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Titles ( displaying 500 of 3,871 ) Information
Zwingli: God's Armed Prophet
Author/Editor: Bruce Gordon
Zulu Warriors
Author/Editor: Laband, John
The Zong
Author/Editor: Walvin, James
The Zelmenyaners
Author/Editor: Kulbak, Moyshe
Author/Editor: Chrétien de Troyes
Young Men and the Sea
Author/Editor: Vickers, Daniel; Walsh, Vince
The Young Charles Darwin
Author/Editor: Thomson, Keith
You Did That on Purpose
Author/Editor: Hudley, Cynthia
You Can`t Steal a Gift
Author/Editor: Lees, Gene
The Yi River Commentary on the Book of Changes
Author/Editor: Cheng Yi
Yield: The Journal of an Artist
Author/Editor: Anne Truitt ,Rachel Kushner ,Alexandra Truitt
Author/Editor: Clark, Victoria
The Yellow River: A Natural and Unnatural History
The Yellow Demon of Fever: Fighting Disease in the Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Slave Trade
Author/Editor: Manuel Barcia
Yeats and the Poetry of Death
Author/Editor: Ramazani, Jahan
The Year That Broke Politics: Collusion and Chaos in the Presidential Election of 1968
Author/Editor: LUKE A. NICHTER
The Year of Peril: America in 1942
The Year of Blue Water
Author/Editor: Yanyi
The Yaquis and the Empire
Author/Editor: Folsom, Raphael Brewster
Yankee Doodle Dandy
Author/Editor: Dizikes, John
The Yale Law School Guide to Research in American Legal History
Author/Editor: Nann, John B.; Cohen, Morris L
The Yale Guide to Women’s Reproductive Health
Author/Editor: Minkin, Mary Jane; Wright, Carol V
The Yale Guide to Women’s Reproductive Health
Author/Editor: Minkin, Mary Jane; Wright, Carol V
The Yale Guide to Children's Nutrition
Author/Editor: Tamborlane, William; Warshaw, Joseph
Yale French Studies, Number 115
Author/Editor: Austin, James
Yale Companion to Jewish Writing and Thought in German Culture, 1096-1996
Author/Editor: Gilman, Sander L; Zipes, Jack
The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry
Author/Editor: Caws, Mary Ann
Yale and Slavery: A History
Author/Editor: David W. Blight ,Peter Salovey
Author/Editor: Kelley, Brooks Mather
Written in Water: The Ephemeral Life of the Classic in Art
Author/Editor: Rochelle Gurstein
Writing the Map of Anglo-Saxon England
Author/Editor: Howe, Nicholas
Writing Successful Science Proposals
Author/Editor: Friedland, Andrew J.; Folt, Carol L
Writings of Koda Aya, A Japanese Literary Daughter
Author/Editor: Tansman, Alan M
Writing in the New Nation
Author/Editor: Ziff, Larzer
Writing History in the Age of Biomedicine
Author/Editor: Cooter, Roger
A Writing Guide for Learners of Chinese
Author/Editor: Qin Herzberg ,Larry Herzberg ,Pennylyn Dykstra-Pruim ,Jennifer Redmann
Writing for Science
Author/Editor: Goldbort, Robert
Writers and Rebels
Author/Editor: Gould, Rebecca Ruth
Wright and New York
Author/Editor: Alofsin, Anthony
Wrestling with an Angel
Author/Editor: Luz, Ehud
The Worth of the University
Author/Editor: Levin, Richard C
Worse Than Nothing: The Dangerous Fallacy of Originalism
Author/Editor: Erwin Chemerinsky
A World Without Soil: The Past, Present, and Precarious Future of the Earth Beneath Our Feet
A World Without Jews
Author/Editor: Confino, Alon
The World Turned Upside Down: America, China, and the Struggle for Global Leadership
Author/Editor: Clyde Prestowitz
The World's Oldest Church
Author/Editor: Peppard, Michael
Worlds Beyond: Miniatures and Victorian Fiction
Author/Editor: Laura Forsberg
Worlds Apart?
Author/Editor: Berberi, Tammy; Hamilton, Elizabeth C; Sutherland, Ian M
Worlds Apart
Author/Editor: Duncan, Cynthia M
A World Safe for Democracy: Liberal Internationalism and the Crises of Global Order
Author/Editor: G. JOHN IKENBERRY
A World Out of Reach: Dispatches from Life under Lockdown
Author/Editor: MEGHAN O’ROURKE
World of Trouble: A Philadelphia Quaker Family's Journey through the American Revolution
Author/Editor: Richard Godbeer
The World of the Swahili
Author/Editor: Middleton, John
The World of the Crusades
Author/Editor: Tyerman, Christopher
The World of Samuel Beckett, 1906-1946
Author/Editor: Gordon, Lois
A World of Letters
Author/Editor: Basbanes, Nicholas A
World Forests for the Future
Author/Editor: Ramakrishna, Kilaparti; Woodwell, George M
A World Connected
Author/Editor: Chanda, Nayan; Susan Froetschel
The World Before Us: The New Science Behind Our Human Origins
Author/Editor: TOM HIGHAM
A World after Liberalism: Philosophers of the Radical Right
Author/Editor: Matthew Rose
The World According to Itzik
Author/Editor: Manger, Itzik; Wolf, Leonard
The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Vol. 21
Author/Editor: Hyun Lee, Sang; Edwards, Jonathan
Works in Progress
Author/Editor: Smith, Jenny Leigh
The Work of the University
Author/Editor: Levin, Richard C
Wordsworth’s Poetry 1787-1814
Wordsworth’s Poetry 1787-1814
Author/Editor: Hartman, Geoffrey
Wordsworth and the Poetry of What We Are
Author/Editor: Fry, Paul H
The Words of Others
Author/Editor: Morson, Gary Saul
Words as Grain: New and Selected Poems
Author/Editor: DUO DUO ,Lucas Klein
Woodrow Wilson
Author/Editor: Maynard, W. Barksdale
The Wondering Jew: Israel and the Search for Jewish Identity
Women, Work, and Politics
Author/Editor: Iversen, Torben; Rosenbluth, Frances
The Women Who Saved the English Countryside
Author/Editor: MATTHEW KELLY
Women's Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation
Author/Editor: Sklar, Kathryn Kish; Stewart, James Brewer
The Women’s Khutbah Book: Contemporary Sermons on Spirituality and Justice from around the World
Author/Editor: Sa’diyya Shaikh ,Fatima Seedat
Women's Divination in Biblical Literature
Author/Editor: Hamori, Esther J
The Women's Awakening in Egypt
Author/Editor: Baron, Beth
Women, Men, and Gender
Author/Editor: Walsh, Mary Roth
Women in Middle Eastern History
Author/Editor: Keddie, Nikki R.; Baron, Beth
Women and the Religion of Ancient Israel
Women and the Reformations: A Global History
Women and the Piano: A History in 50 Lives
Author/Editor: Susan Tomes
Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate
Author/Editor: Leila Ahmed ,Kecia Ali
Women and Gender in Islam
Author/Editor: Ahmed, Leila
The Woman Who Walked into the Sea
Author/Editor: Wexler, Alice
Woman: The American History of an Idea
The Woman Reader
Author/Editor: Jack, Belinda
The Woman on the Windowsill: A Tale of Mystery in Several Parts
A Woman Making History
Author/Editor: COTT, NANCY F
Wollstonecraft, Mill, and Women's Human Rights
Author/Editor: Botting, Eileen Hunt
Witness to History
Author/Editor: Schofield, Victoria
Witnessing Insanity
Author/Editor: Eigen, Joel Peter
Author/Editor: Rée, Jonathan
Witch Craze
Author/Editor: Roper, Lyndal
The Witch: A History of Fear, from Ancient Times to the Present
Author/Editor: RONALD HUTTON
Winter Mythologies and Abbots
Author/Editor: Michon, Pierre
Winning the Silicon Sweepstakes
Author/Editor: Frieden, Rob
Winning Strategies for Successful Aging
Author/Editor: Pfeiffer, Eric
The Wingsnappers: Lessons from an Exuberant Tropical Bird
Author/Editor: Barney A. Schlinger
The Winds of Freedom
Author/Editor: Casper, Gerhard
A Windfall of Musicians
Author/Editor: Crawford, Dorothy Lamb
The Will to See: Dispatches from a World of Misery and Hope
Author/Editor: Bernard-Henri Lévy
William Tyndale
Author/Editor: Daniell, David
William the Conqueror
Author/Editor: David Bates
William the Conqueror
Author/Editor: Douglas, David C
William Sloane Coffin Jr
Author/Editor: Goldstein, Warren
William Rufus
Author/Editor: Barlow, Frank
William Lloyd Garrison at Two Hundred
Author/Editor: Stewart, James Brewer
William James
Author/Editor: Myers, Gerald E
William Clark's World
Author/Editor: Kastor, Peter J
William Beckford
Author/Editor: Gauci, Perry
Willful: How We Choose What We Do
Author/Editor: Richard Robb
Wilfred Owen
Author/Editor: Cuthbertson, Guy
Wild Visions: Wilderness as Image and Idea
Author/Editor: BEN A. MINTEER ,MARK KLETT ,STEPHEN J. PYNE ,Roderick Frazier Nash
Wild Solutions: How Biodiversity is Money in the Bank
Author/Editor: ANDREW BEATTIE ,PAUL R. EHRLICH ,Christine Turnbull
Wilde the Irishman
Author/Editor: McCormack, Jerusha
Why Writing Matters
Author/Editor: nicholas delbanco
Why We Believe
Author/Editor: Fuentes, Agustin
Why Trilling Matters
Author/Editor: Kirsch, Adam
Why Translation Matters
Author/Editor: Grossman, Edith
Why the New Deal Matters
Author/Editor: eric rauchway
Why the Museum Matters
Author/Editor: daniel h. weiss
Why the Electoral College Is Bad for America
Author/Editor: Edwards III, George C
Why the Electoral College Is Bad for America
Author/Editor: Edwards, George C
Why the Dreyfus Affair Matters
Author/Editor: Begley, Louis
Why the Constitution Matters
Author/Editor: Tushnet, Mark
Why Surrealism Matters
Author/Editor: mark polizzotti
Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid
Author/Editor: Sternberg, Robert J
Why Presidents Succeed
Author/Editor: Simonton, Dean Keith
Why Poetry Matters
Author/Editor: Parini, Jay
Why Nudge?
Author/Editor: Sunstein, Cass R
Why Niebuhr Matters
Author/Editor: Lemert, Charles
Why Marx Was Right
Author/Editor: Eagleton, Terry
Why Literature Matters in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Roche, Mark William
Why Liberalism Works: How True Liberal Values Produce a Freer, More Equal, Prosperous World for All
Author/Editor: Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
Why Liberalism Failed
Author/Editor: Deneen, Patrick J
Why I Became an X Troop Commando: A Life of Colin Anson, the German who Fought for Churchill
Author/Editor: HELEN FRY
Why I Am Not a Buddhist
Author/Editor: evan thompson
Why Food Matters
Author/Editor: paul freedman
Why Empires Fall: Rome, America, and the Future of the West
Author/Editor: Peter Heather ,John Rapley
Why Dance Matters
Author/Editor: MINDY ALOFF
Why Conservation Is Failing and How It Can Regain Ground
Author/Editor: Freyfogle, Eric T
Why Argument Matters
Author/Editor: lee siegel
Why Arendt Matters
Author/Editor: Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth
Why Architecture Matters
Author/Editor: paul goldberger
Why Architecture Matters
Author/Editor: Goldberger, Paul
Who Was Jacques Derrida?
Author/Editor: Mikics, David
Who Wants to Be a Jewish Writer?
Author/Editor: Kirsch, Adam
Who Votes?
Author/Editor: Wolfinger, Raymond E.; Rosenstone, Steven J
Who’s Teaching Your Children?
Author/Editor: Troen, Vivian; Boles, Katherine C
Who’s Teaching Your Children?
Author/Editor: Troen, Vivian; Boles, Katherine C
Whose Language Is English?
Author/Editor: JIEUN KIAER
Whose Freud?
Author/Editor: Brooks, Peter; Woloch, Alex
Who Is Big Brother?: A Reader's Guide to George Orwell
Author/Editor: D.J. TAYLOR
Who Is an Evangelical?
Author/Editor: Kidd, Thomas S
Who Are the People of God?
Author/Editor: Kee, Howard Clark
Who Am I to Judge?: Judicial Craft versus Constitutional Theory
Author/Editor: MARK TUSHNET
Whitman and Tradition
Author/Editor: Price, Kenneth M
White Women, Black Men
Author/Editor: Hodes, Martha
White Guard
Author/Editor: Bulgakov, Mikhail; Schwartz, Marian; Dobrenko, Evgeny
White Fox and Icy Seas in the Western Arctic
Author/Editor: Bockstoce, John R
White Collar Crime
Author/Editor: Sutherland, Edwin H
Author/Editor: Stanger, Allison
Whispering City
Author/Editor: Bosworth, Richard
Where We Stand
Author/Editor: DJAMILA RIBEIRO ,Padma Viswanathan ,Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
When You Were Gentiles
Author/Editor: Concannon, Cavan W
When Toys Come Alive
Author/Editor: Kuznets, Lois Rostow
When the Money Runs Out
Author/Editor: King, Stephen D
When London Was Capital of America
Author/Editor: Flavell, Julie
When I Passed the Statue of Liberty I Became Black
Author/Editor: Harry Edward ,Neil Duncanson
When Illness Strikes the Leader
Author/Editor: Post, Jerrold M.; Robins, Robert S
When Home Is No Haven
Author/Editor: Solnit, Albert J.; Nordhaus, Barbara F.; Lord, Ruth
When Dieting Becomes Dangerous
Author/Editor: Michel, Deborah M.; Willard, Susan G
When Christians Were Jews
Author/Editor: Fredriksen, Paula
What We Live For, What We Die For: Selected Poems
What We Did in Bed
Author/Editor: Fagan, Brian; Durrani, Nadia
What to Listen For in Rock
Author/Editor: Stephenson, Ken
What to Listen For in Jazz
Author/Editor: Kernfeld, Barry
What the Greeks Did for Us
What the Body Knows: A Guide to the New Science of Our Immune System
Author/Editor: John Trowsdale
What’s Wrong with Economics?: A Primer for the Perplexed
What Stalin Knew
Author/Editor: Murphy, David E
What's Next?
Author/Editor: Hale, David; Hale, Lyric H
What Really Went Wrong: The West and the Failure of Democracy in the Middle East
Author/Editor: FAWAZ A. GERGES
What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden?
Author/Editor: Zevit, Ziony
What Obergefell v. Hodges Should Have Said: The Nation's Top Legal Experts Rewrite America's Same-Sex Marriage Decision
Author/Editor: Jack M. Balkin ,Helen M. Alvaré ,Jack M. Balkin ,William N. Eskridge Jr. ,Katherine Franke ,Robert P. George ,Sherif Girgis ,John C. Harrison
What Noise Against the Cane
Author/Editor: Desiree C. Bailey ,Carl Phillips
What Is Philosophy?
Author/Editor: Ragland, C.P.; Heidt, Sarah
What Is Honor?
Author/Editor: Welsh, Alexander
What Is Emotion?
Author/Editor: Kagan, Jerome
What Is a Complex System?
What Intelligence Tests Miss
Author/Editor: Stanovich, Keith E
What Every Woman Needs to Know about Menopause
Author/Editor: Minkin, Mary Jane; Wright, Carol V
Whatever Happened to Thrift?
Author/Editor: Wilcox, Ronald T
What Ever Happened to Modernism?
Author/Editor: Josipovici, Gabriel
What Changed When Everything Changed
Author/Editor: Margulies, Joseph
What Art Is
Author/Editor: Danto, Arthur C
What Are Journalists For?
Author/Editor: Rosen, Jay
What Are Biblical Values?
Author/Editor: Collins, John
What Americans Know about Politics and Why It Matters
Author/Editor: Delli Carpini, Michael X.; Keeter, Scott
We Wept Without Tears
Author/Editor: Greif, Gideon
Author/Editor: Bray, Dennis
West from Appomattox
Author/Editor: Richardson, Heather Cox
The Western Theory of Tradition
Author/Editor: Budick, Sanford
The Western Paradox
Author/Editor: DeVoto, Bernard; Brinkley, Douglas; Limerick, Patricia Nelson
Western Chou Civilization
Author/Editor: Hsu, Cho-yun; Linduff, Katheryn M
Author/Editor: Schutt, Will
Wesleyan University, 1831-1910
Author/Editor: Potts, David B
We Shall Overcome
Author/Editor: Tsesis, Alexander
We Need to Talk About Inflation: 14 Urgent Lessons from the Last 2,000 Years
Author/Editor: STEPHEN D. KING
Well Worth Saving: American Universities' Life-and-Death Decisions on Refugees from Nazi Europe
Author/Editor: LAUREL LEFF
The Well-Ordered Police State
Author/Editor: Raeff, Marc
Wellington's Wars
Author/Editor: Davies, Huw J
Author/Editor: Muir, Rory
Author/Editor: Lambert, Kelly
Welfare Justice
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Neil
Author/Editor: Kater, Michael H
The Week: A History of the Unnatural Rhythms That Made Us Who We Are
Author/Editor: DAVID M. HENKIN
We Are Cuba!: How a Revolutionary People Have Survived in a Post-Soviet World
Author/Editor: HELEN YAFFE
Weapons of the Weak
Author/Editor: Scott, James C
The Weaponisation of Everything: A Field Guide to the New Way of War
Author/Editor: MARK GALEOTTI
The Wealth of Networks
Author/Editor: Benkler, Yochai
We Alone: How Humans Have Conquered the Planet and Can Also Save It
Author/Editor: David Western
Wayward Capitalists
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Susan P
Way to Wisdom
Author/Editor: JASPERS, KARL
A Way of Life: Things, Thought, and Action in Chinese Medicine
The Way Men Think
Author/Editor: Hudson, Liam
The Way and the Word
Author/Editor: Lloyd, Geoffrey; Sivin, Nathan
The Watershed of Modern Politics
Author/Editor: Oakley, Francis
The Water Paradox
Author/Editor: Barbier, Ed
Water for All: Global Solutions for a Changing Climate
Author/Editor: DAVID SEDLAK
Water 4.0
Author/Editor: Sedlak, David
The Watchman in Pieces
Author/Editor: Rosen, David; Santesso, Aaron
The Watchful Clothier
Author/Editor: Kadane, Matthew
Wartime Notebooks: France, 1940-1944
The War That Used Up Words
Author/Editor: Hutchison, Hazel
The Wars of the Roses
Author/Editor: Hicks, Michael
The Warrior, the Voyager, and the Artist: Three Lives in an Age of Empire
Author/Editor: Kate Fullagar
The Warrior Generals
Author/Editor: Wanklyn, Malcolm
War on Record: The Archive and the Afterlife of the Civil War
Author/Editor: YAEL A. STERNHELL
The War on Music: Reclaiming the Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: John Mauceri
The War of Words: A Glossary of Globalization
Author/Editor: Harold James
War of a Thousand Deserts
Author/Editor: DeLay, Brian
The Warm South
Author/Editor: Holland, Robert
War Machine
Author/Editor: PICK, DANIEL
The War for the Seas
Author/Editor: Mawdsley, Evan
Ward Toward
Author/Editor: Cindy Juyoung Ok,Rae Armantrout
Warda: A Novel
War by Land, Sea, and Air
Author/Editor: Jablonsky, David
The Warburg Years (1919-1933)
Author/Editor: Cassirer, Ernst
War and the World
Author/Editor: Black, Jeremy
War and Society in Colonial Connecticut
Author/Editor: Selesky, Harold E
War and Reason
Author/Editor: Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce; Lalman, David
The War Against the Peasantry, 1927-1930
Author/Editor: Viola, Lynne; Kozlov, Denis; Danilov, V. P
The Wandering Army: The Campaigns that Transformed the British Way of War
Author/Editor: HUW J. DAVIES
Walvis Bay
Author/Editor: Berat, Lynn
Walt Whitman and the Culture of American Celebrity
Author/Editor: Blake, David Haven
Walther Rathenau
Author/Editor: Volkov, Shulamit
Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht
Author/Editor: Wizisla, Erdmut
Wall Street
Author/Editor: Fraser, Steve
The Walls Have Ears
Author/Editor: Fry, Helen
The Wall and the Bridge: Fear and Opportunity in Disruption's Wake
Author/Editor: GLENN HUBBARD
Walking Toward the Sun
Author/Editor: Weismiller, Edward
Walking Europe's Last Wilderness: A Journey through the Carpathian Mountains
Author/Editor: NICK THORPE
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry D.; Cramer, Jeffrey S
The Vulnerability Thesis
Author/Editor: Moosbrugger, Lorelei
Voting with Dollars
Author/Editor: Ackerman, Bruce; Ayres, Ian
The Voting Wars
Author/Editor: Hasen, Richard L
Voting About God in Early Church Councils
Author/Editor: MacMullen, Ramsay
The Volga: A History of Russia's Greatest River
Author/Editor: JANET M. HARTLEY
Volcanic: Vesuvius in the Age of Revolutions
Author/Editor: JOHN BREWER
A Voice Still Heard
Author/Editor: Howe, Irving; Howe, Nina
Voices of the Lost: A Novel
Author/Editor: HODA BARAKAT,Marilyn Booth
The Voices of Morebath
Author/Editor: Duffy, Eamon
Voices from the Warsaw Ghetto
Author/Editor: Roskies, David G
The Voice of the People
Author/Editor: Storella, C. J.; Sokolov, A. K
The Voice of the People
Author/Editor: Fishkin, James S
The Voice of Liberal Learning
Author/Editor: Fuller, Timothy
The Voice Catchers: How Marketers Listen In to Exploit Your Feelings, Your Privacy, and Your Wallet
Author/Editor: JOSEPH TUROW
Visual Strategies
Author/Editor: Frankel, Felice C.; DePace, Angela H
A Visitor's Guide to the Ancient Olympics
Author/Editor: Faulkner, Neil
Visions of Schooling
Author/Editor: Salomone, Rosemary C
Visions of a New Land
Author/Editor: Widdis, Emma
Visionary Fictions
Author/Editor: Ahearn, Edward J
Visible Deeds of Music
Author/Editor: Shaw-Miller, Simon
The Virus in the Age of Madness
Author/Editor: Bernard-Henri Lévy
The Virtue of Sympathy
Author/Editor: Lobis, Seth
The Virtual Weapon and International Order
Author/Editor: LUCAS KELLO
Virtual Justice
Author/Editor: Uviller, H. Richard
Virtual Justice
Author/Editor: Lastowka, Greg
The Virgin Warrior
Author/Editor: Taylor, Larissa Juliet
The Virgin of Chartres
Author/Editor: Fassler, Margot E
Virginia Woolf
Author/Editor: Dalsimer, Katherine
The Virgin and the Grail
Author/Editor: Goering, Joseph
Virgil's Georgics
Author/Editor: Virgil
Virgil's Epic Designs
Author/Editor: Putnam, Michael C. J
The Virgilian Tradition
Author/Editor: Ziolkowski, Jan M.; Putnam, Michael C. J
Violent Appetites: Hunger in the Early Northeast
Author/Editor: Carla Cevasco
The Vindication of Tradition
Author/Editor: Pelikan, Jaroslav
Vilna on the Seine
Author/Editor: Friedlander, Judith
Village Without Solidarity
Author/Editor: Hann, C. M
Views of Jeopardy
Author/Editor: Jack Gilbert ,Dudley Fitts
Vietnam: Rising Dragon
Author/Editor: BILL HAYTON
Vietnam: A Natural History
Author/Editor: Sterling, Eleanor Jane; Hurley, Martha Maud; Minh, Le Duc
Author/Editor: Hayton, Bill
Vienna: How the City of Ideas Created the Modern World
Victory at Sea: Naval Power and the Transformation of the Global Order in World War II
The Victorian Frame of Mind
Author/Editor: Houghton, Walter E
Victorian Bloomsbury
Author/Editor: Ashton, Rosemary
Author/Editor: Coleman, Jon T
The Very Hungry City
Author/Editor: Troy, Austin
Versions of History from Antiquity to the Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Kelley, Donald R
Vergil: The Poet's Life
Author/Editor: Sarah Ruden
Author/Editor: Haynes, John Earl; Klehr, Harvey
“Vaudeville Indians†? on Global Circuits, 1880s-1930s
Vatican Secret Diplomacy
Author/Editor: Gallagher, Charles R
Vasily Grossman and the Soviet Century
Author/Editor: Popoff, Alexandra
Vanishing Acts
Author/Editor: Rogoff, Gordon
Vanessa Bell: The Life and Art of a Bloomsbury Radical
Vampires, Burial, and Death
Author/Editor: Barber, Paul
The Vampire
Author/Editor: Groom, Nick
The Value of Species
Author/Editor: McCord, Edward L
Validity in Interpretation
Author/Editor: Hirsch, E
The Valiant Little Tailor: A Novel
Author/Editor: ÉRIC CHEVILLARD ,Jordan Stump
Vagrant Figures: Law, Literature, and the Origins of the Police
Author/Editor: Sal Nicolazzo
Vagabond Princess: The Great Adventures of Gulbadan
Author/Editor: Ruby Lal
Utopian Feminism
Author/Editor: Anderson, Harriet
Author/Editor: More, Thomas
Utamakura, Allusion, and Intertextuality in Traditional Japanese Poetry
Author/Editor: Kamens, Edward
Using Technology in Teaching
Author/Editor: Clyde, William; Delohery, Andrew
Useful Enemies
Author/Editor: Keen, David
Urban Rage: The Revolt of the Excluded
Author/Editor: MUSTAFA DIKEÇ
Urban Lichens: A Field Guide for Northeastern North America
Author/Editor: Jessica L. Allen ,James C. Lendemer ,Jordan R. Hoffman
The Urban Improvise: Improvisation-Based Design for Hybrid Cities
Urban Hunters: Dealing and Dreaming in Times of Transition
Author/Editor: Lars Højer,Morten Axel Pedersen
Up from Serfdom
Author/Editor: Nikitenko, Aleksandr
Unwarranted Influence
Author/Editor: Ledbetter, James
Untimely Thoughts
Author/Editor: Gorky, Maxim
Until the Cure
Author/Editor: Kurth, Ann
Until Stones Become Lighter Than Water
Author/Editor: Lobo Antunes, António
The Unsustainable Costs of Partial Deregulation
Author/Editor: MacAvoy, Paul W
Unsound Empire: Civilization and Madness in Late-Victorian Law
Author/Editor: Catherine L. Evans
Unrevolutionary Mexico: The Birth of a Strange Dictatorship
Author/Editor: Paul Gillingham
The Unresolved Question
Author/Editor: Mansergh, Nicholas
Unpacking My Library
Author/Editor: Price, Leah
Unmodern Observations (Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen)
Author/Editor: Nietzsche, Friedrich; Arrowsmith, William
Unlocking Mallarmé
Author/Editor: Robb, Graham
The Unknown Lenin
Author/Editor: Pipes, Richard
The Unknown Karen Horney
Author/Editor: Paris, Bernard J
The Unknown Battle of Midway
Author/Editor: Kernan, Alvin
The Unity of Science: Exploring Our Universe, from the Big Bang to the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: IRWIN SHAPIRO
The Unity of Christ
Author/Editor: Beeley, Christopher A
Uniting America
Author/Editor: Garfinkle, Norton; Yankelovich, Daniel
The United States and the Transatlantic Slave Trade to the Americas, 1776-1867
United States and Africa Relations, 1400s to the Present
Author/Editor: Toyin Falola ,Raphael Chijioke Njoku
The Unitary Executive
Author/Editor: Calabresi, Steven G; Yoo, Christopher S
The Unfinished Revolution
Author/Editor: Mark, James
Unfinished Business: The Unexplored Causes of the Financial Crisis and the Lessons Yet to be Learned
Author/Editor: TAMIM BAYOUMI
Undoing Optimization: Civic Action in Smart Cities
Author/Editor: ALISON B. POWELL
Under the Red White and Blue: Patriotism, Disenchantment and the Stubborn Myth of the Great Gatsby
Author/Editor: GREIL MARCUS
Understanding the Political Spirit
Author/Editor: Zuckert, Catherine H
Understanding Religious Conversion
Author/Editor: Rambo, Lewis R
Understanding Ordinary Landscapes
Author/Editor: Groth, Paul; Bressi, Todd W
The Underground Wealth of Nations: On the Capitalist Origins of Silver Mining, A.D. 1150-1450
Underdog Politics
Author/Editor: Green, Matthew N
Under Cover of Darkness: Murders in Blackout London
Author/Editor: AMY HELEN BELL
An Unconventional Family
Author/Editor: Bem, Sandra Lipsitz
Uncommon Sense
Author/Editor: IAN SHAPIRO
Uncloseting Drama
Author/Editor: Salvato, Nick
The Uncertain Sciences
Author/Editor: Mazlish, Bruce
Uncertain Allies: Nixon, Kissinger, and the Threat of a United Europe
Author/Editor: KLAUS LARRES
The Unbounded Home
Author/Editor: Fennell, Lee Anne
Author/Editor: Roach, Stephen
Ultima Thule
Author/Editor: McCombs, Davis
The Ukrainians: Unexpected Nation
Author/Editor: Andrew Wilson
The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution
Author/Editor: Marci Shore
Ukrainian Nationalism
Author/Editor: Shkandrij, Myroslav
The Tyranny of the Moderns
Author/Editor: Urbinati, Nadia
Types of Christian Theology
Author/Editor: Frei, Hans W.; Hunsinger, George; Placher, William C
Two Worlds of Judaism
Author/Editor: Liebman, Charles S.; Cohen, Steven M
Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration
Author/Editor: Locke, John; Shapiro, Ian
The Two Reformations
Author/Editor: Oberman, Heiko A.; Weinstein, Donald
The Two Moralities: Conservatives, Liberals, and the Roots of Our Political Divide
Two Houses, Two Kingdoms: A History of France and England, 1100-1300
The Twilight Struggle: What the Cold War Teaches Us about Great-Power Rivalry Today
Author/Editor: HAL BRANDS
Twilight of the Elites
Author/Editor: Guilluy, Christophe
Twelve Turning Points of the Second World War
Author/Editor: Bell, P. M. H
Twelve American Voices
Author/Editor: Hauck, Maurice Cogan; MacDougall, Kenneth; Isay, David
Twelfth Night
Author/Editor: Shakespeare, William; Raffel, Burton
Turner and Constable: Art, Life, Landscape
Author/Editor: NICOLA MOORBY
Turkey Under Erdogan: How a Country Turned from Democracy and the West
Author/Editor: Dimitar Bechev
Turkey, Islam, Nationalism, and Modernity
Author/Editor: Findley, Carter V
Author/Editor: Greenberg, Edward S.; Grunberg, Leon; Moore, Sarah
Tuned In and Fired Up
Author/Editor: Intrator, Sam M
Tumultuous Times: Central Banking in an Era of Crisis
Tudor England: A History
Author/Editor: LUCY WOODING
Tudor Children
Author/Editor: NICHOLAS ORME
Tsuda Umeko and Women's Education in Japan
Author/Editor: Rose, Barbara
Truth or Economics
Author/Editor: Markovits, Richard S
Truth or Beauty
Author/Editor: Orrell, David
The Trumpet
Author/Editor: Wallace, John; McGrattan, Alexander
True Stories: And Other Essays
The True History of Merlin the Magician
Author/Editor: Lawrence-Mathers, Anne
True Friendship
Author/Editor: Ricks, Christopher
The True Creator of Everything: How the Human Brain Shaped the Universe as We Know It
Author/Editor: Miguel Nicolelis
True Blue
Author/Editor: Cozza, Carm; Odermatt, Rick
The Trouble with Friendship
Author/Editor: DeMott, Benjamin
The Trouble with Ed Schools
Author/Editor: Labaree, David F
The Trouble with City Planning
Author/Editor: Ford, Kristina
The Triumph of Provocation
Author/Editor: Mackiewicz, Józef
Author/Editor: West, Nigel; Tsarev, Oleg
The Trials of Thomas Morton: An Anglican Lawyer, His Puritan Foes, and the Battle for a New England
Author/Editor: PETER C. MANCALL
Trials of Desire
Author/Editor: Ferguson, Margaret W
Trent 1475
Author/Editor: Hsia, R. Po-chia
Trees Are Shape Shifters: How Cultivation, Climate Change, and Disaster Create Landscapes
Author/Editor: ANDREW S. MATHEWS
Treasures of the Earth
Author/Editor: Ali, Saleem H
The Treasures of Darkness
Author/Editor: Jacobsen, Thorkild
Author/Editor: Kaddour, Hédi
Treacherous Alliance
Author/Editor: Parsi, Trita
Trauma and Mastery in Life and Art
Author/Editor: Rose, Gilbert J
Author/Editor: Tilney, Nicholas L
Transparency: The Material History of an Idea
Author/Editor: Daniel Jütte
Transmitting Jewish Traditions
Author/Editor: Elman, Yaakov; Gershoni, Israel
Transient Apostle
Author/Editor: Luckritz Marquis, Timothy
Transference Neurosis and Psychoanalytic Experience
Author/Editor: REED, GAIL S
Author/Editor: Gombrowicz, Witold
The Tragic Mind: Fear, Fate, and the Burden of Power
Author/Editor: Robert D. Kaplan
Tragic Drama and the Family
Author/Editor: SIMON, BENNETT
The Tragedy of William Jennings Bryan
Author/Editor: Magliocca, Gerard N
The Tragedy of U.S. Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: McDougall, Walter A
The Tragedy of Child Care in America
Author/Editor: Zigler, Edward; Marsland, Katherine; Lord, Heather
The Tragedy of Cambodian History
Author/Editor: Chandler, David P
Traditions and Renewals
Author/Editor: Borroff, Marie
Trading with the Enemy: Britain, France, and the 18th-Century Quest for a Peaceful World Order
Author/Editor: John Shovlin
Trade Wars Are Class Wars: How Rising Inequality Distorts the Global Economy and Threatens International Peace
Trade Secrets
Author/Editor: Ben-Atar, Doron S
Traders in Men: Merchants and the Transformation of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Toxic Bodies
Author/Editor: Langston, Nancy
The Townshend Moment: The Making of Empire and Revolution in the Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: Patrick Griffin
Toward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, and History
Author/Editor: Kant, Immanuel; Kleingeld, Pauline
Toward Another Shore
Author/Editor: Kelly, Aileen M
Toward a Democratic Science
Author/Editor: Brown, Richard Harvey
Touring Gotham’s Archaeological Past
Author/Editor: Wall, Diana diZerega; Cantwell, Anne-Marie
Touring Gotham’s Archaeological Past
Author/Editor: Wall, Diana diZerega; Cantwell, Anne-Marie
Author/Editor: Josipovici, Gabriel
Totally Unofficial
Author/Editor: Lemkin, Raphael; Frieze, Donna-Lee
Totalitarianism and the Modern Conception of Politics
Author/Editor: Halberstam, Michael
To Speak a Defiant Word: Sermons and Speeches on Justice and Transformation
Author/Editor: Pauli Murray ,Anthony B. Pinn ,Michael Eric Dyson
To Save the Country: A Lost Treatise on Martial Law
Author/Editor: FRANCIS LIEBER,G. NORMAN LIEBER,Will Smiley,John Fabian Witt
To Rule Eurasia’s Waves: The New Great Power Competition at Sea
Author/Editor: GEOFFREY F. GRESH
Too Much to Know
Author/Editor: Blair, Ann M
To Kidnap a Pope: Napoleon and Pius VII
To Do No Harm
Author/Editor: Apfel, Roberta; Fisher, Susan
Tocqueville and His America
Author/Editor: Kaledin, Arthur
To Begin the World Over Again
Author/Editor: Lockwood, Matthew
Time No Longer
Author/Editor: Smith, Patrick
Time for Telling Truth is Running Out
Author/Editor: Schwarcz, Vera
Time for Socialism: Dispatches from a World on Fire, 2016-2021
Time and the Shape of History
Author/Editor: Corfield, Penelope J
The Tilted Playing Field
Author/Editor: Uviller, H. Richard
Tight Lines
Author/Editor: NICK LYONS,JAMES PROSEK,JAMES PROSEK,JOSEPH FURIA,Joseph Furia,Wyatt Golding,David Haltom,Steven Hayhurst,Joseph Kingsbery,Alexis Surovov
Tides of Fortune: The Rise and Decline of Great Militaries
Author/Editor: ZACK COOPER
Author/Editor: van Schaik, Sam
Through a Screen Darkly
Author/Editor: Bayles, Martha
The Throne of the Great Mogul in Dresden: The Ultimate Artwork of the Baroque
Author/Editor: Dror Wahrman
Three Powers in Heaven: The Emergence of Theology and the Parting of the Ways
Author/Editor: Emanuel Fiano
Three Laws of Nature
Author/Editor: Berry, R. Stephen
Three Faces of Imperialism
Author/Editor: Darby, Phillip
Those Who Write for Immortality
Author/Editor: Jackson, H. J
Thoreau's Morning Work
Author/Editor: Peck, H. Daniel
Thoreau’s Ecstatic Witness
Author/Editor: Hodder, Alan D
Thoreau’s Ecstatic Witness
Author/Editor: Hodder, Alan D
Thomas More
Author/Editor: Martz, Louis L
Thomas Jefferson: A Biography of Spirit and Flesh
Author/Editor: Thomas S. Kidd
Thomas Gray
Author/Editor: Mack, Robert L
Thomas Cranmer
Author/Editor: MacCulloch, Diarmaid
Thomas Aquinas
Author/Editor: Turner, Denys
This Seat of Mars
Author/Editor: Carlton, Charles
This Is Not Normal: The Politics of Everyday Expectations
Author/Editor: Cass R. Sunstein
This Earthly Frame: The Making of American Secularism
Author/Editor: DAVID SEHAT
The Third Walpurgis Night: The Complete Text
Thinking in Circles
Author/Editor: Douglas, Mary
Thinking Ecologically
Author/Editor: Chertow, Marian R.; Esty, Daniel C
They Were Her Property
Author/Editor: Jones-Rogers, Stephanie E
They Knew They Were Pilgrims: Plymouth Colony and the Contest for American Liberty
Author/Editor: JOHN G. TURNER
They Flew: A History of the Impossible
Author/Editor: Carlos M. N. Eire
These Trees Tell a Story: The Art of Reading Landscapes
Author/Editor: NOAH CHARNEY
The Therapeutic Alliance
Author/Editor: Meissner, W
The Theory That Would Not Die
Author/Editor: McGrayne, Sharon B
A Theory of Militant Democracy
Author/Editor: Kirshner, Alexander S
Theory of Literature
Author/Editor: Fry, Paul H
Theoretical Inquiry
Author/Editor: Quigley, Austin E
Theology in America
Author/Editor: Holifield, E. Brooks
Theology, History, and Culture
Author/Editor: Niebuhr, H. Richard; Johnson, William Stacy
Theologians Under Hitler
Author/Editor: Ericksen, Robert P
Theodor Herzl: The Charismatic Leader
Author/Editor: DEREK PENSLAR
Theodore Roosevelt
Author/Editor: Hawley, Joshua
Theoderic the Great: King of Goths, Ruler of Romans
Author/Editor: HANS-ULRICH WIEMER ,John Noël Dillon
Then I Was Black
Author/Editor: Jung, Courtney