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Titles ( displaying 500 of 651 ) Information
Above The City
Author/Editor: Kershaw, Alicia M.; Thrash, Ginger
Achievements in Medicine 1974-1989
Author/Editor: Chan, T.K
The Age of Openness
Author/Editor: Dikotter, Frank
All Roads Lead to the American City
Author/Editor: Swirski, Peter
All the King's Women
Author/Editor: Chan, Mimi
All Things Dusk
Author/Editor: Tomaszewski, Z.G
Ambient Screens and Transnational Public Spaces
Author/Editor: Papastergiadis, Nikos
The Ambiguous Allure of the West
Author/Editor: Harrison, Rachel V.; Jackson, Peter a
American Evangelists and Tuberculosis in Modern Japan
Author/Editor: Elisheva A. Perelman
Americans and Macao
Author/Editor: Van Dyke, Paul A
Author/Editor: Lett, Z
Ancestral Images
Author/Editor: Baker, Hugh
Andrew Lau and Alan Mak's Infernal Affairs - The Trilogy
Author/Editor: Marchetti, Gina
Anglo-Chinese Diplomacy 1906-1920
Author/Editor: Lau, Kit-ching Chan
Anna May Wong
Author/Editor: Gao Hodges, Graham Russell
Ann Hui’s Song of the Exile
Author/Editor: Yue, Audrey
Ann Hui’s Song of the Exile
Author/Editor: Yue, Audrey
The Archaeology of Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Meacham, William
Art and Place
Author/Editor: Clarke, David
Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema
Author/Editor: Zhu, Ying; Rosen, Stanley
Art Worlds
Author/Editor: Roberta Wue
Asian Crossings
Author/Editor: Clark, Steve; Smethurst, Paul
Asian Diasporas
Author/Editor: Goh, Robbie B.H.; Wong, Shawn
Asian Englishes
Author/Editor: Kachru, Braj B
The Asian Modern
Author/Editor: Wee, C.J.W.-L
Asian Urbanization
Author/Editor: Dwyer, D. J
Asian Voices in English
Author/Editor: Chan, Mimi
As Normal As Possible
Author/Editor: Yau, Ching
The Assassin
Author/Editor: Peng Hsiao-yen
Assessment for Learning
Author/Editor: Berry, Rita
At Home with Density
Author/Editor: Rooney, Nuala
At the Epicentre
Author/Editor: Loh, Christine
The Australian Pursuit of Japanese War Criminals, 1943–1957
Author/Editor: Aszkielowicz, Dean
The Authorship of Place: A Cultural Geography of the New Chinese Cinemas
Author/Editor: Dennis Lo
Banana Bending
Author/Editor: Khoo, Tseen-ling
Basic and Applied Aspects of Vestibular Function
Author/Editor: Hwang, J.C
Being Eurasian
Author/Editor: Lee, Vicky
Better Supervision better Teaching
Author/Editor: Stimpson, Philip
The Bewitching Braid
Author/Editor: Brookshaw, David
Beyond Biometry
Author/Editor: Oxnard, Charles
Beyond Brushtalk
Author/Editor: Keaveney, Christopher T
Beyond Imperial Aesthetics
Bilingual Education
Author/Editor: Lin, Angela M.Y
The Bivalvia
Author/Editor: Morton, Brian
A Book of Chinese Verse
Author/Editor: Davis, A.R
The Book of Literary Design
Author/Editor: Wong, Siu-kit
The Book Worlds of East Asia and Europe, 1450–1850
Author/Editor: Joseph P. McDermott,Peter Burke
Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols
Author/Editor: Maud Lavin,YangLing,ZhaoJing Jamie
Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols
Brecht and East Asian Theatre
Author/Editor: Tatlow, Anthony
The British Presence in Macau, 1635-1793
Author/Editor: Puga, Rogério Miguel
Brushing History Against the Grain
Author/Editor: Lin, Qingxin
Buddhist Visual Cultures, Rhetoric, and Narrative in Late Burmese Wall Paintings
Author/Editor: Green, Alexandra
Building A Revolution
Author/Editor: Xue, Charlie Q.L
Building Democracy
Author/Editor: Loh, Christine
Building Enclosure in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Wong, Wah Sang
Building Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Wong, Wah Sang
The Building of Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Walker, Anthony
Burden or Legacy
Author/Editor: Jiang, Jiehong
Business Associations
Author/Editor: Shum, Clement
Business Expansion and Structural Change in Pre-War China
Author/Editor: Chan, Kai Yiu
Buying Beauty
Author/Editor: Wen Hua
Cantonese Love Songs
Author/Editor: Morris, Peter
Cantonese Society in Hong Kong and Singapore
Author/Editor: Topley, Marjorie; DeBernardi, Jean
The Canton Trade
Author/Editor: Van Dyke, Paul A
Carl Crow - A Tough Old China Hand
Author/Editor: French, Paul
Cases on International Business and Finance in Japanese Corporations
Author/Editor: Misawa, Mitsura
A Catalogue of the Living Marine Bivalve Molluscs of China
Author/Editor: Bernard, F.R
Celebrity in China
Author/Editor: Edwards, Louise; Jeffreys, Elaine
A Century of Travels in China
Author/Editor: Kerr, Douglas
Change in Use of Land
Author/Editor: Lai, Lawrence Wai-chung; Ho, Daniel Chi-wing; Leung, Hing-fung
Changing Chinese Masculinities
Author/Editor: Louie, Kam
Changing Church and State Relations in Hong Kong, 1950-2000
Author/Editor: Leung, Beatrice
Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese Since World War II
Author/Editor: Cushman, Jennifer
Changing Rice Bowl: Economic Development and Diet in China
Author/Editor: Leppman, Elizabeth J
Changing the Curriculum
Author/Editor: Adamson, Bob
Author/Editor: Roebuck, Derek
Chiang Yee and His Circle: Chinese Artistic and Intellectual Life in Britain, 1930–1950
Author/Editor: Paul Bevan ,Anne Witchard ,Da Zheng
Author/Editor: Lagerwey, John
Author/Editor: Walker, Anthony
China Abroad
Author/Editor: Ho, Elaine Yee Lin; Kuehn, Julia
China and Capitalism
Author/Editor: Faure, David
China Bound and Unbound
Author/Editor: Wong, Frances
China's Energy Security in the Twenty-First Century: The Role of Global Governance and Climate Change
Author/Editor: Kaho Yu
China's English
Author/Editor: Adamson, Bob
China’s Foreign Places
Author/Editor: Nield, Robert
China’s Foreign Places
Author/Editor: Nield, Robert
China's Legal Awakening
Author/Editor: Lo, Carlos Wing-hung
China's Pan-Pearl River Delta
Author/Editor: Yeh, Anthony G. O.; Xu, Jiang
Chinese Art and Its Encounter with the World
Author/Editor: Clarke, David
Chinese Aspectual Particle le: A Comprehensive Guide
Author/Editor: Chungeng Zhu
Chinese Christians
Author/Editor: Smith, Carl T
Chinese Discourses on Happiness
Author/Editor: Gerda Wielander,Derek Hird
Chinese Ecocinema
Author/Editor: Lu, Sheldon H
The Chinese Exotic
Author/Editor: Khoo, Olivia
Chinese Fiction of the Cultural Revolution
Author/Editor: Yang, Lan
Chinese Ideas About Nature and Society
Author/Editor: Blanc, Charles Le
Chinese Indonesians in Post-Suharto Indonesia
Author/Editor: Chong, Wu-Ling
Chinese Landscape Painting as Western Art History
Author/Editor: Elkins, James
The Chinese Literati on Painting
Author/Editor: Susan Bush
A Chinese Melting Pot: Original People and Immigrants in Hong Kong’s First ‘New Town’
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Lominska Johnson,Graham E. Johnson
Chinese Opera
Author/Editor: Siu, Wang-Ngai
Chinese Overseas
Author/Editor: Tan, Chee-Beng
Christian Encounters with Chinese Culture
Author/Editor: Philip L. Wickeri
Christian Women in Chinese Society
Author/Editor: Wai Ching Angela Wong,Patricia P. K. Chiu
Cinema at the City's Edge
Author/Editor: Braester, Yomi; Tweedie, James
The Cinema of Feng Xiaogang
Author/Editor: Zhang, Rui
City Stage
Author/Editor: Ingham, Mike
City Voices
Author/Editor: Ingham, Michael
Civility and Its Development
Author/Editor: Schak, David C
The Civil Service in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Huque, Ahmed Shafiqul
The Classical Gardens of Shanghai
Author/Editor: Shelly Bryant
Classroom Management
Author/Editor: Hue, Ming-tak; Li, Wai-shing
Clinical Quiz in Emergency Medicine
Author/Editor: Shek, Kam Chuen; Kam, Chak Wah
Cognitive Neuroscience Studies of the Chinese Language
Author/Editor: Kao, Henry S.R
Collaborative Colonial Power
Author/Editor: Law, Wing Sang
Colonial Hong Kong and Modern China
Author/Editor: Lee, Pui-tak
Colonial Hong Kong in the Eyes of Elsie Tu
Author/Editor: Tu, Elsie
Colony, Nation, and Globalisation
Author/Editor: Tay, Eddie
Colours of Money, Shades of Pride
Author/Editor: Chiu, Fred Y.L
Comfort Women Activism: Critical Voices from the Perpetrator State
Author/Editor: Eika Tai
Common Careers, Different Experiences
Author/Editor: Venter, Katharine
Communication Disorders
Author/Editor: Zubrick, Ann
Conditional Spaces
Author/Editor: Tang, Denise Tse-Shang
Confucianism and Christianity
Author/Editor: Young, John D
Constancy of Purpose
Author/Editor: Evans, Dafydd Emrys
Construction Quality Management
Author/Editor: Tang, S.L
Consuming Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Mathews, Gordon
Contact Moments
Author/Editor: Suganuma, Katsuhiko
Contemporary Hong Kong Government and Politics
Author/Editor: Lam, Wai-man; Lui, Percy Luen-tim; Wong, Wilson
Contemporary Hong Kong Government and Politics, Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Wai-man Lam ,Percy Luen-tim Lui ,Wilson Wong
Contesting the Myths of Samurai Baseball
Author/Editor: Keaveney, Christopher T
Contours of Culture
Author/Editor: Goh, Robbie B.H
Contract Law in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Fisher, Michael J
Contract Law in Hong Kong : Introductory Guide
Author/Editor: Mau, Stephen D
Coping in Crisis
Author/Editor: Young, Katherine K.P
The Corals of Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Scott, P.J.B
Cornerstone Investors
Author/Editor: Espinasse, Philippe
Corporate Governance and Financial Reform in China's Transition Economy
Author/Editor: LENG, Jing
The Cosmopolitan Dream
Author/Editor: Derek Hird,Geng Song
Creativity and Academic Activism
Author/Editor: Morris, Meaghan
Crime and the Chinese Dream
Criminal Law in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Jackson, Michael
Critical Zone 1
Author/Editor: Tong, Q.S
Critical Zone 2
Author/Editor: Tong, Q.S
Critical Zone 3
Author/Editor: Kerr, Douglas
Cross-Dressing in Chinese Opera
Author/Editor: Li, Siu Leung
Crossing Oceans
Author/Editor: Brada-Williams, Noella
Cultural Studies and Cultural Industries in Northeast Asia
Author/Editor: Berry, Chris; Liscutin, Nicola; Mackintosh, Jonathan D
Current Concepts in Parasitology
Author/Editor: Ko, Ronald C
Curriculum Change and Innovation
Author/Editor: LO 羅耀珍, Yiu Chun; Yeung 楊思賢, Shirley S. Y.; Lam 林德成, John T. S
Curriculum, Schooling and Society in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Morris, Paul
Author/Editor: Broadhurst, Rod
Death and Life of Nature in Asian Cities
Author/Editor: Anne Rademacher ,K. Sivaramakrishnan
Death, Dying and Bereavement
Author/Editor: Chan, Cecilia Lai Wan
The Defences of Macau
Author/Editor: Garrett, Richard J
Desiring Hong Kong, Consuming South China
Author/Editor: Ma, Eric Kit-wai
Developing Learning Environments
Author/Editor: Kwo, Ora
Author/Editor: Xiao, Lu
Diasporic Histories
Author/Editor: Riemenschnitter, Andrea
A Dictionary of Hong Kong English
Author/Editor: Cummings, Patrick J.; Wolf, Hans-Georg
The Dignity of Nations
Author/Editor: Fitzgerald, John
Directions in Self-Access Language Learning
Author/Editor: Gardner, David
Director in Action
Author/Editor: Teo, Stephen
Discourse as Cultural Struggle
Author/Editor: Xu, Shi
Discourses of Cultural China in the Globalizing Age
Author/Editor: Wu, Doreen D
Disease, Colonialism, and the State
Author/Editor: YIP, Ka-che
Author/Editor: Britto, Karl Ashoka
Dispersal and Renewal
Author/Editor: Matthews, Clifford
Disputed Territories
Author/Editor: Trigger, David S
Dissertation Writing in Practice
Author/Editor: Cooley, Linda; Lewkowicz, Jo
Diversity and Occasional Anarchy
Author/Editor: Wong, Yue Chim Richard
Dividing ASEAN and Conquering the South China Sea
Author/Editor: O’Neill, Daniel C
A Documentary History of Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Faure, David
A Documentary History of Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Tsang, Steve
The Dragon and the Crown
Author/Editor: Kwan, Stanley S.K.; Kwan, Nicole
Drawing New Color Lines
Author/Editor: Monica Chiu
Drugs, Law and the State
Author/Editor: Traver, Harold H
The Dynamics of Beijing-Hong Kong Relations
Author/Editor: Lo, Sonny Shiu-hing
The Dynamics of Social Movements in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Chiu, Stephen Wing Kai
Early China Coast Meteorology
Author/Editor: MacKeown, P. Kevin
Early Chinese Texts on Painting
Author/Editor: Susan Bush
Early Chinese Work in Natural Science
Author/Editor: Chen, Joseph C.Y
Early Psychosis Intervention
Author/Editor: Eric Yu-hai Chen,Helen Lee,Gloria Hoi-kei Chan,Gloria Hoi-yan Wong
East Asian Pop Culture
Author/Editor: Chua, Beng Huat; Iwabuchi, Koichi
Eastern Figures
Author/Editor: Kerr, Douglas
Eastern Fortress
Author/Editor: Chi Man Kwong
An East India Company Cemetery
Author/Editor: Ride, Lindsay
East River Column
Author/Editor: Chan, Sui-jeung
East Sails West
Author/Editor: Davies, Stephen
Ecologies of Urbanism in India
Author/Editor: Anne Rademacher, Anne
The Economic Integration of Greater China
Author/Editor: Cheung, Yin-Wong
Educational Leadership and Change
Author/Editor: Wong, K.C
Education for Social Citizenship
Author/Editor: Lee, W.O
Education in Hong Kong, 1941 to 2001
Author/Editor: Sweeting, Anthony
Education in Hong Kong, Pre-1841 to 1941
Author/Editor: Sweeting, A.E
Eileen Chang
Author/Editor: Louie, Kam
Elderly Chinese in Pacific Rim Countires
Author/Editor: Chi, Iris
e-Learning Initiatives in China
Author/Editor: Spencer-Oatey, Helen
Electing Hong Kong's Chief Executive
Author/Editor: Young, Simon N.M.; Cullen 高禮文, Richard
Elementary Set Theory, Part I
Author/Editor: Leung, K.T
Elementary Set Theory, Part I/II
Author/Editor: Leung, K.T
Elusive Pirates, Pervasive Smugglers
Author/Editor: Antony, Robert J
Emergency Medicine Casebook
Author/Editor: Leung, Ling Pong
Emperor Qianlong’s Hidden Treasures: Reconsidering the Collection of the Qing Imperial Household
Author/Editor: Nicole T. C. Chiang
Empires of Panic
Author/Editor: Robert Peckham
The Empress and Mrs. Conger
Author/Editor: Hayter-Menzies, Grant
Enchanted by Lohans
Author/Editor: Törmä, Minna
Enclave to Urbanity
Author/Editor: Farris, Johnathan Andrew
English as a Lingua Franca in ASEAN
Author/Editor: Kirkpatrick, Andy
English Exposed
Author/Editor: Hart, Steve
English in Singapore
Author/Editor: Lim, Lisa; Pakir, Anne; Wee, Lionel
Enriching Lives
Author/Editor: Feng, Bangyan; Nyaw, Mee Kau
Entrepreneurs and Enterprises in Macau
Author/Editor: Sit, V.F.S
Eros of International Relations: Self-Feminizing and the Claiming of Postcolonial Chineseness
Author/Editor: Chih-yu Shih
Escape from Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Luard, Tim
Essays on Aviation and Travel Law in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Heilbronn, G.N
Ethics in Early China
Author/Editor: Fraser, Chris; Robins, Dan; O'Leary, Timothy
Europe and China
Author/Editor: Vogt, Roland
Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Management in Asia
Author/Editor: Cavoli, Tony
Expand Your English
Author/Editor: Hart, Steve
Factory Towns of South China 華南工廠城
Author/Editor: Al, Stefan
Factory Towns of South China 華南工廠城
Author/Editor: Al, Stefan
Family-Based Mental Health Care in Rural China
Author/Editor: Ran, Mao-Sheng
Family Mediation
Author/Editor: Irving, Howard H
Fantasy Production
Author/Editor: Tadiar, Neferti Xina M
Feeling Asian Modernities
Author/Editor: Iwabuchi, Koichi
Feeling the Stones
Author/Editor: Akers-Jones, David
Filming Margins
Author/Editor: Yau, Ching
Fire and Ice
Author/Editor: Davis, Richard L
The First British Trade Expedition to China: Captain Weddell and the Courteen Fleet in Asia and Late Ming Canton
Author/Editor: Nicholas D. Jackson
The First Chinese American
Author/Editor: Seligman, Scott D
First Queer Voices from Thailand
Author/Editor: Peter A. Jackson
Fixing Inequality in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Wong, Yue Chim Richard
Floating on a Malayan Breeze
Author/Editor: Vadaketh, Sudhir Thomas
Flying Carpet
Author/Editor: Yue, Diana
For Each and Everyone
Author/Editor: Lo, Mun Ling; Pong, Wing Yan; Chik, Pakey Pui Man
Foreigners under Mao
Author/Editor: Hooper, Beverley
Foreign Investment in China
Author/Editor: Corne, Peter Howard
For Gods, Ghosts and Ancestors
Author/Editor: Scott, Janet Lee
Forgotten Souls
Author/Editor: Lim, Patricia
Fossils from a Rural Past
Author/Editor: Chan, Mimi
Foundations of Public Administration
Author/Editor: Harris, Peter
The Fragile Scholar
Author/Editor: Song, Geng
Fragmented Memories and Screening Nostalgia for the Cultural Revolution
Author/Editor: Jing Meng
Frames of Anime
Author/Editor: Hu, Tze-Yue G
Free Trade’s First Missionary
Author/Editor: Philip Bowring
Free Trade’s First Missionary
Author/Editor: Philip Bowring
Friends and Teachers
Author/Editor: Hayes, James
Friendship in Art
Author/Editor: Roberts, Claire
From Warhorses to Ploughshares
Author/Editor: Richard L. Davis
Fruit Chan's Durian Durian
Author/Editor: Gan, Wendy
Fruit Chan's Made in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Cheung , Esther M.K
Functional Constituencies
Author/Editor: Loh, Christine
Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
Author/Editor: Leung, K.T
Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao
Author/Editor: Lam, Newman M. K.; Scott, Ian
Gender, Health, and History in Modern East Asia
Author/Editor: LeungAngela Ki Che,NakayamaIzumi,Francesca Bray
Geography and the Environment in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Hill, R.D
Getting Heard
Author/Editor: Loh, Christine
Globalization and Education
Author/Editor: Mok, Joshua Ka-ho
Globalization and the Humanities
Author/Editor: Li, David Leiwei
The Golden Ghetto
Author/Editor: Jacques M. Downs
Author/Editor: Sihombing, Judith
Governors, Politics and the Colonial Office
Author/Editor: Ure, Gavin
The Great Difference
Author/Editor: Hayes, James
The Great Difference
Author/Editor: Hayes, James
Hands On or Hands Off?
Author/Editor: Latter, Tony
The Happy Hsiungs
Author/Editor: Yeh, Diana
The Happy Valley
Author/Editor: Nicolson, Ken
Harbin to Hanoi
Author/Editor: Laura Victoir,Victor Zatsepine
Harnessing Information Power
Author/Editor: Tricker, R.I
Harsh Words
Author/Editor: Hill, Monica
Healing Trauma
Author/Editor: Wu, Kitty K.; Tang, Catherine S.; Leung, Eugenie Y
Higher Education in Post-Mao China
Author/Editor: Agelasto, Michael
Hills and Streams
Author/Editor: Dudgeon, David
History Without Borders
Author/Editor: Gunn, Geoffrey C
Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Walker, Anthony
Hong Kong 1862-1919
Author/Editor: Sayer, G.R
Hong Kong Cantopop
Author/Editor: Chu, Yiu-Wai
Hong Kong Connections
Author/Editor: Morris, Meaghan
Hong Kong Culture
Author/Editor: Louie, Kam
Hong Kong English
Author/Editor: Bolton, Kingsley
Hong Kong Internment, 1942-1945
Author/Editor: Emerson , Geoffrey Charles
Hong Kong in the Cold War
Author/Editor: Roberts, Priscilla
Hong Kong Land for Hong Kong People
Author/Editor: Wong, Yue Chim Richard
Hong Kong Landscapes
Author/Editor: Owen, Bernie
Hong Kong Legal Principles
Author/Editor: Mau, Stephen D
Hong Kong Media Law
Author/Editor: Weisenhaus, Doreen; Cottrell, Jill; Yan, Mei Ning
Hong Kong Metamorphosis
Author/Editor: Bray, Denis
Hong Kong Mobile
Author/Editor: SIU, Helen F.; KU, Agnes S
The Hong Kong Region 1850-1911
Author/Editor: Hayes, James
Hong Kong's Chinese History Curriculum from 1945
Author/Editor: Kan, Flora L.F
Hong Kong School Curriculum
Author/Editor: Morris, Paul
Hong Kong's Constitutional Debate
Author/Editor: Chan, Johannes M.M
Hong Kong Screenscapes
Author/Editor: Cheung, Esther M. K.; Marchetti, Gina; Tan, See-Kam
Hong Kong's Health System
Author/Editor: Leung, Gabriel M.; Bacon-Shone, John
Hong Kong's Housing Policy
Author/Editor: Yung, Betty
Hong Kong's Link to the US Dollar
Author/Editor: Greenwood, John
Hong Kong's Money
Author/Editor: Latter, Tony
Hong Kong's Watershed
Author/Editor: Cheung, Gary Ka-wai
Hong Kong's Young Children
Author/Editor: Opper, Sylvia
HONG KONG x 24 x 365
Author/Editor: Clarke, David
Horror to the Extreme
Author/Editor: CHOI, Jinhee; Wada-Marciano, Mitsuyo
How Assessment Supports Learning
Author/Editor: Carless, David; Joughin, Gordon; Liu, Ngar-Fun
Huai-nan Tzu
Author/Editor: Blanc, Charles Le
The Huaqiao Warriors
Author/Editor: Li, Yuk-wai Yung
Human, Apes and Chinese Fossils
Author/Editor: Oxnard, Charles E
Humour in Chinese Life and Culture
Author/Editor: Davis, Jessica Milner; Chey, Jocelyn
Humour in Chinese Life and Letters
Author/Editor: Davis, Jessica Milner
Author/Editor: Cheng, Vincent Shing
Images of the Canton Factories 1760–1822
Author/Editor: Van Dyke, Paul A
Imagined Geographies: The Maritime Silk Roads in World History, 100–1800
Author/Editor: Geoffrey C. Gunn
Imagining Gay Paradise
Author/Editor: Atkins, Gary L
Imperial Masquerade
Author/Editor: Hayter-Menzies, Grant
Imperial to International
Author/Editor: Wolfendale, Stuart
Incense Tree
Author/Editor: Ho, Louise
Independent Language Learning
Author/Editor: Morrison, Bruce
Indonesian Cinema after the New Order: Going Mainstream
Author/Editor: Thomas Barker
Information Technology and the Challenge for Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Burn, Janice M
Ink Dances in Limbo
Author/Editor: Yeung, Jessica
Inside the World of the Eunuch
Author/Editor: Dale, Melissa S
Integrated Systematic Nephrology, Third Edition
Author/Editor: Chan, Tak-Mao
International Education and the Chinese Learner
Author/Editor: Ryan, Janette; Slethaug, Gordon
Intimating the Sacred
Author/Editor: Ng, Andrew Hock Soon
Introduction to Crime, Law and Justice in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Gaylord, Mark S
An Introduction to the Cape d'Aguilar Marine Reserve, Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Morton, Brian
Introduction to the Hong Kong Criminal Justice System
Author/Editor: Gaylord, Mark S
Investigative Journalism in China
Author/Editor: Bandurski, David; Hala, Martin
Author/Editor: Philippe Espinasse
Author/Editor: Espinasse, Philippe
Islam in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: O'Connor, Paul
Island on the Edge
Author/Editor: Berry, Chris; Lu, Feii
Islands and Continents
Author/Editor: Minford, John; Holton, Brian; Chan, Agnes Hung-chong
Japanese Cinema Goes Global
Author/Editor: Tezuka, Yoshiharu
Japanese English
Author/Editor: Stanlaw, James
Jin Yan
Author/Editor: Meyer, Richard J
Johnnie To Kei-Fung's PTU
Author/Editor: Ingham, Michael
John Woo's A Better Tomorrow
Author/Editor: Fang, Karen
John Woo's The Killer
Author/Editor: HALL, Kenneth E
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Author/Editor: Sander L. Gilman
The Judicial Construction of Hong Kong’s Basic Law
Author/Editor: Lo, Pui Yin
The Judicial Construction of Hong Kong’s Basic Law: Courts, Politics and Society after 1997
Author/Editor: Lo Pui Yin
Jumping Through Hoops
Author/Editor: Wang, Jing M
Author/Editor: Duff, Peter
King Hu's A Touch of Zen
Author/Editor: Teo, Stephen
Knowledge is Pleasure
Author/Editor: Shen, Lindsay
Korean Masculinities and Transcultural Consumption
Author/Editor: Jung, Sun
Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Nissim, Roger
Land, Property & Construction in the People's Republic of China
Author/Editor: Walker, Anthony
The Landscape of Historical Memory: The Politics of Museums and Memorial Culture in Post–Martial Law Taiwan
Author/Editor: Kirk A. Denton
Landscapes Lost and Found
Author/Editor: Nicolson, Ken
Land-use Change
Author/Editor: Hill, R.D
Language in Hong Kong at Century's End
Author/Editor: Pennington, Martha C
Lao She in London
Author/Editor: Witchard, Anne
The Last Half Century of Chinese Overseas
Author/Editor: Sinn, Elizabeth
The Last of China's Literati
Author/Editor: Yung, Bell
Law, Morality and the Private Domain
Author/Editor: Wacks, Raymond
Law Relating to Banking in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Roebuck, Derek
Learning and Teaching in the Chinese Classroom
Author/Editor: Phillipson, Shane N.; Lam, Bick-har
Learning Diversity in the Chinese Classroom
Author/Editor: Phillipson, Shane N
Learning in Medical School
Author/Editor: Balla, John I
Learning Language Through Literature
Author/Editor: Falvey, Peter
Learning Language Through Literature in Secondary Schools
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Peter
Legal Discourse across Cultures and Systems
Author/Editor: Bhatia, Vijay K.; Candlin, Christopher N.; Engberg, Jan
Legal Issues for the Medical Practitioner
Author/Editor: Wong, David Sau-yan
Legal Research
Author/Editor: Cottrell, Jill
A Lifetime in Academia
Author/Editor: Huang, Rayson
Light and Shade
Author/Editor: Bard, Solomon Matthew
Light the Darkness
Author/Editor: Lui, Tai-lok
Linear Algebra and Geometry
Author/Editor: Leung, K.T
Linear Optimization in Applications
Author/Editor: Tang, S.L
Literary Theory Today
Author/Editor: Abbas, M.A
Liu Xiaobo, Charter 08 and the Challenges of Political Reform in China
Author/Editor: Béja, Jean-Philippe; Hualing, Fu; Pils, Eva
Locating Chinese Women: Historical Mobility between China and Australia
Author/Editor: Kate Bagnall ,Julia T. Martínez
The Lone Flag
Author/Editor: Reeves, John Pownall
Lugard in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Mellor, Bernard
Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting's An Autumn's Tale
Author/Editor: Ford, Stacilee
Macao and the British, 1637–1842
Author/Editor: Austin Coates
A Macao Narrative
Author/Editor: Austin Coates
Author/Editor: Cheng, Christina Miu Bing
Madmen and Other Survivors
Author/Editor: Tambling, Jeremy
Maid to Queer: Asian Labor Migration and Female Same-Sex Desires
Author/Editor: Francisca Yuenki Lai
Maintaining Control
Author/Editor: Pemberton, Richard; Toogood, Sarah; Barfield, Andy
The Making and Remaking of China’s “Red Classics
The Making and Remaking of China’s “Red Classics": Politics, Aesthetics, and Mass Culture
Author/Editor: Rosemary Roberts,Li Li
Making Icons
Author/Editor: Coates, Jennifer
Making National Heroes: The Exemplarist Production of Masculinities in Contemporary China
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Zhenru Lin
The Making of Chinese-Sinophone Literatures as World Literature
Author/Editor: Kuei-fen Chiu ,Yingjin Zhang
The Making of Women Entrepreneurs in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Chu, Priscilla Pue Ho
Management and Economics of Construction Safety in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Poon, S.W.; Tang, S.L.; Wong, Francis K.W
Manchukuo Perspectives: Transnational Approaches to Literary Production
Author/Editor: Annika A. Culver,Norman Smith
The Mangrove Ecosystem of Deep Bay and the Mai Po Marshes, Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Lee, Shing-Yip
Man in a Hurry: Murray MacLehose and Colonial Autonomy in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Ray Yep
The Many Faces of Ruan Dacheng: Poet, Playwright, Politician in Seventeenth-Century China
Author/Editor: Alison Hardie
Maoist Laughter
Author/Editor: Ping Zhu,Zhuoyi Wang,Jason McGrath
The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China IV
Author/Editor: Morton, Brian
Markets at Work
Author/Editor: Renaud, Bertrand
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
Author/Editor: Young, Katherine P.H
Martial Arts Cinema and Hong Kong Modernity
Author/Editor: Yip, Man-Fung
Masculinities and Hong Kong Cinema
Author/Editor: Pang, Laikwan
Mastery of Words and Swords: Negotiating Intellectual Masculinities in Modern China, 1890s–1930s
Author/Editor: Jun Lei
May Days in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Bickers, Robert
Meeting Place
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Sinn,Christopher Munn
Mei Lan-fang
Author/Editor: Scott, A.C
Melancholy Drift
Author/Editor: Ma, Jean
The Memoirs of Jin Luxian
Author/Editor: Jin, Luxian
Merchants' Daughters
Author/Editor: Siu, Helen F
Merchants of Canton and Macao
Author/Editor: Van Dyke, Paul A
Merchants of Canton and Macao
Author/Editor: Van Dyke, Paul A
Merchants of War and Peace
Author/Editor: Chen, Song-Chuan
Messy Urbanism
Author/Editor: Chalana, Manish
Metacinema in Contemporary Chinese Film
Author/Editor: Stuckey, G. Andrew
Minority Education in China
Author/Editor: James Leibold,Chen Yangbin
Modern Construction Project Management, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Tang, S.L
Mongolia and the United States
Author/Editor: Addleton, Jonathan S
Moving Millions
Author/Editor: Yeung, Rikkie
Moving Poetry
Author/Editor: Lim, Shirley Geok-lin
Mu Shiying
Author/Editor: Field, Andrew David
The Myth of Neighbourhood Mutual Help
Author/Editor: Chan, Cecilia L.W
Narratives of Free Trade
Author/Editor: Johnson, Kendall
National Security and Fundamental Freedoms
Author/Editor: Fu, Hualing
Negotiating Inseparability in China: The Xinjiang Class and the Dynamics of Uyghur Identity
Author/Editor: Timothy Grose
New Asian Disorder: Rivalries Embroiling the Pacific Century
Author/Editor: Lowell Dittmer
The New Chinese Documentary Film Movement
Author/Editor: Berry, Chris; Lu, Xinyu; Rofel, Lisa
The New Legal Order in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Wacks, Raymond
New Music in China and The C.C. Liu Collection at the University of Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Woo, Helen
New Peace County
Author/Editor: Ng, Peter Y.L
News under Fire
Author/Editor: Wei, Shuge
New Television, Globalisation, and the East Asian Cultural Imagination
Author/Editor: Keane, Michael; Fung, Anthony Y.H.; Moran, Albert
No Man an Island
Author/Editor: Udden, James
No Man an Island
Author/Editor: Udden, James
Not the Slightest Chance
Author/Editor: Banham, Tony
Nurturing Pillars of Society
Author/Editor: Lee, Francis Wing-lin
Author/Editor: Kang, Wenqing
Oceanic Archives, Indigenous Epistemologies, and Transpacific American Studies
Author/Editor: Yuan Shu,Otto Heim,Kendall Johnson
Officialdom Unmasked
Author/Editor: T.L. Yang
The Old Shanghai A-Z
Author/Editor: French, Paul
One Country, Two International Legal Personalities
Author/Editor: Mushkat, Roda
Oral Histories of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong: Unspoken but Unforgotten
Author/Editor: Travis S. K. Kong
The Order of Man
Author/Editor: Oxnard, Charles E
The Origins of British Borneo
Author/Editor: Wright, Leigh R
Pacific Crossing
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Sinn
Pain Medicine
Author/Editor: TSUI, Siu Lun; CHEN, Phoon Ping; Ng, Kwok Fu Jacobus
Paper Scissors Stone
Author/Editor: Fan, Kit
Partnerships in the Sea
Author/Editor: Morton, Brian
Pax Sinica
Author/Editor: Kueh, Y.Y
The Peach Bloosom Fan
Author/Editor: T.L. Yang
The Perfect Dictatorship
Author/Editor: Ringen, Stein
Perspectives on Marine Environmental Change in Hong Kong, 1977-2001
Author/Editor: Morton, Brian
Peter Ho-Sun Chan's He's a Woman, She's a Man
Author/Editor: Stokes, Lisa Odham
Philippine English
Author/Editor: Bautista, MA. Lourdes S.; Bolton, Kingsley
Picturing Technology in China
Author/Editor: Golas, Peter J
Piecing Together Sha Po
Author/Editor: Atha, Mick
Author/Editor: Ng, Maria N
Places of Nature in Ecologies of Urbanism
Author/Editor: Rademacher, Anne
Planning Buildings for a High-Rise Environment in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Lai, Lawrence Wai-chung
The Poems of Sir Francis Hubert
Author/Editor: Mellor, Bernard
The Poetics of Difference and Displacement
Author/Editor: Tian, Min
Poetry against Torture
Author/Editor: Bova, Paul A
Political Development in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Ma, Ngok
The Political Economy of Sino-American Relations
Author/Editor: Kueh, Y.Y
The Politics of Higher Education: The Imperial University in Northern Song China
Author/Editor: Chu Ming-kin
Polynomials and Equations
Author/Editor: Leung, K.T
Popular Memories of the Mao Era
Author/Editor: Sebastian Veg
Population and Society in Contemporary Tibet
Author/Editor: Ma, Rong
The Port of Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Chiu, Tzu-nang
Portugal, China and the Macau Negotiations, 1986-1999
Author/Editor: Mendes, Carmen Amado
Author/Editor: Schwankert, Steven
Postcolonialism, Diaspora, and Alternative Histories
Author/Editor: Tony Williams
Poverty in the Midst of Affluence
Author/Editor: Leo F. Goodstadt
Poverty in the Midst of Affluence
Author/Editor: Goodstadt, Leo F
Power and Charity
Author/Editor: Sinn, Elizabeth
Power and Identity in the Chinese World Order
Author/Editor: So, Billy K.L
The Power of Supply and Demand
Author/Editor: Lai, Lawrence W.C.; Yu, Ben T
The Practical Prophet
Author/Editor: Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung
Preventing Family Violence
Author/Editor: Chan, Ko-Ling
Pricing Foreign Exchange Options
Author/Editor: Yeung, David W.K
The Private Side of the Canton Trade, 1700–1840
Author/Editor: Paul A. Van Dyke,Susan E. Schopp
Privatization of Urban Land in Shanghai
Author/Editor: Li , Ling Hin
Problem-Based Medical Case Management
Author/Editor: Lau, Chu-Pak
Professional and Continuing Education in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Lee, Ngok
Professional Communication
Author/Editor: Cheng, Winnie; Kong, Kenneth C.C
Professional Housing Management Practices in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Chiu, Rebecca Lai-Har
Professional Liability
Author/Editor: Wickins, Robert
Professional Practices of Human Resource Management in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Tsui, Anna P.Y.; Lai, K.T
Profits, Politics and Panics
Author/Editor: Goodstadt, Leo
Projecting A Nation
Author/Editor: Hu, Jubin
Property Law in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Mau, Stephen D
Protecting Free Trade
Author/Editor: Mills, Lawrence
Psychosis and Schizophrenia in Hong Kong: Navigating Clinical and Cultural Crossroads
Author/Editor: Eric Yu Hai Chen ,Yvonne Treffurth
Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Fielding, Richard
The Public Sector in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Scott, Ian
Public Success, Private Sorrow
Author/Editor: Cannon, Isidore Cyril
The Pusan International Film Festival, South Korean Cinema and Globalization
Author/Editor: Ahn, SooJeong
Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making in Construction
Author/Editor: Tang, S.L
Queer Bangkok
Author/Editor: Jackson, Peter A
Queer Chinese Cultures and Mobilities: Kinship, Migration, and Middle Classes
Author/Editor: John Wei
Queering Chinese Kinship: Queer Public Culture in Globalizing China
Author/Editor: Lin Song
Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan
Author/Editor: Huang, Hans Tao-Ming
Queer Singapore
Author/Editor: Yue, Audrey; Zubillaga-Pow, Jun