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Titles start with C (259) Information
The Cabinet: George Washington and the Creation of an American Institution
Author/Editor: AlSayyad, Nezar
Calculated Values: Finance, Politics, and the Quantitative Age
The Calculus of Violence: How Americans Fought the Civil War
The Caliphate of Man: Popular Sovereignty in Modern Islamic Thought
Author/Editor: Andrew F. March
Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel
Author/Editor: Frank Moore Cross
Canarsie: The Jews and Italians of Brooklyn against Liberalism
Cancer Stem Cells
Author/Editor: Laplane, Lucie
Cannibals All! Or, Slaves without Masters
Author/Editor: FITZHUGH, George; Woodward, C. Vann
Capital and Ideology
Author/Editor: Thomas Piketty ,Arthur Goldhammer
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Piketty, Thomas
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Thomas Piketty,Arthur Goldhammer
Capitalism, Alone: The Future of the System That Rules the World
Capitalism from Below
Author/Editor: Nee, Victor; Opper, Sonja
Capitalist Revolutionary
Author/Editor: Backhouse, Roger E.; Bateman, Bradley W
Capitalists, Workers, and Fiscal Policy: A Classical Model of Growth and Distribution
Author/Editor: Thomas R. Michl
Capitalizing on Crisis
Author/Editor: Krippner, Greta R
Capital without Borders: Wealth Managers and the One Percent
The Case against Perfection
Author/Editor: Sandel, Michael J
A Case for Irony
Author/Editor: Lear, Jonathan
The Caste of Merit: Engineering Education in India
Author/Editor: Ajantha Subramanian
Casualties of Credit
Author/Editor: Wennerlind, Carl
Catherine & Diderot: The Empress, the Philosopher, and the Fate of the Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Robert Zaretsky
Catholic Modern: The Challenge of Totalitarianism and the Remaking of the Church
Author/Editor: James Chappel
Catholic Schools and the Common Good
Author/Editor: BRYK, Anthony S.; Lee, Valerie E.; Holland, Peter Blakeley
The Cautious Jealous Virtue: Hume on Justice
Author/Editor: Annette C. Baier
Cecil the Lion Had to Die
Author/Editor: OLENA STIAZHKINA ,Dominique Hoffman
Celebrating the Family: Ethnicity, Consumer Culture, and Family Rituals
Century of Struggle: The Woman’s Rights Movement in the United States, Enlarged Edition
Author/Editor: Eleanor Flexner ,Ellen Fitzpatrick
The Century of the Gene
Author/Editor: KELLER, Evelyn Fox
A Century of Wealth in America
Author/Editor: Edward N. Wolff
The Challenge of Congressional Representation
Author/Editor: Richard F. Fenno
Challenging the Boundaries of Slavery
Author/Editor: DAVIS, David Brion
The Chance of Salvation
Author/Editor: Mullen, Lincoln A
Changing Homelands
Author/Editor: Nair, Neeti
Changing the Subject: Philosophy from Socrates to Adorno
Author/Editor: RAYMOND GEUSS
Charisma and Compassion: Cheng Yen and the Buddhist Tzu Chi Movement
Author/Editor: C. Julia Huang
Author/Editor: JOHANNES FRIED ,Peter Lewis
Cheating Lessons
Author/Editor: Lang, James M
Childhood Obesity in America
Author/Editor: Laura Dawes
Children as Pawns: The Politics of Educational Reform
Author/Editor: Timothy A. Hacsi
Children of Immigration
Author/Editor: Suárez-Orozco, Carola; Suárez-Orozco, Marcelo M
Children's Chances
Author/Editor: Jody Heymann,Kristen McNeill
Children's Dreaming and the Development of Consciousness
Author/Editor: FOULKES, David
Children Solving Problems
Author/Editor: Stephanie Thornton
Child Soldiers: From Violence to Protection
Author/Editor: Michael Wessells
Chimpanzees and Human Evolution
Author/Editor: Fairbank, John King; Goldman, Merle
China and Albert Einstein
Author/Editor: HU, Danian
China and Japan: Facing History
Author/Editor: EZRA F. VOGEL
China at War
Author/Editor: van de Ven, Hans
China between Empires
Author/Editor: Mark Edward Lewis
China from Empire to Nation-State
Author/Editor: Hui, Wang
China Marches West
Author/Editor: Perdue, Peter C
The China Questions 2: Critical Insights into US-China Relations
Author/Editor: Maria Adele Carrai ,Jennifer Rudolph ,Michael Szonyi
The China Questions: Critical Insights into a Rising Power
Author/Editor: Jennifer Rudolph ,Michael Szonyi
China’s Cosmopolitan Empire
Author/Editor: Lewis, Mark Edward
China’s Cosmopolitan Empire: The Tang Dynasty
Author/Editor: Mark Edward Lewis
China’s Crony Capitalism: The Dynamics of Regime Decay
Author/Editor: Minxin Pei
China’s Good War: How World War II Is Shaping a New Nationalism
Author/Editor: Rana Mitter
China's Last Empire
Author/Editor: Rowe, William T
Author/Editor: Minxin Pei
China’s Trapped Transition
Author/Editor: PEI, Minxin
China's War Reporters
Author/Editor: Coble, Parks M
China Under Mao
Author/Editor: Walder, Andrew G
Chinese and Americans
Author/Editor: Guoqi, Xu
Chinese Calligraphy
Author/Editor: Chiang, Yee
Chinese Medicine and Healing: An Illustrated History
Author/Editor: TJ Hinrichs,Linda L. Barnes
Chinese Medicine Men: Consumer Culture in China and Southeast Asia
The Chinese Must Go: Violence, Exclusion, and the Making of the Alien in America
Author/Editor: Beth Lew-Williams
Chivalry in Medieval England
Author/Editor: Saul, Nigel
Choice, Preferences, and Procedures
Author/Editor: Suzumura, Kotaro
A Chosen Exile
Author/Editor: Hobbs, Allyson
Christianity and American Democracy
Author/Editor: Heclo, Hugh
Christianity and the Transformation of the Book
Author/Editor: GRAFTON, Anthony
Christian: The Politics of a Word in America
Author/Editor: Matthew Bowman
Chronic Pain and the Family
Author/Editor: Silver, Julie K
Church in the Wild
Author/Editor: Grainger, Brett Malcolm
Church Militant
Author/Editor: Mariani, Paul P
The Cigarette: A Political History
Author/Editor: Sarah Milov
Circles and Lines: The Shape of Life in Early America
Author/Editor: John Demos
Cities of Words
Author/Editor: Cavell, Stanley
Citizens and Citoyens: Republicans and Liberals in America and France
Author/Editor: Mark Hulliung
Citizens Divided
Citizenship and Its Discontents
Author/Editor: Niraja Gopal Jayal
Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany
Author/Editor: Rogers Brubaker
City Between Worlds: My Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Leo Ou-fan Lee
City Economics
Author/Editor: OFLAHERTY, Brendan; O'Flaherty, Brendan
City of Debtors
Author/Editor: Fleming, Anne
City on a Hill: Urban Idealism in America from the Puritans to the Present
Author/Editor: ALEX KRIEGER
Civic Longing
Author/Editor: Hyde, Carrie
Civil Examinations and Meritocracy in Late Imperial China
Author/Editor: Elman, Benjamin A
Civilization and Enlightenment: The Early Thought of Fukuzawa Yukichi
Author/Editor: Albert M. Craig
Civilizing Torture: An American Tradition
The Civil War and the Limits of Destruction
Author/Editor: Neely, Mark E
The Clash of Empires
Author/Editor: LIU, Lydia He
The Clash Within
Author/Editor: NUSSBAUM, Martha
Class and Community: The Industrial Revolution in Lynn, Twenty-fifth Anniversary Edition, with a New Preface
Author/Editor: ALAN DAWLEY
The Classical Liberal Constitution
The Class Matrix: Social Theory after the Cultural Turn
Author/Editor: Vivek Chibber
A Class of Their Own
Author/Editor: Fairclough, Adam
Cleopatra and Rome
Author/Editor: Diana E. E. Kleiner
Clerical Households in Late Medieval Italy
Author/Editor: Roisin Cossar
A Climate Policy Revolution: What the Science of Complexity Reveals about Saving Our Planet
Author/Editor: ROLAND KUPERS
Clinging to Mammy
Author/Editor: McElya, Micki
The Clockwork Muse
Author/Editor: Zerubavel, Eviatar
Closer to the Masses: Stalinist Culture, Social Revolution, and Soviet Newspapers
Author/Editor: Matthew Lenoe
Coconut Colonialism: Workers and the Globalization of Samoa
Coding and Redundancy: Man-Made and Animal-Evolved Signals
Author/Editor: Jack P. Hailman
Cognitive Gadgets: The Cultural Evolution of Thinking
Author/Editor: Cecilia Heyes
The Cold War and the Color Line
Author/Editor: BORSTELMANN, Thomas
Cold War at 30,000 Feet
Author/Editor: Engel, Jeffrey A
Cold War Crucible
Author/Editor: Masuda Hajimu
Cold War Democracy
Author/Editor: Miller, Jennifer M
A Cold Welcome: The Little Ice Age and Europe’s Encounter with North America
Author/Editor: Sam White
The Cold World They Made: The Strategic Legacy of Roberta and Albert Wohlstetter
Author/Editor: Ron Robin
The Collaboration
Author/Editor: Urwand, Ben
The Collapse of American Criminal Justice
Author/Editor: Stuntz, William J
The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and Other Essays
Author/Editor: HILARY PUTNAM
Collected Papers
Author/Editor: Samuel Freeman
Collected Papers on Monetary Theory
Author/Editor: Lucas Jr., Robert E.; Lucas, Robert E; Gillman, Max
Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Volume VIII: Letters and Social Aims:
Author/Editor: Ralph Waldo Emerson ,Ronald A. Bosco ,Glen M. Johnson ,Joel Myerson
Collecting the World: Hans Sloane and the Origins of the British Museum
Collective Choice and Social Welfare: An Expanded Edition
Author/Editor: AMARTYA SEN
The College Administrator's Survival Guide
Author/Editor: Gunsalus, C. K
The College Administrator’s Survival Guide: Revised Edition
Author/Editor: C. K. Gunsalus
College Admissions for the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Sternberg, Robert J
The College Fear Factor
Author/Editor: Cox, Rebecca D
Colonial al-Andalus: Spain and the Making of Modern Moroccan Culture
Author/Editor: Eric Calderwood
The Colonial Politics of Global Health
Author/Editor: Pearson, Jessica Lynne
Color and Culture: Black Writers and the Making of the Modern Intellectual
Author/Editor: Ross Posnock
The Color-Blind Constitution
Author/Editor: Andrew Kull
Colored Cosmopolitanism
Author/Editor: Slate, Nico
The Color of Money: Black Banks and the Racial Wealth Gap
Author/Editor: Mehrsa Baradaran
The Color of Race in America, 1900-1940
Author/Editor: Matthew Pratt Guterl
The Colors of Zion
Author/Editor: Bornstein, George
The Colosseum
Author/Editor: Hopkins, Keith; Beard, Mary
Comeuppance: Costly Signaling, Altruistic Punishment, and Other Biological Components of Fiction
Author/Editor: William Flesch
The Coming Good Society: Why New Realities Demand New Rights
The Coming of the Terror in the French Revolution
Author/Editor: Tackett, Timothy
Coming to Life
Author/Editor: Havens, Leston
Command at Sea
Author/Editor: PALMER, Michael A
Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies
Author/Editor: John F. Marszalek
Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies
Author/Editor: Marszalek, John F
Commitment and Community: Communes and Utopias in Sociological Perspective
Author/Editor: Rosabeth Moss Kanter
The Common Law
Author/Editor: Holmes, Oliver Wendell
A Common Law for the Age of Statutes
Author/Editor: CALABRESI, Guido
Common Places: Mythologies of Everyday Life in Russia
Author/Editor: Svetlana Boym
Common Sense
Author/Editor: Rosenfeld, Sophia A
Common Sense
Commonsense Justice: Jurors' Notions of the Law
Author/Editor: Norman J. Finkel
Author/Editor: Hardt, Michael; Negri, Antonio
Communities of Discourse
Author/Editor: Wuthnow, Robert
Competition Policy for Small Market Economies
Author/Editor: MICHAL S. GAL
Complete Poems
Author/Editor: Keats, John
Concealing Coloration in Animals
Author/Editor: Judy Diamond,Alan B. Bond
The Condemnation of Blackness
Author/Editor: Muhammad, Khalil Gibran
The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America, With a New Preface
Author/Editor: Khalil Gibran Muhammad
The Confederate Battle Flag: America's Most Embattled Emblem
Author/Editor: JOHN M. COSKI
Confederate Reckoning
Author/Editor: McCurry, Stephanie
Confessions of a Young Novelist
Author/Editor: Eco, Umberto
Author/Editor: Pritchard, Sara B
The Confounding Island: Jamaica and the Postcolonial Predicament
Author/Editor: Orlando Patterson
Confusion: A Study in the Theory of Knowledge
Author/Editor: Joseph L. Camp Jr.
Congregations in America
Author/Editor: Mark Chaves
The Congress of Vienna
Author/Editor: Vick, Brian E
Conquering Peace: From Enlightenment to the European Union
Conquering Peace: From the Enlightenment to the European Union
Author/Editor: Barker, Juliet
The Conquest of the Russian Arctic
Author/Editor: Paul R. Josephson
The Conscience of the Party: Hu Yaobang, China’s Communist Reformer
Conscious Experience
Author/Editor: Gupta, Anil
The Consent of the Governed: The Lockean Legacy in Early American Culture
Author/Editor: Gillian Brown
The Conservative Turn
Author/Editor: Kimmage, Michael
Consistency, Choice, and Rationality
Author/Editor: Bossert, Walter; Suzumura, Kōtarō
The Consolation of Philosophy
Author/Editor: Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus
Constitutional Coup: Privatization’s Threat to the American Republic
Author/Editor: Jon D. Michaels
Constitutional Domains: Democracy, Community, Management
Author/Editor: Robert C. Post
Constitutional Identity
Author/Editor: Jacobsohn, Gary Jeffrey
Constitutional Morality and the Rise of Quasi-Law
Author/Editor: Frohnen, Bruce P
Constitutional Redemption
Author/Editor: Balkin, Jack M
Constitutional Self-Government
Constitutional Theocracy
Author/Editor: Hirschl, Ran
The Constitution and the New Deal
Author/Editor: G. Edward White
The Constitution’s Text in Foreign Affairs
Author/Editor: Michael D. Ramsey
Constructing a Language: A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition
Constructing Panic
Author/Editor: CAPPS, Lisa.; Ochs, Elinor
Contemporary Democracies
Author/Editor: POWELL, G. Bingham
Contested Commodities
Author/Editor: Margaret Jane Radin
Contested Lands: Israel-Palestine, Kashmir, Bosnia, Cyprus, and Sri Lanka
Author/Editor: Sumantra Bose
The Contest over National Security: FDR, Conservatives, and the Struggle to Claim the Most Powerful Phrase in American Politics
Author/Editor: PETER ROADY
Continental Divide: Heidegger, Cassirer, Davos
Author/Editor: Peter E. Gordon
Author/Editor: Michael Kwass
Author/Editor: Noonan Jr., John T
Controlling the State
Author/Editor: GORDON, Scott
The Conversion of Imagination: From Pascal through Rousseau to Tocqueville
Author/Editor: Matthew W. Maguire
A Convert’s Tale: Art, Crime, and Jewish Apostasy in Renaissance Italy
Author/Editor: TAMAR HERZIG
Converts to the Real: Catholicism and the Making of Continental Philosophy
Author/Editor: Edward Baring
Convicting the Innocent
Author/Editor: Garrett, Brandon
Corruption by Design
Author/Editor: MANION, Melanie
Corruption in America
Cosmic Connections: Poetry in the Age of Disenchantment
Author/Editor: Charles Taylor
The Cosmopolitan Tradition: A Noble but Flawed Ideal
Cotton Mather’s Spanish Lessons
Author/Editor: Kirsten Silva Gruesz
Coup d'État
Author/Editor: Luttwak, Edward N
The Course of Recognition
Author/Editor: PAUL RICOEUR,David Pellauer
Courting Death: The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment
Author/Editor: Carol S. Steiker ,Jordan M. Steiker
Courtly Encounters
Author/Editor: Subrahmanyam, Sanjay
Coyote at the Kitchen Door: Living with Wildlife in Suburbia
Author/Editor: Stephen Destefano
Coyote Valley
Author/Editor: Andrews, Thomas G
Creating a Class: College Admissions and the Education of Elites
Author/Editor: Mitchell L. Stevens
Creating a Nation of Joiners
Author/Editor: NEEM, Johann N
Creating Capabilities
Author/Editor: Nussbaum, Martha C
Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions
Author/Editor: Thomas K. McCraw
The Creation and Destruction of Value
Author/Editor: James, Harold
The Creation of Inequality
Author/Editor: Flannery, Kent
The Creation of Psychopharmacology
Author/Editor: DAVID HEALY
The Creativity Code: Art and Innovation in the Age of AI
Author/Editor: Marcus du Sautoy
Cricket Radio
Author/Editor: Himmelman, John
Crime and Forgiveness: Christianizing Execution in Medieval Europe
Author/Editor: Adriano Prosperi,Jeremy Carden
Crime and Punishment in the Russian Revolution: Mob Justice and Police in Petrograd
Author/Editor: Tsuyoshi Hasegawa
Criminal Dissent: Prosecutions under the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798
Author/Editor: WENDELL BIRD
Criminal Justice in China: A History
Criminal Justice in Divided America: Police, Punishment, and the Future of Our Democracy
Author/Editor: DAVID A. SKLANSKY
The Crisis in Energy Policy
Author/Editor: Deutch, John M
The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy
Author/Editor: Posner, Richard A
The Crisis of Neoliberalism
Author/Editor: Duménil, Gérard; Duménil, Gérard; Lévy, Dominique
The Critical Writings of Oscar Wilde: An Annotated Selection
Critique of Forms of Life
Author/Editor: Rahel Jaeggi ,Ciaran Cronin
A Critique of Postcolonial Reason
Author/Editor: Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty
The Cross-Border Connection
The Cross: History, Art, and Controversy
Author/Editor: Robin M. Jensen
Crossing and Dwelling
Author/Editor: TWEED, Thomas A
Crossing Borders
Author/Editor: Schneider, Dorothee
Crossing the Bay of Bengal
Author/Editor: Amrith, Sunil S
Cross-sectional Atlas of the Brain and DVD
Author/Editor: Peter Ratiu ,Ion-Florin Talos
The Crown and the Courts: Separation of Powers in the Early Jewish Imagination
Author/Editor: David C. Flatto
The Crucible of Consent
Author/Editor: Block, James E
The Crucible of Experience: R. D. Laing and the Crisis of Psychotherapy
Crucibles of Power: Smolensk under Stalinist and Nazi Rule
Culling the Masses
Author/Editor: David scott Fitzgerald,David Cook-Martín
Cultivating Global Citizens
Author/Editor: Greenhalgh, Susan
Cultivating Humanity
Author/Editor: Nussbaum, Martha C
The Cult of the Nation in France
Author/Editor: BELL, David Avrom
A Cultural History of Modern Science in China
Author/Editor: Elman, Benjamin A
The Cultural Logic of Computation
Author/Editor: Golumbia, David
The Cultural Matrix
Author/Editor: Patterson, Orlando
The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition
Author/Editor: TOMASELLO, Michael
The Cultural Revolution at the Margins
Author/Editor: YICHING WU
A Culture of Credit
Author/Editor: OLEGARIO, Rowena
The Culture of Education
Author/Editor: Jerome Bruner
Cultures of Charity
Cultures of Milk
Author/Editor: ANDREA S. WILEY
Culture: The Anthropologists’ Account
Author/Editor: Adam Kuper
The Culture Wars of the Late Renaissance
Author/Editor: Muir, Edward
Culturing Life
Author/Editor: Landecker, Hannah
Curious Behavior
Author/Editor: Provine, Robert R
A Cursing Brain?
Author/Editor: Kushner, Howard I
Cycles of Invention and Discovery: Rethinking the Endless Frontier
Author/Editor: Venkatesh Narayanamurti ,Toluwalogo Odumosu