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Titles start with A (67) Information
Abbas Kiarostami: Interviews
Author/Editor: Monika Raesch
Abraham Polonsky
Author/Editor: Dickos, Andrew
Accordion Dreams
Author/Editor: Kilpatrick, Blair
Across the Aisle
Author/Editor: G. V. Sonny Montgomery
Across the Creek
Author/Editor: Faulkner, Jim
Acting My Face
Author/Editor: James, Anthony
The Aesthetics of Toni Morrison
Author/Editor: Conner, Marc C
Affect and Power
Author/Editor: Libby, David J.; Spickard, Paul; Ditto, Susan
Africa and the Blues
Author/Editor: Kubik, Gerhard
Africa in the American Imagination
Author/Editor: Magee, Carol
African American Adolescent Female Heroes: The Twenty-First-Century Young Adult Neo-Slave Narrative
Author/Editor: Melanie A. Marotta
African American Preachers and Politics
Author/Editor: Dickerson, Dennis C
African American Religion and the Civil Rights Movement in Arkansas
Author/Editor: Williams, Johnny E
The African American Sonnet
Author/Editor: Müller, Timo
Afrocentricity in AfroFuturism: Toward Afrocentric Futurism
Author/Editor: AARON X. SMITH ,Molefi Kete Asante
After Midnight: Watchmen after Watchmen
After Removal
Author/Editor: Wells, Samuel J.; Tubby, Roseanna
After Southern Modernism
Author/Editor: Guinn, Matthew
Agnès Varda
Author/Editor: Kline, T. Jefferson
Ain't That a Knee-Slapper
Author/Editor: Hollis, Tim
Alain Resnais: Interviews
Author/Editor: Lynn A. Higgins ,T. Jefferson Kline
Alan Ball
Author/Editor: Fahy, Thomas
Alan J. Pakula: Interviews
Author/Editor: Tom Ryan
Alan Lomax, Assistant in Charge
Author/Editor: Cohen, Ronald D
Alan Moore
Author/Editor: Liddo, Annalisa Di
Albert Brooks: Interviews
Author/Editor: Alexander Greenhough
Alexander Payne
Author/Editor: Levinson, Julie
Alice Faye
Author/Editor: Elder, Jane Lenz
All Stories Are True
Author/Editor: Guzzio, Tracie Church
Alternate Roots
Author/Editor: Scodari, Christine
Alternative Comics
Author/Editor: Hatfield, Charles
Alt Kid Lit: What Children's Literature Might Be
Author/Editor: Kenneth B. Kidd ,Derritt Mason
The Amazing Jimmi Mayes
Author/Editor: Mayes, Jimmi
American Antebellum Fiddling
Author/Editor: Chris Goertzen
American Cyclone
Author/Editor: Hilpert, John M
American Horror Film
Author/Editor: Hantke, Steffen
American Indians and the Rhetoric of Removal and Allotment
Author/Editor: Black, Jason Edward
American Raiders
Author/Editor: Samuel, Wolfgang W. E
Analysis of Jazz
Author/Editor: Cugny, Laurent
And One Was a Priest
Author/Editor: Johnston, Araminta Stone
Ang Lee: Interviews
Author/Editor: Karla Rae Fuller
Angola to Zydeco
Author/Editor: Fuller, R. Reese
Anne McCaffrey
Author/Editor: Roberts, Robin; Gayles, Gloria Wade
Another Haul
Author/Editor: Groth, Charlie
Anteaters Don't Dream and Other Stories
Author/Editor: Hawes, Louise; Stewart, Jeffrey C
Anthony Minghella
Author/Editor: Falsetto, Mario
Anywhere But Here
Author/Editor: Radcliffe, Kendahl; Scott, Jennifer; Werner, Anja
The Architecture of William Nichols
Author/Editor: Kapp, Paul Hardin
Arguing Comics
Author/Editor: Heer, Jeet; Worcester, Kent
Arranging Stories: Framing Social Commentary in Short Story Collections by Southern Women Writers
Author/Editor: Heather A. Fox
Arrowheads and Spear Points in the Prehistoric Southeast
Author/Editor: Culberson, Linda Crawford
Art for the Middle Classes
Author/Editor: Patterson, Cynthia Lee
Artful Breakdowns: The Comics of Art Spiegelman
The Artistic Activism of Elombe Brath
Author/Editor: Thomas Aiello
The Artistry of Afro-Cuban Batá Drumming
Author/Editor: Schweitzer, Kenneth
The Artistry of Neil Gaiman
Author/Editor: Sommers, Joseph Michael; Eveleth, Kyle
Asghar Farhadi: Interviews
Author/Editor: Ehsan Khoshbakht ,Drew Todd
Asian Comics
Author/Editor: Lent, John A
Asian Political Cartoons
Author/Editor: John A. Lent
Assassins, Eccentrics, Politicians, and Other Persons of Interest
Author/Editor: Wilkie, Curtis
At Arm’s Length: A Rhetoric of Character in Children’s and Young Adult Literature
Author/Editor: MIKE CADDEN
At Home Inside
Author/Editor: Petry, Elisabeth
Atravesados: Essays on Queer Latinx Young Adult Literature
Author/Editor: Trevor Boffone ,Cristina Herrera ,Frederick Luis Aldama
At Risk: Black Youth and the Creative Imperative in the Post–Civil Rights Era
Author/Editor: Jennifer Griffiths
Authenticating Whiteness: Karens, Selfies, and Pop Stars
Author/Editor: Rachel E. Dubrofsky
Autobiographical Comics
Author/Editor: Refaie, Elisabeth El
Autobiography as Activism
Author/Editor: Perkins, Margo V