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News Tag: Access alerts

September 30, 2021

Access alert: former De Gruyter journals

Portico now hosts the content from two additional journals: Forum für osteuropäische Ideen -und Zeitgeschichte and Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung, both formerly published by De Gruyter. These titles are no longer available through their former publisher or a successor; therefore, they have “triggered” and are available to the community via the Portico archive. These titles were originally published as subscription journals, and trigger access will be available to Portico participants. Key data for each journal Title: Forum für osteuropäische Ideen… Read more

August 5, 2021

Access alert: OA journals from De Gruyter, Dedicated Juncture Researcher’s Association, and Manchester University Press

Portico is now providing access to content from 38 additional journals. These titles are no longer available through their publisher or a successor; therefore, they have “triggered” and are freely available to the community via the Portico archive. These titles were all originally published Open Access and will remain Open Access through Portico. The key data about the triggered titles, including the stable URLs, are available in the De Gruyter and Dedicated Juncture Researcher’s Association spreadsheets (xlsx). Manchester… Read more

January 19, 2021

Access alert: Open Access journals from De Gruyter and BCS Learning and Development

Portico now hosts the content from four additional journals: Open Material Sciences, Biofuels Engineering, and Waste Treatment and Recovery, all published by De Gruyter, and Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, published by BCS Learning and Development. These titles are no longer available through their publisher or a successor; therefore, they have “triggered” and are freely available to the community via the Portico archive. These titles were all originally published as Open Access, and will remain Open Access through Portico. Read more

December 7, 2020

Access alert: Two Open Access e-journals from UCL Institute of Education Press

Portico now hosts the content from Race Equality Teaching and International Journal on School Disaffection, previously published by UCL Institute of Education Press. These titles are no longer available through the press or another online platform; therefore, they have “triggered” and are freely available to the community via the Portico archive. These titles were originally published as Open Access, and will remain Open Access through Portico. Race Equality Teaching focuses on education and race in culturally and linguistically diverse Britain,… Read more

August 11, 2020

Access alert: 11 open access e-journals from Medknow

Portico now hosts the content from 11 peer-reviewed medical journals from Medknow Publications. The titles listed below are no longer available through any online platform; therefore, they have “triggered” and are freely available to the community via the Portico archive. These titles were originally published as open access, and will remain open access through Portico. Annals of Bioanthropology European Journal of Prosthodontics Indian Journal of Human Genetics International Journal of Shoulder Surgery… Read more

June 1, 2020

Access alert: Two digital collections from Gale

The Portico archive now hosts the content from two digital collections published by Gale: The Life and Times of Jorge Luis Borges and Public Life in Contemporary Argentina. Gale will stop hosting this content on 08/31/20; therefore, it has “triggered” and is available via Portico to those Gale customers who purchased the collections. Note that, because these titles are part of our digital collections service, they are available exclusively to Gale customers who have purchased these collections, and Portico participation… Read more

January 7, 2020

Access alert: Effective Clinical Practice

The Portico archive now hosts the content from Effective Clinical Practice, a journal published by the American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine and the Alliance of Community Health Plans from 1998 to 2002.   The journal published peer-reviewed articles with practical information to help clinicians and other health care professionals improve the health and quality of life of individual patients and populations. Indexed in Medline, it published influential research such as… Read more

October 25, 2019

Access alert: Two open access De Gruyter journals

The Portico archive now hosts the content from two open access e-journals published by De Gruyter: Nanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modeling, Theory and Applications and Waves, Wavelets and Fractals. The content for these titles will no longer be available through De Gruyter’s platform; therefore, it has “triggered” and is available to the community via the Portico archive. These titles were originally published as open access, and will remain open access through Portico. Portico ensures ongoing access to content that is no… Read more

September 19, 2019

Access alert: 3 OA titles from Veruscript

The Portico archive now hosts the content from three open access e-journals published by Veruscript: Cambridge Journal of Eurasian Studies, Journal of Intelligence and Terrorism Studies, and Veruscript Functional Nanomaterials. Veruscript ceased operations in May 2019 and these three journals were no longer hosted by any online platform; therefore, they have “triggered” and are available to the community via the Portico archive. These titles were originally published under an open access license, and will remain open access through Portico. Portico… Read more

March 28, 2019

Access alert: Blood Science, a De Gruyter Publication

The contents of three ahead-of-print articles from the Open Access e-journal Blood Science, a De Gruyter publication, will no longer be available through any online platform and have therefore “triggered.” All Portico participants now have access. Title: Blood Science Trigger Date: 03/28/19 ISSN: 2543-6368 e-ISSN: N/A Publisher: De Gruyter Publisher Holdings Information: N/A Publication Date Range: 2018-2019 Stable URL:… Read more