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Titles start with S (44) Information
School Guidance and Counselling
Author/Editor: Pattie Y. Y. Luk-Fong,Yuk Ching Lee-Man
Scottish Mandarin
Author/Editor: Airlie, Shiona
Screening Communities
Author/Editor: Chang, Jing Jing
Scribes of Gastronomy
Author/Editor: Isaac Yue,Siufu Tang
The Scripting of A National History
Author/Editor: Hong, Lysa
The Search for a Vanishing Beijing
Author/Editor: Aldrich, M.A
Searching for Sweetness: Women’s Mobile Lives in China and Lesotho
Author/Editor: Sarah Hanisch
The Sensuous Cinema of Wong Kar-wai
Author/Editor: Gary Bettinson
Service-Learning in Asia
Author/Editor: Xing, Jun; Ma, Carol Hok Ka
A Seventh Child and The Law
Author/Editor: Yu, Patrick Shuk-siu
Sex and Desire in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Ho, Petula Sik Ying; Tsang 曾家達, A. Ka Tat
Shanghai Bride
Author/Editor: Tsao, Christina Ching
Shanghai Lalas
Author/Editor: Lucetta Yip
Author/Editor: Li, Ruru
The Shek Kip Mei Myth
Author/Editor: Smart, Alan
Shipping and Logistics Law
Author/Editor: Chan, Felix W.H
The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru
Author/Editor: Banham, Tony
Sino-French Trade at Canton, 1698–1842
Author/Editor: Susan E. Schopp
Author/Editor: Andrea Bachner ,Howard Chiang ,Yu-lin Lee
Situating Sexualities
Author/Editor: Martin, Fran
The Six-Day War of 1899
Author/Editor: HASE, Patrick H
A Social History of the Chinese Book
Author/Editor: McDermott, Joseph P
The Soul of Beijing Opera
Author/Editor: Li, Ruru
Sound and Symbol in Chinese
Author/Editor: Kalgren, Bernhard
The Sources of Hong Kong Law
Author/Editor: Wesley-Smith, Peter
Southeast Asian Independent Cinema
Author/Editor: Baumgärtel, Tilman
Southern District Officer Reports
Author/Editor: Strickland, John
Southern Identity and Southern Estrangement in Medieval Chinese Poetry
Author/Editor: Ping Wang,Nicholas Morrow Williams
The Spanish Experience in Taiwan 1626-1642
Author/Editor: Borao, Jose Eugenio
Staging Nation
Author/Editor: Lo, Jacqueline
Staging Revolution
Author/Editor: Fan, Xing
Author/Editor: Gittins, Jean
Stanley Kwan's Center Stage
Author/Editor: Hjort, Mette
Stepping Forth into the World
Author/Editor: Rhoads, Edward J. M
The Story of a Stele
Author/Editor: Keevak, Michael
Strait Rituals
Author/Editor: Pang, Yang Huei
Structure, Audience and Soft Power in East Asian Pop Culture
Author/Editor: Chua, Beng Huat
Studies in Colloquial Chinese and Its History: Dialect and Text
Author/Editor: Richard VanNess Simmons
Studies of Chinese Linguistics
Author/Editor: Xing, Janet Zhiqun
Suicide in Asia
Author/Editor: YIP , Paul S.F
Sui Geng
Author/Editor: Ward, Iain
Surrealism from Paris to Shanghai
Author/Editor: Lauren Walden
Surviving Nirvana
Author/Editor: Lee, Sonya S
Sustainable Development in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Mottershead, Terri