Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | No |
Titles start with P (61) | ISSN | Status |
Paleobiology |
0094-8373, 1938-5331
preserved |
Palliative & Supportive Care |
1478-9515, 1478-9523
preserved |
Papers of the American Society of Church History |
preserved |
Papers of the British School at Rome |
0068-2462, 2045-239X
preserved |
Parasitology |
0031-1820, 1469-8161
preserved |
Parasitology Open |
preserved |
Personality Neuroscience |
preserved |
Perspectives on Politics |
1537-5927, 1541-0986
preserved |
Philosophy |
0031-8191, 1469-817X
preserved |
Philosophy of Science |
0031-8248, 1539-767X
preserved |
Phonology |
0952-6757, 1469-8188
preserved |
Plainsong and Medieval Music |
0961-1371, 1474-0087
preserved |
Plant Genetic Resources |
1479-2621, 1479-263X
preserved |
PMLA / Publications of the Modern Language Association of America |
0030-8129, 1938-1530
preserved |
Polar Record |
0032-2474, 1475-3057
preserved |
Political Analysis |
1047-1987, 1476-4989
preserved |
Political Science Research and Methods |
2049-8470, 2049-8489
preserved |
Political Science Teacher |
preserved |
Political Science Today |
2766-0133, 2766-726X
preserved |
Politics and Religion |
1755-0483, 1755-0491
preserved |
Politics and the Life Sciences |
0730-9384, 1471-5457
preserved |
Politics & Gender |
1743-923X, 1743-9248
preserved |
Popular Music |
0261-1430, 1474-0095
preserved |
Powder Diffraction |
0885-7156, 1945-7413
preserved |
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine |
1049-023X, 1945-1938
preserved |
Primary Health Care Research & Development |
1463-4236, 1477-1128
preserved |
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences |
0269-9648, 1469-8951
preserved |
Proceedings - Modern Language Association of America |
1539-3666, 2326-6643
queued |
Proceedings of the American Political Science Association |
preserved |
Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting |
0272-5037, 2169-1118
preserved |
Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Production (1972) |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society |
0068-6735, 2053-5899
preserved |
Proceedings of the Design Society |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society |
0013-0915, 1464-3839
preserved |
Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association |
preserved |
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union |
1743-9213, 1743-9221
preserved |
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society |
0029-6651, 1475-2719
preserved |
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society |
0079-497X, 2050-2729
preserved |
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburg |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics |
0308-2105, 1473-7124
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Biology |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Biological Sciences |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Natural Environment |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London |
preserved |
Proceedings on the International Conference on Engineering Design |
preserved |
Programmable Materials |
preserved |
Progress in Neurotherapeutics and Neuropsychopharmacology |
1748-2321, 1748-233X
preserved |
Prospects |
0361-2333, 1471-6399
preserved |
PS: Political Science & Politics |
1049-0965, 1537-5935
preserved |
Psychiatric Bulletin |
0955-6036, 1472-1473
queued |
The Psychiatric Bulletin |
2053-4868, 2053-4876
preserved |
The Psychiatrist |
1758-3209, 1758-3217
queued |
Psychological Medicine |
0033-2917, 1469-8978
preserved |
Psychological Medicine. Monograph Supplement |
preserved |
Psychometrika |
0033-3123, 1860-0980
preserved |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia |
1323-3580, 1448-6083
preserved |
Public Health Nutrition |
1368-9800, 1475-2727
preserved |
Public Humanities |
preserved |