Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Partial |
Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | No |
Titles start with P (51) | ISSN | Status |
Pacific Coast Philology |
0078-7469, 2326-067X
preserved |
Pacific Science |
0030-8870, 1534-6188
preserved |
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art |
1520-281X, 1537-9477
preserved |
Pakistan Journal of Historical Studies |
2412-611X, 2470-8518
queued |
Palapala: A Journal for Hawaiian Language and Literature / 'o Palapala: He Puke Pai no ka lelo me ka Moolelo Hawaii |
queued |
Palimpsest: A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International |
2165-1604, 2165-1612
preserved |
Paragraph |
0264-8334, 1750-0176
preserved |
Parergon |
0313-6221, 1832-8334
preserved |
Parliamentary History |
0264-2824, 1750-0206
preserved |
Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas |
1565-3668, 1936-9247
preserved |
Past & Present |
0031-2746, 1477-464X
preserved |
Pedagogy |
1531-4200, 1533-6255
preserved |
Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies |
0031-4528, 2153-2109
preserved |
The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography |
0031-4587, 2169-8546
preserved |
Performing Arts Journal |
0735-8393, 1086-3281
preserved |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
0031-5982, 1529-8795
preserved |
Perspectives of New Music * |
0031-6016, 2325-7180
preserved |
Perspectives on Science |
1063-6145, 1530-9274
preserved |
Philanthropy & Education |
2470-7686, 2470-7694
preserved |
Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints |
2244-1093, 2244-1638
preserved |
Philip Roth Studies |
1547-3929, 1940-5278
preserved |
philoSOPHIA |
2155-0891, 2155-0905
preserved |
Philosophical Topics |
0276-2080, 2154-154X
preserved |
Philosophy and Literature |
0190-0013, 1086-329X
preserved |
Philosophy and Rhetoric |
0031-8213, 1527-2079
preserved |
Philosophy East and West |
0031-8221, 1529-1898
preserved |
Philosophy of Music Education Review |
1063-5734, 1543-3412
preserved |
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology |
1071-6076, 1086-3303
preserved |
Philosophy & Public Affairs |
0048-3915, 1088-4963
preserved |
Phoenix |
0031-8299, 1929-4883
preserved |
Pleiades: Literature in Context |
1063-3391, 2470-1971
preserved |
Ploughshares |
0048-4474, 2162-0903
preserved |
The Pluralist |
1930-7365, 1944-6489
preserved |
Poe Studies |
1947-4644, 1754-6095
preserved |
Poetics Today |
0333-5372, 1527-5507
preserved |
Polin Studies in Polish Jewry |
0268-1056, 2516-8681
preserved |
Population, English edition |
1634-2941, 1958-9190
preserved |
Population Review |
0032-471X, 1549-0955
preserved |
portal: Libraries and the Academy |
1531-2542, 1530-7131
preserved |
Portuguese Studies |
0267-5315, 2222-4270
preserved |
positions: east asia cultures critique |
1067-9847, 1527-8271
preserved |
Postmodern Culture |
preserved |
Prairie Schooner |
0032-6682, 1542-426X
preserved |
Preservation Education & Research |
1946-5904, 2644-2191
queued |
Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural |
2161-2196, 2161-2188
preserved |
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society |
0003-049X, 2326-9243
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature |
0035-8991, 2009-0048
queued |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action |
1557-0541, 1557-055X
preserved |
Prooftexts |
0272-9601, 1086-3311
preserved |
Public Culture |
0899-2363, 1527-8018
preserved |
Pushkin Review |
1526-1476, 2165-0683
preserved |
* post cancellation access is available for this title