Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles (221) | Information |
You Strike a Woman, You Strike a Rock / Wathint’ Abafazi, Wathint’ Imbokotho: A play |
Author/Editor: Phyllis Klotz ,Thobeka Maqhutyana ,Nomvula Qosha ,Poppy Tsira ,Sarah Roberts
Writing the Ancestral River: A biography of the Kowie |
Author/Editor: Jacklyn Cock
The World Looks Like This From Here |
Author/Editor: Ratele, Kopano
Working with Rock Art |
Author/Editor: Agnew, Neville; Chippindale, Christopher; Deacon, Janette
WITS: The 'Open' Years: A History of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 1939-1959 |
Author/Editor: BRUCE K. MURRAY ,Yunus Ballim
WITS: The Early Years: A History of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and its Precursors 1896-1939 |
Author/Editor: BRUCE K. MURRAY ,Keith Breckenridge
WITS: A University in the Apartheid Era |
Author/Editor: MERVYN SHEAR ,Firoz Cachalia
Why Men Hurt Women and Other Reflections on Love, Violence and Masculinity |
Author/Editor: Kopano Ratele ,RAEWYN CONNELL
What is Slavery to Me? |
Author/Editor: Dineo Gqola, Pumla
We Write What We Like |
Author/Editor: Accone, Darryl; Cindi, Zithulele; Cooper, Saths
We, the People |
Author/Editor: Sachs, Albie
War Against Ourselves |
Author/Editor: Cock, Jacklyn
Visualising China in Southern Africa: Biography, Circulation, Transgression |
Visionary Animal |
Author/Editor: Ego, Renaud
Violence, Slavery and Freedom between Hegel and Fanon |
Author/Editor: Ulrike Kistner,Philippe Van Haute
The Unresolved National Question in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Webster, Edward; Webster, Edward; Webster, Edward
Uncovering Memory: Filming in South Africa, Germany, Poland and Bosnia/Herzegovina |
Author/Editor: TANJA SAKOTA
Ulwembu |
Author/Editor: ; Coppen, Neil; Mthombeni, Mpume
Ukufa kukaShaka |
Tshepang |
Author/Editor: Foot Newton, Lara
Troubling Images: Visual Culture and the Politics of Afrikaner Nationalism |
Traumatic Stress in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Kaminer, Debbie; Eagle, Gillian
Transnational Families in Africa: Migrants and the role of Information Communication Technologies |
Author/Editor: Maria C. Marchetti-Mercer ,Leslie Swartz ,Loretta Baldassar ,Gonzalo Bacigalupe
Transforming Research Methods in the Social Sciences |
Author/Editor: Laher, Sumaya; Fynn, Angelo; Kramer, Sherianne
Tin Bucket Drum |
Author/Editor: Coppen, Neil
Ties that Bind |
Author/Editor: Walsh, Shannon; Soske, Jon; Soske, Jon
Thinking Freedom in Africa |
Author/Editor: Neocosmos, Michael
These Potatoes Look Like Humans: The contested future of land, home and death in South Africa |
Author/Editor: uMbuso weNkosi
Termites of the Gods |
Author/Editor: Mguni, Siyakha
Tell Our Story: Multiplying voices in the news media |
Suddenly the Storm |
Author/Editor: Slabolepszy, Paul
Students Must Rise |
Author/Editor: Heffernan, Anne; Nieftagodien, Noor; Heffernan, Anne
Structure, Meaning and Ritual in the Narratives of the Southern San |
Author/Editor: Hewitt, Roger
Stranger at Home |
Author/Editor: Neser, Ashlee
Stopping the Spies |
Author/Editor: Duncan, Jane
The State of Secularism |
Author/Editor: Leatt, Dhammamegha Annie
State Capture in South Africa: How and why it happened |
South Africa's Suspended Revolution: Hopes and prospects |
Author/Editor: ADAM HABIB
South Africa and India |
Author/Editor: Bénit-Gbaffou, Claire; Bonner, Phil; Datta, Pradip Kumar
Sophiatown |
Author/Editor: ; Gibson, Angus; Jacobson, Ruth
Somewhere on the Border |
Author/Editor: Akerman, Anthony
Sol Plaatje's Native Life in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Remmington, Janet; Willan, Brian; Peterson, Bhekizizwe
The Social and Political Thought of Archie Mafeje |
Author/Editor: Bongani Nyoka
Shakespeare and the Coconuts |
Author/Editor: Distiller, Natasha
Shadow State |
Author/Editor: Chipkin, Ivor; Swilling, Mark; Bhorat, Haroon
Shadow of Liberation |
Author/Editor: Padayachee, Vishnu; van Niekerk, Robert
Senkatana |
Author/Editor: Mofokeng, Sophonia Machabe
Selecting Immigrants |
Author/Editor: Peberdy, Sally
Seeking Sanctuary: Stories of Sexuality, Faith and Migration |
Author/Editor: JOHN MARNELL
Seeing and Knowing |
Author/Editor: Blundell, Geoffrey; Chippindale, Christopher; Clottes, Jean
A Search for Origins |
Author/Editor: Bonner, Phillip; Esterhuysen, Amanda; Jenkins, Trefor
San Elders Speak: Ancestral knowledge of the Kalahari San |
Riding High |
Author/Editor: Swart, Sandra
Rick Turner's Politics as the Art of the Impossible |
Author/Editor: Michael Onyebuchi Eze ,Lawrence Hamilton ,Laurence Piper ,Gideon van Riet
Richard Rive |
Author/Editor: Viljoen, Shaun
Remains of the Social |
Author/Editor: Maurits van Bever Donker; Ross Truscott; Premesh Lalu
Regarding Muslims |
Author/Editor: Baderoon, Gabeba
Racism After Apartheid |
Author/Editor: Satgar, Vishwas; Satgar, Vishwas; Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne
Race Otherwise |
Author/Editor: Erasmus, Zimitri
Public Intellectuals in South Africa: Critical voices from the past |
Author/Editor: Chris Broodryk
Psychological Assessment in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Laher, Sumaya; Cockcroft, Kate; Amod, Zaytoon
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Del Fabbro, Giada; Eagle, Gillian; Esprey, Yvette
Prisoners of the Past: South African democracy and the legacy of minority rule |
Print, Text and Book Cultures in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Barnard, Rita; de Kock, Leon; Dick, Archie L
Prickly Pear |
Author/Editor: Beinart, William
Predicaments of Knowledge: Decolonisation and Deracialisation in Universities |
Precarious Power: Compliance and discontent under Ramaphosa’s ANC |
Author/Editor: SUSAN BOOYSEN
Practical Anatomy: The human body dissected, second edition, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Power in Action |
Author/Editor: Friedman, Steven
Power and Loss in South African Journalism: News in the age of social media |
Author/Editor: Glenda Daniels
Popular Politics and Resistance Movements in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Beinart, William; Brown, Julian; Carson, Tracy
Politics and Community-Based Research: Perspectives from Yeoville Studio, Johannesburg |
Politics and Community-Based Research |
Author/Editor: Bénit-Gbaffou, Claire; Charlton, Sarah; Didier, Sophie
Place of Thorns |
Author/Editor: Moloi, Tshepo
Picturing Change |
Author/Editor: Schmahmann, Brenda
The People’s Paper: A centenary history and anthology of Abantu-Batho |
Author/Editor: PETER LIMB
The People’s Paper |
Author/Editor: Christison, Grant; Landau, Paul; Limb, Peter
Penny Siopis |
Author/Editor: Olivier, Gerrit; Olivier, Gerrit; De Angelis, Alessandra
Pelong ya Ka |
Patrick van Rensburg: Rebel, visionary and radical educationist, a biography |
Author/Editor: Kevin Shillington
Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands |
Author/Editor: Perrin, Mike
Our Lady of Benoni |
Author/Editor: Mda, Zakes
Our Changing World-View: Ten Lectures on Recent Movements of Thought in Science, Economics, Education, Literature and Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Saul Dubow ,J. C. Smuts ,Robert Broom ,J. P. Dalton ,John F. V. Phillips ,J. Y. T. Greig ,T. J. Haarhoff ,C. S. Richards ,H. S. Frankel
Orlando West, Soweto |
Author/Editor: Nieftagodien, Noor; Gaule, Sally
The Origins of Non-Racialism |
Author/Editor: Everatt, David
Organise or Die? |
Author/Editor: Botiveau, Raphaël
One Virus, Two Countries: What COVID-19 Tells Us About South Africa |
One Hundred Years of the ANC |
Author/Editor: April, Thozama; Badsha, Omar; Barchiesi, Franco
Nothing but the Truth |
Author/Editor: Kani, John
No Last Place to Rest: Coal Mining and Dispossession in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Dineo Skosana
New South African Review 6 |
Author/Editor: Khadiagala, Gilbert; Mosoetsa, Sarah; Pillay, Devan
New South African Review 5 |
Author/Editor: Khadiagala, Gilbert M.; Naidoo, Prishani; Pillay, Devan
New South African Review 4 |
Author/Editor: Ballard, Clare; Bawa, Ahmed; Claassens, Aninka
New South African Review 3 |
Author/Editor: Allais, Stephanie; Attwell, William; Booysen, Susan
New South African Review 2 |
Author/Editor: Attwell, William; Bank, Leslie; Naidoo, Prishani
New South African Review 1 |
Author/Editor: Atkinson, Doreen; Bruce, David; Butler, Anthony
Natures of Africa |
Author/Editor: Moolla, F. Fiona; Moolla, F. Fiona; Caminero-Santangelo, Byron
Nations's Bounty |
Author/Editor: Mgqwetho, Nontsizi; Opland, Jeff
My Life and Valley Song: Two Plays |
Author/Editor: Athol Fugard
The Musical Instruments of the Indigenous People of South Africa |
Author/Editor: Kirby, Percival
Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication |
Author/Editor: Kaschula, Russell; Maseko, Pamela; Wolff, H. Ekkehard
Motswasele II |
Author/Editor: L.D. RADITLADI
Mooi Street and Other Moves |
Author/Editor: Slabolepszy, Paul
Monarchs, Missionaries and African Intellectuals: African Theatre and the Unmaking of Colonial Marginality |
Molecular Medicine for Clinicians |
Author/Editor: Mendelow, Barry; Ramsay, Michèle; Chetty, Nanthakumarn
Missing |
Author/Editor: Kani, John
Mfecane Aftermath |
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Carolyn; Hamilton, Carolyn; Dowson, Thomas
Metal that Will not Bend |
Author/Editor: Forrest, Kally
Memory Against Forgetting |
Author/Editor: Bernstein, Rusty
Mbeki and After |
Author/Editor: Calland, Richard; Duncan, Jane; Friedman, Steven
Marxisms in the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Bond, Patrick; Burawoy, Michael; Cock, Jacklyn
Mapungubwe |
Author/Editor: Huffmann, Thomas
Lover of His People |
Author/Editor: Molema, Seetsele Modiri
Love, Crime and Johannesburg |
Author/Editor: ; Purkey, Malcolm; Steinberg, Carol
Losing the Plot |
Author/Editor: de Kock, Leon
A Long Way Home |
Author/Editor: Beinart, William; Charlton, Julia; Coplan, David
Like Family |
Author/Editor: Jansen, Ena
Lie on your wounds |
Author/Editor: Hook, Derek; Sobukwe, Robert
Land, Law and Chiefs in Rural South Africa: Contested histories and current struggles |
Author/Editor: William Beinhart ,Rosalie Kingwill ,Gavin Capps
Land, Chiefs, Mining |
Author/Editor: Manson, Andrew; Mbenga, Bernard
Labour Beyond Cosatu |
Author/Editor: Bezuidenhout, Andries; Tshoaedi, Malehoko; Bezuidenhout, Andries
I Write the Yawning Void: Selected essays of Sindiwe Magona |
Author/Editor: Renée Schatteman
I Want to Go Home Forever |
Author/Editor: Landau, Loren; Pampalone, Tanya; Landau, Loren
Inzuzo, Ed. NED - New edition |
The Intrapreneur’s Journey: Empowering Employees to Drive Growth |
Author/Editor: Hugh Molotsi ,Mjumo Mzyece ,Ogundiran Soumonni ,Jeff Zias
In the Shadow of Policy |
Author/Editor: Hebinck, Paul; Cousins, Ben; Hebinck, Paul
In the Balance: The Case for a Universal Basic Income in South Africa and Beyond |
Author/Editor: HEIN MARAIS
Inkondlo kaZulu |
In India and East Africa E-Indiya nase East Africa: A travelogue in isiXhosa and English |
Author/Editor: D.D.T. Jabavu,Cecil Wele Manona,Tina Steiner,Mhlobo W. Jadezweni,Catherine Higgs,Evan M. Mwangi
How I Lost My Mother: A story of life, care and dying |
Author/Editor: LESLIE SWARTZ
The House of Truth & Bloke and His American Bantu: Two plays |
Author/Editor: Siphiwo Mahala ,Shane Graham
Hidden Histories of Gordonia |
Author/Editor: Legassick, Martin
Healing the Exposed Being |
Author/Editor: Thornton, Robert
Governing Complex City-Regions in the Twenty-First Century: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa |
Author/Editor: Philip Harrison
Governance and the postcolony |
Author/Editor: Everatt, David; Everatt, David; Latib, Salim
Good Jew, Bad Jew: Racism, anti-Semitism and the assault on meaning |
Author/Editor: Steven Friedman
Go Home or Die Here |
Author/Editor: Hassim, Shireen; Kupe, Tawana; Worby, Eric
Gerard Sekoto: ‘I am an African’ |
Author/Editor: N Chabani Manganyi ,Es’kia Mphahlele
Gaze Regimes |
Author/Editor: Mistry, Jyoti; Schuhmann, Antje; Annas, Max
Fundamentals of Human Embryology |
Author/Editor: Allan, John; Kramer, Beverley
From Tools to Symbols |
Author/Editor: d’Errico, Francesco; d’Errico, Francesco; Backwell, Lucinda
Forgotten World |
Author/Editor: Delius, Peter; Maggs, Tim; Schoeman, Alex
Fools, Bells and the Habit of Eating |
Author/Editor: Mda, Zakes
Five Hundred Years Rediscovered |
Author/Editor: Swanepoel, Natalie; Esterhuysen, Amanda; Esterhuysen, Amanda
The First Ethiopians |
Author/Editor: van Wyk Smith, Malvern
Fight for Democracy |
Author/Editor: Daniels, Glenda
Fees Must Fall |
Author/Editor: Booysen, Susan; Booysen, Susan; Godsell, Gillian
Facets of Power |
Author/Editor: Saunders, Richard; Saunders, Richard; Chiponda, Melanie
Ethnographies of Power: Working Radical Concepts with Gillian Hart |
Author/Editor: Sharad Chari ,Mark Hunter ,Melanie Samson
Entanglement |
Author/Editor: Nuttall, Sarah
English-isiZulu / isiZulu-English Dictionary |
Author/Editor: Doke, C.M.; Vilakazi, Benedict Wallet; Malcolm, D. M
Emancipatory Feminism in the Time of Covid-19: Transformative resistance and social reproduction |
Author/Editor: Vishwas Satgar ,Ruth Ntlokotse
Elephant management |
Author/Editor: Scholes, Robert J.; Scholes, Robert J.; Mennell, Kathleen G
Ekurhuleni |
Author/Editor: Bonner, Phil; Nieftagodien, Noor
Eating from One Pot |
Author/Editor: Mosoetsa, Sarah
Early Detection and Intervention in Audiology: An African perspective |
Author/Editor: Katijah Khoza-Shangase ,Amisha Kanji
Dress as Social Relations |
Author/Editor: Viestad, Vibeke Maria
Do South Africans Exist? |
Author/Editor: Chipkin, Ivor
Dorothea Bleek |
Author/Editor: Weintroub, Jill
Dominance and Decline |
Author/Editor: Booysen, Susan
Doing Plays for a Change: Five Works |
Author/Editor: Maishe Maponya ,Ian Steadman
The Disorder of Things |
Author/Editor: Masterson, John
Dintshontsho Tsa Bo – Juliuse Kesara |
Author/Editor: SOL T. PLAATJE
Die Bram Fischer Wals |
Author/Editor: Harry Kalmer ,George Bizos
Destroying Democracy: Neoliberal capitalism and the rise of authoritarian politics |
Author/Editor: Michelle Williams ,Vishwas Satgar
Decolonising the Human: Reflections from Africa on difference and oppression |
Decolonisation in Universities |
Author/Editor: Jansen, Jonathan; Jansen, Jonathan; Mbembe, Achille
Death and Compassion: The Elephant in Southern African Literature |
Author/Editor: Dan Wylie
Death and Compassion |
Author/Editor: Wylie, Dan
Dance of the Dung Beetles |
Author/Editor: Byrne, Marcus; Lunn, Helen
Customs and Beliefs of the |xam, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Jeremy C. Hollmann
Cuba and Africa, 1959-1994: Writing an alternative Atlantic history |
Corrupted: A study of chronic dysfunction in South African universities |
Conversations with Bourdieu |
Author/Editor: Burawoy, Michael; von Holdt, Karl
Contradicting Maternity |
Author/Editor: Long, Carol
Conspicuous Consumption in Africa |
Author/Editor: Posel, Deborah; Posel, Deborah; van Wyk, Ilana
Composing Apartheid |
Author/Editor: Allen, Lara; Baines, Gary; Byerly, Ingrid
Competition Law and Economic Regulation in Southern Africa |
Author/Editor: Klaaren, Jonathan; Paelo, Anthea; Robb, Genna
The Colour of Our Future |
Author/Editor: Mangcu, Xolela; Mangcu, Xolela; Jablonski, Nina G
Colour, Class and Community - The Natal Indian Congress, 1971-1994 |
Author/Editor: Ashwin Desai ,Goolam Vahed
The Climate Crisis |
Author/Editor: Satgar, Vishwas; Martínez Abarca, Mateo; Acosta, Alberto
Climate Change |
Author/Editor: Scholes, Bob; Scholes, Mary; Lucas, Mike
Civilising Grass |
Author/Editor: Cane, Jonathan
Citizen and Pariah: Somali Traders and the Regulation of Difference in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Vanya Gastrow
Children in Mind: Their mental health in today’s world and what we can do to help them |
Author/Editor: Jenny Perkel
Changing Space, Changing City |
Author/Editor: Ahmad, Peter; Badenhorst, Willem; Beavon, Keith
Capitalism’s Crises: Class struggles in South Africa and the world |
Author/Editor: Vishwas Satgar
Capitalism’s Crises |
Author/Editor: Satgar, Vishwas; Satgar, Vishwas; Carroll, William K
Cape Radicals |
Author/Editor: Soudien, Crain
Can Themba: The Making and Breaking of the Intellectual Tsotsi, a Biography |
Author/Editor: Siphiwo Mahala
Bushman Letters |
Author/Editor: Wessels, Michael
Bury Me at the Marketplace |
Author/Editor: Manganyi, N. Chabani; Attwell, David
BRICS and the New American Imperialism: Global rivalry and resistance |
Author/Editor: Vishwas Satgar
The Bram Fischer Waltz |
Author/Editor: Kalmer, Harry
Bones and Bodies: How South African Scientists Studied Race |
Author/Editor: ALAN G. MORRIS
Black X: Liberatory thought in Azania |
Author/Editor: Tendayi Sithole
Bill Freund: An historian’s passage to Africa |
Author/Editor: BILL FREUND
Bibliography and Modern Book Production: Notes and sources for student librarians, printers, booksellers, stationers, book-collectors |
Author/Editor: PERCY FREER ,H. R. RAIKES ,VIBEKE BERG-SONNE ,Veronica Klipp
Between Worlds |
Author/Editor: Chisholm, Linda
Being Black in the World |
Author/Editor: Manganyi, N. Chabani
Becoming Worthy Ancestors |
Author/Editor: Mangcu, Xolela; Mangcu, Xolela; Masilela, Ntongela
Becoming Men: Black masculinities in a South African township |
Author/Editor: Malose Langa
Bats of Southern and Central Africa: A biogeographic and taxonomic synthesis, second edition, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Ara Monadjem,Peter John Taylor,F. P. D. (Woody) Cotterill,M. Corrie Schoeman
Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto |
Author/Editor: Horwitz, Simonne
Bafana Republic and Other Satires: A collection of monologues and revues |
Author/Editor: Mike van Graan
The Backroom Boy |
Author/Editor: Mathebula, Mandla
Babel Unbound: Rage, reason and rethinking public life |
Archives of Times Past: Conversations about South Africa’s Deep History |
Author/Editor: Cynthia Kros ,John Wright ,Mbongiseni Buthelezi ,Helen Ludlow
Apartheid and the Making of a Black Psychologist |
Author/Editor: Manganyi, N. Chabani
Anxious Joburg: The inner lives of a global South city |
And the Girls in their Sunday Dresses |
Author/Editor: Mda, Zakes
Amal’ezulu |
Alexandra |
Author/Editor: Nieftagodien, Noor; Bonner, Phil
The African National Congress and the Regeneration of Political Power |
Author/Editor: Booysen, Susan
African-Language Literatures |
Author/Editor: Mhlambi, Innocentia Jabulisile
African Dream Machines |
Author/Editor: Nettleton, Anitra
African Ark: Mammals, landscape and the ecology of a continent |
Author/Editor: Ara Monadjem ,Mike Unwin
African Archaeology Without Frontiers |
Author/Editor: Kusimba, Chapurukha M; Tchandeu, Santores; Seidensticker, Dirk
Acts of Transgression |
Author/Editor: Pather, Jay; Boulle, Catherine; Pather, Jay
Accented Futures |
Author/Editor: Coetzee, Carli
Abortion Services and Reproductive Justice in Rural South Africa |
Author/Editor: Ulandi du Plessis ,Catriona Ida Macleod