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Titles start with D (105) Information
Darn Easy: Work Half as Hard, Earn Twice as Much, While Living the Life of Your Dreams, 1
Author/Editor: McColl, Peggy,Proctor, Brian
Data Analysis with Microsoft Power BI
Author/Editor: Larson, Brian
Database Cloud Storage: The Essential Guide to Oracle Automatic Storage Management
Author/Editor: NitinVengurlekar,PrasadBagal
Databases A Beginner's Guide
Author/Editor: AndyOppel
Databases Demystified
Author/Editor: AndrewOppel
Databases DeMYSTiFieD, 2nd Edition
Author/Editor: AndyOppel
Data Driven: Harnessing Data and AI to Reinvent Customer Engagement
Author/Editor: Chavez, Tom,O’Hara, Chris,Vaidya, Vivek
Data Modeling, A Beginner's Guide
Author/Editor: AndyOppel
Data Structures Demystified
Author/Editor: JamesKeogh,KenDavidson
Data Visualization for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g
Author/Editor: en
The Data Warehouse Mentor: Practical Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Insights
Author/Editor: Robert (Bob)Laberge
DB2 10.5 with BLU Acceleration: New Dynamic In-Memory Analytics for the Era of Big Data
Author/Editor: PaulZikopoulos,SamLightstone,MatthewHuras,AamerSachedina,GeorgeBaklarz
Deadlines and Disruption: My Turbulent Path from Print to Digital
Author/Editor: StephenShepard
Dealing With Difficult People
Author/Editor: Dr.RickBrinkman,Richard E.Kirschner
Dealing with Meetings You Can't Stand: Meet Less and Do More
Author/Editor: en
Dealing with People You Can't Stand, Revised and Expanded Third Edition: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst
Author/Editor: en
Deemer on Technical Analysis: Expert Insights on Timing the Market and Profiting in the Long Run
Author/Editor: WalterDeemer,SusanCragin
Deep Strengths
Author/Editor: PricePritchett
Defect-Free Buildings: A Construction Manual for Quality Control and Conflict Resolution
Author/Editor: Robert S.Mann
The Definitive Drucker: Challenges For Tomorrow’s Executives — Final Advice From the Father of Modern Management
Author/Editor: en
Degunking Windows 7
Author/Editor: JoliBallew
Delivering Alpha: Lessons from 30 Years of Outperforming Investment Benchmarks
Author/Editor: Ochoa-Brillembourg, Hilda
Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2016, Fourth Edition, 4
Author/Editor: Larson, Brian
Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 3/E
Author/Editor: BrianLarson
Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Author/Editor: BrianLarson
Delivering Carrier Ethernet: Extending Ethernet Beyond the LAN
Author/Editor: AbdulKasim,PrasannaAdhikari,NanChen,NormanFinn,NasirGhani,MarekHajduczenia,PaulHavala,GilesHeron,MichaelHoward,LucaMartini,BobMetcalfe,MannixO'Connor,MattSquire,WilliamSzeto,GregWhite
The Dementia Care Workbook
Author/Editor: Morris, Gary,Morris, Jack
The Dentsu Way: Secrets of Cross Switch Marketing from the World's Most Innovative Advertising Agency
Author/Editor: KotaroSugiyama,TimAndree
Dermoscopy: An Illustrated Self-Assessment Guide
Author/Editor: RobertJohr,WilhelmStolz
Desalination Engineering: Planning and Design
Author/Editor: NikolayVoutchkov
Design-Build Project Delivery
Author/Editor: SidneyLevy
Design for Operational Excellence: A Breakthrough Strategy for Business Growth
Author/Editor: Kevin J.Duggan
Design for Six Sigma
Author/Editor: GregBrue,RobertLaunsby
Design for Six Sigma Statistics
Author/Editor: AndrewSleeper
Designing and Building Fuel Cells
Author/Editor: ColleenSpiegel
Designing and Reporting Experiments in Psychology, 3rd edition
Author/Editor: en
Designing an IAM Framework with Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite
Author/Editor: JeffScheidel
Designing Audio Power Amplifiers
Author/Editor: BobCordell
Designing the Future: How Ford, Toyota, and other World-Class Organizations Use Lean Product Development to Drive Innovation and Transform Their Business
Author/Editor: Morgan, James M.,Liker, Jeffrey K.
Design of Controlled Release Drug Delivery Systems
Author/Editor: XiaolingLi
Design of Reinforced Masonry Structures
Author/Editor: NarendraTaly
Design of Urban Stormwater Controls, MOP 23
Developing a Coaching Business
Author/Editor: Rogers, Jenny
Developing an Effective Whole School Approach
Author/Editor: Ekins, Alison,Grimes, Peter
Developing Interactive Teaching and Learning Using the IWB
Author/Editor: Hennessy, Sara,Warwick, Paul
Developing Multiprofessional Teamwork for Integrated Children's Services: Research, Policy, Practice
Author/Editor: Frost, Nick,Robinson, Mark
Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years, 2nd edition, 2
Author/Editor: Paige-Smith, Alice,Craft, Anna
Developing Successful Diversity Mentoring Programmes
Author/Editor: Clutterbuck, David,Poulsen, Kirsten M.,Kochan, Frances
Developmental Coaching: Working with the self
Author/Editor: Bachkirova, Tatiana
Diabetes Demystified
Author/Editor: UmeshMasharani
The Diabetes Mellitus Manual: A Primary Care Companion to Ellenberg & Rifkin's, Sixth Edition
Author/Editor: SilvioInzucchi, ,DanielPorte, Jr, ,Robert S.Sherwin, ,AlainBaron,
Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging
Author/Editor: Wallace T.Miller
Dictionary of Architecture and Construction
Author/Editor: CyrilHarris
Dictionary of Landscape Architecture and Construction
Author/Editor: AlanChristensen
Dictionary of Social Work: The Definitive A to Z of Social Work and Social Care
Author/Editor: Pierson, John,Thomas, Martin
Diet Therapy in Advanced Practice Nursing
Author/Editor: KatieFerraro,CherylWinter
Differential Equations Demystified
Author/Editor: StevenKrantz
The Diffusion Handbook: Applied Solutions for Engineers
Author/Editor: R.K. MichaelThambynayagam
The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine's Computer Age
Author/Editor: en
The Digital Economy ANNIVERSARY EDITION: Rethinking Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence
Author/Editor: en
Digital Electronics Demystified
Author/Editor: MykePredko
Digital Leader: 5 Simple Keys to Success and Influence
Author/Editor: ErikQualman
Digital Signal Processing
Author/Editor: AndreasAntoniou
Digital Supply Networks: Transform Your Supply Chain and Gain Competitive Advantage with Disruptive Technology and Reimagined Processes
Author/Editor: Sinha, Amit,Bernardes, Ednilson,Calderon, Rafael,Wuest, Thorsten
Discover Your CEO Brand: Secrets to Embracing and Maximizing Your Unique Value as a Leader
Author/Editor: SuzanneBates
Discrete Mathematics DeMYSTiFied
Author/Editor: StevenKrantz
Disney U: How Disney University Develops the World's Most Engaged, Loyal, and Customer-Centric Employees
Author/Editor: DougLipp
The Disney Way: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company, Third Edition, 3
Author/Editor: Capodagli, Bill,Jackson, Lynn
The Disney Way, Revised Edition
Author/Editor: BillCapodagli,LynnJackson
Disrupting Class, Expanded Edition: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns
Author/Editor: ClaytonChristensen,Curtis W.Johnson,Michael B.Horn
Dissolved Air Flotation For Water Clarification
Author/Editor: JamesEdzwald,JohannesHaarhoff
Ditch the Act: Reveal the Surprising Power of the Real You for Greater Success
Author/Editor: Kim, Leonard,Foland, Ryan
Diversity and Difference in Childhood: Issues for Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Robinson, Kerry,Jones-Diaz, Criss
Diversity and Difference in Early Childhood Education: Issues for theory and practice
Author/Editor: en
Diversity, Difference and Dilemmas: Analysing concepts and developing skills
Author/Editor: en
The Dividend Imperative: How Dividends Can Narrow the Gap between Main Street and Wall Street
Author/Editor: DanielPeris
DIY Drones for the Evil Genius: Design, Build, and Customize Your Own Drones
Author/Editor: en
A DIY Smart Home Guide: Tools for Automating Your Home Monitoring and Security Using Arduino, ESP8266, and Android
Author/Editor: Chin, Robert
Doing Action Research in Early Childhood Studies: A step by step guide
Author/Editor: Naughton, Glenda Mac,Hughes, Patrick
Doing a Literature Review in Health and Social Care: A Practical Guide, Second Edition
Author/Editor: HelenAveyard
Doing a Literature Review in Health and Social Care: A Practical Guide, 3rd Edition, 3
Author/Editor: Aveyard, Helen
Doing Social Work Research
Author/Editor: Smith, Roger
Doing Your Child Observation Case Study: A Step-by-Step Guide
Author/Editor: Arnold, Cath
Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First Time Researchers, 6th Edition
Author/Editor: en
Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Audits
Author/Editor: DavidFindley
Don't Spend Your Raise
Author/Editor: DaraDuguay
Dosage Calculations and Basic Math for Nurses Demystified, Second Edition, 2
Author/Editor: Keogh, Jim
Dosage Calculations Demystified
Author/Editor: JamesKeogh
The DragonSearch Online Marketing Manual
Author/Editor: Ric Dragon
The DragonSearch Online Marketing Manual
Author/Editor: Ric Dragon
The DragonSearch Online Marketing Manual
Author/Editor: Ric Dragon
The DragonSearch Online Marketing Manual
Author/Editor: Ric Dragon
The DragonSearch Online Marketing Manual
Author/Editor: RicDragon
The DragonSearch Online Marketing Manual
Author/Editor: Ric Dragon
The DragonSearch Online Marketing Manual
Author/Editor: Ric Dragon
The DragonSearch Online Marketing Manual
Author/Editor: Ric Dragon
Driven by Intention: Own Your Purpose, Gain Power, and Pursue Your Passion as a Woman at Work
Author/Editor: Gadsden-Williams, Michelle
Drucker: A Life in Pictures
Author/Editor: RickWartzman
The Drucker Lectures: Essential Lessons on Management, Society and Economy
Author/Editor: Peter F.Drucker,RickWartzman
Drucker on Marketing: Lessons from the World's Most Influential Business Thinker
Author/Editor: WilliamCohen
Drucker's Lost Art of Management: Peter Drucker's Timeless Vision for Building Effective Organizations
Author/Editor: Joseph A.Maciariello,KarenLinkletter
Dual Momentum Investing: An Innovative Strategy for Higher Returns with Lower Risk
Author/Editor: en
Dubai & Co.: Global Strategies for Doing Business in the Gulf States
Author/Editor: AamirRehman
Ductile Design of Steel Structures, 2nd Edition
Author/Editor: MichelBruneau,Chia-MingUang,RafaelSabelli
Dynamic Web Programming: A Beginner's Guide
Author/Editor: MartyMatthews,JohnCronan