric Research And Clinical Practice |
preserved |
Proteomics - Clinical Applications |
1862-8346, 1862-8354
preserved |
Proteomics |
1615-9853, 1615-9861
preserved |
Proteoglycan Research |
preserved |
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics |
0887-3585, 1097-0134
preserved |
Protein Science |
0961-8368, 1469-896X
preserved |
Prostate |
0270-4137, 1097-0045
preserved |
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics |
0721-3115, 1521-4087
preserved |
Project Management Journal |
8756-9728, 1938-9507
preserved |
The Progressive Fish‐Culturist |
0033-0779, 1548-8640
preserved |
Progress in Tourism and Hospitality Research |
1077-3509, 1099-1603
preserved |
Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials |
1365-0556, 1528-2716
preserved |
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications |
1062-7995, 1099-159X
preserved |
Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry |
1367-7543, 1931-227X
preserved |
Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing |
0889-7204, 1751-7117
queued |
Program in Ethnographic Film (PIEF) Newsletter |
0030-8013, 1944-0243
preserved |
The Professional Geographer |
0033-0124, 1467-9272
preserved |
Production and Operations Management |
1059-1478, 1937-5956
preserved |
Process Safety Progress |
1066-8527, 1547-5913
preserved |
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London |
0370-2774, 1469-7998
preserved |
Proceedings of the World Mariculture Society |
0748-3260, 1749-7345
preserved |
Proceedings of the Statistical Society of London |
2046-5890, 2517-6137
preserved |
Proceedings of the Society of Agricultural Bacteriologists |
0370-1786, 1365-2672
preserved |
Proceedings of the Society for Applied Bacteriology |
0370-1778, 1365-2672
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series A, General Entomology |
0375-0418, 1365-3032
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy |
0375-0434, 1365-3113
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Series C. Journal of Meetings |
1946-1496, 1946-150X
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London |
1472-0981, 1365-3032
preserved |
Proceedings of the Philological Society |
2050-5914, 1467-968X
preserved |
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society |
0024-6115, 1460-244X
preserved |
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London |
0370-0461, 1095-8312
preserved |
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine |
1065-9889, 1557-3672
preserved |
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London |
1472-0949, 1365-3032
preserved |
Proceedings of the Association of American Physicians |
1081-650X, 1525-1381
preserved |
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society |
0066-7374, 1467-9264
preserved |
Proceedings of the annual workshop â World Mariculture Society |
1043-5166, 1749-7345
preserved |
Proceedings of the annual meeting - World Mariculture Society |
0164-0399, 1749-7345
preserved |
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology |
0044-7870, 1550-8390
preserved |
Proceedings of the African Futures Conference |
preserved |
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics |
1617-7061, 1617-7061
preserved |
Preventive Cardiology |
1520-037X, 1751-7141
preserved |
Presidential Studies Quarterly |
0360-4918, 1741-5705
preserved |
Prescriber |
0959-6682, 1931-2253
preserved |
Prenatal Diagnosis |
0197-3851, 1097-0223
preserved |
preserved |
Precision Radiation Oncology |
preserved |
Precision Medical Sciences |
preserved |
Practice Development in Health Care |
1475-9861, 1557-105X
preserved |
Practical Neurology |
1474-7758, 1474-7766
preserved |
Practical Diabetes International |
1357-8170, 1528-252X
preserved |
Practical Diabetes |
2047-2897, 2047-2900
preserved |
Poverty & Public Policy |
preserved |
Portal Hypertension & Cirrhosis |
2770-5838, 2770-5846
preserved |
Population, Space and Place |
1544-8444, 1544-8452
preserved |
Population Ecology |
1438-3896, 1438-390X
preserved |
Population Council Book Series |
preserved |
Population and Development Review |
0098-7921, 1728-4457
preserved |
Popular Culture Review |
1060-8125, 2831-865X
preserved |
Polymers for Advanced Technologies |
1042-7147, 1099-1581
preserved |
Polymer International |
0959-8103, 1097-0126
preserved |
Polymer Engineering and Science |
0032-3888, 1548-2634
preserved |
Polymer Crystallization |
preserved |
Polymer Composites |
0272-8397, 1548-0569
preserved |
Politics & Policy |
1555-5623, 1747-1346
preserved |
Politics |
0263-3957, 1467-9256
preserved |
Political Studies Review |
1478-9299, 1478-9302
preserved |
Political Studies |
0032-3217, 1467-9248
preserved |
Political Science Quarterly |
0032-3195, 1538-165X
preserved |
Political Quarterly |
0032-3179, 1467-923X
preserved |
Political Psychology |
0162-895X, 1467-9221
preserved |
Political Insight |
2041-9058, 2041-9066
preserved |
Policy Studies Journal |
0190-292X, 1541-0072
preserved |
Policy & Internet |
preserved |
Polar Research |
0800-0395, 1751-8369
preserved |
PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review |
1081-6976, 1555-2934
preserved |
Poe Studies Old Series |
0090-5224, 1754-6095
preserved |