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Titles start with E (23) Information
Earth Weeps, Saturn Laughs
Author/Editor: Al Farsi, Abdulaziz
Edward Said: The Politics of an Oppositional Intellectual
Author/Editor: NUBAR HOVSEPIAN ,Rashid Khalidi
The Egyptian Assassin: A Novel
Author/Editor: Ezzedine C. Fishere ,Jonathan Wright
Egyptian Cooking
Author/Editor: Abdennour, Samia
Egyptian Customs and Festivals
Author/Editor: Abdennour, Samia
The Egyptian Economy
Author/Editor: Kheir-El-Din, Hanaa
The Egyptian Economy in the Twenty-first Century: The Hard Road to Inclusive Prosperity
Author/Editor: Khalid Ikram ,Heba Nassar
Egyptian Hip-Hop: Expressions from the Underground: Cairo Papers in Social Science Vol. 34, No. 1
Author/Editor: Ellen R. Weis
The Egyptian Labor Market Revisited
Author/Editor: Assaad, Ragui
The Egyptian Peasant
Author/Editor: Ayrout, Henry Habib
Egypt in Flux
Author/Editor: Iskandar, Adel
Egypt in the Era of Hosni Mubarak
Author/Editor: Amin, Galal
Egypt, Islam, and Democracy
Author/Editor: Ibrahim, Saad Eddin
Egypt’s Desert Dreams: Development or Disaster? (New Edition)
Author/Editor: David Sims ,Timothy Mitchell
Egypt's Foreign Policy in Times of Crisis: My Testimony
Egypt’s Political Economy
Author/Editor: Nadia Ramsis Farah
Egypt’s Political Economy
Author/Editor: Farah, Nadia Ramsis
Egypt Visual Sourcebook
Author/Editor: Hewitt, Jim
El Alamein and the Struggle for North Africa
Author/Editor: Edwards, Jill
The Emergence of the Modern Coptic Papacy
The Essential Naguib Mahfouz
Author/Editor: Johnson-Davies, Denys
The Essential Tawfiq al-Hakim
Author/Editor: Johnson-Davies, Denys
The Essential Yusuf Idris
Author/Editor: Johnson-Davies, Denys